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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6389311 No.6389311[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lolitas that aren't white or asian, do you ever feel that you will never be as pretty as tumblr icons or internet famous lolis because of your racial handicap? Do you think it's possible for darker complected persons to look 'doll-like'?

White or asian lolitas: do you feel superior?

>> No.6389323
File: 31 KB, 450x327, konata happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you feel superior?
Not to that pretty black girl I don't. She's really cute! There are some who triumph in their race and some who do not. There's fat ugly black weaboos and fat ugly white weaboos, just as there are gorgeous black women and gorgeous white women.

Beauty can be found almost anywhere, anon.

>> No.6389329


>> No.6389330

I feel as i shouldnt answer this cuz I'm a light skinned black girl.

>> No.6389337

I'm not into this fashion but locking it into acceptability mode based on race is a stupid, stupid thing to do. It just adds fuel to the argument that this entire subculture is handicapped and hasn't caught up to the rest to the world. It's still sitting in "mom's basement" so to speak.

Lolita and cosplay in general has lost a lot of appeal for me based on shit like this.

>> No.6389368

Remember back when snipernyan was racist?

>> No.6389415

White girl here.
...The girl in OP's pic makes me feel inferior D:
Though I've never felt superior over anyone so yeah. But never inferior.

>> No.6389426

can this be a pretty black lolitas thread now

>> No.6389449

She's cute! Nothing wrong with some brown sugar now and then~

I have an online friend who's a black girl in the DC area, and does cosplay and lolita-ish stuff. I think she does a bang-up job with it, but she's naturally quite pretty too.

>> No.6389464
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Yes please!

>> No.6389471
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>> No.6389479
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>> No.6389474
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>> No.6389489
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>> No.6389494
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>> No.6389497

Yes and no..I think I am reasonably pretty I am too tall and curvy to look really good in lolita. That's my main issue. Not my skintone

>I come here to dream

>> No.6389498
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>> No.6389508

So instead of whining about it on here, why don't you just go get things custom made or learn to make them yourself if you want to dress in lolita so bad?
There is no excuse, anon. You sound like you're fishing for compliments.

>> No.6389512

Fuck a racial handicap, the girl in OP's photo has god tier looks in my opinion. She's beautiful, and she looks great in lolita. The other girls in the thread are cute, much cuter than whites and asians I've seen in lolita threads on here. I have seen some exceptionally cute whites and asians too. As the second poster says, beauty comes in all skin tones.

>> No.6389526
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>> No.6389524
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>> No.6389531

Not whining and I do wear lolita sometimes. It just feels a bit silly because things are short on me is all.. I know i won't look as good as tiny white girls but I'm not stupid enough to let that stop me either.

>> No.6389553
File: 162 KB, 680x450, lateatnightallidoisstayawakeandfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I feel that no matter how much I try, I'll never ever be pretty or smart enough to ever be worth anything.

>> No.6389555

Again, as I said. Custom made skirts.

>> No.6389594

As an ugly white girl I can say that I am forever jealous of these gorgeous lolitas.

Though, if this is going to be a lolitas-of-colour thread, does anyone have any pictures of Indian, Middle-Eastern, or south Asian (Filipino, etc.) lolitas?

One of my best lolita friends is Filipino and she's just the most adorable thing! To bring it back to pure ascetic preferences, I love the Asian face with darker skin.

Also I think Indians are simply gorgeous in general. Dat creamy caramel skin.

>> No.6389605


Seconding Middle Easterners. I can't get enough of ME-ers period.

>going to hell for dis.
>captcha Traorns history. You trying to tell me something?

>> No.6389606

God I miss that bitch. You can tell she's still a crazy cunt, she just doesn't let it out anymore.

My unpopular opinion: I think lolita looks best on white girls but the black girls often posted in these threads look great. Ironically (?) enough, in my opinion in doesn't look as nice on Asian girls.

But of course, any race can be beautiful and any girl can look great if she has a nice outfit. End of story.

>> No.6389618


That's just the opinion of a lot of white people who are racist and don't realize it. I'm not saying that to attack you personally, it's just a statement of fact.

Also, most of the other people who think that are probably a little bit more racist than you to the point where it makes them uncomfortable to admit it, because they're also convinced they're super accepting and liberal.

>> No.6389670

Funny you would say that, I'm actually Asian myself.

I just think that white girls can actually look like old European royalty or dolls. I guess my natural emphasis is on classic, rather than OTT (which I guess is sort of the lolita equalizer). Anyway, it "matches" better and it doesn't look like weird cultural appropriation/misunderstanding when Asians do it (appropriation may not be the right word but it just often seems "off" when Asians try to copy the West, they never seem to get it right, though classic can come very close and works better than other things, I guess).

But again, this is opinion, obviously, and I have nothing to back up my claims

>> No.6389688
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>> No.6389698

>White or asian lolitas: do you feel superior?
no I'm half mexican half white (look white) but not exotic I'm uggo

>> No.6389706

i actually agree that classic looks better on white girls, for pretty much the same reasons. It just seems to 'fit'.

I'd say OTT does look better on tiny asians, and can sometimes look weird as fuck on white girls... I'd say it's a combination of asian girls being able to wear/have little kid stuff and it not looking weird, and the face shape asian girls tend to have working well with the huge wigs for OTT.

Black girls look very good in sweet just because dem colors against that darker skin. I'd love to see more of them in classic/others though, you just almost always see them in sweet...

>> No.6389745

I guess this is like 'positive racism,' but whatever.

I absolutely adore seeing black girls in lolita, especially classic/country/non-OTT styles. Especially with the sunhats, lace gloves, and parasols. It reminds me of wealthy black debutantes back in the day. I know it was super rare, but it gives off such a historic and nostalgic aura. It gives off that feel so much more than if a white/asian/etc girl would in the same style. That's not the only reason I like lolita on black girls, they can look fabulous in all styles, but that's what their race can 'bring to the table' if you will.

I hope someone gets what I'm saying about what I feel is a perk of black girls in lolita.

>> No.6389805

I feel the same way, I didn't touch on it well in my post >>6389606
I don't know if there were many black debutantes (I wonder!) but I've seen old pictures of black girls who appeared a bit better off or could afford some nicer clothes and it looked lovely.

Plus I think with some colors, as said, dark skin just looks amazing.

>> No.6389821

as long as you is be cute, i ain't don't care bout what you color be

>> No.6389837

Im a sexy Mediterranean chick
Love my toasty skin

>> No.6389847
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I grew up in New Orleans, and due to the high concentration of black people, society there had more of an understanding about the black debutantes. They obviously weren't as prevalent in society as wealthy white people, but they were ever-so-classy~

pic related

>> No.6389898

>calling yourself sexy
I really doubt you are.

>> No.6389914

the girl in op is gorgeous though???
i mean you get ugly girls with all skin colours, and pretty girls too. it says nothing about the girl's skin colour, just her individual ability to look good.
sage for troll. racism is not ok!

>> No.6389928

>sage for troll

Either 2/10 or you are an incredible retard

>> No.6390038

As someone who is of Southeast Asian decent, sometimes I feel like I can't ever look as good as those further north (i.e.:China, Koreas, Japan). It's a challenge to find colors that work well with my darker skin tone. Also, I feel like Caucasian and Black girls with a darker shade look way better in pastels than I could with beige.

>> No.6390072

>Do you feel superior?
Nope. There's gorgeous and fugly chicks all over the world, and that's not at all ethnicity dependent

>> No.6390074

Eh, like they said its more about their looks in general than their skin color.

I will admit that I don't buy anything second hand from black lolis though. This is easily the most racist thing I've ever typed, but in my idiotic opinion black people have a different kind of natural scent to their bodies that... I don't... Really care for.

>> No.6390079

There is no racism that's going on in the OP post, they were simply asking if the minority in the fashion feels that they are indeed the minority. Gosh. If that's racist then all of America is rac- wait. You're right, mentioning race is inherently racist. Carry on.

>> No.6390100

Not racist, that's just a fact. Black people have a different scent than white people, and vice versa. My black bff and I frequently discuss how races differ in scents. She calls me the Albino Dumpster, I refer to her as Monkey Pits. It's just a fact of life.

>> No.6390111

as someone who's mixed I often am told by people that I will never be pretty enough.. that if I don't have a big ass or tits it is pointless to be black. I have been failed out of classes, and even picked on because of my skin tone. and that is fucking messed up.
"lol only paleskins can be goths/ballerinas/lolitas/look good in (insert what ever the fuck you are wearing) "

I'm of medium skin tone and this is really, really. really fucked up.

>> No.6390134

>>white people who are racist and don't realize it.

Just how ignorant is your black ass, you sound like the racist one.

>> No.6390155

>White or asian lolitas: do you feel superior?
In a way, I guess. Whites and asians of course look better, but I don't feel that non-whites/asians are inherently inferior. I guess it's silly to be proud of something I had no choice in, but I'll admit that I'm proud to be white. I'm not racist - it just feels good to embrace my ancestry.

>> No.6390159

Of course shes racist, blacks are taught to be "proud" of their race from a early age which is just another form of racism. Some races just shouldnt wear certan fashion, its not racist its just the way it is for people who arent blind racist blacks.

>> No.6390166


Calm yo' tits. It doesn't sound like she's fishing for compliments at all, especially seeing as she didn't post a picture of herself saying "I look so bad in lolita QQ". Seemed like it was just a factual statement to me.

>> No.6390168

meh. *rolls eyes* I know I'm fucking racist. And I can't be ashamed because I'm anon.

Asians ftw.

>> No.6390170

>White or asian lolitas: do you feel superior?
No. I have horrible self-esteem and feel inferior to everyone, even ugly fat people. Fml.

>> No.6390193
File: 80 KB, 500x500, tumblr_ma310av3YO1ql6fc4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if this works but i remember seeing this and was awed at her cute outfit!!! :D

>> No.6390198

>middle easterner
>must mean mulism
>post pic of white girl from the UK


>> No.6390201

those updos are tremendous. I love them.

>> No.6390204


For some reason it the idea of a beautiful nigger lolita has never crossed my mind. Now that I've seen it, it's my new fetish. Holy fucking shit. Just look at her. I've never wanted any 3DPD I've seen on this site as much as OP's pic. Lolita girls, please tell me this sort of amazing creature isn't rare. I want one.

>> No.6390205

>fails at life
sorry!!! I thought it was cool how she incorporated a hijab into her outfit...

>> No.6390206

So now I'm confused. Is her wearing the hijab for show of because its part of her daily wardrobe?

also, are there more pics of this?

>> No.6390209

That coord sucks, and not because of the hijab.

>> No.6390214

i think her tumblr was sugarnoor

yeah, not the best... but please post better coords with a hijab if you have one! ^_^

>> No.6390213
File: 49 KB, 280x280, 060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a shirt

>> No.6390217

Thanks. and yes, More hijab coords. For some reason, I really like them.

>don't judge me.

>> No.6390215

she is muslim, i think her husband is as well.

>> No.6390232

Nigresses are exceedingly rare in this day and age, my boy. Finding a suitable specimen requires a dangerous trek deep into the heart of darkness...

>> No.6390235 [DELETED] 

>heart of darkness

>> No.6390237

>heart of darkness
>apocalypse now
>world supposed to end this year

>> No.6390243

You know what you must do, my son.

>> No.6390246
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doubt all you want

>> No.6390284
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>> No.6390303

hahahahaha what the fuck?

>> No.6390311 [DELETED] 


>assuming I'm black

Nope lol. I'm white as snow, girl.

>> No.6390312


>assuming I'm black

Nope lol. I'm white as snow.

>> No.6390328
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>racial handicap

>> No.6390354 [DELETED] 
File: 1.96 MB, 3240x4320, IMG_1670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Hispanic considered white?

>> No.6390367 [DELETED] 
File: 494 KB, 1200x1600, att8r7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Hispanics considered white?

>> No.6390375

seconding this

>> No.6390378


Hnngggged so hard

>> No.6390474
File: 583 KB, 640x960, tumblr_m6lvy9hHp61qgxqs9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xylia-x is my all time favourite lolita. She's Australian but of Indian descent. I love how she looks beautiful even while scowling at the camera.

hgsndfjgdkgj i'll never be as kawaii xylia-x.tumblr.com/tagged/me

>> No.6390510
File: 146 KB, 600x800, chantelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked lilac_ambience better but she left lolita :( she would often post outfits that were pushing "the rules" and looked fabulous with it (dunno if anyone remembers from back in the day, but it used to be a MAJOR faux pas on the main comms to wear any JSK without a blouse/wear heels/wear a normal turtleneck or scoop neck top/not wear socks/etc)

>> No.6390555

um....i ono i just came in here to win the thread. My gf is black, super short, and tiny. Best sex anyone has ever had ever. Yea just came in to win peace

>> No.6390562

Oh my fucking god, I love that outfit.

>> No.6390565

Where can't beauty be found?

>> No.6390568


PTs vagina. Ashleys eyebrows... Dakotas bald patch.

>> No.6390595

Yes they have a racial handicap because there are rarely any black girls in anime. Anyone can look like a doll but the Asian culture revolves around light skin. Basically if you are light skin black you are pretty and if you are dark skin black you are not so pretty.

>> No.6391104

Enjoy shaming your ancestors and contributing to a brown future.

>> No.6391123

Anime and lolita aren't meant to be the same thing stupid.

Lolita is part of Asian culture (and by that I mean a fashion niche) but it is derived from Western culture, of which many black people are a part of.

Clearly a lot of girls in these threads look amazing, and I think they pull off cream/white colors better than light skinned girls.

>> No.6391137


Everyone knows brown girls are the hot ones.

>> No.6391209

try shadesoflolita man.

>> No.6391213

>there are no black girls in anime
>therefore, black girls cannot succeed in a fashion that has pretty much nothing to do with anime except from being from the same nation

>> No.6391217

What the fuck, seagulls.
How could you let this beautiful thread turn to shit?
I swear, I leave for one fucking night...

>> No.6391223

>asterisk actions
Get out.

>> No.6391222

>entire races all have a collective smell
This is quite stupid and you should all feel stupid.

>> No.6391232


Omg anon. You part of the nola comm? Its a large group & whatever but I always feel like I'm the only one who goes on here. (

>> No.6391235

Are you kidding me
Oh my fucking god Indian sweat is rank as

>> No.6391285
File: 221 KB, 321x429, blacklolita5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the most idiotic thing I have ever had the displeasure to read. I ask in all sincerity, are you mentally handicapped?
Pardon me, I will take my second hand AP that smells like Cashmere Mist elsewhere while you go wallow in a hambeast's putrid prints.

>> No.6391292

Ahhh the girl in that pic is adorable~

>> No.6391297

It is because of their habits, smartass.

I didn't know melanin would change the smeel of human beings. In fact, I never heard of it before. Care to elaborate?

>> No.6391302

>I didn't know melanin would change the smeel of human beings.
I think that anon was speaking more about their habits from their culture affecting their scent, not their skin tone.

>> No.6391312


The things that most affect your scent is your a) diet and b) hygiene. Body odor is a result of sweat reacting with the bacteria on your skin.

Indians that "smell bad" are usually fresh off and India has different hygiene practices than the US and if you add that to the fact that they eat a lot of spicy foods (like curry) it actually makes a lot of sense that they would smell bad.

More westernized Indians don't smell at all, or at least not any worse than anyone else.

>> No.6391315

Exactly. Diet and hygiene have to do with your culture.
Diet and hygiene. What you eat, and how often you bathe.
People who eat lots of curry and garlic tend to smell that way. This is from unmetabolized odorous compounds circulating in their system and exiting through the skin and breath.

>> No.6391317

>More westernized Indians don't smell at all
I bet they bathe more and don't eat as much curry.

>> No.6391364


Exactly, and they use deodorant/antiperspirant. We get a lot of Indians at the club I work at and the FOB-y ones stiiiiiiiiiiink.

>> No.6391444
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am i duin it rigt?

>> No.6391456

Get out, troll.
If you're going to post plus sized lolis, at least post the ones that are doin it right.

>> No.6391593

Different Anon, but you'd be pretty surprised at how many members from our group come on here.

>> No.6392732
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>> No.6392745

I wasn't trying to say black people are stinky or that they have an odor, and I admitted my option was idiotic, but that doesn't change it. I think it's more of like that my biology doesn't like their natural pheromones or something idk. It's not like a stank ass stench, it's just a really subtle difference. I think each race smells very slightly different, but black people are the only one that stands out to me.

Don't get all butthurt guys, more BURANDO for you.

>> No.6392750

Oh man I totally get that, just wasn't sure how to put it into words the way you said it.

>> No.6392753

Specific groups of people do have specific odors, usually based off of what foods they eat, spices etc, what kind of skin or hair care products they use and other various things.

>> No.6392780

im a brown asian

i turn greenish gray when i try to go pale

so im doomed

>> No.6392797

The only smelly black people I've been around are people in the ghetto who never wash their hair or use deodorant which seems to be around 20-35% of them. I don't know why a lot of them do it, besides not being able to afford it. When they don't wash their armpits and hair it smells kinda like raw meat that's been sitting on the counter for a few days and some other indescribable smell. Some people have a smell that's also reflective of their diet (Indians to white people, white people to Asians). I don't think it's racist to point out the smell, just not to label x group as ALL stinky, just some.

>> No.6392799

White people smell like sour milk and wet dog to me. Very subtle, but still there.

>> No.6392801

This is going to sound very strange, but I have an Indian friend who is very much part of the Indian culture.
And she smells delicious. Like they could bottle that smell. I guess it's because of the food she eats, because it almost smells like Indian food, except sweeter.

>> No.6392808


Truth. This is why neckbeards usually smell like rank ass-sweat; they're generally eating almost exclusively highly processed/microwaveable foods. It throws off their body chemistry and makes them reek.

>> No.6392812


I love that smell. My favourite fabric store is owned by an East Indian family, and I love that spicy smell that gets into the fabric.

>> No.6392919

who the fuck really thinks being dark is a handicap

>> No.6393257

But I'm not calling them smelly? It's not a BAD scent it's just different.

Every black person I've met has that scent, but I'm not trying to claim I've met every black person. My best friend growing up was half black, and she had it lightly while her black mother had it strongly.

>> No.6393288

I understand; I was just sharing my own experiences of when that smell is worsened by the lack of hygiene, and if anyone else could liken it to that. It's mostly diet/cultural. Hence why Japanese people called white people "butter stink" for awhile. If they have decent hygiene it's not as noticable.

>> No.6393304

White women who marry non-white men are kind of disgusting 9 times out of 10.

She married a slime and he told her to wear a hijab?

>> No.6393439

black people look stupid in cosplay and lolita. Always.

>> No.6393626
File: 127 KB, 450x600, brown sailor loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6393642


>> No.6393653

She looks stupid.

What's your point?

>> No.6393665

To you she does. Not to me. I think she looks pretty.

>> No.6393667

I second this notion.

>> No.6393678

She is pretty.

She also looks stupid in that getup.

>> No.6393677

Different Annon, but I think she's pretty cute

>> No.6393683

Frankly, I think all girls look stupid in lolita. It has nothing to do with skin colour to me.

>> No.6393691

Then what are you doing in a thread that is not relevant to your interests?

>> No.6393690


>> No.6393698

What is anyone doing here? I'm in CGL for cosplay, and that doesn't stop me from commenting on lolita threads. Especially when people are being ridiculously racist.

>> No.6393705

>What is anyone doing in here?
Well, we turned it into a thread full of pretty lolitas of color. We returned to find it full of shit.
So now I guess only the racist retards are left here.

>> No.6393729

Oh. I'm the anon that posted the first comment in this thread. Haven't check in since.
If that's so, then your voicing your opinion was somewhat pointless. It would be like saying blue shoes look dumb in a forum for blue shoe enthusiasts. Your dislike of Lolita already invalidated your opinions about that girls outfit to me, because you obviously wouldn't understand, seeing as you think Lolita is stupid any way.

>> No.6393730

Uh you dont have to be middle eastern to be muslim. I used to live in europe literally next door to the moroccan embassy and all the muslims i knew were totally nice and polite. I'm also pretty sure she wore it out of her own free will.

>> No.6393733
File: 204 KB, 160x120, ummmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Adding on.

I just wanted to tell you to spend your time on something more worthwhile, ya know? Draw or something, call a friend, watch some anime, listen to some music. I hope you have a nice day.

>> No.6393736

Defending black girls against racists isn't spending my time in a worthy fashion? Well sorry, it is to me.

>> No.6393737

Oh, my bad. I forgot that you were doing that as well. I didn't mean that your view on racism was invalidated. Just your view on Lolita, seeing as you dislike the entire fashion anyways. My apologies.

>> No.6393740

You are retarded. That wasn't the point of my comment, but nice try. The point of my comment was to counteract the person saying black girls look stupid in lolita. I think everyone can look stupid in lolita - regardless of race.

>> No.6393752

I have never once, ever seen a picture of a black cosplayer or lolita that looked good. They look fucking retarded. No amount of bleeding heart civil rights propaganda bullshit is going to change that.

>> No.6393762

I'm... sorry?

I wasn't attempting to dismantle anything... honest. I thought you were just going against lolita in general. My mistake.

>> No.6393784

On the topic of sweating, WHAT'S THE SECRET BEHIND KOREANS? They eat garlic as if it's the only thing in existence and they don't sweat. And even if they do, it's just a little and they don't smell.

I feel like a gross American.

>> No.6393795

i love both these girls so much. it's a shame that lilac_ambience left because she had unique coordinates. i'd be so sad if herajika stopped wearing lolita because i enjoy seeing her outfits too.

>> No.6393798


>> No.6393803

I'm Asian and no, I don't feel superior. I'm a fugly Asian even though I'm from the "good" part of Asia. I think that any lolita can be beautiful (op's picture is a good example) and sometimes it's not really about the face but how well someone coordinates and how their personality shines through. A lot of the lolitas I like aren't what cgl would call beautiful, but I like their outfits because they bring something to them.

>> No.6393813

I'm also Asian here and yes, I do feel quite superior, thanks. I was luckily born with fairly good looks and I'm also from the 'good' part of Asia. I don't think that any lolita can be beautiful, that's just retarded, but people of different skin colours CAN look beautiful, they just have to try harder. (INB4, oh it's about personality - dafuq? personality in a photo, k).

>> No.6393820

Yeah, I think she still has lolita items but doesn't wear "lolita" any more, she left when there was that trend to move to otome in 2010ish.

>> No.6393834


Whoa weird alternate universe selfpost there

>> No.6393844

what the fuck just happened

>> No.6393852

Superior Asians reminded me...

Is it me or does pixie_late not look as good as she did in the past? She seems to have lost her sparkle and her outfits don't look classy or polished. I don't know why I even think this because I like her a lot but her new outfits seem a little off.

>> No.6393856

Hahaha, oh man.
What the hell you guys?
Asian here, laughing at my countrymen.

>> No.6393863

This is >>6393803. Thanks for the laugh!

>> No.6393869

I think what the person meant that she appreciates personal style. For example, rather than a lolita wearing a full print set from AP, she would prefer people who brought in things from other places to create a different look and flair.

Not ragging on people who wear AP sets. I like them too.

>> No.6393871

All I see whenever I look at her pictures recently is 'tits exploding out of too small bodices'. For real gurl, wear a sports bra or something. I never saw that on her older pictures, not sure what's up.

>> No.6393877

the efame must be sucking out her soullllllllllll

>> No.6393892

I admit that I'm fucking jealous of pixie_late. She has efame, good looks, a boyfriend, and a nice wardrobe.

All the sand in my vagina must be the reason why I have none of the above.


Getting back on topic, I don't care about race when it comes to lolita. I think you need to be slim and have certain features to fit the "perfect loli" look, like big eyes and a slim face.