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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6388290 No.6388290[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You can only be three out of the eight, which do you choose?
Master in a field of your choosing
Lots of money
God Tier nerd knowledge
Incredibly popular, everyone loves you both IRL and on the internet

>> No.6388297

>Lots of money

>> No.6388306

god tier nerd knowledge
master in a field of my choice (so i can then earn decent money)
pretty (because you can be sexy and cute without being pretty)

>> No.6388314

>God tier nerd knowledge
>Master in a field of your choosing

Though I would have a hard time just choosing one field for the last one

>> No.6388317

obvious reasons
being "cute" you get taken less seriously for not looking serious, being "sexy" you get taken less seriously treated like an object
>master in a field of your choosing
i figure, if i'm a master, i can make a good amount of money off the field of my choosing.
but having money for no work... no. i'd rather be good at something than bored with endless shopping and nothing else to do.

>> No.6388318
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>implying I'm not all of them

>> No.6388331
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>Lots of money
>Master in a field of your choosing

Or yeah. Y'know.

>> No.6388328

>Master in a field of your choosing
>Lots of money
>Incredibly popular

While I'd love to be pretty, I'd rather think in the long term here.

>> No.6388335

>Master in a field of your choosing

>> No.6388343

>lots of money
Easy mode extreme.

>> No.6388344

Mainly because I can't handle hatred at all. Lame, yes.
>Master in the field of my choosing
Would make getting my Master's much easier, and I could earn money with it afterwards.
Because cute won't look as good when I'm 60, and sexy would get annoying after a few years.

>> No.6388345

Master in field of study (Like others said, this is probably the hardest thing to choose)
Ultra popularity, because knowing people can get you to high places.

>> No.6388351
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>Master in a field of your choosing
>Lots of money

Tough choice, but I think I'll go with
>Lots of money
I can learn and study to become a great at my field, and have the money to help get the supplies and things. Also, money is helpful so I can travel and attend other cons.

>> No.6388358

>Three out of eight
Oh geez I thought it's one out of eight.

>Master in a field of your choosing
>Lots of money
>God Tier nerd knowledge

>> No.6388371

Easy choices.
Probably a better choice than cute or sexy since that usually fades as you get older.
>Incredibly Popular
Compared to things like thin and god tier nerd knowledge, this isn't an obtainable thing with time. So it's an obvious choice.
>Lots of Money
With money I can study without having to worry about a job thus obtaining master in a field of your choosing.

>> No.6388367

>Pretty. For me, being thin is a mandatory part of being pretty, so I don't need to choose it separately.
>Lots of money
>Master in a field of my choosing

>> No.6388380

>Master in a field of your choosing
I want to be a successful cardiologist and help others so badly...

I'd rather this say "fit" since I love working out, but I guess this is the closet I can get to that

I'd like to continue having people call me adorable at cons, thanks

>> No.6388387

>master in a field of my choosing
>lots of money

>> No.6388392

thin (too thin) Pretty (enough) cute (at times)
but I am not sexy so I would like a nice womanly body and maybe I would be shorter

I'll choose lots of money over anything and i'd like to be much more skilled at Ballet than I am. Or perhaps piano because I have no musical talent.
Can I keep my current looks..

>> No.6388395

loads o' dosh

>> No.6388438

>Master in a field of your choosing
>Lots of money
>God Tier nerd knowledge

I don't really care that much about the other stuff... having people like you is nice but I'm really shy so the idea of being popular is quite intimidating.

>> No.6388467

Master in a field of your choosing
God Tier nerd knowledge

I really hate that last one because that oozes girl gamur attitude but I don't want to give up knowing all the things I know because that fall under some person's judgement as "nerd"

>> No.6388476

Master in a field
Thin (as long as thin includes /fit/ness; I don't want to be a stick, I want to be shapely and muscular)

I love what I do for a living, and to be considered a master in it would be a dream come true. I really don't need any of the other ones; they're the cherry on top.

>> No.6388481

>Master in a field of your choosing
>Lots of money

if I was literally a master in a field of my choosing, chances are I'd be popular/well known anyway.

>> No.6388509 [DELETED] 

I'm already thin. Cute is debatable, but I'm a 5'3 100 pound Asian girl, so there.

Out of the three, I'd be...

>Expert in field of my choosing

Medicine/science. I want to research and be able to help, and to make good translational research which can help bridge the gap between pure scientific research and clinical research, and actually have it be accurate and helpful to the population. Hell, I don't think that would make me an expert or anything - I just want to be able to have the thinking and access to resources that would allow me to do that.

>Lots of Money

Who doesn't? It would make my life a hell of a lot easier.

>God Tier nerd knowledge

Cos I like knowing things. I know it would make me a god-tier obnoxious dickwad though.


You in med school too?

>> No.6388521
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>Master in a field of my choosing
>Lots of money

I'd like to just be a professional student, so being a master of something will get me in to any institution of my choosing & money will allow me to straight up pay for it

Always been jelly of girls who just ooze sensuality, pretty & cute can be achieved by most people with just a bit of make-up

>> No.6388534

So how about using one to get another? For example master in a field of your choosing --> get you money or being pretty and exercising to get thin as well? Or hey, how about lots of money --->plastic surgery?

>> No.6388547

Id fuck you. Just sayin'

>> No.6388557

Master in the field of my choosing
Lots of money

The field of my choosing doesn't mean I'll have a lot of money, so I picked both. Then I went with thin because I'm not /cgl/ thin and thats about my only problem.

>> No.6388582

god tier nerd knowledge.
what more could i ask for?

>> No.6388633
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>Master in a field of your choosing

>> No.6388639

Cute, God-tier knowledge, Lots of money.

The last one's not for what you think, I don't need the money if I have enough smarts to get a good job. I'd want it so I can donate it all to the needy. If only I was famous, I wish I could help everyone.

>> No.6388640

>God Tier nerd knowledge
Whoever picked this ITT should die.

>> No.6388641

>Master in a field of your choosing
>Lots of money
>God Tier nerd knowledge

I need a job...

>> No.6388647

I don't know why, but I associate everyone who choose God Tier nerd knowledge with ~gamer gurls~.

>> No.6388668

I really don't know why anyone would pick that, considering how easy it is to get if you're actually interested in it. Not like being a master at surgery or something.
Gotta agree with you.

>> No.6388675

I picked god-tier knowledge because I'm not too interested in the other options (also picked Master in a field of my choosing and Lots of money). I have a hard time remembering details of things I enjoy and would like to talk about, so maybe having god-tier nerd knowledge would help in some crazy way, haha.

>> No.6388677

I associate everyone who chose God Tier Nerd Knowledge with the sperglords from /vp/ who can recite the name/number/typing of all 693 Pokemon. At least they'll all be good at pub quiz and trivia nights.

>> No.6388679

i get what you guys are saying, but it's the way OP phrased it. i interpreted it as also having the times and means to immerse oneself in anime/comics/videogames/tabletop games.

>> No.6388720

Lots of Money
Incredibly Popular
God Tier nerd knowledge.

I'd spend all day doing things I like, and at night I'd fuck whoever I wanted.

>> No.6388746

If you're popular and have money, why would you need to be attractive?

>> No.6388749

Master in a field of your choosing
Lots of money

done and done, where can i cash in my wish

>> No.6388769

The fact that everyone else loves you doesn't make looking in the mirror any easier.

>> No.6388800

Incredibly popular.

I could live with not being a 'master' at anything, or men not finding me sexy or 'cuutee~ <3', and i don't need money or nerd knowledge.

I couldn't stand being fat though, And i'd rather me not so smart, and have lots of friends/family, than alone, ugly and a genius.

>> No.6388806

I took 'you can only be three out of the eight' to mean that the others aren't attainable at all.
I'm contented with being a normal weight (I consider thin to be under 105lb or so on my body) with a bachelor's degree level of knowledge.
The main thing holding me back from being successful is my ability to conduct myself in interviews and social skills, and I'm assuming that sort of comes with the popularity.

>> No.6388876

>Incredibly popular
>Master in a field of my choosing
I just wanna be a boss bitch. Sexy kind of overrules pretty, cute and thin imo, because when you are sexy, you can gain weight or leave the house without makeup or whatever, and people will still be drawn to you and wanna fuck the shit out of you. So yeah.

>> No.6388906

those choices would make for the most charismatic woman ever.

>> No.6388956

>lots of money

In before some guy tries to extrapolate the answers itt into something sexist.

>> No.6388985
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Master in a field of your choosing: art

>> No.6389002

lots of money

>> No.6389008

Master in a field of your choosing
Lots of money
Incredibly popular, everyone loves you both IRL and on the internet

Im a huge attentionwhore.

>> No.6389018

master in classical singing
incredibly popular (idc if everyone loves me I'd want to be known for the first choice up there)

>> No.6389035

>Lots of money
Everything I'd want to be a master at won't make me a lot of money.
I know men don't really like skinny girls, but I'd give anything to not have boobs and look like a diseased alien. I find creepy and malnurished looking to be way more attractive than cute or sexy.
>Master in a field of your choosing
I'd probably do some kind of metalsmithing. Making armor and jewelry or something.

>> No.6389048

Master in a field of your choosing
God Tier nerd knowledge

>> No.6389068

this thread is one of those moments I remember that cgl is basically all chicks.

>> No.6389074

Everyone loves me IRL and on the internet

I don't want people to dislike me

>> No.6389092

Master of dubstep

Then I'll shave half my head, pierce myself and glare at Skrillex as if he copied me. And because I am popular, my friends will back me up on it.

>> No.6389098

>Incredibly popular

All the things Im not lol.

>> No.6389243
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If I picked this it wouldn't even last long, no
No point to be this
or this
already this
>Master in a field of your choosing
I'd rather practice hard, and earn it
>Lots of money
Yes, that would be nice
>God Tier nerd knowledge
Wouldn't be fun
>Incredibly popular, everyone loves you both IRL and on the internet
No, too many people already love me, need more drama

tl;dr I pick money, the others are lame

>> No.6389254

Thin, pretty, lots of money.

>> No.6389278


What kind of shoes are those, OP? I love them and I want them.

>> No.6389285

Lots of Money

Buy all the lolita and cosplay I can!! I'll look good doing it too

>> No.6389429

I hope you have emotions of steel. Because if you don't, you'll be forced off /cgl/, because they'll hate your guts.

>> No.6389447

Pretty, Sexy, Master.

I'm already cute and it's annoying. I want to live on the otherside for a bit *0*

>> No.6389457

adding healthy to the selections
If I had both of those, I'd be happy.
I guess I pick Master in a field of my choosing for #3

>> No.6389502

Not OP but they one these An*tai*na shoes with the ankle strap and bow clip removed:

>> No.6389510

>I know men don't really like skinny girls, but I'd give anything to not have boobs and look like a diseased alien. I find creepy and malnurished looking to be way more attractive than cute or sexy.

>> No.6389519

i wouldn't be doing it for the publicity though. i'd just want to do it for myself. of course i'd try to make some of my own stuff, since with money there is room for trial and error of sewing

>> No.6389779


Thanks, but is there a name for that type of shoe? Or are they just bulky maryjanes? I'm in love with the shape and sole thickness...

>> No.6389784

Man, this is hard.

While being sexy would be really tempting and probably solve some of my insecurity issues, I think I'd choose being a master in my field. That kind of thing lasts through age, and can be REALLY fulfilling both for personal pride and personal passion and intellectual stimulation.

>> No.6389791

Oh, I just realized I can choose 3!

Master in my field
and Popular.

>> No.6389827

>lots of money


>> No.6389849

Don't think so, they are just a kind of platform shoe.

>> No.6389860

Master in a field of my choosing
Lots of money

I guess popular wouldn't be too bad but I am already popular~ ( ´∀`)

>> No.6389868

>Master in field of choosing
>Lots of money (to fund above)
>Incredibly popular, everyone loves you both IRL and on the internet

Sounds like the perfect career plan mwahahaha

>> No.6389882

Lots of money

>> No.6389892

Master in a field of your choosing (Surgery)

>> No.6389969

I just want to be healthy.

>> No.6390025

Master in a field of your choosing (research medicine, either translational or basic)
Lots of money (to fund all my crazy hobbies and tastes. Plus, if I am truly ugly, plastic surgery bitches)
God Tier nerd knowledge (so I can be more obnoxious than ever)

>> No.6390026

three? that is easy mode...

thin. (mandated by my having an eating disorder)
master in a field.

>> No.6390104

>master in a field of my choosing
>God tier nerd knowledge


>> No.6390136

Thin, pretty, master in field of my choosing (microbiology).

I probably won't ever have any of them :(

>> No.6390138

>Master in a field of your choosing

>> No.6390154


I always am so happy when I see other science/med people elsewhere, so hi! *waves*

>sage for no contribution

>> No.6394363

- Pretty
- Master in a field of your choosing
- Lots of money

> Easy

>> No.6394380

>Master in a field of your choosing

I'll get tons of money that way, don't need more nerd knowledge and I'd be creeped the fuck out if no one thought you were awful at all.

Handmade cosplays, lolita dresses and clothes there we go.

>> No.6394381

Master in a field of your choosing
Lots of money (this would probably solve all the rest of the problems)

>> No.6394484

>pick 3 out of 8
>most are superficial

Honestly I hate to be the faggot that does this kind of thing, but here I go.

Regardless of what you wear, what weight you are, how many friends you have etc, you should think higher of yourself. I don't give a shit how many times this sort of cheesy thing has been said, but in all honesty you should all be happy with who you are. You all are beautiful as fuck, it doesn't even matter what you look like.

Whether you're wearing a brand or a shitty replica that's falling apart, honestly that doesn't even matter. Don't let others define who you are. I'm sick and tired of people picking apart each and every little detail of others, and by the end of the day, they're right in front of the mirror doing the same to themselves.

Keep in mind I'm not saying "be the nicest, sweetest girl in the entire world and all of the animals in the forest will come up to you and sing with you~~"

No. If someone is a bitch and it effects you directly, you have every right to be the same back. This has nothing to do with others, this has to do with yourself.

I honestly know that you this is going to bypass every single one of you, and it's pretty much useless typing this entire reply. I honestly don't even care. I just wish you would treat yourself with the respect you deserve. No, I'm not talking to a certain few out of you. I'm talking to all of you.

There is only one post out of every hundred or so where someone doesn't point out something they want to change about themselves.

Just love yourself goddamnit, because you're all beautiful as fuck.


a guy who constantly thinks girls deserve than what they give themselves

>> No.6394489
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Fuck off.

>> No.6394520

Thin: I might not be fat but I don't think I'll ever be the type of thin that people find attractive. When you're thin you can wear whatever you want without shame.

Pretty: I've always wanted to be pretty. All I see in the mirror is ugly. No man will ever love me. Forever alone.

Master in the field of my choosing: I think it's a good compromise between popular and rich. If you are a good person you can still have some popularity in your field and with people that respect and admire your work. And you can have the opportunity to make a decent salary too. Popularity without any good traits or skills to back it up is going to eventually wane anyway.

>> No.6394570
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Honestly that was the kind of reaction I was expecting. Oh well.

>> No.6394577

I hate this way of thinking. Self-esteem and self-love should come from accomplishment and genuine feelings of ability and worth. Trying to force it creates an overinflated sense of self-esteem actually hinders progress because people avoid situations in which they might make a mistake or have it be threatened because instead of having a large rock of self-esteem, they have a large balloon: the same size, but empty and with no foundation. Teaching self-esteem before accomplishment destroys people and their ability to perform and feel real comfort with themselves.

Also, telling people they're "beautiful" without knowing them is bullshit. Not everyone is beautiful. Many people are not, and they're the ones who will take it to heart and think it's all right to be mooching assholes with no work ethic or whatever their glaring errors may be. "Beautiful" is a strong word that loses its meaning when applied across an entire population of people and bestowed willy-nilly without any thought to it's definitions and connotations that would give your post the substance you say will "bypass us." It's not "bypassing" us, because the substance doesn't exist.

Love, a psych major who is doing her undergrad thesis on self-esteem and the 'self-esteem movement'

>> No.6394613

Master in a field of your choosing
Incredibly popular, everyone loves you both IRL and on the internet

>> No.6394632

Sexy, cute, and a master in the field of bioengineering.

Being thin without looking sexy/cute/pretty is worthless because it's just creepy.
Pretty is ok but not me.
Money comes with my field.
Nerd knowledge sounds useless, I would have the knowledge I need for my field through hard work and studying/college.
Popularity is overrated I want my own space. If just a few people really like me that's the best way.

>> No.6394639

master in my field
aaand... I guess money just so I don't have to worry about it.

Can I take just a normal, comfortable amount of money and combine cute/sexy?

>> No.6394642

>Master in a field of your choosing
>God Tier nerd knowledge
i'm content with this

>> No.6394661

how about you stop eating and start working out you fat fucks.

>> No.6394672

Can I choose one twice?
Master in a field of your choosing : Drawing
Master in a field of your choosing : Storytelling

I have always wanted to write/draw comics.

>> No.6394669

how is working out going to make my face pretty and get me lots of money, faggot?

>> No.6394727
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>Lods emone
>Master in a field of my choosing

Money, so I'm able to live comfortably/travel/have nice things and help family pay off their debts.

Master of my field of choice because that'd be nice (maybe something like the performing arts or music maybe idk). I'd like to be seen as someone who's the best at something for once.

Pretty because, well, I'm not exactly a looker. I interpret it as like, my idea of beauty, not a generalised what the media thinks is pretty sort of deal.

>> No.6394745
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I like this idea.
I'd love to be
>Master in the field of sewing/tailoring (as a hobby)
>Master in the field of ~science!~ (for my career)
and of course

I'm already thin, I don't care for being super cute or sexy, I have no idea what I'd do with lots and lots of money, popularity sounds nightmarish and nerd knowledge kind of comes with the science stuff. Being incredibly good at useful things sounds awesome and actually stays with you for life.

>> No.6394788

master in field of choice

>> No.6394860

> Master in a field of your choosing (Athletics/weight loss)
> Master in a field of your choosing (Beauty/Cosmetology)
> Master in a field of your choosing (Sewing/Outfit Construction)

I'd be skilled in 3 areas, be able to get skinny, I'm already somewhat cute so I'd be cuter with makeup/cosmetology training, I'd be pretty in combination with being cute and well put-together outfits, and I could make a lot of money off of any of these things especially weightloss (personal trainer, anyone? I hear they make decent money?). Sexy is subjective, I could always teach myself God Tier nerd knowledge, and I could use all of these to make myself popular.

If I can't choose the same one three times, it'd be Master in a field of your choosing (athletics/weight loss), pretty, popularity.