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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6385119 No.6385119[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does a /fit/izen get a cute cgl-gf?

>> No.6385127

like you get any other girlfriend
talking to them, appealing to them, hanging out with them, until they figure gee this guy might be a good person to be with
it's not flex muscles get girl

>> No.6385139

>flex muscle
>get girl

>> No.6385142

Buy me some brand and you can have me

>> No.6385144

why does it have to be harder than that? appearance is 95% of relationships

>> No.6385152

By not being so fucking desperate

>> No.6385163

well then how does one avoid getting desperate when he has no gf?

its an evil circle.. no gf = desperate. desperate = no gf

>> No.6385198

brand? whats that?

>> No.6385212

You dare come to cgl without knowing what my precious Lolita brands are?
Begone from my sight!!!

>> No.6385213

It's not off-brand

>> No.6385216

Lift me with one hand. I'm 89 pounds, it should be easy. No grabbing the boob though.

>> No.6385219

Do i get to touch the rest of you (including boob) if i can ohp, bench, dl and curl you?

Teach me

>> No.6385221

That depends, do you actually have any interest in cosplay, or do you just want a novelty fuck?

>> No.6385234

diffrent anon, but trust me bro.

>> No.6385228

men are scary. chop your dick off first and then we'll talk

>> No.6385240

I want a gf who is cute but still isnt like "normal" girls without being aspie.

Do i have to be interested in cosplay for this?

>> No.6385243

shitpost endlessly on /cgl/

>> No.6385247

try begging for feet pics

>> No.6385252

that website didnt even exist..

>> No.6385255

Hey, that's some good hivemind

>> No.6385259

I don't like cosplay, I come here for the Lolita Fashion but you need to know what that is so you can buy me some atleast once a month

>> No.6385268

Cant you just tell me what kind of clothes you want instead of me picking it out for you? Or at least give me some alternatives.

>> No.6385271

gl finding a bf if thats what you expect

>> No.6385279

I would do it for a gf

>> No.6385284

Do we have to be ripped to be your gf? I'm skinnyfat and don't eat meat, I don't think /fit/ would like me very much

>> No.6385286

Just playing, you don't have to buy me anything, I like food and cuddling and sometimes I workout. We can do that together.

>> No.6385300

how do you get your protein? whey shakes?

>> No.6385301

Sounds like my dream girl, as long as you let me lift 4-6 times a week and keep a strict diet without bitching about it. My exgf for some reason had a hard time tolerating me doing that, always like "do you really have to weigh your rice and count the protein?".

>> No.6385303

Nah just dont be fat. An everyday normal girl physique is all that is needed.

If you want i can help you get more ripped but i will not force you

>> No.6385304

I don't. I barely eat anything at all, sometimes I have cheese sticks, that's protein I guess

>> No.6385306

you can borrow sum of my whey it cool

>> No.6385310

>tfw most of /fit/ could snap me in half
Muscular dudes are terrifiying

>> No.6385315

this one does, it's not like i talk to boys anywhere else ;_;

>> No.6385314
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Do /cgl/ girls even want a boyfriend from 4chan?

>> No.6385322

Thing is, we wouldnt do that. Well most of us wouldnt anyways.

We would let you mire', maybe even "accidentally" forget to put a shirt on when youre having a girls-night and before we left you to do whatever it is you do and stuff. We could both be trophies for eachother.

Well tbh, /fit/ is the most "non-4chan" board here.

>> No.6385319

W-what happened to the /cgl/+/fit/ meetup that was supposed to take place in August? ;_;

>> No.6385325

By not making useless threads on our board.

>> No.6385334
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So /cgl/ would tolerate a 4chan boyfriend. What part of the country does /cgl/ live in?

>> No.6385338
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>> No.6385336

the frozen northlands of minnesota
too bad all of /fit/ lives in california

>> No.6385342

/fit/ here, i live in the frozen northlands of Sweden. it sure gets lonely up here

>> No.6385345

maybe i dont much shit anyway, sounds like a good lifestyle change to me.

>> No.6385350

cuz i cant get a guy anywhere else duh

>> No.6385356

southeastern Ga at the moment fucking sucks here

>> No.6385357

Haven't heard anything about it, that /fit/ guy was supposed to make a website or something

>> No.6385363

probably had a workout to continue and didnt find time..

i hope it never happends though because i would miss it and would be so fuckind mad jelly of everyone there

>> No.6385368

you have an awful perception of /fit/
they are all a bunch of DYEL betas over there

>> No.6385370

Götaland, Svealand eller Norrland?

>> No.6385375
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there's never any qt Omaha boys

>> No.6385379


>> No.6385407

>tfw no submissive bf

>> No.6385406

r u a qt Omaha grl?

>> No.6385410

>tfw no submissive gf

>> No.6385413

>tfw no dominant gf

>> No.6385422

>tfw no gf
>tfw at this point i dont even care what or who she is as long as she isnt fat

>> No.6385421

>tfw no dominant gf who takes the initiative in the relationship

>> No.6385425
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>tfw these fucking betas

>> No.6385431
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>tfw no dominant bf

>> No.6385438

I'm sensing an orgy coming on

>> No.6385441
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>you will never force a guy to lick chocolate syrup off your toes

>> No.6385449
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>implying you are even a girl
I wouldn't touch man feet, faglord.

>> No.6385453

>tfw i'd probably do it and like it

>> No.6385468

Do girls have specific fantasies or just general like "a handsome guy sweeping me off my feet".

>> No.6385472


>> No.6385480
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shrinking a guy down to 1 inch and crushing him with my tits.

>> No.6385483
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Girls like you exist? Maybe there is hope for me

>> No.6385495

>tfw that would actually be hot
pls swallow me

>> No.6385498

im not really picky

>> No.6385522

Head to the /d/ size thread pls. We need your input

>> No.6385533
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It's been posted before, and other seagulls agreed: SS uniforms.

>> No.6385566

Well yeah. It's cosplay and style and manliness all rolled into one.

>> No.6385577

No. No way. I refuse to believe a female could actually be into this.
...Katelyn Brooks doesn't count.

>> No.6385618

It 404ed ;_;

>> No.6385625

I dunno, I'd never heard about that before and it sounds kinda hot.
Different anon, btw.

>> No.6385636

>Implying there are any cute girls on cgl
>implying there are any girls at all on cgl
>Implying there are any girls on 4chan
>implying there are any girls on the internet
>implying girls even exists

>> No.6385642

Thats pretty general fantasies. I meant more specific like:

"A guy in SS uniforms storms in to my barn where he suspects im hiding jews. He throws me up on a bale of hay ripping my panties off, lifting my skirt, breathes down my neck asking me in german why im harboring jews. I try to tell him im not but before i know it he stuffs my mouth with my own panties and fucks me raw, slapping me around until he fills me up with his cum. Then he pulls out, spits in the back of my hair, lights a cigarette and walks out, boots clanking on the wooden floor"

>> No.6385647

When they say /cgl/ is 80% female from a poll, they mean 80% of us guys here are trolls and lied about our gender so you retards would come over here for gfs. And we just sit and laugh...

>> No.6385648

No we're not going to write you any fap material.

>> No.6385656

Im curious whether girls have these kinds of fantasies or if its just general ones like "rape" or "ss uniforms".

Men tend to be pretty specific in their fantasies and i was wondering if you did that too or if this is yet another topic on which men and women are different.

>> No.6385694

Okay, thanks for clarifying that.

Yes, we have those kinds of specific fantasies, though they all fall under general categories.
I bet cgl won't admit it though.
Girls don't like to talk about them doing anything remotely sexual. We're taught from a young age that being anything other than pure is nasty, while we see our brothers are getting talks about when the appropriate time is for such things, rather than being told not to do it at all.
So since it's seen as something we shouldn't do, we tend to try to hide it, until at some point we realize that's dumb.

>> No.6385710

With me it's being ravaged and made submissive by my SO. I'm always the aggressive one, so I think it would be nice to have that switched around for once.
Also there are a few with different sorts of threesomes. I doubt that will happen but it would be nice.
And damn it, it wouldn't kill him to do some cunnilingus every so often.

>> No.6385726

I have heard that the ones being aggressive/dominant in normal life are the submissive ones in bed and the other way around.

Sick stories from some bros about churchgirls and militant feminists

>> No.6385755

Is it possible for a fa/tg/uy to have a cgl female friend?

Not like a girlfriend, because I already have a boyfriend. But just a friend. I want to get into cosplay and stuff, and I figure making friends would help with that...

>> No.6385768

Definitely. I met my boyfriend in a game of Exalted in the library basement.

>> No.6385772
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I would assume so. /a/ goers would probably have a harder time than /tg/ goers, taken on the whole anyway.

>> No.6385781

Woah, really? Awesome. How do you find them? Like, the people in my college's anime club are all the uh... aspie hambeast variety, for lack of a better term (seriously? No showering at a convention? you smell like fish...).

>> No.6385782

Yeah, that's how it is.
I'm having to be the one in charge of shit all the time, so sometimes I just want to be the one being ordered around and what not.

I'm sure those submissive girls have fantasies about being dominant over someone, since they go around catering to other people's needs all the time.

>> No.6385791

You would probably get more help from someone other than me (>>6385772) I just stopped in and looked at this thread while randomly clicking on different boards in the catalog. My statements were just the general feeling I've gotten from reading various threads on here.

>> No.6385923

/fit/ Canadian here, I need someone to warm me up.

It's cold up here.

>> No.6386051
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>went to convention on the weekend
>pretty much the only /fit/ guy there
>complete spaghetti monster
>all those skinny faggots with cute gfs
>that feel when I am shy and can't really tell when a girl wants me to approach her
>that feel when no gf

>> No.6386082

Have you considered going gay?

>> No.6386101

Which convention? Different ones have different...tiers of girls.

>> No.6386114

no homo
Anime Evolution, there are some pretty doable girls around.

>> No.6386138

Ah, yeah Canadian cons are the best. American ones are overrun with weeaboos and posers. Just bring an expensive-looking camera next time and you can approach anyone you want for pictures.

>> No.6386156

oh man, the voice of Rarity was there! did you see any bronies??

>> No.6386170

Why can't you fitizens cosplay or something?
JoJo possibly?

>> No.6386179

There were actually way less bronies than at the summer con, or at least less visible ones.

>> No.6386228

this. if you're going to move in on our turf, it's going to be in cosplay.

>> No.6386252

Not OP, but the website is hellolace.net

>> No.6386292
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why the heck can't I ever find shy fit guys

>> No.6386326
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I support the fuck out of this post

>> No.6386357
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How do I go back in time, kill every possible bf Lobitah could have and make her dependent on me?

>> No.6386501

You had to get the /jp/ 10M get. Sorry, you missed your chance.

>> No.6386513
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>in Katakana

Does this faggot have groupies or does he just want attention this much? Roko, if this is you, be more creative in your alias.


Also leave.


>> No.6386539

im pretty sure i have groupies

>> No.6386548

cgl girls are so easy OP, if you go to a con and not get laid, then you have something that we can't fix

>> No.6386551

Dear beta,
I can understand your needing to cover for your insecurities by starting bodybuilding, but you're still pretty fucking beta.
You get your kawaii cgl waifu by nutting the hell up, and actually talking to one. Posting a pretty picture and asking for how to get a "cute cgl-gf"?
Holy jeebus, Senor Vaginus, are you seriously as sad and retarded as you make yourself out to be?

>> No.6386553

How does a seagull get a cute /fit/izen?

I just want a fit boyfriend who will go with me to the gym and help me become his fit princess. ;_;

>> No.6386573

>tfw I want to work out but I'm afraid of getting super muscular and ruining my feminine physique

>> No.6386576
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0/10, not even rustled

>> No.6386577

>cover for your insecurities by starting bodybuilding

you go girl! XD

>> No.6386584

It's a popular name these days, props for being able to read katakana though

>> No.6386590

It's literally impossible for girls to get ripped unless they drink a gallon of testosterone daily, you know that right?

>> No.6386608
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>plz be in london

>> No.6386713
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Hey girls, where do you types typically hang out?
I don't go to cons and usually do stereotypical city-slicker, "party in dah club" type of things so I have a hard time finding ACTUAL nerdy girls (lots of fakers though). Help a fella out?

>> No.6386722

USA, sorry bro

>> No.6386720


College campuses, nerdy places like conventions and arcades.

>> No.6386736

try comic shops and the like, though most of the sane ones are pretty good about keeping their hobbies to themselves

>> No.6386754

Come to Vancouver?

>> No.6386761

That's the problem, I've found!
The ones that are obvious (and therefore, approachable) are usually really...odd. The ones that are low-key though are just so normal I can never tell. It's extremely frustrating.

>> No.6386765

/r9k/ and /fit/, you need to gtfo.

>> No.6386772

/fit/ is always welcome!

>> No.6386779


Honestly, the normal ones hide their powerlevels pretty well. You just missed a prime scouting day, Halloween, they usually dress up in something nerdy but not slutty, so Fionna from AT, acurate fem!Scout, a casual /co/ character.

These girls also usually casually wear nerd gear. They might have an animu shirt they break out once in a while, or they might have geek jewelry/pins on their bags. If you have your eye on someone, and her clothing is 90% nerd related over a few days, she's probably a nurdgurl. If it's a vidya shirt one day, maybe a triforce necklace another, etc. She's probably pretty chill.

>> No.6386790

Yes, well at least I do. Creating super specific fantasies is fun, especially when no porn caters to your exact kinks.

>> No.6386794

yeah, those odd ones are normally caught in whats called a weaboo phase they normally grow out of it eventually though, you'd probably be better off trying your luck with the more subtle ones, a bit more effort but they're normally a whole lot cooler when you get to know 'em

>> No.6386802

I think a lot of chicks are into yaoi/guy on guy stuff. I know I am.

>> No.6386806

Thanks for the advice you guys, I'll keep my eye out for the trinkets and knick-knacks.

While we're on the topic, should I approach differently? Most of the time I open with "Hey, I just thought you were really cute and had to come talk to you. I'm Anon. [hand shake]"
Would this still be acceptable for you girls, or is it a bit too forward? (cause a lot of you say you're shy)

>> No.6386811
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>tfw men would reject her anyway

>> No.6386827

That's fine though, isn't it?
If you were a /fit/ girl why would you want to settle for those insecure beta males?

>> No.6386828


Bullshit, son.
That's not men rejecting anything.
That's men pouring out sour grapes 'cuz the shredded hottie's probably with the stud.
The fattie, being easier prey, is targeted by their flattery snares and come-ons.
That's just how predators work, lad, and one day when you're a man you too will understand the mind of the wolf.

>> No.6386832

Preach it, brother.

>> No.6386853

Damn, if that happened to me I'd be flattered by my spaghetti levels would be off the charts. Maybe for shy girls be a bit more subtle.

>> No.6386858
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>tfw I prefer slightly chubby cute girls over OMG SO HAWT bitches anyway

You go enjoy weight lifting whatever. I'll just be over here, running the businesses that allow you to do that.

>> No.6386865

What would you like a guy to say to you to start a conversation?
>OMG SO HAWT bitches
That's not cool, bro.
Just because a girl is "hot" by conventional standards doesn't make them a bitch. A fair amount are great people.

>> No.6386868


Well excuse me for joking Mr Morals.

>> No.6386870
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I forgive you.

>> No.6386876

>What would you like a guy to say to you to start a conversation?
"Hello, I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson."

>> No.6386880


Honestly, it would probably work. Many of us aren't really complimented/are pretty beta when it comes to relationships, so it'd be really flattering to have a guy say that. You just have to be careful not to come on too strong. Maybe give her your number, or get her number and just casually text her to start out with. Go slow, go on a few coffee dates before actually doing shit at night/things that could get romantic or sexual easily.

I dunno, from my experience shy nerd girls are worth the wait it takes to get them to open up. But they friendzone hard and fast, so be careful about that, mainly because they get intimidated.

>> No.6386881

Which con do all the astrophysicist cosplayers go to?

>> No.6386879


If you use this one it is important to make sure that you actually are Neil deGrasse Tyson first, otherwise it will come off as weird.

>> No.6386883

I've seen a few Carl Sagans and one or two Bill Nyes at Trek conventions.

>> No.6386888

And how does a respectable, average built gentlemen who'd rather bury his head in a book than beef up by exercise go about approaching a woman?

Asked a nerdy girl out once, didn't go so hot

>> No.6386892

1. Find woman who is interesting
2. Ask her out for coffee
3. Talk / flirt
4. ???
5. Profit!

>> No.6386896

This work, just dont accidently break your phone on the same day.

>> No.6386899

Not him, but I'm too shy to make it to step 2. Such is life.

>> No.6386904

Hey bro, believe it or not but average looking guys actually have an advantage! Many girls are intimidated by "good looking" guys and tend to reject them/be stand-offish.

Here's a crash course:
First find a girl and attempt to make eye contact. When you do smile as NATURALLY as you can (this will take practice). If she smiles back go for an approach (note that you CAN approach a girl who doesn't return the first smile, but that's a bit more advanced). After approaching use the good old "Hey I thought you were cute, blah blah blah" that I mentioned earlier.

The reason we use the word cute is because it sounds a lot more innocent than hot. So you don't sound like a perv. Introducing yourself is actually the easiest part. Maintaining a conversation is harder. This will take lots of practice if you're new to it, so don't get disheartened if the girl loses interest during it. If this happens just thank her for the conversation and excuse yourself.

>> No.6386905

>NATURALLY as you can (this will take practice).

>> No.6386907

You can't think like that. You CAN make it.
The only thing stopping you is yourself.
You really just have to do it.

I mean, you have nothing to lose right?
If she rejects you, well you didn't have her in the first place so what's the problem? And if she DOESN'T well...that's pretty cool, huh?

Just DO!

>> No.6386912

Honestly I can't even talk around people that I'm not accustomed to, so I don't try to talk to girls outside of the Internet anyway.

>> No.6386915

Well you better start working on that, its not like you're going to meet new people with grunts and staring.

>> No.6386920

I gave up long ago, so it's not really an issue. It's not like I have anything worthwhile to say or offer another person anyway.

>> No.6386921

You have to get out of this. FIGHT!
Think about all those heroes from anime. They didn't just bend over, pull down their pants and say "RAVAGE ME, VILLAIN!" did they? No! They fought! And you should too!

First start small. Whenever you go out to a store try to have a short 2 to 3 sentence conversation with a sales associate. Just a simple "How's your day going?" is a great way to open with cashiers. When buying clothes a simple "What do you think of this colour?" followed by a "Oh, what makes you say that?" should be enough to get a decent conversation started.

These exercises are great for two major reasons:
1) the associate HAS to talk to you, even if you're really awkward.
2) they're usually good at talking. Imitate them!

And remember bro, that you CAN do it. Believe in yourself.

>> No.6386924
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>I gave up long ago
But I didn't.
And I never will.

>> No.6386925

Can't go to those places or talk to those people because of social anxiety, I can barely leave my house. It's really crippling.

>> No.6386926

this is my dream omg cuties holla at me pls ;_;

>> No.6386928

this is my dream omg cuties holla at me pls ;~;

>> No.6386933

We'll start smaller then.

Every morning, when you wake up, I want you to look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you're amazing. Every night, before you go to bed, look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you amazing.

Start doing exercises at home. They don't have to be fancy, just simple things like pushups and situps. MAKE SURE YOU DO IT. Make a routine and follow it. Then buy dumbells and do some curls. I can GUARANTEE you with 100% confidence that within 2 months (if you're an average body type) you will start to see a difference. And you WILL feel good. There is no way you cannot once you see your work paying off.

And once you feel good you go out there and you start talking to people. And you never stop.

>> No.6386936


Go to these sites and follow the program.
I promise you that it will work.

>> No.6386938

oh god i would be intimidated too
maybe make a comment abouthow cool one of their ~*~nerd girl~*~ trinkets are or something idk...

>> No.6386941

Thanks for all your help you guys, I'll be sure to give this stuff a try.

>> No.6386943

The exercises, I already do. The problem is trust issues with other people, and paranoia. Neither of which will be solved by self-confidence building. It either requires years of therapy or medication, neither of which I can afford or even really leave my house to get. I live in my own personal hell.

>> No.6386947

No man, that's not true.
That's not true because you said this:
>And how does a respectable, average built gentlemen who'd rather bury his head in a book than beef up by exercise go about approaching a woman?
Deep down inside you WANT to change. You're just too afraid. But that's okay, because we all get scared sometimes. You have to find your courage. I know its hard to take some random guy on the internet who doesn't even know you seriously, but I really want you to know that you CAN change. You just have to try.

>> No.6386949

I don't see anywhere that I said I didn't want to change, I said that those problems can't be solved by self-confidence building.

>> No.6386950


Not him, but I understand how you feel. There are days when I'm literally terrified of the stuff going on in my head. There's no easy fix, anon, What you require is some passion, passion for something YOU like and damn the torpedo's what other people think. Sadly, only you can answer this. For me, it's writing..I actually wanna be an author...weird, I know.

>> No.6386951


Was actually me who said that line but feel free to keep helping him, you give good advice.

>> No.6386954

It's not even about confidence.
You said you're paranoid of people. You're afraid of them. But that just means you have to muster courage. Please don't give up on yourself, dude.

>> No.6386953

I did at one point want to be an Author, but I'm talentless so I dropped that. At this point, I'm just a man sitting around wasting his and everyone else's time.

>> No.6386958

The "fear", I already know comes from a Chemical imbalance, mixed with prolonged Psychological damage. I lost my Health Insurance and fell into this Hell, when I was denied Government coverage. Not that I could talk to people (especially women) in general with the Medication, but I could at least somewhat function. There is little I can do at this point, beyond hope for a miracle.

>> No.6386988

nobody's beyond hope, keep trying, if you fail, get up and try again until it works out

>> No.6386990

this has to be a troll

>> No.6386995

Why do you say that?

>> No.6387057

>chronic medical condition since birth means I get sick once a month for 10 days plus
>during the rest of the time I find it hard to walk without either being buzzed on pain killers or with a walking stick
>feel like this means most women would pass me by in favour of a 'normal' man

Be honest ladies, do I stand a chance in hell?

>> No.6387070

I know how you feel anon. To quote someone else in this thread:

>There are days when I'm literally terrified of the stuff going on in my head.

It's like that everyday for me. When I wake up I immediately think terrible things and it lasts all day. There's some nice people in this thread trying to help out but unless you're in a situation like this it's impossible to understand. Medication is my only solution right now but I have no means to get it. It's truly awful being trapped in your own head, I hope things end up working out for you soon.

>> No.6387067
File: 44 KB, 445x581, ripp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wit And Wisdom Of our saviour Mark Rippetoe:

>The vast majority of women cannot get large, masculine muscles from barbell training. If it were that easy, I would have them.

>> No.6387072

Yeah, I never faulted them for trying to help. It's just that medication and a ton of therapy are the only real solutions. No matter what I do for myself, it really can't be fixed by gutting it out, and I'm in a pretty impossible situation.

>> No.6387075

I find it much more satisfying to convert a non-4channer than to hook up with a 4channer.

The most amazing feeling when your azn qt gf giggles at the use of the word "nigger" in an ironically racist tone.

>> No.6387077

i am german, i guess that is a start?

>> No.6387078

>plz be in south east england qtpi girls..

>> No.6387080

She doesn't mean bodybuilder physique, but women can gain enough muscle and lose enough bodyfat to ruin their feminine shape.

>> No.6387084

Jesus. Why can't you just be like /a/ and ignore attention whores of the opposite sex.

>> No.6387091

very unlikely that they gain enough muscle mass. the bodyfat part.. well that depends on your taste

>> No.6387092
File: 30 KB, 320x348, 97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I came in here to find out hours ago.

>> No.6387098


Nope. It wouldn't happen overnight any way (you're looking at years of training). If it would happen, fixing it it's just a matter of eating some more and gaining body fat. It's not irreversible.

There's not a single girl that wouldn't benefit looks wise from working out.

>> No.6387104

>this denial
You've never been with a natty fit girl have you?

>> No.6387106

why not get an ottermode bf if that's your idea of beauty?

>> No.6387110

>You've never been with a natty fit girl have you?

I'm not saying most girls don't look fine without lifting weights, I'm just saying they could look that much better.

>> No.6387115

i dont even get what youre trying to say? you mean they actually do look masculine? if thats not what you mean, then you dont even disagree with me and i dont see the point of your post

>> No.6387117

>implying im not a /fit/ majoring in business

>> No.6387120

because i like pussy & a flat stomach. im not judging you for being a chubbychaser though, so keep doin what you do

>> No.6387159
File: 193 KB, 461x487, 1280464780936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fit/fag trolling /cgl/
>majoring in business
I think my uterus just shriveled up.

>> No.6387172

pls post picture so i can see what im missing

>tfw dreaming of pint sized qt3.14 skinny ~100lbs cgl-gf and starting my own gym and supplement-store

>> No.6387182
File: 35 KB, 580x435, Constanzagirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basing your whole life around the gym


>> No.6387190

>using knowledge gained from interests, combine with education and start business in that specific field

>> No.6387242


>> No.6387263
File: 45 KB, 500x666, chivers-halloween-costumes-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ guys are gross and only attractive to homos. All those veins and muscles are disgusting. I like my men squishy and normal looking, not arnie lookalikes.

>> No.6387294

sour grapes

>> No.6387298
File: 304 KB, 1155x475, 1338413799414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot sure is more sexy ripped than skinny

>> No.6387305
File: 106 KB, 640x960, 1338634955977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup gurl

>> No.6387313
File: 58 KB, 250x360, lens11637511_1278088474christian-bale-american-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatcha doin? im just getting myself a tan thinking about you

>> No.6387343

Agree 100%!
I never understood the appeal of huge muscles. They just make me think about meat and what the best way to cook up those biceps.

>> No.6387353
File: 310 KB, 600x660, 1340721381319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are welcome to caress my biceps all you want

>> No.6387363

Zyzz got no pecs.

>> No.6387369

I'm /cgl/, /fit/ and I met my /fit/ bf on /soc/

That is all kinds of messed up, but he's also the love of my life.

>> No.6387370

>have an extreme genetic defect
>look like it, too!
>hide it with roids!
>die at 22 from said defect

>> No.6387631

you might change your minds when you hit your 20s

>> No.6387652

you are stupid

>> No.6387711

>best way to cook up those biceps

You might wanna hit up a therapist

>> No.6387754

op,help me get ripped, tips or some shit. im a 7/10 and i just want some confidence

>> No.6389164


Well, I'm really maternal and I think it would be nice to look after someone while they're sick. Tuck them into bed, make them soup and make sure they feel comfortable, etc. As long as your personality is fine, your condition wouldn't be an issue for me.

>> No.6389224

Southeast GA? Fuck, I thought I was the only one here who used the internet.

>> No.6389271

read the sticky

>> No.6389488

i thought i was the only one, dude whats up

>> No.6389727

Late fucking reply on my part.
Not much. Don't particularly like the area, but shit, that is the Navy for you.