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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6382132 No.6382132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>General skin and beauty thread for cosplay

HOLY COW, the ultimate "natural" formula to healthy, shinny skin and without acne. I learned it last week, thanks to some anon. It's mixing castor oil (to exfiloate and cleanse) and extra virgin oilve oil (to moisturize) the face.

I mix both oil into a small bottle and massage it all over my face, then I let it sink in. Afterwards, I wish it off with warm water. When I first did this, I thought my face is going to be thick and oily but surprisingly, face slightly dried.

After doing this a couple times, my face is now shinny, healthy and the acne is gone. I only do this twice per week, or three times (usually every other day) because this is powerful stuff.

More info:


Next up ... how to clean your hair, the natty way.

>> No.6382141
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So my friend, she was using head and shoulders shampoo daily and her hair started falling off! She was going bald. I suggest her a more natural solution, and now her hair is growing back, nice and lucious. The secret is ...

Baking soda for shampoo. Use a tinyspoon of baking soda and glass of water. I use a plastic shampoo bottle from a dollar store. This is great to shampoo the hair!

Afterwards, I use apple cider vinegar to condition the air. It makes the hair nice and smooth.

Remember: less is more, so shampoo your hair every 3 days, or every other day. For more information, google it.

>> No.6382161

I rub motor oil on my scrotum to shrink the pores

>> No.6382181

I love using all natural beauty products.
my current favorite is a cup of brown sugar a cup of normal sugar and fill it to the top with olive oil. It feels fantastic and lasts a long time.

>> No.6382187

Just add flour and you'd have cookie batter!

>> No.6382192

>my current favorite is a cup of brown sugar a cup of normal sugar and fill it to the top with olive oil. It feels fantastic and lasts a long time.

This to exfiloate and moisturize?

I can't believe Shoppora sells a bottle for $45 when it's basically baking soda and oil olive!

>> No.6382205

You can also exchange the olive oil for essential oils i think. I haven't tried it myself yet but i'm planning to try some lavender to help unclog pores

>> No.6382223

Can you use a normal moisturiser after washing this off? I know the website recommends using the oil blend if your skin feels dry, but I feel like that would be... icky.

>> No.6382227

If we're talking "natural" beauty stuff, coconut oil is great for hair. It's the only oil that can actually repair your hair instead of just temporarily fusing your split ends together or something (or so I've heard) and that seems to work good for me. I cover the ends of my hair in it, let sit for an hour, then wash/condition. It's tough to get out but my hair is super shiny and healthy looking after.

>> No.6382235
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You girls better be taking good care of your feet.

>> No.6382239

>Can you use a normal moisturiser after washing this off? I know the website recommends using the oil blend if your skin feels dry, but I feel like that would be... icky.

Your skin shouldn't feel dry, depending on the castor to oilive oil mix. It should feel ... slightly moisturize.

The castor to olive mix depends on how oily your skin is.

• For those with normal skin, you could start off with a one-to-one ratio of castor oil and EVOO.

• For those with acne-prone or oily skin, reduce the proportion of EVOO, and try three parts castor oil to one part EVOO.

• For those with drier skin, start off with one part castor oil to three parts EVOO. This is what I use.

>> No.6382238

that file name

>> No.6382242
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y-yes ... mister nigga.

>> No.6382253

Lol. Sure. I'm just not comfortable with you touching them. I know that's what you want.

>> No.6382299
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>> No.6382347

I started using a really fine paintbrush with my liquid eyeliner, there's probably actual eyeliner brushes out there though.

>> No.6382414

Baking oil...how long does it take for the effects to set in? I'm curious because I've never really gone "shampoo-free" before.

Are you still allowed to use conditioner?

>> No.6382465

Baking soda, not oil.

Also, yes you can still use conditioner.

>> No.6382475

Lol, good luck with painful caustic acne around the 2 month mark.

>> No.6382485

What, really? D:

>> No.6382505

Same happened to me, then I realized I should wash the oil off with a gentle cleanser or hand made soap (such as African black soap) because I probably wasn't getting all gunk off with just wiping/steaming the oil off.
Started using toner afterwards and then moisturized.
Haven't had a problem since.

>> No.6382515

yeah i'm not trying to say this sort of thing will 100% happen, but i had really nice skin before (just oily, wanted to just make it less oily) and doing the oil cleansing method caused me to break out like i never had before in my life.

and now i have scars. not many, but :( hard way to learn that you have really sensitive skin. if i over cleanse it i instantly breakout.

>> No.6382517

GURL, ocm RUINED my skin. It started off so perfectly and i thought i had found THE ONE. After 2 months of beautiful, clear, glowing skin, i started getting the worst acne i have ever seen in my life. I thought it was just my skin being 'purged' so i persevered. 3 months in, and my skin was even worse to the point where i wouldnt even leave the house. Still, i persevered, assuming that i was doing something wrong. Then one day i just thought lol, this is dumb and switched to a generic otc cleanser. Within 2 weeks my acne began to clear. I am still left with ugly acne scars, though, and i will never put oil on my face again. I mean, its different for everone, i suppose, but if you start getting chronic pizza face, i suggest you STOP immediately.

>> No.6382525

im convinced that ocm is great for more 'mature' skin, but us youngens should just stick with clean and clear or some shit.

>> No.6382532

kinda defeats the whole purpose, no?

>> No.6382562

Jesus, thanks for warning me. My skin is acne-prone as it is so I'd rather not risk this. I knew it sounded too good to be true.

>> No.6382590

Like some other person mentioned, washing off the oil with african black soap is a good idea. "steaming" off the oil won't remove enough of the gunk. You're essentially piling on oil onto your face day after day if you don't wash it off afterwards.

>> No.6382605

My skin is dry/sensitive/acne prone and I've also been blessed with eczema..go me. I've struggled with shitty skin my whole life and this is what works for me.
I cleanse with extra virgin olive oil to get rid of dirt/makeup, rinse with cold water and then apply jojoba oil to a WET face and really massage it in, I let that sit for about a half hour or until I'm ready for bed and then take a damp cloth and blot any areas that feel too oily.

My skin has transformed, seriously, I can't get over how much this has helped me. Of course it's different for everyone but this method saved my face. I went from someone who was covered with pimples and who had half their face taken over by constant scaly eczema to a normal face with next to no pimples and fairly even tone.

>> No.6382646


I posted this in another thread, but I might have better luck here:

I started the no 'poo method a couple weeks ago and I think I'm doing something wrong. My hair used to be CONSTANTLY greasy no matter what shampoo I used. The baking soda wash fixed that right up, but the vinegar rinse that's supposed to make my hair soft and silky just makes it hella stringy and kind of rubbery like a cheap wig. It's possible I mixed it wrong.

I tried just using the baking soda wash and not the vinegar rinse and so far it's working, but my hair's texture is still really weird. It's not dry, or as rubbery as when I use the vinegar rinse but it's still... off. And since I started the no 'poo method, whenever I comb my hair I get CLUMPS of hair in my comb and it turns into one huge static-y mess, which never happened before. I have thin stringy blonde hair to begin with so I'm starting to get afraid of combing my hair.

>> No.6382702

Depends on your point of view;
OCM just loosens makeup, dead skin, sebum plugs, and wiping it away isn't going to get rid of all of it. It's like when you clean dishes, you rinse any debris off the plate, then wash it properly. Sure it looks clean after rinsing, but there still is bacteria and gunk.

If you mean it defeats the whole "oil on your face, cleans better than every cleanser", well yes, but if its combined with a gentle cleanser it does a better job than either method.

>> No.6382709

Just a heads up for any of you into buying "organic" products:

99% of those thing on shelves labeled as "organic" actually really aren't. There's a loophole in the USDA labeling regulations, almost anything can be labeled as organic and "natural". The best legit natural personal care item I can think of off the top of my head is Dr. bronners castile soap. Their company even filed a lawsuit against many other companies for selling so-called organic bullshit that really isn't organic.

I just wanted to put that out there, tired of seeing people recommend things like Nature's Gate, they just play off the self proclaimed health-conscious consumers.

>> No.6382728

Same thing happened to me. My skin felt amazing for the first month or so, then I got the worst acne I ever had in my life that wouldn't go away. Eventually I had to get a prescription to fix it. Now I have awful acne scarring, when before my skin was reasonably mark and scar free. Feels bad, man.

>> No.6382739

you are putting too much vinegar and not enough water

>> No.6382756


Awesome, thanks!

>> No.6383068

this is completely inaccurate
the regulations on getting things labeled as organic are really strict and cost extra money to accommodate, otherwise MOST shit would already be labeled organic

trust me, I work for a health food store and had to get drilled on this shit hard

state your source otherwise get your bullshit out of here

>> No.6383267

disinfo agent pls go

>> No.6383271

disinfo nigger agent, pls go.

>> No.6383273

That's why companies that pack and sell vegetables are able to pay for that and label the same shit as organic.
Seriously, look it up. It's the exact same shit.

>> No.6383274

>You're essentially piling on oil onto your face day after day if you don't wash it off afterwards.

That's why you only do it once per week, maybe two maximum.

>> No.6383278

>I cleanse with extra virgin olive oil to get rid of dirt/makeup, rinse with cold water and then apply jojoba oil to a WET face and really massage it in, I let that sit for about a half hour or until I'm ready for bed and then take a damp cloth and blot any areas that feel too oily.
You do this everyday?

>> No.6383279

You might be a nigger, that, or too much vinegar. Remember: more is less. So less APPLE CIDER vinegar (not the normal cooking vingear) and more water.

>> No.6383281

>gentle cleanser it does a better job than either method.

What cleanse do you recommend? I heard apple cider vinegar and water is a good natural cleanser.

>> No.6383292

I thought I was on /x/ for a minute...

>> No.6383296

OP method should be used once every 2 weeks or once a month. It's powerful so you don't use it often.

>> No.6383297

There are disinfo agents.

Or just clueless girls that used the castor oil + olive oil mix everyday, hahahaa.

>> No.6383298
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>not using korean skin care routine

>> No.6383300
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average korean in the morning heehe

>> No.6383301
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>oh yeah!

>> No.6383307
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>> No.6383309

I'm a Guy who made a thread a while ago asking about how to get perfect clear skin, some helpful femanons directed me towards a face wash with solid gritty ball particles in it that feelsclike a scouring pad on my face, and a face moisturizer.

Well I've been applying both to my face Erry morning and evening and so far my skin feels smooth and clean but its not clear, I still have red bumps all over my face that I imagine are spots and I don't know how to get rid of them.

Also my nose pores are clearing up gradually, but are still there.

Help me become sexy

>> No.6383327

Cleansing and moisturising your face isn't enough you need to exfiloate.

Also, diet - healthy diet and more water. No soda.

you drink soda?

>> No.6383332



What would you recommend I exfoliate with?

>> No.6383357

Do you live near a beach? Go get some sand and mix it with castor oil and rub it all over your face

>> No.6383389

that'd be unhygienic as fuck though

>> No.6383408

>This to exfiloate and moisturi
rock salt is good

>> No.6383575

That helps?
actually the heck is exfoliating

>> No.6383581

Does anyone can recommend me something to get rid of my awful dark circles I've been cursed with
(i mean, besides make up)

>> No.6383589

I've used the eyeliner pens since it has a nice brush?

>> No.6383595

I can give you a more permanent solution. It will take time, but it will help with much more than just dark circles. If you happen to be female, it might be a few things. Low iron, liver problems, poor circulation or even dehydration. Just pray it isn't a hereditary trait, then your kinda screwed.

Some vitamins to help: K, A, C, E and Iron. Of course take with plenty of water and food so you don't irritate your stomach.

If you want something topical, you can try History of Whoo...I warn you it's expensive, but it works and it lasts.

>> No.6383606

It could be a few things, besides diet. Depending on hair length, hair products can be rubbing against your face at night or on your pillow case. This should be cleaned every week. Also make sure your using a towel reserved for just your face only. Exfoliate face in shower with warm water, and when it comes time to rinse your face off, do so with cold water. Also, keep your moisturizer chilled in the fridge.

>> No.6383607

Thanks :( I will see what I can do. I usually don't eat much and drink tons of water unwillingly to stay thin though. I sleep 8 hours but stay in front of the screen like 9 or so.

>> No.6383611

Np! Glad I could help in some way. I will also mention, sleep! Maybe add some liquid vitamin D into that list, I'd imagine 9 hours of indoors doesn't get you much sun either. Add a drop into your orange juice.

It's about lifestyle and I know its hard to commit. But, it's totally worth the results.

>> No.6383620

I'm having a little trouble with sleeping honestly, just started a new job and I need to get up at 6 AM everyday. Usually I am not used to going to bed early, that's why I am having bad times right now :( Hopefully I will start getting used to it.
About the sun, I used to train swimming and got quite tan this summer, so I am just trying to return to light skin now and that is why I avoid sun right now.

>> No.6383624

History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Qi&Jin Eye Cream

It's expensive like I said before. But, it will last you a long time. After a year and a half, I had to buy another one and a little goes a long way. I've been using this line since 2007, Amazon might be your best bet for nabbing this product so you don't run into fakes. I'm a little lucky, since I live in Korea now.

>> No.6383630

Oh wow, sounds rough. Try a little herbal tea and just laying down in the bed. I find that reading a book to get the eyes tired and sleepy helps. Yeah, if your going to be hiding from the sun the liquid vitamin D drops will help.

>> No.6383640

I'm a D50 in Sephora shades (I don't know my MAC).
Are there any BB creams that are close to my skintone? Korean ones, obviously, not the tinted moisturizers that are American BBs.

>> No.6383644


Oh please. If I only washed my hair every three days I would have greasy nasty hair ALL THE TIME!

>> No.6383653

Yes, I do this every evening before bed. In the mornings I splash cool water over my face and apply just a LITTLE jojoba oil like, on the tips of my fingers to areas that are particularly dry.

Like I said I have SHIT skin, if I don't do this every night the pimples, the dryness, the eczema all comes back with a vengence. I have no idea how this would work for someone with more normal skin but if you're suffering like I was, give this a try.

>> No.6383661

I will be honest, anything right out of the tub will not match your skintone. But, that is where you become a chemist! Take some BB cream and mix it with your liquid foundation. Then dust with powder. I could suggest Skinfood, but the undertones are geared for "Dark-asian" skin (Filipinos, Malaysians and Indonesians)

>> No.6383731

>I'm a little lucky, since I live in Korea now.

White koreaboo teaching english in Korea detected.

>> No.6383736

>Oh please. If I only washed my hair every three days I would have greasy nasty hair ALL THE TIME!

Then you should being a sweaty, fat piggu.

>> No.6383741

>I could suggest Skinfood, but the undertones are geared for "Dark-asian" skin (Filipinos, Malaysians and Indonesians)

Dirty jungle asians pls go

>> No.6383804
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>average chinese girl with shitty nose job and skin

>> No.6383814
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>average korean girl with average glowy skin

>> No.6383816
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>average korean girl at my school using the OCOM mix

>> No.6383818
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>average korean girl

(lol at whoever took this picture)

>> No.6383844

>Ken fuchs

CAPTHA: eat ningpy

>> No.6383894
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Eat a metric fuckton of Strawberries.
I did so the otherday and the redness/spots had disappeared by the next morning.

Generally cut out the sugary shit in your diet, sugar from fruits is GOAT.

>> No.6383915

That is some seriously bad nose job, it looks like a beak of some sort.

>> No.6384487
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You don't say

>> No.6384616

It's powerful, it should only be done once a month, or once every 2 weeks, be sure to cleanse your face off with a cleanser.

Also, since I'm lazy, what is a good:

1) cleanser
2) moistuirze
3) exfiloator

I'm planning to buy 5 bottles of each, so I only go to the store once. I hate shopping. This is like stocking on toilet paper and food.

>> No.6384806


>> No.6384835

any advice for stretch marks? i have white ones on my ass and the insides of my knees, but no idea as to how i've gotten them - been at the same weight for the past 5 years. could they be from standing in an upright position for extended periods (8 hrs+), and how would i remove them?

>> No.6384890

'cept not. You can leave, though.

>> No.6385077

You're a white piggu, pls go home.

>any advice for stretch marks?

Yes! Rub cocobutter on the marks.

>> No.6385176

I was going to try this until I read that castor oil promotes hair growth (only in places where hair grows but still). No thanks.

>> No.6385205

>castor oil promotes hair growth

It's funny because I went on youtube, and all I saw was black people dabbling castor oil on their head to grow their hair

>> No.6385223
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Again, it's something you should only do once per month.

>> No.6385233
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You'll never have perfect clear skin like an average Korean girl

>> No.6385245

Ever Korean I know in real life has terrible acne.

>> No.6385251

What is with this eyebag trend? Totally ruins otherwise gorgeous girls...

>> No.6385256
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You haven't met enough Koreans then, average Koreans in Korean take better care of themselves then westernized Koreans.

>> No.6385258
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In Korea, bags under the eyes are considered cute or "uzllang" which means pretty face, or baby face.

Are you jealous?

>> No.6385266

As a guy, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be jealous. But sure. Of course I'm real jealous.

2/10 for getting me to reply.

>> No.6385272
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You jealous that you don't have bags under your eyes like a god tier koreans (guy)

Stay jelly, white piggu

>> No.6385283
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>perfect symetry
>koreans confirmed for god tier

>> No.6385289
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When will it be my turn to be an average korean girl? :(

>> No.6385294
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Okay so I'm just going to jump in here looking for advice because I really have no where to begin but I know I need to take better care of my skin.

This is my shitty complexion. On top of huge pores and perma red cheeks, it dries out really quick to the point where I get "face dandruff".

I used to have really bad acne but that seems to have cleared up. The ONLY thing I do for my skin is washing with hot water, scrubbing with a rag and then clean and clear dual moisturizer because it helps with the dryness...

I don't have a lot of money so cheap is awesome though I might treat myself to nice skin stuff for Christmas if it's a product that will really make a difference...

Please help?

and thank to any anon who even read this whole post. Now I'm going to read the whole thread.

>> No.6385295

How often do you wash your hair at the moment? Washing it too often is bad for it, it strips away all the natural oils, so your scalp produces even more oil to compensate, leading to that greasy feel

>> No.6385292

>dat shooped 10
Are you even trying?

>> No.6385318

>The ONLY thing I do for my skin is washing with hot water,
stop it. use warm to hot water to get your face wet, should be comfortable. and as cold as you can stand water to rinse.
>scrubbing with a rag
stop that. use your hands in circular motions starting from your chin and working up to your forehead. always circle motions upwards, never pull down.
what kind of face wash are you using? you should be using a just cleansing one every day twice a day, when you wake up and when you go to sleep and an exfoliating one about twice a week.
>and then clean and clear dual moisturizer because it helps with the dryness...
no. do not use moisturizers that help with acne, because you put moisturizers on your eye skin area and this will dry them out and cause aging sooner than it has to. olay is the best drug store moisturizer, hands down.

product wise, i like neutragena and olay. neutragena for makeup removers and cleansers, olay for like moisturizers and specialty creams.

>> No.6385330

oh also get a toner. if you're prone to acne you can get an acne one, if you don't get acne anymore just get a regular toner.
spray bottle ones are easier to use, otherwise you have to soak a cotton pad and blot your face with it.

what this will do is close your pores so your moisturizer doesn't clog them.

your skin is really really nice, though. like, no major blemishes at all.

>> No.6385358

I will start doing this from now on and have put Olay and spray toner on my shopping list.THANK YOU. SO MUCH.

>> No.6385364

of course.

also, if you wear makeup, make sure what you're using to take it off around your eye area is made for the eye area. lots of makeup removers are too harsh for the eye area, which is why they make eye area makeup remover.

>> No.6385369

Thanks from me to!

So cleanser, toner, and moisturizer.

Being a woman is hard.

>wash face with warm water
>use cleanser
>use toner
>dry face gently with rag, pat face dry
>use moisturzer

Is this correct?

>> No.6385374
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my skin.

>> No.6385396


>wet face with warm water
>wash face in upward circular motion from chin to forehead, avoid eye area
>rinse face with as cold of water as you can stand
>pat dry face
>spritz/blot toner over entire face
>apply moisturizer in upwards circular motions from neck to forehead

>> No.6385400

Actually, I'm a Military spouse and me being white would only be half right. Grow up and nice try.

Keep trollin'.

>> No.6385456

Sounds like somebody's booty blasted.

>> No.6385469
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awesome, thank you.

>> No.6385475

>Actually, I'm a Military spouse and me being white would only be half right

She's a military wife whore who's a mulatto who's daddy skipped town.

>> No.6385494

of course. and i love this hair. i want my hair to look like this.

>> No.6385499

Thank you, that picture is me.

>> No.6385507

holy fuck, really? you look straight out of a magazine. you are beautiful.

and dat body

>> No.6385589

I'm guessing Mommy and Daddy didn't love you? Wish I could say I was mad, but that would be a lie. It's obvious you have nothing better to do then attack people for no reason. You're most likely a bitter nigger. Stay mad.

>Dad white
>Only been with Husband

Eat my maple syrup flavored shit.

>> No.6385685

Unless you put it in your eyes or use it when you have a wound, there really is no problem. Most people are so concerned about hygiene they end up with no immune system to speak of.

>> No.6385716

I use (unscented) handmade soaps or african black soap, then follow with toner to get any of the soap residue off.

Apple cider vinegar wont get rid of the oil. Ever tried rinsing off oil masks with vinegar ? It doesn't really work, acids can't break down fats.

Apple cider vinegar heavily diluted with water is a good toner, otherwise it's like using an acid peel on your skin everyday, which is a no no.

>> No.6385722

So your mom is a nigger? lol. Enjoy sucking nigger dick, army wife.

>> No.6385728

You learn something new every day, thanks. I might try using Apple cider vinegar as a mild acid peel.

>> No.6385729

You must have screwed your hair pretty bad if that's the case (like anon said, washing it too much or in water too hot can make it greasier). Or maybe you're just very, very unlucky and have terrible genetics.

I can go up to a whole week without washing it before it STARTS getting greasy and dirty, and my hair is not dry.

>> No.6385732
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>Risa Yoshiki

>> No.6385747

>Oh please. If I only washed my hair every three days I would have greasy nasty hair ALL THE TIME!

Confirmed for greasy fat hambeast who eats pizza everyday

>> No.6385749
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>my hair every three days I would have greasy nasty hair ALL THE TIME!

>> No.6385754

Oh, and picture is my hair, I just shampoo it.

>> No.6385756
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You're really trying hard at this?

>Mom not black
>Husband not black

Seems like I have a stalker, lol. Stay butthurt while I go shopping, scrub.

>> No.6385758

Those horrible ends
Put conditioner on the ends only. Holy shit.

>> No.6385764

Anon, i feel you.

the only time i have ever been able to not wash my hair every other day is when i have a weave with a ton of extra hair to take some of the grease.
i don't know what it is, i don't wash my hair too much. i think it's most likely from all the coloring, irritating my scalp to the point of no return.

but my advice for you is never put conditioner anywhere near your scalp. ever. start at the ends and work your way up but never try and condition your roots.
always flush your head in cold water after a shower. i get out, lean over the sink or tub and just spray my scalp.
always use a cleansing shampoo once a week, twice a week if you use a lot of hair product. only wash your scalp with this, massage your scalp, clean your scalp.
if you use product never get it near your scalp.

and lastly, and most importantly, TIGI Dry Shampoo. when i don't have a weave in i use it every day. even like, the days i shower. i have to dry shampoo to get rid of oil by the middle of the day.

now i try and go about 5 days without washing my hair, just because i want it to realize i'm not trying to fuck with the oils on my scalp anymore.

a big misconception about why hair gets oily is that your scalp is trying to oil your hair and you're stripping it- it's not. your scalp does not give two fucks if your hair is dry or oily. it cares about properly moisturizing your SCALP. so take care of your scalp. keep it clean, and well maintained.

>> No.6385771

I think it's cute when it's not that extreme, like the girls in those pictures have (that shit ain't cute). When I'm really tired/I've been up too long, I get them, and I kind of like them.

>> No.6385841

...I'm sorry, but I have to point out that every single girl, korean or otherwise, that has been posted ITT is wearing a metric fuckton of makeup. This is NOT natural.

>> No.6385852
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>> No.6386016

>half white
>claiming not to be a shit tier mud blood
>shopping for dildos using her food stamp

>> No.6386021

>but my advice for you is never put conditioner anywhere near your scalp. ever. start at the ends and work your way up but never try and condition your roots.

Holy fuck why haven't anyone told me this, I put conditioner into my scalp and work it in like shampoo, now my hair is pernma fry.

>> No.6386028
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>always use a cleansing shampoo once a week

I was thinking 2.5 times per week and even that is too much. I also use baby shampoo (the yellow kind :3)

>> No.6386034

>claiming not to be a shit tier mud blood

Shhhh. Stop being a silly sausage.

>> No.6386531

white piggu pls go

>> No.6386534


Ignore all this shit.

The real "secret" is live healthy, avoid smoking, drugs and alcohol.

>> No.6386535

fried? how is it fried? it's just that conditioner will clog the pores in your scalp and cause it to get greasy.

if you use a lot of product you can do it twice a week, but once a week is good for most people.

>> No.6386623

Whats a good drug store cleanser?

>> No.6386635

EYELASH GLUE. How the bleeding fuck do I get that shit off? I wore lashes on Saturday and I still have clumps stuck at the base of my lashes. It seems pretty unsanitary to me.

I've used makeup remover, towelettes, washed my face twice a day, and I just can't get it all. What do?

>> No.6386675

Yes! Coconut oil is great for your hair!

I have a ton of hair, though, and go through it pretty quickly, even though I don't do it often enough.

>> No.6386685

olive oil, be very careful not to get it in your eyes.

Eyelash glue has latex it in to keep it tacky and oil degrades latex.

>> No.6386699

This. Olive oil is liquid gold. It's a great makeup remover (including eye makeup, just be careful), moisturizer, good as a hair treatment, etc.

>> No.6386716

Oh my goodness, you are a lifesaver. I never would have thought to use oil, and I'm so glad I had some on hand. My eyes are finally clean after three days!

What happens if you get it in your eyes? Does it just sting like a bitch or does it cause damage? The smell made my eyes water a little bit, but after I got the glue off I washed my face with regular face soap and it was fine.

>> No.6386721
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It's pretty much a general rule that you don't put anything in your eye that isn't suppose to go there. Glad to hear it worked!

>> No.6386727

I'd recommend trying Clinique's skin care stuff! Go to a counter and they'll set you up? (also, since it costs a lot you might stick with the routine)

>> No.6386764

Oil based products are not water soluble, (obviously) Your eyes only secrete water, so if you get an oil in the eye it can cause a film. over time if oil gets into the eye often enough it could potentially cause a build up of oil, that the body could not remove naturally. However, small amounts of oil, and safety can prevent this from being an issue.

>> No.6386843
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For years, I've been putting petrolatum jelly on my eyelids and lips after reading it in a mag and it was only now that I thought to question it. Is this a bad idea? I have TERRIBLE dark circles. Also, really terrible skin. Currently using sea breeze sensitive toner but it still stings. Ideas? (Pic unrelated~)

>> No.6386864
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I did this for a while since my eyelids were dry as fuck. Never again. They were constantly itchy as a result, I rubbed them until both eyes were swollen/raw and it was only until recently that they have finally opened up again. As a result from rubbing, one of my bottom lids sunk down a little, so now one eye looks bigger than the other. fml

I know not everyone will experience this, but I thought I'd tell you mine.

>> No.6386890

petroleum jelly is a bad idea. It's used at times for the look of moisture, but does not actually moisturize, or help lashes grow....or actually do ANYTHING good. Lol. It locks in the moisture that is already present, but because it doesnt add any, and people rely on it for moisture it will end up drying you out in the long run. along with causing a sort of addiction to it, you will sort of rely on it to fix the problems it is creating. it can also clog pores, and hair folicules like none other, and could easily cause stinging, itching, rashes, swelling, and in the long term is awful.
Stay away from it! lol.
Clean yourself from it, and do not go back.
If there is stinging still with your toner, try a natural one like Which Hazel. it can be bought at your local Wal-Mart.
However, all in all, one should try not to use toners (which are often astringents (moisture suckers)) too close to they eyes.

>> No.6386893

Ah, I guess that explains a bit; my eyes are CRAZY red every morning. If I don't use clear eyes/redness relief everyone thinks I'm smoking spliffs or something. I have to use a bit of stuff on my skin for acne (clindamycin phospate) and it's pretty drying; if I do nothing for my eyes it gets really flaky quickly. All of my current facestuff is made for acne also... I guess I should switch to something else, but what?

>> No.6386895

If your eyes are that dry you should look for a straight up eyecream or face cream. Eyecreams can get pretty expensive, because they are often age defying kinda junk. But most places will have some sort of "look like yer 12 forever yo" eyecream. It's thicker than most face creams, which is part of what makes it anti aging, and it moisturizes very well. Once again, these things CAN clog pores, CAN cause annoyance, CAN cause rashes, but it's the best bet.
No Alcohol or acne based product NEAR your eyes. Keep it away. Always. And if you can, the further from the lashline you apply any moisurizer, the better chance of NOT getting an infection or bad reaction.

>> No.6386901


Holy fucking shit I had a similar experience! In late March my eyes were dry and I used p-jelly to help ( thanks for the information >>6386890 ). My right eye reacted badly and it was nearly swollen shut but I was an idiot and still used it. My eye still hasn't recovered fully yet but its getting there

>> No.6386906

Seriously, you poor, poor girls. They advertise this shit in magazines all the time, and use it in runways, and what they forget to mention is that it is like... the WORST thing ever to use! lol. Just like oil in your eyes, jelly can cause the same buildup and could even blind you! if you're dry- get an eyecream. I've got Avon's right now and it's... pretty alright. No fragrance, no alcohol, no acne medicine... just straight moisture!

>> No.6386918
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> does not actually moisturize, or help lashes grow....or actually do ANYTHING good.
oh god I'VE BEEN LIVING A LIE ;_; My poor eyes.

>> No.6386948

This. I have friends who swear by smearing this stuff over their face every night. If only they would listen and see the light. Petroleum jelly is a byproduct of crude oil, do you really want that on your face? It's actually hydrophobic, and is really only good for sealing (as in wounds) to keep germs out. Of course, nowadays, there are much better (and more plentiful) products out there that do a much better job then there were in the 1950s.

>> No.6387052

Yeah, and I'm sure that doing only that will make all the bad effects of not cleaning your face, removing make-up et cetera never show up.

>> No.6387071

The eyecream you got - is it anti-aging stuff?

In fact, I think you guys should be able to answer me: is it effective to start using anti-aging stuff when you're young? I'm aware that it may cause excessive greasiness and make you break out, but if I find something that doesn't, will it help keeping me young-looking? ;_;

Pls respond. I'm 20 and freaking out.

>> No.6387108

My skin seems to be very sensitive. Whenever I touch my face it will go bright red. Washing it, patting it dry, applying moisturiser or foundation, everything will make me go red. Applying foundation is a bitch since I can't tell if I've put on enough (or too much) until my skin calms down about half an hour later. I'm using product for sensitive skin already. Any advice?

>> No.6387135


the long and short of it is: anti-aging doesn't do shit. you will age. deal with it.

Best way to look good at any age is just to be healthy. eat right and exercise.

If you're not worried about living a long life or looking good past 40 you can get plastic surgery.

>> No.6387145

You're 20, and instead of going around being beautimous, you're getting all worked up about aging?
Seriously, stop being dumb. Use moisturizer, and if you're going to be in the sun, use sunscreen. Eat healthy, brush and floss, drink lots of water to hydrate your skin.
Anti aging cream is likely to give you wrinkles quicker. Just take care of yourself and you'll be fine.

>> No.6387169

I had very red skin like you did for a few years now. I recently have been guzzling water (like two or three of those 1.8oz bottles) all day for about 2 weeks now and my skin looks great, the redness is nearly gone. I don't wear makeup often but I would wear bb cream and a green primer if I was going out and I don't even need it anymore.

For skin care I basically do nothing. I have a Japanese oil type makeup remover that I use when I wear makeup. I don't wash my face other than that except when I just wash with plain water in the shower or if I'm exfoliating. I use a toner and 377 Super White cream by Dr. Ci:Labo after I wash since my face will get dry. My skin isn't very problematic to begin with though other than the redness, but I was very surprised that something as simple as water made such a difference.

>> No.6387411
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lol nope at your oil cleansing method enjoy the cystic acne in a month

1/10 for a reply

>you must be new here

>> No.6387416

anon here to confirm this, stay away from OCM it's really not for everyone

>> No.6387483

What do you seagulls think about plastic surgery?
I am seriously considering having a nosejob

>> No.6387503

Olive oil and sugar has also been a great exfoliate for me. I only do this once a week or once every other week and it really helps my complexion, using it on my lips leaves them baby soft.

I've also found that leaving olive oil on my scalp for about 40 minutes and then washing normally relieves any dry or itchiness there.

Again, olive oil/jojoba oil is not for everyone, I don't know what it would be like for you guys with normal skin but I was miserable just a few months ago and going to the derm would only get me more steroid creams that were temporary solutions.

>> No.6387517

>be 18
>already have cheek jowls
I know that feel bro.

>> No.6387520
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Excuse me, but can we have a moment for the black sistas?
I have relaxed hair ( roots are natrual, contemplating growing it out) and I want to try those hair styles that are found in Japanese magazine scans or on pintrest, but it won't cooperate.

Any tips on that? Pic related.

>> No.6387533

Relaxedfag here, my hair's only chin-length or so (had most of it cut off) but I've changed how I've been straightening it. I stopped using that blue magic shit and started using stuff from Tigi S-Factor range. I really like it because my hair acts like it's naturally straight (until I wash it), plus there's much less breakage.
I could list the exact products if you want.

>> No.6387541

Yes, please! Mine's about shoulder length, maybe a half inch longer

>> No.6387561

Re: Apple Cider Vinegar

I put this shit on straight via soaking a cotton square and lightly dabbing it on my skin. It has done motherfucking wonders for my acne scarring (box/rolling scars). I'm always careful to follow with high quality moisturizer and sunscreen.

I've had horrific acne since I was 21. I now do the benzoyl peroxide method and that has cleared me up amazingly well. My skin went apeshit at first, and was so uncomfortable and gross as it adjusted, but it's wonderful now. I totally recommend it. As long as I use it morning and night and keep my damn hands off my face, I am good.

>> No.6387566
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Okay they're all under Tigi's S-Factor line so I won't put that down for every one:
>Diamond Dreams Shampoo & Conditioner
>Silky Smooth Moisture Serum (just squeeze a handful out and pat/clench into just-washed hair, too much makes hair greasy)
>Flat Iron Spray (I part hair into rectangular strips, spray this, comb through and straighten. Repeat for whole head)
>Tigi bedhead Headrush shine spray(from a different line, just spray on when you want your hair to be really shiny)
DAMN. A lot of them have long names. They're not exactly cheap, but I try to buy the gift sets when & where possible on-line. I'm in the UK so I buy from:

But yeah I've been trying to grow my hair out my whole life, but I was using products for 'black hair' aka burning and frying my hair to hell.

Oh yeah, stay away from the 'Serious Conditioner'. I tried and it packed too much shit into my hair xP

>> No.6387580

I'll have to look at that. I've been using Creme of Nature's Argan Oil Line, just the Moisture & Shine Shampoo, Intensive Conditioning Treatment and the Strength & Shine conditioner.
It works okay, and it's cheaper than my other stuff.
I also use some Ojon products, and those are amazing, but really expensive.

>> No.6387619

I really don't see anything wrong with it, as long as it makes you happy.

I might be biased though, because I'm considering getting a nose job too. My nose is a bit too wide for my face, and I hate it. Honestly, the only thing stopping me is my fear that I'll regret it later. I really like Joanna Krupa's nose - so much so that I'm probably going to be seeing a plastic surgeon soon. I'm only 18, so it's even more intimidating, but I do think I'll go through with it eventually.

Good luck, anon!

>> No.6387623

None of those ring any bells I'm afraid (I've probably tried them at some point haha).
My hairdresser said that it's important to try and use stuff that's advertised as 'moisturing', and not to use keratin-protein stuff because it fucks with afro/mixed hair.

Do you use coconut oil (literally pure coconut oil) before shampooing? I comb it through my hair, tie it up for a few hours and then shampoo/condition/do everything as normal. Trust me, I HNNNNGG'd washing my hair doing it.

>> No.6387630

My mom does, thank you for the tip.
I use Aphogee, which is keratin-protein stuff, but it doesn't mess with anything.

Is there a way to straighten with out a flat iron?

>> No.6387663

I want to buy one of those serums that you brush onto your eyelashes and makes them longer. Can you recommend a cheaper brand that still does an OK job? And is it safe to use if I'm wearing contacts 24/7?

>> No.6387676

I was going to use the OCM for my black heads but reading the other horror stories makes me think otherwise. What will help with those?

>> No.6387712

You mean to use Coconut oil whilst straightening hair? I haven't tried it personally, but I'd do it the same as I use the Tigi Flat Iron Spray:
>part hair into rectangular strips, spray this, comb through and straighten. Repeat for whole head

>> No.6387827

No, I mean straighten hair without heat. I've heard you just comb it alot, but that didn't work at all.

>> No.6387845
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>mfw I've been using the ocm for over a year and have clear skin

You'll get cystic acne from "purging" or if you didn't wipe and wash your face properly after.

>> No.6387850

Speaking of hair straighteners, what do you seagulls use? I want to get one myself.

>> No.6387871

I have a Paul Mitchell Express Ion Smooth Protools Bamboo

>> No.6387893

Oh no, I meant that I comb through products right before straightening hair. Sorry for the mix-up :(

GHD's are the only ones that don't fry my hair to hell. My current ones have lasted two years and they're still going strong.

>> No.6387905
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I use the KQC Red Devil Tourmaline / Ceramic Flat Iron. It is the best hair straightener I've ever used. I was stupid and paid $80 for it when I had the money, but it was definitely worth it. It also came with the KQC thermal shine ( $13 normally ).
My hair is dry, frizzy and curly/wavy. Using both items together makes my hair silky, shiny and soft. My old straightener didn't straighten my hair properly and would go wavy after a little while. If you have the money, I suggest getting it!

Picture isn't mine, it's just to show what both look like.

>> No.6387917
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that looks pretty kawaii

>> No.6387983

Someone in here recommended me using the Biore nose strips to remove blackheads, I didn't have a lot of them but still bothered me.
I tried them and after 2 days I started getting blackheads ALL OVER MY NOSE, lots of them. I have never had more blackheads in my whole life.
I don't know if using them again would make it worse, what should I do? any recommendations, products, etc. to keep blackheads under control?

>> No.6387993

No. Stop. Nose strips are awful.

>> No.6388377
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You're not giving anons any valid refutation points to why nose strips are bad, in a way, your post is just a step above shit posting.

With that said, nose strips can be bad because it damage the small nerves, and possibly enlarge the pores.

With that said, I just bought my first pack and tried it for the first time ever, before reading your post.

I think good things is in moderation, so I wouldn't do nose strip once per week ... not even once per two weeks.

I'm going to use nosetrip once per month.

With that said, I think liquid wash is better for the skin in the long run then biore nose strip, but I wouldn't mind doing it once per month, even once per month seems a little high end. Perhaps once every 2-3 months.

>> No.6388384

>You'll get cystic acne from "purging" or if you didn't wipe and wash your face properly after.

This. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of leaving the oil on. Leaving castor oil on may have bad effects but olive oil on your face isn't so bad.

>> No.6388386

>I tried them and after 2 days I started getting blackheads ALL OVER MY NOSE, lots of them. I have never had more blackheads in my whole life.

It's normal because your nose is adjusting. Try using a black head facial scrub instead of the nose strip.

>> No.6388391
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Try learning skin care by Koreans on youtube because they got beautiful skin and they got everything down to an art form.

>> No.6388399

> pic from weibo.
You mean China. You mean plastic surgery?

>> No.6388401
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Koreans have healthy skin because they got god tier genetics, unlike me who is a white piggu.

>> No.6388413

It's like I am looking at the Korean version of the Kardasians. Except skinnier.

>> No.6388410

those girls look like birds lmao.

>> No.6388420

Dem nose jobs. Do want

>> No.6388423

p-please don't b-bully .. th-they noses are nice...

>> No.6388415
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Please be advise that Koreans are, often then not, 100 percent natural, with light makeup. Picture is a good example.

>> No.6388445
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Is cleansing and moisturizing once or twice a day necessary? Because I actually think scrubbing your skin everyday puts it under stress and makes it more prone to wrinkles and accelerates the aging process.

I'm thinking of Is cleansing and moisturizing once every other day, and exfoliating once per week.

Tell me what you think, anons!

>> No.6388441

Sharp, long and beak-like?

>> No.6388442

not Koreans :P

>> No.6388449
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Is it okay to use oil free moisturizer that is for hand / body on my face? I'm a guy and I'm new to this.

>> No.6388455

no. you do not "scrub" your face, ever. you should always have limp wrists when you wash your face and gently massage the cleanser in an upward circular motion starting from your chin to your forehead.

from the declate to the forehead in the shower.

you should do this morning and night, when you wake up and before sleep, avoiding the eye area, with just the pads of your finger tips.

once, or twice, a week you should exfoliate in the same manor. gently massaging in an upward circular motion with limp wrists avoiding the eye area. you never "scrub" your face. never apply pressure.

pat dry your face and follow with a spritz or blotting of toner from declate to forehead, fan dry it and apply moisturizer in a massaging upward circular motion from declate to forehead.

>> No.6388454
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I use this body moisturzer to moist my face. I want to crrry ;(

I already bought the bottle, I'm going to use it all up before I switch. Hope I don't get acne!

>> No.6388460

Your sperm has protein, great for lotion. Please use with care!

>> No.6388464

Hello spooky, thanks for your advice. How about astrigents to prevent acne, from my research I should be using it once per week. What is your routine like, pls share <3

- humble straight guy learning about taking care of his skin

>> No.6388489
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Looking good requires self discipline, time and money. I have to get up in the morning, shower, shampoo and condition my hair. I have to cleanse my face with a facial cleanser, then moisturize my face. Then I have to scrape my tongue, floss and brush my teeth. Afterwards, I need to conjure up the self discipline to cook myself a healthy meal - oat meals, fruits, green tea. Looking good requires hard work.

>> No.6388496


Body moisturisers tend to be heavier/richer than ones made for your face. It might clog your pores and give you zits since the skin on your face is more sensitive.

>> No.6388502

Okay, to counter-act that, I'm only going to moisturze the face once every other day to prevent the moisturize to constantly clog the pores.

Now that I think of it, I'm only going to cleanse my face every other day. I don't believe in putting chemicals on my face everyday.

>> No.6388510


Don't be a faggot, buy a moisturiser for your face and a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil.

>> No.6388512

>your face is more sensitive.

False. Your whole body is covered my skin, while your face skin isn't touch as the soles of your feet, it has the small depth as say, your neck or chest. Therefore body lotion can be okay.

>> No.6388514

male skin care is very different than female skin care.

currently my routine is

>wet face with warm water. not hot. warm. comfortably warm
>wash face properly with an acne cleanser and clairisonic mia. it's also a mild exfoliate approved for daily use
>pat dry face
>spritz a healing toner that is like supposed to be magic or whatever massage into face
>apply moisturizer
>apply under eye brightening cream
>apply pore minimizing product on t-zone
>allow everything to dry
>spritz oil preventing primer
>massage in foundation primer
>apply makeup

i also brush my lips with a wet tooth brush, whenever i brush my teeth before i put on makeup.

and for night time
>use makeup remover wash that is safe for eyes
>use eye makeup remover wipe to get any more little bits of eye makeup off
>repeat morning facial routine except for the primers

then i have a very very finely milled exfoliate product which i use like twice a week, and a magic skin perfect product which i use also twice a week but not on the same days i use the exfoliating product, and those both go on at night time because they can make your skin a bit red

i'd name names of what it is but like fuck if i remember right now.

i have very smooth skin, but very red skin, and dark under eye circles, and a lot of acne scaring. but my skin care routine focuses on keeping my skin blemish free.
sadly, fixing all the discoloration would take legit acid peels and stuff.

as for your question- astringent is a type of toner and should be used every single time after you wash your face. there are tons of them at drug stores that say they're for acne and i haven't found any that weren't decent. it's mostly alcohol so they're all fine. just make sure to follow with a moisturizer. i like olay for drug store moisture.

>> No.6388515

>Don't be a faggot, buy a moisturiser for your face and a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil.

Any brand you recommend? I have Clean and Clear cleanser that it's running out, I might buy cetaphil cleanser. Thanks.

>> No.6388524

>Don't be a faggot, buy a moisturiser for your face and a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil.

Okay, so

Cleaner - cetaphil
Moisturizer - ???
Exfiloator - I'm using this $40 bottle from Seophora, it's the best of it's kind and I'm happy with the results

>> No.6388529

>male skin care is very different than female skin care.

I agree since I don't have makeup to remove, so I'm thinking of a very minimal skin care routine every morning, something like cleanse and moisturize every morning, followed by exfiloate once per week.

>> No.6388533


I guess, but if the body moisturiser is scented, then it's probably not a good idea to pile that on your face.

The skin around your eyes is really thin (and therefore won't absorb piles of cream as well as your cheeks can) and if your moisturiser is too thick, you'll get milia.

>> No.6388536

cleans, tone, moisturize should be your basic routine. with an exfoliate once a week, yes.

without the toner the moisturizer can get in your pores and clog them, a toner will help close them up after being opened from the warm water

>> No.6388542

you aren't supposed to put moisturizer on your eyelids, or eye area in general.

but you're right, body lotion is not good for your face, mainly because of the fragrances.

>> No.6388549
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Milia are tiny white bumps or small cysts on the skin that are almost always seen in newborn babies. Symptoms: Whitish, pearly bump in the skin of newborns, typically across the cheeks, nose, and chin; Whitish, pearly bump on

>> No.6388552

Cetaphil is good for daily use because it's very gentle. I'd stay away from anything with beads/grainy bits in it for every day use because all dat scrubbing can lead to premature ageing of your skin. Exfoliating stuff is good once a week.

Neutrogena is a good brand for reliable moisturisers. I'd go for anything that is unscented and alcohol-free. If you have particularly dry skin, I'd go for Ponds or something with vitamin e in it.

>> No.6388553

Wow, I never knew it has to be so complicated!

So what kind of toner you recommend? I have a astriengent toner I just bought, is that okay. And any facial moistuzer by olay is good enough?

>> No.6388558

milia is also not "dirty" at all, it's not dirt in your pores or anything. it's tiny protein deposits.

>> No.6388561

Okay, gotcha. So I'm going to the store tomorrow to get cetaphil, then I'm going to use dat toner, followed by dat moisturizer

>> No.6388565


Milia are commonly found on the skin of people of all ages. They are formed when keratin (a substance produced by the skin) becomes entrapped beneath the outer layer of the skin, forming a tiny cyst. An individual milium (the singular of milia) is formed at the base of a hair follicle or sweat gland.

Milia can be categorized as either primary or secondary. Primary milia are formed directly from entrapped keratin and are usually found on the faces of infants and adults. Secondary milia are also tiny cysts and look similar, but these develop after something clogs the ducts leading to the skin surface, such as after an injury, burn, or blistering of the skin.

>TL;DR: you can get milia from clogging your skin

>> No.6388575
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You should quit. You'll never be a beautiful Korean girl.

>> No.6388580
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Go home white piggu, you'll never look good like the glorious Koreans

>> No.6388581


Good, at least she'll never have to deal with being a fetish for neckbeard fucks with yellow fever.

>> No.6388587

toners are really basic. they're all more or less the same unless you get one for something special like mine. mine is like specifically to heal broken skin.

as for moisturizers, read them and make sure it sounds like what your skin type needs. like, light moisture, deep moisture, anti-aging, etc.

>> No.6388599

Alright, for using tea tree oil on one's skin- can i just keep the diluted water/oil combo in a bottle by itself, or, will i need to add some sort of preservative?

>> No.6388605

unless you have EXTREMELY oily skin you should not be using tea tree oil. that stuff will fuck you up.

>> No.6388643
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So I learned that you're suppose to cleanse your face, to clean the pores, then use a toner to clean and tighten the pores, then use a facial moisturizer to make the skin healthy and not dry. Oh god, why haven't anyone taught me this growing up

I'm not too sure about using a toner because toners have alcohol in them, I'm suppose to use toner everyday? :(

>> No.6388655

You can get alcohol free toners if you find that ones with alcohol dry out your skin too much.

It all depends upon what kind of skin you have and what works for you.

>> No.6388663
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Today, I learn that life is about making correct decisions. Because if I don't make the correct decisions (and do it), I'll face the consequences. For example, if I don't cleanse, tone and moisturize my face, I will get acne or aging skin in the long run. Have you ever looked at the high school graduation photos of people who graduated back in the 80s? The women and men look very, very old. Perhaps they didn't have a good facial routine in place.

>> No.6388676
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Life is about correct decisions. The decision - and discipline - to clean your face every morning. The decision to eat healthy and exercise. The decision to read a book instead of watching TV. Yet people take the path of least resistence. Why read a book after work when you can sit and relax and watch TV? Yet in the long run, the difference between a young looking, fit, sexy, 40 years old CEO lady, and a fat, frumpy 40 years old bus driver lady, is their quality of their daily decisions

>> No.6388683

She is actually 40 years old, you should see the "before" picture of her.

>> No.6388714

Oh my god anon, same here. I had NO idea how much you were actually supposed to do, but now that I do even just a /little/ bit more, I look SO much better. I've started gently cleansing my face with every shower, but I'm going to start doing it once in the morning then in the evening. I've also started moisturizing my face recently. Jfc, no wonder I always looked like a zombie! It makes all the difference.

I've heard witch hazel makes a good toner? How true is that? I need to find a good toner. I use Burt's Bee's for my cleanser and face moisturizer and it's been amazing.

>> No.6388716
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>mfw I'll never be smart as this femanon

>> No.6388783
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>beautiful korean natural skin only

>> No.6388807


Can you get rid of milia without going to a dermatologist?

>> No.6388834
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holy shit. i have hope for myself now.

>> No.6388849
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>average Korea lady with thunderthighs and becoming hot and beautiful middle age

The power of discipline. Discipline to eat the proper food, and the discipline to hit the gym.

A nice start is twice a week, perhaps do that for 6 months. Then ramp it up to 3 times per week after a year. Then ramp it up to 5 times per week, after 2 years.

Most people do it backwards and go to the gym 5 times per week when they're starting, LOL

>> No.6388877

Can someone recommend a good exfoliator?

>> No.6388880
File: 256 KB, 500x731, jung-da-yeon-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that girl has a kind of unfortunate torso, but maybe it's just the way she's standing. have another of jung da yeon "before."

>> No.6388904


Don't use Cetaphil.


If you can't readily identify the ingredients in your skincare products when you read the back of them in store, you probably don't need them and can use something more natural that's better for you.

>> No.6388910

Exfolikate is the best i have ever seen.

>> No.6388913

>and can use something more natural that's better for you.

Such as ...?

>> No.6388969
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The brain takes "long" time to adapt. A habit doesn't form within 21 days - that's false. It takes 6 months (180 days) for a habit to form for life. So for someone who never do facial cleanse like myself, I wouldn't do it everyday. Rather, I would take it slow and cleanse my face 3 times per week. After 6 months, I'll get used to this, and I'll be washing my cleansing my face everyday for LIFE. That's the secret to life long habits.

Gym beginners make the mistake of going to the gym 5 times per week with gusto. The problem is, they quit within 3 weeks (like 97 percent of the New Year resolution crowd). People approach it wrong because going to the gym 5 times per week will deplete their will power FAST. People aren't stupid or lazy. It's just the wrong approach.

Instead, they should go to the gym (or exercise) once per week. After 6 months of exercising once per week, they can exercise twice per week. After a year, they can move up to exercising 3 times per week. Exercise is right. It's healthy. This slow approach (almost) guarantees the person will have the habit of exercising for life.

>> No.6388964

would combination skin be normal skin?

>> No.6388983
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Great article. That's why I don't like putting chemicals on my face. I'm thinking of a more "natural" approach to cleaning my face, and this includes:

Cleansing - Milk and honey
Toner - apple cider and water
Exfiloate - baking soda

Harmful chemicals pls go

>> No.6388986

Wow, I was just scrolling through /cgl/ and saw your post. Just want to leave my thanks for that helpful post.

>> No.6388996

no. combination skin means you are dry in some areas. "normal" skin you do not get dry or oily through out the day.

basically, go a day without doing anything to your face but a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer for basic skin. like, nothing "special" and then don't wear makeup or anything. try and go outside once, like go out to get food from somewhere or something. expose your skin to the elements.
by 6-8pm see if your face is dry, oily, or still looks clean like very little has changed.

>> No.6388999
File: 20 KB, 400x400, purpose_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to use cetaphil, but noticed it really wasnt doing anything for my skin. I mean, it didnt GIVE me pimples, but it didnt clear my skin either. I actually used that shit for 2 years, and my skin was always very meh. Oily, tight, pimply, and grimy, like it left a residue. Anyway, i switched to Purpose, and its lke Cetaphil but a million times better omg. Would definately recommend if you want something extremely gentle but effective.

>> No.6389007

Apple cider vinegar is a natural disinfectant with antibacterial properties. However, raw, natural, unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar has some kind of “sediment,” called the “mother”, in it. Don’t be scared – that strange substance is good stuff and contains all the skin benefits! Go for it!

Apple cider vinegar should always be diluted with some water so that it is much gentler on the skin! You can use it straight as a spot treatment though. To use it as a toner, mix one part apple cider vinegar with 8-10 parts (mineral) water and apply it on a cotton pad.

>we apple cider now

>> No.6389013

You're welcome, stick around for more useful post.

>> No.6389029

This post just destroyed the question "How do I make exercising a habit"

>> No.6389075

I want to use more natural chemicals, because some of the chemicals in the facial cleanse can cause cancer.

>tfw no yogurt and honey moisturizer ;__;

>> No.6389078
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What if you have fine lines? I have a few on my forehead and have been using the thing pictured and while it's been great for my acne, it hasn't touched the fine lines. On top of this I use a toner and at night olay moisutrizer and in the morning garnier bb cream (I know, I bought it before reviews...)

>> No.6389086

Castor oil and olive oil may cause cystic acne for some people, but olive oil alone is more safe.

>> No.6389093

Guys fucking help me I have milia under my eyes havefor years. I thought they were like benign sweat gland tumors or something but I can't get rod of them, I've tried exfoliating and bha what else can help?

>> No.6389097

I think I have somewhat oily skin. On the advice of some other people I didn't put anything on my skin for a couple of days (no washing, no moisturizing, nothing) and had a few new breakouts and it was oily.

On a very side note, not necessary towards you, Spooky, I cannot quote anyone on 4chan (have to copy the number) and pictures open up in a new tab. Anyway to fix this?

>> No.6389109
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>I thought they were like benign sweat gland tumors or something

Holy shit that sounds bad.

>> No.6389133

I just tried the apple cider + water as a toner, and holy shit, it feels so nice on the skin. It was a bit acidic so I might have to dilute it just a bit more.

>> No.6389155

I agree, why spend $10 on a bottle of toner at the store when you can spend $5 on apple cider vinegar, and the bottle will last you x4 times more as the toner bottle.

>> No.6389156


I can't tell you "use this" because I don't know your skin type or needs. You know you need a routine that is cleanser, toner, moistruizer, and an exfoliator once a week. Take that information and google "natural (cleanser/etc.) for (your skin type)".

>> No.6389168
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>not using oil olive to moist da face

Yes, olive oil is a very good face moisturiser, and you can use it every day - it doesn't cause zits, as long as you don't use too much it moisturises and helps maintain skins healthy oil balance so prevents overproduction of sebum that is responsible for causing zits. Olive oil is also well known for it's healing properties so it can help heal scars if you suffer from acne or dry damaged skin in the cold weather.

>> No.6389170


I dunno about milk, I heard it helped harbor bacteria in the pores, and as for the apple cider vinegar, could I just substitute it with a lemon juice/water mixture? I know lemon juice is an astringent.

>> No.6389180

nah, milia is just keratin build up (same stuff that your skin is made of). They're stubborn buggers with exfoliation, often you just have to use a needle and kinda pop the keratin out with the bevel edge of said (sterile) needle and let them heal. I had a couple around my eyes that were there for about 8 years; finally took a needle to them and now they're gone.

>> No.6389193

Hey guys, I always used the same moisturizer both, in the morning and at night.
Lately, however, I have been considering to buy also a night moisturizer, but I was wondering if it is any different from the day ones/good for you/worth the money.
Any insight into this and what fellow seagulls do regarding this and why they chose to do so would be terribly useful to me.

>> No.6389194

>You know you need a routine that is cleanser, toner, moistruizer, and an exfoliator once a week.

I thought cleanser, toner, moistruizer is daily?

>> No.6389195

Lol I have dozens of benign tumors deep under my skin on my legs. I said it before in the other thread. I have no idea how to get rid of the milia or the tumors without some sort of surgery was hoping someone might.

>> No.6389198

>lemon juice/water mixture

Yeah that's fine. Actually baking soda with lots and lots and lots of water is a good cleanser too

>> No.6389201

>I had a couple around my eyes that were there for about 8 years; finally took a needle to them and now they're gone.

Sounds scary.

>> No.6389210


A kind of combo of these two posts- Has anyone tried using olive oil as a carrier oil for tea tree oil? I've read about it a little before, but, I've never heard any testimonials...

>> No.6389240


Moisturize - extra virgin olive oil
Exfiloate - baking soda and water
Toner - apple cider vinegar or lemon and water
cleanser - I'm stuck on this one, what's a good natural cleanser? Water and call it a day?

>> No.6389252


Yes, but only exfoliate once weekly.

>> No.6389255

Gotcha. Thank you.

>> No.6389259


>> No.6389264



There's a page with a list of cleansers you can make for different skin types and needs.

>> No.6389386


>> No.6389397
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I'm conflicted. I'm not sure if cleanser, toner, moistruizer daily is good, how about every other day? Often times, LESS is more.

Fuck me.

>> No.6389418

basically it should be a regular cleanse every morning, and then at night the order should be

>day 1 regular cleanse
>day 2 regular cleanse + acne treatment (if this is a problem for you, if not then do like a mask for extra moisture, or for wrinkles, or for color correction, whatever your problem is)
>day 3 regular cleanse
>day 4 regular cleanse + exfoliate

and then start back at the top. so every other week you get 2 exfoliate 1 special treatment, or 1 exfoliate 2 special treatment

>> No.6389428

l use oatmeal with water like this girl, works great for me

>> No.6389496

Sound scary but I'm willing to try it. Thanks anon

>> No.6389563

Just to clarify, the regular cleans mean "cleanse, tone and moist" ?

>> No.6389995

Sorry to bother, but I was wondering if someone would help me out. I am completely ignorant when it comes to skin care, hair care, or just beauty in general. I was raised by my dad, so a I mainly just learned "the basics."


I have dry skin and what I'm going to assume is mild rosacea (redness around cheeks mostly - I only have a few actual pimples, if that's even what they are... I dunno). I also have small blackheads on my nose.


I wash my hair once every two to three days, but when I do wash it (using both shampoo and conditioner) and it drys it becomes all frizzy, poofy and just... dead looking.

Please, if you don't mind, help me find a good skin and hair care regimen. I've been Googling stuff for 30 minutes, but there's so many things to choose from it's really overwhelming. Thank you in advance!

>> No.6390024

yes ~

>> No.6390132

Read this thread nigga

>> No.6390467

bump for euro friends

>> No.6390571

bump for chocolate tripfag since she's balding from excessive bleaching her hair

>> No.6390600
File: 90 KB, 246x389, est.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will somewhat excessive use of this fuck up my skin?

>> No.6390758

Has anyone here tried mixing olive oil with their foundation to get dewy skin?

>> No.6391306
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>food stamps

>> No.6391692

It's possible! I seen it.

>> No.6391735

>Has anyone here tried mixing olive oil with their foundation to get dewy skin?

No. Wat?

Yes, use in moderation

She has bald spots at age 22!

>> No.6391742

Wait, you can buy dildos with food stamps? Or is it something like buying a cucumber and using it as a dildo?

>Considering all options here

>> No.6391744

BP is the active ingredient, right? basically over using it will give you a mild chemical burn. dry out your skin and make it red. nothing too awful, not using it for a week and moisturizing extra fixes it.

>> No.6391778
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foodstamps is a card that is cash, so yes it's possible to buy one from teh sex store.

What will you do now, anon?

>> No.6391783

>tfw Jnig sun tanned too much, combine that with her "white genetics" she's going to be burn out and look old as fuck by the time she's 30.

My condolences.

>> No.6391798
File: 30 KB, 563x776, 1352177814909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got 5 more years until she turns into an old hag like Myu. What will you do, Jnig? Such is the fate of all females, enjoy your 5 years.

>> No.6391815

Buy dildos, duh.

But in all seriousness, it doesn't work that way, it can only be used at grocery stores/designated shops and only for food (for instance, you can't buy energy drinks or vitamins with it).

Sorry for autism, I can never tell when people are trolling or not.

And anyway, someone creative and resourceful would just buy a cucumber, use as dildo and then enjoy a crunchy snack afterwards. Best of both worlds.

>> No.6391967

You mean that there's a option for cash, not the actual EBT card? That's what I understand from having people use it at work.

>> No.6392674

You can get cash and food benefits.

>> No.6392809


For this oatmeal thing, Could I use regular oatmeal packets or get the big tube? I heard on /fit/ that the oatmeal packets have lots of sugar and junk in them.

>> No.6395435

ugh what's with those bags under her eyes, they're all shiny and shit.