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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 138 KB, 400x583, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6366399 No.6366399[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread about Tomie cosplays, and bloody seifukus in general? Pic related. Ophelia is also beautiful so more of her cosplays/co-ords are always welcome

>> No.6366436

What's her new tumblr? I have her old one, but I guess she deleted it?
I do really enjoy her outfits.

>> No.6366451

Oh my. I remember Tomie.
Scared the shit out of me when I was younger. I never liked to step on my carpet after that.

Actually, that was around the time we got rid of it. Thank god.

>> No.6366491
File: 116 KB, 515x353, tumblr_mccuvt1XJ11r40s14o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I should post it without her permission, as I think she gets a lot of weird messages every time it is posted somewhere. I'll send her an ask about it though! (Sorry)

>> No.6366495

That's ok. I found it on my own.

>> No.6366519

Right. Because attention whores who cosplay and take photoshopped chick pics of themselves then post them on public websites are really trying to be private.

>> No.6366594

I used to really like Ophelia for a while and felt that she was just a victim of childhood naivety.
Having followed her on Tumblr for a while I've realized that she's actually no different now compared to how she was all those years ago. Sure, she may hate the backlash of abuse and hatred, but secretly she adores the attention and followers. .. in fact, she doesn't even try that hard to conceal it. I always feels like she's angling for more followers or free gifts and shit whenever she posts, like one of those Tumblr princesses who sit back whilst strangers lavish attention and physical objects on them whilst they give nothing in return but stupid duck-lipped photos.

Nothing wrong with being vain, but this chick literally worships herself. She needs to be more careful in life or she's going to end up teasing the wrong guy and have it end really badly for her.

>> No.6366609


Oh and the fact that she went ahead and cosplayed Tomie really, really says a lot about her psyche if you think about it.

Ophelia, I am disappoint.

>> No.6366625

Fuck off Annie.

>> No.6366630

Please give me the link, I want it too.

>> No.6366645


No, I dislike Annie too and think she is a psycho. I just thought Ophelia was better then this, but they both suck. A giant ball of suck is what they are.

>> No.6366654

I believe in sharing things, so here you go.

>> No.6366679

Shit she suits her.

>> No.6366691

Annie is a psycho. Just go look in the ita thread or the MLP thread.

>> No.6366698

Did Annie do something to Ophelia? I just read one of Ophelia's post on tumblr and Annie was mentioned.

>> No.6366727

tl;dr girl drama basically

>> No.6366757


She's cute, would hands with her while walking down the park at the sunset

>> No.6366761


I don't know the full drama, but they used to be friends and had a falling out for some reason, something to do with something on Annies part. For a while Annie was sending anonymous hate messages to Ophelia on Tumblr and denying it was her doing it. One day Ophelia got a message bullying her for not being able to conceive children - a secret that only Annie knew.

There's a lot more to it including Annie trying to infect somebody boyfriend with her STD as an act of revenge.

>> No.6366769

>Annie trying to infect somebody's boyfriend with her STD as an act of revenge

Ew. I didn't realize she was that much of a cunt.

>> No.6366778

You faggots do understand both of them tripped on /cgl/ and actually made up? THEY'RE over this drama. You cunts are just making shit up as you go along to perpetuate shit neither of the parties actually want to continue.

>> No.6366780


>trying to infect somebody boyfriend with her STD as an act of revenge


>> No.6366784

>There's a lot more to it including Annie trying to infect somebody boyfriend with her STD as an act of revenge.

WTF? What is wrong with these people? Also, how would anyone find out about that? I'm positive no one would EVER admit to something like that so surely you are just speculating?

>> No.6366781

Cry more.

>> No.6366783


>implying I'm making any of this shit up and it's not common knowledge

>> No.6366790

Ok less dramu more bloody seifukus please?

>> No.6366796
File: 9 KB, 657x116, zlzrky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Annie sent to Ophelia.

>> No.6366801
File: 135 KB, 519x437, dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope. there's screencaps somewhere.
Annie is fucking nuts. She would admit to fucking horses on a daily basis if she thought it would get her more attention.

Screencap from Ophelias Tumblr.

>> No.6366817

>Oh and the fact that she went ahead and cosplayed Tomie really, really says a lot about her psyche if you think about it.

What? That is so rude.

>> No.6366818

If you want to have a thread about what OP spoke about do that but don't let it turn into a clusterfuck of drama .

>> No.6366820

Who is Annie? Can someone post HER tumblr?

>> No.6366823


This is Annie.
She's currently making videos for her Youtube where she pretends to rub shit on her face to make fun of Venus Angelic and jump on the bandwagon.


>> No.6366821

jackrabbitswiththeirnecksallbroke or something like that. She posted it last night in the MLP thread because she thinks someone's out to get her. It's pretty funny.

>> No.6366826

I thought it was a good character choice on her part she can pull it off.

>> No.6366855

I actually thought that was sort've funny.
>>If you want to be a rabbit, you also must eat your own shit.

>> No.6366867

Annie honestly creeps me out...

I was discussing eating disorders a few weeks back on /cgl/ and somebody asked me to explain the jargon so so I did, and now Annie is using it all whenever she talks about her weight.

>> No.6366872

But Annie's a fat fuck how can she even claim to have one?

>> No.6366883


She isn't claiming to have an eating disorder, but I was explaining to somebody what LW and UGW meant when I used them casually not thinking that people wouldn't understand. Ever since then whenever I notice any posts made by Annie talking about her weight she is like "Oh yeah, blah blah is my UGW!".

I don't know, it just creeps me out for some reason.

>> No.6366886

She said in the pony thread that she's at 103 or something now? I don't know. She wants to go back to her weight when she was 14, which was apparently 84 pounds.

Someone make a separate thread for Annie or something.

>> No.6366905

I'd like to see her cosplay more.

>> No.6366943
File: 265 KB, 800x596, tumblr_mcpv76grNX1r40s14o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6366974

Annie's pro-ana now, adding another layer to the annoying as fuck onion

>> No.6366982

This is supposed to be Tomie? I've seen a guy do better than her :/

>> No.6367009

so are these two dating or what
cause that's creepy

>> No.6367016

Never heard of having fun and taking silly pictures with friends before?

Oh wait...

>> No.6367015

Jealous fattie?

>> No.6367023
File: 162 KB, 500x335, laughinggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure you have. pic related.

>> No.6367022

guys with beards are creepy

>> No.6367031


S-so cute

>> No.6367080

She tripcodes so she must be ok with that.

>> No.6367085
File: 212 KB, 626x469, tumblr_m7zekqbzzM1qgi08zo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as you were saying?

>> No.6367086

They aren't dating and it's obviously just them messing around I've seen the hair licking thing in one of the Tomie films.

>> No.6367089

Don't even try... this being cgl, even if the cosplayer is better if the person does not have dramu they're worthless here

>> No.6367090
File: 1.46 MB, 811x960, 1351562744724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6367097

That's from an actual shoot you can hardly compare con photos to something like that.

>> No.6367101

It's just a head in a bin.

>> No.6367105

you obviously never read the manga

>> No.6367107

I have I'm just not impressed.

>> No.6367108

If you don't mind me asking, what's the name of the manga?

>> No.6367114

Junji Ito's Tomie, look it up, it's everywhere

>> No.6367120

Oh well, Boo hoo I guess.

>> No.6367170

Tomie comes in 2 different volume wiki should list them.

>> No.6368457

You're just mad that nobody likes you.

>> No.6368462

Technically it's 3 volumes, although it's only 2 in the west. Great stuff. Not Ito's best one, but amazing nontheless, and OP (Ophelia?) does her justice, imo.

>> No.6368465

yeah OP is Ophelia

>> No.6368474

ITT Ophelia selfposts a lot

You're not beautiful. You're an average looking skinnyfat camwhore. You might look good compared to someone who looks like Annie, but otherwise you're a 6/10 who can become a 7/10 with tons of makeup on.

You don't want to embarrass yourself and become a joke like Jnig? Then stop selfposting here. Stop selfposting on /r9k/. Stop selfposting on /fit/. Stop selfposting in general. That's what your tumblr is for.

>> No.6368480

What's the matter don't *you* get enough attention?

>> No.6368486

Ophelia = less attractive crazier UK version of Chokelate
Chokelate Light lel
Not everyone here is insecure as fuck and addicted to attention whoring on the internet like you are, Ophelia

>> No.6368493

You're acting a little crazy about this by accusing everyone of being Ophelia leave that vendetta alone.

>> No.6368495

ophelia pls go

>> No.6368500

ITT: Annie. Annie everywhere.

>> No.6368503

More like Ophelia and Annie both itt although I think all these samefag posts are Ophelia:
...trying to deflect from the fact that we caught her selfposting in OP.

>> No.6368504

500 here. Not Ophelia, just sick of Annie's bullshit.

>> No.6368506

ophelia pls go

you aren't fooling anyone

>> No.6368511

Okaaaaay Annie~ if you say so. Nutjob.

>> No.6368515

Ophelia, pls. Go.
Protip- The more diligently and fervently you reply accusing me of being Annie, the more obvious you're making it to everyone else here that it's you. Great job. ;)

>> No.6368516

ITT: Everyone is Annie and Ophy.

>> No.6368518

Annie pls go

>> No.6368521

Yeah they're doing a really good job of making themselves look retarded. Although I wouldn't be surprised if Annie hasn't actually found the thread yet and Ophelia is the samefag ITT that's just using Annie's name as a buffer against the anons calling her out for selfposting.

>> No.6368523

annie pls go

you aren't fooling anyone

>> No.6368525

>Annie hasn't found the thread
>everything is Ophelia!!


>> No.6368527

Ophy isn't online and Annie doesn't actually type like any of these anons. So I think it's just anon vs anon.

>> No.6368530

My guess is either Ophelia vs Annie or Ophelia vs Anon. No doubt in my mind that OP is Ophelia.
>"Ophy isn't online"

Scratch that nvm now I know for a fact that Ophelia is our samefag. Ophelia pls go.

>> No.6368532


>> No.6368534


>> No.6368536

Period face and now this, you English bitches are crazy.

>> No.6368537

all of these posts were me
I am actually both Annie and Ophelia
basically I just have huge arguments with myself on /cgl/ as anon and then masturbate with a horse dildo and cut myself while arguing with myself out loud
sorry for all the hassle guys, thanks for the fap assistance

>> No.6368541
File: 334 KB, 570x450, 1335206319602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every anon and tripfag is actually me.
Now let's get back on track about this thread.

>> No.6368582

7/10 who eats her own period blood. What's not to love?

>> No.6368590

Ladies please let's just talk about cosplay for once if we all stop giving a fuck about their drama it'll be gone the only reason anyone is shouting samefag is because of the drama in actuality they're probably just getting on with their lives.

/r/ing some bloody seifuku or none drama posting

>> No.6368599
File: 252 KB, 849x1132, 2505619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Googling it now. Will dump what I find.

>> No.6368606
File: 101 KB, 500x672, tumblr_lz8djbXuTA1r4xqamo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6368608
File: 251 KB, 600x800, gore_seifuku_miku02_by_xxpuffy-d45yma9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6368609

this is a shit cosplay.What is tomie about it?
She should at least have some sort of mutant head thing going on to make it recognisable.
Either way, she isn't the most beautiful girl in the whole entire world so it doesnt work.

>> No.6368612
File: 87 KB, 453x652, 39184_135303809841912_122757537763206_156089_6722798_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some movie poster.

>> No.6368617

Ok well then let's inform the most beautiful girl in the entire world that she may cosplay Tomie because you have allowed her to. Either way I don't think Tomie was supposed to be the most beautiful girl ever just a demon that's full of herself.

>> No.6368616
File: 62 KB, 399x600, tumblr_m5denhjAWH1rx8ucyo1_r1_400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6368666

This one's from one of the Tomie movies in case anyone was wondering,

>> No.6368674

are we seriously bringing the tampon chewer up again

>> No.6368681
File: 172 KB, 647x1152, cosplay5-758702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6368696

i don't care what anyone thinks. i think she looks good. obviously it just looks like a bit of fun and nothing too serious - i don't understand why ito/tomie fans are getting their knickers in a twist over it for.

>> No.6368703
File: 58 KB, 580x437, m188978124[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a bloody Seifuku cosplay you could easily do Saya from Blood the Last Vampire. It's very viable.

>> No.6368704

It's vendetta fags who are getting their knickers in a twist over it even the fuckyeahtomie blog reblogged one of her photos so it's not a discrepancy over the actual cosplay just about her.

>> No.6368710

Ophelia posted on her tumblr that she wants to do an actual shoot with it at some point so it's safe to say this wasn't a serious thing, looking forward to it.

>> No.6368714

ah, figures.

>> No.6368718
File: 644 KB, 740x1110, e120e234468d40d391a2ded1a771e96b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not seifuku exactly but you could also try the other versions of Saya with blood.

Here's Blood C version

>> No.6368721
File: 214 KB, 400x627, Saya_Otonashi_Cosplay_by_Lenneth[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then Saya from Blood+

>> No.6368723
File: 296 KB, 400x668, tumblr_mbyocag4HB1r40s14o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These ones she did were nice too.

>> No.6368755
File: 313 KB, 450x465, tumblr_mbypgsDxZF1r40s14o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6368787

Actually Tomie is the perfect character for Ophelia whichever way you want to look at it.

>> No.6368800
File: 118 KB, 400x473, tumblr_mcqedcjsDb1r40s14o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6368801

thats funny, i dont remember tomie eating tampons in any of the chapters

>> No.6368807

I Lol'd.

>> No.6368808
File: 239 KB, 300x401, platmad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6368811

I do remember her getting men to cut her up. I just see all of that gore shit to be the same so take your buttmad to another thread.

>> No.6368810
File: 64 KB, 150x150, 1335940888674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not mad at all, and saved your cute gif. here's a cute gif back at ya.

>> No.6368814

You literally can't stop shit posting about her can you.
What did she ever do to make you so mad?
If I remember correctly Tomie and girls really didn't get along so there's another thing.

>> No.6368815
File: 6 KB, 190x169, tumblr_m8rir2gi0q1qmmoc9o1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people think i mad because i made a joke

c'mon, it was funny. lighten up.

>> No.6368818
File: 82 KB, 334x500, 3739213908_f15613aabd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hardly that funny considering the context.

>> No.6368822
File: 2.98 MB, 178x272, 1346118081578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you upset? she ate tampons/pads, its funny. especially considering the context.
who said i was a girl?

>> No.6368823

dem fucking eyes

>> No.6368847

Don't worry, anon. I laughed and understood it was a joke.

>> No.6368850

Did she really eat tampons?

>> No.6368856

Newfag alert.

>> No.6368857



>> No.6368869

that was epic. epic for the win. XDDD

>> No.6368872
File: 278 KB, 400x668, tumblr_mbyo4wt7n51r40s14o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get this back on track if you want a drama thread go and make one.

>> No.6368873
File: 391 KB, 500x598, tumblr_m1j7wv6khh1r4xqamo1_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6368876
File: 127 KB, 499x750, tumblr_m5y3meOvKJ1rp16c2o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6368890

She's too chubby and sweet looking Tomie should look like a bitch.
This one I really like.

>> No.6368894
File: 90 KB, 400x266, pirezetomie_14[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6368901

These are lovely!

>> No.6368904
File: 627 KB, 477x716, tumblr_m8iqhjEvLa1qi4v1to1_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6368907
File: 52 KB, 499x750, tumblr_m37v08MMvy1r4e585o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6368910

This one lacks a little something but I have to say I haven't seen a single bad Tomie cosplay yet which is both unusual and impressive.

>> No.6368911

so...birthmark/mole on left eye or right eye?

>> No.6368914

a-arigatou, sempai...my heart goes doki doki when u laugh...

>> No.6368916

Seems to be the left eye but these are on the right.
Some of the photos might be flipped but in 2 versions of the manga it's different.

>> No.6368930
File: 206 KB, 477x716, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a good photo though, and I like the models makeup.

>> No.6368931

It's not even that it's just where is she supposed to be bleeding from? The model is pretty and so is her make-up but the whole thing looks maybe rushed and just shoved together.

>> No.6368936

so either or works?
I have a natural birthmark by my left eye and was wondering if it could work for Tomie, but now I realize it'd not in the right spot. ty though.

>> No.6368939

It's supposed to be a mole not a birthmark just draw it on with brown eyeliner.

>> No.6368951

I really like this one I'd love to see this cosplay in a proper shoot like the others hint hint if she's lurking.

>> No.6368974

sorry, I thought the word mole and birthmark were interchangeable.

>> No.6369180

I think they might be now I think about it.

>> No.6369194

heres the technicalities of the differences, thanks to the fruition of my google search:
birthmarks: pinkish to purpleish marks on your body you were born with
moles: the brown dots you were born with and/or appear over time
beauty marks: moles on your face + neck

>> No.6369199

So I guess she has a beauty mark!

>> No.6369201

moles also have a hair in them most of the time. Unless ..it's a freckle.

>> No.6369203

not necessarily. none of my moles have hair on them unless that part of my body is hairy (like my legs, etc.). freckles are lighter in color than moles and are also in groups.
yes :)

>> No.6369215

This. I did that and it worked wonderfully, lasted surprisingly long too.

>> No.6369230

That's not true, either. Freckles aren't always in groups, nor is it only places with hair that have hair in moles.
My actual moles on my face has a hair in it, whereas my freckles for me come in bunches and are light and have no ridges. I have freckled skin. But there are a lot of skin types out there that have very few freckles and they're mole like in appearance--but they're not moles. They don't stick out. They're just darker freckles. I even have those on my body, they're not moles at all.

>> No.6369234

Anon, you just cleared up so much for me. All of my life these things have confused me, I have no idea why I never just googled.

>> No.6369245

Bump for more bloody seifuku

>> No.6369357

also ophelia do more guro cosplay

>> No.6369379

Hey Ophelia, /fit/ here.
I sent an AMA on your blog.
Pls respond.

>> No.6369970


>> No.6370041
File: 192 KB, 420x541, tumblr_mcrx5025o01r40s14o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving the audition cosplay here too.

>> No.6370525


>> No.6370831


>> No.6370914

I wonder what Ophelia really looks like under all that shoop and camera effects.

>> No.6370947


>> No.6372030

She really doesn't shoop all that much.

I like these 2 characters together.

>> No.6372039

She looks pretty much the same tbh, there aren't any drastic differences. Her skin really is that clear IRL. Having actually hung out with her I can now say with complete honesty that she's a 9/10.


>> No.6372040

The girls you hang around with must be average looking as fuck then

>> No.6372044

leave your vendetta alone for once it's embarrassing

>> No.6372043

Or maybe she's legitimately really beautiful and you're being a bitter twat. Why does it offend you so much that somebody else is attractive?

>> No.6372045

Whoa calm down. No need to be defensive. She's cute but I just wouldn't call her beautiful, that's all. To each his own.

>> No.6372047

Oh. Now I get it.

>> No.6372050

So she's not making you you're the one on the offensive here bra.

>> No.6372054

She sure a hell is as ugly as penis. Like I said in the other thread. She looks like a gnome from D&D.

>> No.6372056

Gotta agree with >>6372050 here, you really did invite that kind of response.

>> No.6372061

It's funny because she thinks she's kawaii.

>> No.6372063

It was just an opinion that disagreed with yours. Calling her a 9/10 was your invitation for someone to disagree. That number is a bit lofty. She's cute like I said but I'd rate her around 7-8/10. If that rustles your jimmies I'm sorry. I see prettier girls at my uni campus everyday.

>> No.6372069

Nope, I'm sticking with 9, it sounds a bit silly but her face is just flawless, I literally cannot see anything 'wrong' or unattractive about it. You don't get that often.

>> No.6372070

It's your jimmies that have been rustled friend or you wouldn't be contesting this so much. Does it upset you when girls on the internet are prettier than you? This syndrome seems to run strong in /cgl/ or among people with vendettas.

>> No.6372074

imo if she got /fit/ she'd be a 10/10

>> No.6372080

As a connoisseur of kawaii I will have to politely disagree.

>> No.6372081

I'm a guy. Nice try though.
Maybe you don't where you live. I live in the midwestern US. To me her features are very plain. She has nice skin but she's still too much of the girl next door type for me to consider her beautiful.

>> No.6372084

Ok then that's your opinion and if you weren't mad you wouldn't be asserting it so much but that's beside the point.
Post more please.

>> No.6372085

If she got /fit/ her facial aesthetics would still be on the average side of pretty. She'd definitely be more bangable with a nice body though.

>> No.6372088

I'm not even related to this convo, but you seem really new or stupid or trolling or something.

What's with the white knight brigade today?

>> No.6372089

I'm just killing some time arguing on the internet about some chick I've never met. You're the ones who actually seem to be legit emotionally invested in what I'm saying. Shiggity. :)

>> No.6372090

Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

And it's wrong. See? I'm using Annie's logic!

>> No.6372091

Can we not just keep it on topic, post some bloody seifukus or go and bitch somewhere else been lurking here for 3 years so don't pull this newfag bullshit because someone doesn't agree with you,

>> No.6372092

>I do remember her getting men to cut her up
lol, stupid bitch

>> No.6372093

I'm not even the same person, I said I wasn't even in the convo, plus, if you and Eva hadn't said anything to him then no one would have said anything which makes it your fault. This is how shit gets derailed, he could be a troll for all you know or he could just be giving his opinion. Don't be so quick to try to stop peoples' opinions.

>> No.6372094
File: 136 KB, 359x750, guro1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6372096

What is this cosplay from?
inb4 it's really easy to find out and I'm retarded.

>> No.6372097

See, to me it's her Eastern European features that make her more beautiful than cute or pretty.

lia if you read this I'm sorry for being the awkward gay friend who sits around and talks about your face, lolz

>> No.6372103

Different anon here than the one you were arguing with earlier but he did bring up a good point. He's from the USA and technically studies have shown that there are more attractive people in greater quantity living there than there are in the UK. That would explain why she'd be considered more average looking to an American guy.

>> No.6372110

There are also different standards of beauty at play regionally. Look at Hollywood. Eastern European aesthetics aren't considered as beautiful as more exotic and projecting angular facial features. Asians would love Ophelia's look but in the mainstream western media she'd be looked at as "too plain" or "average" looking.

>> No.6372219


One of Junji Ito's short stories.

>> No.6372232

Holy shit, is that from Blood Bubble Bushes? Was thinking of cosplaying from that one someday, so excited to see this.

>> No.6372240
File: 68 KB, 498x750, tomie1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping the Tomie pics i have + other Junji Ito cosplays.

>> No.6372241
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>> No.6372244
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>> No.6372245
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>> No.6372246
File: 238 KB, 400x600, blood_bubble_bushes_cosplay__renfield__s_syndrome01_by_ero_de-d5g6vxh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6372247
File: 12 KB, 500x376, COSPLAY Flesh-Coloured Horror by Junji Ito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6372272

She's beautiful I think she could do what Kooters doing in Asia she has that Eurasian look that America's don't really get.

>> No.6372279

I agree with this she's more beautiful than hot and it's something some people don't get.

>> No.6372401

it's how she regenerates and makes more tomies its like reproduction for her

>> No.6372465

ophelia pls go

>> No.6372530

>implying you weren't/aren't samefagging/defending yourself ITT
OP should've known better than to post a photo of Ophelia on /cgl/.
Also, Ophelia is pretty but I don't get the hype. There are tons o' pretty girls in the world.

>> No.6372549

Eek, what's wrong with posting Ophelia on /cgl? I thought she always posts here?

>> No.6372552

Don't worry it's just a vendetta-chan ignore it and post relevant stuff.

>> No.6372555

Getting real sick of everyone in every thread calling samefag not just about Ophelia or Annie it's like the cries of samefag are infectious.

>> No.6372560

annie/lia/anon pls go

>> No.6372579

This board REALLY needs IDs.

>> No.6372586

The thread always devolves into people gossiping about Ophelia and her past, and then bringing up Annie and general past dramu. Not a pretty sight.

No. She's pretty and doesn't seem bitchy or two-faced like all the other "kawaii seagull girls". I like her. I just don't understand why she's a goddess.

>> No.6372590


It'd be kind of wasted on me though, my IP is dynamic and constantly changing.

>> No.6372604

incredibly off topic, but what diet pills did she buy?

>> No.6372609

Sure, we can have IDs as long as we get to dump tripfags.

>> No.6372615


/cgl/ would be a very, very dull place with it's trips and namefags. I think you're forgetting that a large part of the culture of this board does come from identity and drama.

>> No.6372622

Meet some people from CGL at MCM.
Think hey I'll go on CGL.
See picture of one of the people I met.
She seemed really nice. Everyone seems to be means.
Remember why I don't go on CGL. Raging faggotry. Everywhere.
See picture of the guy with beard. Happy again.

>> No.6372657

It comes from drama not tripfags since most of them are shitposters. If you want a username so badly just join a regular forum.

>> No.6372719

I remember you from MCM, you're responsible for getting me into all this CGL drama (just lurking to get my fix)
BTW tell Rob that beautiful harp has a whole plethora of sequels and that I saw three children dressed as deadpool for halloween

>> No.6372731

This is what happens with girls on /cgl/ if they're liked some other of the girls get jealous but in reality I don't think people really hate each other and would be sad to see any of the name fags really go.

>> No.6372745

Annie pls go

>> No.6372750

/cgl/ is drama time all the time! I am literally googling for more of this harp goodness as we speak. So glad deadpool is popular among the youth of today, I was concerned the animes had completely taken over!

Oh don't ever expect any topic to not involve some kind of drama, any topic posted on here is likely to turn into drama, hell you could make a thread about toothbrushes and it somehow would.

And Eva, now I get a free pass good for one awkward moment.

>> No.6372756


>> No.6372782

Dude what are we doing. After I just madded at the autism brigade.



I prefer the marble ripcord to harp.

>> No.6372808

In case you're wondering the ripcord one is called unchain my heart 3, so there has to be 2 prequels! Good news for everybody.

>> No.6372826


I'm going to be honest. I don't ever want to see that again.

Are you going to the Hyper-J?

>> No.6372854

Yep, I'll be cosplaying Asuka with a male Rei (Rob) and a Mari. You should hang out with us if you see us or drop me a line on tumblr with some way of contacting you.

>> No.6372862


I'm going to have to recycle an old costume as I have precisely no money. ( Simon from TTGL ). And I have been on tumblr a grand total of once in my life. I did not enjoy the experience. How do I use it? And god I can't wait to see this Rei...

>> No.6372883


I would actually prefer posting Anonymous but with my reputation it's impossible. I always get some retard going "HURGHH SPOONY, WE KNO IT'S U, STAHP SAMEFAGGIN" or some bollocks. It's just easier this way. I do agree we should have ID's though.

>> No.6372880

no it doesn't.

>> No.6372881

I know the money feels, send me your facebook or whatever you use here: http://ophelia-ailehpo.tumblr.com/ask

This Rei is hopefully going to be as fabulous as the Cirno, as far as I know he's making it all by hand so there should be some progress photos posted here.

>> No.6372885

Ophelia pls be my waifu.

>> No.6372887

>If you want a username so badly just join a regular forum.

>> No.6372894

We do need ID's but then again it's your fault that you used a trip in the first place.

>> No.6372900

Fabulous Male Rei
Female Rei
Two Asukas
And a Mari.
We're gunna be awesome.

>> No.6372903

So excited! I didn't even think I'd go to HJ and now all of a sudden we have an awesome group, this has gone a lot better than expected.

>> No.6372917


Tru dat, but in my defence I was only 15 when I first came to 4chan :p

>> No.6372924

Does she smell like strawberry?

>> No.6373156

which animu is this?

>> No.6373200

You're too young to know, little anon.

>> No.6373203

Elfen lied

>> No.6373232
File: 210 KB, 400x569, tumblr_mctvr7tSs11r40s14o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell if the woman is really really big or if Ophelia is tiny.

>> No.6373405

Is Ophelia your real name?

>> No.6373453

It's not my real name.

>> No.6373455

>wig is too long and needs to be a little wavier
>no headband
>no mole

I don't really care, though, I'm just happy to see someone pretty cosplaying Tomie.

>> No.6373463

Mole's there just can't see it in some photos and Tomie doesn't consistently wear the headband but you are right about the wig, small complaints since she isn't a fatty or anything.

>> No.6373866

What is your real name? Just curious.

>> No.6373881

Oh, nonononono please no
The sleep paralysis will be worse now that I've seen this ;__;

>> No.6374927

I think it's Leah if I recall properly.
How's the Asuka going and when are you doing more Tomie?

>> No.6375151


>> No.6375338

Apparently she really doesn't like those diet pills.

>> No.6375354

tfw I find this thread.

Holy shit cgl, I leave for one day

>> No.6375356

Don't you think it's weird that you're posting in a thread about Ophelia with your trip on in a demeaning way?

>> No.6375364


The thread was posted 3 days ago you idiot.

>> No.6375369

Annie you bring everything upon yourself you can't help but post when Ophelia's mentioned or anyone has anything nice to say it's fucking embarrassing sage because off topic I'm not mad I just honestly worry that you're not right in the head.

>> No.6375371

She has got a point though.

>> No.6375388
File: 996 KB, 400x225, tumblr_mcob27jYQV1rdutw3o1_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I wasn't mentioned in the thread

I just thought I'd make a sidenote that I'm not a part of this and I've spent the last couple of days -but today away from cgl.

>I worry you're not right in the head.
Concern troll, concern troll everywhere.

If you actually want to know what happened, just ask me, it's a lot more boring than the drama is.

I just don't care, I'm so done with this, I'm going to go make a start on my school work. ciao

>> No.6375398


>> No.6375400

But you lie. You are a fucking liar. Screenshots have proved you lie.

>> No.6375418


I would like to know what happened.
I'm not interested in the whole drama-side of it, but I've seen people talking about this for about a year now but nobody can ever give a straight answer.

So what's the WHOLE story then?

>> No.6375423

She could tell you her version of the whole story but if you ask her you'll never get it she's a compulsive liar she'll lie for fun whenever she can.

>> No.6375469
File: 158 KB, 400x562, tumblr_mcvd9sNQaK1r40s14o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this take on cult party make up or I think it is she tagged it as cult party and it looks it so.

>> No.6375501

Ophelia actually had a face that could model. It is gggorrrrgeeeeeous.

:( Boo.

>> No.6375583

So she did go to the /cgl/ meet?

>> No.6375602

She's alright but I wouldn't describe her face as gorgeous. Cute is a better word for it.

>> No.6375619

different strokes imo she has a model like face she's got different but striking features it is interesting to see how different people view her aesthetic it seems to be a cultural thing

>> No.6375686

Her real name is Laura.

>> No.6375704

Hello Ophelia.

>> No.6375705

Her facial features ALONE, without makeup, hair, styling, etc. are actually perfect for modelling.

They call it the basic face template, which can act as a canvas for makeup and styling.

Her nose is perfect, her lips are perfect, her eye shape is perfect, her jaw is nice. Everything else (brows, makeup, skin) can be filled in.

Not saying this makes her the most attractive person ever, but it makes her have the perfect face for modelling. Nothing wrong with the basic template. :)

>> No.6375711
File: 128 KB, 500x379, tumblr_mbdpy3H0js1r40s14o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to attach image

>> No.6375717

You're either Ophelia, or a VERY creepy anon.

Either way, you need to stop posting.

>> No.6375724

Huh? Why am I creepy? I'm just commenting that her face has the perfect pallet for modelling. Someone said they just found her cute, and I was saying that that's totally fine and having the perfect face for modelling doesn't mean you need to be more than "cute."

Chill dude.

>> No.6375730

It's not illegal to compliment someone you need to calm down a bit not that anon.

>> No.6375733

perfect example of /cgl/ jelly uggo syndrome

>> No.6375735

Are you a model agent? How do you know she has a perfect face for modelling? If she did, surely thats what she would be doing right now, as opposed to self posting on /cgl/ and taking shitty webcam pictures of herself that get max 10 notes lol. Bye, Ophelia.

>> No.6375736

You said perfect 5 times. 6 now, counting this post.
Only creepers sit around calling someone perfect like Gollum calls his ring precious.

(I get your point anon, I just find your execution creepy.)

>> No.6375744


another symptom is calling out people as a samefag

>> No.6375747

You need more than just a good facial template to model. You need personality, motivation, drive, height, and body. Are you a retard to think only a face template gets you in?

I think you're a bit too creepily obsessed with word choice. I needed to use perfect individually for each characteristic, because she doesn't have a perfect face, only the perfect individual components in relation to modelling. And by perfect, I don't mean flawless, just perfect for modelling (they prefer bland features.)

Wow some of you here are little chihuahuas ready to attack people.

>> No.6375763

Some people are just chronically mad.

>> No.6375780
File: 11 KB, 250x213, 250px-Operation_Upshot-Knothole_-_Badger_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They remind me of drill sergeants doing inspections.

"Okay... room looks good... clothes look good... everything looks passable... WAIT. WHAT IS THAT? *Magnifying glass* IS THAT A BACTERIA ON THE LEAF OF THAT PLANT? FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIILLLLLL"

>> No.6375786

I think these girls just go obsessively looking for something wrong with people prettier than them so they can justify being mad. Maybe they don't want to admit they're jealous.

I think if ever faced with a truly perfect being, they would fucking explode.

>> No.6375798

I think these kinds of people make beautiful people ugly in their minds as a way of coping with not being as attractive as them that or they have personal vendettas or issues with said person.

>> No.6375849

That's not creepy if you think about what they were trying to put across.
How else can you word that?

>> No.6375856

...Very enthusiastic about her appearance?

I don't know, I tried. It still freaks me out, sorry.

>> No.6375862

Dear /cgl/

Please be in London

Love Anon

>> No.6375868

She lives in London.

>> No.6375873
File: 27 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit

>> No.6375875

She goes to goldsmiths university as far as I know forgot to add that.

>> No.6375890

/cfgl/ only knows bitter gossip and jealousy

>> No.6375884 [DELETED] 

I was only being funny, didn't expect /cgl/ to understand.

>> No.6375896
File: 14 KB, 536x501, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deleted post cuz fucked spoiler.

>> No.6375907

Every bitter post about Ophelia is Annie. Don't even bother reading her posts denying it, everything she says is bullshit and she is seriously batshit insane.
She'll probably respond calling me Ophelia.

>> No.6375908

Ophelia gtfo

>> No.6375939

Maybe you shouldn't socialize with people.

>> No.6375942

well at least I can have childrenssss lolololol!11111
frikin ophila

>> No.6375975

who the fuck would want annie to reproduce?

>> No.6376023

My word /cgl/, I've not been here long but I can tell you're all lacking in co-operation and being appreciative of others looks/accomplishments. Why can't you be more like /fit/ or something?

>> No.6376178

Because a lot of girls get jelly when another girl is pretty instead of using it as motivation to better themselves.

>> No.6376196

Women confuse me.
I know a girl who outright refuses to introduce me or anyone else to her friends for no good reason because she wants to be the only single girl out of everyone.

>> No.6376215

That sounds outright crazy.

>> No.6376264

The only crazy thing about it is that she admitted it. We all do shit like that to feel special about ourselves, but most of us wouldn't tell you *why* we do it.

>> No.6376294

Yeah, everybody is jealous of Ophelia blah blah blah. How about she just isnt to my taste and i don't find her jaw droppingly gorgeous? Or is that concept too complex for you (samefags) to comprehend? Inb4 lol annie. Whatever.

>> No.6376303

If you read the thread you'd see plenty of people talking about taste.

>> No.6376525

Oh no she didn't admit it. You can just tell. She just says "nooo! They suck! I don't count them as good friends!"
Trust me.

>> No.6376544
File: 130 KB, 538x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ophelia come to /fit/ we'll treat you right ;)

>> No.6376551

Hey, please stop. Annie is really quite lovely when you give her a chance, and I mean really give her a chance, open up to her like I did. She's done some seriously shitty things but hey, so have I, maybe you have too.

That is really beautiful. Lia, you just look so lovely all the time, I'd like to draw you some time maybe.

>> No.6376722

lol ok

Come back when she has photos of herself that aren't horrendous quality and or shooped to hell and back.

>> No.6376814

I'm sure the girl is a nice person and everything but it is a little more than boring to only talk about her. Can we post more bloody seifukus please? There has been little to no discussion on the actual topic D:

>> No.6377543
File: 115 KB, 772x1034, HAHAHA_DIE_by_sasorinodannaun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6377550
File: 567 KB, 600x900, HOTD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6377551
File: 252 KB, 605x900, Sushi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6377560


...I knew this shit was going to happen eventually.

>> No.6377925

her face is oddly derpy

>> No.6377942

she didn't post that herself are you new to 4chan?

eva said she looks exactly the same irl take your hurt elsewhere

sage for off topic.