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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 354 KB, 685x960, 530778_10151153316481144_243764152_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6372324 No.6372324[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

missed the facebook post bemoaning the costume contest loss.
did any seagulls win their halloween contest against mere mortals?

>> No.6372363
File: 23 KB, 497x236, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don'y have the comments, but I have her post.

>> No.6372372

It's because you are FAT, Sarah.

>> No.6372399
File: 94 KB, 620x788, ptshappyhalloween.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post plus comments.

>> No.6372408

i'm glad she's done supporting the GLBT movement because a gay club (that probably thought she was a man) didn't think her completely non-sexy, store-bought disney costume was sexy.

>> No.6372418

I really wonder what she considers 'sexy dancing'

>> No.6372422

Sooo...she wasn't wearing her skimpy devil girl outfit from '10, or the bunny girl outfit from '11, but a Snow White dress with full coverage and she expected to win "sexiest costume?"

>> No.6372427


>> No.6372454

I read $2 balloon as $2 billion first time reading, I was about to ask what on earth that was about.

>> No.6372472


If I'm having trouble sleeping at night, I imagine PT, surrounded by falling dollar bills and wearing a devil mini-dress, huffing and puffing while desperately clutching at the bills as they fall to the floor around her...

>> No.6372481 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 300x346, uchikake_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the hell she is wearing her uchikake?!
Uchikake should be worn like this.

>> No.6372491
File: 118 KB, 300x346, uchikake_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the hell she is wearing her uchikake?!
Uchikake should be worn like this.

>> No.6372502

She thinks it's a kimono...

>> No.6372548
File: 108 KB, 700x700, time to have nightmares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6372611

Uh, aren't they a type kimono?

>> No.6372620

This might actually get her to Japan, on one of those crazy game shows

>> No.6372630


We need a new PT strategy. Encourage this behavior, make a viral video - she can be the new Kota idoru.

>> No.6372651

No, it's a fancy sort of jacket that used to be only for rich people but it's for weddings now. You wear it over the obi not under it, it's meant to be worn long, plus the bottom is usually thicker.

>> No.6372761

I actually quite like the devil one on her. Wasn't there a photo recently of her wearing it? She didn't look too bad (and by too bad, I mean relatively, not absolutely)

>> No.6372767


>> No.6372950
File: 99 KB, 675x900, haveaheart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sarah @pixyteri About to get ready for work. And note: I do not accept drama/continued arguments on my twitter, ok?

>Sarah @pixyteri I feel sick to my stomach and not from sickness...from people. :(

>Sarah @pixyteri I kept having dreams about him...and his girlfriend..and his friends last night.

>Sarah @pixyteri Made a new decision: I'm never entering any contests again in my life.

>> No.6372955

Does she bite her nails?

>> No.6372959


Does that packaging say.... "cheating heart"?

Isn't it BEATING heart? I'm confused.

>> No.6372960

She reminds me of that guy from Whitest Kids You Know. The tubby one with the baby face.

>> No.6372964

The facebook caption for that picture
>I ask you to simply have a heart. I found this at the Dollar Store and thought it was hella funny for Helloween. (XD) ..He ate my heart..stole my heart..whatever. On the box it says "cheating heart" lol!
>I edited this pic. Too much pimples and little wrinkles. Meh. Fixed the hair a bit too cuz my bangs were everywhere ugh.

>> No.6372966

fuck, this is a huge breakthrough in the world of PT-

>Sarah @pixyteri I think I've become a bit of a bitter bitch lately. Well, I'd rather be a bitch than a pushover. But still..;;..

>> No.6372970

This must be the practical joke/prank thing she mentioned before.

Imagine her throwing it at James when he's with his girlfriend as if hoping it will magically make James love her and that his evil girlfriend will cry and melt with her own tears

>> No.6372976

what's her most recent reasoning for her excuses?

there's always the money complaint (not really uncommon for a lot of people), despite having no real responsibilities or expenditures. this one tends to go hand-in-hand with the "i have no time to do anything b/c of my hobbies" excuse.

then, the family trust? does she think that most other 27 year old employed women have to ask their parents permission to do things and are 100% dependent on them for their livelihood?

i'm sure the response to any sort of gentle prodding would be "omgg blocked".

>> No.6372980
File: 155 KB, 460x513, Untitled-1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot picture.

>> No.6372982


ok - she looks about 40 in this. i am unsure why girls think this kind of makeup/photoshopping is helping them.

>> No.6372987
File: 60 KB, 500x563, areyoufuckingkiddingme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PT fucking pisses me off.

>> No.6372988

I think she's just scared that the other girl would look better than her so she's making excuses

>> No.6372994

do we know who won? What type of costume?

Was it one of the drag queens? lol

>> No.6372997

With the way she repeatedly mentions them, I would assume so.

>> No.6373000

I'm assuming the drag queen(s) would have won out the funny category. I'd love it if the winner of the sexy category was a skinny, buxom redhead and that's why PT is so pissed.

>> No.6372999

> the gays didn't give me the win in the costume contest, I hate them all!
Oh, PT...

>> No.6373003

That was the funniest part to me, honestly. I don't even really dislike Sarah, but c'mon, that's just silly.

>> No.6373018

does anyone remember james' last name? looking for his facebook, but they aren't friends anymore.

>> No.6373027

I tried looking for him too, but alas, I cannae remember his last name either

>> No.6373028

home depot, on the other hand...

>> No.6373031
File: 29 KB, 474x72, Untitled-1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6373044

I want her to explain why working at a pizza place is so bad that it's a deal breaker. Is it because James works at one?

>> No.6373046

the kid is like 19-20 years old for fucks sake.

>> No.6373050

Never mind, found him
last name is Barnette. Username is james.barnette.16

>> No.6373055

It's because she's grasping for straws as to why James is not right for her. She's conveniently forgetting that he's like, 3/4 her age.

>> No.6373074


why is his profile photo an ultrasound...

>> No.6373084

Buggered if I know. But I'm pretty sure that's him, I'm fairly certain his last name started with a B and he graduated in the same year as PT's James.

>> No.6373089

Imagine how deliciously butthurt PT would be if James got his gf pregnant.

>> No.6373092
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>> No.6373110
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mcgzq1QvgP1rbd3ipo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell this bitch why she dislikes GLBT people now just because she didnt win a contest and does she really think that is fair?
Also when she says she is bisexual herself in the past.
Of course drag queens put more effort into costumes than you do, i bet they worked for weeks on it and made it themselfs, whatever it was.
PT "oh i'm going to win this contest all the girls are really guys, so i make a better girl of course i will win! This night is goin be awesome!"

>> No.6373113

Doesn't anyone else have the right to free speech?
Guess not.

>> No.6373115


>> No.6373117

Why is anyone even surprised?

>> No.6373122

I'm not. I'm surprised people are.

>> No.6373125

tfw your only security in winning a contest is being biologically female.

>> No.6373131

im confus
why should she win a costume contest with a costume she bought in a store?

>> No.6373132

Anyone that "stands in the way" of something she wants becomes her new hatred. She hates redheads because she got dumped for one, she hates big breasts because of her ugly drooping pancakes, she hates skinny girls because it's a popular body type in Japan, etc. Now she hates the gays because they wouldn't give her a trophy for shaking her (completely covered) butt for a few minutes.

As for the bisexual thing, PT only ever mentions that when she's just been dumped or refused. It's a desperation ploy for her. When guys aren't attracted to her she turns around and goes all "Well I hate all men and I'm not attracted to any of you either!!" She probably assumes lesbians are just straight girls that've been refused as well, and are all so pussy hungry that they'll jump at the chance to get at her greasy flaps.

>> No.6373137


lol @ PT and her cis privilege.

>> No.6373139


This is ironic as hell, considering she knew my girlfriend was a full blown lesbian and she still befriended her. That kind of ended when my gf randomly saw me in a pt thread, not knowing they existed. She then ran to pt claiming that people were doing something terrible, and pt freaked out. She thought my gf was just a very long lived troll who pretended to be friends just to mock her, and never talked to her again.

>> No.6373141

>greasy flaps

but seriously, you made a great point. She does seem to run on the logic that women only turn to other women when they fail with men. I don't get her and I don't understand why I find her so fascinating.

>> No.6373147

I love PT logic.

>> No.6373199


Why is there a sonogram picture of a baby as his profile pic??

>> No.6373217


i don't think that's him. doesn't look like him, and there are photos of him and the girl he's with since may. also - there's a james barnette from victoria on myspace and it says he's 26.
i remember her james' profile being full of anime vomit.

>> No.6373274

I'm pretty sure we established that James is 20. His birthday was around the 9th of September. I think I used to be able to see more of his details because he had his privacy set to friends of friends, and I'm friends with PT.

>> No.6373285

The second result I can see for James Barnette has a picture of Naruto cradling Hinata as his default picture, but that's literally all I can see as he has it friendslocked to the max.

>> No.6373336

From her twitter
>I'm really really tired of people bringing up old videos or old photos from the old Pixyteri. I've changed.

No, you haven't changed.

>> No.6373358

I think she has changed.
But not very much and it's FOR THE WOREST not for the better.

>> No.6373543
File: 484 KB, 450x319, crai maor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw PT b'awwws about not getting her ass licked yet again

>> No.6373594

So much about this pisses me off. She's jealous because men in drag at a GLBT Halloween party got more applause than her, a girl that treats going bisexual like a last resort when she can't get dick. She danced sexy the whole night like it was some sort achievement and probably would be bitching about how no one was interested her if she hadn't lost the costume contest. Because of all this she now is pissed off at the GLBT community as a whole because she didn't win best costume.

Sarah, just shut up. Why were you even there in the first place? Did you just see they were having a costume contest and assumed you'd win?

>> No.6373671

i kind of want to see pt's 'sexy dance even though i will throw up in my mouth a little. is it anything like her youtube videos?

>> No.6373680

I hate to be that guy, but anyone mid telling me who James is?

>> No.6373704
File: 10 KB, 460x502, 557793_289036037880972_11331979_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No an attractive redheaded girl is commenting on PT's shit... wonder how this'll pan out.

>> No.6373707

I sort of miss old Pixyteri...you know the one where she posted the cosplay sets and we'd jump on the one that was her 'pooping pose'. And the only people who complimented her were chubby chasers.

>> No.6373718

James was her fuck buddy after she was dumped by Kris for some red headed stripper. James is 19 or 20, and PT latched on to him because she's desperate. I'm guessing her cray cray scared him off so now she's bemoaning her loss. I dunno if he's gotten a new girlfriend or not, but supposedly he started being friends with PT while he was dating somebody else. I can't verify if he cheated on the poor girl with PT, but it's possible.

>> No.6373731

Ah ok thanks! Jeez the way she goes on about him and his girlfriend makes it seems like they are evil onis who ruined her life and ate all of her mochi.

>> No.6373760
File: 672 KB, 500x500, 1341284511423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you make a good point but all I can see is the fact she couldn't bite the damn apple.

>> No.6373768

It had a bite in some other pictures.

>> No.6373794

I bet she didn't eat the full thing

>> No.6373808
File: 20 KB, 640x352, vlcsnap-4469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay hetalia


>> No.6373815
File: 567 KB, 660x1877, 1297706665309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, that would be a horrid insult to be cheated on with PT
That's like someone saying they would rather fuck a sewage pipe occupied by homeless people than you

>> No.6373821
File: 178 KB, 262x148, GOAWAY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking. This. The fandom is already infamous.

>> No.6373825
File: 16 KB, 456x346, 01-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came in second place in the one I entered. I wore my L4D Witch cosplay.

>> No.6373835

but james fucked pt while he was dating another girl or was inbetween girlfriends?

>> No.6373843

While dating another girl.

>> No.6373860

It should be bitten in that picture because she is pretending to have been posioned it seems....oh no i got posioned from holding the apple the posion went threw my skin.

>> No.6373878

Of course they are! I mean that horrible cunt (she's probably one of slutty redheads!) stole her kawaii koibito and now she is all lonely! And how dare James-chan not see how kawaii, sexy, talented, and pretty PT is!

But her oniichan (who sent her hentai doujin) might visit her in November! I can't wait for her to tweet about her sexy times and then her cray cray love love beamu for him.

>> No.6373893

>cray cray love love beamu
I lost it, anon.

>> No.6373906

It's a shame she won't come to Sakura-Con with me, I'd like to show her a genuinely good time. I'd pay for flights, no problem. She'd just need to pay for her ticket and costume (as well as anything she'd like to buy). Although I'd probably buy her dinner or something

>> No.6373931

She won't go because you'd upstage her and probably get more attention. I'm sure she actually wants to go, but her petty jealousy, insecurities, and paranoia would pretty much make her be a super cunt to any and all women there. PT would be just one huge sack of misery, bitching, and catty comments with a smidge of trying to be sexy while fat.

>> No.6373936

But it was very nice of you to offer it, Sol. She didn't even seem all the grateful about it.

>> No.6373938

You have a pretty sad life if you want to hang out with this retard women child.
98% of this thread is mocking her and don't say that you'd be trolling or just to see what it's like who pays 300-500 dollars for trollin?

>> No.6373972


Your offer was too kind and too generous for her.
Use the money to buy yourself something pretty, you deserve it.

>> No.6373999

(also guise it's like $30 for me to fly anywhere in the state)

>> No.6373995

I would be willing to let her dress me etc. I would purposely dress down. I would just like to see her happy? I don't know, she seems at home at conventions, it's a different state, new faces and people. Thought it might be a good thing for her, then again no one knows what is good for her. I offered and she declined, if she brings it up again, I would still say the offer is open

>> No.6374008

Do you think we could get PT to party with us at ALA?

>> No.6374012


I want to fly out and chill with you for a week.Oh the fun we would we have, it would be magical.

>> No.6374016


Sakura Con is the biggest Convention of my year. I take a road trip southward over the border every year for it.

I would lose my shit if I saw PT there. I don't think I'd be able to go up and ask for a photo in person without cracking up and laughing in her face. She's so easy to pick out in a crowd though....just look for the dumpy fat woman who's face is 60% chin.

I'd probably just take photos on my phone from the opposite end of the hallway.

>> No.6374018

look at the bad shop in that photo.
Dear cgl who is doing her shoops, you need to teach her. kthanks

>> No.6374021

Ugh dem eyebrows

>> No.6374023

We would love to have you

>> No.6374041

I think she looks pretty here and better than she has in a while. People probably disagree.

>> No.6374049

No I agree, it's a sloppy shoop but that angle does wonders for her and she doesn't have her brown eye fetish going on

>> No.6374058

someone would have to fly PT out though. there's no way she could save up the money for a plane ticket from Texas to Washington. Same for the hotel.

>> No.6374061

Eh, I could go either way. The fact she seems to have actually put some effort into her appearance and didn't try to sexy up Snow White, I will applaud her for that. I do however wish she had extended to white make up to the exposed parts of her body or not done the white at all. You can tell the skin tone difference on her face and neck.

She was offered. Only thing PT would have had to pay for was her con ticket and other shit she wanted.

>> No.6374062

That was what I was offering. I can fly so cheap and have others fly cheap with me, she'd need $60 something round trip to fly back with me. She would need to pay for a hotel if she wished to stay in one and pay for her actual ticket and cosplay

>> No.6374070

hotel would be the killer in that deal then. unless you could convince her to stay in a motel or room share

>> No.6374083

Heck, she could stay at my house which I also offered her. I have multiple guest rooms

>> No.6374088

dayamn fire up the twitters

>> No.6374107

Lol. I could just she her nasty, catty tweets on everything you do. Cook, dress, shower regularly, etc. Everytime you're even in the same room as your husband she'll tweet some bitchy whiny bullshit. Fuck she'd probably try to get his dick then rage because she'd fail.

Dear God. Sol. FUND IT!

>> No.6374119

I can fund it. She just doesn't want to accept. If my relationship with my Husband made her feel uncomfortable he would happily go away for a guys night with a couple of people or break away with our other friends at the convention

>> No.6374121


I would LOVE to see the results of PT living with Soliloquy, but I think as >>6374107 said, in the end it'd just be her taking advantage of you to the full extent and then chucking you the same way she did with Miyu. Poor Miyu, I feel so bad about the way PT repaid her.

>> No.6374132

for maximum fun if anyone manages to convince her to visit you should show up with a red wig on. better yet, you're a redhead and you showed her photos of you with some other color hair and a fat suit/when you were heavier.

>> No.6374143

I don't know Miyu's intention with her friendship with PT but she at least tried to get PT to look nice. I'm not trying to put you in an awkward position but how did PT repay her? Please don't tell me she went behind her back and made nasty comments and talked shit so she'd feel better about herself.

>> No.6374195

What manga is this?

>> No.6374259

I want to have a Soliloquy/Spoons party.

>> No.6374269

Get to know me and we can :>

>> No.6374272

shit would be so kawaii, bro.

>> No.6374283

I would also like to know this, if anyone knows what manga this is. Please?

>> No.6374338

I'm going for my first year this year and seeing PT there would be incredible. Is Sakura-con as amazing as it seems?

>> No.6374344

I did all of her Snow White photos edits.

she actually messaged me randomly on skype the other day when I was at work. I am assuming she probably wanted more stuff edited. I will have to ask her and find out.

>> No.6374360
File: 232 KB, 250x141, tumblr_m6yb8qP78v1r2eequo5_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, she has Uchikake photos she needs edited.

>> No.6374364

This would be my first time too but I know so many people who go. It always seems to be the biggest thing going on here during that time. I always see plenty of threads on here too. I'm assuming it's fun

>> No.6374366

Yeah same, I'm staying with a good friend from Canada who I've known for several years but have never gotten to meet in person. Maybe we can arrange some kind of seagull meetup madness!

>> No.6374367

Is she ever grateful to you for doing this? She comes off as somebody who thinks she deserves everything and you should be glad to do it for her. I see her as demanding you edit things and not saying, 'please,' or 'thank you.'

>> No.6374371

I always see a mass amount of seagull meetup threads about it, closer to the time

>> No.6374384

Yeah I saw them when this year's Sakura-con came around. Hopefully PT decides to go.

>> No.6374387

If motoko offered this service voluntarily, I think PT would take that as license to demand whatever she wants and then block/"I don't need your pity or help anyway!!" if motoko refused or tried to convince her otherwise.

>> No.6374390

The manga is called NONONONONO
http://www mangareader net/1464/nononono.html

>> No.6374396

she has actually been incredibly nice to me, and is quite chatty....and....normal? I am currently talking to her on skype about exercise, weight, etc.

>> No.6374404

oh no, I offered to help her out. I like retouching photos.

>> No.6374410

Really? I'm amazed.

I hope she doesn't get pissy with you about those subjects. She takes such offense. I have to wonder though what caused her to bring them up, since she seems so against losing weight because she's sexy and curvy.

>> No.6374408

Thank you!!
also politesage because this isn't really PT-related

>> No.6374409

So she hasn't threatened to block you or shouted at you about her precious Nippon heritiji? From other caps it would seem she does that quite often, but maybe she's cooled her jets now.

>> No.6374421

It could be she's not doing it because she's getting something out of it. PT comes off as somebody who will be willing to let shit slide as long as she's benefiting from the person in some way. Once she's not, or not benefiting like she wants, she'll probably block motoko over something small.

>> No.6374425

Anytime, Anon. Anytime.

>> No.6374454

What's her Skype name? She added me before, but I think it was just someone messing with people who were talking to her on FB, posing as her. I added it anyway because I thought it might be her but my request is still pending. Hm.

>> No.6374760

bumping for info, I have a similar situation, but msn, not skype

>> No.6374968
File: 281 KB, 547x465, kimonodresscomboblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uchikake is way more shiny.

She's wearing a wedding reception furisode...for the bride. Lately secondhand kimono shops have been getting rid of those hideous furisode for cheap which is why a lot of foreigners have been buying it.

I wish shops that shipped overseas shipped the convertible kimono. I've worn a yukata version and it just makes my life easier. I'd honestly dish out money for that.

>> No.6374975

She's the one who said it was an uchikake. I'm pretty sure she has no idea what she's talking about as per the usual.

>> No.6375082


I seriously doubt that's what the majority of conversations are with her... those are just what get posted because they are hilarious. I'm sure she's capable of semi-normal shooting the shit. Most people just try to goad her into a reaction and then act surprised when they get one.

>> No.6375107

Who turns down such a generous offer?

>> No.6375118
File: 15 KB, 288x247, 1351135888216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any normal person who knows better to stay with strangers from the internet who offer to pay full ride for something unprovoked...

That's not something I would even do if my family offered all that stuff. Can't get something for nothing!

>> No.6375150

Oh you know what I didn't even think about that. But I assumed the two had known each other for a while.

>> No.6375289

But it also depends if she them in real life. If she doesn't...I wouldn't do it either

>> No.6375301

*knows them

>> No.6375834
File: 149 KB, 600x600, 618-1655-thickbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. It's so awkward for an unmarried woman to wear a wedding furisode. I'm thinking of getting the newer kinds (I'm 20, might as well). As long as it's not those ugly ones.

Kimono Lady's blog has an entry about the type of different furisode. A lot of people don't know there's a difference between some of them.

>> No.6375844

I imagine if she manages to find a guy to ask her to marry him(somehow I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon), she'll demand wearing a wedding kimono in it because it's part of her heritage.

>> No.6375850

Exactly. This is the equivalent of an unmarried woman posting bridal photos all over facebook, then going "nah I'm not married, what are you guys talking about? It's just a pretty dress!"

>> No.6375853

Weebs are so stupid. It's not super hard to learn this shit.

>> No.6375889
File: 68 KB, 374x605, Lee Lufkin Kaula (1865 – 1957) The Silk Kimono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Makes me really wonder why weebs in the european parts of the world don't say fuck it and wear them like they did during the 19th century.

I mean, harldy any of them take the time to research the subject to any degree anyway...

>> No.6375894

Research.. in the 19th century?
They didn't have internet. I can see that happening then.
But now, they have google. There is no excuse for this tomfuckery.

>> No.6375966

different anon here but it was possible. Anon likely means the orientalism that was popular and dictated a lot of Western fashion from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. It was possible to learn how--people were travelling the world then and could certainly read instructions on how to do it. Believe it or not you can do research in places other than the internet. Westerners simply preferred to wear it their own way.

>> No.6375996

What drama's she talking about?

>> No.6376016

She got a bit pissy about something and I would guess somebody called her on her shit somewhere (facebook) and then once blocked called out on it again on twitter.

>> No.6376024

Maybe this? >>6372987 Since she posted it not long after replying to me.

>They were talking about me behind my back, so I can do the same back!
Bitch, no they were not.

>> No.6376258

This thread was delicious.

>> No.6377523


>Sarah @pixyteri I have a new favorite movie I must buy it when it comes out!!! Wreck it Ralph!!

>Sarah @pixyteri I want to cosplay the Glitch-chan now and all the CGL bitches can be the other candy racers lol. Well maybe not the last part lol!

>> No.6377537

I would pay a billion yen to cosplay with glorious PT-sama desu~

>> No.6377556

Stop that oversaturated color bullshit, it hurts to look at, ESPECIALLY on the already exuberantly colored uchikake.

Soliloquy, are you a flight attendant or is someone in your family a pilot or something? I would give a kidney to be able to fly around the country at that price.

>> No.6377657

One time I met this guy online who said he was moving from Spain to the US. I told him if he paid for the plane ticket he could live with me (pretend age 14) and my seperated/divorced lesbian lover (32) and her 2 kids for free. I tried to make it sound as extravagant as possible so he wouldn't believe it. Naturally, I thought we were all joking about it until the guy actually came out to the US and sent proof pics. In front of actual landmarks/street corners in the city he came to and sent me them.
And that's why I'll never trust generous offers from strangers.

>> No.6377714

I admit, Wreck-itiRalph isn't out here yet, but is she referring to Vanellope?

>> No.6377732

come on even i pluck my eyebrows and im a guy. this is disgusting.

>> No.6377798

Vanellope is the "glitch" one I think.


>> No.6377883

Goddamn, that bitch is dog-mode. Fuck. Where do faggots -find- ugly like this?

>> No.6377994

word vomit much?

>> No.6378535

>CGL bitches
Boy, for being such bitches, she sure does go to cglchat to talk with said bitches more than she should

>> No.6378555
File: 249 KB, 400x225, tiger popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw there's a PT thread

>> No.6378888

we /fit/ now

>Sarah @pixyteri Ew a guy at the gym was making really loud almost sexual grunts

>Sarah @pixyteri Just got done at the gym. Did 1 mile and a little more combined with the treadmill and bike. Also did weights, crunches, pushups, etc...!

>Sarah @pixyteri Not the best but at least I went to the gym insteading of working out at home and on the trail!!

>> No.6378890

>1 mile

no wonder she's still fat.

>> No.6378892

She won't push herself enough to make a difference. I've always imagined PT is one of those women who will do the smallest weight possible and do 'lifting' until she feels a little tired, then stops. Her mile probably is just slow walking with man stops to 'catch her breath/rest/water break'.

>> No.6378893

>Ew a guy at the gym was making really loud almost sexual grunts
Mating call, of course.

>> No.6378899
File: 591 KB, 462x606, gayest of all gays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sarah @pixyteri Ew a guy at the gym was making really loud almost sexual grunts


Oh PT, you have no idea.

>> No.6378898
File: 93 KB, 829x434, 1294561187336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ew a guy at the gym was making really loud almost sexual grunts

>> No.6378904

Where is /fit/ when you need them...

>> No.6378905

>Ew a guy at the gym was making really loud almost sexual grunts
I don't know about the other guys, but I always get embarrassed when I have to make a noise while pushing myself at the gym. Like all my spaghetti.

>> No.6378971
File: 14 KB, 134x139, 1309148638226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shy/embarrassed fit guys

>> No.6378991

Its generally considered that grunters are show off losers who arent taking the sanctity of the gym serious but it happens to all of us sometimes. If you cant genuinely help it you are in the zone I guess

>> No.6378995
File: 25 KB, 171x158, 1349153013860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls /fit/
we need you right now

>> No.6379000
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>> No.6379023
File: 994 KB, 500x283, himekawa jimp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god there's a guy at my gym that's like that

>>mfw I learn that he's supposedly a great cook as well

>> No.6379122

yesss, my dream man

go get that!

>> No.6379125

I always assumed that grunts (little ones, not the YAAAAAARGH! bullshit) was caused by not knowing how to breathe while lifting/from holding your breath. Is this wrong?

>> No.6379135
File: 1.50 MB, 1305x731, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6379141

that looks like the fat little hand of a 5 year old

>> No.6379150
File: 126 KB, 213x232, 1348601841725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw midget fingers because i'm barely 5'
>tfw my hands look like a chubby kindergarteners' despite the fact that i weigh 98 lbs

>> No.6379151

at least you're not PT!

>> No.6379178

Why was I not expecting this from PT?

>> No.6379189

I'm awaiting the glorious gravure photos of this. I bet she does her famous poopin' pose.

Seriously, has PT never applied to CD or PV to do cosplay nudes? I figure she'd be all up on that.

>> No.6379213

Just another opportunity for PT to eat a lot of candy during one of her 'photo shoots'.

>> No.6379255



>> No.6379254

LOL considering that I do have the almost resemblance of Vallenope and am already almost done with my Vanellope cosplay I would like to add her on FB and invite her to my cosplay page so she could look at my Vanellope cosplay. LOL!

>> No.6379279

That sounds kind of pathetic to be honest.

>> No.6379348

What would you get out of it? A minute of laughter? Then what? It's incredibly petty, and it makes you sound like a shit person.
It is pathetic.

>> No.6379378

Ha. Right. I don't think much satisfaction can be won by out staging an overweight, smelly woman who acts a decade younger than she is. For god sakes she couldn't even win a drag queen contest and was probably the most masculine person there.

>> No.6379771

>Sarah @pixyteri Just finished reading Ore no Imouto at Hastings over a small hot chocolate w/ Kris. Ugh that butthead......
I wasn't aware she still talked to Kris. Unless she's talking about her brother.

>> No.6379773

why dosnt PT have her own wiki??

If ADF has a wiki..why not the queen of /cgl/!?

>> No.6379854

Oh god. PT wiki. That would be glorious.

>> No.6379907

Actually, I was in tinychat with her awhile back. I was talking about how I had recently got married(this was awhile back and I was married last year), and she said she wanted a Japanese style wedding.

So yeah, she would try to do the wedding kimono.

>> No.6380047
File: 32 KB, 551x484, icanteven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just....I can't even with this girl.

No matter of sweet talking or trying to relate to her seems to work.

I am honestly convinced she has some deep seated issues, that can only be resolved with the help of intensive counseling.

She flat out ADMITS she is fat, then gets pissed off thinking I said she was? I just. . .I don't. . .I can't. . . . .wtf.

>> No.6380061

Yeah normal compared to slightly worse Amerifats.

>> No.6380065
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>> No.6380110


>> No.6380001

I can't tell if this is pixyteri or not. But that jaw...seems too close to not be her.


>> No.6380006


One mile combined... do you know how easy it is to do a mile on an exercise bike? Even going not particularly fast you can do that in less than ten minutes. I saw afterwards on her twitter that she went out to eat with friends, no wonder she hasn't lost any weight. She burns maybe 150-200 calories (max), then goes out and probably eats 700 or more calories.

Someone needs to help her learn how to work out and eat right, but I know she would just flip out and say she was not overweight, loves her curves, is sexy and cute, etc.. and whine about how she can't afford healthy food (but can eat out all the time) and her parents don't let her cook, then block them.

>> No.6380121

well she kept believing in her HERITIIJU. of course she's got a few screws loose.

>> No.6380026

ugh, no.

>> No.6380145

This is going into my 'proof PT is delusional' folder. Yes PT, you look normal, but you come from a country that has a reputation for being the fattest nation in the world. TWO FUCKING THIRDS of your country is fat.

>> No.6380279

Micronesia and Tonga are actually ranked fattest. And I'd say most the the REALLY obese people in the US are concentrated in the South and Midwest, just because of the type of food culture in those regions (everything deep fried and fatty, fast food is king, etc.).

>> No.6380391
File: 40 KB, 684x731, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wtf is going on with that dolls face.

>> No.6380414

Maybe the word 'fat' just slipped in there without her noticing? Some subconscious shit. She knows she's fat but hopes that other people don't think so (compared to her family, she's almost normal), and when you insinuated that she might not be a perfect average sexy bombshell she got all paranoid WHO SAID FAT I DIDN'T SAY FAT WHO ARE YOU TO CALL ME FAT I'M NOT FAT OMG
She knows she's a fatty, she just thinks that if she keeps telling people she's totally normal they will believe her. And then once she starts believing it a little herself she starts calling herself fat to fish for compliments, but when people start giving her weight-loss advice she snaps right back to outward denial.
She's fascinating.

>> No.6380460


PT was saying that despite looking of "normal" build, she feels that the number on the scale is higher than she wants it to be. Essentially she's saying she looks good, but the scale tells her she's fat, so she avoids them.

>> No.6380469

Not saying pt is right. But fuck why must there be that friend or someone who always 'has it worse'
And also
>didn't you win a balloon?
>iiii won a flat screen n I has to stay home and take care of husbano! Poor mii

>> No.6380478
File: 88 KB, 869x685, fif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it with fat girls and thinking the gym will somehow help them?

Crunches, really? With your fat belly??

Your problems will be solved in the kitchen, not the gym.

>> No.6380512

She really needs to get on fitocracy or something so she can compare her workout to other people and realise just how little she's doing...

>> No.6380521

step 1 is getting more exercise
for her

step 2 is altering her diet or lack therof

>> No.6380527

>at least I went to the gym insteading of working out at home and on the trail!!
She must be one of those people who think doing something in a gym automatically makes it ten times more effective than doing it anywhere else, and that even entering the building constitutes exercise. I bet she'd rather take her car for a short ride than bike the same distance, but doing 1 mile in a gym is totes the kind of exercise worth paying membership for! Seriously, one fucking mile? How long did that take her, five minutes?

>> No.6380532
File: 370 KB, 320x256, 1349994790621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg noooo anon she doesn't want to get all gross and buff/anorexic like those people, she wants to keep her sexy womanly curves~!

>> No.6380533

you really think she has a 5min mile?

>> No.6380536

It just shows how none of the anons commenting on PT's workouts even know what they are talking about.

>> No.6380538

Exercise is a waste of time for fat/chubby people.

Worry about what's going in your mouth and how much of it, because that's what made you fat in the first place.

>> No.6380542

She could probably do it on the exercise bike she said she rode, especially if she had zero tension. Someone needs to tell her that HIIT is where it's at.

Another problem is that she seems to be doing the same low impact stuff at sporadic intervals. You get the best results if you exercise regularly with increasing weight/reps/duration.

>> No.6380546

She needs to fix the diet first but she won't. She complains that she can't afford it but how much does she spend on going out to eat during the week? If she goes out 3 times a week at say, $21 a meal she'd have $63 to spend at the grocery store if she didn't. But this is PT. She doesn't exert herself at all.

All I see is PT getting fatter and fatter until she's as big as her mother. Imagine those gravure cosplay picture /cgl/.

>> No.6380550

This, I think would make the biggest difference. She doesn't seem to have a clue about nutrition. PT also doesn't appear to be very honest with herself about her diet and eating habits.

>> No.6380555

Doesn't she buy japanese sweets/snacks off ebay or wherever the fuck?

>> No.6380556

There are ways to eat healthier even if she doesn't like cooking.

Stuff like oatmeal and boca burgers can be microwaved. Grocery stores sell fruits and veggies that are already prepared in tupperware containers; all you have to do is make sure you get the freshest, go home and throw them into a salad. They may not be the most healthy choices, but it's probably a lot better than what she's eating now.

Substituting healthier versions of what she already eats for healthier stuff also takes little effort. Switching to skim milk, whole wheat bread, sugar free jam, etc. would make a huge difference. I'm sure her parents wouldn't even mind the switch if she talked to them about it.

>> No.6380561

They're probably overpriced as fuck. Finding an Asian Market (even if it's in a neighboring city) would probably be cheaper.

>> No.6380565

who's adf?

>> No.6380578

or even if she hates eating healthy, all she has to do is limit the shit she likes until she reaches her calorie limit. Want to eat lots of mochi and daifuku? Go right on ahead, but that's the only food you're going to be seeing today if you get too carried away with them.

>> No.6380591


LOL, guys, why do you think she's running or jogging the distance. She's probably just walking. It probably takes her 20-3o minutes to do a mile on the treadmill and that is actually not a bad duration if you were actually jogging so she thinks she's doing what everyone else is.

>> No.6380593

>PT also doesn't appear to be very honest with herself about her diet and eating habits.

If she were just honest with herself and how she looks in general, she would look worlds better.

-Getting a flattering haircut/color
-Maintaining her brows and keeping them trimmed/arched
-Doing her makeup to suit her face
-Developing a good skincare/beauty routine
-Buying bras that support her well, fit and give her boobs a good shape. Supportive underpants optional but recommended.
-Wearing clothes that fit and flatter her body type

Even if she loses little to no weight/inches, this would make a huge difference.