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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6372325 No.6372325[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you find out your new bf has a big dick

>> No.6372329

>/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

>> No.6372332
File: 341 KB, 320x289, eeeeeeeeeeeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I find out my honey has a huge dick

>> No.6372333

I don't know this feel ;_;

>> No.6372339

>tfw when OP is impure and probably a slut

>> No.6372343
File: 93 KB, 278x352, GRIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have a huge dick

also >>6372329

>> No.6372344

R9K please leave, we're happy being whores here.

>> No.6372347

>tfw your girlfriend has no dick

>> No.6372352
File: 72 KB, 640x434, 1320990306222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to /cgl/
>see a thread about big dicks and a gif of Lena Meyer-Landrut
wtf, /cgl/?!

>> No.6372359
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>>tfw lonely, socially inept homo

>> No.6372369
File: 158 KB, 500x561, 5dollamakeuholla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new bf
>big dick

That sure didn't take long to find out. Slut.

>> No.6372376

>tfw my boyfriend's only 6 inches and I've never had a vaginal orgasm

Also sage because this isn't cosplay or lolita related

>> No.6372384

Dude, most guys I know refuse to even think about going out with a girl unless they try her out in bed first.

>> No.6372392

Any "female" topic is redirected here, though OP is obviously a troll.

>> No.6372394
File: 8 KB, 500x500, 1337109488825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not surprised they pull that card, since a majority of you ladies here would do it without hesitation.

>> No.6372397

Don't worry, mister. There's some women here that save their v-card for that special someone! They're few and far between though.

>> No.6372410

tfw big dick
tfw no gf
tfw i will never have kinky cosplay sex in character

>> No.6372414

Size isn't all that important to me personally, I'm happy with 7 inch.

>> No.6372415

America sure is fucked up.

>> No.6372420
File: 221 KB, 337x404, 1351273445773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those guys are mexican/niggers, aren't they?

>> No.6372423

I have a cock that below average, how screwed am I?

>> No.6372424

that is*

>> No.6372429

How dare you post sakura on this thread?
Filthy women don't know anything about respect...

>> No.6372430

Don't take the opinion of most of these girls. They have daddy issues and are willing to shack up with some guy if they say that she's pretty.

>> No.6372431

>implying horsecocks are fun

It fucking hurts and the novelty wears off really quick when your cervix is getting slammed.

>> No.6372432
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>> No.6372436

Whoa that's awful of your part, don't threat women like that.

>> No.6372438

Ok, I forgive you.

>> No.6372448

/cgl/: where virginal males talk about sex and normal human interaction as if they're completely removed from it.

oh wait. they are.

>> No.6372456


Life lesson: Don't treat people how they want to be treated.

>> No.6372458


>making up words
>talking about being far removed from real life

Is this idiot serious?

>> No.6372466


>> No.6372463

One thing is being a loser beta who would lick the feet of any woman he sees, other is being a total asshole towards women.
Life lesson: be gentle with people you don't know yet despise their gender.

>> No.6372513

>if I'm nice to them, maybe they'll sleep with me!
SJ white knight confirm

>> No.6372512
File: 45 KB, 854x480, 1268173775395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw people mistake the most basic of English for nonsense

>> No.6372534

Make it 7.5 and I agree with you.

>> No.6372541
File: 65 KB, 604x694, 1340547309603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when big dick
>only successful with relationships because of sex
>don't even really like each other person most of the time

>> No.6372567

She married me :)

>> No.6372592
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>> No.6372610

Anybody here can tell the size of a guy by the way he looks and acts?

Have you ever been in a situation where things didn't turn out as expected?

>> No.6372612

well, obviously guys who go on about "size doesn't matter" at random are most likely average and insecure or just plain tiny.

>> No.6372631
File: 97 KB, 450x600, durex_bulge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I don't think that's possible.

>> No.6372633


/cgl/: Not a word, an acronym.

Where: a word
Virginal: a word, adjective meaning "like or relating to virgins, virginity, etc."
Males: a noun for people with penises

blah blah etc.

>> No.6372648
File: 16 KB, 618x620, frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your girlfriend has huge tits
>tfw guys are always ogling and harassing her
>tfw she dumps you because you are too beta to defend her

>> No.6372649

I thought this for the longest time, so I was way overly-forward and pushed a lot of guys away before I realized that it actually isn't really the case a lot of the time. I think it's true for some guys, of course, and probably varies by subculture. But for the longest time I thought that getting a boyfriend without having to have sex first was going to be this impossible mission.

>> No.6372659

Yeah, if anything it's often the opposite. If you sleep with a guy and don't make him wait, he'll see you as "easy" or just in it for the sex. Girls can bash slut-shaming all they want but it won't change the fact that jumping on dicks the first chance you get makes it more difficult to have men take you seriously.

>> No.6372662

Hey /cgl/ teach me how to get a nice girlfriend, I don't know the basics about seduction ( no appearance tips, I know how to dress and I'm very hygienic ).
How can I tell a girl I like her without sounding to desperate?

>> No.6372667
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>mfw 7.75 in
Feels good man.

>> No.6372669
File: 70 KB, 167x257, neat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking a guy with an average dick
>pretty sure he's a dick wizard

>> No.6372679

Like your animus. A sudden bump in the hallway. Books flying. Nerd girl is not amused. You pick up her books and say your sorry. Over the months you notice her more and sometimes start up some small talk. She warms up to you. One day, you gather your courage and ask her out. She says no. ;_________; Time passes and you've both moved on but in your heart, she was your first love.

>> No.6372685

Extend an invitation to spend time together in a public place.
i.e. "Do you want to get a coffee sometime?"
presuming she likes coffee anyway. Dinner is kind of formal and movies generally don't allow for conversation. Ease into it that way. If you put your feelings on the table from the start, it gets awkward.

>> No.6372689

7 ' master race reporting in enjoy you're small dicks fags

>> No.6372690

All the examples I know that did this are kinda sad people. My sister is 35 and will only fuck after marriage, but even though she is beautiful, she has such HIGH spectations that if the guy don't show up before her in a white horse with a diamond armor and a gold dick, she will not even consider them.
Sage because this is not my blog.

>> No.6372693

I have a big dick where do you live.

>> No.6372695

>tfw 4" flaccid
>tfw 8" erect
Fucking dick wizardry. That look on a girls face as it just gets bigger and bigger so good.

>> No.6372697


Mature men and those who do not think about sex 24/7 will not see you as easy or just in it for the sex. Boys will, yes. Do not date boys. But this is like telling a hamster not to run on a wheel.

>> No.6372702

Shame I live in a place with no coffee houses, thanks for the advice gotta leave to uni.
Bye bye~

>> No.6372704

As long as you know how to move your hips and how to use your tongue, you're not screwed at all.

>> No.6372707


It's precarious. As humans we largely have a carnal nature. The difference between maturity and immaturity surrounding it is having sex because of passion and because it's what you're aching to do or having sex and having sex and having sex and having sex until it's pretty much all people see in you. And it doesn't take much sex for people to see that in you.

>> No.6372708
File: 736 KB, 250x141, weneedtogodeeper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5 inch penis and low self esteem and impossibly straight

please tell me there's hope for me

>> No.6372713

>tfw I don't know if I should show you my dick or not

6.7inch/5.3inch. Should I?

>> No.6372716

sexwise, see
To get girls you don't need to have a high self esteem and be super confident, you just need to pretend you are.

>> No.6372722


I thought everyone who was confident pretended to be confident. I have for pretty much all my life and it's worked.

>> No.6372723

ITT teenagers and white trash.

>> No.6372724

No, try /soc/ this is sfw.

>> No.6372733


/cgl/ girls love small dicked asians

so be azn

>> No.6372738

Yep, me too. I was a completely loser until I started to pretend I was a interesting person, this attracted amazing people who in turn started to invite me to do fun stuff and then my life became interesting. Pretty scary the power of a well told lie.
(of course, sometimes I had to go out of my way and find cool stuff to do so I could invite others and keep my lie alive)

>> No.6372739

This. Everyone who said they love big dick ITT are not female, or not handsome. Since all the girls here have Yellow Fever - therefore, they prefer small dick.

>> No.6372747

>all the girls here have Yellow Fever
Confirmed for newfag.

>> No.6372748


So this.
7 incher, if even a little chilly it's friggin GONE! looks like a baby carrot.
Things start getting sexy time you can almost hear the cartoon crescendo "boooooOOOOOOP!"
"Where the hell were you hiding that!?"

>> No.6372751

Actually, 5 inches is the average dick size.

Stop being such a fucking beta, anon.

>> No.6372752

Where, Australia?
What is with Australia and not liking coffee, anyway? They have like, 10 Starbucks in their entire country.

In any case, casual + public is good. Casual for less THIS IS A DATE pressure and public for the sake of her comfort.

A guy friend once ambushed me two days after Valentine's with "I kind of have a huge crush on you." I felt terrible for not knowing how to respond, being put on the spot like that. An open invitation at least leads to more natural progression in a relationship. Dumping your feels on someone by confessing all animu-style doesn't really work, in my experience. Unless you're in high school, things don't usually go "I like you, go out with me" -> "WE'RE A COUPLE" as soon as the other party agrees. Take it slow.

>> No.6372754 [DELETED] 


>tfw both a show-er

I have a big dick I swear! It's just that it's big flaccid too...

>> No.6372757

These are always the most depressing threads.

> I will never be able to satisfy a girl

>> No.6372762 [DELETED] 


>tfw a grow-er cock

I have a big dick I swear! It's just that when it's flaccid it's big too ;_;

>> No.6372766
File: 24 KB, 500x500, WOO!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this thread made me feel good about myself.

>> No.6372768


>tfw a show-er cock

I have a big dick I swear! It's just that when it's flaccid it's big too ;_;

>> No.6372774

> I will never be able to satisfy a girl
I believe they don't want to. They don't even try to learn how to fuck them! I mean, you could just google! And I know that google has a lot of bullshit but when some tips start to appear over and over again, and people in the commentary section approve of them, they must be onto something.

>> No.6372778

I love that face.

Right up there with the face they make when you slooowly slide it in for a few inches and then jam the rest in.

>> No.6372781
File: 1016 KB, 296x225, 1351504122798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it with women and this bullshit ideal of "maturity?" No one can ever define they are just mature or not. its just this bullshit term they make up to either break up with a guy or date another when people disagree with them. Now im not saying they should stay with someone they dont want to or not be with someone they want to, but I wanna rip my hair out when I hear this reasoning. My last girlfriend told me I was immature. I was 20 at the time and she was 22. I had my own house, financially stable, in school, had job and internship, in shape etc. She lived with her parents, went to community college(I was futher on in school even thoughI was younger, cause she dropped out of uni to do all that finding herself shit), and took her job at Kohl's way too seriously (I'm a team leader I have so much responsibility, anon)
I'm immature cause I like to have fun and I do what I want and I dont care about that false ideal of maturity. She's probably getting pounded right now (I sad).

anyways what I'm getting at is all you people talking about maturity are fucking idiots. people stop growing up at age 16, besides major life events, theyre pretty much who they are going to be.

>> No.6372792

Ive had 3 boyfriends, biggest dick was 9" and it was scary. Didn't want it near my vagina. My current is barely 5" but i love him, tiny dick and all. Also, he tries harder to get me off because his dick is smaller. So, it works out.
tl;dr small dick men learn to use your tongue.

>> No.6372798
File: 277 KB, 608x344, 1351789891048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>barely 5"

Well fuck you and your cavernous whale's vagina

>> No.6372799


And your advice for people with big dicks?

>> No.6372801

>I'm immature cause I like to have fun and I do what I want and I dont care about that false ideal of maturity.
>people stop growing up at age 16, besides major life events, theyre pretty much who they are going to be.

This is what losers actually believe.

You can still have fun and dick around but there's a limit, and if you look like a reckless asshole with the emotional maturity of a 16-year-old, your resume, body and living situation don't matter. In many cases, personality is all it takes to make or break a relationship.

>> No.6372802

Nah, y'see. Not everyone is going to end up being mature. Some people mature quickly, some slowly, and some not at all. I've never identified with people my age, for example, but I make great conversation with older people. My best friend as a child was the old lady across the street who would talk about the forties and play Sinatra for me. I learned to play poker because she'd have gambling nights with the girls.

That being said it really doesn't matter in the slightest. Do whatever you want kid.

>> No.6372806

Who says guys with big dicks can't eat pussy? I love going down on women and I'm eight inches.

>> No.6372803

>people stop growing up at age 16, besides major life events, theyre pretty much who they are going to be.
No, that is bullshit, anon.
The frontal lobe of your brain is still in the process of maturing at that age.
Which means that no, you're not done growing up at that age.
Maybe it's true for you since you seem to be such a dumbass, but for most people it's around 24 that they stop developing and are who they're going to be.

>> No.6372809

I had a gay bus driver in high school who would regale my friend and I (both fujoshi weirdos at the time) with stories of his exploits.

"He's NINE INCHES! What am I going to DO with all that?" was one quote I'll probably never forget.

>> No.6372812

Personally, I think his 5" is just fine for me. Not too big, not too small. Just in this thread, I guess he'd be called tiny.

Find a girl with a fetish for being pounded by horse cock. It wasn't just long, it had girth. It was a porn star dick and I don't have a porn star vagina. :(

>> No.6372807

I've been here since the board was red, and every girl her wanted to suck Poko's dick.

>> No.6372817

>biggest dick was 9"
Good god, that sounds terrifying.

My vagina is apparently miniature, so I hit my cervix 2" in. I'm staying a virgin forever and ever and ever.

>> No.6372814
File: 1.97 MB, 400x226, bison.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw boyfriend has a big dick and learned a shitload of tricks to make me come during foreplay
>tfw multiorgasmic

>> No.6372823

both so mature. so grown up. wish I was you. I love how you called me kid implying you are odler and more mature. thats a real clever touch. you both go to 4chan and are on the /CGL/ board. dipshits

and it had nothing to do with emotions. maturity was a bullshit excuse for she was bored and probably wanted more dicks in her life.

>> No.6372824

That sounds horrible.

>> No.6372827

Just my experience, he had no clue how to eat out and I didn't want to have sex with a dick I thought would skewer me. even giving him a BJ was hard. It was too much dick for me. I failed. :(

>> No.6372828


Damn it I don't want to have to reduce myself to loose sluts. I mean advice for having a big dick and fucking something that basically isn't like opening the window and fucking the night sky.

>> No.6372830

>implying the development of the frontal lobe has anything to do with this

did you read that in time magazine? or did you see it on a commercial

>> No.6372832


>not knowing what a hymen is

Jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.6372834

Yeah, if you have the mentality of a 16 years old, you're a kid. By definition.

>> No.6372837

>not knowing the hymen isn't INSIDE the vagina

>> No.6372835
File: 14 KB, 350x411, 1351690380337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Somewhere in the world, there is a man with a 2 inch penis who believes he will never satisfy a woman, but is perfect in every other way.

You are that man's soul mate.

>> No.6372838


Suck my cited sources!

>> No.6372839

There are certain positions you need to learn, anon.

>> No.6372841

Defensive much?

You came on here bawwing about what you consider a bullshit concept when, judging by your attitude, her issues with you sounded pretty accurate.

>> No.6372842

Well anon if it makes you feel better, our break up was not over his dick. If we had stayed tpgether longer, I would have eventually tried penetration. That's my best advice. Go super slow. Fingering a lot, dildos, etc. All kinky and hot and eventually she'll get to a place where she'd be comfortable with your dick. At least, that would have been my route.

God speed, big dick anon.

>> No.6372844

7 inches is what I prefer. I'm not a big girl so my parts are similarly small. Any smaller and it would be BORING and any bigger and it would hurt like hell. Also it's useless if its too skinny, I like 'em thick as well.

As is, I only rip my vag some of the time and I'm happy to pay the price for having a boyfriend with a dick bigger than my vagina.

>> No.6372847

lol alright webster.
exactly how am I like a 16 year old? because I think your ideas of maturity are BS? are you defining maturity by the similiarities between others beliefs and yours? enlighten me

>> No.6372848

If you count the whole vulva, labia and all, then yes, it's about 2" deep.

>> No.6372850


implying psychology is a science
lol yeah neuroscience is but define and good judgement and such. that is all in theyes of the beholder. its relative. this isnt hard science

>> No.6372853

>that feel when I fluctuate between 6.75 and 7.5 inches depending on the day
>I don't even know what causes it

Some days I'm so hard I feel like I'm going to fucking explode.

>> No.6372856

>people stop growing up at age 16
The best experience you have on that is yourself. Therefore you think you are mostly the same person than when you were 16 years old.

Also because only teenagers are that buttdevastated from getting dumped.

>> No.6372855

>Not knowing that modern psychology is neuroscience applied
Confirmed for high school status.

>> No.6372857

I can't believe I'm talking to someone as retarted as you.
You really must have stopped maturing at age 16 - I don't know how else anyone could rage so easily and spout idiotic little "insults" at people over nothing.

(also, something about how brains mature on a TV commercial? Hillarious.)

>> No.6372859

what issues? all I told you is she called me immature.

FYI this was also a week before I went to basic training, probably had a lot to do with it.

and before you make a bunch of retarded assumptions about that too, Im an officer candidate in the marine corps. please dont just start calling the military retarded it has nothing to do with what we are tlaking about

>> No.6372861

h-how big do /cgl/s like thier d-d-di-penies?

>> No.6372860

>implying I wasnt a psychology major for 2 years until I realized its a fucking joke pseudoscience were dumbasses go to pretend that they know what makes people tick and are geniuses

not to mention it is the single least competitive degree and one of the easiest

>> No.6372863

Between 6 and 7.5 inches.

>> No.6372864

A dipenis is a penis that tends to be small and curved downwards.

>> No.6372866

Oh crap, I didn't see that, pretty funny.

>> No.6372867

5 inches, mate.

>> No.6372868

>I'm immature cause I like to have fun and I do what I want and I dont care about that false ideal of maturity.

That combined with your belief that people stop growing up at 16. Those are your issues. The first one is self-explanatory. If you really don't care about how other people see you, then you won't be seen as desirable. The second one is just an excuse for lack of maturity.

>> No.6372869

Do you prefer cut or uncut dicks. Or does it not make a difference?

>> No.6372873

I prefer uncut, one of my exes was cut and it felt much rougher and dry. Eurofag btw.

>> No.6372876

Pick none.

Non-mutilated for me, thanks. Filthy jew slaves.

>> No.6372879

I like the appearance of cut, but if there's not enough skin to move around, I end up hurting my bf during handjobs :/ I have to use lube to compensate. I was so good at them with my ex but now I have to change my entire technique.

>> No.6372891

Don't curr as long as the job gets done

>> No.6372907

>hurting my bf during handjobs
>have to use lube to compensate

I know your pain, anon.

>> No.6372952


>giving handjobs that hurt the man
>not blowing him like a good girl

feel bad for your bf

>> No.6372972

>tfw pretty damn good at handjobs
>tfw not sure how anyone could be bad at it

One day I will manage to trick him into high fiving after. One day.

>> No.6372974

God damn it, I wouldn't even be able to get mad. I'd just start laughing while I grab kleenex.

>> No.6372975

Hey everyone let's reply to the troll thread!

>> No.6372978

A little late for the party, friend.

>> No.6372985

Maybe if he learns to return the favor for once.

>> No.6372990


The best handjob is still meh compared to even a not very good blowjob so long as teeth aren't scraping.

>I'm great at handjobs!
is pretty comparable to
>I'm great at thumbing a vagina!

I'm sure your boy is happy to get off and not have to do it.. but trust me.. every second he's wishing you would blow him instead.

>> No.6372993


Fair enough

>> No.6372995

>guys trying to call out women for wanting guys with big cocks
>guys who refuse to date women below/above a certain breast size, hip-to-waist ratio, etc.

>> No.6373002

I'm pretty good at blowjobs too, but that didn't seem relevant to the point I was making. Anyways I can't always suck to completion since my jaw will start hurting after too long. So. Just for the record.

>> No.6373005

My bf is the same fucking way...
The other day he did try for the first time in forever. Though it was for literally 5 seconds, then he gave up because it was "too difficult".
...Excuse me? All you have to do is lick at one spot. When I do a bj for you, it's all this fancy shit and lots of moving around. It is not too fucking difficult...

>> No.6373007


>I have a large cock
>I don't care about aesthetics at all

Get on my level, sea cats.

>> No.6373011

I know! I'm used to guys who love eating me out but this one has only ever tried twice. Guys, if you're going to put so much emphasis on BJs as being the be-all, end-all of foreplay, then show the ladies some goddamn love with your tongue for once.

>> No.6373016
File: 10 KB, 251x250, 1207801061534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you marry the boyfriend with the big dick

>> No.6373017


Do you take care of your vag? It doesn't take too many trips downtown that becomes a wrong turn down some acrid stank ass wretch inducing side street to scare someone off for good.
I keep my nuts and all nice and clean/fresh.
Some baby wipes in the bathroom if things are gonna get steamy is always a good idea.
Just a thought

>> No.6373037

>have big dick
>love working out
>people think I work out to compensate for little dick
>mfw haters everywhere

>> No.6373041
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, 1351627309255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big dick
>24yo kissless virgin
I don't even have hope anymore.

>> No.6373057


You're one of the few. I find that hard to totally believe. "Aesthetics" covers a lot of ground.
Do you choose partners based solely on personality or what?

>> No.6373060

everybody who is talking about their enormous cock needs to post pics or get the fuck out

>> No.6373061

Man this shit pisses me off. Nobody I know got laid before college except for a few outliers. Many of my friends didn't get laid until they got married (Granted, they married young). Maybe three or so of my friend didn't get laid until they were in their 30s. It really doesn't matter man.

>> No.6373080


Basically. I can only really have sexual attraction to people I have an emotional connection with.

I have gotten to a point where I was feeling lonely enough to bring a chick home from a party but I insisted we both cuddled and she got REALLY fucking bitchy in the morning, It's pure wizardry.

>> No.6373096

Sorry I'm '7,5 x 6 it's nothing to brag about and it doesn't look that big proportionally

>> No.6373098 [DELETED] 


Anyone who would pass up on cuddling is a fool.

What do you base emotional connection on?

>> No.6373100
File: 26 KB, 323x433, 1312855047538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, do you want us to throw you a pity party?

"Poor anon! Don't give up hope! One day you'll find a girl who loves you and will bake you cookies and suck your cock like it squirts diamonds."

Bullshit. You want a fucking girlfriend? Get your lazy socially retarded ass off of the computer, and get into a gym, find a hobby that forces you to interact with people to build up your social skills, and go to clubs and shit.

She's not going to come to you. She's not going to ride up on her cloud serpent in WoW and ask you to join her guild and then go out on a date. She's out there. Waiting for you. But you've GOT TO GO OUT THERE AND FIND HER.

"Buh whur do I luk?"

I just told you, mother fucker. Grow a pair of stones and do it.

>> No.6373103

7 to 8 inch is the ideal for me personally.

>> No.6373114
File: 28 KB, 472x454, 1335416179998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thousand times this.

>> No.6373118
File: 382 KB, 250x210, tumblr_m74eeywTkv1qgere9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your boyfriend's favorite thing to do is going down on you

Don't even have to ask or make any suggestions, he just does it.

>> No.6373121

What is this show? Supernatural?

>> No.6373127


>> No.6373134

But I'm fit already and I don't play wow.
Just kidding I got your point.

>> No.6373150


That's truly the master race of men.

I remember I went down on my girlfriend and she'd usually push on my face to stop but one time she pulled my hair instead, and it was crazy because her legs just wrapped around and held my face there. I just kept going at it going progressively faster, applying more pressure, etc, and eventually she almost crushed my head and ripped a chunk of my scalp out, but she literally passed out for like 10-15 minutes.

Scared the shit out of me the first time it happened, her pulse was really weak and her breathing was shallow. For like a half an hour when she came to all she could do was grin and reply with 'hmm' so I just made her breakfast.

Good times.

>> No.6373161
File: 21 KB, 455x364, I am intrigued.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, eating pussy is the best. The smell is what gets me.

>> No.6373185
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>> No.6373187

Same situation but no penis to brag about.

>> No.6373194


What, you don't go to /hm/? They have post-and-rate threads all the time. I don't visit /soc/ but I imagine they would have the occasional dick posting as well.

>> No.6373198


I'm not posting my penis on the internet.

>> No.6373197
File: 95 KB, 500x563, tumblr_m92cmcbWyX1qjbqlyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


balls too.

>> No.6373205


They have to get their PH shit figured out.

Is it also bad when I knew my girlfriend's PH balance by taste?

>> No.6373210

why not?

>> No.6373213

Who did this manga. Do you know? It looks a lot like an artist that used to do the original pokemon manga. After they fired him, he went on to do adult manga.

>> No.6373214

>biggest dick was 9" and it was scary
oh my god, it was terrible, I would get bumped in the cervix all the time too, that shit was not fun.
>tiny dick and all
is that really "tiny"? Sounds perfect to me tbh. Since the average aroused vagina is 5-6" in length... good fit.

>> No.6373215

the fuck is this from?

>> No.6373216

I wouldn't say bad. It's middle school-level science that acids taste sour and alkalis taste bitter, and everyone should have had those tastes in their food at least once.

>> No.6373227 [DELETED] 

Only because your post gave me a boner

should I shave beforehand? trim? it's pretty nuts down there

>> No.6373236

No wonder I don't come on /cgl/ neary as often as I used to.

Haven't been here for a few days till now and the first page has this thread and a "post your significant others" thread.

I have nothing against these topics, but what the fuck? I would expect to see them on /soc/? Where's the cosplay?

>> No.6373243


Because I wouldn't want people to know that I did it and I don't do anything I don't want people to know about.

It's like character or some shit.

>> No.6373245


The board is as much the cosplay culture as it is the actual costumes and EGL.

>> No.6373254

>Bisexual male, 21 y.o, 7 inch dick.
>First boyfriend ever.
>See his dick first time.
>I think big dicks kind of look like floppy slugs when flaccid.
>Tries to suppress laughter when I make the comparison in my mind.
>He looks up looking really hurt and insecure.
>Starting to tear up.

Shit, man. How can I be so stupid?
We've been together 4 years now though, so we must do something right. We never have sex though, just jack off. And even so, I wouldn't care about the size of his penis, you're all so silly.

>> No.6373260

It's depressing that women get to go through life not worrying about a body part not being the right size because there's someone who likes it that way, while as this thread shots every woman wants big cock.

>> No.6373267

but that's why 4chan is anonymous

u scared?

>> No.6373266
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>> No.6373268


>women get to go through life not worrying about a body part not being the right size

>not worrying about a body part

I'm not even a women and I can tell you this is bullshit.

>> No.6373271


It's not as much as I'd think anybody would find out as it is a personal code thing.

>> No.6373273

Why? It's true.

Have average breasts? Lots of men like them. Have small breasts/ Lots of men like them.
Have huge breats? Lots of men like them.

Same with ass. No man breaks up with a girl because of those things, but plenty of girls cheat and break up with men over cock size.

>> No.6373277
File: 895 KB, 232x137, 1343763784690.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw huge long girth dick
>tfw when virgin
>tfw when all you wanna do is make a girl cum multiple times in pleasure doing whatever she gets off on most

SFW board, I could make throwaway aim if proof was needed

captcha: cries nehnot

>> No.6373279

>but plenty of girls cheat and break up with men over cock size.

pff bahahaha

yeah they'll do those things if you're terrible in the sack, but cock size is just one of the many factors that make them decide to do that

>> No.6373284

/cgl/ safe for work? i've seen buttholes on this board

>> No.6373288 [DELETED] 

haha okay, i'll go trim it at least

keep talking about your craving, this shit could get me off

>> No.6373289


Penis size is just as irrelevant and they worry about those things just as much.

>> No.6373291

>Penis size is just as irrelevant
>women in this thread talking about how they're sad if their bf doesn't have a big cock

>> No.6373293

>all you wanna do is make a girl cum multiple times

In that case ready yourself for even more feels, because a lot of women aren't capable of multiple orgasms, or don't enjoy them enough to pursue it as "the ultimate sex act".

>> No.6373295

Maybe Im wrong, I hardly come over to this board

>> No.6373298

Should we move this conversation over to /hm/ where there are unlimited dick works? A special /cgl/ seagull cock thread?

>> No.6373296


Nah, it's blue. That's SFW

>> No.6373302


Fuck it. Just keep imagining double standards and pretending that they don't worry about these things all of the fucking time no matter what.

>> No.6373304

They worry about it because they want to compete with other girls, not because they think guys won't like them.

Men have to worry about whether girls will leave them over it.

>> No.6373306

too much buildup just fucking take it

here's my completely average cock on imgur

>inb4 somebody recognizes me

>> No.6373308


I never did and I do just fine.

Try not sucking.

>> No.6373311

/hm/ is in the gay section, they generally don't welcome females. Girls discussing guy's junk, as offtopic as it is here, is really only able to be discussed on /cgl/ with a minimum of trolling. Other boards don't abide by girls very well in general, but especially girls talking critically about guys.

>> No.6373313


>> No.6373314
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>> No.6373317

>One breast is fairly bigger than another? Have big ugly areolas? Tits look like deflated balloons even though you are only 18? BOY I'M SURE MANY PEOPLE ARE INTO IT!

I know it because I'd consider breaking up with a girl who has ugly tits myself.

>> No.6373318

You are scaring me

>> No.6373320
File: 10 KB, 251x240, Why not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seven inches, and I think I have some pretty good thickness going. Wish imgur didn't flip the picture.

>> No.6373321

ilu duke

>> No.6373324
File: 43 KB, 600x451, 1329104486675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f-forgive me
I don't know what's gotten into me, I can assure you that I'm never usually like this I-

>> No.6373326


Why is it so dry? May I fix that problem with my saliva?

>> No.6373327
File: 54 KB, 615x535, hasslich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6373328

Most don't care that much.

>> No.6373329

Pushing that ruler in pretty hard, aren't we?

>> No.6373332
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>> No.6373333

>Why is it so dry?

Because of American genital mutilation.

>> No.6373342
File: 25 KB, 608x405, 1347484718929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize none of the people posting about their 7+ inch dicks were telling the truth

>> No.6373346
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>> No.6373343

>Dont click unless dick witty.avi

>> No.6373347
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>> No.6373351

So...how many people in this thread are girls?
>all these faggots circlejerking

>> No.6373354

Hot damn look at that dick!

>> No.6373360

I didnt post my size but Im over 7
Sorry my ruler sucks

>> No.6373357

This thread suddenly became a lot better.

>> No.6373362

>tfw 5 inches

>> No.6373369
File: 551 KB, 728x1019, hartman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in case that isn't obvious enough


>> No.6373382

I heard this dick belongs to one of our trips, any idea who it might be?


>> No.6373386


Didn't bother with a ruler.

>> No.6373387


>> No.6373389


Such as?


This requires patience. Damn it.

>> No.6373391

RedDickies. Hasn't been around for fucking ever.

>don't ask me how I know this

>> No.6373402

makes sense. that guy has a terrible ego. i met him at ohayocon 2010 and fucked the girl he was creeping around all night. i guess he was a pretty good wingman...even if it was unintentional

>> No.6373406


lol we all say that. if you let us sample you failed though (srs)

no hate though, do whatever you want

>> No.6373410

He has his dick pierced?! Do you know if he still has it?

>> No.6373418
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>> No.6373415

Why would anyone pierce a dick, fuck he must have some serious problems

>> No.6373422
File: 52 KB, 524x394, cocksndicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Goodness, I'll have to get an erection. Any excuse!


>> No.6373426
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>> No.6373425

Are those your books?
>tfw no book-loving big-dick bf

>> No.6373427


Primarily. It's getting pretty messy and I'm running out of space for my books in the wardrobe. GUESS I'M GOING TO HAVE TO GIVE THEM AWAY TO KIDS IN AFRICA

>> No.6373433
File: 58 KB, 667x472, Picture 60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you find out your new boyfriend is smaller than last
>tfw he's still decently big even then considering ex was 8.5-9"
>tfw he found an old stash of extra large condoms from ex

>> No.6373437

Oh it's nice to see our board has 0 moderation once again.

>> No.6373439

How'd he take it?

>> No.6373440


my dick is pristine and i drink so much pineapple juice my cum smells like a fruit bowl.

i wont go down on girl unless she has a consistently good smelling vaj

>> No.6373445
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>> No.6373448
File: 34 KB, 288x499, why_0_u18chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come onto /cgl/ to see what's going on today
>Dicks errywhere on first page

>> No.6373450
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>> No.6373452



>> No.6373457


Dicks are taking over. You have no power to stop it.

>> No.6373459
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>> No.6373461
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>> No.6373464

any guy with a bit of confidence will take that news just fine.

last girl i was with said the biggest she had was like the size of my wrist. then when we had our nasty break up she tried to insult my dick and i told her that her vagina was huge (it was pretty loose...i had to try hard to cum in her) she took it pretty bad

>> No.6373465
File: 269 KB, 188x752, 1300687490337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure, he mostly just laughed

I don't think he took it badly, hes about 5.5-6" so it's not like he's tiny or anything
and we have lots of sex so eh

But there was that terrifying silent moment where I was waiting for his reaction

>> No.6373467

straight male here... good for you man

>> No.6373468


Such a shame you will never know me or recognise me unless you come to England and pull down the trousers and pants of everyone here.

So up for that happening.

>> No.6373475

Where in England?
You'd better not be someone I already know or this could get awkward.

>> No.6373473

>only as big as a soda can
Mine is as large as one of those Monster energy drink cans.

>> No.6373474

I've never really had a problem with that, after a few days a vagina goes back to "normal" unless she masturbated with a dildo that day or had sex with someone else before hand, a girl shouldn't normally be loose