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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 102 KB, 612x612, 293871_478596572185266_1689696854_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6352402 No.6352402[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As someone who just discovered her, what does CGL think of Pastelbat?

>> No.6352414

Quite a few people are probably still put off her after the Chokelate/Pastelbat drama and she's a bit unorignal but she does what she does well and she's pretty cute

>> No.6352415

i think her only real crime to the community is being not-so-original and making ridiculously idiotic faces that she is not cute/asian enough to pull off

>> No.6352423

Waitwaitwait, choke was involved in drama with her?

All I know is that many anons on /cgl/ seem to think she's obnoxious and annoying, but I've never heard of any real drama.

>> No.6352427

Cute but way to braggin'
Keeps saying she's ugly without makeup, which isn't flattering at all, and she isn't natural enough about what she's doing. Probably to shy for her own style.

>> No.6352443


More like PB was involved in drama with Choke.

There was some modelling competition going on a while ago for lolita or wigs or some shit (I can't fucking remember). PB and Chokelate had entered and entrants had to submit their images to Facebook. One of the people voting made a casual comment about how Chokelate was the prettiest entrant and how she should win. It wasn't even directed towards any of the other girls other girls entering, but PB and her fat, fucking ego flipped the fuck out and had a load of her fans go harass Chokelate. Chokelate ended up dropping out of the competition due to the abuse and I think PB won in the end.

>> No.6352444

Does the annoying attention whore thing of constantly calling herself ugly and fat while reblogging the same pictures of herself and posting pictures of herself constantly.

>> No.6352454

Tumblr's down at the moment so I can't c&p the text to this post but it made me rage. I hate hate HATE this tumblr typing bullshit.

>> No.6352455

Attention seeking, egotistical, annoying.
She is pretty cute but her personality is really off-putting.

>> No.6352465
File: 25 KB, 134x156, 47564582457536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anything about her but I think she looks cute.

>> No.6352497

Very Cute

>> No.6352498

And that's how you win in life sort of

>> No.6352506

Not a fan of her personality, but I think she's really cute and I wish I could dress like her.

>> No.6352509

you can just like hundreds of other girls

>> No.6352510

>those stockings

I must have them. Anyone know where to buy them?

Alternatively, any good sites for cute stockings?

>> No.6352511
File: 166 KB, 1078x460, contest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is curious about the contest I can fill you in. It was a competition on Electric Alice's facebook to win a dress or something.

Well the competition was about who could create the most creative and cute outfit and the theme would be who your "kawaii inspiration"
was. It was awkward because choke and PB had kyary as their inspiration which I guess knowing PB's huge ego might have affected her as well.

>> No.6352516

won tho, cuz theses two look the same.

>> No.6352519

She's always posting "Today's makeup is ugly" or "I'm ugly today" all obvious attempts at getting sympathy comments. She always does lav x black, which gets boring after the second time seeing it.

Also that Choke drama really sealed it for me that she's annoying. Also making her own fan tumblr.

>> No.6352520

Choke all the way from those pictures.
Jesus that stupid face PB made...

>> No.6352521

where can I find more eye-candy of this style, though? I like it, I'd love to see it with more lime green, orange, or other "halloween" colors.

gosh tumblr being down is a pain in the ass.

>> No.6352528

Both of these outfits are terrible IMO

>> No.6352534


>> No.6352536

why do i like Pastelbat more WHY!!! what witchcraft is this?

>> No.6352570

Annoying as shit personality and absolutely boring dress style.

Yeah, it was cute and slightly original last year, but now it's just the same thing over and over again

black loose top with cute motif + skirt + funky tights + pastel accessories (mostly blue or lavender)

and inb4 'that's the same as lolita!', at least lolis change up their colours and have different types of dresses.

>> No.6352579

I'm not sure how it could comfortably be worn in winter, so far i see shorts and short skirts in this style. unless you like, triple layer your tights but that's kinda stupid. It's boring, but I could see this as a cute style to wear to casual halloween events or something. ive actually never seen this style before, i don't think.

>> No.6352583

I like Choke's top, but both of these feel kinda....ehhhhh

>> No.6352584


Yeah. It's also very one-dimentional. If you wear that shit during Christmas or summer, people will think you're weird as fuck.

>> No.6352591

I've met her IRL, and she's pretty shy but kind of bitchy. I mean, she only hangs out with her lolita friends that feeds her compliments.

>> No.6352592

Just your average looking swede with crappy wigs and a bad sense of style.

>> No.6352590

That wig is horrible

>> No.6352792

I dislike Pastelbat, but why is everyone like "but she's not originaaaaal!" Does she intend/try to be? I don't get the creepycute hate because it "all looks the same." Of course it does. It has limited motifs and style constraints in order to qualify. It doesn't seem like her or her style are trying to be original, she's just an attention whore trying to look cute.

>> No.6352802


>Does she intend/try to be?

Yes. Yes she does. Doesn't she claim to be the creator of creepy-cute or whatever?

>> No.6352859

Not at all, she even said on her tumblr that she doesn't even "do" creepy cute. That she's never claimed to do so, she does fairy-kei and that's what it is.

>> No.6352880

>ridiculously idiotic faces that she is not cute/asian enough to pull off

this is so true.

>> No.6352889

i need that shirt... does anyone have a link?!

>> No.6352912

"A mixture of cute and creepy-Pastelbat"

>> No.6352916

looks like she's bat-shit crazy (ba dum dum....tissss)

>> No.6352944

I think her photos are really cute especially the ones where she hides her face with her phone.

I don't go to her Tumblr though because I can't stand her constant comments about how she hates her makeup or how she thinks she's fat.

As some anon said before in this thread, she's too shy for this weird of a fashion and her insecurity probably drives her to fish for compliments.

>> No.6353005
File: 103 KB, 800x600, 560731_513508378660051_954686404_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was posted on Gothic Lolita Wigs Facebook a few days ago.

I just don't like her. She seems try-hard. I don't hate her, I just don't like her.

>> No.6353018

I really want to know too!

And the bat shirts. Actually, every bat shirt in this thread. I want kawaii bat sweaters and tights

>> No.6353029

I like Chokelate's poses a lot more and I REALLY want her sweater, but I'm kind of not feeling the skirt.

>> No.6353036

Same story as a lot of other girls in the world: Cute but a rotten personality.

She does her style well but it's either gone to her head or she just was never much of a sweetheart in the first place.

>> No.6353076

can we change this to a cute bat stuff thread

>> No.6353088

if I had to choose a word to describe her, just from the way she looks, it would be "spoiled", with "smug" coming in a close second. it's not like i know anything about this girl, but she just lloks like a person who is ad always has been extremely satisfied with herself for no real reason.

>> No.6353093
File: 63 KB, 570x570, batmannecklace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES, please.

I just got a laser cut batsymbol necklace. There was a pink one in that shop too.

(I'm...I'm from /co/.)

>> No.6353194
File: 76 KB, 500x717, tumblr_mcii85JMb81qe8515o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad Choke got out of that phase, this suits het so much better

>> No.6353202

It's by Listen Flavor (http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/listen-f/)) but I think it's sold out.

>> No.6353382

dat wig
dem lips
dem cheekbones
Choke y u so gorgeous

>> No.6353506

I like PBS clothing and style. I just don't like the bottom half of her face and how she needs sympathy. I liked her much more before the think with Choke, I love Choke! everyone messes up though so I don't hate her she's just a bit annoying

>> No.6353520

I take that back I don't like any of her face and I suck at spelling haha :(

>> No.6353549

Dat shoop.

>> No.6353582

it's a defense mechanism, she expects people to call her ugly or fat, So she does it up front to prevent anyone from saying anything negative about her. If she didn't this thread would be filled with "Oh she's so fat/ugly anyway".

I know because I do it too. Not to fish for compliments, because no matter how many nice things someone will say to me, nothing will stop me from hating myself as much as I do.

>> No.6353585
File: 389 KB, 500x737, tumblr_map6fwU5L21qc5jioo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she did outfit rundowns, I need these tights

>> No.6353603

I think she's cute as hell with an adorable dress sense (wish I had the balls to pull what she wears off to college). Her lovely clear skin makes me jelly too. I'd love to get a lilac wig or two, but it doesn't look right unless your skin is that clear. That's that. But, her personality leaves a lot to be desired. She gives off the impression that she's a very air headed individual. A bit self-absorbed, perhaps. Her open self-hate on her tumblr weirds me out too. If I had a tumblr as popular as hers no way would I be bawwing about being so ugly/fat all the time. Or posting creepy ass self-portraits with shit like 'DIE BITCH' written on them.

>> No.6353608

It can't be practical to wear that kind of wig to class.

>> No.6353638

>Or posting creepy ass self-portraits with shit like 'DIE BITCH' written on them.

Whoa, when did that happen. I've been browsing her outfit tag because...well, I really like her outfits, but whoa

>> No.6353661


>> No.6353665

I've seen them on taobao I just can't remember where.

>> No.6353671

PAstel bat has a lot of cute/trendy pieces but her coords aren't really that strong and she's not actually cute. It's weird. She's totally mediocre but I'm just drawn to her ometimes.

>> No.6353704


Just goo a search for sheer cross tights in google?

>> No.6353780

I've seen them in Topshop.

>> No.6353797

She does look like that you know

>> No.6354023


This is what bugs me the most I think. The fact that she wears that shit outside.

It looks pretty silly already, and if I saw someone like that irl, I'd burst out laughing.

>> No.6354077

you're on /cgl/ nigga, there are people who go to work in lolita and go to picnics in cosplay.

>> No.6354090

What shop?

>> No.6354108


I've noticed the lifestyle lolis have it pretty toned down though, not fucking pastel monsterwigs and creepers erry day.

And cosplay picnics aren't usual either. That's monthly if anything.

>> No.6354208

holy shit. she needs help.

>> No.6354227

You go on a board like /cgl/ and decide to attack a chick who wears pastel wigs?

Anons find any reason to hate on someone.
>average looking?
>not weeby?
LOL, I'll make fun of her fashion sense!

As if the outfits aren't well put together.

U jelly anon

>> No.6354234

how does she afford all this stuff? does she work or..? seems to have a lot of free time

>> No.6354272

Actually no, the person who commented made a jab at PB as "the other Kyary-inspired entry".
And I say this as someone who thinks both of these girls are basic cunts.

>> No.6354274

I saw her on the subway once, her mint green wig is an absolute clusterfuck of tangles in the back, she had it pinned up in some weird way so it looked horrible in the neck area.
She has some unique ideas, but most of her outfits are just the same.

>> No.6354303

She's still in highschool but in Sweden we get $150/month from the state until graduation.

>> No.6354381

fuck i wanna live in sweden

>> No.6354434

What's really unsettling about that is the fact that no one even commented on that bit. The closest thing I saw was a, "You silly girl! xD"
I dunno, it just kinda gave off really creepy vibes to me, especially since it was such an obvious, central part of the picture.

>> No.6354578

I'm a big fan of Chokelate and she's gorgeous but that homeless Satanic hipster style just looks terrible on anyone and everyone.

>> No.6354614

Sorry that your tiny brain can't comprehend not liking someone's style. What do you tell yourself when you don't like someone's style?

>> No.6354668

Fucking lol.

>> No.6354689

Hi pastelbat.

>> No.6354690

I think she is cute but she is a whiny cunt with a rotten personality who knows she is good looking and slender but always goes "o noes im fat and fug ;(" so people will compliment her.

>> No.6354756


wat. I was just saying I think her style is silly, I wasn't making fun of/attacking anyone.

And yes, people make fun of fashion sense all the time, have you not seen every fashion show ever since the 90s?

And honestly, it isn't hard to put together an outfit that's 90% black.

>> No.6354916

Yo, you must be surprised by basically anything, then.

>> No.6354920

figure8knits on etsy.

>> No.6354935

Shit, that's fantastic.

>> No.6354992

Not liking someone's style is VERY different from LOL THAT'S RIDICULOUS AND OVER THE TOP, DOES SHE LEAVE THE HOUSE LIKE THAT? which is basically what you said.

You also said you'd laugh at her, and then "oh, but lolita is only to meet-ups and cosplay to cons and picnics". How the fuck would you know whether they're going to a con/meet-up or to, idk, school?

>> No.6355036

I don't think it was the fact that you don't like it.
It's probably got more to do with
>if I saw someone like that irl, I'd burst out laughing.
Come on now.

>> No.6355094 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 310x294, pbback1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know where I can find this bag? I found two, but both have crappy ratings. ;_;

>> No.6355116

Some cute stuff there; thanks!

>> No.6355142


>> No.6355999

She's not actually in high school anymore. She's like 20 and does fashion or design in some college.

>> No.6356011

Pastel Bat's grammar isn't that good.

>> No.6356509

Nope, she is in high school. She was supposed to have graduated last summer, but decided to re-do high school in a different program because she wanted to be a *~*designer*~*

>> No.6357784


With her shitty language "skills" I doubt it was a "decision."

>> No.6357851

i'm so tired of her and her stupid pug face and her terribly coordinated outfits showing up on my tumblr dash. why does everyone cream themselves over her? seriously the outfit in op's pic doesn't have any sense of cohesion other than the bat motif and the purple.

looks/fashion sense aside, she seems fucked in the head and she needs therapy, not validation from tumblr twats.

>> No.6357856

lol you are so mad

>> No.6357860

i'd say disappointed in people is a better word than "mad"

>> No.6357869

>HAHAHA i caaaaaaaaaaaan’t what am i doing
My face have it’s own life ok
listening to FASHION MONSTER on repeat and it kind of makes me hyper and weird so i’m sorry about thew weird pic spam 8DDDDDD


>> No.6359597

She got a secret this week.

>> No.6359620

She's goes to a fashion&design highschool. In sweden it's very common to switch highschool/program, since we decide on a 3year program when 14-15 and might not want to stick with it after trying it out. That means she probably had a bunch of extra courses to take=an extra year.

I like when people try to analyze pastelbat without knowing anything about how Sweden works.

>> No.6359654

I'm so jelly.

I wish I could have done that too.
It would be my dream to study fashion design. But I'm afraid ending up jobless or earning not enough money after spending three years studying.
So I study economics.

I wonder what she will do later. As far as I've seen her creations don't seem to be that good.

>> No.6359721

I did the same thing, in the same school.

>> No.6359767

OT as fuck, but is there some kind of counseling involved in this decision? Because 14-year-olds, at least the ones that I know, aren't exactly good at making intelligent life choices. If this were available to my classmates at that age then 70% of the girls would choose a fashion program and 90% of the guys would choose some sort of sports program, if those exist (the rest would be in music). Are there still some mandatory science/language/history/otherusefulshit classes, or go they get to completely skip that stuff?
I get that Sweden's pretty good at this whole 'functional society' thing so you guys probably have a good system in place. But I don't know if that sort of thing would work everywhere... is there a program that gets a disproportionate number of clueless weeaboos? How long does it normally take them to snap out of it?

>> No.6359955

Art usually have a lot of 16 year olds with cat ears and they draw "deyr own stayl"-with anime as a huge influence

>> No.6359966
File: 346 KB, 480x640, pastelbat nomakeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know she was white.

>> No.6359976

Even more off-topic but I wanted to add in something. English schools are kind of similar to this in that GCSE choices at 13/14 taken for the next two years correlate directly with A Level choices at 15/16. So if you want to take an A Level course in say Art or History usually you had to have taken the GCSE in it to prove competency.
Then A Level choices directly relate to degree choices, so unless you knew you wanted to do history at 14 so took the GCSE, you've got little chance doing a degree in it. (It screwed me over hard.)

It's a shitty system and seems kind of similar to the Swedish one from what has been said, and here we get pretty much no help and guidance other than "These decisions are important and influence the rest of your like so don't fuck up lol."

>> No.6360006

I think she's really cute, even without makeup I think she's attractive.
I don't know anything about her though.

>> No.6360009

Yes, there is counseling involved before choosing. All high school programs are also required to have the subjects that are requisite for basic uni so unless you fail a lot of classes, you don't have to worry. You also have a number of classes which you choose yourself, so techically you can do the fashion&design program and still take classes of extra math.
There are of course more or less serious programs, but if you end up doing something lame in highschool and still want to become an engineer or something, you can read a year of basic science after you graduate and you can get into your uni of choice.
Oh, and anyone can't get into whatever highschool program they want. Some schools with a lot of applications take interviews, and some are based solely on grades.

>> No.6360079

I think the amount and level of counceling involved depends a lot on where in the country you life, which school you go to and so on. Some get to sit down and discuss their decision with a student guidance counselor, while others get to spend a day/half a day at the schools they are considering.

Since a lot of people haven't decided what they want to do in the future when they're 14-15 years old, many choose a program that is just basically preparatory for further university studies.

>> No.6360137

You're joking, right?

>> No.6360180

why doesn't she look like this?
i'd go out with her like this.

>> No.6360676

So... This meant I could have switched highschool's if I wanted? FUCK! x'(

>> No.6360692

Then I guess my art program was kinda quiet. xD Everyone who was intrested in anime/manga/comics contained their power levels pretty well in my year xD

>> No.6360901
File: 91 KB, 720x960, 376880_364280713642439_928517801_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... the wig looks like it's close to falling off, and I wonder if the thing on her headband is one of her replicas (the thing with the eyes), since her ring is one.

Also...if you compare this to her other pictures, you can clearly make out that she involves some kind of shoop in her normal pictures of the day.

>> No.6361000


She looks like Robin Williams in this photo

>> No.6361004

>I like it, I'd love to see it with more lime green, orange, or other "halloween" colors.
Same. Sadly it only exists in lavenderxpurple and sometimes with mint thrown in because tumblr is unoriginal

>> No.6362962

Is she really 14? She looks older.

I like her style even if many coords look the same.

>> No.6362969

She's not 14. She's 20ish iirc, but she's turned into one of those strange types you get on the internet who insist on being x age "forever" and refuse to give out their actual age.

>> No.6362976

i done died

>> No.6362974

who said she's 14? she's 20.

>> No.6363003

she looks cuter with less make-up imo

>> No.6363022

why have people reblogged this picture? I could understand if there wasn't the writing, but unless you've added a sympathetic comment...

>> No.6363558
File: 194 KB, 1261x667, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hillarious how butthurt some of her fans are.

>> No.6364335

Are you kidding? She looks haggard as hell. Most people do without makeup.

>> No.6364341

i can't stop reading it as "pastelbait"

>> No.6364391

Holy fuck, why didn't I live in Sweden? Is college free too? I know it is in Poland.

>> No.6364626

sometimes she posts in her nsfw tumblr, like "i'm horny and alone, help" and stuff like that (not really often) and in her twitter she claims dying to be with this guy Simon who i think just fucks her and then returns to his town or something like that

inb4 stalker. not really but when i discovered her i was curious and checked her tumblr and twitter.

>> No.6364725

OT but why is it this trend on Tumblr to talk about sex and crudeness and wanting dick and 15-year-olds having "sex" listed several times in their "about me" list of interest? I know I'm prude as fuck but it just seems like it sort of cropped up one day to just randomly start talking about your sex life or horny lack thereof.

>> No.6364939

She must have deleted those post

>> No.6367064

actually, i've checked her nsfw tumblr now and they're still there. 6 page old post maybe?

>> No.6367118

whats her NSFW tumblr?

>> No.6367130

It's generally referred to as pastel-goth as a style, which, as the name suggests, is most often done in pastel pinks, purples, greens, and black.

I don't think I've seen it done in bright colors but I think it'd be adorable if someone did.

>> No.6367252

http://pastelbutt.tumblr.com/ is her actual pr0n reblog account.

>> No.6367274

I just wish I knew where to get all her tops/shorts/skirts from. Are they mostly taobao? I'm going to skim through this thread as it's probably been answered already heh.

>> No.6367394

Japanese brands: Listen Flavor and Banana Fish
and Taobao
TBH if you look she doesn't really have that much clothes

>> No.6367416

I really dislike how Satanic motifs is a trendy hipster thing now. I'm a Satanist but I dont mention it, so when these people have these sigils plastered everywhere, I silently rage.

Inb4 "lol but you're hipster for saying that.

I really dont know what this "hipster" term even is.

>> No.6367425

Her love/crush on Dakota really put me off

Because you know if you consider Dakota gf material there must be something wrong with you

>> No.6367429
File: 284 KB, 800x1296, 1350681242740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not religious but I also feel uncomfortable when I see photos of people wearing crosses (whether rightside up or upside down) or rosaries, things like that
I feel like someone is going to make a bookbag and use the holy bible as the base and that will really make me uncomfortable.

>> No.6367480

This might be seen as hypocritical as me but when I see the cross symbol used I dont have a problem. When it's a rosary, I might have second thoughts. To each their own though...
I do agree about the holy bible bit though. Like if it used an ACTUAL bible. If it was just a print... eh not so much

>> No.6367577


I wear a small, undecorated silver cross sometimes because I like the history of Christianity and the symbolism that comes with it. I think the history of Christianity is really gothic, and I don't mean modern gothic, I mean old skool gothic, Mary Shelley gothic.

>> No.6367618

It isn't different in the most european countries thought.

>> No.6367646

Still doesn't say she invented Creepy Cute besides it just being a overall term for halloween stuff mixed with cute stuff.

>> No.6367678

Its kind of funny though because a lot of the things arent even satanic. An upside down cross is actually a sybol of the catholic church. It's called St. Pete's cross. And a pentacle is representative of the 5 virtues of the Virgin Mary. Now like an UPSIDE DOWN pentacle inscribed in a circle with a goat head and shit I guess that's satanic, and an upside down crucifix is satanic. But I dunno I don't really have a problem at all I just think It's funny that edgy!kids think this is pushing envelopes or something.

>> No.6367802

Yes mte.

>> No.6368475

After reading this, she sounds like a cunt.
I don't think she's anything special either.

>> No.6368768

Late answer, but yes, college is free here in Sweden, although you have to pay for books and other material yourself.

>> No.6368777

now let the thread died

>> No.6368830

I follow her on tumblr 'cause I like her style. Don't care about her personality.

>> No.6368895

I wish I could do that. I've followed people before for other things thinking I could ignore their shitty personality and text posts but found them absolutely unbearable and unfollowed.

>> No.6368995

i would tenderly love her

>> No.6371962

So you like the heroin "chic" look then?

>> No.6371971

Nah just not a fan of fat asses

>> No.6372122

She looks sick in this picture though. She looks tons better with makeup.

>> No.6372123

i still like her with or without the make up

>> No.6372137

Whatever floats your boat bruh. But when she coughs on you mid-bang and you catch the superflu, don't come crying to me.

>> No.6372160

she doesn't look bad, but I can't tell for sure due to the quality+lighting of the pic

>> No.6372197
File: 400 KB, 1280x720, 1326733334019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should see her most recent pic then

I don't get why she publicly announced her NSFW blog, nothing against her having one but eh ..she must have balls of kawaii steel

>> No.6372203

>I don't get why she publicly announced her NSFW blog

>> No.6372207



>> No.6372264

She just reblogs crap there, you hardly get atention from this.

>> No.6372278

I meant to get attention from her fans who only see 'cute pastelbat' rather than her as a person.

Most e-famous people have fans for specific reasons, but once they start being more than that people get annoyed. Like someone earlier in the thread said, if you like what someone is blogging you can ignore their personality. Fans want a blog not a person.

>> No.6372280

link to nsfw blog plz

>> No.6372336


Pamela Mann tights.

>> No.6373163

I like her style but her 'omg I'm ugly' attitude pisses me, when she posts bra pictures of herself!

>> No.6376827

I know nothing about this girl but she's wearing the kind of stuff i was wearing in my "scene" days, the pink creepers, ugly ass wigs and creepy kawaii jumpers. There is nothing original bout her idk, everything seems so dated. I have seen plenty of girls wearing that shit at a Fall Out Boy concert ... sigh memories.

>> No.6377843

At least she's not flooding my dashboard with her shitty selcas like Creepyyeha.

>> No.6377850

I though she was cosplaying the whole time. But that's what she wears everyday ? Damn i would die wearing a wig everyday under 30°...