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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 174 KB, 720x960, roflbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6365560 No.6365560 [Reply] [Original]

Larp thread, terribad edition because of this

>Requesting a new thread of hilariously bad LARP costumes and weapons.

Although I will post a few average costumes too.

Previous thread:

>> No.6365579
File: 808 KB, 722x1000, virag016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a prime example of when people play half naked when you would actually pay so they won't do that

>> No.6365588
File: 1.32 MB, 1333x1000, 057_Barbár vonal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually I don't think that I can fill the whole thread with these pics while keeping it entertaining.
I mean I have more than 150 pics about bad costumes but most of it just people with modern cloths and a weapon maybe a cape or something. And that gets old pretty fast

>> No.6365595
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1333, 064_Ronda, szőrös telepes asszony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6365598

>Shit jeans
>Cock drawn on chest
>Emaciated frame
>Shirt tied around waist

He's actually just woken up after a party and has gotten lost

>> No.6365605
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x1333, 125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this one is pretty sad as he has a gambeson a good hauberk with shield and helmet... but then everything goes to shit after these

>> No.6365609
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>> No.6365613
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>> No.6365615 [DELETED] 

ladies and gentlemen, meet the Dildozer

>> No.6365618
File: 130 KB, 640x480, 283887_2006680245111_4842050_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ladies and gentlemen, meet the Dildozer

>> No.6365619
File: 54 KB, 720x540, 402576_382957648397816_100000507522359_1527412_1892108923_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is the dildozer 2.0 because it was such a GREAT weapon that the guy HAD TO upgrade it instead of making a new one.

>> No.6365621
File: 61 KB, 403x403, 285554_516740881686158_1972692473_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allegedly this is a female dark elf

>> No.6365623
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>> No.6365625

(I went to bed shortly after I wrote to you and failed to see your reply, I won't stay on the computer for long this time either.)

Which is true, and it wouldn't be fun to get your ribs cracked, and a good LARPer should be considerate of how hard his sword hits compared to its softness while good organizers should be aware of such issues.

But if you go to LARPs you should be at least aware of the possibility that you feel a bit of pain from being continously whacked with foam swords. And I don't mean pain as in serious injuries but as in bruising.

>> No.6365630
File: 190 KB, 720x960, 407687_316152218408754_100000419368072_1201060_1012610371_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that goes with the game at least most people think this here. But I really can't say how it works in other countries until I play there, all I have is educated guesses and stories

>> No.6365637
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>> No.6365639
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>> No.6365649
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>> No.6365655


True, I don't think I'd be able to find a whole lot of people with the same mentality as myself.

But for example there was/is the Danish LARP Van Buren where you can only use foam weapons appropriate for Post-Apocalyptic settings or Airsoft and then proceeding to ban Airsoft pellets. No words on NERF guns though, whenever they allowed or not.

>> No.6365656
File: 200 KB, 585x467, 1306168602459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this one is not from a larp but one of those US boffer-tags. Regardless I will post a few of these too as people constantly telling me that boffer-tags are larps too

>> No.6365662
File: 488 KB, 800x533, 1316706246070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know two guys from my group who would think that hitting way too hard is actually not a problem at all. Then there is half a dosen more who wouldn't give a fuck about it as they have good enough armor to practice with real swords

>> No.6365668
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>> No.6365672
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this one is way too hilarious to not post it

>> No.6365675
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and this one is not bad in a sense that it looks horrible, but it's impractical as fuck and in the hilarious category too

>> No.6365680
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>> No.6365693
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>> No.6365694


Hitting way too hard will be a problem, but going to a LARP with the interest to fight and not expecting a few bruises is kinda like taking public transport and not expecting someone sits next to you.

If you play a non-combatant then it is a different story.

I think I come off as a violence-happy That Guy right now.

>> No.6365698
File: 62 KB, 247x544, 1319124679428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is supposed to be a golem

>> No.6365722

not really, but I talked with you a few times already.

That said the only thing that is actually comperable is how many serious injuries happen in games.
Which is literally zero here since a few years although there are a few from after game battles where only the fight oriented people plays and from trainings but those are a different story.

>> No.6365734


With that weapon, I think he has less brain than he has hair.


I mean more that I'm trying to justify hard-hitting and has already dismissed complainers as wusses would make me sound that-guy ish.

>> No.6365737
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>> No.6365743
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>> No.6365750
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>> No.6365769
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>> No.6365776
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>> No.6365782
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>> No.6365785
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>> No.6365788
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>> No.6365791
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>> No.6365795
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>> No.6365794
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>> No.6365802
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>> No.6365806
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>> No.6365810
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>> No.6365808
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>> No.6365812

I-I kind of through up in my mouth a little

This is what I expect all American larps to look like.

Hungary, before you were talking about an international larp, how does that work with all the different languages?

>> No.6365813
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>> No.6365821
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well. in Drachenfest and mythodea for example where there are 5000-10000 players they use german as the base language but most people can speak enlgish there and the important things are translated to english. After that people have to solve it for themselves.

Here our "internatinal gama" (if we use the term loosely as actually 2 guys showed up from another country, while more than 20 promised) We used english whenever those two guys were around and every important thing was translated to english too. Although if they weren't around we sometimes changed back to hungarian

>> No.6365825
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>> No.6365829
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>> No.6365836

God all the sneakers. As a cosplayer this makes me rage.
What would be appropriate footwear?

>> No.6365848
File: 22 KB, 500x447, 1347355954859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

authentic footwears. But those are kind of hard to come by. Usually it1s either too expensive or not comfortable enough.
But of course there is the option to wear regular boots and hide the modern parts.
With leather gaiters for example. That works really well in my opinion

>> No.6365867
File: 540 KB, 2048x1152, 1348868205078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6365870
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>> No.6365887

The baret that guy on the left is wearing made me laugh

>> No.6365888
File: 37 KB, 900x245, boffer longsword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6365885
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>> No.6365891
File: 124 KB, 900x675, boffers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6365894
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>> No.6365897
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>> No.6365898

Oh god I did not notice that.
brb DYING.

>> No.6365899
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>> No.6365903
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>> No.6365902
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a lot of these things are funny because of the little details. You should watch them more closely.

>> No.6365907

This is better then an Ita thread.

>> No.6365904
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>> No.6365914
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>> No.6365918
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Well, after all, I post quality shit.

>> No.6365920
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>> No.6365928
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>> No.6365929
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>> No.6365933
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>> No.6365935
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>> No.6365937
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>> No.6365938
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>> No.6365943
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this is bad mostly because of the way how the guy using his spear. sadly there are a lot of people out there who do things like this

>> No.6365948
File: 100 KB, 297x400, moccasins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of these shoes?

>> No.6365964
File: 133 KB, 903x677, DSCN5938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on what character you want to play. ideal for a witch, barmaid, whore, noble woman, shopkeeper or anything similar to that.
As long as you remain in the city/village/tavern/whatever it could be good in a technical sense but in the deep forest you will hate it.

Also when I metnion authentic things I do it mostly because it's hard to go wrong with them. But larping is not reenacting so fantasy stuff like that van be good too, but you have to choose wisely depending on your character and the game

>> No.6365975
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>> No.6365986
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>> No.6365990
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>> No.6366003

Anyone got tips on building the weapons? What is actually used as the padding under the duct tape?

>> No.6366010
File: 809 KB, 685x1000, efy053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact: this guy literally smashed into pieces the guitar on this pic while screaming "FUCK YOU HLF!" well not hlf but you get the idea.

>> No.6366059
File: 1.02 MB, 1338x1000, efy125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

foam. various kind of foams. We basically use insulation foam tapes here.
Also, look for tutorials on the net about building latex weapons as most of the boffer how to guides are plain shit.
but with the help of the latex sword how to guides you can make decent boffers too obviously changing a few steps

>> No.6366065
File: 1.17 MB, 1600x1200, IMG_4345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another thing to add: weapon rules changes from game to game, so you should really check it out before you start making a weapon

>> No.6366067
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>> No.6366076
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>> No.6366082


>> No.6366086

Fuck tape. If you've built a decent weapon you may as well latex it. It's a tiny amount of paint and liquid latex painted on.

>> No.6366096
File: 48 KB, 480x480, kartonpancel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not that easy to make a decent latex weapon at home and the painting could get tricky. Also latex milk is not available everywhere and if you have to ship it from another country it can get expensive.

>> No.6366099
File: 286 KB, 640x480, Ostrom Naplás 028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6366101
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>> No.6366103
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>> No.6366112
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>> No.6366133
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>> No.6366130
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>> No.6366138
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>> No.6366143
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>> No.6366148
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>> No.6366161
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>> No.6366166
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>> No.6366171
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>> No.6366181
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No it's easy. Liquid latex isn't very expensive, even importing and you don't need much.
Here was my first ever attempt:

>> No.6366188

Um, so, does this look like shit?
I have sewing/leather working experience so I would be making everything myself, but they would be like these things so you get a general idea.
Going for an elven runner of sorts.

>> No.6366189
File: 239 KB, 1275x1316, Elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya, including the picture would help

>> No.6366197
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>> No.6366204

Looks like it'd be fine to me. Don't go crazy with the rivets. I personally think it makes things look tacky and cheap

>> No.6366205
File: 580 KB, 2048x1366, 1328648664967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it was kind of expensive for us importing it from Germany, but then again we are a backass country. Also you have either a lot of experience with foamcrafting or just naturally good with this

nah, those are looking really good, but as I said I wouldn't recommend that footwear for a runner

>> No.6366208

Also you have no pants on

>> No.6366212
File: 165 KB, 960x636, 1328652345348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6366218

Fuck pants

>> No.6366216

What I have observed is that either somebody is really skinny or somebody is really fat.

>> No.6366225
File: 104 KB, 620x413, 1337634907203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in this thread yes. Becuse I post the terribad pics here. But you can find a lot of average people here too

>> No.6366230
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>> No.6366240
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>> No.6366253
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>> No.6366267
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this costume achieved fail status in more than one way but my favorite part is the "chainmail" whic is actually made out of the beercan openers

>> No.6366271
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>> No.6366272
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beware: dwarfs with pink beards

>> No.6366276

is that a bat'leth

>> No.6366282

LOL, that is kind of cute and functional, it looks cold as fuck.
But they should have used brown.

>> No.6366288
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>> No.6366297
File: 1015 KB, 1920x2560, 2012-10-30 20.57.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's really very easy. Give it a try. The only thing I'll use tape for are throwing weapons. Once Halloween is over I'll finish this

>> No.6366300

Would the average cosplayer costume be okay for LARPs? material and construction wise... Leather is too hi-grade and expensive... would the costume survive? I mean what is the average LARPers outfit cosists of?

>> No.6366305

If you go full on rolling around, no costume lasts long. Even metal armor. So a general cosplay should last as long as any other fancy costume piece

>> No.6366316
File: 2.39 MB, 3648x2736, DSCF3554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I admittedly suck at making weapons (or costumes) but the weapons that my friends made are nowhere as good looking as yours. Although they are still at the get enough experience phase

well, I'm not an expert on average cosplay costumes but as I see it from the pics most cosplay costumes are not that durable. Usually we use fabrics that are really durable, some of us try to use authentic materials too (which are mostly durable too) but that's not a must have. Practicality and durability cames before cool looks most of the time

>> No.6366347
File: 2.40 MB, 3648x2736, DSCF3595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

metal armors generally survives you IF you clean it, and maybe change the leather straps when it's needed

>> No.6366372

Hm I guess the average serious LARPer invests a minimum of 1000 usd on the costume if durability and practicality reigns

>> No.6366410
File: 1.76 MB, 1000x1333, 008_Az ünnepelt buzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. You can make a period accurate costume witch is practical and durable from 50-100 USD (so a joined hose, a shirt, a good doublet and some kind of headgear)

>> No.6366430
File: 111 KB, 960x720, 296763_519579701402276_1642717599_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6366437

Yes, but I meant if they go-all-out

>> No.6366470
File: 146 KB, 960x720, 6079_516563495037230_566842821_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like any other hobby. If you go all-out then you can spend all of your money on it and even more

>> No.6366481
File: 174 KB, 960x720, 564320_516563448370568_1303329378_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6366484
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>> No.6366494
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>> No.6366504
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>> No.6366510
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>> No.6366517
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>> No.6366523
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>> No.6366526
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one of this dwarves is the main organizer of the game. Guess which one

>> No.6366564
File: 52 KB, 604x401, 11056_100850296608554_7547660_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6366580

>Concentration camp survivor reenactor.

>> No.6366586

That aint kawaii

>> No.6366597
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I think I'm in the process of posting shit that is not that entertaining since a while...

>> No.6366596


Look at the guy, he needs a sandwich.

He needs a whole plate of sandwiches and some exercise.

>> No.6366617

... Santa? Is that you?

>> No.6366622
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>> No.6366629
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>> No.6366635

W-why would you even hold that like that

>> No.6366634
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>> No.6366639
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>> No.6366643

to confuse his opponent's penis-sword, thus reducing the chances of being penetrated

>> No.6366644
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because he is an idiot who don't know shit about weapons. So your average larper

>> No.6366647
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>> No.6366659
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>> No.6366660
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>> No.6366664
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>> No.6366668

Dammit HLF, you make me want to Larp with all your other threads, but now I just want to go around with a roll of duct tape and beat these people with it.

>> No.6366676
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no. You don't want to do that. You want to do beat them with at least a proper boffer. And with style. Trust me, I'm an expert

>> No.6366689
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>> No.6366688


Would you - or someone else- like me to write up my short and simple guide to make a sword of somewhat decent quality for a beginner? It's usually 1-2 posts long.

I could also type or write my guides for other things: Shields, guns, simple clothing or even the theoretical foam-canon.

Funny story about that theoretical foam-canon: Two of my friends were discussing the idea and dismissed it as "impossible" to which I spend 2 minutes putting together a hypothetical design and drew it on my whiteboard.

I could alternatively illustrate said guides, but drawing them would take a shit load of time as I'm a shitty drawfag.

>> No.6366692

Yeah, I suppose. I always was taught that if you're gonna do something, do it right. And I know everyone can't be a wizard with homemade latex or sew a good costume, but by god, just wait a touch, save a little here and there and invest in something decent.

(Although were I to larp, I'd totally spring for one of those latex shovels, just to kill knights, elves, etc with something humiliating.)

>> No.6366694
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tell them that last year we built a working one because we did not know it was impossible

>> No.6366695

Yeah man, info is always a good thing to have.

>> No.6366699


Trust him, he is a self-titled Troll who specialises in trolling shitty LARPs and piss off stupid arrogant organizers. In my eyes, he is THE authority on LARP of /tg/. Second authority would be German LARPfag.

For comparison, I'm only good for thinking up ways to make something work at a somewhat okay level which someone with actual expertise then could improve upon tenthfold.

Most things Hungarian LARPfag says is solid advice, and his - or is it Another Hungarian LARPfag? - story telling is superb, I paraphrase from two stories:
>We counted the fucks we gave and found that there were none.
>We told them that off was the general direction we wanted them to fuck.

They horror-stories from LARPs are some of the best horror-stories I've read, and I used to go to /cgl/ once in a while to find horror stories.

>> No.6366703
File: 86 KB, 640x480, 185518_2006649884352_1186803961_31846715_1182512_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make a robe and a wizard hat, plus a staff. Put on your robe and wizard hat and with the staff and a little trolling (or maximum trolling, depends on who you ask) you can too ruin whole larps for everyone, forever.

>> No.6366707


I actually used you as a reference to why they were a pair of dumb-fucks when they said one couldn't build a canon.

>Ginger#2: "It can't be done."
>Pseudo-Archeologist: "No it would be too hard."
>Me: "Actually Hungarian LARPfag - a guy on 4chan /tg/ - and his friends made one using an airsoft grenade launcher. I think I can make one using my arquebus design."


Okay give me a few minutes, I've actually slept today so while English isn't my native tongue, it should be less error filled than my usual ramblings on /tg/. I'll swear in the guides though because I like swearing in guides.

>> No.6366711


I feel like you have some glorious screencapped stories hidden somewhere.

>> No.6366712
File: 109 KB, 483x644, 554384_3233947166017_1186803961_32487553_1659503298_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, Another Hungarian LARPfag is the one who make weapons and other stuff also he is the organizer of the best larp here. I might be a little biased about it but truth to be told he doesn't have much competition in quality.

Also I'm not infallible plus my grammar and describing skills pretty much suck. Even more if I don't get enough sleep

>> No.6366719


>Even more if I don't get enough sleep

Let's face it: You never sleep! At least I've never seen a LARP thread without you.

And I don't really care about errors in your English, in fact the first times I read your stories, I read them with the voice of this Slovenian guy I knew. It was glorious. So in fact, I love the way you merciless buthcer the English language.

Woops, I was supposed to write some guides.

>> No.6366717
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whole archived threads to be precise, some of them are even good or enjoyable! but all of them are full of horrible grammar mistakes as mostly I wrote those at 1-4 am

>> No.6366718

So If I flew to Hungary right now and got down on one knee and purposed what would you do?

Ps, you should assume everyone on /cgl/ is a girl.

>> No.6366721
File: 38 KB, 343x512, 285361_257361714290226_100000491979350_1126906_63567_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is actually from a Vampire LARP, but still it is always overloads my WTF-meter

>> No.6366725


>Assume everyone on /cgl/ is a girl


(At least that was what I was told when I said something similarly.)

Also Hungarian LARPfag is married... to /tg/.

>But you are with /d/*slash*/x/*slash*/whatever/!
HUNGARIAN LARPFAG IS /tg/'S HUSBANDU... or whatever the male equivalent of a waifu is.

>> No.6366728
File: 75 KB, 450x600, 262428_257340200959044_100000491979350_1126782_1407349_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first of all wonder how the fuck did you get into the house then probably get my entrenching shovel (or the axe, it's closer right now) just for the sake of paranoia.

sleeping is overrated

>> No.6366735
File: 68 KB, 640x428, 285394_257361794290218_100000491979350_1126909_1691065_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that is supposed to be a secret....
WAAAAIT a minute! If I'm married to /tg/ and Esh-Esh is the mother of /tg/ then I have the best mother in law of the world?

>> No.6366732

>then probably get my entrenching shovel

Hungarian LARPfag has just been confirmed to be a Krieger!

>> No.6366736


/tg/ - Totally Gay

>> No.6366743
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not really. I mean an entrenching shovel is a normal equipment in every house even more if you go for camping. I would never go to a larp without my entrenching shovel as it's pretty much a universal tool. For example you can make food on it.

>> No.6366740

I don't even.
I can't even.
Why would you want to look like that.

>> No.6366744
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 225733_257361860956878_100000491979350_1126911_5970217_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a vampire LARP, you probably couldn't understand it.

>> No.6366750

>but that is supposed to be a secret....

… I'm a terrible safe keeper, perhaps that is why The Character 'Caffeine-Commissar' shouldn't go to war unless he becomes Sans-Caffeine-Commissar?


Then Hungary is confirmed to be Krieg.

Which explain's Pseudo-Archeologist's love for trench warfare (he is 1/4th Hungarian).

I better close this window, otherwise that guide will never be finished, but I know myself enough to conclude that once I go fullscreen on Word, I'll light a cigarette.

>> No.6366751

I don't think I want to understand it. Not if it means smearing shit tear splotchy body paint on my face.

I have a strong anne rice itch right now.

>> No.6366747
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>> No.6366749

Hello hungarian larpfag, your future waifu here.

I told about quitting with my local larp group due to drama. Yeah, at some point the drama was quite hilarious and something minor, but as people started to get together more it just gave some pretty damn shitty times. Games were absolutely RUINED because some butthurt jelly girlfriends and boyfriends couldn't understand that some "romances" were just because they were supposed to happen in the game, they tried to alter the characters, and I had SEVERAL ladies coming to me and telling me I'm an absolutely horrible slut who needs to keep her hands off their men. Mind you, I was dating myself that time with another player in the group but we didn't give two shits about in-game relationships as they meant absolutely nothing and nothing would _actually_ happen.

Still have this one bitch harassing me and blaming me that their relationship ended because I tried to seduce her fat ass fiance. Ugh no. Just because I exchange a couple of words with the guy and laugh to his joke doesn't mean I'm longing for his dick.


>> No.6366754
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best leather armor ever

>> No.6366768 [DELETED] 


Hungarian LARPfag, what do you call those plastic pipes electricians use for wires but LARPers put inside swords? In Danish they are called either isolation pipes or wire pipes but they have a proper acronym... IIRC something with A and a C. ACP?

>> No.6366775
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 183827_257361880956876_100000491979350_1126912_3100293_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, most Vampire LARPers think that they are pretty much edgy and dark and whatever. you want real, good drama on a larp? go to a vampire larp. but be prepared it's nothing like the fantasy larps.

I for one doesn't really like to call them larps as it's missing the "action" part from Live Action Role Playing and they are all playing undead vampires so it's not that live either.

I heard one vampire larp organizer said it (in front of a camera) that vampire larps are the real roleplaying and fantasy larps are not real larps because they use weapons while vampire larps dont and they are pure roleplaying.

>> No.6366791


Disregard the question, I'll find the old guide I wrote and find the acronym there.


Because all LARPers are secretly sado-masochistic.

>> No.6366787

OH god all the bad face paint.
I bet that shit is not even sealed.
It will rub off on everything they touch.
Did they even try to blend?!?!??

>> No.6366789

God, the trolling potential....

>> No.6366794

>>You'll need
>>>A core

Dear past-self.

Fuck you.

Sincerly present-self.

P.S future-self adds: Fuck you!

>> No.6366795

Maybe it's just me but I love dramas, moreso if they are serious ones. There were more than one game when I had arguments with the organizers about the rules, because they had a different opinion on them than me. Also I usually just happened to have a printed out version of the rules...
Once after I argued for half an hour with an organizer he actually became depressed and does not wanted to talk with anyone.

So by my standard you was pretty much successful, you should feel proud not rage.

But probably that's just me

>> No.6366807
File: 60 KB, 720x540, 226159_257361377623593_100000491979350_1126897_311505_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's "cool" or so am I told. I'm not a cool person so I can't fathom their coolness

yes it has more than a little potential. Sadly I never went to a vampire larp personally, but one of my friends trolled the ma little.

One day we will go to one as a hunter group... That or an Ukrainian mafia group which searches for a lost shipment of drugs...
Or as a bunch of murderhobos

>> No.6366811
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>> No.6366809
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>> No.6366815
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>> No.6366819
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>> No.6366835
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>> No.6366843



Introduction and what you will need:
First off you need to know that this guide was not written by a professional, or hell – someone with a lot of experience with LARPs. So while this guide is useful for a rookie, a veteran LARPfag could probably find numerous flaws.

Anyway, let's start with the simple buffer sword. This sword is similar to the ones Hungarian LARPfag uses except he puts more detail into them so they actually look good.

That is actually a good explanation for why your first sword will look stupid or obviously fake: You don't have a lot of experience. But then again this is probably your first sword... and to be fair /cgl/ does have a lot of experience with handiwork. But I digress... I digress a lot.

>> No.6366850
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>> No.6366845


Damn I forgot to add what you need:

>More foam
>Hobby knife/Box cutter
>Permanent marker
>STW pipe (that pipe into which wires go in the isolation in the walls of your house)
>Duct tape
>Did I mention foam?

Optional but not required:
>Double-sided tape

>> No.6366848



Different LARPs has different rules, so make sure that during the construction you make sure your sword follow their standards.

Put the foam down on a flat surface place the STW pipe on top, depending on the size of the STW pipe and the thickness of your foam you may need multiple layers of foam.

Now, around the pipe, draw the desired shape of your sword – don't forget to add the hand guard - and cut it out in a similar shape but add another 2 centimeters (What? You want it in inches. Fuck imperial, metric all the way... 1 inch!), by the way, you may want to have your handle covered in foam too, but might not be required.

Let's call that layer 1, now there is layer 2 which should look the same but have space for the STW pipe. Layer 3 should be identical to layer 1. Now – with the pipe inside – double fold the Duct tape (or use the double-sided tape) and tape them together. Wooo!

Now, you have the basic shape of your sword, but it is a bit square. This is no MeinKraft, time to get the hobby knife and with it carefully – I SAID CAREFULLY! PUT THE KNIFE DOWN FUCKER! - sculpture it into a more desirable shape. Make sure it still lives up to the safety aspects of the LARP. OH GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!? YOU CUT OFF TO MUCH! START OVER!! NOW HUNGARIAN LARPFAG WILL CRY HIMSELF TO SLEEP... WAIT HE DOESN'T SLEEP! THEN HE'LL JUST LIE DOWN AND CRY AND FAIL TO SLEEP!

>> No.6366854


I digressed.

Now, use the remaining Duct tape and apply it to the sword ALONG the sword, not across. If you put it across there is a bigger chance it will look retarded. No seriously, if you just take the Duct tape and roll it around the sword it has a bigger chance of looking like a dick sword.

So yeah, apply Duct tape to the sword. Only exception where you may go across is the hilt (handle + hand guard) area, but be careful.

Woo! You sword is now more or less finished.

If you want a ricasso (thingy at the bottom of the handle) make it with foam and cover it in Duct Tape.

Okay, last piece of thing you need to do is – if you want to – wrap a piece of leather around the handle so it doesn't look fake. Alternatively use some string or cloths. It will need to be fastened, I recommend sewing or tying at that point.

Finally real finished.

Estimated cost? Core: <20 € | Foam: <20 € | Duct tape: <20 € | Leather: <10 €
Total: <70 €

What? You want that in USD... Total cost <90 USD!

>> No.6366859


Next guide will cover the more advance swords, it is essentially the same, but involves a lot less duct tape.

>> No.6366866

I don't use swords. I'm pretty much shit at fighting. I use mostly daggers for backstabbing but if I really have to use some serious weapon then I would chose various kind of polearms.

I think you mean the PVC pipes, but then again I would not recommend them for first swords (or at all) and for longer ones you will need other things too because the pipe on it's own will be "blendy" after a certain length.

>> No.6366873

>PVC pipe
And now I know I'm retarded.

I still recommend it for simple beginner swords simply because it is easy to get and cheap.

But yeah, for longer stuff they get too bendy.

>> No.6366888
File: 258 KB, 333x503, novice_long_hand_calimacil_larp_sword_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god this horrifies me. As an Australian LRPer even the less safe clubs wouldn't let that thing within a mile of the field. The majority of homemade LRP swords here are a fiberglass core with dense foam, latex skip and tipping protection. With Calamacil swords being the most popular commercial brand.

A longsword will put you back $80 but it'll last a year with weekly fighting.

>> No.6366882

Feeling a mixture of sad/embarrassed and notalgic here.

I used to run many different small larps, most players were first time larpers, and a lot ofthem ended up looking like many of these pictures for their first games.

We had lots of fun though and the stories were good.

I stopped running them games, most have either quit or moved up to the 'big league' games.

I can imagine a lot of these low budget games are still fun...

PS: I'd like to think my personal kit is good qual, but I don't like laughing at these 'bad ones' either.

>> No.6366893

>Now, use the remaining Duct tape and apply it to the sword ALONG the sword, not across

The reason for this that if you put your duct tape around the sword in a spiral way there is a chance that you will make it too tight (and most duct tapes are also shrinks after you pull it, plus they shrink in cold weather too) which will make the foam compress underneath it which in turn makes the sword harder
>If you want a ricasso (thingy at the bottom of the handle) make it with foam and cover it in Duct Tape.
the ricasso is actually the part of the blade close to the crossguard which is unsharpened and in longer swords are used to grab at it for half-swording.
What you mean is probably the pommel

>What? You want that in USD... Total cost <90 USD!
WAAAAAAAAY less than 90 USD. You could make a proper boffer from 10-15 USD.. well at least in Hungary you can do that I don't know the prices in other countries

>> No.6366900

Gah I wish I could convince myself that joining a larp group would be a good idea.
But all the ones I find in my state are 2-3 hours away in the middle of nowhere with a website that looks like it is from the 90's and the pictures in there pictures section look a lot like the ones posted in this thread.
So I will just make a proper larp armor set and just wear it to ren fairs hoping to get approached by a group that does not suck as much as these...

>> No.6366915


Which is why I included the: follow safety regulations part.

I agree with the glass fiber core though, but they aren't as commonly available.


Ricasso: Damn, I could have sworn Wikipedia said something differently half a minute ago. Yeah pommel.

In regards to the cost: I weren't entirely sure of the costs, so I took the most reasonable prices in DKK off the top of my head rounded them up and did a rough conversion to EUR.

>> No.6366919

you would be surprised how easy to get a good wooden core. Maybe it's a little heavier and a little more expensive but those things last longer and you can fuck up it in less ways

well, no one starts at the top. Everyone had a shitty gear at one point. Also those who can't laugh at themselves will leave this task for others.
I mean my first costume consisted of blue pants, black T-shirt, a cape (although it was a kinda good cape, I still have it, although a little more holes and burn marks than originally) and three dickswords. I still have one and a half of those dickswords.
I had pretty much a shit tier costume, and even today I don't have a costume that I would call awesome or really good

>> No.6366921


I'll change that next time I'll have to write the guide then.

Hopefully the more advanced guide will be more satisfactory.

>> No.6366924 [DELETED] 


>inb4already answered

>> No.6366925

>I agree with the glass fiber core though, but they aren't as commonly available.

two words: tent poles.
That's all. hungary is pretty much a shithole but at least it forces you to think about alternate solutions

>> No.6366933


Unless you are thinking of light-weight tents and I'm thinking of old-fashioned tents, those would usually be made of metal.

>> No.6366941

I'm thinking about the modern versions those plastic bubble tents.

Although the tent poles you are talking about are pretty good for "nigger beating sticks" as some of us calls them here. Because you need protection from the ocassional navel raping or if someone tries to shit next to your tent

>> No.6366946 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6366949
File: 21 KB, 359x359, tentpoles[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the bubble tents are plastic, the tent poles are fiberglass rods

>> No.6366971


The modern tent poles I have seen are hollow plastic shit with metal tips.

>Just re-checked my own tent's poles, they are glass fiber though, maybe the tents in my past were more shit than I remember?

>> No.6366979

well, you obviously have to find the good ones. All I can say it worked for us in more than one weapons until we found a place which sells proper fiberglass rods in diameter and lenght we want

>> No.6366988
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also a little inspiration to the end

>> No.6366991

/tg/ x /cgl/ is my new OTP

>> No.6366992

sorry did not mean to sage

>> No.6366995

and I would post the rest but apparently I already posted them in one of the previous threads

>> No.6367004
File: 179 KB, 1256x1312, Caffeine-Commissar's LARP sword guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this for you

>> No.6367018


Woo! Now time to have all the experienced people with some actual legit knowledge dox me and lynch me. Can't wait.

Anyway, I just finished writing the guide for more advanced swords, which hopefully should be more satisfactory to Hungarian LARPfag and that australian dude.

Anyone cares if I posted it?

>> No.6367021

/tgl/ is a good ship. /tg/ are much more fun to talk to than those faggots over in /fa/ and /fit/ anyway.

>> No.6367027

go ahead, meanwhile I try to find a pic about me in a shitty gear, which is not that easy, mainly because I avoided the cameras most of the time, so most the time you can't actually see that I have a shit tier costume and/or the pic is blurry as fuck

no offense to Caffeine-Commissar but I think one should really think through tutorials like this, polish it and everything because if people repost it as it is now the errors will reamine in it

>> No.6367026
File: 79 KB, 540x720, 285363_242600462428442_293955_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shameless selfpost

>> No.6367036

actually that costume is not bad at all... well except if you try to play barbarian of some kind, then it's hilarious at least

>> No.6367039

I think we need to ask /tg/ out.

>> No.6367044

I don't think /tg/ gets a say in this

>> No.6367049


>> No.6367050
File: 26 KB, 500x362, 1349380245574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6367057


Most people still ship /tg/ in an on-off relationship with /x/ where some argue we need to be more supportive of her after /b/'s rape in October 2010 (I still hung out on /x/ back then before I migrated to /k/ in November 2010 before heading to /tg/ in October 2011) and others says that /x/ has been shattered beyond all hope.

Some ship /tg/ with /d/ which scares me, all I ever find on /d/ is various forms of futa. Small titty futa, big breated futa, fat futa, skinny futa, monster futa, balls futa, vagina futa, futa.

>no offense to Caffeine-Commissar

None taken. I've been LARPing for less than a year so most of my knowledge is faulty compared to experienced LARPers such as yourself.

In regards to the guide, once I manage to get off my lazy ass and acquire more money I'll make some videos on YouTube with some friends where we cover the next guide I'll post.

I'll just quickly read over it again and try to eliminate the most obvious flaws before posting it.

>> No.6367058

nah, she is not a gypsy. I've seen a lot of gypsies and she is not similar to them

>> No.6367073

Worse comes to worse they just beat us with heavy core rule books.

>> No.6367081


Ladies and gentlemen: South Eastern Europe!

>What about Balkan?
Balkan is just a boogey-man story we tell kids at night, don't be daft, there is nothing south of Ljubljana and Greece is a big island with a lot of smaller islands. Except Greece's existence is fading.

Only met two supposedly gypsies in my life. One of them had a habit of forgetting to shower, but otherwise an overall cool guy except the amount of Bleach he watched.


You sure, those heavy core rule books are damn heavy. If I had to chose between being beaten with a sword using above method and my Pathfinder stuff, I'd chose the sword.

>> No.6367088

>One of them had a habit of forgetting to shower
that's not a habit for them. That's a lifestyle.

also image limit reached

>> No.6367092

You'll need:
>Hobby knife / box cutter
>Glass fiber core
>Fine sand paper
>Duct tape/double sided tape
>Permanent marker

Again, make sure to follow your group's regulations!
And again: Experienced LARPers will find flaws with this!!

Similar approach to the previous: Core unto foam – draw shape of sword, multiple layers, middle layers should have space for the core cut it with plenty of space to the shape and tape them together using the double folded duct tape of double sided tape.
Then sculpture the sword into the shape you want with the box cutter.
If you want a hand guard, make sure to include that with the foam.

>> No.6367093


Now how this guide differs from the other “simpler” one. Other than the use of a glass fiber core.

Carefully use the fine sand paper to give the foam a smooth surface, make sure you only sand in one direction because otherwise it will look like a mess.

Paint the sword, paint it so it looks like what you want, some people use paint with a metallic shine which can be a benefit, but generally you are now more in control with the cosmetics of the sword than before. If you want your hand guard to be golden, paint it golden.

Then apply the latex, make sure to follow proper instructions on the bottle but otherwise give it a good thick layer and wait for it to dry. Once it has dried give it another good thick layer. The latex is essentially what protects your sword from things like rain.

Then wrap the leather around the hand guard and fasten it – either using sewing or a knot – and you should be pretty much done.

>> No.6367094

Depends, what kind of sword and where are they hitting?
The core rule book for Pathfinder does pack a pretty punch especially when aimed for the head.
But say like a wooden training sword when applied to your kidney with too much accidental force...
Well now I can't decide which would suck more.

And on topic with LARPing I'd love to actually attend and just watch!
I'm too chubby and slow to compete in any battles.

>> No.6367099


I made an estimated cost earlier and it was said it was far too high, so I've looked up the actual prices in DKK and converted them to Euros:

Foam (Plastazote LD 33 | 100x50x2 cm): 189 DKK | 25.337489 €
Glass Fiber core (180 cm long – 1.5 cm diameter): 129 DKK | 17.2938417 €
Paint (The Army Painter Spray: Platemetal Metal | 400 ml): 89 DKK | 11.9314102 €
Latex (Clear Latex | 1 l): 149 DKK | 19.9750575 €
Double sided tape (220x12x1 mm): 15 DKK | 2.01091183 €
Leather (Goat 1.5 mm thickness size: an entire hide): 150 DKK | 20.1091183 €

Total: 721 DKK | 96.6578284 €

>> No.6367106

you don't have to fight in larps, during a larp the fighting time is very little compared to the not fighting time

>> No.6367111


I can post a picture of a sword I made back in 2007 using the method.

Unfortunately my camera has these weird lines on the pictures.

>also image limit reached

New thread then? Preferably with some Post-Apocalyptic pictures, I'd contribute but I have nothing unless I rip the entire Van Buren site and post them... which could actually be pretty cool.

>> No.6367117

See this is why I need to go to one and observe!
I've never heard of anything like this in my area so I know very little on the subject.

>> No.6367124

ehh... fuck you.
I will make it in a moment

>> No.6367123


Alternatively I could also rip City of Cities 2's website and post them, but they have this weird aesthetics with multiple artstyles that doesn't blend smoothly all the time - I'm talking Mad Max meeting Steampunk without mixing.

>> No.6367131


Very atypical behaviour of me in a moment.


Fuck I just feel like one of my cosplaying girlfriend's friends took over my body for a second.

>> No.6367134

But /cgl/ and /tg/ are perfect for each other!
We like to dress up and play pretend, they like to dress up and play pretend, THIS IS A MATCH MADE BY THE GODS.

>> No.6367139

don't forget that half of /tg/ wants to be a little girl

also new thread

>> No.6367149


Which is the part that scares me, my Girlfriend is a /cgl/+/tg/ kind of person while I am a /k/+/tg/ person... luckily I managed to scare her off from ever posting on 4chan months before we began dating.

And we are considering getting married if we are still together by the time we can afford a wedding.


No objections to that claim.