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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6362520 No.6362520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

After all the hard work and saving all your money, you've finally gotten the tickets and accommodation for "THE ULTRA-MEGA SUPERCALIFRAGILISTIC ASIAN COSPLAY AND ANIME EVENT OF THE WORLD".

You get there and you have a blast. Got autographs from well known artist/writer/cosplayers. Bought and won stuff. And partied the night away with beautiful people at the rave party DJ'd by Tiesto.

You are slammed to wakefulness by screams outside your hotel room!

You are completely naked.

What do you do?

REPLY: 7th

>> No.6362523

walk back into my hotel room?

>> No.6362528

Stay the fuck inside, I don't want no stabbings.

>> No.6362549

wonder why I'm naked?

>> No.6362548

>smoke a blunt
>fuck it, shit happens.

>> No.6362563

>put on some clothes just in case
>get back into bed
Ain't no zombies gonna catch me in the nud.

>> No.6362564

go see what's happening

>> No.6362568

>assuming id go to an event alone. Nope. Not ever
My friend with the gun would go check it out by looking through the peep hole. I would call front desk, then the authorities if things sound as if they're escalating. Then I would wait.

>> No.6362576

Put some trousers on, first off. I always make sure I have some clothing on hand just in case I have to need it anyway.

Then go open the door a crack and investigate, prepared to smack some retarded cosplayer for screaming, or just shout at them to STFU.
After beating/threatening to beat/threatening to remove eyes with a plastic fork a few stupid-ass cosplayers for daring to disturb my rest, I go back to bed, with the door locked, and something heavy on hand to smack someone with.

>> No.6362579
File: 24 KB, 500x500, Clown Bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your friend discovers he/she is naked too. Checking the room phone, line is dead. Upon further scanning, all your clothes and stuff are gone. All that's left is a small bag. What is in it?


>> No.6362593

We would all exchange looks once our eyes have adjusted to the darkness. Freaking out why we are naked, did we have sex? Did you wear a condom? Ohgodwhy.jpg id cry not knowing what I did. Did my fiance have sex with his friends? Did they has sex with me? Wed assure that no porking was done then decide to get dressed..because debating naked is weird.
Wed stumble around the room trying to find our clothes. Id ake a makeshift toga out of sheets.
Then wed see the box, after giving up our search clearly we've been robbed, and wed debate opening it because we've seen too many movies.

>> No.6362597

cry, because that's some paranormal activity shit right there and I am NOT up for that.

>> No.6362602

open the bag and wish it's not a little children head inside...
And barricade de door before.

>> No.6362610


Contemplate important points:

>The fuck are they so noisy out there
>Why is Gropey's bag in my room
>Who took our clothes
>Where did all our other shit go
>I worked hard on those cosplays

Then I would just say fuck it and go to bed until things quieted down.

>> No.6362640

>only put on sexy underwear
>go see what's happening
>call out loudly "Hello? Is anyone there?" several times
>be a very obvious target
>suddenly I spot a guy in the end of a corridor
>it's a hambeast who had been expecting a handjob for following me around during the con complimenting on my skimpy cosplay
>he runs after me with a knife
>I scream loudly while not trying to hide
>run into my room
>lock the door
>go take a hot shower
>the lights go out
>"Hello? Who is that?"
>the hambeast from earlier had got inside my hotel-room
>he rips down the shower curtain
>he rapes me
>then as he stabs me 47 times in my chest he screams "WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME"
>mfw this is what I deserve for being a 3DPD cocktease

>> No.6362647

leotards? I hope it's black.

>> No.6362659


You find black leotards for you and your friend. As you put them on, frantic knocking erupts on your door. Followed by hysterical pleas to be let in. Then the sound of "gromp" and the begging turns to a wail that peters off into the distance.

What's your next move?

REPLY: 3rd

>> No.6362664

Sorry, was on /m/ trolling

>> No.6362714

Is there a bedside lamp? Take the lamp as a weapon, creep up to door, look in peephole. What do I see?

>> No.6362759

I have to go to work. Will continue this when I get back. Or not cause cgl not into roleplaying.

>> No.6362789

>tfw I hope you come back because I'm sure my friends would enjoy this story

>> No.6362800

Please come back

>> No.6364753

Just got home. Need to sleep. Be on line in 8 hours.

>> No.6364789

I will be waiting. Please respond !

>> No.6364876

I'll continue the story later when there is a 3rd reply to >>6362659

>> No.6364893

I channel the spirit of Dayman, fighter of the Nightman. Champion of the Sun. Master of karate and friendship for everyone.

>> No.6364909


My other friend is a US Park Police officer who carries his gun and credentials with him at all times.

Your move, bro.

>> No.6364915

start dancing, like-


>> No.6364923
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>Going to a Rave DJ'd by Tiesto

>> No.6365045
File: 12 KB, 480x360, Dancing idiots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My other friend is a US Park Police officer who carries his gun and credentials with him at all times.

Yes. But upon waking naked, find things gone. Re-read thread please.

You dance away and your friend joins you. Thumping your feet and waving your arms (yes, I saw the vid) You start to sweat with all the exertions. You leotards starts dimly glowing a horrendous pink. Somewhere in the distance a number high pitched squeal emits, making all glass surfaces vibrate. Also the squeals stops you cold in mid step.

Your Friend rushes to the windows. All you see is blackness and 8 stories down the lighted pool.

A figure that's shaped like Yaiba is being dragged in to the hotel from the pool. You are too late to see who/what is dragging him for he has reach the overhang.

What now?

REPLY: 8th

>> No.6365111
File: 589 KB, 853x480, Taxidriverghost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been there
done that
I ran out of the hotel room with nothing but a towel and one of those idiotic yaoi paddles they used to sell back in the day. It was just fucking 13 year old fuckwads playing some sort of stupid game in the hall. I was too tired to be pissed as hell so I just went back to bed, but for a moment there I was %100 certain someone was being chased down and raped/murdered in the hall.

These days when that happens I just sleep right through it, because every single god damned time it is fucking 13 year olds doing something stupid in the hall! One of these days it will be someone actually getting murdered/raped and i wont do shit because I will just sleep through the damn thing.


>> No.6365160

Play the game man, play the game.

>> No.6365163

just now noticed the game... but yeah my first plan of action would be to sleep but then if this>>6365111

well fuck that shit I would try to bail out via the stairs, grabbing all the people I could along the way, but I stop for no one other than friends.

>> No.6365183
File: 55 KB, 500x448, 1330025834601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even being near a Anime Con

lol, no no no...no, just...no

>> No.6365193

Tiesto needed the money. And Anime con is the only one desperate to hire him.

>> No.6365204
File: 22 KB, 444x322, 1324365425996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tiesto needed the money

>> No.6365205

Let me guess. Retards who believe everything in Japan is best for everyone. Including DJs. Grow up!

Take off the leotards. Do bedsheet Toga. see what else is in the room.

>> No.6365207

Dude, what? I was saying Tiesto would never bother with something as shit tier as an anime convention. Those little dances you guys call "raves" are anything but.

I like Tiesto bro.

>> No.6365211

then be more specific. I read this as negative.

Tiesto did perform in Tokyo. He would go to an anime con if invited.

>> No.6365214

No he wouldn't bro. You are severely overestimating the prestige of an anime con.

>> No.6365241

Who said he would willingly go? You do know He has several singles on DJ Hero, DJ Hero 2 for playstation2. If Sony hires him to play at an anime con, he has to go. If he does not, no more sponsorship. Plus he already played at Anime Expo.

>> No.6365261
File: 29 KB, 599x479, 402-facepalm-your-doing-it-wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came back to see if someone has replied to the game.

See something about Tiesto.

It's a situational /cgl/ game!

>> No.6365354

This is /cgl/. All they care about is bitching about popular cosplayer, how fat they are and why can't you see they are the perfect kawaii desu.

>> No.6365363

Come on ladies and ladyboys...this is fun. Do you know what fun is?e

>> No.6365396

Ask my friend what she saw? Remove leotard and dress in bedsheets. See if I can disassemble bed frame to use parts as weapons. Then go to door then quietly open it and sneak peek around the hall.

>> No.6365400

You wouldn't be able to take apart the hotel bed without tools. Let alone make parts into a weapon. Hotel beds are bolted to the floor.

>> No.6365403

It does not hurt to try. Or we could try and break it. I remember a bed my Girl and I broke.

>> No.6365404

Or take off the floating slats that support the mattress.

>> No.6365408

Do hotel beds still have those? How would you make a weapon? Snap the planks in half?
(OAlso, I could be reading too much into this. But I am curious.)

>> No.6365416
File: 3 KB, 126x123, 1321123249308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You do know He has several singles on DJ Hero, DJ Hero 2 for playstation2. If Sony hires him to play at an anime con, he has to go.

Not sure if trolling, or really that stupid.

>> No.6365427

Depends and who supplies them. Ikea (heaven forbid an Ikea in a 5 star hotel, had a bed with slats that are 4 inches by 1 inch by 4 feet.

>> No.6365429

Taken out of context. But I do think it's a troll.

>> No.6365443

Answer the door naked, because I have.

>> No.6365459

This thread is a failure. All cgl knows is how to play with their costumes and bitch.

Going to work disappointed.