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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 90 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mbhff5Aen21redg2qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6318231 No.6318231 [Reply] [Original]

Plus size lolitas doing it right!

>> No.6318292

Bad way to start off that thread. Girl in OP needs a longer blouse to pull that off.

>> No.6318415 [DELETED] 

Why do western lolitas believe you can just ignore how fat and ugly you look? The purpose of wearing cute clothes is to make the wearer look cute. If you are fat you are not cute.

A fat lolita "doing it right" is a fat lolita on a treadmill. Lose the fucking weight.

>> No.6319074

How to improve this

-get a blouse to goes no less than elbow length. Elbow length to wrist length is best. Any less than that will make your thick arms look like hams. Something that covered the clavicle region would be nice too.

- Those bangs are horrible, get swept bangs. A wig would probably be better.

- Wear a darker or more uniform looking JSK.

>> No.6319097


This blog is REALLY hit or miss. Some of the girls posted there are so ita-tastic that I think they're trolling

>> No.6319113
File: 39 KB, 399x600, loli robin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


case in point...

>> No.6319128
File: 227 KB, 752x687, chubbylita in black baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6319174

I would say vanillablitz but I don't know if she still counts, she's lost a whole bunch of weight hasnt she?

>> No.6319191
File: 32 KB, 385x600, tumblr_mb6yfkOf9v1qij1n6o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

=_=;; doing it very wrong

>> No.6319192


If that wasn't so horribly frumpy, I'd totally wear the shit out of it to a convention.

>> No.6319193
File: 114 KB, 600x800, coord47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her plus size coords would count.

>> No.6319195


Oh good lord

Some people are just completely unable to wear pre-made dresses. She needs to get a seamstress to custom make her something


You would look like an idiot, fyi.

>> No.6319197
File: 229 KB, 685x1024, coord306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not plus size but her bone structure appears to be larger than most loli's, so posting.

>> No.6319211
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>> No.6319230
File: 370 KB, 1000x667, tumblr_mb3jbmnUX91qd8p71o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These girls are two of my faves.

>> No.6319234
File: 104 KB, 304x223, msSwan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is up with her skirt?

>> No.6319235
File: 50 KB, 300x449, coord302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw that on tumblr today and i really disagree with that coord for her head shape and body type.

>> No.6319243

This is a serious question but does the girl on the right have downes? Either way she could use more volume in her hair instead of tying it back and a long sleeved blouse.

>> No.6319239
File: 61 KB, 414x700, aristocrat lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again technically not plus size, I'm just posting girls who aren't super thin in lolita.

>> No.6319242


I love eevee, she's so cute!

>> No.6319253
File: 32 KB, 342x512, lolitagroup2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second from the right.

>> No.6319266
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>> No.6319267
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>> No.6319322
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>> No.6319337

i love it when plus sized lolita's faces are the same shape as the dress.

>> No.6319360

....I don't think SmileySquid is plus-sized

She's stumpy, but not plus sized.

>> No.6319364

Oh god please someone turn this one into a hoverloli

>> No.6319480
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>> No.6319580
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you sir are fucking brilliant

>> No.6320060

Don't think so, she just has to lrn2makeup and hair. Eevee looks good because she knows how to do both and also what angles suit her, she has extensions in or a wig on most of the time, and full makeup.

>> No.6320070

how is wearing a dress that's so small on you that there are horizontal creases at the seams "doing it right"? she looks like she's going to bust that poor dress open

>> No.6320220

my pleasure

>> No.6320370

How are her legs so huge?

>> No.6320411

No, shes Asian, and just doesn't do the whole fake eyelashes/circle lenses.

>> No.6320756
File: 54 KB, 540x960, goddammitherface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what lovely skin she has.

>> No.6320803
File: 14 KB, 162x200, no-low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing her cardigan AROUND her bust instead of over it makes her look terrible.

>> No.6320883

holy shit, I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out. I was concentrating solely on the lack-of-makeup/unflattering-hairstyle combo.

>> No.6321207
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>> No.6321208
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>> No.6321243
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>> No.6321293

Oh god, to my horror I must confess I know exactly what that dress looks like under the what would be a sweater.
That dress stops right 'bout nipple section for larger busts, so I can only imagine it being the same for her. Then it'd look even worse.

Thank you, black sweater. Thank you.

>> No.6321330
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>> No.6321331
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>> No.6321333
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>> No.6321335
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>> No.6321336
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>> No.6321337
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>> No.6321339
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One of my favorites

>> No.6321340
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The one on the left

>> No.6321341
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>> No.6321343
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>> No.6321345
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>> No.6321346
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>> No.6321348
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>> No.6321350
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>> No.6321352
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>> No.6321354
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>> No.6321356
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>> No.6321357
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>> No.6321358
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>> No.6321359
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>> No.6321368
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i love her blog

>> No.6321452

Who dis?
I kinda wanna give her a hug.

>> No.6321623


who's this?

>> No.6321654

Yessss my homies.

>> No.6321715


Only good one I've seen so far. Saved.

>> No.6321737

she seems like a nice person, but 60% of her coords don't even look remotely lolita.
she could do better imo.

>> No.6321740

You know, the link to her blog is in the corner.

>> No.6321747

I always feel a little bad for the fat chicks that like loli. Those huge boobs that in any other fashion might be their only asset are now a liability in loli.

Boob loaf is seems to be something many cannot avoid.

I'd wonder if I would use it as motivation for chicken, salad, fish, and walks for a solid month.

>> No.6321751


German Chick forgot the name

>> No.6321872


Some of you, I find your idea of plus size to be really disturbing. Those look like completely normal sized girls.

On a side note though, I find this girl just adorable. I just look at her and am like "Ahh, I want to be friends with her, she looks so nice."

>> No.6321889 [DELETED] 

Let's just say that the modelling world would make you even more disturbed for what is plus sized over there. It would make you think that the ideas here look reasonable, which is a real shame.

>> No.6322047

Boob loaf isn't the only problem, especially with brand. You also get OPs that might stretch fully in the back but are now way too short, even though you're within the ideal height.

Though buying brand and having a hard time fitting in it and getting out of it is a good motivator to get back to better habits and regaining self control.

>> No.6323455 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 540x720, 247310_1804412718581_2613937_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question, cgl; would you consider me plus-sized?

Sorry, not the best coord/face

>> No.6323460

Why would you ask that and post a picture in a poofy fucking dress? Post your fucking measurements, jesus christ, people are morons.

>> No.6323470


Maybe because this is a plus sized lolita thread and she wanted to keep it related?

I dunno. Do something about that sandy vagina

>> No.6323480

Sorry, yeah, I meant if I would be considered plus sized while in lolita.

>> No.6323499

Still need measurements. The sand will stay kthx. I dunno, you look kind of fat, but I won't know until you tell me measurements, since the black waistband is hiding your waist. Man, that is an ugly outfit.

>> No.6323513

Yes, but not in the way people seem to mean it usually?

When I think of plus size I usually think of someone who is more shapely and a little chubby. But I guess now it's just a more PC term than "fat" which I don't think you are.

Either way, you're cute, don't worry too much about your weight, which can be hard. Really you shouldn't worry too much unless you're seriously unhealthy.

>> No.6323518

Hah I don't wear lolita anymore (to which I'm sure you will reply "thank god").
I'm not going to post my measurements because I'm sure /cgl/ considers me fat. I'm just curious if I LOOK plus sized in lolita.

>> No.6323523

Why does it matter if you don't wear it anymore? You're pretty dumb.

>> No.6323539

so glad you stopped wear it since your bitchy attitude surely hasn't been missed. i also lol'd when i saw you being posted on efagz due to what you said about pixyteri.

lulz were had.

>> No.6323543

Damn, she wears that better than the other two girls.

>> No.6323546
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>> No.6323554


Okay, I was going to defend you but this comment is retarded

If you don't even wear lolita anymore then why do you want to know if you look fat in it?

>> No.6323561

I was just curious.
Anyway I realize this was a bad idea. Sorry.

>> No.6323572
File: 89 KB, 720x960, 526142_10150983717731339_1218688116_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thanks FluffyGuy! That's me :D

>> No.6323576

you deleted your post?

very mature emerald.

>> No.6323587

well it wasn't really bringing anything good to the thread...

>> No.6323649

all this screams to me is "give me attention because I'm sad, alone and fat." Why bother posting asking for anything else if you don't wear lolita anymore?

>> No.6323665

Like I said, I was just curious if I'd be considered plus sized or not. Also I've been thinking about picking it up again at a later point in my life.

>> No.6323664

"you're pretty dumb" coming from someone who NEEDS MEASUREMENTS to tell someone if they look plus sized or not.

>> No.6323680

? Plus size is derived from a sizing convention... If you're over X size, you are considered plus size... You can't tell a clothing size from a picture. You should probably know what you're talking about before you open your mouth... else you sound like a moron. It was cute though.

>> No.6323689

It's easy to tell if someone looks fat, it's impossible to tell if someone is plus size unless they give you their measurements (unless they are obviously 200 plus). Durrrrrrr

>> No.6323719

It really makes me sad to see a girl with a perfectly fine face and good skin being criticized for "lack of make-up". You bitches sure are nitpicky.

>> No.6324335

care to share a link?

>> No.6327876

Sorry, I'm an idiot on a slow day ^^;

>> No.6327886


I think worse than their boobs is many of them have an ugly face exploding with fat. I'm not talking about a face with just big cheeks, I'm talking about faces overfilled with fat. Scrolling through here, so many fat faces. There's only 1 or 2 here that don't have it.

>> No.6327941

This is okay since it's casual, but more elaborate lolita will make your face and hair look washed out and drab in comparison. Makeup is needed to keep consistency across the overall look.

>> No.6327963

a lot of them are just a little my plump than average

But I like puffed up sweet lolitas like >>6321359 Too fucking cute

>> No.6328007


>> No.6328021

Hair is flat, boring coord. Face could also use help, and those hammy arms are not flattered by short sleeves. The selfpost is high in this one.

>> No.6328086
File: 22 KB, 650x488, omnomnom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6328098

Most people responding to plus size pics on here are cunts.


>> No.6328181

Dude...she's a size 6. Definitely not plus size.

>> No.6328182

Umm we are on /cgl/. People are not going to lie to seem nice here. They can have the people in their local group telling them that they look "nice" and are "pretty".

>> No.6328187

I think seagulls need to rethink what "plus sized" means...most of the well coorded girls in this thread are size 4 and 6 US...not exactly what I'd call "plus sized"

>> No.6328203


>> No.6328210

Everyone posted in this thread is at least chubby, and I honestly don't care what the American definition of plus-sized is. Every one of these girls is bigger than our glorious ~burandos~ 'intended' for their signature look and pictures of them doing it right and looking fabulous regardless are therefore relevant to this thread.

How do clothing brands even determine what is plus-size and what isn't? Seems a bit random.

>> No.6328220

what you fat americunts label as "plus size" could serve other people as tents. loli plus size =/= us plus size. stop crying and lose weight.

>> No.6329627

I don't really consider anyone plus sized until they're overweight for their height BMI-wise. To be fair though, I think the fashion industry considers plus-sized to be size 6-14 US.

>> No.6331174


>> No.6331177

Even though this went to shit really fast, still hoping that someone can respond so if there are any plus size lolitas going through this, what brands do you buy or use?

>> No.6331180

Baby, Meta, and AP make larger sized items. AP runs short and Meta often does too, so Baby is usually the best when you have a bust over 100cm.

>> No.6331229

In the UK, a size 14 is officially a 'plus sized model'. Size 14 is supposed to be something like 36-30-40.

>> No.6331345

Plus size starts at size 14 and above, some companies consider 12 and above plus size. But 6-10 is definitely not plus size. The fashion industry (where we're talking models and high-end designers, likely consider plus to be size 6-14). But unless you're wearing Gucci and Prada, it doesn't really apply to the most people.

As far as what I've experienced, AP tends to work better with under a 100cm bust. If you're busty and have a larger cup size, it's going to ride up. Trying to lose about 30lbs so I can actually wear fully back shirred brand. I don't like how fully shirred things look on me.

>> No.6331579

Ah! Thank you so much.

>> No.6333238

Sorry, but this seems like the most related thread to ask in I guess. Does anyone have any examples of plus size people doing ouji/boystyle well?

>> No.6335162


>> No.6335460

its probably because she's not wearing lolita 60% of the time. hell I don't know anybody who wear nothing but lolita.

>> No.6335481

you people are seriously disturbed. so many of these girls are just completely average..I mean...wow.

>> No.6335486



>> No.6335492


the one on the left has a cute face :3

>> No.6335551
File: 591 KB, 500x680, tumblr_m9ueqv6fhX1qcg7u1o1_r3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some plus-sized aristo? But alas, I haven't seen any chubby girls rocking boystyle.

>> No.6337567


Can someone tell me where I can get this wig?!

>> No.6337606

Girl in photo. I was actually wearing makeup, thanks. If you looked at the second image that went along with that you would see it. And yes, the bolero isn't flattering. Haven't worn it since.

>> No.6337623
File: 215 KB, 500x734, P11806822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this could be consider well, but I used to try.

>> No.6337661

If this is you, 1) you look awesome, and 2) you are -not- plus sized.

>> No.6337667

you weren't wearing enough/didn't do it right

>> No.6337734
File: 67 KB, 540x960, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of natural? I was going to teach a sewing group for girls under 12. there was no reason for me to put on a ton of makeup/a wig. If you would like, here is me with more makeup on.

>> No.6337740


No offense girl but you got some major bitchface goin on there.

>> No.6337757

also, gurl you better fill in them eyebrows. Just ebcause your bangs cover most of em doesn't mean you should skip that step

>> No.6339160

My hair is thick enough to not need a wig but it doesn't mean I don't want a different color without having to dye. I think my hair is perf but I like color changes.

>> No.6339165

Linked to wrong reply lol

>> No.6339522

To be honest, I think your foundation is a bit heavy there. (Imagining you teaching a sewing group for girls is really cute!)

>> No.6339630

I have the same problem with Bodyline Boleros. Thankfully my horrible first coord hasn't surfaced here. Mystery Garden on Facebook makes some pretty custom-sized boleros for about $35 + shipping. You might want to look into her for a more flattering one.

>> No.6340567


>> No.6340631

Of course, but as you said, her outfit is quite casual for it to need make-up.

>> No.6343357


>> No.6345802
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>> No.6345807
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>> No.6345810
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>> No.6345812
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>> No.6347147


love this one!!

>> No.6347238

I alter Bodyline. There's usually matching skirts to the OPs and JSKs and they are cheap. You get plenty of fabric to rework things like straps, bodices or just make a larger shirring panel. Plus, it's Bodyline, nobody is going to care if you alter it like people would with brand. I also go for indie seamstresses for blouses, boleros and things like that. I also wear fully shirred or fully back shirred brand fine.

>> No.6347263

So IS there a good rule of thumb for how large brand dresses will stretch? There is an AP JSK I'm eyeballing at the waist measurement is listed at 69cm (with a shirred back.) My waist is 80cm - would it be able to stretch to fit comfortably, or is there no point in bothering?

>> No.6347275

that's too much of a stretch for you. while it might fit, you would ruin the dress by wearing it. pop seams, over stretch elastic, etc

my rule of thumb is no more than 5cm over what the max or min measurement is. which is basically 2inches. so when it's clothing in inches i do no more than 2inches above or below my measurements- if i want form fitting, obviously for loose it doesn't matter.

>> No.6347279


Balls. Oh well, saves me three hundred bucks. Its aggravating though, because that measurement is pretty much all ribcage, there's little I can do to get smaller.

>> No.6347285

are you sure you're measuring your waist? your waist is below your rib cage, the most narrow part of the space between the end of your ribs and your hip bone area

>> No.6347294


I could have worded that better.... I AM measuring waist, but I don't get much of an indent at my waist, its pretty much a straight drop from bottom of ribcage to the hipbone. The only thing that keeps me from a super pear is a decent bustline.

>> No.6347297

ohhh okay, i get it. i can see how that would be frustrating. hurray for boobies, i guess?

>> No.6347393

With your size I don't think you'll be able to fit into any JSK that doesn't have full back shirring or any OP without full shirring. AP is not as forgiving as some other brands.

And my personal experience with AP was that it was a squeeze to get into their dresses when I was a fatty and had measurements near the top range of what it would fit.

But I'm not a fatty anymore and now can wear everything, even MM woo.

>> No.6347404


There is something really ironic about calling yourself a fatty in a plus size thread when you said that you could fit into AP

>> No.6347463

you ever gonna get back into lolita, charms?

>> No.6347598

When AP has full shirring, it's not that difficult to squish it all in.

>> No.6348249

I think I'm in love with the one on the far left.

>> No.6352720
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>> No.6352730
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>> No.6353237
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>> No.6353314
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>Celebrating being fat

>> No.6353527
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>> No.6353534
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>> No.6353566
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>human beings
>recognizing/appreciating when lolitas work with what they got

>> No.6353651

I'd rather recognize/appreciate people who actually lose the weight.

>> No.6353899
File: 169 KB, 380x280, clap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon gets it.

>> No.6353912
File: 468 KB, 803x789, korra smug as fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And I would rather you take your bitching somewhere else

But we can't all get what we want, can we?

>> No.6354043

Well the fatties sure do...

>> No.6354440

what a pic name

>> No.6354448

>fatties cheering for fat acceptance

Typical American.

I'd rather you take your whales-in-dresses pictures somewhere else. /an/ is that way -->

>> No.6354472
File: 46 KB, 400x365, 34307987122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more pictures you say? alrighty then!

>> No.6354474

>>6353527 the shoop is killing it

>> No.6354482
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>> No.6354491
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>> No.6354509
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>> No.6354537

ahhh she's cute!

>> No.6354554

Isn't she that psycho SJW who wears makeup about 3 shades darker than her real skin tone so she looks less white and more like a "PoC"?

>> No.6354588
File: 363 KB, 375x500, 1258009609093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is about plus sized lolitas, not about drama.

>> No.6354656

Yeah, let's not pollute this thread of disgusting fatso pictures with unwanted elements.

>> No.6354934


Have a bump, you adorable little obnoxious bitch, you!

>> No.6354950
File: 90 KB, 449x600, fallingworld-1347964735_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6355201

Wanting to look cute even though you're overweight isn't a celebration of fatness.

>> No.6355385
File: 525 KB, 612x750, 1310647158224 bbw;lolita;612x750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6355389

>messy hair
>no makeup

>> No.6355392

Any more pics?

>> No.6355403

Even THINKING you can look cute when you're obese is trying to celebrate it. It's part of the stupid western "everyone is beautiful of all sizes" mentality. Every woman in this thread looks disgusting and instead of taking the discipline to lose weight they choose to try to cover it up with doll costumes. It's shameful and pathetic.

You want to be a cute lolita? LOSE WEIGHT. Simple as that.

>> No.6355421

Anybody have her blog? She had some really cute nail designs if I remember right.

>> No.6355431


This. Also, 99% of the pictures in this thread have gross-looking people. Fat face is not attractive, especially on white people.

>> No.6355438

Then don't look. Shouldn't you be barfing up that cracker you ate?

>> No.6355443



>> No.6355458


Why do you have to stoop to their level? "This person hates fat people they must be an anorexic whore!"

Also when fatness gets to a certain level I don't think you can look good. If you resemble a blob what are you doing? Same could go for legit Ana girls.

>> No.6355478


No one here seems to look like a blob to me.

>> No.6355538


>> No.6355665
File: 336 KB, 3240x4320, IMG_03892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus size + brolita + eyes closed in picture. Am i doing it right?

>> No.6355722
File: 1.55 MB, 1334x1000, miss-krone.22598.1339917024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6355786

This fat acceptance bullshit needs to stop.

>> No.6355799


>> No.6355804

>a thread about people who happen to look well dressed despite being fat, which are not a diamond dozen
>somehow a fat acceptance thread

Your logic is about as twisted as any SJW.

>> No.6355850

>More threads on plus size lolitas than normal lolita threads on a daily basis
>More black lolita threads than normal lolita threads on a daily basis
It seems the only lolita women that lurk this board are fat black women.

>> No.6355858
File: 6 KB, 194x160, 1298619022268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diamond dozen
I thought this died when that tripfag stopped saying it. Fuuuck.

>> No.6355867
File: 19 KB, 400x400, A&P001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diamond dozen

>> No.6356039

I don´t even read your bullshit seagulls, i skip through until the next photo gets posted <3

>> No.6356136

>normal lolita

So I guess if youre not thin and white youre not a "normal lolita"?

Lol, fuck off

>> No.6356237

that hair is not flattering at all

>> No.6356258

I feel like there are so many super ita sugar carnival coords. Can we have some kind of registration you need to fill out before you buy certain dresses more associated with itas?

>> No.6356282

Which stupid tripfag said it?

>> No.6359128


>> No.6361046
File: 390 KB, 400x561, tumblr_m5iq2bEoqW1qcg7u1o1_r1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6361050
File: 43 KB, 400x536, tumblr_m967ohWANF1ry1uy0o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6361195

Question: what is the max bust one can have, and have a reasonable chance of fitting shirred AP? Either fully shirred, or just back shirred?

Wondering if my weight loss goal will realistically have me fitting into dresses or not...

>> No.6361211

I think it's around 98 cm? Possibly 110.
Depends on the dress.

>> No.6361220

Yikes, okay. Well I have a year, so maybe I can do it.

>> No.6361223



>> No.6361229


I don't get it.

>> No.6361240


they're trying to be funny and failing

>> No.6361487

Go eat another cake, fatso.

>> No.6361636


Here's a bump for you dear <3

>> No.6361643

I still don't get it...

>> No.6361665

Bumping a fatty thread doesn't annoy me. It's quite obvious you're the only one trying to push these whales onto people. Which is why you have to necro bump it every day.

>> No.6361673


Not really, but nice try. Crying samefag isn't the answer to everything

Why is it so hard to comprehend that more than one person likes to look at pictures of well dressed girls who happen to be bigger?

>> No.6361682

Nobody wants to see fat people in dresses. Save the social justice bullshit for your tumblr account.

>> No.6361690

ITT the worst and most obvious shitposter I've ever seen.

>> No.6361697
File: 238 KB, 500x500, darpzard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6361699

You sure told those fatties.
They're all just going to give up and go home now because a pissy bitch on 4chan thinks they look icky.
Mission accomplished.

>> No.6361741

Some fully shirred can go bigger, some fully back shirred can go bigger. I've heard the Jabot version of Chess Chocolate can go up to 130cm, I've also heard of bigger girls (about 120cm or so) fitting into strawberry parlor. But a lot of back-shirred stuff, at least what I've tried looks wonky as hell on me at 106cm, so I've been losing weight.

>> No.6361762


You sound like pixyteri.

>> No.6361769

You sound like a cunt, so I guess it's a fair trade.

>> No.6361775

At least I'm not fat and follow a delusion that lolita dresses are going to look good on a fat person.

>> No.6361782


trigger warnings: fat shaming kafakatrapping, slut shaming, cis scum

>> No.6361786

Its actually quite easy to comprehend, the people that look at these pictures are the same people that enable pixyteri

>> No.6361793

>the people that look at these pictures are the same people that enable pixyteri
Well, that must include you too since you're here on the thread looking at them.

>> No.6361800

Need some ointment for that burn, >>6361786 ?

>> No.6361819

Actually quite the contrary. Pixyteri believes that she is at least 30-40lbs lighter than she actually is. Almost anyone posting here is quite aware of their physical shape and makes an attempt to dress in a way that covers it.

And frankly, they don't really care one way or the other what anon thinks on 4chan. They have their lives, jobs, families, possibly having more sex than you are, and that to you is more distressing and upsetting than the fact that they are stretching the shirring on that precious burando.

>> No.6361825

>Almost anyone posting here is quite aware of their physical shape and makes an attempt to dress in a way that covers it

You aren't aware of shit. These whales actually think they have the ability to look GOOD and that they can somehow disguise their fat underneath frilly dresses and wigs.

If you were realistic about yourself and your weight you'd go out and LOSE THE WEIGHT instead of looking to the internet to enable your delusion that you can somehow be cute if you put on the right "coords".

>> No.6361830


>> No.6361858

god, why didn't I think of that? All this time, I've been existing while fat, when I could have just gone out and lost the weight! Just like that! Anon, you've shown me the light, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I suggest you go into the diet industry. I can totally see "Just Drop the Weight, Fatass" becoming an instant bestseller.

>> No.6361883


wow!! very cute!

>> No.6361885

Losing weight sure is hard when you sit on your fat ass and do nothing to do it.

>> No.6361891

Kill yourself.

>> No.6361897


Youre right. Even if someone is in the process of loosing weight they need to be locked up indoors and only allowed to wear a hijab in public until they stop being so fat. Those disgusting whales. How dare they attempt to look cute

>> No.6361900

You're not in the process of losing weight. You're in the process of making excuses.

>> No.6361911


>> No.6361912


What are you talking about? I'm on your side, bro.

Those whales should never be allowed into the public eye.

We should start having public whale stonings

>> No.6361914

Oh shit this is entertaining.
Keep it up, please. You're about to get to the good part.

>> No.6361918


>> No.6361924


>> No.6362131

Oh, she's gorgeous. Do you happen to have a link to her blog/tumblr?

>> No.6362144

Jeez, lolita seems like one of the hardest fashions to pull off.
As a plus sized girl semi-interested in lolita fashion, this is actually all kind of intimidating.

>> No.6362145

Seriously, just as long as everything fits you, you should be fine.
Anyone will look bad when they're wearing clothes that do not fit them or flatter their figure. You just have to figure out what will and will not work on you, through trial and error.

>> No.6362201

>I'm a big fat ass. should I get into a fashion based on beauty?

This is what's wrong with western lolitas.

>> No.6362202
File: 169 KB, 593x800, 4950823049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the responses to the shitposter in this thread are fucking hilarious.

Contributing. Not sure she counts as plus sized, she's lost a lot of weight recently but she has to alter a lot of brand to fit her (or at least she used to). Her coords are nice.

>> No.6362203

That's not what she said at all you dumbass.

>> No.6362207

>implying all western lolitas are fat
>implying none of them know how to flatter their body shape
>implying lolita is a fashion based on "beauty"
>implying being beautiful = skinny

>> No.6362213

>implying all western lolitas are fat
Most of them are.

>implying none of them know how to flatter their body shape
There is no clothing that can make fat look flattering.

>implying lolita is a fashion based on "beauty"
It is. You think people like Chokelate or Tempest Paige are admired because their coords are better? Don't kid yourself.

>implying being beautiful = skinny
Welcome to planet earth. You must be new here.

>> No.6362222
File: 105 KB, 289x283, jack black stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we get it you hate fat people, they're obviously the scum of the earth, thank you for explaining it so well.
why don't you find a nice pro-ana tumblr to fap to?

>> No.6362226

Why don't you find a treadmill.

>> No.6362241
File: 226 KB, 800x800, 1320158256549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tempest Paige

>> No.6362319
File: 73 KB, 598x450, normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd

>> No.6362354

>implying being beautiful = skinny
The denial is strong.

>> No.6362359


>> No.6362361
File: 24 KB, 430x300, 980538469884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you sure showed me anon

>> No.6362376
File: 103 KB, 450x300, 676758382949234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6362431

I love how fatsos try to make it sound like everyone is mad and crazy because people think fat people are ugly.

>> No.6362442


No, that's just what you sound like every time you bitch about a well dressed fat girl, because--prepare to have your mind blown, here-- what you find appealing is not the same as what other people find appealing.

Yea. It's true. There are studies.

>> No.6362446

>There are studies.
Yeah, there are also studies that show that being healthy is partially attributed to less body fat.

>> No.6362450


---------------------->the joke
your head

>> No.6362451

Don't even hand out that horse shit. Nobody finds fat people appealing. A whale isn't going to look "appealing" because you put it in a well-coordinated clown outfit. You're just doing the dumb western routine of trying to coddle fat people because most women feel sorry for other women with weight problems.

You look like a fucking moron as a fat lolita. You want to look cute? LOSE WEIGHT.

>> No.6362456

----your head------>the bullet

>> No.6362457

>Don't even hand out that horse shit. Nobody finds fat people appealing
>Don't even hand out that horse shit. Nobody finds tattoos appealing
>Don't even hand out that horse shit. Nobody finds fat blue hair appealing
>Don't even hand out that horse shit. Nobody finds circle lenses appealing

I could do this all day.

Again, attractiveness is subjective. I may find you to be ugly while someone else may find you slightly less ugly. Doesn't mean either of us is more right than the other.

If someone is fat and well put together, that may be attractive/appealing to someone, or it may repulse someone. Doesn't mean either person is more right than the other


>> No.6362460

>fat blue hair

derp, I'm in a rush

>> No.6362463
File: 222 KB, 512x340, Screen shot 2010-01-22 at 2.17.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A whale isn't going to look "appealing" because you put it in a well-coordinated clown outfit
Bitch, this fucker looks fucking kawaii.

>> No.6362474
File: 74 KB, 479x435, 1262044052323_354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6362479


The one on the left has one damn cute face. You don't even recognize she's chubby because her head looks so good.

>> No.6362484

Some people like certain things, some people hate certain things. Whether or not you think it's discriminatory you still have to deal with it. And frankly, it's not. It's just about as discriminatory as not liking girls with small boobs or hating blonde hair. Fat people need to get the fuck over themselves. If they think it's not something they can change then they can just be lumped into the rest of the people with traits they can't change who other's hate.

>> No.6362502
File: 41 KB, 400x267, 319221_stock-photo-laughing-senior-businessman-computer-phone-gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating people for their purely physical traits
>not discriminatory

>> No.6362504
File: 136 KB, 400x400, 23679121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fat people need to get he fuck over themselves
sounds like you need to follow your own advice, anon

>> No.6362518
File: 23 KB, 306x300, 1337972729277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, anti-fatty anons. No one is forcing you to look at anything in this thread, it's on-topic, and the coords themselves aren't too bad. Compared to all the shitposting we get on a daily basis, this thread is pretty good.
If you don't like seeing fat chicks in dresses, hide the the thread for fuck's sake. Enough with the shitposts.
>It's okay to not like things, but don't be a dick about it.

>> No.6362567

>but don't be a dick about it
Do you know where you are?

>> No.6362916

>fatties thinking that the only body types are fat or anorexic

fuck you

>> No.6362950

Let me guess, /b/ was your first board?

>> No.6363608

who is this one?

>> No.6363686

You seem too stupid to notice that there was a question there. You're on 4chan, sweetheart. People are going to be dicks and assholes, no matter what board they're on. Take your fat, butthurt ass to some other website if it bothers you so much.

>> No.6364033

If you make a thread about fat celebration and start yelling at people to accept your fatness, pretending that it's a valid form of beauty then expect to be ridiculed.

Nobody wants to see it. And if you want to keep bumping this shameful shit every day then expect the comments to continue.

>> No.6364116
File: 490 KB, 449x401, 929399949202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about plus-size lolitas
>"fat celebration"
>"yelling at people to accept your fatness"
tumblr is that way

>> No.6364143
File: 147 KB, 338x600, 027575827384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get this thread back on track.

>> No.6364181
File: 218 KB, 768x1024, 45849358467743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6364212
File: 39 KB, 483x700, 775747384893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6364348
File: 130 KB, 500x700, 487583483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6364803

I say OP's photo looks really nice, all I can say is try different shoes, and maybe try and accessorize more. People need to realize that plus size lolitas can look good too, IF they wear clothes that support their figure and such.

>> No.6364836

>If you wear the right clothes being fat will magically look good!

Please shut the fuck up.

>> No.6364843

omg what a qt

>> No.6364847

Only women in America would try to celebrate this shit.

>> No.6364850

>I'm putting words in your mouth and exaggerating to try and make my side of the argument look better!

>> No.6364853

Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment.
I think that, for all intensive purposes, you have missed the joke.

>> No.6364860

When are you people going to learn that posts like that are -shitposts- and nobody ever seriously agrees with them besides trolls, and maybe the occasional sandy cunt that's having a bad day who would never say this to anyone irl? That's all it is.

>> No.6364880

Go eat some more cake and keep telling everyone that if they dont like fatasses then they're just "trolls".

>> No.6364886

So much samefag in this thread holy shit. Yeah, people are fat, and too much excess fat can be fucking gross. They aren't frolicking in fucking bikinis and rolling around on your front lawn, they are trying to enjoy something they like, so cry more.

You seem upset that fat chicks are enjoying your KAWAII BURANDO like it is some kind of secret club. If you'd rather not have a perfectly on-topic thread with fatties in it than all the other bullshit floating around, then you are worse than any fatty-chan, good coords or not, real talk.

>> No.6364888

>only fat women

>> No.6364897

This shitposting in this thread is never ending.

>> No.6364901

They put themselves on the internet, if they (or you), can't handle the backlash, maybe they should reconsider posting their pictures. Lolita is a fashion that fat chicks look bad in, and we're gonna talk about it.

>> No.6364912

1/10 got me to respond
shitposter trolls in this thread are really disappointing. you'd think any of this crap would be at least semi-believable but it just comes off like the type of people who make pro-ana blogs and whine about all americans being fat on their tumblr that nobody reads. pretty sad excuses for trolling.

>> No.6364919

>ITT: i disagree with your views therefore i can bitch and moan about this all i want

sure is shitposting in here

>> No.6364922

That's exactly what you're doing, anon.

>> No.6364946
File: 314 KB, 855x720, 556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this.

Fat women live in this strange sort of denial that honestly does nothing but keeps them fat and shortens their lives [Notice how fat MEN never pull this shit. They'll admit they're unattractive and won't beg you to change your taste about it]. here's the thing. I hate to launch into a stupidass personal story, but I have 1 family member who into this "plus size beauty" thing and another who's just fucking fat. Both have diabetes. One had her feet amputated and lives in a wheelchair. The Fat Positive one has nerve issues in her feet and has to wear special shoes. She's also on her way to having no feet. So, you see fucking fatties? That is what you embrace when you bellow into the wind how beautiful you are and how everyone should accept you. You're pure laziness is hurting those around you-assuming that anyone cares enough about you to NOT want you to be a fat useless lard wheeling around in a chair.

Also, fat people are just unattractive. At the very most they can have a pretty face, but that's it. Fat bodies are seriously disgusting naked.

>> No.6364966
File: 39 KB, 153x175, 1336716041057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how pretty your dress is the fact remains that once the dress is removed your rolls of fat will come rolling forward and crash onto whatever poor soul you've chosen to fuck for burando that night. All your makeup, hair, nails-none of that hides your jiggling stomach or your cottage cheese looking ass. Those things are unattractive. Chunky obese girls are simply unattractive. A little chubby is never too bad, but once you've gotten to the point of having kankles and a dramatic muffin top you're just gross. And guys will keep that in mind, how you really look under all those layers of kawaii clothes. They know just as well as you do that you're desperately trying to conceal a wobbly dumpy body with little to no definition. No shape, no curves. Just fat. No one but chubby chasers likes that. No one likes the thought of taking care of a fat person when they get so fat they can't do anything for themselves anymore.

>> No.6364991
File: 47 KB, 297x336, arrrrrrrgggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One had her feet amputated and lives in a wheelchair

Jesus christ that is terrifying
You would think that after seeing someone who's had so many issues with being overweight would kick someone's ass into having motivation to take even a little better care of themselves

>> No.6365153

I'm not for shaming fat people, but you lolitas have to understand that lolita fashion, like any other clothing fashion, looks best when worn by people who have beautiful, thin bodies. If you are overweight and you are truly interested in being the best looking lolita you can be, you need to spend more time focusing on losing weight and less time trying to find creative ways to hide it.

Attempting to defend these women by claiming that people have "different tastes" is a lackluster argument as few people in any society, outside of fetishists, think fat ever looks good. Fat people are shamed because allowing yourself to be fat is a shameful thing. It is an affliction that stems from sloth and weakness. It should never be accepted or celebrated.

>> No.6365497
File: 78 KB, 398x600, red velvet loli dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait a minute, someone likes what I don't like?
>They must be a fetishist! That is the only logical conclusion.
