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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 71 KB, 642x407, I hate myself and want to die...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6358181 No.6358181[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sigh...I feel so low. Here's my life in a nutshell...if anyone feels like contributing you can, if not...that's fine too.. :/

>Out of shape
>small dick and balls
>small hands and feet
>Always envious of other people
>always look down at my feet
>hug my pillow at night and pretend it's the girl of my dreams
>I cry for no reason sometimes...sigh
>no friends
>not really good at anything
>never been with or kissed a girl
>highschool dropout
>can't do basic mathematics
>work at a gas station
>when I listen to music I pretend I am an mma fighter..sigh im such a faggot..
>I can't look anyone in the eyes
>I get nervous around girls...
>In highschool I would give people dirty looks so they would think I was dark and mysterious
>I make self deprecating jokes at work so people will think im funny..but they don't
>The only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because of mom..I love her so much, and I don't want to hurt her.. :/ I love her...sigh

I just need someone to talk too...Won't anyone be my friend? :/

>lonesomeforever1 (skype)

>> No.6358283


>> No.6358559

kill urself op

>> No.6358617
File: 3 KB, 111x126, 1326603613771s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound so sad and sweet... I kind of want to hug you and skype you. I'm afraid if I video chat, though, I'll get a dirty screen full of dick. Maybe one day, OP.

>> No.6358623

You should stop referring to your weakness as being a "pussy"

>> No.6358632

Do we really need this copypasta everyday?

>> No.6358636

so someone finally removed the amount he earned at the gas station because it was way too much?

>> No.6358643

stop don't give a fuck
no, really, just don't give a fuck what you look like, at all, or give a fuck what other people think, or give a fuck how you act (within reason)
just be a goofy sumbitch and everyone will probably enjoy your company
avoid being annoying though

>> No.6358653

Keep your head up bro. Let me tell you my story, hopefully you get some wisdom and strength out of it.
A long time ago I was arrested for felony drug possession. After my boss (I did research work for a professor) found out I was fired. Because I wasn't making enough money to stay in school I had to drop out. I started doing hard drugs and failed to kill myself a few times. A few months later after all of my court trials (my case was eventually dropped due to a technicality) I dropped off of the face of the earth and hit a rock bottom. For months I wallowed in my own self pitty shooting up from dirty needles, waking up in strange places. My only purpose in life was to find money and get my drugs. I lost all of my friend and my family.
I did this for about a year until I checked myself into rehab.
I am now doing an "academic fresh start" and I'm about to graduate with an engineering degree.
Socially, I am much like you now. I cannot look people in the eyes. Sure it sucks, but I tell myself every night "do I want to go back where I was?"
Things can be worse. Be grateful for what you have. Live each day to the fullest.
>fuck le meme arrows

>> No.6358657

>tfw no gf to whisper sweet things to me while she puts a strapon in me.

>> No.6358671
File: 77 KB, 280x280, feels-bad-man_design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6358726

cool story, but too bad you told it because you saw a copy pasta

>> No.6358738
File: 463 KB, 335x335, dealwithit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Out of shape
>Innie vagina but unable to have sex
>long hands and long feet
>pussy when it comes to flying and spiders, but will gladly go full speed on an ATV and go over jumps
>coward, again when it comes to flying and spiders
>Get jelly once in awhile, but pretty full of myself
>Always look down at my feet to make sure I don't trip over my own legs
>drool on pillow at night
>cry when I dislocate my fingers due to weak joints
>have few friends, but we are super close
>I make a fucking awesome tuna casserole
>Gone all the way
>Graduated high school and got into all the colleges I applied for
>Do math like a bawssss
>no jerb because of chronic illness
>Listen to music and headbang like a pro
>Only will look people in the eyes I trust
>Get nervous when I'm out of weed
>In highschool, I broke a bench because I jumped down on it from a shed
>My sick sense of humor gets me in trouble a lot
>Only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because I turned myself into the nearest mental hospital and got help like a responsible person

>mfw OP's green text story is a copypasta and is a fag

>> No.6358742

yea but you're a drug addict

>> No.6358740

I though you have a boyfriend though.

>> No.6358744

do you freak out on rollercoasters? i freak the fuck out on them. airplanes, no problem. rollercoasters? makeitstopmakeitstopmakeitstop

>> No.6358750

I have bf, and yes I am a drug addict but I don't do harder drugs. Just stick to my weed, shrooms, salvia, and booze.

>> No.6358756

Maybe you should stop? Perhaps that is what is messing with your brain? Did you know that once brain cells die, they don't regenerate?

>> No.6358762


>> No.6358764

Actually getting help with it now. I don't drink a lot of booze which is a good start, my biggest problem is popping anti-anxiety drugs when I feel the slightest tinge of anxiety come on. I build up a tolerance to it quickly. Trying to manage my anxiety through CBT charts and exposure. The weed I use to deal with my chronic nausea and joint pain, I used to take vicodin for it but I ultimately became addicted to that. I see weed as the lesser of two evils.

>> No.6358766
File: 116 KB, 750x522, 1333511536665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wake up every morning and look in my mirror and see the absolute worst human being in the world. If only the people around who admire me so much realized what a sad, lonely, self loathing mess I am on the inside. Probably why I can't keep a girlfriend for more than a week. They come to get to know me, and the lack of me there is inside. I try to put on the most positive exterior but sometimes my emotions get through the cracks. A slight flicker of my true self.

>> No.6358777

I want someone to touch.

Not even in a romantic sense. Just to hold, to be close to without any pressures.

I want friends who talk to me outside of fandom and cosplay.

I want friends who wish me happy birthday.

It'd be nice to go back to the first few months of cosplaying, when it really was about enjoyment. None of the worries that everyone looks better than you, or talks about you behind your back for using fabric the periwinkle shade of a summer's morning, when clearly you should be using fabric the periwinkle of a summer's early afternoon.

I want to stop beating myself up over having a corn dog, for keeping myself awake at night thinking about how that one stupid thing is what's going to make my thighs look too fat for my cosplay and get me on cgl, when the only other thing I had to eat today was a hard boiled egg.

>> No.6358786

>once brain cells die, they don't regenerate
Actually, they do. Really cool thing we recently found out about brains and all.
It's interesting stuff, you should go check it out. :)

>> No.6358791

Anon is actually really nice. I just talked to him on Skype. No dicks or anything.

>> No.6358800

Telling an addict to stop... LOL
Actually not copy pasta. I spent 90 days in total doing a detox and treatment. I currently have a little over 4 years clean.
If you feel you want to stop but need help find an NA meeting

>> No.6358804

Ughhhh I have anxiety as well. I can understand using things to calm yourself, but.. Just please be cautious of the paper you use with weed. Some are actually really harmful.

>> No.6358818

I only smoke with a pipe or bong

>> No.6358829

Maybe if you're talking about neuroglia cells but those cells don't carry a nerve impulse. They are more like helper cells.

>> No.6358854

I know that feel.

>> No.6358877

>he still thinks we can't tell it's copypasta

Go lose your virginity, Beta loser neckbeard.

>> No.6358896

My life is good, I just need to get to know new people.