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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 52 KB, 530x795, A6BxakgCEAA4j3G[1].jpg_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6355547 No.6355547[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So natural.

>> No.6355555


>> No.6355585

hammer time

>> No.6355620

i'm a bigshot

>> No.6355635

Am I the only one who thinks that the eye make up makes her look like an aborted fetus? Her eyes look so big, droopy and far away from each other. It's really unpleasant.

>> No.6355638

photoshop or not that is still fucking cute to look at

>> No.6355646

Are people still talking about Dakota Rose? lol

>> No.6355652

Did you guys see her newest videos in which her eyes are insanely bloodshot ...? She tried to vidya shoop the red out, but it didn't totally work.

>> No.6355657

Radiation poisoning, the real reason why she was so sick and throwing up

>> No.6355658


and also does anyone have a link to the one where her face got stung by a ''bee''.
the time she was in japan but the original one?

I think she actually looked decent there in some shots.
But i cant find the video anywhere anymore

>> No.6355668

Link to the bloodshot eyes vids:


Boo hoo, guys, she was supaaa~ sick, that's why she's been in hiding for so long ... Like that excuses her for completely disappearing off the internet for ages.

>> No.6355675

She's so fucking lazy. And not even a kawaiimoeYui-rolling-around-on-the-floor-desu way, just in a really annoying, ungrateful, used-to-having-everything-done-for-her sort of way.

>> No.6355788

Maybe the reason her eyes are so blood shot is because she's been wearing those circle lenses for far too much.

I mean the Kota household doesn't strike me as A+ hygienic.

>> No.6355809

In that one video she looks like she's been crying and is forced to make the video.

Oh god can you imagine some alternative universe where she really looks that cute and is all teary eyed and bruised ;-;

>> No.6355815

Her voice did sound a little...husky? Definitely not trying to defend her but when I get sick my eyes get really bloodshot.

>> No.6355831

Dakota's future:

Fat, blind and bald

>> No.6355872

How did she even become so popular with all you seagulls.
I don't see what the big deal about her is?

>> No.6355880

i don't know... i think she has been using her fake annoying stuck-up voice FAR less. remember the earlier videos she barely moved her mouth when speaking

>> No.6355885
File: 1.37 MB, 1366x768, lenses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this video of her doing that make-up tutorial on a Korean show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7woFHgkwCM&NR=1&feature=endscreen

Confirmed for wearing circle lenses. I know that everyone already knew she did but she's always denied it. Look at how the colour of the iris overlaps her pupil and reveals her actual iris colour underneath.

>> No.6355905

/cgl/ loves lolcows

>> No.6355939

So there was a thread last night on Pretty Ugly Little Liar that got deleted in the past 12 hours or so.
It was a pretty active user (who self-admittedly lead verbal speculation/bitching/etc in the past) saying that she got information from an inside source whom she wouldn't name that some kind of fucked up thing/things happened with Dakota and that she is a victim of the dad, Cathy and Kiki. Later in the post she specifically said Cathy was fucked up person. She wouldn't say what it was that happened. She said that even if Dakota is a bitch, she understands why and essentially doesn't blame her for it. 4-5 people began posting "why would you say anything if you can't tell us what it is that even happened, might as well delete this thread" blah blah blah. The OP posted again that she shouldn't even be posting this much and that she is leaving the forum as she feels like she is supporting Cathy by posting there.


>> No.6355941

1. Cathy gave her all dem bruises when she didn't pose right for daddy's camera
2. The OP is one of the family members acting to be a hater from the beginning, all leading to this moment of trying (and failing) to get the most passionate haters to lay off of Dakota by justifying her behavior (whatever that is, I don't even remember why people hate her at this point)

>> No.6355952

OT, but does anyone know a good eyeliner (liquid, pencil, gel, I don't really care) that you can line your inner corners with like Dakota's doing here WITHOUT it smudging all over the place? I have a gel liner that works pretty well but when I try to apply it in my inner corner it ends up in my crease, under my eye, IN my eye (urgh), basically everywhere but where I need it to be. My eyes aren't particularly watery, either.

>> No.6355984

Anything that you sorta put in your water line like that, you're going to want to use a pencil liner. I recommend not using something water based. Just look up creme based eye liner pencils. Not sure of the base of Urban Decay's eyeliners, but they work really well for that with me. I also have the same problem you have. Just use your liquid/gel liner, but on the inner corner like that, use a pencil liner.

>> No.6355993

> Koti thread

hi kyle

>> No.6355998

why are girls the only people who think plastic skin and racoon eyes are attractive?
the less makeup the better.

>> No.6356004

Her balding spots still make me sad. Not to mention she looks really down on these.

>> No.6356006

Stilla's eyeliner pen is really really good, easy to get a very fine point on your eyeliner.

i honestly think eyeliner pens are easier to use than felt tip liquid liner brushes, liquid liner with normal brushes, gel liner in any medium. i actually don't like gel liner unless you want a thicker line, it looks thicker to me even if it's the same thinness of line idk why

>> No.6356008

Not the quoted anon, but I've tried pencil liners and they still go everywhere but on my waterline. It also only happens on the upper lid, not on the lower.


>> No.6356009

Noone here cares about your spechul male opinion that's been posted over and over on every thread ever.

>> No.6356015

it's all trial and error, really. like i have this issue as well, it's hard to get some products to even come off on my water line and what i do get there often wears off instantly.

like right now i use Bad Gal Liner for my black
Buxoms Inside Eyeliner for my white (this one is a twisted crayon one)
and NARS Longer Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliner in a natural shade

>> No.6356031

did you ever get back in touch with dakoko?
re-establish contact, damn you, we want more details of ostrenga household life.
they are /cgl/'s kardashians.

>> No.6356036


>> No.6356068

5:50- proof she does wear contact lenses

>> No.6356089

You're so fucking trashy it's hilarious.

Go get your clit pierced or something.

>> No.6356091

Dude.. everyone already knows she wears them and we even already know which brand and what kind.
We have a list of several videos by now..
she'll never admit to it anyway

>> No.6356131

Spoony, tell us what that 'dirty little secret' is. C'mon, you love drama and what you found must be delicious.

>> No.6356214

do you think dakota would marry a japanese?

>> No.6356222

um, sounds more like the usual flan shitposting. Remember the peach john rumor?

>> No.6356245

She looks uglier than ever. Go back to the first shoops plz

>> No.6357128

This sounds like something someone needs to make a comic of.

>> No.6357238
File: 2.10 MB, 456x336, sdfgh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She hates them too

>> No.6357263

everytime you see Dakota, you will now think of this song

>> No.6357265

does she wear fake bottom lashes? idgi...how does she make her real bottom lashes disappear so she can do that gyaru thing?

>> No.6357272


>> No.6357380

Maybe she uses foundation over her real lashes and apply false lashes under them?
I've seen people doig this, looks tacky irl but it's fine for photos.

>> No.6357481

She's got the exact same colour of hair that I do. So, I imagine her eyelashes are exactly like mine. Pretty invisible without mascara. She probably just applies mascara on the very tips of her bottom eyelashes, to make it seem like they "begin" later on (extending the largeness of her eye). She then uses eyeliner/shadow beneath that to give it a darker, thicker look.

>> No.6357582


I wonder if Kiki is sad that Dakota has surpassed her.

>> No.6357587

her face looks lopsided

>> No.6357598
File: 99 KB, 640x360, blahblahblahblahblahblah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photoshop. you can clearly see she has long, defined eyelashes on her lower lid, but then they just disappear and become a smudged black line look.

are also true, blonde lashes are almost invisible without mascara and you can cover them. i put white eyeliner or mascara primer on mine when i do it. but her's it's photoshop. it doesn't look that bad as long as you only make your added eye area a little bit bigger. if you do like a whole cm extra of white it looks really obvious and only works in photos. it also only works from a front angle, otherwise it looks like pic related.

>inb4 omg charms u r horing a dakooter thread
shut the fuck up, it's a question about makeup fuck

>> No.6357610
File: 99 KB, 360x640, blahblahblahblah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where as from front on it looks like this.

>> No.6357624

You have the face shape the way that dokokta wishes she had. She always shoops her chin rounder and jaw smaller.

>> No.6357635

after Dakota met me she started photoshopping differently, like someone who thought Dakota was really pretty and also knew me IRL pointed it out to me and i have always wondered if... you know.

like i know that's so conceited to think but i just wonder.

honestly, though, Dakota's face is so sharp and beautiful. i wish she'd show that off more, she wants to look soft because that's what's attractive in Japan but i would give anything for her pointed nose, high cheekbones, and like her face just looks sculpted. it doesn't look real.
idk why she always looks so bad in live videos and stuff, i was legit in absolute aw when i met her.

>> No.6357633

oh charms u r so beautiful

>> No.6357638

thank u anon

>> No.6357655
File: 380 KB, 500x281, 34ythrd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think rounder features are cuter and makes you look younger. Pointy faces do look quite beautiful for a while but they tend to age poorly. I guess the grass is greener and all that

>> No.6357672

but when you have a pointy face you become a Disney villain as you get older. like that is my dream, how can i ever be an IRL Maleficent without long pointy features.

you just don't understand, anon.

haha, but yes. round does make you look younger.
and that gif is exactly what i am talking about, she did not look that bad IRL. then again i think i look way rounder in my videos than i do in real life or photos, like i have cheek bones IRL and in (most of) my photos. so like... maybe her and eye just are not loved by motion film.

>> No.6357673

...Not really.

Koreans are notorious for undergoing surgery to get pointy faces, and they look very youthful.

>> No.6357686

>>surgery to get pointy faces
We shave our damn jawbones to make them more rounder.

>> No.6357690

Omg totally not related but could you post your tumblr? I used to really like it but I lost the link. Derp.

>> No.6357701

I know what the korean plastic surgery faces look like and I wasnt talking about that kind of pointyness. I'm talking cheekbones and jawbones that look pointy in the gaunt high fashion way.

>> No.6357700

koreans are also notorious for having properly oiled up faces so they don't dry out their skin and age like distressed leather.

people with naturally sharper faces tend to have drier skin in my experience- dunno if there's any truth to that genetically but anyway, america teaches young girls that oil = dirty = breakouts so people strip their faces of all the natural oils and slap on tons of drying products without following up with PROPER moisturizer to avoid break outs. so by the time they're 20 they have wrinkles, instead of just being fully grown into their flesh.

>> No.6357705

Korean Mandible reduction surgery.

Look it up.

>> No.6357710
File: 95 KB, 800x600, mandible-angle-reduction-thailand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6357713

i don't usually, but it's been months since i have so sure.

i like korean surgery pointy face as well, though. like, long faces are pretty to me.

they shave the sides of the jaw and often put an implant on the chin to give it a proper point.

>> No.6357719

They reduce the angle hence the face is more round instead of square...

>> No.6357722

It still makes it pointier. Ideal korean face is a V. Hence... they try to make itlook more V like.

>> No.6357726

the ideal face shape is oval, not round. it may make it more round and less square, but their goal and end result is an oval face shape.

>> No.6357768

she`s getting worse and worse at shooping.

>> No.6357771

How do you tell face shape. I think I'm oval but I don't look like the oval in the guides I've looked at.

>> No.6357777

post a photo, i'll tell you. have all your hair out of your face, ears showing would help too.

basically oval is top and bottom are even, the top of your face and bottom have equal weight.
heart/upside down triangle is top heavy, pointy chin and wide forehead.
triangle is broad chin and small forehead.
square is broad chin and wide forehead
diamond is small forehead, pointed chin, and wide like face. like your cheeks are wide.

>> No.6357793

Let me see if I find one that shows that, otherwise I'll have to take one.

>> No.6357800

there is also step-by-step measurements you can do, to be absolutely sure of what your shape is:


Sometimes people can be a combination of two different shapes, and it can be super hard to tell by just looking at them.

>> No.6357805

why is it every time we have a dakota thread it goes off topic to some other shit.

>> No.6357810

it is. when i first started like doing face shape stuff it was really hard for me to differentiate heart and oval, especially because i'm partial to pointy chins as being more attractive than rounder ones and since oval is ideal i would go to the most attractive face as being oval.

>> No.6357815

because the new topic for the thread is much better than "hurr durr kooter shoops did u guys know"

>> No.6357811

Think I'll just do that, I don't have a picture and don't feel comfortable enough to post one.

>> No.6357817

Because talking about Dakota drama is beating a dead horse. She hasn't done anything worth talking about in months, so it's just not interesting.

>> No.6357822

i understand, i wont post pictures showing my forehead unless i poof out my hair enough to camouflage how tall my forehead is. which defeats the purpose entirely.

>> No.6357842

i'm dying

>> No.6357852


PLEASE, /PLEASE/ tell us how to do her makeup properly, all the YouTube tutorials aren't that great

>> No.6357855

how did this get here this is not the thread i wanted to reply to :/

>> No.6357865

there was a tutorial i found that was legit perfect. but i can't fucking find it. i am /pissed/ because while i know how to do it i can't explain myself for shit.
i will go searching again

>> No.6357866

it is also tricky when a person has a widows peak hairline. I am always assuming that they have a heart shaped face, but that isn't always the case.

>> No.6357898

god damn i'm magic. dunno why it took me so long to find it last time.

keep in mind, the way you do it for photos is different than for how you should actually wear it IRL. in photos, go extreme like this. in real life, keep the contouring and extension of your eye more subtle.

amazing tutorial (they ruined the Dakota look with the wig and outfit)

and another tutorial i just found, also pretty good but she continues the white out instead of using her cat eyeliner as the end of the eye.

>> No.6357913

OT question
charms do you have a tumblr?

>> No.6357929


I never liked this tutorial (it's great, ngl) because DAMN I WANT THOSE CONTACTS and i can't find them ANYWHERE the company doesn't seem to sell them online anywhere

>> No.6357937

here anon

they look like normal contacts, not circle lens. like you can get them at some eye places, ask your... eye doctor. i can't think of the word.

but like i've seen them advertised just walking around IRL and i don't live in a esthetically forward part of the world.

>> No.6358006
File: 70 KB, 785x565, dirtyfeetdesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6358084

>DIOS MIO si eres de verdad, una mujer, te ví por casualidad en youtube y me he quedado impresionado. Me alegras hasta la vista el como te arrreglas el pelo y labios y tus trajes tan lindos. tienes un admirador muy lejos en spain( canary island ). la verdad que es un placer ver tus videos, y es que eres muy femenina y eso como hombre se agradece, gracias poder contemplarte. la verdad es que no salgo de mi asombro, como puede haber una mujer tan bonita como tú. La hija soñada para los padres.CHAO

>Frank00053 6 hours ago

OMG that is so fucking creepy lol

>> No.6358092
File: 3 KB, 250x250, 1314805718922s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only he knew...

>> No.6358295
File: 54 KB, 960x640, makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I found this REALLY helpful for replicating the makeup.

>> No.6358306

>Post a really sweet comment about how pretty a girl is

Sorry, but I fail to find the sense in that. Unless you guys are being sarcastic and trying to make a joke about how Dakota would react.

>> No.6359013

Those circles lenses look just like the ones Kiki was wearing in her newest video.

>> No.6359015

ewwwww that is gross

>> No.6359165
File: 122 KB, 537x533, 1345238153078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dakota is online. I predict posts about how she's so kawaii and you're all lesbian niggers.

>> No.6359166
File: 43 KB, 451x450, ss (2012-08-24 at 02.41.26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that picture

Holy fuck, my sides!

>> No.6359225
File: 757 KB, 584x360, 1348477168014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she puts foundation/base on her outer/lower lashes to create the elongated and enlarged eye look

Oh honey...

>> No.6359226
File: 88 KB, 612x612, 505856bc7be011e180c9123138016265_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6359229

Once again requesting if anyone knows where i can see the video of kooters in japland unedited.

The one where she walks on the street and all the girls go KAWAIII while shoving a few bucks they got beforehand into their little asian bra's.

>> No.6359232

Can someone post the pics of her bald head in the new vids?

>> No.6359280

say what?

>> No.6359287

I can't find the un edited video of the first television appearance she did in japan where her face was all chubby and swollen and she claimed afterwards that she was stung by a bee.

>> No.6359288

Does anyone else feel really, really bad for her? She always looks SO sad, like she's only doing all of this because she's forced to.

>> No.6359297

You people are all terrible

None of this is true.

You are all fatty fat jelly lesbian nigger cunts who want to fuck and kill poor precious doll girl to gain her beauty. It won't work. Stupid dumb lesbian cunts. She is living dream and not you

>> No.6359301

she really shoulda stuck with this look.
even if it looks like she's sucking her cheeks in SO HARD.

>> No.6359304


>> No.6359306


>> No.6359314

Could she be more obvious?

>> No.6359313

thank you

>> No.6359316


Lol your wrong. I wish I was an amazing adored model living in Asia

I know I am lowly commoner

>> No.6359319


My wrong what?

>> No.6359324


Nigger bitch

>> No.6359332


Shut the fuck up you stupid fat dyke

>> No.6359334

kyle scares the shit out of me tbh. i mean, i love some good shit talking and bitching about people like dakota, venus, pixyteri, whoever, but this guy's obsessive to a point where it can't be healthy. i mean, how many times did his tumblr get suspended? 30 times? 40 times? lmao

>> No.6359340

You should have called me a lesbian pedophile. That's more your style.

>> No.6359346

Cracker whore

>> No.6359350


Lol you admit it? Oh my god you sick fucking cow. Go die.

Also don't make up shit about Dakota. She's fine and nothin happened to her and she only had a cold you sad fatsacks

>> No.6359352


Lol dumb cunt crackers are for fat people.

>> No.6359353

momma ostrenga, go tell kooter to mow the lawn

>> No.6359354

ur face

>> No.6359356
File: 270 KB, 750x479, pedophilelesbian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could try a little harder, you know.

>> No.6359359

Okay you should all go die

The important thing is she is okay, no one hurt her, and she is happy. Everyone loves the little angle doll girl and she got her wish and she is super famous and you aren't.

>> No.6359365

wat is this thread
take it 2 tumblor

>> No.6359370


It's six in the morning, and I haven't slept yet. I have no idea what I'm talking about, this is really just the random whim of a sleep deprived dyke who likes to mess with adorable fucked up little white girls.

>> No.6359447


>> No.6359494


Its just so funny how he says that she is the daughter that every parent would dream of, when there is a police report of her in a domestic dispute with her mom sister and granny.

>> No.6359500

Never minding the fact he's a guy saying that shit and he probably wants a daughter like her to crawl ontop of when it's nighttime and mommy isn't paying attention

>> No.6359555


that, and taking questionable photos of her too.

Scott and Cathy should write a guide on how to exploit your children without raising suspicion.

>> No.6359589

Oh Charms, I can't hate you, you're just too pretty and what I wish I looked like. I have an ass-chin (cleft chin) it's ridiculous.
Thanks for the tips though.

>> No.6359604

I love how the hair by her right cheekbone magically moves away from her face at one point.

>Dat shooping

>> No.6359610

awh anon that's very sweet. but don't let a pretty face turn your opinion. if you feel like i'm worthy of being deemed "bad" to you accept that.

pretty people can be awful, not pretty people can be lovely. looks have little to do with personality.

cleft chins don't have to stop you from being pretty. if you keep statement eyes and cheeks with not much attention drawn to the lips it will keep eyes away from your chin.
i met this woman once who had the most stunning eyes, i couldn't look away, and it wasn't until after a few minutes of talking that i noticed her nose was literally half the width of her face and not symmetrical. it was the widest most unattractive nose i'd ever seen. but her eyes were so beautiful that it took me awhile to notice, and it was easy to look past because i was so drawn to her eyes. even looking back on it i would still say "beautiful" before "ugly" because of her eyes.

>> No.6359613

i think that's because of the eyelashes

>> No.6359633

Wtf. This girl looks just like me. We have the same hair colour, same eye colour (circle lenses) and same, peachy lipstick colour. Wtf.

>> No.6359642

Kojirina, is that you?

>> No.6359645
File: 2.52 MB, 3264x2448, 1346215263423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6359652

i hate this photo of me.
should have never posted it.

>> No.6359660

Where did you get the cute bat sweater? I've been looking for something like it for ages now.

>> No.6359659

Its her eyelashes.
When my fringe gets too long, they get caught on my eyelashes all the time and flip about.

>> No.6359667

Listen Flavor on CDJapan, about a year ago now. it was a little over $80 (6900 yen), in case you ever see it for sale so you have a reference price ~

tbh i might sell mine soon. i know a lot of people loved it when it came out, and i've worn it maybe 5 times. i prefer long cut sweaters and statement prints are not really my thing. i need to do a closet cleaning.

>> No.6359688

Are you talking about Kooter's brother? Or who is he?

>> No.6359695

I'm kind of thinking that people should just leave her alone now to get on with it.


Shush gurl, you look mad kawaii, both of you actually.

>> No.6359697

i was fucking kawaii that morning. it was one of the few days i actually felt good about my red/blonde hair. but by night time i looked like a dirty slag

>> No.6359700


Well I know what you mean actually.
Whenever I go out I always have a shower beforehand and then for the next 1-2 hours I look fucking immaculate. Anything past that and I start closely resembling a swamp witch.
I wish I could walk around feeling "fresh" all day.

>> No.6359702

wait tht is the real kooter?
damn this pisses me off
she's naturally so pretty why does she insist on fucking it up by setting unrealistic standards for herself?

>> No.6359705

I have a fringe/bangs or however you americans and english call it and right after styling it will look perfect as hell only to turn into a gross mess after a few hours.

Someone on here recommended i'd take a dry shampoo spray with me and that actually helped me allot.
i really hate looking cute as fuck only to go somewhere and arriving looking like a mess

>> No.6359707

i normally do, like i am very particular about making sure i look as good when i get home as i did when i left. often times better because being at a beauty school most of the day i can have my hair re-washed and styled, or at least styled, by someone who can actually see the back of my head so they can properly get all my tracks hidden. haha.

but when i'm at an amusement park, or out with people who aren't going to stop for 10-20 minutes every hour or so for me to touch up my hair and face i end up a giant greasy frizzy haired goblin.

>> No.6359708

i carry dry shampoo with me because i have such oily skin and hair that i have to spray it every single day, usually in the morning and half way through the day.

greasy hair ruins a look completely. it's why i'm growing my bangs out, as much as i adore my harsh straight across fringe i can't be bothered to keep up with it right now.

>> No.6359709




>> No.6359715

stop sucking up to charms spoony, she's not going to be your friend

>> No.6359717



>> No.6359722

Because her parents are exploitative as fuck and her sister has been ~internet famous~ for a while now and she was always "the fat one". I agree that she's quite pretty, but her self esteem must be shot to hell and I don't envy her at all.

>> No.6359723

Now, now, spoony. Why would you bother trying to befriend her? She's still crazy and you've left that part of your life.

>> No.6359725
File: 1.79 MB, 480x369, blushing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh spoony

>> No.6359728


SpookyxSpoony is my OTP

There's even a one character difference in our aliases, it's obviously a sign.

>> No.6359730

What would your couple nick name be?

Cookie is a mixture of Cunt and Spooky.

>> No.6359762
File: 208 KB, 800x500, 2eocinp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoony why do you always want to befriend the crazies?

>> No.6359776

Makes her look more sane and well-adjusted in comparison.

>> No.6359790
File: 505 KB, 2048x1536, 1342394796957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want /soc/ to leave.

>> No.6359797


Which would make a lot of sense if the people I befriended on here were actually crazy. What you degenerates fail to grasp is that a lot of the people who frequent these online messaging boards don't behave the way they do in real life as they do online.

>> No.6359803

>implying Spoony befriended me
no, no. i go after what /i/ want. i don't deal well when people approach me, even if they've done nothing wrong i don't like people trying to talk to me.

>> No.6359805

Don't do it. I've heard things about that girl. No one would blame you for not wanting to be her friend.

>> No.6359815

>I don't like people trying to talk to me

>> No.6359817

You must be a hit in the real world.

>> No.6359822

i get off put by people honestly trying to socialize with me, i don't mind people asking a few questions or like they're a client. that doesn't bother me. but when someone wants to be my friend and get to know me? i'm not comfortable with that.
unless (and this is really awful and shallow i'm sorry) they're very very attractive. but even then i often get that catty bitchy "oh so you think /you're/ so fucking pretty? ha yeah okay, broke ass bitch" attitude. or afraid that they're judging me.

it's an social anxiety thing. when i approach someone i am in control of the situation in my mind, but when someone approaches me i get very shy so i outlash as bitchy to make them go away.

>> No.6359824

i'm actually really good at pretending to be social. i just don't make friends.

>> No.6359914

I do this too, but maybe not to the same extent. I somehow managed to stop going into complete bitch mode so much now after I realized what I was doing. Now I more or less just pretend I'm really preoccupied with something to get them to go away