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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6356093 No.6356093[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /cgl/ think of underage sex at cons?

I have a friend who purposefully goes after 13 and 14 year old girls who want to party and drink and ends up having sex with them. I find it distasteful, but he's a nice guy so I just try to ignore it. His defense is that so many of them are scantily dressed that it's hard not to feel sexually attracted and want to act on that.

>> No.6356097

Question to the girls ITT, did you ever feel attracted to your female friends like in the pic when you were younger?

>> No.6356099

It's very easy to do but not worth it..

underage girls are shit at sex as well..

>> No.6356103

Sachie wouldn't do something like that.

She's pure and asian.

>> No.6356107

eh, this is probably a troll thread but

>purposefully goes after 13 and 14 year old girls
>he's a nice guy

try again

>> No.6356113

Yeah, he's a monster purely because of his sexual tastes...

Go away please.

>> No.6356117


This. I don't particularly like it either, but it doesn't make someone a bad person.

>> No.6356118

not sure if troll... But yeah preying on little girls, kinda does make you a bad person

>> No.6356120

They're not little girls though, they're post-pubescent.

>> No.6356122

Oh god. Sounds like my friends ex bf. He is 22 years old and only dates people 15 and younger. My friend was his first exception just because she's petite.

Anyway, he only got into the con-scene to get laid.

>> No.6356123

Where I live age of consent is 14 and the girls like it even more than the guys. Every teenager girl wants to date and have sex with an older guy.

>> No.6356127

>Anyway, he only got into the con-scene to get laid.

This is what I don't get. I'm not trying to slut shame, I'm a girl myself. But it's not as if girls who cosplay have a good rep or anything, most of us seem to be looked at as little more than pieces of meat by men, and that's our responsibility, because we want them to look at us like that. That goes for younger girls too.

If we want men to respect us, we've really gotta stop spreading our legs every time we're at a con.

>> No.6356129

no, he's a "monster" because he seeks out tweens (aka children) who are lashing out and misbehaving, encourages their behavior and then either coerces them into, or forces them to have sex with him.

but shit, you're right, he must be a stand up guy despite that! He's just raping little girls, but it's fine!

>> No.6356130

We can all define him as an Underage Sexual Predator.

>> No.6356137

>consensual sex

Not that person, but are we really going to have this discussion again? I mean seriously?

Don't you remember when you were that age? How cool older guys seemed?

>> No.6356139 [DELETED] 

Sachie is the perfect cosplayer waifu.

- Tall
- Good looking
- Introvert
- Watches anime unlike most cosplayers
- Good looking and tall

>> No.6356140

Wow, I hate to break it to you but you're friend is hebephile and a total fucking creep.
There are plenty of scantily clad of-age women and I'm sure some of them would be more than down.
He's a creep.

>> No.6356142

Too bad con-sluts exist.
I'm a virgin and sometimes people hit on me at cons, but I do not want to lose it to some stupid dweeb with social incompetense. In that way, it's probably a good thing that some girls are willing to fuck those desperate assholes.

>> No.6356144

Hebephilia. Preying on pubescents.

>> No.6356145

She's also pretty pure. I don't know what it is about Asian girls, but they don't seem to be into promiscuity as much as white girls are. That's why a lot of white guys like asian girls.

>> No.6356146

Sachie is the perfect cosplayer waifu.

- Tall
- (half)-Asian
- Good looking
- Introvert
- Watches anime unlike most cosplayers
- Good looking and tall

>> No.6356150

Why all the hate for male con goers? Stop being so stuck up.

>> No.6356148


You know that word is actually kind of hurtful to men right? It just means "guy who isn't good looking enough to do wildly extroverted things to me".

>> No.6356156

Don't show off too much skin, you can't blame a man for wanting what's on display.

>> No.6356157

Seriously? This guy preys on underage girls and you're trying to call me out for calling him a mean name? Wow.

>> No.6356153

I guess I've just had bad experiences. I know that there are plenty of decent male con-goers, but those are often put off after bad experiences.

>> No.6356158

>sex with a minor

When I was that age I didn't have sex so no, I don't remember~

>> No.6356160

I'm just saying, we're girls, we're supposed to be kind and caring.

>> No.6356163

athens you need to work on your "lol I'm a girl" skills.

>> No.6356164


Whatever, we all liked older guys at that age and you know it.

>> No.6356161

Funny thing is, I hate showing off skin in public. Hell, I hate going to the beach.

I'm one of those introverts with self image issues.

>> No.6356166

No, it means your behavior is creepy. If you don't want to be called a creep stop creeping on women.

>> No.6356169


1/10 got me to respond

>> No.6356174

wow, what an amazing argument that is! you have totally changed my mind, this guy is a stand up dude. I see the light.

>> No.6356171

Are you new to /cgl/ at all?

>> No.6356172

>stop creeping on women

If he were better looking, it would be 'confidence'.

>> No.6356178

No, I just don't see why we should lose touch with our good feminine side just because you dislike one guy.

>> No.6356179

This thread cannot end well.

I've had consex with a friend of a mutual friend so it wasn't exactly a one-night stand or whatever. We're still friends today and at the time she was 19. Underaged sex is bad anywhere, brah. He may have good intentions everywhere else in life but maybe talk to him about the sexual shit; there's girls aren't right in the head.

Also, don't throw the word rape around so nonchalantly. Also also, not all male conners are sexless drones and not all females are scantily clad sluts.

>> No.6356180

no, it would be creepy. Girls hate the douchebag fratboy too, or have you never been to a bar in a college town?

>> No.6356181

Well it's not like the girls going to cons for sex aren't huge sluts or anything. Age doesn't matter

>> No.6356185

Actually, the fratboys have a nice female niche around here. I don't care for them at all but it'd be foolish to say all women hate them. 30% of them are decent human beings, though.

>> No.6356198

At cons they're mostly seen as douchebags.

>> No.6356200

at cons, they are usually considered assholes. nice try there.

>> No.6356206

It's both their faults, the guy should show some self control but the girl shouldn't tempt him with showing off flesh either.

>> No.6356207

You don't live there and stop trolling.

>> No.6356217

I'm not supporting them by any means. Just keep in mind you both used the words "mostly" and "usually". Whenever threads like this pop-up, tons of generalizations are made. Generalizations are bad.

>> No.6356250

Since when have (American) conventions been such giant slutfests? I'm always confused when people talk about con sex and people hitting on them at cons. Or drinking! When I've been in cons they're always been full of retarded fangirls and anime/cosplay elitists/oldfags or whatever. Well sometimes the fangirls do their "cosplay fanservice" but that's only some retarded kissing. European here.

>> No.6356254

Having sex with girls under the age of consent is statutory rape -- a serious crime -- and your friend is a criminal. He's not a nice guy. He's a rapist. Instead of ignoring it, you should stop him from hurting teenagers, and if he doesn't stop then you should stop being friends.

> His defense is that so many of them are scantily dressed that it's hard not to feel sexually attracted and want to act on that.
Tell your friend to put on his big boy pants and exercise the self-restraint we expect from all members of a civilized society.

>> No.6356263

Most of these "horny stories" are exaggerations. Most hotels nowadays monitor the halls to the hotel rooms. Take the case of the Hyatt hotel. A group of 5 congoer girls (two allegedly underage) were checked in. sometime late at night, they invited a group of boys to the room. Close Circuit security personnel were monitoring reported to security and when security went up to said room, they found restraints, booze, drugs and one of the girls crying. Google it if you need confirmation!

>> No.6356267

We are human beings, not anime characters. We also don't grab, squeeze and stare at our friends boobs.

Do your cute male friends touch your cock often? Do they offer you cake in a suggestive manner, like in Ouran Host Club?

>> No.6356271
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>> No.6356275

I met my 16 year old fuck buddy at a Homestuck shoot at a con.

She's actually pretty sweet and probably legitimately has feelings for me so I'm starting to feel bad about it all, but meh. The sex is surprisingly good.

>> No.6356276

Surely men can't be expected to control their lust around these hot, slutty 13 year olds!

Also, Humbert Humbert did nothing wrong.

>> No.6356283

chris patton chasing underage girls again?

>> No.6356292
File: 185 KB, 354x308, 1348077703939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with sex between two consenting humans. I love how women (usually over 27 with fading looks) get upset whenever men prefer to chase fresh pussy instead of their worn meatflaps, completely ignoring the fact that when they were 14 they probably lost their virginity so some 20+ year old like most women these days.

We can't all have our sexual arousal be based on the person's bank account and social status. Men like young and fertile women. If she's begun puberty and has secondary sexual characteristics, she's ready.

>> No.6356302

Incoming shitstorm from the jealous, used up whores of /cgl/

>> No.6356305

>There is nothing wrong with sex between two consenting humans
Could you at least veil your bait a little bit?

>> No.6356313

100% agree

>> No.6356315

>fading looks

What are you, 15?

>> No.6356322

13-14? So what? You know the difference between right and wrong and you are aware of your own sexuality. You are perfectly capable of determining when and who can put their penis into your vagina.

Like I said, the biggest opponents to this are old women who are furious that men don't want them anymore and if they could they'd raise the AoC to 20 or higher. It's not about "protecting the children", it's about restricting male sexuality and what men are allowed to find attractive. Which is exactly why the men who fuck young women are criticized and demonized by the young women who fuck older men aren't despite it BEING THEIR CONSENSUAL CHOICE (jnb4 bawww manipulated, I love how women go on about being proud and sexually active until suddenly the sex makes them look bad and then they become fragile and weak women who are easily manipulated into having sex they don't want.)

The law needs to catch up with the fact that women are entering puberty earlier and earlier.

>> No.6356323

Few girls look better at 27 than they did at 22

>> No.6356332

Likely troll, but since it disturbingly echoes a lot of serious posters in this thread than I would like to point out that 13/14 is not considered an adult, no matter how mature or how skimpy they're dressed. I've never met a mature 13/14 y/o because maturity comes from reflection of real life experiences. If you don't have those experiences, a collection of them, and time to look back objectively to use them as tools to become a better 'adult', than they are not yet mature.

On a more personal note, I do not like the trend of causal acceptance of having your fist time being taken by an older guy who is only in it for young ass.

Having sex for the first time is a life mark. It's something you'll remember. I assume most people would try to do it in a way where they can look back at it fondly, not just an act of horny instincts.

>> No.6356338

>I would like to point out that 13/14 is not considered an adult, no matter how mature or how skimpy they're dressed.

Doesn't matter. They're capable of reproduction and of carrying a child to term healthily.

>I do not like the trend of causal acceptance of having your fist time being taken by an older guy who is only in it for young ass.

Neither do I, but calling women on it is apparently slut-shaming so I guess we'll have to deal with it. Women want to fuck older men, let them.

>> No.6356351

>You know the difference between right and wrong and you are aware of your own sexuality. You are perfectly capable of determining when and who can put their penis into your vagina.

Except the statutory rape laws are because 13/14 year old girls are vastly mentally and psychologically immature, often in the middle of puberty when they succumb the most easily to peer and societal pressures without knowing the consequences of sex, whether it be the possibility of a disease or pregnancy. 13-14 year olds *maybe* get some sort of primal sex ed class from a bored coach or a throwaway conversation from their parents, but their ideas of sex often come from the misinformation strewn through the media/internet/peers.

It's often a decision based on coercision and manipulation, and that's why older guys see it as *easy*. Older girls are more aware of their sexual identity, have more opportunities to become more confident after growing out of that awkward pre-teen phase, so they can reject advances.

I'm a romanticist at heart though, so maybe I'm a bit biased.

>> No.6356347

>13-14? So what? You know the difference between right and wrong and you are aware of your own sexuality
>Stating things on the internet make them fact
You see, the majority would argue against this, you're basically making an argument for pedophiles. Next you'll tell me that you were born this way and can't help it.
0/10, just because you typed more this time it's still very obvious.
Quantity != Quality of argument.

>> No.6356352


>> No.6356355

>The law needs to catch up with the fact that women are entering puberty earlier and earlier.
Girls always started puberty around 12. It use to be the norm to put a baby in their belly once they started to bleed. It's not really about laws catching up to a decreasing puberty age, it's more about trying to get kids through school before they get pregnant.

That said, rape is wrong, but there's nothing wrong about a 13 year old who won't say "no". We were all that age once, and plenty of girls decline offers of sex and dates. There's going to be a few prostitots out there and if it's not some man at a con, it'll be some other guy. The girl wants it, that's her own fault. Lets just hope she knows to use a condom, the man is clean, and her parents believe in abortion.

>> No.6356359

>Older girls are more aware of their sexual identity,
This is because they had sex at younger ages. A 20 year old virgin doesn't jump in to sex knowing what she wants and how to go about it. It's all based on experience. There's no mental click that says, "I'm ready for sex, know what I won't, and won't get hurt by it."

>> No.6356358

>Doesn't matter. They're capable of reproduction and of carrying a child to term healthily.

You only see 'healthily' as a strict physical term when, even then, any doctor will tell you that it is safest for a girl to be pregnant when they hit their later teens. Health complications increase when you're younger than 16 or older than mid-late 30's.

>Neither do I, but calling women on it is apparently slut-shaming so I guess we'll have to deal with it. Women want to fuck older men, let them.

The difference between us is that what you consider a women is what I consider a girl.

To help clear it up, what do you consider a women? Is any girl who hits puberty considered a women to you? Irregardless of physical or mental age?

>> No.6356363

>You see, the majority would argue against this, you're basically making an argument for pedophiles.

No, I'm making an argument for healthy adult males who are aroused when looking at pubescent females with secondary characteristics. "Jailbait" shouldn't be jailbait because the idea that men shouldn't be allowed to find something attractive because of an arbitrary number is ridiculous. To help make it more clear (since women can't relate to what I just posted), imagine if I told you that you weren't allowed to find any man who makes over $75K attractive because "you only want to use him and manipulate him to give you all his money". It doesn't matter if he WANTS to do it.

Pedophilia is wrong. Pedophilia is also being attracted to a child who hasn't undergone puberty and therefore has no sexual traits that would be arousing to a normal man. Sometimes society gets it confused and I understand that.

>It's often a decision based on coercision and manipulation

No, it's a decision based on "I want to fuck". Again, this is a perfect example of how women are always STRONG AND INDEPENDENT until it's more convenient to be frail and childish.

>> No.6356372

19 year old kissless virgin here. As long as they have internet access, I'm pretty sure they know

>> No.6356375

Sexual identity doesn't only come from having sex. It can be from the various non physical romantic relationships (like dating, understanding your's and your partner's urges, societal and cultural things), becoming more emotional secure in yourself and your own body, as well as just doing research and taking the initiative to separate the vast amount of misinformation to get straight to the facts. And, of course, masturbation and exploring what gets you off.

There is a difference between a 13 year old virgin and a 20 year old virgin. You charm a 13 year into bed within a few hours, promising them new and exciting romances and they have stars in their eyes and say 'yes' because they believe you; they're ridiculously naive. You can't do it as easily with a 20 year old, unless you have one of those rare ones that are as sheltered as a child.

>> No.6356380

>If girls didn't want to be taken advantage of, they shouldn't have grown tits!

Fuck off

>> No.6356382

>arbitrary number is ridiculous
it's not arbitrary it's actually too low

people shouldn't be able to have sex unmarried until 22 at least, and shouldn't get married before 16

>> No.6356383

The first person to make an argument using the word "ephebophilia" wins a special prize!!

>> No.6356389

Except and 13 year old, and a 20 year old can have the same consequences of having sex. They can both get pregnant, STDs, and be hurt in the end. There is even an argument to say that at least the 13 year old would have more help with raising the child.

Those kids almost always get information from school and parents about sex. It's really not that hard to say "no".

>> No.6356390

>"Jailbait" shouldn't be jailbait because the idea that men shouldn't be allowed to find something attractive because of an arbitrary number is ridiculous.
>the idea that men shouldn't be allowed to find something attractive because of an arbitrary number is ridiculous.
>Pedophilia is wrong.

You have to see how hypocritical you are now, right? I mean, your whole distinction is based on whether the girl has gone through puberty and if they have any sexual traits. Do you mean breasts where some men can be more attracted to the smaller breasts or hairy vaginas that are shaved off anywho to emulate youth?

Is it possible for a girl to have her first menses and still be consider a child, not a women? In your opinion.

>> No.6356393
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>> No.6356397

There's nothing "taking advantage of" about having sex with a willing participant even if, for some reason, you feel the need to infanticize women by claiming they don't actually know when they want to have sex until they reach the magical age of 18 and any sex they have while underage is a result of manipulation. Why do women cry about how male sexuality is encouraged while female sexuality is discouraged when THEY ARE DISCOURAGING FEMALE SEXUALITY THEMSELVES?

But yeah. If underaged girls having sex with older men bothers people so much, then force all girls on a gymnast diet and exercise regimen so they don't start puberty until 18 or something.

>> No.6356398

>Again, this is a perfect example of how women are always STRONG AND INDEPENDENT until it's more convenient to be frail and childish.
That's total, unrelated, BS. A 13 year old girl isn't a "strong and independent" woman. She's a minor who doesn't have the mental and emotional maturity to responsibly understand the situation. Same with a 13-year old boy. It's not a matter of women being able to look out for themselves or double standards or whatever. It's a matter of 13-year-olds not being mentally developed enough to be having sex.

>> No.6356402

> It's really not that hard to say "no".
The point is that they aren't taught to say no aymore thanks to the sexual revolution

>> No.6356400

>men are desperate assholes

you go to a convention to socialize with people...fucking is a large part of socializing. as a matter of fact i think it is the ONLY reason we socialize.

you might not agree because you're clinging on to that V card...but you really just do this cosplay thing to meet a man

>> No.6356401

Isn't the whole "underage" concept just another relic from when America was mostly Puritan? Just like praying in school and mandatory church attendance. Seems kind of outdated to me.

>> No.6356407
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ok, you have to be trolling now
you're right, everything women do revolves around men
(that is sarcasm)

>> No.6356410

>any man who makes over $75K attractive because "you only want to use him and manipulate him to give you all his money".
Men of that demographic are much more difficult to manipulate ad rational people than young girls.

>> No.6356416

A 13 or 14 year old is a child. Having sex with them is a crime, and is considered rape. Whether the girl acts willing after some drinking or not, your friend is taping a child. They aren't old enough to realize the consequences of their actions, and it is psychologically founded that having sex with one of these girls can lead to mental illness. Your friend needs to either be in jail, or in a mental facility where he can get help.

>> No.6356419

>Same consequences

Yes, and I would like to go to the side where you can avoid giving it to 13 year olds. An arguement that at least a 13 year old would have more help? To me, that's a sly way of saying that the 13 year old isn't ready for a child, isn't prepared for the responsibility, and would need to burden the people around them moreso than a 20 year old.

>Those kids almost always get information from school and parents about sex. It's really not that hard to say "no".

>School or parents
Unfortunately, sexual education (especially in american public schools, not even touching private religious ones) are poor at *best*. You'll be lucky to find one that explores sexuality, besides 'be abstinence, mmkay?' or using scare tactics of STDs. You can't possibly expect a pre-teen to be open and relaxed enough around their parents to ask about sex right?

Most of them get their information regarding sex from the internet or the media. Oh, and their equally misinformed friends.

Think back when you were 13 years old awkward and yearning for acceptance. Now compare it to yourself now. Now imagine a charmingly sleezy guy hitting on your and promising great incredible things.

Yeah, you can say no as both your 13 and current self. But can you say that your logic and reasoning be the same course? Hold the same confidence?

>> No.6356420

>You have to see how hypocritical you are now, right?

No, because pedophilia being wrong is based of the idea that a mentally healthy man has no reason to be attracted to a girl who hasn't undergone puberty since he can't impregnate her. It's not based on an arbitrary number (except for I guess "popular pedophila" which claims fucking any girl under the AoC is pedophilia even if she looks in her 20s)

>Is it possible for a girl to have her first menses and still be consider a child, not a women?

Yes. In humans and most primates females don't have their first child until some years after their first period. Like...I don't know, 13-14?

> Same with a 13-year old boy.

So why don't women treat 13-year old boys having sex nearly as severely?

They intentionally look down on their own gender by claiming 13 year old girls don't know what they want and are just manipulated but when a boy does it he's doing a "good job" or don't care. Or maybe they assume men are just naturally more mature or that they can't be manipulated into sex because they always want it?

The whole double standards pretty much reeks with sexism on the woman's part.

>> No.6356421

but it's true. the only thing our bodies even need to be awake for is eatin' and fuckin'

>> No.6356429

TO EVERYONE ITT: You're probably arguing with other males.

99% of the girls here lost their virginities at 12-14, so they ok with it. The ones who didn't are ugly.


>> No.6356436
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>> No.6356433


alrighty then

>> No.6356435

>Not ugly

>> No.6356441

Well, alright, some of the ugly ones also lost it at around 15.

>> No.6356442

A woman who respected her body wouldn't have a problem baring it in front of a guy.

>> No.6356445


>> No.6356449

Whatever you say.

Any girl worth having sex with probably lost it at 13-14. The ones who didn't, couldn't, because no guy wanted them.

>> No.6356453

you must be religious or something

>> No.6356450

The schools and parents aren't teaching kids that being a slut is okay. They still tell them to wait.

Actually to me it says a 13 year old is more prepared since she has help and possible money, while a 20 year old has more of a chance of having to raise it on her own and possibly stop gaining education to get a decent job to support her and the child.

Lack of decent sexual education doesn't equate to being a slut. I do remember being that age. It was easier to say "no" than "yes". Even when I was a horny teen, I still waited for a guy I felt comfortable with.
>Queue not everyone is mentally strong
So when can I stop being understanding? Do I really have to give sympathy to all the little sluts out there? I was best friends with one of those 13 year old sluts, she had the same education as me but still chose to suck all the cock she wanted. She loved it, so what's wrong? She went off to a good college, so was it really that damaging?

>> No.6356451

I lost it at fifteen.
>Brb finding myself a corner to fetal position in.

>> No.6356464

>No, because pedophilia being wrong is based of the idea that a mentally healthy man has no reason to be attracted to a girl who hasn't undergone puberty since he can't impregnate her.
Yeah, and I'm sure the first thing guys think about a girl is 'man, I sure want to make her my baby's momma'.

Look, I understand your logic, but the flaws in it are glaring because you're basing it entirely on the idea that we're controlled by our sexual urges. Yes, society and culture has become derivatives of these instincts, but they no longer strictly define our urges. People, perfectly mentally sane and healthy men, are allowed to develop opinions on who or what they are attracted to.

By your own logic, no mentally healthy man will like a flat/small chested women. Or have preferences over shaved/trimmed pubic hair. Or older women who are menopausal.

>Yes. In humans and most primates females don't have their first child until some years after their first period. Like...I don't know, 13-14?

Just because they don't, doesn't mean they can't. When a girl enters puberty, it's signaled by her first period, indicating that she is fully capable of carrying a child. The only reason they don't? Because when girls first enter puberty, hormone imbalance is expected and periods are irregular.

In any case, a girl who hits 'puberty' can still develop those secondary sexual characteristics even before they have their own menses. Breasts can and do start to develop around age 9-10 and a period can follow shortly after. It's even very possible that they can carry a healthy child to term. Thus, according you you, these 9-10 y/os are perfectly capable of consent because they are considered women.

>> No.6356470


>So why don't women treat 13-year old boys having sex nearly as severely?

Don't pull out that sexist card. If anything, women amonish it just as much as if the genders were reversed. It is usually the men, who see it as a 'Niiiice' moment. If you want to blame anything for the double standard, blame culture, blame society, but don't blame one when the other is just as fucking guilty.

>> No.6356478

I would like to believe that humans are more capable than those two. We have large enough brains, I'm sure we'll figure out a thing or two that will have a great impact on the earth and perhaps the universe at large.

>> No.6356484

The age of consent ought to be 30.

>> No.6356495

Well, I'd rather be called ugly than a whore.

>> No.6356496

The majority of 13 year olds are too immature to entirely care for themselves, let alone someone else. Look at all the recent 13-15 year old girls killing themselves because they can't even handle anonymous bullying, yet you're trying to argue they're prepared to raise, care, and educate another newborn human being.

>> No.6356502

>Yeah, and I'm sure the first thing guys think about a girl is 'man, I sure want to make her my baby's momma'.
But that's EXACTLY how sexual attraction works. We wouldn't even have sex, if it didn't give us pleasure -> and it gives us pleasure, because it makes us thing we procreate -> and since we have to procreate, it gives us pleasure.

The status quo of society's attraction is always directly proportional to what they think makes a woman a good baby bearer.

That's why in Africa, you get boners over chubbies much more often, since a fat woman is less likely to die of starvation, whereas in America, you want slim women, since it more resonates with 'healthy' and 'takes care of herself'. Also, I think the shift to fuck as young as possible is due to the shift in society telling us it's good to "eat fresh", and, possibly, also because older attractive women have already had sex, it implicitly tells us that they had sperm in their vaginas, and there was no babby. Therefore, it is less likely to get babby from putting sperm in her vagina. Therefore, males minds are encouraged to try to get sperm into youngest, or "untouched" vaginas, since they are more likely to keep sperm in their vaginas, and make babby, due to their lack of experience with removing babby.

I mean, I know, this sounds insane, and almost NONE of those guys want you to get pregnant (jesus no!) BUT, their attraction is always derived from "DAYUMN! she would make a good babby!!".

>> No.6356508

god, I should get a fucking nobel prize for this

brb looking for a way how to suggest it to the committee

>> No.6356518

Actually I'm trying to argue that their family case raise and care for the baby. How about all the 20 year olds that fail for taking care of a child or even themselves? How does age help them here?

>> No.6356520
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>> No.6356526

Looks like I'm gonna start moving my drug dealing over to anime conventions.

>> No.6356527


>> No.6356531

Ah, 'social construct'. Believing that that term has any meaning attached to it, is the new belief equivalent of "the Earth is flat!".

>> No.6356532

Um so why hasn't he been arrested yet?

>> No.6356537

I can't answer this question because males are terrifying at any age.

>> No.6356543

>Telling me things that I already know. That is practically common knowledge.

>I mean, I know, this sounds insane, and almost NONE of those guys want you to get pregnant (jesus no!) BUT, their attraction is always derived from "DAYUMN! she would make a good babby!!".

Yes, sexual attraction is derivative from these basic instincts, but we aren't DEFINED by it. A man can see a perfectly voluptuous female, a great baby barer, but after spending time and seeing her pyschotic personality can say 'yeah, don't stick your dick in crazy' and not giving a flip about her waist to hip ratio. Why? Because he thinks about the consequences to his reputation, his future, things that go higher and beyond our base instincts.

Instincts tells us thinks. Hormones tells us that. And yet, we do things everyday, and not just about sex, that go directly contrary to what nature tells us to do because we can think and reason and assess to say that it isn't fucking worth it.

So you can be attracted to 5, 10, 13 y/o's all you want. But if you want to go after them and argue 'it's in our nature! I can't help it!' well then it's an excuse for weakness and, more importantly, moral decay.

>> No.6356552

> Why?

Because he doesn't want a crazy woman raising his children.

>> No.6356554

So you're dodging any real issue and trying to force one you think you can win? 20 year olds are more mature than 13 year olds on average, that's fairly basic fact.
Also I like how you imply that parents are less likely to help their children take care of a baby at 20 than 13. There probably aren't statistics on this, but if the parents are willing to do so at 13, I doubt there'd be much change at 20. Especially if the daughter is trying to finish her education for a better life for her daughter. Why would a 13 year old not quit school to mother her child but a 20 year old would?
Statistics can prove that the average age of a child leaving the home has increased, hense why Obama allows children to be under their parents insurance until 26 now.
1/10 because I wasted 20 seconds to respond.

>> No.6356550

Let them make their own mistakes.
The most you can do is educate them.

Anything more, and you're going too far.
Even if it is in the best interest.

>> No.6356571

What is strength without knowledge and application? It's useless.

Much as we once bred for genetics, our partners must now display qualities which will be beneficial when learnt by our young. Just as being strong would have given them an advantage in the old times, morals and ethics will allow them to succeed and do well now.

It's really no more complicated than that.

>> No.6356590

Actually Obama raised the age kids can stay on the parents insurance because it's difficult to find a job that offers insurance right out of school. Nice try though.

A 13 year old is living with their parents, and unless the parent orphans the child (either one) they're stuck taking care of the new baby. However the parents of a 20 year old can easily say that it's their problem now. Maybe that 20 year old was putting them self through community college. Maybe the parents cut the girl off for being irresponsible. So yeah, a 13 year old is more likely to receive help. Maturity is subjective and doesn't mean much. Many will say if you're mature enough to have sex, you're mature enough to have a child.

>> No.6356587

>So you can be attracted to 5, 10, 13 y/o's all you want
Nope, nature is only 13, and 10 if she's hit puberty. 5 is almost always unnatural. That's why pedophilia is a mental illness.

If anything, the 'age of consent' itself is the 'moral decay' you're talking about. Decay, as in the hypocrisy of society - we're pretending they're children who need protection, poor little angels that don't wanna feel no cock, but they'll fuck someone once they hit 13+ anyhow.

Perhaps we should actually teach our children >MORALS<, as in, not to fuck the first good looking guy who promises her the world and tells her she's pretty.

That's, by the way, a general theme in the young of today - according to the law, they're innocent, irresponsible, and absolutely NO FUCKING THING is EVER >>>>THEIR<<<<< FAULT.

Just like that whore who killed herself recently, because she was bullied. "Oh nooo, pooor angle killed by cyber bullies!!!!!!!"




SHE decided to whore herself out on the Internet, SHE decided to kill herself. It is just her, and, ESPECIALLY, her "parents" fault.

You can keep crying "but theyyyyy're childreeeeen" all you fucking want, but if you won't teach them anything, then they're going to grow up to be useless little shits (just like they're now), minus the ever vigilant protection of the law.

>> No.6356588

yeah sure that would be great...but the only way it can be achieved is through many generations of eating and fucking...

>> No.6356594

Women are optimal for and capable of childbirth at the age of 13-15, and it is only in recent history that this has been frowned upon. It's perfectly normal to be attracted to them, and it certainly isn't pedophilia.

>> No.6356600


>I fucking hate teenagers.
>Society makes them thing the world revolves around them.
>It does not.

>> No.6356620

>because it's difficult to find a job that offers insurance right out of school. Nice try though.
Maybe if you get a bachelors in fryology and go straight to McDonalds? But I think even they have insurance, cute attempt though.
Housing costs have skyrocketed over the past decade, along with other basic necessities, it's much harder to live on your own than it use to be.
>Many will say if you're mature enough to have sex, you're mature enough to have a child.
The only people who make this are trolls baiting an argument they've already lost, or pedophiles. I'm assuming by your prior claim to insurance-less jobs with an education that you have little education yourself, as supported by your lackluster posts.

>> No.6356627

>lose virginity to an older male
>when older complain about men fucking young girls
>woman logic

>> No.6356652

It may be consensual, but depending on the state, in the eyes of the law it's still illegal.

>> No.6356668


This entire thread is just men explaining why they feel justified raping or taking advantage of little girls, while women close to those girls age freak out because they now think said creeper is going to drug them and rape them. Some big brave man, successfully figuring out one of the most basic fears of young women and riling them up. This is child-tier trolling, find a target that isn't so blatantly easy to scare.

>> No.6356677


just face it, you jelly coz you meatflap, old, way past the "best before" date and no one wants to fuck you

>> No.6356693

>Isn't the whole "underage" concept just another relic from when America was mostly Puritan? Just like praying in school and mandatory church attendance. Seems kind of outdated to me.
It is, most countries have lower consent ages.

>> No.6356781

>tfw 14 year olds actually believe your "but you're so mature for your age! Let's date!" bullshit
/cgl/ is just mad because most of them fell for the same shit.

>> No.6356776 [DELETED] 

>tfw 14 year olds actually believe your "but you're so matured for your age! Let's date!" bullshit
/cgl/ is just mad because most of them fell for the same shit.

>> No.6356777


A+ for effort, but I'm not your target audience. To your credit, the happily married grown adult who didn't have sex before marriage and didn't have any trouble in her dating life is a minority here.

The point remains that there isn't any honor in trolling the rape topic with young women. It's too easy.

>> No.6356787

I would never want to fuck a sociopath rapist pedophile anyways :)

>> No.6356792

this is a troll thread,
but I believe there are actually people like that at every con. amen.

>> No.6356803


>> No.6356806

liked =/= fucking them

>> No.6356816
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>> No.6356821

I think an easier way to end the debate is to consider this:

Is a 13-14 yr old mature enough to be a GOOD mother? No? Then she isn't old enough to consent to an act where she could become one.


>> No.6356828
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>> No.6356833

Wow. So why would still living at home require a person to stay on their parents insurance? Sounds like you have seen much of the job market. Places like McDonalds and Petsmart may offer insurance, but unless you're a manager, they make sure you stay below the 32 hours required to get it. There's also the fact that people who are trying for a masters degree would need to stay on parents insurance longer.

Right, stop arguing and just try to make claims about my education. I've heard that saying throughout my life. It's common. It's a way to tell kids that sex means responsibility.

>> No.6356835

>implying some girls don't have standards and realize the horndogs trying to coerce them into sex at 14 are pigs and should be avoided at all costs

>> No.6356837

>grown adult who didn't have sex before marriage
And you act like an expert on the subject of sex? You're either bitter or stupid.

>> No.6356840

So we're basing sex on whether or not a person can be a good mother? How about men being good fathers? Lets face it, most parents suck, nd even a lot of the good ones sucked when they first started. This is a stupid way to decide if a person can have sex.

Also, birth control. We are past the age of sex resulting in procreation.

>> No.6356844

Be honest, did some of you sleep with older guys when you were younger and regret it?

>> No.6356848

Yes, because I was pretty (and I am still pretty, unlike 90% of /cgl/).

No I did not regret. Only those who sleep with ugly guys do (since they're ugly too).

>> No.6356855

no, I was super sheltered and didn't even talk to guys. now i'm weird and socially awkward, that's why i'm on the internet

>> No.6356864
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>tfw I remember at multiple times when I was wayyyyyy underage (10-12) men would approach me lecherously and ask me to get in their car/rv/house etc

I wish I would have been taught to call the cops on the fuckers. I was told to not respond to them, walk away and scream if they get near me but IMO that's not enough. Sick fucks. If I have a kid I am giving them a cell phone asap and if something like that happens when they are riding their bike or whatever, they can call me to tell me what's going on and I can send the cops to deal with the degenerate scum who prey on children.

>> No.6356871

>trying for a masters degree
>needs insurance until 26
I don't think you understand how long a masters degree takes to obtain? Also universities offer student insurance when you're going there full time, regardless of age.
>it's a way to tell kids that sex means responsibility
Well it does, since sex can mean pregnancy.

>> No.6356876

>>it's a way to tell kids that sex means responsibility
>Well it does, since sex can mean pregnancy.
My point.

>> No.6356883

Just saying NO 14 year old would make as good a mother as the average 28 year old, financially, emotionally and mentally. There are more good mothers in the older age bracket (25-35) than the younger (14-18), this is obvious. And the reason why is even more obvious so the men who fight so hard to say young girls can handle it definitely are mentally ill and are in deep denial.

>> No.6356888

Actually, quite the opposite is true. Her parents will pay for everything (including the abortion) and raise the kid if need be. 13 year olds make the best mothers. Just like they always did, in history of humankind. O:-)

>> No.6356897

Oh back when people would make their children tend to the crops and feed the cows? Back when the mentality was "if one of my children dies of malaria, it's fine, I have 4 more to do the work on the farm". Back when slavery existed and people could be executed despite a lack of evidence?


Pedo, please seek help.

>> No.6356903
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Also, my husband was adopted and his bio mom conceived him at 12 and gave him up for adoption at 13 so you have no idea what you are talking about. Many parents would make their daughters get abortions. Just stop talking.

>> No.6356910

This. There's a better chance of the child having family support in being taken care of. That's more love and attention than a 28 year old throwing the child in daycare.

>> No.6356911

Maybe if we were less slutty then men would find less reason to creep on us.

>> No.6356921

>make their children tend to the crops and feed the cows
You mean chores and building skills for life? That's not a bad thing.

>if one of my children dies of malaria, it's fine, I have 4 more to do the work on the farm
No one said this, people just act like that's the mentality of people with lots of kids. Ask anyone with 5 kids and they'll tell you they still morn if one is gone. It was no different in the past.

>Back when slavery existed and people could be executed despite a lack of evidence?
There's problems in every point in history, even now. This is irrelevant to raising a child.

>> No.6356922

Actually, I'm a girl myself, lolling at buttfrustrated bitches like you. You're probably so mad about it because no male's ever shown interest in you when you were young. :p

>> No.6356923

Gonna bring some facts into this thread.

Two-thirds of a sample of 535 young women from the state of Washington who became pregnant as adolescents had been sexually abused: Fifty-five percent had been molested, 42 percent had been victims of attempted rape and 44 percent had been raped. Compared with adolescent women who became pregnant but had not been abused, sexually victimized teenagers began intercourse a year earlier, were more likely to have used drugs and alcohol and were less likely to practice contraception. The abused adolescents were also more likely to have been hit, slapped or beaten by a partner and to have exchanged sex for money, drugs or a place to stay. Young women in the abused group were also more likely to report that their own children had been abused or had been taken from them by Child Protective Services.\


>> No.6356929
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I totally believe you! You're not a pedo defending himself in a thread condemning pedos at all! You are trying to troll me on an anon board at all! Nope!

>> No.6356934

We're not talking about rape and abuse here. We're talking about underage sluts at cons who put out.

>> No.6356939

>Anyone who disagrees with me must be a troll or a pedo.

>> No.6356937

Do girls really grow up dealing with this stuff as a matter of course?

I wish women weren't such whores, but I think men should behave a bit more gentlemanly too.

>> No.6356942


I bet you don't even love your husband...

>> No.6356945
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"Their happiness is greatly diminished"

>> No.6356946

I know it's probably mostly trolls, but between these sorts of comments, MRAs and people like that, I really find myself loathing men sometimes.

It's like they don't even view women as human.

>> No.6356949

No but in this particular case, yes.
Hon, please learn how to troll better.

>> No.6356966

Going for girls at cons that are way younger than you seems like a waste. I always liked going for older girls since I was a kid, I could speak to them at a level I felt comfortable and things weren't irrational, but I always looked younger than my age which didn't help at all and I was still pretty nerdy from a very young age. Now that I'm older I wouldn't pursue a girl younger than me by 4 years because I think that's the biggest gap you could possibly see at any High School / college situation before things really start to get strange, and you sort of get used to it. From a developmental point of view I could see how it makes sense. Going into my 30s and beyond if I'm single I think that's a good rule of thumb that can slowly get relaxed as I get older? But I'm done with messing around, eventually as a man you sort out it's a waste of time when we've either experienced it enough or we've given up on it. Or maybe I'm just bitter for both reasons. Either way once you've poked around enough it just gets old, or you get tired of the run around. Some days it's just easier to pop open your favorite smut and clear your mind. That and you put yourself less at risk for some stupid bullshit. It takes zero skill to get with younger girls.

>> No.6356991

That wasn't even me you old hag xD

>> No.6356989
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>> No.6356998

That's because most of you are not human. No personality, everything you do revolves around men / getting dick / looking better than the rest of women.

It's your own fault.

>> No.6357007

>still trying to imply that teenagers who want to get fucked by muscled jocks are "sexually abused"

If anything, it's your favorite Catholic priest that taught you to refrain from coitus that has done more child rape than any other man in America.

>> No.6357018

I actually agree with this, to an extent. I don't think it's particularly abnormal to be attracted to girls this age (as much as it pains me to admit it) seeing how most are pretty developed.
That being said most girls that age have NOT matured mentally. The reason why it's not socially acceptable to have sex with younger girls is because they're usually (usually, not always) not emotionally prepared and it can cause issues later on...
However, if a (sober) girl that age is giving her full consent, go for it I guess. As long as you aren't afraid of jail.

>> No.6357032

Most of those who lose it at that age are too painfully retarded to have mental issues (that would actually affect them) anyway.

>> No.6357037
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Hey OP, tell me your last name initial. A single word, that is all.

Also supposedly, this person who you claim to be a sexual predator, is his first initial, N? I'm not sure if this a stale copy pasta that get's used over and over but I just want to make sure anyway.

>> No.6357039


OP here, it's C.

>> No.6357040


This is how women should be treated in the West too.

Seeing as China is the country that dominates the world now... it's only for our own good.

>> No.6357047

OP, it doesn't really matter how many excuses he throws out. If he can't keep it tucked in, because he saw a tween's bellybutton, he might as well get it cut off.

>> No.6357060

Don't a lot of girls start to have rape fantasies around the age of 13 or 14?

>> No.6357066
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I, for one, started mine at 10, but then again I lost my virginity to the school jock at 6, so it's fine. Pic related, is me, wanna fuck?

>> No.6357084

It is distasteful and he's not a nice guy if he justifies it like that. Just go home and work out the consequences of getting aroused rather than actually having sex with thirteen and fourteen year olds.

>> No.6357096

He is a nice guy, since he gives them what they want.

>> No.6357134

>That being said most girls that age have NOT matured mentally.
Older women aren't much better. Alteast the young ones are easier to bed.

>> No.6357153

Teenagers' brains aren't done developing. They have a huge impairment when it comes to decision making, impulse control, and risk assessment. They already make terrible decisions without the influence of a more developed and socially powerful individual. Even if you mean well, having relationships with teenagers when you're much older than them is exploitative and carries a great risk of negatively affecting their development. The difference in power between an adult and teenager is just too large.

>> No.6357182
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See, here's your problem - those that would get fuck at 13 will get fuck at 13 anyway. If not by the older generation, then perhaps by 17 year olds who are blissfully right under the AoC themselves, so they're nonpunishable (since they're also teenagers, and therefore, pure innocent children who don't know what penis is). It's only hypocritical that a man should go to jail for doing the same thing a year later.

I mean, don't get me wrong, there should be some laws against it, because it's really do not want to see pairs of 40 year old sugar daddy and 14 year old little slut. Nonetheless, it should not be a crime punishable immediately by jail, just a misdemeanor, or perhaps the male should be put on probation first. And, for fuck's sake, anyone who says those people are mentally ill needs a bullet through their temples, to help them see the world more clearly. It's like neo-inquisition with those people and it comes off especially demagogic when they only seek to punish white males - the only socially acceptable target group - whereas they let Muslim rape gangs do their thing as they please (e.g. the latest case in Britain).

Most importantly, there need be a change in society, which promotes over-sexualization and slut / "pick-up artist" culture everywhere. It is a most pathetic state when we judge one another on how many sexual encounters they had (positively for males, negatively for females) and see virginity as some lethal disease one needs to get rid off as soon as possible, just because the popular guys at high school said so.

>> No.6357201
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amen brother

>> No.6357242

you just mad cos u a virgin beta looser

>> No.6357264
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amen sistah!

>> No.6357281

How pathetic would you even have to be to try justify having sex with 14 year old girls?

Oh wait, I forget, majority of the people on this board are under eighteen and just get defensive over people criticizing what they feel like is a normal thing to do.

>> No.6357283

I was talking about the development of the prefrontal cortex, which has no relation to whether one is the age of consent. You should stay within a year of your age group until your 20s because of how vast the differences in brain development are.

I didn't condone Muslim rape gangs. I didn't condemn white males. There was nothing to imply either of those things in my post.

I agree with you here. It shouldn't matter whether you're a virgin or a slut.

>> No.6357312

ok listen
>similar age = ok
>3 or more years apart = not ok
this goes until they reach legal age, upon which they are free to do as they please.

>> No.6357329

Most men would rather women weren't sluts.

It's impossible to find a loyal woman these days.

>> No.6357348

Why do you fucking idiots always fall for the same stupid troll shit day after day.

>> No.6357354
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It's a troll. In fact it's probably the same troll for the past 2 years.

>> No.6357358

This is why I'm sticking to 2D.

>> No.6357360

stop chasing sluts

>> No.6357379

I heard about several cases of abusing AoC (16 in my country). The 13-15 girl flirts with mature dudes, gets their dick and starts blackmailing them for money. It is EXTREMELY gross for my tastes and i want AOC be as low, as 12 or set by medical observation of a victim.
Of course, child rape and abuse is still rape and abuse. Don`t mix rapists and ephebophiles.

>> No.6357428

Actually, you're the only noticeably staying factor in these threads.

Gee, I wonder why.

>> No.6357438

it's Kanji Tatsumi thinking this will get him laid, ignore him

>> No.6357471

Your friend is a pedophile, plain and simple.

>> No.6357477

>His defense is that so many of them are scantily dressed that it's hard not to feel sexually attracted and want to act on that.

He sounds like one of those guys who blame rape on women because "they're asking for it".

>> No.6357485

If there is grass on the field, play ball.

>> No.6357497

WTF... why would anyone wan't to have sex with a 14 year old?!
They are not experienced. I'd much rather have sex with an EXPERIENCED girl who isn't lying there petrified.

>> No.6357506

ugh, this post just screams female so hard

>> No.6357524

I'm a 20 year old guy. You don't remember how awkward it was the first time you had sex? That is how it is with younger girls. Every time. I prefer a girl who can move around and knows what she is doing... and one that doesn't have a body of a 12 year old boy with boobs.

>> No.6357532

>I'm a 20 year old virgin.
Well, bro, maybe you should kill yourself. :|

>> No.6357619
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35 yr old sweaty pedo detected.

>> No.6357645

actually, you'll be probably the one who's gonna turn pedo since you never had sex / never will have

>> No.6357653


>> No.6357657

If you have boobs, you do not have the body of a 12 year old boy.

>> No.6357666
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>Can't tell if middle school or autism

>> No.6357669

Can't it be both?

>> No.6357678



>> No.6357699

Go get laid, virgin loser.

>> No.6357720

god, that ringo girl is so cute

>> No.6357739

are any of these posts serious

>> No.6357839

>Men like young and fertile women

A women's peak fertility is her late 20s to early 30s, a 13 or 14 year old, while having started puberty, is still not developed enough to handle childbirth and therefore they would have complications with said birth. A woman in her late 20s however has a fully developed body equipped to handle birth and therefore is in her prime for procreation. Don't try to use young age as an excuse for the woman being at some kind of sexual peak because that is just some straight up grade A bull shit. Science says you're wrong.

>> No.6357875

>Men like young and fertile women.
Yeah, if you want them to get FUCKING PREGNANT.

>> No.6357885

This thread was educational as to display people's disability of thinking for themselves and the effectiveness of cocial propaganda.

>> No.6357892

It's not about consciously wanting a girl to get pregnant. Just that men are naturally attracted to women who show youth and fertility. Same as women are attracted to tall, muscular men so they can defend them and their young from wooly mammoths.

>> No.6357904

I mean, do you realize how easy it is to pressure 13 and 14 year old girls into doing things? Or are you that socially retarded that you can't tell?

Also let's talk about how a 13 year old having a child would still fuck her life over.

>> No.6357931

ITT: Predators trying the justify their pathetic lives with misinformation and complete lack of reason and compassion.

>> No.6357966

ITT: faggot tripfag tries to seem holier than thou by pretending to be deep and emotionally sensitive

>> No.6357985

how is he preying on them
they're people too
stop fucking objectifying them
they're not some fucking food they're living people
fuck you you entitled subhuman poiece of shit

>> No.6358142

lol what?
manipulating people who have not developed enough to make decisions weighing consequences (no seriously, their brains have not developed enough) with free beer sure sounds like preying on them to me