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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6344791 No.6344791[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine Ashley as Abel, desperately looking for her Cain

>> No.6344795
File: 46 KB, 1343x620, mur nuggurs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're just being silly

>> No.6344797

Personally, I put anyone who reads Starfighter on the same level as Ashley. Such bad anatomies.

>> No.6344804

Starfighter is a terribad self-insert webcomic with the purpose to fulfill every yaoi fangirl's dream of (self-insert) ukex badass seme imo

>> No.6344805


What does bad anatomy have to do with reading? Sailor Moon had terrible anatomy by realistic proportions and body flexibility standards but that's a world wide hit and classic among many anime and manga fans.

Sage because replying to such a stupid comment.

>> No.6344811


Isn't every yaoi/homosexual comic both online and in print playing to yaoi fangirls? Isn't that the definition of a market base?

And yes a significant proportion have a preference for an over dominant top and a submissive bottom.

You just seem to dislike something because it's liked? Isn't that silly?

>> No.6344973

I wonder if Assley's going to come back here again after yesterday. Before you ask, yes, I actually think that was her yesterday since her white knight never replied after pics were requested, they had the same grammatical errors and sounded the same.

>> No.6344983

>recognize image
>Imagine Ashley-
I stopped right there.

>> No.6344987

She was also online at the same time, according to her dA

>> No.6344991
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>> No.6345039

Would anyone happen to have the thread number for yesterday/last nights thread?

>> No.6345054

I'm kinda tempted to be her partner.

>> No.6345052

>looking for this comic
>Comic is literally the title.com.

>> No.6345057


>> No.6345067

I said in the last thread that I might do it as well. Though, I'm going to wait until tomorrow to say something since she'll probably want to start right away and I don't feel like doing that right now.

>> No.6345074

Well, typically smut has a focus on human anatomy, you see. I mean, South Park is great, but most of the popular porn has better anatomy.

>Person who thinks Starfighter is about plot
>calling someone else stupid

>> No.6345089

Seconding this

>> No.6345114


>> No.6345129

I will kill myself.

>> No.6345133


>> No.6345150

That's cool.

>> No.6345206

don't :/ I love you anon <3

>> No.6345217

No one loves Static. Now back to Assley!

>> No.6345231

I'm going to be straight up honest and say I only read this shit for the smut.
Also what if this is what she meant by RP partner holy Christ.

>> No.6345254

Then I will turn it all into a fucking disaster if I become her RP partner.

>> No.6345262

I'd RP with her, but we don't share any of the same fandoms. Well, at least nothing that she's been obsessed with.

>> No.6345295


>Never said Starfighter was about plot

>> No.6345313
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>> No.6345321

Wow, I just love the intricate details on his clothes.

>> No.6345322

Dem yaoi hands.

>> No.6345324

his hands are sooo sexy

>> No.6345327

He looks like he's wearing yoga pants.

>> No.6345328


It was Assley. No one uses apostrophes like she does.

>> No.6345334

But it's a trait that's extremely easy to imitate.

>> No.6345347

He has a case of "Yaoi Body" going on and what is up with those shoes?!

>> No.6345361
File: 13 KB, 282x221, FUCKING+_f5368ebb42b8ef8915ec3ea93d34b4a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of Yaranaika so much

>> No.6345414

sent her a message, we'll see how this goes

>> No.6345467

Which fandom do you think it will be? Or will it be an original RP?

>> No.6345507
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>> No.6345519

Please do this.

>> No.6345525

It would be my pleasure.

>> No.6345555

You know what I meant.

>> No.6345585

Ah, yes. How foolish of me. I thought by "reading" you meant plot. I see you meant dialogue. Yes, Starfighter is clearly poetic in its dialogue.

>I never said it was about dia-

Okay, reading body language, then? As in, anatomy? Hmm. Yes. What ARE you reading, anyway?

>> No.6345773
File: 52 KB, 640x390, 1277855111334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw Ashley doesn't know that if your hand is bigger than your face, you have cancer.

Poor Drake.

>> No.6346105
File: 25 KB, 583x440, 1263511033821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' lol.

>> No.6346128

yuck do you guys really get off to this?

>> No.6346134

Get off to what? Ashley?

>> No.6346157

Yes. Now hide the thread.

>> No.6346292

>I'm making a new group of OC's that are all punks.
>This is Drake. He's a college senior and studies music and science. He tutors children and teenagers in math and provides music lessons.
>His goal is to one day create a form of Science, Math, and Music that all combine with each other.
Does she not realise that math is considered a science? Does she not realise that 'science' isn't a subject? How the fuck does he have time to do all that shit? What sort of 'punk' studies math anyway?
>Gary Stu as fuck

>> No.6346579


PWP with passable anatomy and facial expression. Or at least the first chapter was. The second one is trying too hard at plot and comes out so slow that it's boring. Something doesn't have to be Shakespeare to be enjoyable.

You have your reasons for disliking Starfighter, can't stand the art, don't like the dialogue, don't like the action. That's fine. But that's no reason to generalize people that read/watch what you don't like. And people that read something with 'such bad anatomies' doesn't make them anything less than you or I. I'm not defending Starfighter as it were, I'm pointing out the flaw in your statement.

>> No.6347071

Most people on /cgl/ can't see logic.

>> No.6347604

Starfighter is just trying really hard to not be porn. I rememered it existed and started reading chapter 3 and it's just so dull. Oh my god seriously stop trying to give us plot we all started reading it for the porn.

>> No.6348141

Hate being banned for Ashley and PT thread?
Get in here! >>>/q/251445

>> No.6348379

Didn't she say she'd do panty shots if she felt comfortable? Let's offer her a few bucks for one. This morbid curiosity won't stop!

>> No.6348397

Feels good to know I'm not the only one that wants to see.

Just lie and say she's sexy.

>> No.6348408

Yeah, but once we go there, we cannnot unsee. Are you prepared to take the risk?

>> No.6348418
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>> No.6348445
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Personally, I am not. I imagine she doesn't take care of herself done there and by that I mean she most likely doesn't trim, shave, or even wash down there and we'd see it in the panty shot. Besides, I bet you she wears some badly stained granny panties and when she posts things possibly talking about her vajayjay like pic related, I am scared to see anything from, or in that area.

>> No.6348454

lmfao oh my god I remember this cap

>> No.6348565

She probably grossly exaggerated, but it's still pretty bad. Anyone have the picture of her holding that really big pair of panties?

>> No.6349165

why would anybody post something like this to fb, omg. she's really lacking in the brains department

>> No.6349184

Oh my fucking god that is disgusting beyond reason.

>> No.6349214

wow ok that comic is definitely porn

kinda wish I hadn't looked

but there is no going back now

why can't one be a girl, sigh, I don't like yaoi

>> No.6349328

>Anyone have the picture of her holding that really big pair of panties?
She didn't really post something like that. Please tell me you're joking and she. did. not. fucking. post. something. like. that.

>> No.6349616

It may have been a screencap from a video. I can't remember for sure, but there was definitely a picture of her with panties.

>> No.6349620

Found it.


>> No.6349623

Well, in the biblical story, Abel was killed by Cain. I promise you fate will repeat itself if she ever finds a partner willing to go to bed with her, because she'll roll right over them and suffocate them to death.

>> No.6349647

Yup, definitely porn. I liked it. H... Heck, I'd rp for it too. The yaoi fangirl inside me is not quite dead yet. Jesus Christ how horrifying.

>> No.6349657

Is she still on her fakeboi trip?

>> No.6349668

Did you see her latest self insert for the Hunger Games?

>> No.6349677

No. Show me, show me, show me please!

>> No.6349690

I can't hate Starfighter, it appears to just be average fangirl wank material and the author acknowledges it (or doesn't deny it). I have a lot more hate for porn webcomics that try to be something deeper, like TJ & Amal.

>> No.6349691

Did that anon who bought one of her earcuffs receive it?

>> No.6349709

If someone gives me her FB or Twitter, I'll start a RP with her. I already rp/cosplay Cain and I think I can convince her to cosplay Abel.

((I can't talk to her on dA or Tumblr because I'm on mobile for a few weeks.))

>> No.6349754

I'm still out of the country. I'll be back on Tuesday so you can expect an update then.

>> No.6349974

Then read something else, retard?

>> No.6349981

>science isn't a subject
Erm, yes it is.

>> No.6349988

I don't like starfighter at all and I think it's hilarious when people cosplay from it since they're legitimately cosplaying for kawaii yaois (and don't deny it.)

But I love HamletMachine's art and I'm acquainted with the woman. She's such a sweetheart. I wish she had other comics aside from starfighter with less porn and more plot because she does have some good ideas in her head.

self sage for being offtopic

>> No.6350238

People cosplay from a shitty webcomic? Seriously?

>> No.6350249
File: 189 KB, 500x341, youwishuwerediskawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I waa gonna say something about homestuck, but it'd be too obvious, wouldn't it?

>> No.6350252


>> No.6350261

>oh u.png

>> No.6350305

Not as a college subject. If you did science at that level you would specialise in a certain area.

>> No.6350324


oh fuck no, I used to have the same pair of undies...not that big, mind you but fuck no ._.

>> No.6350401 [DELETED] 


>> No.6350415

>TJ and Amal
>porn webcomic

Have you even read it, or? Just because it's about gay dudes doesn't make it a porn comic, nor does it have to center on their gay sex. Sage because this is not the time or place to argue about webcomics.

>> No.6350632

It's on her dA, I think.

>> No.6350693

avatarfagging is a bannable offense on this board. stop it.

>> No.6350699

This thread is also a bannable offense.

>> No.6350716

take this discussion over there. >>>/q/251445

>> No.6350766


Man I love this comic. It's really the only gay sex I find hot. I guess this makes me the female equivalent to the males who like watching lesbians, no?

>> No.6352782
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I think I've been reading to many Ashley threads since I had a dream (more like nightmare) where she moved in with my family and I, started stealing and wearing my clothes for no reason which really rustled my jimmies since she ruined them by ripping them, stretching them and staining them. To get revenge I had a thread here and would antagonize her and post everything she said and did. The opening post was "Ashley now lives with me. Ask me anything."

It was frightening.

>> No.6352827

I've had an Ashley dream as well. Not nearly as bad as yours, but in mine I was following around Ashley and her group of friends and felt very left out. Maybe that's what she actually feels like.

>> No.6352902
File: 39 KB, 566x404, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet baby Jesus, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I had a dream quite a while back that I roomed with Ashley for a con. She was messy, spilled food and drink all over the room and didn't clean it up, and refused to shower. She tried to get me to act out her Russia-Latvia rape fantasies with her and oh my god it was all just awful.

>> No.6353126

Sounds a bt how it actually was at Metrocon. I was a friend of someone rooming with her and she was just so.... ungodly slobby. She bled through her masquerade dress and wore. it. anyways. Like, rocking the period stains. Not to mention she abandoned me when I legit passed out after giving blood to "Check out the market place". I got a concussion...

>> No.6353252
File: 47 KB, 630x592, 1347209011736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I had a very disturbing dream about ashley last night too
She lived in one of the rooms on the first floor of my house. My sister was just constantly annoyed with her bullshit, since all she did was lock herself in the room and make a mess. My sis is a med student and decided to poison her with some fucking cyanide pills or some shit, the whole thing was like some episode of Dexter and I was fucking freaking out knowing her body was slowly decomposing in the room, even though my sis was beaming about her finally being gone. Creepy shit.

>> No.6353278

How did she manage to bleed through a dress?

>> No.6353341

Any news about her classes?

>> No.6353713

I have absolutely no clue. The only thing I can think of is not wearing a pad at all or something but it was awful. And God does she sweat a lot. She was one of those homestuck things (I don't know much about the series obviously) and there was so much sweat running down her lip she was spitting paint when she talked. Her room was full of chocolate and wrappers. Like those bonbons/truffle things.

>> No.6353722

>Not to mention she abandoned me when I legit passed out after giving blood to "Check out the market place". I got a concussion...

Reading that makes me upset. Please tell me someone got onto her case afterward. If that happened to her, she would have bitched, whined and complained. "How dare you just leave me! I could have died! My parents can't afford a hospital bill." I legit could choke her with how angry that makes me.

>> No.6353743

And afterwards the next day she kept bragging about how she was "Friends with the girl that passed out" I was donating blood for the T-shirt, but I get dizzy when I do so I asked her to stay with me and while I was donating she left. I got out of the chair, took two steps and passed out on my face.

>> No.6353752

Wow. She is such a self absorbed bitch.

>> No.6353791

I do owe her one thing, though. If not for her "People on 4chan are trying to kill me because I'm famous on /cgl/" blather I would have never started coming here. I can't believe for a time I let her convince me this board wanted her dead though...

>> No.6353838

Wow really? I knew people didn't like her and she was an lol cow and all but I didn't think she'd ever go so far as to think anyone would want to kill her. The only thing people would want to kill are her poor costumes to put them out of their misery of being stuffed in a corner with cans and moldy food.

>> No.6353872
File: 47 KB, 500x487, gahwtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brings up disgusting subject on motherfucking facebook of all places
>friend offers to give her advice

Really, bitch? Really?

>> No.6354128

Logic, am I right?

>> No.6354619

Like, how bad was the stain? Was it really noticeable? I bet she smelled bad too. Did she smell bad?

>> No.6354938
File: 57 KB, 218x218, 1336878324439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit hold on she KNEW she bled through it and wore it anyway?
I mean I'm not going to fault her for bleeding through because that shit happens but goddamn when I used to accidentally bleed through (and when I found out) I would be EXTREMELY embarrassed and do everything I could to hide it until I could get home and change. For her to just shrug it off and say "meh whatever I'll wear it anyway" makes me vomit a little inside my mouth.

>> No.6354978
File: 74 KB, 362x344, 1349125523923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spitting paint when she talked
Mother of god.

>> No.6355002

She didn't smell BAD just... odd.. then again I don't really go around sniffing people. Especially ones that look like 'Stachely. and it was a pretty big stain... I don't know how someone wouldn't feel that bad of a leak, it was really disturbing.

>> No.6355132

For this I just honestly have no words. It looks like she's wearing shape-wear of some sort underneath it but also tights. At least that's what I'm noticing peeking through some of the burn holes.

What the hell was she trying to accomplish?

>> No.6355149
File: 946 KB, 640x960, faces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just see a bunch of faces.

>> No.6355156
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And one penis.

>> No.6355174

She totes a size...7? Is that what she's saying now?

>> No.6355291
File: 22 KB, 460x382, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly see more resemblance to Aunt Marge.

>> No.6355312

"Yeah, look at me. I have dark hair and round glasses. I totally look like Harry Potter!!!"

Why is she so dumb?

>> No.6355313

Thank God she dyed her hair to look less splochy and uneven. At least the darker color kind of softens her features.

Too bad, like always, her personality is still just horrible.

>> No.6355319
File: 13 KB, 310x420, HarryPOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The resemblance is stunning.