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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 147 KB, 900x674, my_new_haircut_by_alexkingofthedamned-d31dr52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6352670 No.6352670[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Continued from >>6349757

The tragic life of Sevvy
>her brother died
>her parents died
>she's been molested by 11 people because she's so irresistible
>she's been raped
>she was hit by a bus, keeping her from ever having a male voice and causing her to lose one eye
>the doctors accidentally gave her the wrong color eye
>eyes still look exactly the same color

>> No.6352676

What I don't understand is why she doesn't bind if she wants to pass

>> No.6352678

why are her eyes always shooped as fuck

>> No.6352680

Haven't you beat this horse to death already? You're not getting shit out of this girl, for christ's sake.

>> No.6352681
File: 157 KB, 576x720, _fire_princess___by_xxmoonangelxx-d4prmoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because shes a real boy desu

>> No.6352686

The fact that she can't remember that she's supposed to have heterochromia when she's shooping is hilarious

>> No.6352689

Has anyone found her tumblr yet?

>> No.6352700

>3 fucking threads
There's nothing THAT remarkable about some chubby compulsive liar shotacon. Unless she's making brooches that look like poop, you're beating a dead horse.

>> No.6352710

Guys seriously she's done all this shit in the past, but when you look at her gallery, when has she done any of this RECENTLY? Open your fucking eyes and leave this girl alone. You're not getting any weepy drama, just go away for fukks sake.

>> No.6352719

Whiteknight, you do realize that you're bumping?
It sounds like you're someone from her dA. Here's another bump to go with yours.

>> No.6352723
File: 24 KB, 951x338, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this

>> No.6352724

She's just chuuni as fuck.

>> No.6352727

No fucking shit I came from her dA I just said I was in her gallery.

>> No.6352728
File: 211 KB, 281x376, 1340590118297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still haven't seen that dick

>> No.6352726

>supposedly has two different colored eyes
>eyes are the same color in all pictures


>> No.6352732
File: 23 KB, 460x299, 1289854356822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, she really sperged out there.

>> No.6352737

Well she pretty much admitted that everything she said was true so it's all fair game!

>> No.6352740
File: 257 KB, 1024x717, 133031542763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fun allowed

>> No.6352741

God, you fat fucks really are a bunch of cunts.

>> No.6352750

Nope, this isn't fun. Ginsengteacat was fun. PT is fun. Asherbee is fun.
This, on the other hand, is trying to expand on a one trick pony. There is nothing more interesting about her than being an autistic, lying fakeboi.

>> No.6352751

No fucking shit. We're aware of that. Why don't you go give yourself a pat on the back for pointing out the obvious

>> No.6352753
File: 17 KB, 230x205, 1291998675845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6352756

>an autistic, lying fakeboi.

How is that NOT interesting?!

>> No.6352760

Because she's being clever about this and not giving any of you dumbshits any new material.

>> No.6352769

That doesn't answer my question.
And it's a bit too late for her to be 'clever'. There's more than enough material to keep us entertained thank you very much

>> No.6352774
File: 445 KB, 819x1050, SchuComic9Page01-G[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But it IS fun

It's fun calling out liars
It's fun watching their friends try to whiteknight them
It's fun reading their delusional lies and laughing at them

Chris-Chan hasn't done anything of note in TWO YEARS, and people still try to keep updates on him and people still follow him and his past antics

It's just fun, stop trying to make it not fun because it's not working

>> No.6352791

Yup. She's too entertaining. Whether she's still in the business or not is irrelevant.

>> No.6352793

Just because it's fun doesn't make it fucking retarded.You look just as retarded when you flock to retards who are probably actually retarded just because
>they funny xD.

>> No.6352799

Please stop. No, it's not fun. Her delusional lies aren't big enough, her friends' long stories about how she's perfect and beautiful are getting more and more boring with each post, and she will always find a way to wriggle out of owning up to her shitty lies. Also
>implying this boring-ass bitch has anything on Chris-chan
Just stop.

>> No.6352806

>Her delusional lies aren't big enough

Holy shit you must have a very colorful life if you think being molested by 11 people and hit by a bus causing eye loss and busted voice isn't interesting..
Also, bump

>> No.6352807

>No, it's not fun.


>> No.6352815

Chick, nobody cares about Chris-chan anymore. You should also check your goddamn morals and character, you sound like one of the biggest cunts on earth. I hope something horrible happens in your life.

>> No.6352814
File: 342 KB, 2708x886, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big fucking deal

> dad abused kids from early 80's
> mum and dad domestic violence, divorced when 3
> mum takes me and sister to manchester women and kids home
> meets a guy
> he physically abuses us
> dad kidnaps us
> physically, mentally, verbally and sexually abused by dad until 6
> i'm put in foster care where...
> foster dad cheats, mum is general bitch and foster sister steals my money
> no real friends
> abused by most and never really loved by anyone


>> No.6352819
File: 46 KB, 696x535, 1350886363713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6352824
File: 23 KB, 233x318, 1330980932247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody cares about Chris-chan anymore
>doesn't know about 789chan
>check your goddamn morals and character
>I hope something horrible happens in your life

>> No.6352830

Let me just remind you where you are. We don't have morals here. However, maybe you should take a look at your own character
>I hope something horrible happens in your life.
Wishing something bad on some random anon on /cgl/ doesn't make you any better

>> No.6352831

And how long do you intend on spazzing out over that? This can't hold water for more than like a week, period.

>> No.6352838

You. I like you.

>> No.6352834

Then we'll spazz over it for a week. JFC

>> No.6352844


Quit bitching and let the drama run it's course

>> No.6352839


giving me attention... do you even learn?

nigger, my whoring ranges from /r9k/, youtube, sometimes /pol/ and now fresh to r9k!!!

killing animals and not giving a feel 1999-1999 and 2010

>> No.6352840
File: 103 KB, 521x545, 1329102232415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you sour cum guzzling cunt. No one cares if you aren't interested. See? That's why women like you get raped. You shove yourself into situations where you don't need to be then act surprised when no one cares whether you want it or not. Your feelings don't matter here, there, or anywhere so either scroll past or drop your panties and join in and show us your DICK

>> No.6352849


i er... i... what?


>> No.6352852

>Your feelings don't matter here, there, or anywhere so either scroll past or drop your panties and join in and show us your DICK

Couldn't have put it better myself!

>> No.6352856
File: 100 KB, 745x631, 1315457216826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6352857

>dat entire post
You sure are angry. I'm just posting because this shitty, boring thread is taking up space.

>> No.6352861

>dat samefag

>> No.6352862
File: 38 KB, 211x437, 1321918578805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she thinks sage lowers a thread instead of just not bumping it

>> No.6352870

Actually, I don't think that at all and I never said that it did. You really are very upset.

>> No.6352867

You better go complain in all of the other threads like this then, even if you think they're more fun. You're being a bit hypocritical.

>> No.6352869
File: 56 KB, 454x350, 1351094265762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either fuck off or SHOW US YOUR DICK

>> No.6352873

Look, some of use enjoy talking about this shit. We've had retroactive Jessica threads, and towards the beginning, NCN was considered boring (well, after /a/ got bored with her). If this one fizzles out, that's cool. We'll find another, but right now people are enjoying digging up old lulzy shit to laugh at. Why don't you go somewhere else and talk about shit you want to talk about, like how Romney's an ass or some other dead horse that's still socially acceptable.

>> No.6352877

I'm not starting threads about boring, lackluster weebs with the dramu equivalent of a one-hit-wonder. Do you know what that word means?

>> No.6352878
File: 134 KB, 400x400, 1323060067104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I concur, flash of the cock would be much appreciated and probably would put rest to all this

>> No.6352882

Are you saying Ashley has been interesting lately? No, she hasn't. People in those threads are grasping for straws right now.

>> No.6352887

Jessica was never interesting. We don't need more boring threads about her, neither do we need another slightly less boring person to have threads about. 3 threads about this delusional, dickless bitch is enough. Everything that needs to be said has been said.
That's my point. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.6352897

>Everything that needs to be said has been said.

But that's the thing, we're trying to cause more drama by seeing how she reacts. It's not about saying anything drama doesn't happen just by saying things, it happens because the person it's directed at gets bitchy and responds. We're just waiting for a freak out right now.

>> No.6352898

you mad because your dick is smaller than hers?

>> No.6352900

>Jessica was never interesting

Okay, now you're starting to piss me off. Maxi pad stuffing wannabe klinefelters goth psychochicks are fascinating. You clearly have no taste for lolcows.

>> No.6352917

N'aw, she started on her bawleet spread it seems.

I bet she's a furry. She has to be.

>> No.6352920

Ohh, you meant Aki. I thought you were talking about JNig. Carry the fuck on, then.

>implying she's doing anything more than sending her friends to defend her
She's probably too chicken to even read most of this shit.

>> No.6352926

you know what would be funny. If there was really bulky guy who claim to be pretty woman. I really want this to happen!

>> No.6352932

PT Threads get deleted but this shit is on season 3? WTF

>> No.6352933

There was this one really shitty brolita who was also a FTM transsexual. There were 2 threads about him. Moralfags came in and stopped everything, so he never became a true lolcow.
>mfw double standards
Apparently, it's okay for a man to put on female clothing and not pass at all and he's legit and deserves no mockery, but if a girl does the same thing with male clothes she's an attention seeking yaoi fangirl.

>> No.6352939


That' wasn't the argument, the argument was "If he's FTM then why does he want to dress up like and look like a girl in lolita when there's kodona?"

>> No.6352941

Well, I have to give her this, he's got a long totes legit name: Sevastian Alexander Micheal David Mason.

>> No.6352946
File: 35 KB, 1021x154, friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my screencap, fuck, sorry.

>> No.6352948

Shit, I messed up. It was a MTF, not FTM. He was like 40-something.

>> No.6352951

Ah, eyes changing color with a person's mood. I don't think people will ever stop doing this.

>> No.6352952


Yes, see

>> No.6352955

>one friend murdered in front of her
>another friend raped in front of her

What in the fucking god damn. This all reads like a shitty grimdark selfinsert Naruto fanfic

>> No.6352963

>witnessing murder of a friend
>witnessing rape of another friend

add them to the list!

>> No.6352964
File: 41 KB, 504x466, 1334076687114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eyes that change color with my mood

>> No.6352965

Nope, she's not a furry. None in the gallery, none in the favorites. Not every breed of fuckwad has to come in every weirdo.

>> No.6352967

Right, so now she's also seen friends die and be raped in front of her. It keeps getting more unbelievable. Where was this?

>> No.6352970


She's a furry alright

>> No.6352972
File: 33 KB, 540x482, boop_by_blewballoons-d4viihw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lest we not forget this sugarplum
still pulling the
>omg fake boobs teehee
shit on DA
last upload was a nude pic from behind...though got reported for underaged nudity and was quickly removed. pretty sure it wasnt even her though since it looked like it really had a dick...and the pic quality was way different than usual

>> No.6352979
File: 44 KB, 780x1350, 1207095889_3-07gothic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I googled another nickname she went by and found this elf (?) site. Look up Zander the leader of the damned and you'll find it.

Also, behold him being totes a man.

>> No.6352981
File: 460 KB, 512x972, hnnnnng_by_blewballoons-d5h2030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the "nude pic" in question

>> No.6352982

well, Sevvy apparently uses waterballoons for tits.

>> No.6352987


>> No.6352986

I think blew said she used some sort of balloon too...or just actual fake tits from the internet. I don't remember exactly.

>> No.6352988
File: 125 KB, 324x385, 1303086953537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a surprise.

>> No.6352994
File: 82 KB, 480x640, blood_art_by_blewballoons-d4tvzsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just a picture I painted with my blood, enhanced a bit to make it stand out more.

>> No.6352998

If that's not a flare, goddamn, her hips are fairly wide. At least pad that shit.

>> No.6352997
File: 12 KB, 1000x87, true love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this is priceless

>> No.6353000

>needs a friend.

Fuck you! All your friends get killed or raped.

no thanks.

>> No.6353001

>At least pad that shit
Bind, duh. Last thing she needs is more padding.

>> No.6353006


>> No.6353014

What uni does he supposedly attend?

>> No.6353016

The teenage angst...

>> No.6353017
File: 45 KB, 719x720, 1300202959054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will not happen, for several reasons. Fakebois do what they do mainly because there are large groups of girls who pee themselves over ultra-feminine gay boys. There aren't large groups of guys drooling over super-masculine lesbian women. It's also vastly more socially acceptable for women to be bisexual and much harder for women to engage in proper transvestism, since they're already "allowed" to wear practically everything men can wear.

Sadly, those large groups of fangirls who support the fakebois' decisions to take hormones tend to disappear once the changes really get underway, because T tends to put an end to the "supah kawaii bishounen" look. You might notice that FtMs sometimes start wearing dresses and makeup a year or so after they begin hormones; this is why.

>> No.6353019
File: 122 KB, 900x675, tattoos_by_blewballoons-d4kunx5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about her and her dykey ass friend's edgy tattoos

>dat manly breast tissue aw yeah

>> No.6353031
File: 512 KB, 647x1208, but_b26 laughing 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lawd, I laughed too hard at that

>> No.6353054

Hide the thread?
Also welcome to /cgl/.

>> No.6353055

I wonder what you wrote 4 years ago... I know the shit I wrote when I was 16 was fucking dramatic as fuck...

seriously, this has been fun and all, but I'm not that interested in anything she's done past two years ago, shit I've said is way more embarrassing than that.

>> No.6353058

She needs something sturdy. Something that won't die.
Like a lobster!

>> No.6353062

Well me oh my, she'd following this thread and has prolly been white knighting herself because that profile is unavailable now.

>> No.6353063

sage goes in all fields xD xD I'm so ironic!!!22!11!

>> No.6353081

i'm intrigued, who's aki?

>> No.6353082

at least you're calling yourself "she" now

>> No.6353084
File: 47 KB, 492x202, daisy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suicidal father
Wait, didn't her dad supposedly die? Or is she unable to keep track of how many things went wrong in her life because she keeps adding on to it?

>journal date from 2008
Or is trying to say her dad kicked the bucket since then?

>> No.6353091

Wait. This bitch is saying she watched her friend get killed? I really hope that's not fucking true. This happened to me and it fucked me up something horrible. I was a young child too. I hate people who say this kind of shit publicly. All they want is sympathy and hand outs. There is no excuse for this sort of behavior.

>> No.6353102

No, this bitch isn't saying that. She SAID it though, four years ago.

>> No.6353110

what's the difference?

>> No.6353117

The difference is she's not saying it anymore, and you can't hold people accountable for things they said in the past. Especially since she isn't fucking hurting anyone but herself. Just let her be a dumb fakeboi alone, and she'll probably eventually just kill herself because nobody believes her sorry ass.

Point is, she's not causing shit anymore. She's not claiming shit anymore.

>> No.6353122

>you can't hold people accountable for things they said in the past


>> No.6353120

i will say that "eyes that appear to change color" are not necessarily a lie, if hers are hazel. mine are, with the typical color pattern of brown around the pupil, green in the middle, and blue on the outside, and when my pupils are enlarged, they cover up the brown, making my eyes look more blue; and when i cry, the veins in the whites appear more red, making the green stand out more in turn.
however, i doubt this is how she means it. the typical weeaboo" they are bright blue when im happy and red when im anngry and acid green when im sad and purple when im IN LURRRVE" is of course impossible.

>> No.6353121
File: 259 KB, 300x165, laughingdoc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't hold people accountable for things they said in the past

>> No.6353125
File: 100 KB, 245x265, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't hold people accountable for things they said in the past

>> No.6353131

>you can't hold people accountable for things they said in the past


>she isn't fucking hurting anyone but herself.

she's insulting and making light of murder, molestation and rape

>> No.6353129

>you can't hold people accountable for things they said in the past

Oh okay, does that mean that we shouldn't hold people accountable for their past actions as well?

Great, time to set free all the murderers and rapists from prison since they're not murdering or raping anymore.

Also, are you saying that we should trust liars, just because 'they're not lying anymore'? Like politicians who lied, we should trust them now right?

>> No.6353135

okay, so she was funny four years ago. who cares? we can only laugh about it now, because we didn't know of her four years ago. she only gets immunity from being made fun of if she a. admits she was lying for attention and b. changes herself for the better.
srsly, there was a PT thread yesterday that had something she posted in goddamn 2002, and I didn't see your whiteknight ass defending her. sure makes it look like you have a personal stake in convincing people to LEAVE SEVVY ALONE!

>> No.6353134
File: 3 KB, 126x122, 1294042721340s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get this shit started.

>you can't hold people accountable for things they said in the past

>> No.6353138

I cannot believe this.
I am (was?) friends with Alex. For about a year or so. I came here when Alex wrote the dA journal entry on the prior thread, originally to defend him, but now, after seeing all the things you guys dug up, I'm not even sure who the fuck I was talking to all the time. I don't know how I feel right now, sad, angry, irritated, hurt, all of it. We talked about our experiences with sexual abuse, the loss of loved family members and friends, supported each other in hard times and now I'm finding out it's been nothing but lies? I seriously want to cry right now, I feel so incredibly betrayed. I don't want to believe this but I'm not stupid enough to ignore all of the evidence you provided. So even though this hurts a lot... I want to thank you all for opening my eyes and showing me that the person I cared for so much doesn't exist.

>> No.6353139

Glad you decided to show up in our thread, good on ya for not pretending to be an army of your gay lovers this time.

Really though, this has to be the most absurd thing I have read in a while. Made me spit out my tea.

>> No.6353142

Okay, poor choice of words, but way to blow shit out of proportion. What I meant is she was a weepy wangsty kid in the past but she ISN'T anymore. Seriously, do any of you give a shit about things she says recently? Clearly not. Everything you're pulling up on her is from two, three, even four years ago.

>> No.6353144


Oh, ok. But there was a FTM who got shit for it though.

>> No.6353145

>a fucking swastika
>etched into her fucking breast
what a cunt, i hope she dies.

>> No.6353148

Don't worry anon, the internet does this kind of thing to people. It's so much easier than it is IRL to just say whatever you like about anything. I take anything I hear from someone I know 'online only' with a huge grain of salt.

>> No.6353149

Oh look, OP wrote a story! How heart wrenching!

>> No.6353158


Blurry as fuck, of course. But I would like to say as a FTM transvestite, it's pretty easy to make it look like you have a dick from behind like that with a good packer. You can even use medical tape to hold those suckers in place if you don't want to use a harness.

Plus it looks like it's hanging quite low, IMHO.

>> No.6353154

show me where she apologized for making up stories about molestation, rape, and murder for attention. I'll forget her past then.

>> No.6353155

I'm sorry you had to be hurt. people like this are the worst, abusing people's trust for attention...

>> No.6353156

Shit, I'm sorry about this. You know, for you. I'm sorry this person betrayed you. We've all had shitty friends, and it's good to find out when they lie so they can't hurt you anymore, but realizing it like this kind of sucks.

>> No.6353162


You can't bind hips, but padding your waist and shoulders make the hips look less wide by comparison.

>> No.6353161
File: 305 KB, 500x372, animeshockedusagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit just got real.

>> No.6353166

You know what I don't understand most. Why would anyone want to do this to themselves. All of the things she is saying.
>got molested
>almost raped
>dead parents
>watched friend die
>watch friend raped
>confused gay boy in a feminine body
No one wants any of this. People are usually ashamed by these kinds of things because it singles them out, makes them alone and scared. I just don't understand who would want this.

>> No.6353167

even if i did believe she was a boy, there's no way in hell the person in that picture even vaguely resembles her otehr pictures.

>> No.6353171


Those tattoos look like they were dont with a razorblade and uniball pen ink.

Fuck, I remember when that was a trend when I was in middle school... whoever thought that was a good idea was fucking moronic at best.

>> No.6353179


Google "Akiwarumono"
Zerodomon on DA and many other sites.

You're welcome.

>> No.6353182

Exactly. The more tragedy a person experiences, the less likely they are to talk about it a lot. My father died when I was 16, and one of my best friends killed herself when I was 20, and I do not brag about it because I'm not so much of a fucking narcissist that I think pity makes me interesting.

>> No.6353190


It's Gutterface syndrome. A desire for pity and attention at whatever cost. Body mods, extensive complicated lies about abuse, neglect, rape, betrayal, tragedy, abandonment, etc., all for the sake of garnering as much attention as physically possible to overcompensate for being a normal, uninteresting female misogynist.

>> No.6353191 [DELETED] 

Why does this sound so familiar.

>> No.6353201

thanks a lot!

>> No.6353203

Just a thought guys.
If she was still an attention-hungry whore, don't you think she'd be trying to get attention from all this?

>> No.6353215

inb4 someone replies to this with some 'that's how they cope bs'

People may cope differently, but it's so so so obvious when they are doing it for attention. Even so, chances are she's trying to cope with something but most of what she's saying are lies.

I've known 2 pathological liars who have lied to such a great extent, both of which from the same town, different situations.
Making up things about their past to hide the real problems.
One girl, lied about stuff like being raped by her own father as a young child(including having razorblades stuck in her vag) Also about being friends with famous j-pop stars, things like going to lunch with Miyavi and even talking on the phone with MANA. Some of these things seemed sort of true, but others didn't add up. Turns out she was poor, from a large neglectful family and was using this to try to get the attention she need/wanted. Eventually she kind of grew out of it, but people still remember.

Another person I know was abused while in a foster home, it's a sad sad story what he made up, he even told everyone his mother had been killed by his father in Ireland and he had to kill him to survive and try to save her but he was too late. Turns out his mom was poor white trash and in jail, his father ran out on them when he was two, never even been out of the country. He still does this, uses a fake name and a sob story to try to get sympathy, he won't even acknowledge his real mom who was desperate enough to reach out to his friends to try to see him.

>> No.6353217

She had been, she posted about it on her deviantart journal, but then deleted it, probably because we have too much evidence to make her look like a fucking idiot.

>> No.6353220


No, because she's not actually like Gutterface. She does the same shit to a lesser degree, but GF loves ALL attention, good and bad. She eats up the negative attention as attacks on her manly transgayness and turns it into pity and asspats, but this Sevastien seems like she's not that far gone and doesn't want or know how to handle all this negative attention. Especially if she's unfamiliar with 4chan and thinks we're as bad as /b/, which is actually more common than you think.

To most normies, all of 4chan is like /b/- internet bullying "superhackers" that can hijack your computer, accounts, and credit card information.

>> No.6353218


Holy shit, people grow up, people regret shit they've said in the past, people apologize.

You guys want to talk about how offensive and careless she was in the past but y'all are being 10x worse today.

Anonymously, of course.

>> No.6353227

That's what bothers me so much about this. I've had awful things happen to me in my life too, things that I only tell my closest friends, and even then I don't share everything. For real suffers the scariest thing is to put yourself out there and become vulnerable.

>> No.6353230


She didn't apologize for anything. She just said she used to be an attention whore crossdresser and now she isn't anymore. She never said "Yeah, I admit, I lied about (this and that)".

>> No.6353232

Yeah she did for like, what, one hour, two nights ago? And then she deleted it when everyone TOLD her to. Remember all the "call off your whiteknights" and "you're only making it worse for yourself" and shit that everyone said? Looks like you got no one to blame but yourself that she fucking listened.

>> No.6353234

but she didn't apologize

>> No.6353235

actually, she admitted to over exaggerating and lying.

>> No.6353240
File: 499 KB, 729x828, lam_b21 evil laugh 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the other two threads are still up, go get a screenshot

or you can just apologize right now, Sev

and while you're at it, show us your penis

>> No.6353249

>I am sorry I have offended so many people >about what I said so long ago. In my defense, >and it is admittedly a meager one, I was 17 or >18 when I typed it. It hasn’t been LONG, but >it’s been enough for me to mature and see that >what I said was wrong.

>Yeah, I lied about a few things
>Like how yes, I was hit by a bus. Well, more >clipped by one, on my left side. I did have >damage done to my eye, and to my throat, but >I exaggerated it because I wanted attention.

>I am sorry I have offended people.
>Please accept my apology.

>> No.6353253

If you really want this to go away, you should stop defending yourself here. You're only making it worse.

>> No.6353261

I'm not Alex

Also holy fuck I fucked that greentext up hard.

>> No.6353263

so she admitted the bus was BS, we can stop talking about that now

Rape, witnessing murder, 11 molestations are still unresolved.

>> No.6353264

All she did was apologize for 'crossdressing' not specified whether or not as a guy or a girl, she never admitted her true gender or anything like that.

>> No.6353270

you're either alex or a friend or hers. Either way defending her here is only going to worsen the situation. Granted, alex is no where as near interesting as PT, but /cgl/ is still harassing her after 7+ years.

>> No.6353281
File: 41 KB, 195x195, 1289427977948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definite lack of dick pics in this thread... We're waiting, Sevvie

>> No.6353292

Hey, have we talked about this yet?

>> No.6353294
File: 309 KB, 1008x568, sevvie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, dropped my pic. Sorry.

>> No.6353297

Grasping at straaaaws

>> No.6353299

Can we talk about how Gutterface and co's boyfriend was abusing them and they had to move back to Ohio(?)?

>> No.6353302
File: 87 KB, 404x345, 1331093876945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being too vague, but glad to know you're an over dramatic lying piece of garbage. Nothing we didn't already know though. Show us yer penis.

>> No.6353304

We would have to start another thread. I'm mutual friends with GF and that shit got crazy as fuuuuck.

>> No.6353305

How the fuck does that shit belong on DA?

>> No.6353318


Could you? I'm on mobile, so I can't but I'm really curious. I was interested in ginger kid at first, but now it seems like nothing new is happening with it.

>> No.6353375

here ya go:

i'm looking for more screencaps of all the BAAAWWWing she did about brian and all the people who donated money, a lot of them didn't even hear back from her.

fuck this ginger kid, guttercut is a way more fun fakeboi.

>> No.6353583
File: 147 KB, 561x524, 1331461051269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she really just delete that picture along with any other pictures she posted where she had longer hair? She her she she her?? OH, THIS SILLY FEMALE. I'M ONTO YOUR VAGINA TRICKS.

>> No.6353618
File: 1.67 MB, 2448x1632, IMG_0361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's my dads prison letter!


>> No.6353647


I can't even read that, can someone paraphrase it?

>> No.6353656

wtf who even is that about TELL ME

>> No.6353695


you can read my psycho dads neat handwriting?


my identity will remain hidden until i J Holmes

>> No.6354055

She's also making light of trans issues. These fucknuts are the reason that legitimate trans people can't have nice things.

>> No.6354151
File: 108 KB, 600x746, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That happy feel when people are using the nickname I came up with
That is a woman. That can not possibly be male.

>> No.6354180

She's attending Graceland University.

>> No.6354213 [DELETED] 


You like bragging about this shit. Pls go. I have to see you post this every other week on /r9k/, it got old the second time around

>> No.6354214


Graceland. Confirmed to be in the background of one of their pictures.

>> No.6354255
File: 38 KB, 480x512, 1350925576234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't her ID say she was 20? If she was fourteen in 2008 she'd only be 18, so I guess this proves the license was faked.

But we knew that already.

>> No.6354283

If she's still of age, what's the point?

>> No.6354365
File: 15 KB, 193x217, krabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6354412

you DICK DICK DICK people make me sick.

>> No.6354432
File: 759 KB, 285x171, 1351286986755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you can leave or you can SHOW US YOUR DICK

>> No.6354435

You rhyming people make me sick.
We just really want to see the dick.

>> No.6354485

i would if i had one. should i ever magically grow a peen over night i'll get back at ya.
didn't even notice that. nice one, anon, nice one.

>> No.6354500
File: 1.71 MB, 360x384, 1324565831448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, show us your dick!

>> No.6354543
File: 120 KB, 497x372, 1351038032101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Anon, I do my best.
I just gotta stay above the rest.

>> No.6354547


the /fit/ and /sp/ guys must be getting a little annoyed we want to see fakeboi dick and not actual dick.

>> No.6354557


Hell I like seeing dick in general, if they wanna post theirs then I say let them.

We still won't want them, though.

>> No.6354579

>those shoulders arms and back
It might not be her, in the photo
but that's a mans body
a short slightly built man

unless she's bear mode
because that's a mans body

>> No.6354594

that's a man, yes. not her.

>> No.6354595

That's not her.

>> No.6354704
File: 624 KB, 3110x2595, 1336669995657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.6354733

that's exactly what i was going for

>> No.6354763
File: 20 KB, 275x283, 1350860284929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f "dick"
>21 results
I love you, /cgl/.


>> No.6354765

Rupert Grint is actually a girl irl? I had no idea

>> No.6354912

Can someone post some more content while we're waiting for this chick to photoshop a penis on herself?


>> No.6354990
File: 470 KB, 900x1389, Gherald_2_by_AlexKingOfTheDamned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, she deleted that pic.

So we know that she is STILL lying, as evidenced by the fake license, and this isn't just stupid shit she's said when she was 15.

Also, >sharpie beard

>> No.6355043

I find it hard to believe she's lying about being 20. I'm more inclined to believe she was lying about that being her 14th bday or that the camera time just wasn't the right date.

She doesn't come off as a freshmen at uni, and she sure as hell doesn't look 18.

>> No.6355044


Damn look at those thick, womanly thighs.

>> No.6355066

Those are Junior girls pants. It's one thing to be an emo boy wearing girl's pants; it's another to be a girl claiming to be a boy wearing girls pants.

>> No.6355113

I had a pair just like that when I was in middle school
loved the shit out of those jeans

>> No.6355121


For real, you can get guy's skinnies from jcpenny by Vans for not that much money.

>> No.6355124
File: 41 KB, 500x463, tumblr_lg7uzk6gYk1qadlzho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>middle school
>flare jeans

FUCK YES. I remember when skinnies first started getting popular, I hated them and clung to my flares so desperately.

>> No.6355138


This is the real sign of her being female. ALL middle school girls have/had these. These are made specifically to the young female form than no males have.

>> No.6355153

She's not in middle school though. That picture is only two years old, she would have been a freshman in college, I think. A girl who got jeans in middle school could not still fit into them by the time she's going to college, not with puberty and hips and all that bullshit.

>> No.6355164


Unless she was really fat in middle school, didn't get any taller, and lost weight since hitting puberty.

It happens.

>> No.6355166

Yeah, but what's more likely, she was fat, short, and then got skinny...

Or she bought a pair of jeans.

Plus (pretty sure she deleted like all her pictures) but you could see that she wasn't fat. She was never SKINNY, but she was never fat either.