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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 15 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6352096 No.6352096[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now I know what you're thinking, you're thinking "Johnny, where were you all this time?" Well let me just say that a man who is loved by so many ladies can't be pleasing them with his manly hands if they're using a keyboard and mouse. I gotta make sure that I make sure our lovin shifts to a higher gear as I'm not the kind of guy who drags and drops a lady.

Me showing up near Halloween ain't no trick as I'm back to treat you all with my good looks and sexy charm for all the cosplay cuties that post here. If any of you Halloween Honies want some of Johnny's sweet love then go ahead and post some cosplay pictures of yourselves here.

If I like what I see, I'll make sure to set aside a dark bedroom so I can show you what really goes bump in the night.

>> No.6352099

We missed you, bb.

>> No.6352107

omg I missed you so much. Never leave us again Johnny.

>> No.6352128
File: 28 KB, 400x400, kitten bouquet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today is a beautiful day

>> No.6352142

I've heard nothing but good things about you. Welcome back.

>> No.6352147

Johnny! We missed you! Well, I missed you anyways. I won't speak for everyone else. I don't have recent cosplay to contribute, but I hope others do so you will stay around!

>> No.6352148

shut up gropey, you will never understand pure amazingness of johnny

>> No.6352162

Jesus! Why so hostile? What did I do to you?

>> No.6352175
File: 32 KB, 480x480, 486435_4093100520825_1747187545_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Johnny! <3
This is all I got, sorry. Nice to see you again!

>> No.6352178


And who the fuck are you? I've never seen you trip before. I doubt you've ever even met JB.

>> No.6352182

Calm down. No need to get angry. We're namefags here.

>> No.6352185

sorry i forgot this was a johnny thread


>> No.6352191


C'mon now.

>> No.6352194


>> No.6352192

Deep breaths. Calm. Happy place.

Whelp, I'm outa here. Welcome back JB. if you want to talk about clowns, coitus or cheesecake, hit up my threads sometime.

>> No.6352329

Postan' in a Roko thread.

>> No.6352337

:DD what do you think about this video ?

im girl

>> No.6352588

Just post any cosplay you want. Johnny doesn't really care how old it is.

>implying roko is witty enough to be Johnny

>> No.6353290

first time I've seen this trip.

Is it normal to hear everything in his voice.

Please ladies post pictures so he can come back

>> No.6353296
File: 90 KB, 540x720, its party time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6353346

Who is this faggot?

>> No.6353359

A good writer

>> No.6353364
File: 132 KB, 600x800, 72449-40428-4de95555feeaf564fb643c0f44ff3138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bang, baby. Welcome back Johnny-O!

>Is it normal to hear everything in his voice.
Yes. Yes it is.

>> No.6353366
File: 40 KB, 173x231, 435346346344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6353369

This thread reeks of gaia

>> No.6353398


>> No.6353409
File: 221 KB, 1361x1361, sddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard me

>> No.6355363
File: 78 KB, 1024x768, Johnny_Bravo_by_sharkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can put away that party cannon as I got all the guns you need. Stay with me long enough and I'll show you that the real magic between two people is sparked when they become more than friends.

It's time for me to make this Pinkie Pie start blushing red when she becomes my Sweetie Pie.

I ain't Hugh Hefner but I sure do love to be in the company of a good looking bunny honey. I'm ready to fly you to the moon as for it will be my eyes that drive you mad with passion.

>> No.6355373
File: 351 KB, 723x717, 1345261918397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

johnny have a wonderful weekend

>> No.6355492
File: 26 KB, 640x449, 299466_114095285366814_1987266396_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come back for Tumblr-tan?
All I got on this computer since I'm not at home .-.

>> No.6355508
File: 551 KB, 600x900, 236431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Johnny! It's good to see you again!

>> No.6355542
File: 29 KB, 320x320, Girls_Day_Sojin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, it really is him.

Welcome back you fabulous individual.

>> No.6355546

What makes you so sure? Can't anyone post with the name Johnny Bravo?

>> No.6355554

The secure tripcode, dear.

>> No.6355557 [DELETED] 

Trying for quint-5's.

>> No.6355563

Don't let that bitch chase you away again.

>> No.6355571
File: 59 KB, 638x960, 599701_4333663300999_897435442_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JOHNNY YOU'RE BACK! i was just chatting with some other seagulls about how much we missed you! this board can be a little bit brighter again~

i've decided on susan strong for a few halloween events around campus. can't decide on what i should do for halloween itself yet. i'm thinking flo from the progressive commercials.

>> No.6355573

Johnny is back? The world is right again!

>> No.6355578
File: 221 KB, 428x374, wednesday_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Johnny, I approve of your choice of a dark bedroom.

>> No.6355590

>implying OP is witty

And yes, it was confirmed in the last thread that this incarnation of Johnny Beta is Roko. Previously, it used to be G, and before that some other Beta that I stopped caring about.

>> No.6355594

hnng you look adorable as Wednesday! Can you do the creepy smile? I loved that

>> No.6355603

how did you confirmed it?

>> No.6355605

How the hell is Johnny three different people when his tripcode is the same since the beginning?

>> No.6355606

I don't smile.

>> No.6355607

His threads died cause the shitposting outnumbered the girls.

You want good JB threads then get people to post pictures. He only responds to those.

>> No.6355619
File: 54 KB, 640x480, photoq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mobile device has limited images, but I will always support Johnny threads.

Hi, Mr. Bravo! Happy Halloween!

>> No.6355621
File: 26 KB, 500x313, Camp Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But don't you want to smile and sing and dance and be Pocahontas in Gary's vision? Or we could watch more Bambi and Lassie Come Home.

>> No.6355648

>newfags don't know he's always been multiple Betafaggots sharing a trip
Some oldfart outed him in the last 'zomg i miss jony thread' that I can't find in the archive (the one where PT got drunk and posted pics of three blokes who fucked her in all three holes, then had to change her tripcode because her ex stole her old tripcode and tried to make her look like a cheap slut -- OH THE IRONY).

>> No.6355649

sup Roko/Johnny Beta

>> No.6355733

I don't care who JB is - Roko, or some fatass neckbeard. I've always enjoyed these threads.
As a guy - even as a joke - I wish I was as witty as JB.

I was just talking about how much we all missed you.
Welcome back.

>> No.6355746

It's not witty when he wastes hours of time writing up one post. See how he never could come up with something on the spot?

Plus, whether you like Roko or not, the time of this fake persona is over. The moment he created this thread, he earned himself a 3 day min. ban for avatarfagging.

>> No.6355758

I could care less if he takes hours to write up one post, they're more thought-out and witty than what the entire rest of this board'll come up with in that same hour.

Any normal person wouldn't be able to come up with stuff on the spot anyway, since there's puns in every reply that're directly related to the cosplay in question - and I doubt many people really can look at any random cosplay and just know some random fact relating to the character that can be turned into a Johnny Bravo-esque joke.

Don't like the thread? Hide it.
Let the rest of us enjoy one of the best things that /cgl/ ever gets.

>> No.6355777

>Don't like the thread? Hide it.
Nope, that's not what you do when someone's breaks 4chan's rules. You do something else with such threads.

If you want to pretend you're popular with girls, why not install an animu dating sim?

>> No.6356062

Welcome back Johnny!

>> No.6356066

Why do you have to be a cunt about it?
I'm a rulefag too, but fun off-topic threads are nice occasionally. Would you rather have JB or another /fit/ thread? Another Dakota thread? Another crush thread?
Plus, 4Chan's not exactly a serious-business networking forum.

And if you're going to be like this, why don't you go stink up the other off-topic threads as well?

>> No.6356086
File: 56 KB, 499x331, kanye's kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you rather have JB or another /fit/ thread? Another Dakota thread? Another crush thread?
See, here's what you, as a morally weak person, cannot comprehend. Just because you like one of those more than the others doesn't make it any less against the rules. In the eyes of justice, all of them are equally bad.

Actually, this thread would be perfectly alright - if it was made by an Anonymous w/o avatar included.

But hey, that would defeat it's main purpose, wouldn't it? After all, OP/Roko is here to jerk his ego, and he can't satiate that desire when he's not avatar-fagging.

Hey, does this remind you of anything? Perhaps those "How are you doing today"? Remember who made those? Remember, how at the start there would be people - just like you - defending them?

I'm sure you enjoyed those too.

>> No.6356095

>I could care less if he takes hours to write up one post, they're more thought-out and witty than what the entire rest of this board'll come up with in that same hour.
not for nottin, but jfc, you sound like a butthurt little shit
if you don't like it here then go back to cosplay.com

>> No.6356184
File: 40 KB, 445x558, Johnny_Bravo_tv_01_Tribute_to_the_old_CartoonNetwork-s445x558-29885-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll always come back for a pretty girl. With your good looks I don't just fall in love, I fall head over heels for you. Go ahead and search for me using the "boyfriend" tag, I'll be sure to share some notes with you.

I think my heart just skipped a few beats in mania of pleasure that shot through my body. Why don't you go ahead and let me rest my hand ontop of yours as we scratch the turntables of love. With Johnny Bravo around you know that you will score nothing but Perfects.

You can crush rocks with your body meanwhile this man with a rock hard physique has a crush on you. Promise not to crush me with your arms and I'll promise you that the clock for our adventure time never runs out.

And I approve your choice in men. If you're not afraid of sunlight then I'm sure I can show you a good time on Thursdays and Fridays as well. You might have the family name of Addams but I will show you the fruit of my knowledge so you can become my Eve instead.

Why don't you take a break of being a hero and rest your head on my shoulder? I'm no magical dog but I am sweeter than bubblegum and my feelings burn hotter than any flame.

Now why don't you got sit in a corner and think about your life....with me. HOO! HA!

>> No.6356218

Man, you need to get laid.

>> No.6356234

Bravo got laid once the universe is making sure it never happens again

>> No.6356236

Actually, I didn't like those threads, because I don't see much worth in posting about my day.
Whereas the JB threads serve to boost self-esteem, basically.
I really don't care if it's Roko or not, though.

I don't mind avatarfagging if it has purpose. Roko and Dildoes are useless as fuck.

>> No.6356238

What do you think he's trying to do here?

>> No.6356243

Get laid over the Internet? Buddy pls.

>> No.6356252


That's like saying you're against bestiality, except horse porn, since horse dick makes you wet.

However, both should be equally against the rules (at least I hope it is, pretty sure it's illegal material in the United States, therefore it should be automatically illegal here too).

>> No.6356272
File: 463 KB, 1120x1680, anext_20120609_120154_7088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man I love these threads. First time posting in one though, and it's the first cosplay I did.

>> No.6356458

Johnny pls love me. ;_;

>> No.6356672

Bravo is no way roko, reason(s):
Bravo is an online persona solely dedicated to boost people's ego.
He only complements people and doesn't reply to anyone else in any circumstances, not even the trolls that are flaming him.

Roko on the other hand is practically a self-centered teenage girl with a penis, suffering from attention deficiency and insecurity.
The "How is your day? ^_^" threads is just a clever facade
to bridge his way to other girls' pussies.

I hold nothing against JB unless he starts
posting his real photo around and revealing his real trip name,
until then.

>> No.6356979

welcome back Bravo :]!

>> No.6357014

>The "How is your day? ^_^" threads is just a clever facade
>to bridge his way to other girls' pussies.
Lol, the irony.

What the fuck do you think this is?

As I mentioned earlier, OP/Roko just needs to stop avatarfagging - but he won't do that, because then he wouldn't get the attention centered at him.

>> No.6357021

Lol if you hate it just hide the thread and move on.

>> No.6357030

You're repeating yourself. See >>6355777

You're basically saying that if someone posts CP on /cgl/, we should just hide it if we don't like it, so that people like you can enjoy it.

>> No.6357044

Lol I'm /dif anon, first post in this thread
And CP harms people, this thread doesn't.

>> No.6357063

Both CP and avatarfagging is against the rules. And no, you're not a different person. You're probably OP.

>> No.6358383
File: 440 KB, 2048x1536, 0316001821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello Johnny, it has been a long time.

My kitty has gone missing, this is a picture of her, please say something cute and funny about her to help dissuade my panic from rising ever further.

>> No.6359732
File: 28 KB, 360x253, JohnnyBravo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might not be a good at flying but you've managed to send my soaring. Promise me that you'll always play your harp for me and I'll make sure to never play with your feelings.

I've seen plenty of kitties in my life, Foxy Kitties, Pretty Kitties and even Suzie's Kitty (it was icky and stupid) but looking at your picture that's just a cute kitty that even my Mamma would love.

Speaking of my Mamma, while I always go out on amazing dates with hot chicks I always come home. Why? That's cause I love my Mamma and will never want to see her sad. I sure your kitty doesn't want you to be sad to.

>> No.6359740

>something that you find annoying
>something that is against the law because its production causes serious psychological damage in innocent young people
Guess which one this thread falls under.

>> No.6359802

>Anon disagrees
>Must be samefag!

>> No.6359806

No, my dear Johnny Beta, both are against the GLOBAL RULES.

Just stop avatarfagging if you're so high and might. Oh wait -- you can't, since you're a narcissistic piece of shit.

>> No.6359808

>13. Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.

Now go away already, you spineless piece of shit. Reading your posts (both the anon and trip ones) just makes me want to puke.

>> No.6359813

this. Is avatarfagging even against the rules? I was under the impression that it was just annoying like namefagging or tripfagging.

I assume you're talking about "Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts." Personally that seems like "don't use the same image on all your posts."
Using different reaction images all of a certain character, that would be stupid to be not allowed and I've never seen anyone banned for it.
Plus people break 4chan rules all the time with no consequences because they're not being obnoxious about it.
1. How many underageb& have you seen admit to being under 18 and not get any shit from other users for it, let alone action from mods?
2. If I hadn't read the rules, I never would have realized that "trolls, flames, racism, uncalled for catchphrases (the fuck does that mean), or post number GETs" were only allowed on /b/. People do this all the time on every board with no consequences and nobody's panties getting in a tangle.
3. Personal information being posted is not allowed. Looks like we better shut down all of /soc/.
4. This board defaults to the blue theme, but I don't see anyone complaining about people posting NSFW photos if it's PT's nudes so we can laugh at them.
5. "The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments." I'll just leave this here and let you think about whether this is true for the posts on here for a moment.... (protip the answer is no)

I mean honestly so many rules are guidelines on here anyway that it's ridiculous to call avatarfagging "ALL MIGHTY EVIL" when it's not even clear that it's against the rules at all.

Also these threads are on topic for /cgl/ since he's complimenting people's costumes.
So, in short, go fuck yourself.

>> No.6359818

>this. Is avatarfagging even against the rules? I was under the impression that it was just annoying like namefagging or tripfagging.
Hardcore fail bro.

Hardcore fail.

It's time to stop posting. Also, if you do not like the rules, you're also welcome to gtfo - that's also against the rules.

I'm glad you put it right on the top though, at least I didn't even have to bother with the rest of your fecal matter.

>> No.6359821

glad to know that you didn't read far enough to know why I think avatars and avatarfagging are different things.
And also to know that I don't disagree with the rules personally, I just know that no one typically follows them and everyone is ok with that. Except you, because you're on your period.

I guess your mother never told you that not reading someone's post is the best way to lose an argument in the internet.

>> No.6359825

Dude why would you even respond to something just to say you didn't read it? You just went full retard.

>> No.6359828

>Is avatarfagging even against the rules?
>I assume you're talking about "Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts." Personally that seems like "don't use the same image on all your posts."
That's not even possible due to 4chan bocking duplicate files, nor is it or has it really ever been a problem on any board (like, even though someone could circumvent it by changing one pixel) Avatarfagging is a problem when people /have/ to attach an image to their post as part of an extension of an online identity. It pushes bump limits unnecessarily, eats up bandwidth necessarily, and is generally obnoxious behavior.

>> No.6359829

>glad to know that you didn't read far enough to know why I think avatars and avatarfagging are different things.
No one gives a fuck about your opinion. The underage thing is only "tolerated" because most of those cancers have enough brain cells not to say they're underage.

Better posters than you (OP) have learned to live without posting avatars all the time. You're not a special fucking snowflake. You're not an irreplaceable part of this board's culture. You're just a sad little fuck that comes here to jerk his own ego.

Now crawl back where you came from.

>> No.6359833

>look at dis badass he don't give a fuq
>i sure am scared of dis guy i hope he dont fuq me up cuz he dont cur

>> No.6359838

Yeah, your posts sure are wittier than what /cgl/ can come up in an entire hour.

>> No.6359845


Anon, you should seriously get that fuckhuge cactus out of your ass, just saying.

>johnny finally comes back
>everyone welcomes him
>this faggot starts the vendetta of his life
>ruins the thread for everyone who is enjoying it

You're probably some fatass who didn't like johnny's comment and now is butthurt as fuck. Just gtfo and get a life, we are enjoying ourselves here.

>> No.6359852

He's intimidated by people like Johnny.

>> No.6359853

>implying I'm JB
>implying you think that everyone who has been telling you you have a stick up your ass must just be buttmad because you don't like them

Listen honey, I was once told that I had a stick up my ass. That's because I'd sat down on a rake handle by accident and was being a giant cunt to everyone. Instead of assuming that everyone who told me that was magically the same person, I heeded their advice and pulled the stick up my ass and went on my merry way- and I was never a smelly cuntface to anyone ever again.
It improved my day by a lot, you should try it sometime.

>> No.6359859

No, in fact, you're OP, and you're showing your true colors.

See, /cgl/? This is your beloved Ro-- Johnny.

No one gave two fucks about you while you were gone. People posted in this threads just to show how 'zomg oldfag' they are, since they've been here back when "Johnny" used to post (and half of those didn't).

You're the one who needs a life.

Yes you are. It's basic human psychology. Everyone stopped caring about you a long time ago. The only person willing enough to go full retard to defend yourself is you.

>> No.6359867

>oh shit dis bitch is serious

3/10 because you had me thinking you were serious for a second there.

All in favor of tripping for a second just to see what this troll does when she can't pretend we're all JB?

>> No.6359874

I don't pretend you're OP, it's painfully obvious from your typing style.

I'll say it one last time - if your "JB" is such a messiah, why doesn't he delete this thread and make another, without avatarfagging == breaking the rules?

Answer that.

>> No.6359878
File: 22 KB, 241x230, 1325827448900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in. This bitch is both sad and hilarious.

>> No.6359880

Because the whole point of JB threads is that it gives the illusion than Johnny Bravo is complimenting us.

>> No.6359881

>from your typing style
>oh look she uses numbers and letters!
>JB uses numbers and letters!
>must be the same guy

I am officially convinced that you're a troll, if only because I don't want to believe my little sister can't be this retarded.
Let's be clear here. You're not upset because he's breaking the rules. You're upset because.... probably because you're a landwhale who's too insecure to participate in these threads, or you're a neckbeard who genuinely thinks JB is getting laid because of these threads.
If you were so upset over rule breaking I'd see people like you all fucking over the place all the time. But this is really the first time I've encountered it.

>> No.6359883

idc who's mad or and who's not but it's really annoying how all the newfags come here to defend this topic like it matters

which is why there's so many tough guys itt, cause they can't live w/o being complimented by a cartoon character "roleplayer"

y'all need to get a life

/oldfag spoken

>> No.6359886

>If you were so upset over rule breaking I'd see people like you all fucking over the place all the time.
You don't look, because it doesn't help your cause. I also punished Elsie (you know, the girl you masturbate to, oh mighty Alpha male) and her e-friends for avatarfagging. They learned their lesson. You did not.

>> No.6359889

I didn't even post in the thread, I just think they're a fun read and a nice, positive channel for self-posting.
And mainly it's hard not to respond to a person who you're pretty sure is trolling.

/cgl/ has been shit ever since the WAYW threads started around here anyway so it doesn't even matter whether these threads survive or not. I just want to know that people that retarded don't actually exist. Even though I know it's futile.

>> No.6359890

west coast=best coast
/cgl/ turned to shit without us

>> No.6359893


>> No.6359895

I'm trolling because OP is breaking the rules.


>> No.6359899

>Implying you did crap

that was just frankie butthurt telling a mod because elsie was still avatarfagging and she was not.

>> No.6359900

hi frankie

>> No.6359904

>They learned their lesson. You did not.

Implying I'm avatarfagging? Unless you honestly still believe I am JB?
I get accused of being so many tripfags I swear I'm just going to give up and start tripping one of these days just so people know I'm not them.
That would cause even more problems, though, I'm sure.

>> No.6359905
File: 489 KB, 500x434, spgb5s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you paying attention to that bitter fag? let him whine all he wants, JB threads are amazing and I don't even know how old these threads or who is he, all I know is it's fun to read his replies and it's nice to read something positive on cgl every once in a while

>> No.6359906

you should call yourself "not that tripfag", it'd be fun, lol.

>> No.6359911

Good point. Is JB still in the thread?

good idea. Anyway here's a trip in case anyone wants to prove to this vendettafag that we are in fact all different people and not JB.

Also I have never tripped before so I'm sorry in advance if I do something retarded and it doesn't work.

>> No.6359915

dude it didn't work how do tripfag.

>inb4 vendetta-tan takes this as proof that I am JB.

>> No.6359917

that goes in the name field bro, not the subject one

>> No.6359918


>> No.6359923

I'm not even going to bother with responding to the trolls above.

There's only one fact ITT:
>OP is avatarfagging.

And it is also known, that on 4chan, avatarfagging is against the rules.

>OP is breaking the rules.

Therefore - everyone defending it, is OP.
