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6344040 No.6344040[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

General FB Lolita sales comm gripes.

Anyone else sick of this girl spamming her shit?

>> No.6344880

Why did she bump her own post on facebook?

I'm not familiar with FB but doesn't that... not do anything?

>> No.6344900

I'm guessing if she posted in a sales group, commenting on a post bumps it to the top of the page.

>> No.6344933

less annoying than that someone else. Unfortunately I cant post the username.
A word for tea +Doll

>> No.6344981

....why can't you post the username? you can be anonymous

>> No.6344992

spamming is how advertising works.

That's why they arrange for you to see the same ad 3 times in one show.

it will stick better

>> No.6345035



>> No.6345042

youre joking right?

>> No.6345046


Chai is another word for tea? That was pretty vague actually.

I am not a lolita btw.

>> No.6345229

Chai is a widely popular type of tea. Also comes as a tea latte.

>> No.6345264


type of tea =/= another word for tea

>> No.6345275

Oh boy, here we go again...

>> No.6345300

I think it's more like reminding you that their store is there.

Airing it as many times as possible to make sure that if someone walks in in the middle of the show, they'll still see it.

>> No.6345387

How about DollDelight's constant upping/spamming/posting on FB comms? I think some of her stuff is cute though, and she seems sweet enough.

>> No.6345539

it does

>> No.6345667

Lol oh god, this argument again.

Chai technically just means "tea". It's also colloquially, in the Western world, used to refer to spiced black tea (even though this is really the correct usage of the word "chai" which just means tea in general).

>> No.6345722

I don't like that girl who sells the taobao skeleton hand clips and the knock off eyeball hair bows for like... 16 dollars for a PAIR of eyeball bows, not including shipping (6 bucks I think she charges for shipping...) She also types like she has down syndrome.

>> No.6346374

since the group gets updated with new posts/replies so much, stuff can get missed if you don't bump it up, especially if you're trying to sell clothing.

also, i hate it when it's not to a fb album so the pics/items can be seen easily

>> No.6346793

Forever laughing at whoever will buy the $650 lotta skirt. And you know somebody will

>> No.6346828

I regret saying I like chai tea. But fuck you p.c butt nuggets, can't ever let shit go.

>> No.6346851

seeing as someone paid $530 for the skirt alone a couple of months ago on the comm, someone definitely will.

>> No.6346951

This. The spectacular thing about Lotta is the bodice, take that out and you just have a generic deer print in pretty colors.

>> No.6347001

People that post really vague WTBs ("I want anything from AP!" bitch srsly AP make a lot of shit), people that post "feelers", people that bump their posts constantly... I thought there were rules for that?

Plus the amount of absolute garbage that girls post; they'll post a folder with maybe one lolita item in it and the rest is "loliable" when in reality it's not related to loli at all, there was a girl with a folder full of DVDs and shit too... like wtf.

And dem foreign girls that post in French/German whatever... on an "English only" group.


>> No.6347095

that girl trying to sell her altered VR JSK for 550USD. I know VR is VR, but she is asking way too high a price.

>> No.6347109

The FB comm seems to just be a goldmine for noobs. It's not modded nearly well enough so people end up using it as a FFA sales page. Though, with that said, I'm unloading my really shitty clothing to them instead of EGL.

>> No.6347110

altering brand literally makes it worthless, especially when it's a collector print that has a high value simply because it's more of icon than an exceptionally wonderful or rare dress.

i really hope no one buys it, they'll be really disappointed. VR was already awkward fitting enough without adding personal fitting to it.

>> No.6347113

My lolita dress
It's irritating and ita

>> No.6347143


>> No.6347164

it does. anyone who pays for an altered dress (unless it magically will fit them) is an idiot. lolita is an investment as much as a fashion- i don't know anyone who doesn't buy with re-sale value in mind who has a good wardrobe.

altering makes all re-sale value go out the window. people are fooling themselves if they think they can even charge a hundred dollars for something that's custom fitted to their own bodyshape.

>> No.6347209


Aren't loli dresses for the most part covered in shirring and ties so you don't have to alter it? Altering seems really dumb unless its something that was cheap to begin with that isn't going to have any resale value anyway

>> No.6347235

not VR. i don't remember how much shirring- partial back at most- but it was really awkward fitting. i sold it almost immediately because it just looked not flattering on me.

>> No.6347250


I see. Still, if I ran into that situation, I think I'd do what you did and just resell it instead of altering it. I would never spend 500$ on a dress and then turn around and mess with it, that's just asking to lose money

>> No.6347270

i mean, in real fashion $500 is not that much and you do then go and get it altered. but that stays in your closet forever, or until next season. bu lolita isn't like that, lolita is a collectors hobby as much as it is a fashion, and part of hobbies is buying and selling the collectables- and altering them takes away the value of it because it's no longer in any condition to sell it as what it is- a collectable.

it's worthless at that point. like honestly she could probably get away with selling it for $300 because VR is really-really iconic. like it's basically Alice and the Pirates signature print.

i feel bad for whoever buys it at the price she asks, i remember being so in love with the fashion that i had to have everything i wanted no matter the price. i spent too much on a lot of things- just because i could- and in the end i didn't get back anywhere near as much as i spent on a lot of items. VR being one of them, i think. i don't remember now, i sold it ages ago.

>> No.6347336

I already made a secret about it lmao. Did you see the post yesterday? It was sketch as hell until I reported it to the mods.. she forgot to mention it was altered and didn't say anything about the waist ties being missing until someone brought it up.... Her friend also came in the thread and basically said "uh this won't fit 44 bust, I have 41 and when I tried it on at your house it didn't fit" I wish I got caps before she deleted it :(

>> No.6347384


Whaaaaat. That is shady as hell. What's her facebook name

>> No.6347394

ahaha yes I did see that thread. I had to laugh when her own friend pointed that out.

>> No.6347442

Eveeh Gale, mad_katter on LJ.

>> No.6348219

Dollicon, not DollDelight

>> No.6348501

This girl is dodgy as fuck. She traded with a friend of mine, advertising that an item was NWOT, but it came with brown stains all down the front.

>> No.6348589

Every time I see her making a sales post she is selling a Vampire Requiem dress that she has just sitting in her closet, and it's miraculously bigger than the official measurements.

>> No.6348601

Did you see in the thread yesterday about how it was a "factory mishap"? Girl, you sound like a scammer.

>> No.6348630

Does anyone have a link/caps to the sale in question?

>> No.6348674

Fuck yes. Im sick of her spamming everywhere. Not just the sales comm. Her stuff aren't even lolita man she doesn't even go here!

This user WingYunnMan is the same with bumping the same old shit. Srsly. Woman, nobody wants to buy your ugly shit mmkay? Bumping it won't change our minds.

>> No.6348682

girls who post in german/french/whatever on the sales IN ENGLISH. and then you message them and they are like 'oh, so sorry! my english is only learning^^'' or 'my english isn't great sorry!' UGH

>> No.6348824

Nope she deleted it when she got warned by the mod

>> No.6349624

somebody did!

>> No.6349701

someone paid 400$ for this so, I believe anything now http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sweet-Rococo-Pink-Swan-Lake-Ballerina-Princess-Lolita-JSK-OP-Dress-Headbow-S

>> No.6350710


>> No.6350730

I offered her retail and said that was being generous, since it's used, likely stretched out, and probably smells like her fat, repulsive, sweaty pussy. I am so sick and tired of this foul cunt.

>> No.6350743

Is there ways that people scam others by sending an invoice as a gift? Or is that just normal?

>> No.6350788

damn girl, what happened? as far as i've seen she has all positive feedback.

>> No.6350796

You can't scam someone if you send money as a gift. It's only possible to scam if you have someone send you money as a gift.

Sending money as a gift revokes any of the safety and protection that paypal provides. Many people ask for gift payments because they want to ship something untracked, if not there is nothing stopping you from simply saying that you never received anything and starting a paypal claim. The flipside to this is that the seller can simply take your money.

>> No.6350805

>tfw I got it on Mbok for $350


>> No.6350813

She brags everywhere about being in Japan and going to see J-rock concerts, when none of those guys would ever touch her obese, ugly ass. She back-stabs all her friends. Now she is buying things cheaply and reselling them and taking away our chances to buy stuff 10 times cheaper. I hate her and want her to die. :)

>> No.6350836

i would never, as a buyer, send a gift payment. it's much better for both parties to pony up the cost of shipping. even if they offer a discount if you send gift, the 3% is not worth it. like if you're paying $300 for a dress, what's another $9? and if you're the seller, yeah shipping costs more so charge more. it's cheaper than a "lol i didn't receive anything" claim coming through and you losing the whole amount.

>> No.6350848

tl; dr you're jealous.

>> No.6350887

I love to do this to noob lolitas who have no idea how Paypal works. :)

>> No.6350911

Of what exactly?

>> No.6350990

Oh my goooood, I wish I was a fat ugly scalper who stalks veekaaaay bands and lies about medical problems so I can treat my customers like shit.

>> No.6351010

Proof of lying about health because that's shitty

>> No.6351036

Stalking bands at night and then turning around and saying that your so sick and can't leave the house for two weeks to mail something sounds like lying to me

>> No.6351048

Concrete proof. You do sound mad jelly with your vendetta and constant abuse of the word stalk. What's wrong anon, did she fuck your favorite bandoman?

>> No.6351061

Shit a spelling error, better point that shit out!
>fuck your favorite bandoman
Even though she throws money at them, like any man would ever touch her

>> No.6351071

Personally I don't care about this. I just think she is fat and gross, and I'd never want to wear something she wore.

>> No.6351072

That's a grammatical error, retard. Go get a hobby so you can stop being jealous of others.

>> No.6351088

I am so jealous, going to gain 200lbs right now so I can be just like her.

>> No.6351092

So what does this bitch look like? I bought something from her and if she really is that fat and nasty I don't want it anymore.

>> No.6351139

We should post her info to /b/ and get dox and a raid going.

>> No.6351163

Even though I don't like her, that's a lame idea.

>> No.6351225
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That seems excessive

>> No.6351281

I'm confused now - are we talking about animerei or lacetreasures? At least in lavetreasures' Lotta post she mentions she is 'notoriously slow' at shipping.

I heard lacetreasures was flaky due to sickness... but why would she open up a shopping service on Facebook? Doesn't make sense to me. If she's really bailing out to go to concerts that will really ruffle my jimmies. One of my friends bought from her awhile ago and she kept giving her health excuses when my friend asked about her item. Shady as hale.

>> No.6351289

Just to clarify that I meant, it says that in her post but I've heard before that she's used her sickness as an excuse for poor service.

>> No.6351310

It doesn't make them LITERALLY worthless, though, I think that's what that anon was pointing out. It definitely reduces the value, but it's not as if you could get nothing for an altered item. Which is what worthless means - that you wouldn't be able to get even a few dollars for something altered.

>> No.6351320

Agreeing with the others, that's a stupid and way-overboard idea.

>> No.6351333


I mean, sure, that's annoying, but you really HATE someone over that? I'd hate someone for like, murdering my dog for fun or something. Not for bragging o much and being capitalistic.

>> No.6351346

Lying about being sick. That's seriously shit and she deserves to be beaten and raped for that.

>> No.6351356

PROOF motherfucker

I've heard so many people say this but no one shows proof

>> No.6351353

Why? Because one anon is making a ton of claims about her daily behavior without any proof?

Get the fuck off the internet.

>> No.6351366

My friend sees her at concerts all the time, at least three times a week. She's always going into the front by hitting girls around her then she tries grabbing the musicians' dicks. She's over 300 pounds and smells like rotten tuna according to her, and attempts to follow the guys home after gigs.

>> No.6351372


First off, again, proof. Also, still, your reaction is way over-the-top. Even if the worst is true, she ships late in lies. That would make her not a very nice person, and someone I'd be angry at if I were involved. But it's not really that bad. It's sounds like you're either just trolling for fun, or you seriously need to work on keeping your emotions in check so that they are an accurate response to the situations you encounter. Because statements like that just make you sound like a crazy person.

>> No.6351380
File: 47 KB, 259x194, 1323239128795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

afaik she's not even straight let alone wanting to ~bang bandomen~

>> No.6351384

Must be lacetreasures, as she lists her location as Tokyo, Japan on her sales post.

>> No.6351408

>my friend

OH WELL THEN thats completely different v.v

honestly, I know very little about her but I've never seen her freak out on people online. She ships things slowly (which I know from experience) but she tells people about it in advance so its something to expect. Sick or not, going to concerts 3x times a week is doable.

Seems like you're full of shitty vendetta.

>> No.6351423

it's one thing to tell someone 'there's a delay in shipping because I'm sick' than 'there's a delay because I feel like having fun instead of running my service'

>> No.6351428

okay I can't be the only one sick of seeing bunnykittymk's posts all the time.

>> No.6351430

If you are "well" enough to go to concerts where the crowd is rough, you aren't sick enough to not walk to the post office.

>> No.6351458

Wow the amount of vendetta bullshit and jelly in this thread is amazing

>> No.6351464

>sales comm

You were surprised by this, how?

>> No.6351471


>> No.6351489

it's just because she buys up all the stock from closet child and resells it. If you're sick of seeing her posts then don't buy

>> No.6351514

Yeah, I'm sure that's it. Not that any of these people are shady in the least

>> No.6351531

Oh I know I am. I don't really care about how she buys out Closetchild, I never check there, so in some ways she's doing me a favor. My issue is how high she prices the items, never lowers and doesn't take offers even though I hear she buys them for really cheap.

Basically, I don't care that she profits, I just with she made reasonable selling prices.

>> No.6351611

god, I can't stand people who have no sense of value for their pricing.
etsy is so full of this.hipsters learn how to knit and immediately think they're ~fashun geniuses~ and can charge high prices...
every time i go there it's like "oh that's kind of a cute plain scarf how much is HAHAHAHAHA $85 bitch you tweakin"
so annoying

>> No.6351620

I'm so frustrated with Automatic Honey. I love their stuff but it's almost impossible to ever purchase a piece. They always sell out ASAP.

>> No.6351634

I follow lace treasures on twitter and she often posts about going to the hospital and pictures of her pills and being hooked up to IVs so I think it's legit.

>> No.6351637


Oh, and they never re-release a series once it has sold out. What is this gay shit, why isn't there another supplier of good acrylic jewelry :(

>> No.6351749


can't tell if we're talking about lace treasures or animerei anymore :/

>> No.6351788

Yeah this, seen pics of her pills before. I've also bought from her before on FB and she warned me about slow shipping so I was okay with it.

>> No.6351800

Pretty sure they're talking about lacetreasure now.

>> No.6351821

Probably candy since she's such a fat fuck.

>> No.6351880

She doesn't freak out loud that many people can see. But she bitches about customers all the time, even the one that she claimed to be 'friend' with. You can be so very patient as to wait 3 weeks for your package and then when you start the inquiry because, well, you happen to know she's planning a cosplay at a band's event, she would suddenly whine she sickness and says things like 'It's only 3 fucking weeks! These people just don't have respect for someone being so SICK I can die.'

IDK. She might be really sick sometimes, but if you're well enough to try power tripping in v-kei fan community, you can put the same afford in actually doing a 'service' to people who PAY you.

>> No.6351892

Try they again in English and post some proof. You went from asserting she's lying about being sick because you KNOOOOOOOW she is not, and now you're saying maybe she isn't lying.

Get your lame story straight and post proof or get the fuck out with your retarded vendetta and ignore her sales posts.

>> No.6351895

Seriously? Get the fuck out. Your pissed about her selling things she buys in closet child? or being slow about shipping even after she tells people "yo I'm slow at shipping please understand this." Using someone's weight as an insult is just the most idiotic level of critique and it sounds like some serious JELLY.

>> No.6351902

I don't even think she's fat lol. She wears brand.

>> No.6351903

>Try they again in English
Oh, Lisa. Calm down. :)

>> No.6351908


>> No.6351911

No she doesn't. She just scalps it.

>> No.6351913

Strike two

>> No.6351927

Lol strange I usually don't mess that one up :D

>> No.6351935

She must be whining somewhere if her friends are rushing in to defend her. She looks like an ogre and is the size of a whale. Go on a diet, stop lying, and stop scamming.

>> No.6351953

I said I don't know because I just don't know. People can be sick and then get better and do their jobs, don't they?

And before you ask for some 'proof', the proof lacetreasure posted in her twitter also doesn't proof anything. I can go and picture all the pills in my house for you, or the receipt from the hospital and whateverelse, but is that mean I'm dying sick and can use that as excuse for being shitty at my job all the time?

>> No.6351964

If you don't know then quit shitting up the board with your lies.

>> No.6352090

And you know that it's a lie because....?

>> No.6352161

And you know it's not? Why don't you message her yourself instead of being a pussy?

>> No.6352183

It's possible she might be sick BUT she is clearly lying about the severity. Like another anon said, she goes to music events, on a weekly basis if not more often. But claims her illness can keep her from mailing things for two-three weeks or more. Does that make sense?
Logically, if she can go play at events, she can stick something on the mail, right?

>> No.6352219

Yes it's very clear she's lying about the severity because an anon said she goes to concerts often.

Where is the proof of this? If she's posting about it somewhere then post the link as proof.

>> No.6352226

Does anybody know what her illness actually is?

>> No.6352233

Downs obviously

>> No.6352251

Found this on her LJ

>I received confirmation that I will require spine surgery (or else I will eventually no longer be able to walk).

>Shipping in general is delayed due to having difficulties getting around, plus all the testing I am going through. Due to numbness and pain, I spend a lot of the day laying down..

>> No.6352267

Being so fat you can't walk =! sick

>> No.6352355

If it's that bad, then maybe poor diddums shouldn't be going to concerts and getting beat on

>> No.6352357

Or beating people down, you mean.

>> No.6352358

I don't believe this at all.

>> No.6352369

Still waiting for pictures

>> No.6352386

If someone finds a picture of Animerei, you'll see she doesn't fit brand, she squeezes in to it.

>> No.6352401

Jesus Christ, I've got a degenerative spinal condition that will require surgery, etc. I don't even know this girl, but fuck. Just shut up and deal with the pain. I manage to hold a full time job, and no one knows how bad my spine is. My jimmies are rustled.

>> No.6352411

your case is the exact same as everyone else's

>> No.6352501

I'm not in this but she actually does wear brand-- I've seen it.

This is why I wasn't sure if we were talking about animerei or lacetreasures, because lacetreasures really isn't fat.. she fits into chess chocolate. I didn't think lacetreasures was the type of weeb animerei is who tries to grab dudes junk while they're performing

>> No.6352505

I'm so annoyed by the milanoo or whatever it is account (on LJ Lolita_2012) she responded on my WTB with Taobao dresses, not even close to the things I'm looking for. And even if I buy something from Taobao I would definitly use a less shady shopping service...

>> No.6352562

Sounds like you're just upset someone out there might deserve more sympathy than you for their health problems.
You poor baby. You try so hard.

>> No.6352603
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Not the one you replied to, but stop being such a little bitch.

>> No.6352607

Maybe anon should quit trying to attention whore for her obviously barely-painful condition by bitching about a girl who looks legitimately sick.

>> No.6352611

Again, sick enough to go to concerts several times a week? Hmm

>> No.6352638

We have way more proof that she's sick than we do proof she goes to all those concerts

>> No.6352658

not either of those anons Jesus hell you're a bitch.

>> No.6352690
File: 220 KB, 1651x795, nicecondition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh themugence

>> No.6352705

i don't get it? explain?

>> No.6352703

I'm sorry but whay implies that it's the same one?

>> No.6352711

i've only seen that hoodie exactly once, and if you look up the original sales post themugence is in it.


>> No.6352712

So wait, she bought it for $45 and is selling it for $50 Isn't she the one who bought a ruined Sugar Pansy and then sold it for like 5x as much?

>> No.6352714

if you read it carefully, the bottom of the description says the hoodie is $25.

>> No.6352722

In all fairness, the "ruined" sugar pansy wasn't actually ruined. The girl that sold it for 40 was being melodramatic.

>> No.6352729

Artsy anon here, I've been trying to get into the acrylic jewelry business, just need some good ideas. If anyone has any please let me know.

>> No.6352738

Still, if you're going to do this sort of thing atleast make another LJ name. That way no one will accuse you of this sort of thing.

>> No.6352743

I think they only make like, 1-2 of each (that they sell online, not in person) and that's why it sells out so quickly. If you think about it it's a good business model.. hype the shit out of your product and then under-supply so you can always guarantee selling everything

>> No.6352745

glad you put this up anon, i made a secret about her this week. bitchiest girl i've ever known in my life.

>> No.6352746

Someone posted the exact same thing on /cgl/ at least a month ago and asked for kawaii disabled lolita pictures

>> No.6353071

These girls will scam you with false paypal disputes and steal your ideas.

>> No.6353085

Dude, chill. I've sold plenty of OC before. I just don't want to be another run of the mill designer making APesque shit jewelries.

>> No.6353123

How does one get into making acrylic jewelry?

Doesn't it require a sort of large initial investment to get a factory to manufacture all the shapes and whatnot for you?

>> No.6353280

What has she done?

>> No.6353303

There are several places online that make pieces for about $1-$2 each, depending on size. With costs like that it's very easy to make back 5x what you spent on each piece.

>> No.6353767

There's www.ponoko.com but they don't have cute colors. If you find a place with good pastels, let me know. I'd also like to make some laser cut stuff, if only for myself.

>> No.6354596

bump for more dirt on lacetresure

>> No.6356035

I'm starting to hate the FB group since it's all the same people bumping/posting their items every day.

>> No.6356048

It's lacetreasures, you bitch. Learn to spell already.

>> No.6356065


>> No.6356069

My friend said she saw lacetreasure at a concert last night rofl

Too busy being desperate to post things she sells

>> No.6356076

Calm down Lisa. Go take a shower then take a nap. Your smelly and cranky.

>> No.6356488


Seriously? Selling Taobao accessories for nearly ten times their original price?

>> No.6356505

Not everyone like dealing with Taobao. Besides, this pretty much what every store in every mall does.

>> No.6356619


diffanon, $15 I could maybe understand, but not $25 freaking dollars

>> No.6356649

i'm not sure what the original prices are on taobao, but those prices are reasonable IMO. like i would be excited about how reasonably priced it is.

the thing about buying and selling stuff for profit is they take the time to deal with using a shopping service to even buy from taobao, pay for shipping twice, wait for it to ship, and then sell it. it's a lot of hassle, and if you're not making at least 2x what you paid for each item you're not making money.

but, that said, if you don't like the price don't buy it. if someone else sees it and deems it worthy of the cost and pays for it- good for them.

>> No.6356750


says the person who sold a a choker that they stole

>> No.6356845

That's a very good point, as Taobao shopping can be a royal pain in the ass, but those prices aren't reasonable. I have that red rose hairband, and while it's decent enough for what I paid for it, it's in no way worth $25. The roses aren't shaped very well, and there's a huge blob of glue visible where the metal charm has been attached. The page for it is here: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.0.71.ku5Uar&id=10695068057& just so you can see the original price for comparison.

Your last point is entirely correct, and people can buy whatever they want to with their money, but it still rubs me the wrong way as it feels like a noob trap.

>> No.6356992

I have the same one, complete with similarly overzealous hot glue action.
I also had to fix mine after the lace covering the headband started slipping off the first time I wore it out. No way is it worth $25.

>> No.6357002

that's really unfortunate, with that kind of craftsmanship yeah no way worth $25

like i feel like if you sell something for more than $10 you should not have visible glue at all. especially if it's not marketed as a hand-made item.

>> No.6358871


>> No.6358970

I've seen that hoodie pop up several times in the last couple of years. I also see it once in a while on auction sites. I'd also have you explain how the hoodies wear and tear magically got better when it supposedly switched owners. If you look closely, just from your pictures, the difference IS visible.

>> No.6361605

lacetreasure deleted her lj

>> No.6361612

How much do you have to samefag about this when no one else cares?
>inb4 lacetreasures
Just an anon who's tired of seeing the same thing over and over

>> No.6361670

she is scammer and lier

>> No.6362459

that's... hilarious.

you is.. idiot.

>> No.6362870

Looks like she just changed her username to "rosaire".

>> No.6362909

But she sold it after she bought that one didn't she? There's a comment from her buying it from the sales post.