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6345375 No.6345375[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What happened to Dakota Rose?

I haven't heard anything about her in ages, and I think her blog is gone. Her tumblr hasn't been updated.

>> No.6345397

she got sold to white slavery.

>> No.6345417

I just want to know what happened after she got those commercials in Japan and Korea.

>> No.6345425

I already told you she got sold to white slavery.

>> No.6345432

She went home to the US because she "had a virus". More like probably had no jobs.

>> No.6345440

She got eaten by Issei Sagawa.

>> No.6346569

her legs finally snapped and went up her ass

>> No.6346574

The bruises on her legs turned into one big body bruise and she died.

>> No.6346577

From what I know she is going back in November. She says she has a virus but what kind of virus is actually so bad that you have to fly back to your home country? And for less than a month?

>> No.6346586

dunno, but it was weird seeing her ads IRL. Just wandering through HomePlus and suddenly - Dakota!

>> No.6346587

i heard she bought 1000 dicks and sucked them all

>> No.6346599

Where in homeplus stores do you see Dakota ads? I go in there all the time but haven't seen them, but I never really look.

>> No.6346628

I wonder if the virus involves her trademark bruising.

>> No.6346668


Or of it's an STI.

>> No.6346705

She got fat and bald

>> No.6346714

Kiki tweeted that she caught it from dakota, so unless you're buying into incestuous fantasies, nope.
It's a vomiting bug - she probably doesn't want to complain about food contamination or anything because of the kimchi-gate.

>> No.6346718

Nice, thank the heavens that the bruising will never stop.

>> No.6346727

Why not stay in Tokyo though? Healthcare even without insurance in Japan is still cheaper than the US, and her family is poor as fuck

>> No.6347493

who's dakota rose?

>> No.6347509

So the whole drama about her quickly blew over. Now she's a nobody in Japan. Any new work in the past few months except Anita Arenberg?

>> No.6347587

So... she has a contagious flu bug and sent her in an enclosed space for 14+ hours while most likely going through various different airports...

Erm.... no. If it was just a stomach bug she could have stayed in Japan, I'm sure Bravo has some sort of insurance for their models (I'd hope).

Her visa was up and she was sent back home. Maybe the virus and going back is a strange coincidence.

>> No.6347597

"coincidence" amirite? i would ask if she has a BA to get a work visa but she's displayed her stupidity a bit too much for that answer to ever be a yes

>> No.6347637

I don't even think she has her diploma or a GED or anything.

>> No.6347673
File: 231 KB, 884x669, dakota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> kiki
> dakota
> incestous fantasies
You asked for this
She went home to make AVs with Kiki for a month

>> No.6347675

Shes supposed to be 16. Remember?

>> No.6347681

Isn't she like 23 already?
How long is she going to be sixteen, she's like three years older than me and I'm now "older".

>> No.6347683

*"older" than her

>> No.6347698

its common knowledge that she and kiki dropped out and were "homeschooled"

>> No.6347696
File: 28 KB, 284x700, 1325233176319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I'm sorry, but obligatory......

>> No.6347701

It's so weird seeing her original self with her edited self.

Last I heard was that she got some gig in Japan, seemed to embarrass herself because they didn't edit their copy of the video she was in while she did.
It was kind of funny though because random people knew who she was and were openly laughing.
She even blocked the company's video from her youtube and other blog.
Maybe she got tired of being a fool in two countries, if she's leaving Tokyo like everyone says she is.

>> No.6347706

What video was this?

>> No.6347708

Also, halp, I need the other Twilight one that talks about her not eating. I had it and I have no idea where it is now.

>> No.6347717

She had an entertainer visa probably, far as I know they're very short term

>> No.6347720


>> No.6347721

I can't seem to find the unedited version but here is hers http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=G7T7-CbNci4
It's different video than this but she already deleted it. It was released around the same time.

I was on a hate koti rose blog and the original was there because I didn't know who the hell she was in like august so I looked her up.

>> No.6347728



>> No.6347759

Thanks for finding it but I really wished it was the one I saw so you could see what the street people where saying.

btw I stumbled upon and interesting blog showing practically her entire life in one post(including official doc.).

>> No.6347760

oops, forgot the link.

>> No.6347782

did you guys see her doing her ~runway walk~ for ufufu girls?

So embarrassing

>> No.6347786

The link I posted was attached to her ED article. I didn't read the whole thing, but the video you are referencing might be in there

>> No.6347789

So... is Dakota signed to IMG models?

>> No.6347795

no, she's too short for them. I think is a lie to make her seem more famous then she really is.

>> No.6347794

oohhh link?

>> No.6347810


Jump to about 45:30

Thats what I thought too, also the website is such a shitty design. I feel like a modeling agency known for signing some of the top super models would not have their websites look so web 1.0

>> No.6347812

Poster child for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

>> No.6347826

That's...really terrible

awkward walk, the dress looks so unflattering and the way she tries to interact with the bear and stuff made me cringe

>> No.6347838

i think a family member made it for her. Its different from her more "Kawaii" blog, she may be going towards a new trend or trying to be more serious. She wants to be famous in the US above all and i doubt they would want her the way she is now.

>> No.6347833

not to mention when they're walking back off it looks like she really just wants to leave the bear there and exit right then lol

>> No.6347839


>> No.6347841
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>> No.6347849
File: 173 KB, 841x952, OeUu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6347853


Nope. And she's still listed under the Japanese section of Bravo's website, with a purple star under her picture. I thought they got hella mad when she showed up in Japan looking nothing like her pics?

>> No.6347855

I know I would if I was there, the little bit I did see was horrible...and I mean with the other models too. wth was that? Am I spoiled because I watch real god dam runway shows?

So you see where I'm coming at mentally compare this video with VS runway shows.

>> No.6347861

how did she not think that far in advance?

>go to japan and expect them to ignore your sudden transformation

>> No.6347865

they probably were, she had a contract by then tho. Remember they signed her based on her after effects videos.

>> No.6347868

I think Japanese runway shows are just a lot more fun, and happy, and cutsey and so ~fierce~ like western ones.

Even the girls before her were way better by just being cute and flirty. Dakota looks like a stick stuck in a box that can move her arms only in two directions

>> No.6347872

Dakota has inspired me really. is that bad?

>> No.6347873

huh? no it isn't?
The dress is from the uffufu commercial where she's supposed to look like a tiny faerie/sprit/really tiny doll

>> No.6347888


>> No.6347889

She probably has to come back because she forged a passport.


>> No.6347927

Reading this made me go and look at my own passport. My photo does the exact some thing at the bottom. Her's is a lot more pronounced, but it does look like my should it sort of "hanging off" the white background.

>> No.6347938

(same person) However, I will add that my first and last name are on two separate lines unlike hers. Did they change this in the last 4 years?

>> No.6347940

What song is playing when she comes on?

>> No.6347941

the ugly pink dress is from ufufu girls for some sort of makeup campaign
she wore it in a commercial where they shooped her face thinner but forgot about her chin, so she looks like PT+one of those child pagent photos
it looks hilarious

>> No.6347945

Diana Ross "You Can't Hurry Love"

>> No.6347956

its its belived she had two passport, her reall one and the fake one she used in the video.
I mean have you noticed that as soon as something wierd about her behavior is brought up, she comments/acts on it?
>we say she can be a US C cup
>Does video with her boobs hanging out
>She can be 16
>video with passport in it
>She is not fluent in Japanese
>Hair video has unnecessary intro involving her talking in Japanese

plus i wanna know what she did on her bday as well.

>> No.6347954

Its already been proven a million times over that her passport is legit. Or at least all the "inconsistencies" have been proven to show up on legit passports.

>> No.6347961

I was actually saying that it looked legit because my passport does the same.

>> No.6347968

does this mean shes aging agian?
to lazy to translate her blog but it said shes finally 17

>> No.6347981

well her bday was last month, so yea she would have to update it. So yes she is aging. maybe she is 17, maybe the shit she did was because her parents were shitty. But you have to admit she is a old looking 17 year old. All that bad behavior from before rubbed her the wrong way.
I'm 18 and i look younger than her, i look at least 14/15.

>> No.6347984


>> No.6347988

My bad, I went back and listened and it's a remake. But you should be able to find it that way.

>> No.6347986

>i look at least 14/15.
... That's what you think.
Everyone wants to think they look younger. In reality, most people I've heard say that look exactly their age.

Personally I think Dakota looks her age. Maybe 18, but definitely not over that.

>> No.6347995

the petticoat is horribly screwed up.

>> No.6347999

peoples opinion of themselves tend to be biased.

>> No.6348001

i've been told that i do,
dakota to me looks sick. It could just be the enivorment she has been in at home and then she gets thrust into the life of a model where she has no exprenice in how to handle it made her look worse.

>> No.6348010

No no no!
I watched the ufufu runway models.
I didn't expect that 'call me maybe' thing to be on it.
Japanese runways don't seem very professional at all. All that goofing and dancing about.

>> No.6348017

well it wasn't really a high fashion show
it was more commercial
and with Japan, it seems brands like that want to sell their clothes and "persona" ufufu seems to like "genki" fashionable young girl sort of persona/market so they set their shows as such

>> No.6348027

She stated like, two weeks before, that she would be heading back to the US. Even the night before she left, she was out at some party. Her work visa is only good for 3 months at a time, then she has to leave the country and then re-enter.

She just happened to get sick when she got back to the states.

>> No.6348029

Ah I see.
It's a shame Dakota walked like a robot, I suppose they probably wanted her skipping and smiling like the rest.
I think she must have been really nervous though because she threw the teddy so early, you normally only rush things that bad when you're terrified.

>> No.6348031

In a high fashion show it's normal. "XYZ Girls Collection" is geared toward women in teens-twenties so the models have to be relatable. And Japan has a big culture of "reader models", normal ish girls off the street modeling for magazines and fashions they wear irl

>> No.6348039

She got stung by a bee.

>> No.6348195

I never knew any of this. I just found her youtube channel a while ago and thought she was just a normal cute girl. w-what the fuck man.

>> No.6348217

Or her company isn't paying for her to have a work visa at all. A tourist visa is good for 3 months.

>> No.6348269

Can't work or get paid on a tourist visa, doubt Bravo would break the law