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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 38 KB, 500x407, tumblr_mcemh3PGr51qe8515o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6347535 No.6347535 [Reply] [Original]

I'm really not buying the whole "I'm not anorexic you guys! Don't you dare use me for thinspo!" that Choke is pulling all the time. It's obvious she suffers from an eating disorder, not only does she go on fasts, she also posts pictures like this. Stick legs and prominent collarbones, she could've shown off her pants in a different and non triggering way, but she poses in a way to make her seem extra skinny. This is definite proof that Choke is anorexic.

>> No.6347542

jesus fuck does she even squat

>> No.6347546

she reminds me of felice fawn saying she doesnt want people to use her pics for thinso

you know it makes them happier than anything in the world to know people are starving themselves to resemble them

>> No.6347553

Exactly, this is less over the top, but quite comparable to the picture Felice took to show off her new wig.. in her underwear while bending over to look at skinny as possible.

This is clearly meant as thinspo

>> No.6347556

My collarbone sticks out like that, and I weigh 150. Go away with your vendetta shit.

>> No.6347558

But you don't have stick arms and legs and showing them to look extra thin, are you?

>> No.6347570

*do you

>> No.6347567

Learn to grammar.

>> No.6347574

You know, I like Choke and I usually stick up (read: whiteknight) for her, but c'mon. Pictures exactly like that one are posted a thousand times over on every thinspo blog. Complaining about it and then posting pictures like this kind of screams of attention-whoring. :/

>> No.6347573

I used to be choke thin and I admit to taking photos like that to show off how thin I was, and post them.

I'd take photos of my thigh gap, or jutting my collar bones, etc

It's a bragging contest, essentially. A dangerous one.

>> No.6347579

In a weird way I expect that from her because she does have a job where she has to conform to a particular look and then spam the shit out of it.

It's like I want to blame her for how she is, but if I were in the same position as her then I would probably be doing the same things, including the attention whoring.
And this is coming from a person that seriously dislikes her personality too.

>> No.6347586

She doesn't post pictures of herself that often though, if she would do so because she wants attention then wouldn't she spam herself the whole time and the thinspo tags?

Let's not forget this girl is mentally retarded, she might be blissfully ignorant about what thinspo looks like

>> No.6347588

If you're so concerned with anorexics using this for thinspo, you shouldn't have posted here. This is vendetta. If you are mad at her for posting the picture, tell her yourself.


>> No.6347613

The jelly fatty vendetta is obvious here. Google pictures of real anorexics. She is what, 5'9", 5'10" ? Her body wieght looks fine for that hieght. I think OP is so used to seeing their own fat ass reflection that anything less than chubby is OMG anorexic.

>> No.6347624

Does she have an adderall script, or use meth? That's the only other reason someone wouldn't eat for days. Shit makes it hard to eat solid food yo.

>> No.6347638

Gonna need another picture of her, because this one has me unconvinced. People's weights sit differently from person to person, I got super tiny boney wrists from my dad, and if you looked at just them I'd def look underweight. But the rest of my body is fine, I'm 5'6", 116lbs and have 34DD breasts.

tl;dr: Nothing about her body in this photo looks unhealthily skinny. But if there's something more to this story, please speak up.

>> No.6347635

I have no opinion about choke, but fasting and visible collarbones do not denote anorexia.

>> No.6347686
File: 40 KB, 367x512, 1306040001791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Choke, a real model
>models being anorexic

Sure are grasping at straws for drama lately.

Damn I want those pants, but not even my chicken legs could pull those off. (Errr, put those on)

>> No.6347687

Choke is a professional model and is about 5'10 and probably your same weight. She has a 22 inch waist. At 5'10. She's naturally thin, but still has to diet to be thinner is what I recall her writing on her tumblr. She's a high end fashion model so of course it makes sense.

>> No.6347700

Sounds like the general run for models. They don't want you to look *severely* underweight, but they want you underweight. Meh. I think the thing that got me the most about OP's post was the collar bone and leg thing, implying almost every woman doesn't have some definition to her collarbones, and that her thighs aren't a typical model shape.

>> No.6347716
File: 41 KB, 195x195, kermitthinksyouareafuckingretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6347762

You stupid, petty, jealous bitches.
She is standing still and raising her leg to show off the pattern on her jeans, how in anyway is that supposed to be triggering? So it's okay if a fat chick or an average sized chick poses that way, but the second a skinny person does it it's "OMG MUH PRIVILEGE U ANOREXIC WHORE, STAHP TRIGGERIN MEH".
Grow the fuck up all of you.

>> No.6347767

I didn't see anyone say anything about triggers.

She doesn't look anorexic to me, however.

>> No.6347775

I'm about that skinny and I don't have an eating disorder... actually I'm eating Oreoss right now.

Some people just have that body type and are more healthy/exercise more...

>> No.6347776

>Shown off pants in a non-triggering way

You had me til then. Nice try.

>> No.6347777

If any of you have seen or follow thinspo blogs, you'd realize how this fills all the little things they look for.

Black and white, either no face or obscured (usually by hair or a camera phone), and an angular sort of pose. You'll find photos just like this everywhere on thnspo blogs.

I don't know Choke outside of seeing threads on CGL, but a 22 inch waist at 5'10, no matter your build, doesn't seem right.

I have a small build and at 98 pounds and 5'1, my waist is nearly 24 inches. I don't have a boxy/apple body shape either.

>> No.6347780

A 22 inch waist on someone that's 5'10 and above is not "natural."
Sorry, but no.
Maybe she doesn't purge, but we all have seen her in past threads talking about her fastings and the fact that she does severe calorie restrictions. This girl does not need to be fasting and it's obvious she does it to land modeling gigs.
It's like the opposite of when fatties say they don't eat a lot when in reality they do.

People with eating problems have a delusional perception of how they actually eat.

>> No.6347781

OP's post: >she could've shown off her pants in a different and non triggering way

>> No.6347798

Oh my god this thread
>>Model shows off her pants with model/skinny pose
>>See girls showing off their fat rolls AOKAY

>>Skinny not allowed to be a body type
>>>Fat allowed to be "natural" body ttype

This thread

I can't believe this thread is okay but pixy threads are not!

>> No.6347802

I don't know who this girl is, but she doesn't look anorexic in the picture. Thin, but a healthy thin, it looks like. From that picture, she looks about the same size as me and pretty proportional. Any other pics? What is her tumblr?

>> No.6347808

But she's not "naturally" like this, especially if she diets and has a caloric deficiency.

You seriously lack common sense.

>> No.6347811

Going through her blog, she has these pants for sale http://chokelate.tumblr.com/post/33898058158/id-like-to-sell-this-quickly-i-recently#post-notes

She says they're too small and lists the measurements, giving the waist as 66 cm (26 inches) so yeah she doesn't have a 22 inch waist.

>> No.6347818

>>My father and step mom are in the sports/heath arena
>>Both fast occasionally for clenses and health reasons, always restrict calories and diet.
>>Real mom is an ex model whose job it was to be thin. If she gained she'd loose contracts, had no eating disorder.
Fuck your shit it's her job to look after her calories and be thin. If she didn't she would be out of work just like anyone else in these types of positions.

>> No.6347823

Hey cool, let's get into fasting. So does that mean Catholics, Eastern Orthodoxes, and Jews all have eating disorders?

No you amazing jackass, you can fast for a million fucking reasons, and if she's a model, GUESS WHAT THEY TELL YOU TO DO.

>> No.6347824

you're body is designed to funnction at caloric deficiancy. You can ONLY know what your true size is if you eat at -500 and then plautau. Most people will never know because they typically eat at maintaince or above for their current weight not their natural weight.

>> No.6347822

Does your mom and dad have 22 inch waists too?
Apples to oranges.
You're comparing a model that fasts and doesn't eat much on a routine basis to two average folks who do it every now and then to keep themselves healthy.
Fuck -your- shit.

>> No.6347831

They don't fast all the time, fool. Confirmed for knowing shit about religion, don't bring them into this.

No...no it's not. No matter what tumblr tells you, they are wrong.

>> No.6347837

This shit needs to be screencapped and posted to /fit/.
Fucking morons in this thread.

>> No.6347840

It's not apples to oranges you jackass. My father is 57 and impossibly fit for his age (according to his doctor) and my stepmother has a 25 inch waist at 47 years old. So yes it works, no it's not unhealthy if you do it a professional way. Actors do this too and so do models. They have to know how to gain and loose quickly in a relatively healthy way so that they can get and keep jobs.
So again fuck-your-shit. BTW there is no such thin as a "natural" waist (by the definition that you're using, a waist that remains the same despite exercise and diet).

>> No.6347850

25" isn't really that small

>> No.6347851

25 inches is not 22.
A man's body is different from a woman's body.

Your parents are fit.
Chokelate most likely is not, not a scrap of muscle on that girl.

Actors and actresses do indeed do fasting but it is NOT good for their bodies you simpleton! They have tons of health issues that go along with gaining and losing excessive amounts of weight within weeks or months to land roles. The difference is they have a shitton of money for doctors, physical health specialists, plastic surgeons, and makeup artists to cover up the damages.
Again, that's an apples to oranges argument.

You're a naive twat. And I'm not the one who mentioned "natural waists" so fuck you.

>> No.6347852

For being a model, I don't really see any photos of Choke on her tumblr, unless I'm looking at the wrong one.

>> No.6347863


>> No.6347859

Just cause they do it doesn't make it healthy, you dumb piece of shit.

I swear /cgl/ out of all boards, you have the influx of the stupidest fucking people to have ever walked this earth.

>> No.6347877

I'd be so sad if some poor girl used my photo for thinspo. I'm really underweight and It's done nothing but fuck up my life.

>> No.6347878

I follow nothing but thinspo blogs to see how it would effect me on a day to day basis. A sorta experiment on my self-esteem. OP's pic is no where close to the images I see day to day on there. In fact, she seems average in that picture. If her measurements are 22' waist then that would be oddly small at her height, but this pic doesn't show that off.

Models in general are triggering. Anorexia was a problem way before tumblr, assholes. Pick up an issue of Vogue.

>> No.6347883

Not everyone that is super skinny is anorexic.
I'm 6'2"
I have to eat about 5k calories a day (nutritionally balanced) to keep up with my metabolism and to KEEP myself at 150lbs.
That's more than twice the average intake of the average person.
If I want to gain weight I have to bump over 5k.

>> No.6347885
File: 72 KB, 368x437, toby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Chokelate was in Dutch Vogue

>> No.6347891

Anon didn'tt mention natural waists it seemed, and it also looks like someone pissed in your cherrioes. Why not calm the fuck down, some people are willing to ruin their bodies for fashion/jobs/whatever and that's really not your problem or your business.
(Also your clear intense rage is making you look more like a twat than the other misinformed anon here)

>> No.6347893

My bad.

Can't post anything because it will trigger someone.

>> No.6347894

Right!!! I'm 5'6 and 148lbs and I probably eat 700 calories per day. With one hour of jogging, I maintain 140 and still consume under 1k of calories. Fat bitches gunna fat...or something.

>> No.6347897

Butthurt samefag.

>> No.6347901

Dude, they said their dad was fit and their mom had a 25 waist. Stop freaking out, I don't think they meant it was healthy to do it, just there are ways to do it that are healtheir (most likely the doctor supervision you mentioned).

>> No.6347902

That's too low a deficit for your height and weight you tard.
Read the sticky and do it right.
And then if you still don't lose weight then see a doctor.

>> No.6347904

are you active at all?
Most guys I know who are 5'11-6'3 eat around 3000-5000 a day and aside from the football player/wrestler/whatever the fuck he does
none of them are above 180
so 5k isn't THAT amazing unless you really do live a sedentary lifestyle

>> No.6347905

The ()'s at the end of your paragraphs make you a really obvious samefag, js.

>> No.6347910

who cares, i hope it triggers you to lose some weight.


>> No.6347911

I know she was. Was it the cover? I know she's been in Vogue ads. She's very triggering as a MODEL. She's a high end fashion model that maintains the standards of the industry.

>> No.6347912


Click on the about me section

"I've started my own store in 2011 after I couldn't work because my hair broke off. "

So wait, does she work as a model anymore outside of her own store?


I follow a few, and the photos vary. I can definitely see this as being on a thinspo blog, even if you don't see a bunch of bones or ribs. Some blogs post more extreme photos of people near death, but that doesn't mean this photo wouldn't be used as well for thinspo.

>> No.6347908

No u.
You're the one flipping a bitch, why you even so mad. Fattie gon fat?

>> No.6347914

>bawww I got caught samefaggin' fatties everywharrr ablooblooo :'(

>> No.6347919

700 calories vs 5,000 calories
half my income goes to food ><
Before I got my job and could afford food I had to cut my intake down to 1,500 calories a day. I dropped 15 pounds in a month...

>> No.6347920

I'm not doing it right at all and ... I don't care. I jog in the mornings and eat very little and I tend to maintain a rather high body weight. I'm okay with this.

>> No.6347918

I suspect anon thinks she's only eating 700-1k when in reality shes probably consuming double

it's a really common mistake, mostly because people will forget something they ate that day or unconsciously snack on something and not "count" it as anything or otherwise forget about it
or anon could even be doing tard diet for a few days-a week and then has a day or 2 of large meals again not "counting" it in

>> No.6347928

ah, that's why she cut her hair off
I thought it was for a gig/her management thought it would get her more gigs

>> No.6347922

Look at me like a twat. I'd rather be a dick who knows their shit than a dumbass who's as dense as a brick.

>> No.6347931

I don't know if she really does have a 22-inch waist. Seriously, I think that was something she exaggerated.

I have a 22 inch waist at 5'3", and people are always commenting on it. I couldn't image someone 7 inches taller than me having one. Most models her height don't even have a waist that small.

Why isn't anyone considering the fact that she lied about it? It's waaaaay more plausible. I agree with this >>6347811

>> No.6347933

Nope. I don't sports.
The only physical activities I do are walk 200 feet from my apartment over to the Engineering Research Building every day.

>> No.6347939

You are way too mad
Now can we get back to model and anna shit? I'm tired of you two shitting up a choke thread.

>> No.6347935

Yup! :D I save tooons of money on food. I also don't get many hunger pains, so over eating has never been a problem for me. Maybe its a metabolism or thyroid problem? I really enjoy eating little because I have so many stomach issues.

>> No.6347936
File: 132 KB, 600x1067, more cannes - 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a girl who was in Italian vogue. I think we'll agree she is not ridiculously skinny. They seem to be really cutting down on that shit these days.

what is chokes modelling name anyway?

>> No.6347943

One of the skinniest models I know at the moment is Erin Heatherton, and her waist is 24.5 inches. Choke likely lied about it.

>> No.6347949

>Erin Heatherton
>skinniest model
lol no
24.5" is pretty small, but it's really not all that small
and neither is Erin, she's typical VS esque body. Nothing wrong with it, but she is far from 'skinniest model"

>> No.6347957

Bitch, can you read?
>skinniest models I know
Not the world's skinniest model.

I just looked up a bunch of them, and their waists are all 24-26 inches.

>> No.6347973

Man this kinda thread really does show /cgl/s true colors.

>> No.6347979

Fatty is jelly

>> No.6347983

Looks attainable. Not sure if legit

>> No.6347994

you said "one of the skinniest" which is really not true
Most models sit around 23-24.5" unless they do more swimsuit/lingerie in which case 24-25.5" is common

>> No.6347998

I said "one of the skinniest models I KNOW"

Why are you deleting certain words from my sentence to misconstrue it? Erin Heatherton is literally the skinniest model I know. There are skinnier, but I DO NOT KNOW THEIR NAMES. HENCE THE LAST PART OF MY SENTENCE.

The level of retard in this one is high lol.

>> No.6348002


This generation is a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.6348008
File: 90 KB, 320x304, Picture 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which is not a very good argument

>> No.6348014

It doesn't even matter. Most of them are around that range. Go look anyone up. Kate Moss, who is known to be one of the skinniest models, had a waist of 23 inches during her prime.

Chokelate IS likely lying about it or exaggerating. I think what was meant is that that one model cited looks the size of Choke, and her waist is measured larger. Meaning Choke's is probably not that size.

>> No.6348023
File: 52 KB, 500x400, tumblr_m7pkbq0EBg1qe8515o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the body of an anorexic.

End of argument.

>> No.6348026

When it comes to models waist sizes 23" is very different from 24.5" in the modeling world
big difference

there's quite a few models with waists smaller than 23", but there's many more that fit in 23.5"-24.5"

I would say it's better to argue that 22" is what she was while doing high fashion shoots and is more likely around 23-23.5" now

>> No.6348030

>there's quite a few models with waists smaller than 23", but there's many more that fit in 23.5"-24.5"

Like who? I'm curious....

>> No.6348045

Gisele Bundchen-22.8/23
Karolina Kurkova-23
Gemma Ward-23.5"
Devon Aoki-23"
Alessandra Ambrosio-22"
22" is uncommon
but it happens

>> No.6348047

what's with the triggering bullshit lately? Get off the internet and get into therapy if an image 'triggers' anything.

>> No.6348049

Wow, you just made all of that up, or hunted for 1 site out of 100 that listed them as those low measurements.

Almost all those models are measured at 24-26 except Devon Aoki, and she's 5'5".

So much for your "quite a few models" under 23... you weren't able to find a single legitimate one.

More evidence Choke is lying.

>> No.6348055
File: 105 KB, 427x640, goo_hara_tumblr_kyoxf3pljw1qzjftho1_500_zrGHmQ7.sized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is what a 22 in waist looks like. none of those models have a 22 in waist. it's all made up by their companies or people guessing. none of their waists are as small as Goo Hara'sm whose waist has been measured on tv a number of times at 22 ins

>> No.6348064

Gisele is 25'
Gemma is 24'
Says their agency at least

>> No.6348071

Both of them are listed as 26 actually on a few agencies... and you know that a lot of them are going to underreport the measurements at their "starvation" weight that they go into before shows/runway.

>> No.6348081



>> No.6348092

Fabrication and lies. Gisele in particular is known in the industry for having quite a wide waist. She can contort her body and pose her ass off to make it look smaller, but im pretty sure its around 27'. Dont believe everything you read. The powers that be would have you believe that models and actresses have some kind of unnattainable, goddess like beauty that us peasants couldnt possibly get. For example, according to her 'dressmaker' Marilyn Monroe had a '23 inch waist' (which she totally didn't).

>> No.6348109

A thousand times this statement.

My waist is 22 inches if I haven't eaten lately, and 23-24 immediately after eating. It's a looooot smaller than people think, and definitely a lot smaller than any of the famous models (because of their heights - I am short). Whenever I'm wearing tight clothes, people stare and comment on it all the time.

I've also seen other girls here post pictures of their 22-23 inch waists during measurement threads, and you NOTICE it. It doesn't look at all like those models.

But the industry and other people toss around the number so often. It's total bullshit. Almost no one of model height can have a waist that small. Their ribcages and bones altogether are enlargened to support them.

>> No.6348114

Model's waists seem larger than they are because of their low hip ratios in comparison. Hourglass figures usually have their waists noticed rather than those with a smaller waist.

>> No.6348129

That's very true. But still, I don't think that hip/waist ratio makes an incredible difference.

The fact is that overall, those women are larger than most women because of their heights. They are damn skinny and fit, yes, but they're bodies are going to be on a larger scale. Same with their waists. It's well known that they lie about their measurements, and there is no way their waists are as small as the itty bittiest girl at 5'3" or 5'1". It's just small compared to their heights.

>> No.6348139

Eugh. Spelling mistakes, sorry.

What I'm TRYING to say is that the thinnest girls on the shorter end of the height scale have waists around 21-23 inches.

It therefore doesn't make sense that the thinnest girls on the taller end of the height scale have waists that size. Their entire bodies are larger - their waists will also be. They need to have larger ribs, heart, lungs, intestines, stomachs, kidneys, spleens, etc. All of that has to fit, and their waists will be accordingly larger.

>> No.6348145

She did have a 23 inch waist though :/
And really, thats not so unbelievable. Monroe was only about 5'5. 23 inches would be totally proportionate.

>> No.6348149

You have no idea what a 23 inch waist looks like if you think THAT is one.

>> No.6348154
File: 276 KB, 824x1180, tumblr_m0fk3hYQzK1qg03pro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marilyn M didnt have no damn 23" waist. Stop buying into that nonsense. Anybody could look at her and tell she wasnt as ridiculously curvacious as she was made out to be. Her body was average and truthfully unremarkable, and her measurements were exagerated to make her seem more desirable. Now HERE is a 23" waist.

>> No.6348158

Dem curves.

>> No.6348162

I'm about 5'8 and I've had a 23" waist before
granted I was around 112lbs which isn't an unheard of model height/weight (although less now that they're beginning to be more strict with the whole BMI thing), now I'm about 118 and about 24-24.5"
so it really isn't impossible if you're tall...
though they would have to be severely underweight to get a waist like that if they're really tall
isn't choke only 5'9?

>> No.6348161

Looks bigger than that.

>> No.6348164

Nope. Thats June Palmer. Her whole claim to fame was having a tiny waist. 38-23-37.

>> No.6348166

Celebrities exaggerate and lie all the time. It's marketing schemes to make her more famous.

>> No.6348167

she looks like she had rib removal surgery

>> No.6348168

Actually, someone measured the actual garments she wore before an auction and the average measurement was 22". Yes, she probably wore a girdle as well to get her waist that small, and yes her weight did fluctuate, but at one point she fitted into a dress with a waist of 22".


>> No.6348173


I'm 5'5" and that isn't short at all. I'm very slim and my natural waist is 26" which is considered very small for my height. Marilyn did NOT have a 23" waist, it's even been confirmed as a lie.

>> No.6348171
File: 17 KB, 255x357, cathe-jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, how thin of a waist do you need to have before the internet will consider you "acceptably skinny?"

Not a feminist cunt, just sick of seeing thin girls starve themselves to be accepted

>> No.6348172

Underweight does not = anorexic
Thin does not = anorexic.

I fucking hate you all.

>non-triggering way
OP please die in a fire. This is either a troll thread or a vendetta peanut butter jelly mad thread.

>> No.6348177
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 160539-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For better reference, 22 inches. Up front, it's about the same length as a dvd case.

(I guess that would differ for some people, depending on the width vs depth of their waists)

>> No.6348181

Her dressmaker confirmed it himself.

Height: 5 feet, 5½ inches
Weight: 118-140 pounds
Bust: 35-37 inches
Waist: 22-23 inches
Hips: 35-36 inches
Bra size: 36D


>> No.6348182

Thats probably with shapewear, girdles, corsets and all that.
Who do i have to kill to get a body like that?

>> No.6348186

>that feel when forever a banana with man-shoulders instead of a curvy vixen

>> No.6348185

I believe she goes by Nina Aurora

>> No.6348187

rib removal and probably lipo

>> No.6348189
File: 171 KB, 1280x1311, mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok,sure. And im the queen of england. She was a small C at best.

>> No.6348192
File: 917 KB, 500x333, somethingsgottagive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even that anon but you sound really angry for no reason. she was a tiny little person, and it makes sense for her to have had a proportionately small waist, especially if she wore girdles as commonly as most women did. my waist is 26" and i'm 5'10, why on earth couldn't hers be 3" smaller at 7" shorter?

>> No.6348193
File: 129 KB, 1280x1170, mm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, id say a large B. I hate to sound like a 'hater', but come on. Busty and buxom she wasnt (although she did a good job tricking the masses with padding and push up bras.)

>> No.6348197

This is true. People are generally taller and bigger than a few decades ago. This has a lot to do with better nutrition.

>> No.6348200

Someone copypaste dvds onto all these women lol!

>> No.6348203


36 band size and a 23" waist? BULL.SHIT.
If that was true she would have such an unbelievably defined waist, and whilst she is slim her waist is nothing remarkable and unexpected of a woman who stands at 5'5".

>> No.6348206

Her bust size was actually 34in. It was all about T & A

Captcha: forecast TIT emic

>> No.6348213


>Implying women's sizes mean anything

A size 14 in 1960 is a size 20 now. Come on guys, this is the cosplay forum, you should know how the clothing industry works: fat bitches buy your brand if you tell them they're a medium, and they repeated the process so much that clothing sizes mean diddly squat.

>> No.6348214


These are the only waists I've seen in this thread that appear under 23 inches. Everything else... not even close.

>> No.6348233


>> No.6348242

Lol'd, but no.

>> No.6348254

OP is fucking cray cray

>> No.6348278
File: 108 KB, 500x281, 1327111443799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched this documentary the other day. Guh. Her x-rays were horrendous.

>> No.6348317

I have a 23-inch waist and I don't look as small as these people from the front; I'm wide as fuck all around but my torso disappears from the side. One needs to take into account what people look like from many angles to say whether or not the waist size claim matches the actual waist size.

>> No.6348321

I meant to say "all over," not "all around," derp. I meant on all measurement dimensions (bust 32, waist 23, hips 31) but look much wider if you're looking at me straight on.

>> No.6348327

At 23 inches hun, it's not going to be that big of a difference. There isn't much room to differ on to begin with. So you're like 1 inche wider from the front, and 1 inches narrower from the side. Hardly noticeable.

>> No.6348330

you probably look wider because you are a upside down triangle/banana and probably don't have much waist definition

>> No.6348350

OP, you're really, really reaching here.

>> No.6348352
File: 9 KB, 139x369, wideasfuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me. I don't think I'm fat or anything but I look closer to maybe 34-26 or something, definitely a few inches wider than what I actually measure.

>> No.6348353

>looks attainable

That's an average body, not something that should be considered "attainable" like it's some hard thing to get but "hey, still possible!".

>> No.6348364
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 160429-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I don't know! Are you sure you are measuring correctly? Above your belly button?

Also your clothes aren't that tight in that picture, so it's hard to tell :). And you aren't standing next to anything so there's no comparison. But you do look quite small too!

Here from the side, 22 inches.

>> No.6348370

This reminded me of that one model in ANTM whose waist one of the judges could fit into his hands. It was quite... creepy.

I'm still mad jelly.

>> No.6348377

Yep, right above my bellybutton. I was also measured recently for a fashion event and it came out 23." Also, that dress is a Yolanda XXL, so I have that belt cinched right down to my waistline so it doesn't look weird and baggy. I'm just really wide, but from the side I look smaller than your image. Bodies are just weird.

>> No.6348381

Ahhh okay! It seems like for you, you have a larger frame but less body fat (frame makes you wider from front, less body fat makes you narrower from side)

Whereas I have a smaller frame, but more body fat. It really depends on how you're built!

>> No.6348382

The waist measurement there is the waistband though. It sits lower than the natural waist, so yeah the smallest part of her waist could still be 22" even with those pants being too small.

>> No.6348401

It actually makes me kind of sad because the two body types I idealize are dramatically curvy like in >>6348154
or small and delicate and I really can't be either; if I lose weight I just get really bony. bawwwww life is hard.

>> No.6348429
File: 13 KB, 300x300, putintears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw large shoulders
>tfw no amount of weight loss will fix it

>> No.6348431

But how tall are you?

>> No.6348451

Why is that any reason to insult her? You can't always tell that someone has an eating disorder by their weight, anyway. I'm overweight, and I've been bolemic for years. You wouldn't be able to tell by looking at me, mostly because my weight swung up by 50 pounds the last time I attempted to recover.

All of that aside, why do people really feel the need to rag on her? She seems nice enough. The worst I've heard of her doing is insulting people for their weight, and pick apart crappy cosplays, but that that could just be a way that she makes herself feel better. If she did have an eating disorder, she would have insecurities and self loathing out the ass, so treating some people shitty might be the only outlet she has for her issues.

>> No.6348459

Having your own issues isn't a get out of jail free card to rag on other people.

That's like saying you should let bullies bully people if they have a bad home life.

What goes around comes around.

>> No.6348463

Could be frame size, could also be how your rib cage and hip bones are spaced. Like I have a 23" waist too but my ribs and hips nearly touch, so it looks much wider and less defined than it could.

>> No.6348485

re-read OP's post

>> No.6348493


I'm not saying it makes it right, but she's only human. Ad to that stress the fact that she works in a degrading and competitive industry. She probably hears catty remarks and insults all day long, and it might follow her home. It's not a free pass to be a bitch, but it can't exactly be a positive influence on how she treats others.

>> No.6348517

Do you mean bulimic?

>> No.6348527

>she's only human
Gee, like everyone else?
>works in a competitive industry
That she actively chooses to stay in and keep her lifestyle.
>hears catty remarks a lot
So do many people, men and women alike.

She doesn't have an excuse, she's not special. Not trying to argue but seriously.

>> No.6348534

I'm 5'2"

Yep. My torso is really short.

>> No.6348547

ITT: Multiple women bitching about how Chokelates job title isn't an excuse for her to keep an active deficit when we know they'd shit their pants and never eat again if they got the opportunity to do high fashion modelling and travel the world.

>> No.6348557


not everyone is strong and can handle shit like everyone else, mostly because of the way they grew up or their own problems

people that aren't as weak can't really be expected to understand because they can handle it, they don't know what its like to be that susceptible?

I don't know if I'm explaining this properly sorry

>> No.6348563

But she no longer works in the modeling industry outside of lolita/wigs.

>> No.6348569


So what. She's not actively going around shaming people and forcing them to look at her body. As far as we know she's perfectly healthy, so who are any of you to turn round and tell her that she needs to gain weight when maybe, JUST maybe... she's actually leading a happy, healthy lifestyle?

Seriously, are all you girls hamplanets or something or have spent so much time down your local MaccyD's that you've forgotten what a naturally thin girl looks like? I have a friend of mine who eats like a fucking hog, but every time she bends over I can still see her spine protruding.

>> No.6348571

absolutely disgusting

>> No.6348644
File: 254 KB, 639x509, 1349834470655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather her be a little under-weight than a fucking Land Whale. Jesus, how hard is it to get in shape? I'm 6'5 240 pounds, and I really hate all this "thin privilege/fit privilege" bullshit. Just lose weight and get in shape. It can only help you.