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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6346354 No.6346354 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6346394


>> No.6346755

Why would you stretch a unit circle like that

>> No.6347162

Yeah pretty much, men can maths and 3D better than women which is why they're usually better cosplayers, the ones that actually try

>> No.6347283

engineering master race reporting in. If you can't make sense of this, you're either stupid and/or need to finish high school.

>> No.6347303

This just in

but all men ARE FUCKING PIGS


>> No.6347310

>dat unit circle

>> No.6347328

>lol i know what unit circle means am I smart now?

>> No.6347332

Oh lord, what a special snowflake. I catch public transport and I've never encountered (either had it happen to me, or witness it happen to someone) anything like that at any time of the day.

>> No.6347373

I have an urge to post my mineralogy stuff and see if you guys can figure it out.

>> No.6347380

>expecting people to know a subject they haven't researched nor were they taught it

ha ok.

>> No.6347385

Soooo anyone want to help me memorise the shitloads of pathology I have to study tonight?

>sage for namedropping of the worst kind. I think we are the hated species of uni life.

>> No.6347391


Oh my god. That poor girl. I totally feel for her, I couldn't imagine what I would've done in her situation, feeling so helpless :(

>> No.6347399


As someone who understands that math is incredibly important and statistics and calculus are under-appreciated beyond whoa, I have to say, the same could be said of a unit circle.

How the hell do you use a unit circle if your main field doesn't heavily involve complex math? I know the ratios of the notable radians (r=0, x=1, y = 0, r = pi/6, x=sqrt(3)/2, y= 1/2, etc. etc), but I have yet to encounter something within my field or in every day life that mirrors that.

>> No.6347403


Or circles, for that matter. I doubt I would be measuring the exquisite points and dimensions of a red blood cell for instance.

>> No.6347411

Do you happen to live in the area she's talking about and taken those trains? If not, fuck off. I've taken those trains and shit like that is a daily occurrence. It's scary as hell to ride those trains alone, especially at night. I've been yelled at, called names, threatened and nearly hit just for sitting on the fucking train.

>> No.6347412

You have fun with them

>> No.6347414
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Pffff you call that logic? This is a logic.

>> No.6347417


I'm going to link this every time some chauvinist shit tells me men aren't overly aggressive and need to be kept in check.

>> No.6347422
File: 16 KB, 235x267, heath ledger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, mangina-chan, posting in your own threads again?

Now, about that cosplay pic of yours... where is it?

>> No.6347427
File: 191 KB, 500x500, 1337629747806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't cosplay. Just because you picked up some guys picture from tumblr(lol) doesn't mean actually cosplay. tldr time stap + cock or gtfo

>> No.6347429

Pornography. [ ! ]

>> No.6347434

I'll just link this before you embarrass yourself more.


>implying anyone's actually taking you seriously at this point

Hey, maybe you should stop making these threads and go out and talk to girls sometimes. Surely, they'll appreciate all the self-responding whiteknighting/trashtalking you do here.

>> No.6347438

>You don't cosplay.
says the /r9k/ shitposter + avatarfag

>> No.6347441
File: 63 KB, 300x300, 1337049434698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is isn't about me. It's about you doing the same thing for 2 years an still thinking it's entertaining. Seriously guy it's time to get treatment.

>> No.6347444

you're the person who's been doing this all the time, you retard

I've been here since the board was red, and whenever there were threads like these, you were in them

what a fucking coincidence

just go back to /r9k/ you neckbeard pos

>> No.6347446

Lels, those posts weren't even mine. And I posted my pic just like a week ago, you didn't post anything.

Me 1
Mangina-chan 0

Keep losing.

>> No.6347448
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That's actually the opposite of true.

>> No.6347454
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>> No.6347452

if you care about /cgl/ so much, why do you not do something other than shitpost for a change?

>> No.6347456
File: 72 KB, 571x800, 1333161003138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you win the anonymous" posting on a thread that will be deleted anyway award".

>> No.6347459

>newfag thinks he's better than sage-chan

>> No.6347461

No fucking shit bro, you can always delete a thread you made yourself.

>> No.6347464
File: 15 KB, 276x300, seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about it. Think about when I get called the jewish girl and then 10 people try to troll me after a single post. Think.

>> No.6347468

ITT: /r9k/ mating ritual

>> No.6347474

>implying you're a girl
>implying the people who call you that aren't you

>> No.6347476

/r9k/ is full of rapists..

>> No.6347480
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I didn't imply that it all. Boy you people and your baseless assumptions. Ever heard "Garbage in Garbage out"?

>> No.6347486

And straw feminists who think it will get them laid.

See, I'm the only one who truly knows you, my dearest mangina-chan.

So, if you don't cosplay, how many fair maids have rewarded you with a kiss on the cheek (or perhaps more? how lewd!) for your accomplishments on the Internet so far?

>> No.6347496
File: 2.88 MB, 410x229, 1341595480498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See can't you see this guys a troll. Well of course you can. I'm just trying to point it out in case some people are confused by his pretty diction. Just watch these threads and he'll try and figure out what will make someone respond to him.

>> No.6347506

P. sure no one on /cgl/ gives two fucks about some mangina who comes to the 'girl board' to show off in front of girls.

>> No.6347515
File: 119 KB, 221x218, Kanji Tatsumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still hasn't figured it out
there's only one obnoxious idiot trying to climb up the social ladder here...

>> No.6347559


>> No.6347606

I've only been to the States once when I was really young and it was certainly different from around here, but this seems highly dramaticised. Does this kind of thing actually happen? Sounds crazy.

>> No.6347619


>As we board, the business man steps aside to let me go through the door first and asks me if those guys were bothering me. I say yes, that it happens all the time, and he tells he’ll beat them up for me if they come back. He is a nice person who talks to me like I’m a human being instead of a walking pair of tits, and I make a mental note: This is how a real man talks to a woman on a train.



>> No.6347618

Yes. I've only known guys who browse 4chan to do stuff like this. It's actually...really...really sad.

>> No.6347632

WHY does /cgl/ always fall for the biggest trolls. Normally I account it to the massive levels of newfags, but seriously, you're all a bunch of idiots replying and bumping this thread.

>> No.6347627

I noticed that when I read it too. What the fuck?

>> No.6347642

Well I doubt it's a 4chan only thing. There are millions upon millions of crazies that have no idea this site exists.
But thanks for clarifying!

>> No.6347649

I can't into math and college algebra is required for my major...halp!

>> No.6347650

It does
Some drunk dude just up and kissed my sister while she was riding the T in Boston. he didn't even know her. It's pretty bad.

>> No.6347661

Imagine what she would wrote if he beat em up and then asked her out.


Also, hey, maybe she was just reading a really interesting book.

Kama Sutra maybe?

>> No.6347663

Beta male here, will help you for sex!!



Nah, jk, what do you need my sweet anonymous girl crush?

>> No.6347682

You should know by now no woman actually believes in the tearing down of male gender roles and fully expect men to be their guard dogs who fight each other for her benefit.

That's why feminism is a joke.

>> No.6347800

your a joke you agressive cunt

>> No.6347842

They won't listen. Too many pre teens on this board.

>> No.6347843

Holy shit I thought I was on /sci/ for a second

>> No.6347929

best troll itt

>> No.6347970

Wow, I haven't read a pile of BS that big in a loooong time. Seriously, "I'll beat them up for you" followed by "he was a nice man."

definitely double standards, and random douchebags. That's all I'm seeing.

>> No.6347977

I think women honestly believe that's what "nice" is. It certainly explains why women tell young boys that being nice is a good thing, not understand that men have a different definition of nice.

>> No.6347996

That's pre-cal stuff.
Oh the good ol' times when math was easy :')

>> No.6348087
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>> No.6348555

>handling the banter

Pick uno