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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 142 KB, 600x880, 56140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6342168 No.6342168[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is in autosage again. Post good cosplays, your WIPs, ask advice, etc. Keep it quality, folks.

>> No.6342177

Dem horns lookin a little small. Karkat has nubs, but not fucking dough pyramids. Those things look like scones.

>> No.6342183


God damn it, anon, can we start off at least one thread without any bitching? Just one thread?

>> No.6342188
File: 56 KB, 640x480, zombiewalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popped up on tumblr. Don't know if it was in the last threads.

But somebody doing Sober Gamzee for a Zombie walk.

>> No.6342190

Man this one is just so amazing it's legit terrifying to me. They did a really good job.

>> No.6342197

I saw this one on my Tumblr, too, and it seriously blew me away. That person is great.

>> No.6342201
File: 58 KB, 640x480, zombie1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I'm not even a homestuck fan, but it caught my attention on my dash.

This followed by >>6342188
really does fit well for the theme.

>> No.6342211

I usually have a lot of homestucks on my dashboard but this made me stop then scroll fast past it every time. It was really that frightening but amazing.

Like, just right now I accidentally clicked the image rather than the response number and it popped up in another tab full size and I screamed in fright.

>> No.6342250


I really really hope they post better quality pictures, this is so great

>> No.6342253
File: 42 KB, 500x385, groupedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the small picture
what do you think of the lusus group from otakon

>> No.6342262

the masks irk me, but other than that, i love it. The Tinkerbull is so cute!

>> No.6342273
File: 746 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mcbkkmmHZ61rwz9xxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /cgl/ think of these two? I'm liking them both, except I'm confused by the striped thigh-highs on the Aradiasprite. It would have looked so much better without the legs showing, or even without the socks.

>> No.6342289

the jadesprite is great as usual, the frogradia is pretty good as well but i think the lip makeup is off somehow, maybe it was a bit much

>> No.6342313
File: 82 KB, 717x960, 198711_3295213279252_1218580286_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey i know you guys are probably getting really tired of these "who should i be" post but all i do is cosplay guys in the homestuck fandom and i really wanna do a girl for once. do you have any suggestions? sorry for the makeup this is pretty much the only picture i could find where my hair wasn't obstructing anything.

>> No.6342319
File: 512 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mcabxckSBR1qgzpuxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl has been on my dash about ten times in the past ten minutes.

>> No.6342333


That's about as much as I'm getting from that angle.

>> No.6342334

She would of been 10x better if she had a wig and the right glasses. Or at least i dont think thats a wig.

>> No.6342347

hit and miss for me, I only really like about half of them. Rammom, Tinkerbull, Mother Grub, Arthour, Glybglyob and Seahhorsedad all turned out fantastic, but the rest aren't terribly exciting.

>> No.6342352

the socks and the black in the skirt on Aradiasprite are really throwing me off, other than that I really like them both.

>> No.6342370

The outfit is the best Iron Lass I've seen, but I still think it could probably be done better. She could definitely use a wig and glasses though.

On the other hand, holy fucking shit that Proton Cannon is amazing

>> No.6342389
File: 34 KB, 480x640, 75ea1214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah sorry heres all i can offer for a straight on angle. Thanks for the suggestions though.

>> No.6342409


you should do Jane

>> No.6342416
File: 389 KB, 1280x1912, heyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wig, needs better glasses, the shoes are horrid, way too boxy. Everything could fit a little better. But yes, the cannon is great.

I personally think this is a better Iron Lass?

>> No.6342423

I really, really wish Hussie would make a few more alternate outfits for Halloween or Christmas or something. I get tired of seeing everyone in God Tier clothing.

>> No.6342429

C-can I play with your hair? And maybe give you kisses on the cheek while you cry silently?

Sorry, am I doing this creepy thing right?

>> No.6342447

Oh my gosh, i really dont know how to respond other than thank you? pff. OH and ill definitely take jane under consideration.

>> No.6342450

hm, I like the way the other girl's looks a lot more like armor? I mean, it is metal. It's based off of Iron Man's suit. But you're right, it doesn't fit terribly well.

>> No.6342452


I saw them in person and the legs weren't nearly as distracting as they look in the photo -- there was more texture in her skirts so it looked more balanced

the lip makeup was kind of off though I agree.

>> No.6342492

I agree. It does look a lot like armour, and that's great! And yeah, it's based off of Iron Man, but Iron Man's suit conforms to his body. It's not all that boxy, or it wouldn't be aerodynamic at all.

>> No.6342510

but for real though i wonder how much of a pain it was to walk in hallways.

>> No.6342513

Yeah no, I agree that it doesn't fit her very well, haha.

Honestly, people should look up tutorials on how people actually make those bitchin' Iron Man suits that light up and everything. I mean, it would be a lot of work. But you would look badass.

>> No.6342521

If we could mix those two Iron Lasses together, it would be the perfect Iron Lass

>> No.6342544

While we're talking about rarely cosplayed Jade outfits, does anyone have any suggestions on how to make Jade's Dead Shuffle dress so it actually will float around my legs? I figured I should use some kind of wire, but I'm not sure what will actually hold its shape well enough without being weighed down by the fabric...

>> No.6342557

Definitely Aradia or Damara.
Add Jade or Jane.
Maybe Nepeta or Meulin, too. You have a really round, yet boxy face.

>> No.6342565

Question. Do you guys think it would be too stupid to do a god tier troll without the wings? I love the witch design and would love to try out a god tier Feferi, but, I'm a bit nervous in regards to the wings- I don't think I could pull them off!

>> No.6342578

There's plenty of great wing tutorials out there, it wouldn't hurt to at least try them? It's definitely much more impressive with wings, but I've seen plenty without them.

>> No.6342596
File: 999 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mca5i4SMe81qfh48jo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6342603


Give the wings a shot, you'll never get better if you don't try to make them. If they turn out terribly, you can totally wear it without, I think at some point in the comic it said the trolls could turn their wings off anyway?

>> No.6342614


I'm thinking Terezi.

>> No.6342659

some of them look like absolute shit, while others look great. there is a huge difference in skill between them all.
makes it look really awkward as a whole.
glybglyob had a lot of really great details, and you could tell she put a ton of effort into it, while crabdad didnt even get white shoes.

>> No.6342660

if your more comfy with trying to make them really small that works to. My friend did that with her GT aradia because its to much trouble walking in a crowded con with wings and told everybody that jade shrunk them for her.

>> No.6342666
File: 414 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mb7ukvLIZt1qkq1cqo1_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6342700


Holy shit.

The arm stump.


>> No.6342712

I talked to some of them at the con and they mentioned they were going for "the higher the class the fancier they get" sort of look

>> No.6342727
File: 1.10 MB, 1086x1461, 1839482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no way amperehope didnt know his dick was hanging out in this outfit

he talks about it so much its like he thinks anyone really cares

>> No.6342738
File: 558 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mcaconu3zb1qgzpuxo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with handmaid's horns.

>> No.6342737
File: 147 KB, 900x1200, vriska__smile_for_once_by_fook_tard-d45w7au.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She painted the arm stump part and tucked her actual arm into her shirt, from what i can see.

iirc, there's a photoset where later her arm is outside of the sleeve and it still looks pretty good.

>> No.6342750

whoa those horns are perfect

>> No.6342754

It took me way too long to realize that

her boob
is just

chilling there
being huge

I still don't know if that's what I'm looking at

>> No.6342761

Hussie. Cosplay comic-version Hussie.

>> No.6342772


For some reason just looking at the Condesce's face fins is making me feel queasy. Also t-shirt sleeves, why.

>> No.6342773

Wing advice, please?

Making Eridan wings with wire and chiffon and other related fabrics. But because of the height, the wire frame just keeps flopping over. Using a 16-gauge steel wire. Would using a stronger gauge avoid this problem? What gauge would be best? I pretty much made them true to size, so they're pretty tall...

>> No.6342797
File: 74 KB, 500x417, tumblr_mc9d35gpRT1ry3cy5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that terrible Kanaya doing here anyway?

>> No.6342791
File: 279 KB, 500x743, tumblr_mavdcsYrFW1qkq1cqo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Use a higher gauge and don't be afraid to use wire on the inside too even if it's not canon to have those outlines. It can look pretty good- pic related.

>> No.6342809
File: 1.63 MB, 3507x3454, P1010727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the terrible photo but i love her horns

>> No.6342821

Never seen better Handmaid horns!

>> No.6342867

not just the horns actually, that is probably the best handmaiden dress I've ever seen. respect.

>> No.6342891

i feel proud of the new zealand homestucks

>> No.6342902
File: 92 KB, 900x600, homestuck__the_lost_child_by_colorpsychedelic-d5gsw5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, cgl? I have to confess something. As much as I want to cosplay Damara, I already know that for the next 3 cons I go to i'm going to be at the recieving end of weebaboo level harassment.

That, and I'll be stuck around shit-tier "OMFG FIRST" cosplayers.

>Mfw someone I know has already done an *incredibly* shitty cosplay and she's known for being terribad but insists on being Damara because she always "claims" characters right after the update.

>> No.6342914

Crackwhorestuck anyone?

>> No.6342923

Does anyone have her tumblr?

>> No.6342931
File: 223 KB, 900x1353, stairs_by_amiaka-d5czt4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6342937

I remember on /co/'s HSG a few days ago, someone posted a picture of a bright Orange Meulin. Lost the pics, but she would make a good comic-insert Hussie, too.

Because she was literally Cheeto Orange.

>> No.6342940


>> No.6342941

...Why would you paint yourself orange to cosplay Meulin? Do I even want to know?

>> No.6342956


Am I the only one who thinks her Handmaid is way better than damaramegido's one? People were all over her because of that cosplay but this girl is way better.

>> No.6342959
File: 19 KB, 439x319, Oompa-Loompa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She only had her face painted and the rest of her skin was just...An unsettling Orange like the pic.

>> No.6342968


I like both, but is it really necessary to suddenly bitch and draw comparisons out of nowhere? Why is everything a competition in here? The aspergers in these threads is painful.

>> No.6342971

>Autism headquarters:

You're welcome.

>> No.6342975


delurking for a moment to say no, i actually agree with the first anon. i mean, i was just complimenting her here under anon too. her handmaid is brilliant- it's really spot-on with canon, more so than mine, because she went to the extra mile to tackle that crazy horn shape. i love it! but i'm alright with my version of her too, haha.

>> No.6342978

Maybe? I personally think so too, but this picture is only from yesterday, hopefully she gains more popularity.

>> No.6342997
File: 245 KB, 960x720, IMG_0911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/, I'm working on some Aradia/Damara horns for a future cosplay. Do you notice anything I may wanna edit or fix before I go ahead and start refining and smoothing the shape? I know the one on the right is a wee bit fat.

>> No.6343014
File: 380 KB, 500x454, tumblr_maz84tgjAk1qdsrt0o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just... the things I've seen

>> No.6343015


i made about 4 pairs of horns for my aradia cosplay and discovered that looking at them flat and actually holding them up to my head made them look drastically different, so i suggest that you take a picture of yourself holding one or both of the horns up to your head? it would be easier to give advice then.

>> No.6343017


>> No.6343025
File: 95 KB, 720x960, Honl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your point though.

>> No.6343022
File: 77 KB, 447x352, 1333151168674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6343033
File: 309 KB, 323x496, fff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my male-kanaya cosplay was at onicon this weekend! :3

>> No.6343049

I actually really dig this. A canon outfit? Of course not.

But the cosplayer looks great, the cosplay itself is flattering, and the photograph isn't the grainy webcam or bathroom mirror shots you tend to see.

If you don't dig sexed up stuff, this photo isn't for you. But you can't knock them for the usual cgl comments or land whale or butterface. Hottawhat, man.

I know there's another male Kanaya earlier in this thread (the one in skinny jeans showing off his dick), and I prefer this one.

Got class and sass.

>> No.6343056
File: 39 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20121023_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I tried it out to see if I could find the best angle for them to rest at. I'm happy with the outward curl though. Apologies for selfpost.

>> No.6343062

Oh shit, you're that Kanaya? I think you did a wonderful job, dude. Love the prop!

>> No.6343067

ur a shit

>> No.6343070


i think they're pretty perfect right where you have them, but i'm personally a big fan of the more ram-like style for aradia/damara. the curls are pretty much perfect- i don't think you have to alter the shape at all. they might be a little bit thick once you finish them up, though, especially if you'll be coating them with something else. that's really my only suggestion with your horns- they're looking awesome otherwise.

>> No.6343084
File: 130 KB, 774x1032, aranea_serket_by_congirltap-d59a86h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6343091

What exactly do you mean by "ram style"? Is it referring to higher, more forehead-oriented horn, or something else?
Just curious!

And I'm going to sand them further and give them a wrapping of newspaper and glue, and some epoxy to toughen the ends if I need it. After that comes gesso and painting. It seems like a lot of stuff that'll bulk up excessively, but I did it for my first horns and they came out quite nicely.

>> No.6343095
File: 127 KB, 500x666, tumblr_m9smgl1GC81qkhhzqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok thats true, I donno some thing about it kinda bugs me but I just can't put my finger on it.

This pic on the other hand.... Yeah im staying away from tumblr for a while

>> No.6343101

>I hate fun

>> No.6343118
File: 53 KB, 560x935, GodAradiaIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh, i mean more like an actual ram (curling the way you have them, basically) rather than the rising straight up weird inconsistent thing that's going on in canon. pic related for only one of the many ways hussie has depicted her horns.

and if you've done it before i think it'll turn out fine! i'm sure they'll look great when you're done.

>> No.6343134
File: 82 KB, 960x637, 76213_10151295752847664_1228536095_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reason Im staying away since I nearly woke up my sister from laughing so hard, thats all.

Welp, night /cgl/

>> No.6343139

Oh I gotcha now. Yeah I am definitely not a fan of that odd upward jut those horns do, I'm probably going to try to get them as realistic as possible without drawing attention away from the rest of the cosplay

>that feel when I may have to sculpt the ridges and fluting tho

>> No.6343147

If you want to know how AA's horns look, take example from her ancestor.

They are meant to be a similar shape as her symbol. sort of like a big Y, only much shorter in aradia's case. But they do look different in different panels because of convinience.

>> No.6343178

Anyone have tips for a terezi and a Dave cosplay? Just the shirt, glasses and shoes are needed for the Dave one and everything for the terezi. What's best for the horns and such?

>> No.6343190
File: 31 KB, 500x333, see these gold shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remember for Dave's glasses, the aviators that are referenced in the comics have gold rims. Not that it's necessarily a must-have, but if you're going for 100% canon accuracy gold-rums are the ones that are mentioned.

For Terezi, I actually used a pair of glasses that came in a "Vampire basics kit!" on Amazon, which also came with a stupid choker and hat...I can't recall which one it was specifically, but I had several people tell me my glasses were perfect. Don't always believe what you see on Ebay, by the way; my first pair I ordered "cat-eye red glasses" on Ebay and got perfectly square ones. It was a huge rip-off.

>> No.6343193


Rims. My bad, you can tell what's on my mind tonight.

>> No.6343203

I used cardboard and insulating foam as the base for my Terezi/Latula horns, it's a bit of a long process so I won't go into detail unless you'd like me to, but they end up being pretty darn durable and also hold the pointed shape well.

>> No.6343267

Tumblr is in the other direction.

>> No.6343296

>look at me i'm a cisgendered male

>> No.6343317
File: 454 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m9sfx90Wvf1r9wmj4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That photo and this one are actually really flattering

I remember seeing him at SacAnime and he has a really gaunt, angular face that makes me think of meth heads (not that he acts like one)

This whole group though
The Jade is like 15 or so? basically in love with herself and her cosplays but boohoos that she can't cosplay John because he's white and she'll get hate for it

Even though people have pointed out Hussie said any skin or race is a-okay

>> No.6343319

i'm surprised i havent seen any pictures of him pretending to make out with a john. anything to get the attention of straight girls, right

>> No.6343330
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x957, tumblr_mc2gl9nu371rsttfjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6343332
File: 119 KB, 900x1200, four_aces_suited_dave_by_huntersilver-d46up62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6343336
File: 34 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mapvkr0z8h1r2to4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture from her Tumblr. I think it lights up? Or it's just washed-out webcam picture and very good painting.

I saw a picture of her at an angle and she even angled the horns slightly so they'd still have that distinctive shape from the side. This cosplayer fills me with the grief envy of wow I'll never be as waifishly beautiful as you.
My single wish is that she'd accentuated the red eyelashes a bit more, but that doesn't stop me from saving pictures of her cosplay because damnnnnnn.

>> No.6343339

i like her other cosplays but this jade was just fucking embarrassing, when i saw her it wasnt even that late in the day and she was practically limping in the shoes and you could tell from her face that she felt self-conscious. don't do a lazy cosplay of a revealing design if you can't handle wearing it to the con, kid.

>> No.6343350

those are some scary legs

>> No.6343355

I like the application of spots and shreds (finally, an Aradia that doesn't make shred blotchy gapes without logic), and I think the lip makeup was trying to look like a frog's mouth? Nice, vibrant reds though, and good distribution of them.
I do agree with the striped socks looking weird. Maybe if the black skirt was floor-length, it may have given the illusion that she was just some floating white and red skirts?

>> No.6343390

try to go on this guy's tumblr but is password protected, anyone have it?

>> No.6343408

Assuming you mean the Dave, it's changed to hauntersilver for spooky purposes.


>> No.6343417
File: 548 KB, 966x549, leejun4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys wish you were the cosplayer I am

>> No.6343432



>> No.6343433
File: 58 KB, 1024x768, leejun5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totes on the scene at Sakuracon

>> No.6343434

I have honestly no fucking idea.

>> No.6343437

Are you sure you're in the right thread??

>> No.6343486

I don't understand people who can bust out these FANTASTIC cosplays that have light work and props bigger than their entire fucking body, yet can't handle the idea of getting a wig.

It just disappoints me to damn much.

>> No.6343491

why would she need a wig when she has appropriate hair for the cosplay anyway?

>> No.6343495
File: 1.23 MB, 697x1066, 0c0c133ea5e8c6e00e4d48e693697d19-d4idz80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she doesn't?

Regular hair rarely has the right volume and texture to properly match up with a character's.
For Jade, her hair doesn't work. It's too short and doesn't have any volume to speak of so it just falls flat.

>> No.6343504
File: 174 KB, 594x699, Latula.Pyrope.full.1249026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm finishing up my Latula bodysuit and I need a suggestion, paint or heat-n-bond fabric for the symbol?
I didn't think to sew the symbol in before I finished hemming and putting the zipper in, and with the con I'm wearing it to coming up I don't want to risk unseaming things to do the symbol that way, so now it comes to this. I've done both methods before, I just can't decide which would look better in this case.

>> No.6343523

Maybe they enjoy the technical process of making the costumes (or props) more than looking like/becoming the character.

>> No.6343526


>> No.6343525

this is the definition of cosplay to me, costumes people! Not wigs and make up but the costume itself and the hard work that is put into it.

>> No.6343561
File: 332 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mc9n4tvTmK1qduk4yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the HELL is up with that Dave.

>> No.6343562
File: 487 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mcb4l5PVER1r0dmxco2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah everyone's already reblogged this Gamzee but it's amazing.

>> No.6343563

I wish he fell in the street.

>> No.6343579
File: 193 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mb83od6cCK1qfoaa2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need more homestuck cosplay photos for my folders
preferably ones that aren't too popular/well known

>> No.6343581

What the hell is up with EVERYONE in this photograph?

>> No.6343589

you weren't kidding

>> No.6343599

thats s chick with a fake dick yo. so yeah, she knew alright

>> No.6343616

The background setting is the weirdest part but somehow despite the cosplay not being good at all, this photo gives off a weird vibe that is really interesting and I like it

>> No.6343625

Is this supposed to be an in-comic Hussie? because that's the first thing I thought.
You have a versatile face and you could cosplay anybody except the older ancestors but cuter characters would be best for you.

>> No.6343641

Yeah it looks like a Facebook post from the X-Mansion or an urban fantasy universe.

>> No.6343662

It makes me feel like there's some kind of story behind it and it intrigues me.

>> No.6343667

why the fuck can nobody tailor their outfits
i get madder and madder every cosplay i see everyone shit their pants on tumblr over with unfinished seams and bad fitting.

every mituna cosplay ive seen so far has been lacklustre.

>> No.6343676

This picture is in desperate need of captioning. Something along the lines of, like...

I don't want to know about Homestuck.

>> No.6343687
File: 81 KB, 500x667, hurrrrrrrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahaha hustlerstuck. I missed this goldmine. reposting my favourite "sexy" homestuck cosplay ever. never change insane fucking fandom

>> No.6343731

>painted palms


>> No.6343837


Wow, those are really something.

Goddamn though, why do SO many Condesces skimp on the bracelets? With the exception of like, Thighhighs, Ineloquentformalities and Madamcthulhu, they all slap on at most 4 store bought bangles they can't fit over their elbow. They're such an important part of her character design!

>> No.6343841


The blood splatter on that chainsaw is PERFECT.

>> No.6343867

Ew look how fat her arm is.

>> No.6343876
File: 372 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mcc8g3XDph1qi6oijo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey cgl I'm trying to conceptually put together a Horuss cosplay. Most of the people who've done art (and the single cosplay I've seen) for Horuss have done his clothing in shades of brown, but in the flash, they're shades of grey.

Is this a preference thing or am I going to get bitched at for using one color over the other? I'd appreciate any input.

Pic unrelated

>> No.6343884

They're obviously armsocks, dick.

>> No.6343922

im p sure rhaemes cis

>> No.6343928

i'm working on a rufioh cosplay and i was wondering what everyone thinks i should do for the pants. i've got black jeans and i don't know what i want to do for the red. i hate the furry look most people do. i made summoner pants before and sewed shredded red material to them, and i didn't like how that turned out either. right now i'm leaning towards either ripping them and wearing red tights underneath or just getting some kind of red tape and adding strips.

>> No.6343957
File: 395 KB, 800x1202, Aurthour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like that Aurthour

>> No.6343994

Can I get some decent Dancestor cosplays in this thread?

Looks so much better here than in the group shot

>> No.6344011

Why don't you look at what Rufio wears in the movie?

>> No.6344016

So perfect. Even the piercing works in this case due to Author's general masochism and homoeroticism.

>> No.6344020

Late and possibly unnecessary response but:

I wouldn't say hate, really, but there aren't actually any well-received PoC cosplayers in the fandom, so I can see where she's coming from.

None that are reposted and "tumblr famous" at least. I only ever see "popular" posts on tumblr that have a lot of notes for the sake of the person being of color.

>> No.6344027

it looks like he's got ripped jeans, but the sprite from the flash is throwing me off because they look like clean stripes and even though the size doesn't allow for much detail it's making me want to go for that look. also the fact that i could just tape the pocket seams and not have to ruin a nice pair of jeans is tempting me.

>> No.6344058

I'm not too sure what constitutes as PoC, but, there are a lot of popular mixed race Homestuck cosplayers or ones with "passing privilege"

>> No.6344073

Can someone recommend a commissioner who makes really nice armsocks? I'm not a Homestuck, but I cosplayed Anti-Cosmo this weekend and I was afraid to paint my hands even though I had powder and final seal because I didn't want to be 'that guy' and get blue on anything.

>> No.6344124


I think Cancerously?

Also, serious props for cosplaying Anti-Cosmo.

>> No.6344123


Plus a bunch of Asian cosplayers like Ceriene, Mostflogged, Alyssaties...and lots of people who look different under grey makeup.

>> No.6344162

Cancerously's armsocks have rough edges and are too shiny. Also she isn't a nice person.

>> No.6344163

I know that Aurthour. He was beating himself up because he forgot to take his gauges out for the shoot. He'll be happy to hear this!

>> No.6344164

>Also she isn't a nice person.
Ive only heard good things about her when it comes to personality

>> No.6344168

The thing is, she can get overly bossy, and incredibly immature.

>> No.6344169
File: 339 KB, 500x447, tumblr_mc9q67ScE61rjy2lco1_r2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6344170
File: 107 KB, 402x604, tumblr_mcc0joTizr1rwvzhfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on militarystuck?

>> No.6344188

The cosplays are extremely impressive when done well but I hate the concept and original designs

>> No.6344200

I'm really happy that the cosplays have been well made so far, since the original designs looked really busy and hard to pull off. In real life though, they look much more impressive.

I'm glad someone did Sollux, that was one of my favorite designs and that looks awesome.

>> No.6344206

also, it's only very loosely "military" but whatever.

>> No.6344213
File: 1.03 MB, 800x1161, bicyclops cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lusus cosplays are really interesting any one else know where i can see the others?

>> No.6344218

heat and bond does not like to stretch, so just be aware of that. I tried that with mine and ended up sewing down all of the symbol because of the heat and bond coming off from stretching

I don't know the rest of them, but that John is awesome to hang with. He's one of my friends buddies and stopped by the room a few times during the con

>> No.6344221

Check Tumblr.

>> No.6344224

Very specific

>> No.6344229


>> No.6344238

They posted individual pictures of each Lusus, as well as lowbloods/midbloods/highbloods.


>> No.6344300

Really? I've never heard that about her beefore. Usually I just hear nice things but it could be a circlejerky thing, though

>> No.6344313

I've had experiences with her before. She's only nice to the people she can get some sort of use from.

>> No.6344315


>> No.6344329
File: 352 KB, 567x462, ugughgghhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hhhhey i was just wondering what characters you guys could recommend for me to cosplay? i've already done god tier jade, and i'm starting on a roxy but other than that i'm not really sure.
uh, i guess its worth mentioning im sort of chubby/have hourglass figure, so, yeah, i guess i wouldn't be too good for terezi and stuff? man, i don't know! haha

>> No.6344345

Oh my god you are really gorgeous! How about Kanaya, Porrim or Vriska? Also can we see a photo of your god tier Jade?

>> No.6344347

> She's only nice to the people she can get some sort of use from.
Oh gross
Nepeta or Meulin!

>> No.6344351
File: 176 KB, 861x584, 1329029871153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6344355

Nepeta, Meulin, or Rose! (I was going to say Roxy, but you're already starting her!)

>> No.6344387

i'd like to do Meulin, Porrim and Vriska! man, i don't think i could pull off rose or kan they're too perfect rip.
one day, in the far but near future. wink

>> No.6344389

You NEED to cosplay Meulin.

You honestly look exactly how I picture a real-life Meulin.

>> No.6344394
File: 354 KB, 500x573, tumblr_mcd2vmmqIE1r9413ro1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'd be a cute Meenah if you wear flattering clothing.

I hadn't really gotten that impression of her. She seems nice, if a little busy all the time.

>almost finished Mituna helmet
I like it, except the horns being attached.

>> No.6344395

agreed! she even has that :3 smile going on a little

>> No.6344406
File: 139 KB, 1200x1600, 01102012682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dang really?? i'll try her for my next cosplay then, haha! she's got a cute and fairly outfit so that's a massive plus, haha

ahh sorry i didn't see the request for the dog tier jade. i can give you a blurry phone picture, haha! i'm going to a con this saturday so hopefully i'll have better pictures by then!

>> No.6344417

meenah is like, my dream cosplay. her and condesce anyway, haha! but yeah, yikes, i'd be a bit too embarrassed to have like, i dunno, straps showing and my stomach out like a lot of fanart depicts her. i'd probably just go for some trousers and the what pumpkin shirt, i suppose? that is if i DID cosplay her, anyway.

>> No.6344427

> i'd probably just go for some trousers and the what pumpkin shirt, i suppose?
Please do. I think you could pull it off, and that's her canon outfit, so you couldn't fuck things up there.

>> No.6344463

On that note, what do you guys think about changing up the canon designs? Like having Meenah with a croptop and straps or chains.

>> No.6344464


Wow, you have really gorgeous hair!

>> No.6344465
File: 111 KB, 811x1500, leotard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yikes, i'd be a bit too embarrassed to have like, i dunno, straps showing and my stomach out
You could put on a leotard in the color you need, bam. It would hide your stomach and make it smooth too. Trolls don't have bellybuttons anyway, do they?

>> No.6344479

From the looks of Mostflogged's twitter, looks like MSPA went after her Eridan scarves/Kanaya and Feferi skirts on Etsy.

Regardless of how you feel about MF, that is a bullshit move and afaik has no basis in actual fashion copyright law...? MSPA can't copyright striped scarves. Plus it looks like a really bitchy move after making millions of dollars on the kickstarter.

>> No.6344487

I like creative freedom, but there's a line between that and people forgetting the design completely so that EVERYONE does the alternate design. (like Cronus cosplayers wearing a leather jacket when he doesn't)

>> No.6344485

thanks!! it's literally a bird's nest, i've given up straightening it
oh that's a good point, actually! i'm a bit self conscious about showing off my body anyway, but a leotard does sound like a really good idea for other cosplays. i'll keep that in mind, thank you!

>> No.6344489

I'm a girl with kind of a masculine face - sort of oblong with sharp angles rather than a soft/rounded look. Any homestuck female come to mind that would suit that okay? I'd hate to tryhard on a cosplay only to not look the part regardless.

I love Rose, but her face is really rounded so she's out. Any suggestions?

>> No.6344491

What kind of shoes would work for a Porrim cosplay?

I have absolutely nothing to run off of. I know they're her blood color, but that's the only canon thing I have to run off of.

Heels? Short boots? Wegdes? I honestly have no clue. Can someone help?

>> No.6344494

Can anyone tell me what the deal is with "Trickster" versions of characters? I don't follow fandom stuff and I only just started Act 6, so I'm confused as too where this came from and why it's such a thing.

>> No.6344496

Honestly it doesnt matter? like canonly they're all just pegs with heads and no canon face shape, so do whatever you want!

>> No.6344497

Post a picture of yourself. It'll be really easy to give suggestions.

But from not getting a picture, I'd suggest a Pyrope girl (Terezi or Latula), or maybe Vriska. I can't give an honest thought without a picture of you, though.

>> No.6344498

If I remember correctly, Trickster started from an easter egg in one of the flash games and it changed John into Trickster John. Then someone made those kinds of fan designs for the other kids and trolls.

>> No.6344499
File: 9 KB, 152x331, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom Lalonde, I guess. She looks like a viper-type.

>> No.6344500

I think short boots are a nice idea, but then again heels would look good too? It's up to you, dude.

>> No.6344501

A easter egg in an early interactive flash let you see a "trickster" (not even called that in the flash, I don't think) John. He was blonde, and had pastel clothes and a silly smirk. He also had a giant lollipop stuck in his hair.

The homestuck fandom likes to latch onto stupid shit like that, so of course every character has to have a "trickster" version.

>> No.6344504


Any of the ancestors except maybe the Disciple

Basically any character who's either older or kind of a bitch.

>> No.6344506

The thing is, I can't decide which, since I agree that both would work.

Hence why I'm asking in this thread.

>> No.6344514


Depends, was she calling them Eridan scarves and Kanaya skirts? Because that they can stop.

If she was just calling them striped scarves, "vampire skirts" and "sea princess skirts" or whatever, then halftruth is talking out of her fat ass.

>> No.6344520
File: 62 KB, 720x478, seagulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture from a while back - not super flattering but I think it shows face shape pretty well.

I'm liking the bitch girl suggestions because I tend to prefer those characters anyway. Score!

>> No.6344524


That's a good point.

>> No.6344527


>> No.6344528

Fair enough. Thanks you guys!

>> No.6344529

I think you'd make a good Vriska, but at the same time I can see you as Latula.

>> No.6344530


I think you'd be really well suited for the Scorpio trolls.

>> No.6344539

Sick. Two of my favorites by far. Thanks guys!

>> No.6344544
File: 89 KB, 960x720, 403593_275442929242538_97174334_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're on the subject, could anyone perhaps suggest a cosplay for me? I love Jane to death but she's literally my only cosplay and I really want to try branching out and improving? At the same time I wanted to get suggestions that would be okay with my bodytype (read: really big) because while yes everyone's got the same sprite there's no way I'm doing Porrim.

So far I've had people tell me Feferi and Ms. Paint, but I figured you guys would be more reliable to ask than Tumblr. Also I don't mind crossplays, but I would rather not be "fat girl does Karkat" like I've seen a lot. Thanks.

(PS Any advice for my current Jane cosplay, if anyone's seen it, would be AWESOME since it's my first one.)

>> No.6344545

SHIT totally forgot to say it, I'm the one in the grey skirt next to Jake.

>> No.6344546


Copywrite doesn't apply to garments so yes unless she was using character names in the descriptions there's no basis to "bust" her on anything

But we all knew Rachel is a fucking idiot who doesn't know what she's doing and relies on tantrums and bullying to get her way so it's not surprising

>> No.6344552
File: 98 KB, 500x333, green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if there's nothing really canon (I looked at her sprite in-game, it's just a green rectangle) then go with what she's wearing and what she's like. It's a very nice evening dress and she's a troll proud of being female, so my guess would be skip the mother-stomper cunt boots and go with a nice heel if you can find one in that color. It'd look nice.

>> No.6344555

I think you could work as a Ms. Paint. She has kind of a tunic thing going on. Not a lot of people do her, nevermind do her WELL. It'd be interesting.

>> No.6344559

This, would be super cute.

>> No.6344560

I think you're a pretty good Jane! Have you thought about eyeliner and make up like that? It usually adds a bit to cosplays.
As for other characters, maybe Rose? I think you'd be a pretty cute Rose, Kanaya, and Damara?

>> No.6344567

That Jade in the khaki skirt and green knee socks; is that an outfit she actually wears? It's a really cute outfit.

>> No.6344572

I think it's meant to be girl Jake, homie.

>> No.6344578


Thanks you guys! I think I will go with Ms. Paint then, after I get Promstuck Jane's dress done. I have white armsocks and ben nye from when I was silly and painted myself sprite white as Jane still, but would you guys recommend something else like those body suits or something?

Thank you! I think I make a good Jane as well (though certainly nowhere near the best), but I've been a good Jane for almost a year now so...

And yes I have been considering those things, a cosplay's really not finished without makeup, but I know so little on the matter. I kinda get too scared to try putting it on. I'm trying to learn how to use eyeliner, and also have been looking into possibly using some bbcream as well to help cover up scars on my face? I'm not sure where to go from there though.

I like your suggestions though! I have a lot of love for those three so I may look into it as well, thank you!

>> No.6344586


...Oh :c
It's still really cute...

>> No.6344590
File: 627 KB, 728x459, meeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone suggest a cosplay for me too? I don't know who I would be good as... I'm 5'6", and I'm pretty chubby, especially in the thighs.
Sage because I feel bad about asking for suggestions... But I don't want to look terribru... ;;;;

>> No.6344594


>> No.6344596

Nepeta? You'd be kinda tall, but I think your face/body type would work.

>> No.6344605

I say go with the black and grey color scheme unless more updates show his clothes to be a different color before you make the outfit. The browns look nice, but they're technically inaccurate, as of what we know right now.

>> No.6344607

agree with that anon, definitely nepeta

>> No.6344612


Do Nepeta, and don't fuck it up!!!

>> No.6344615


oh my god, PLEASE do Ms Paint. You'd look adorable.

Have you thought about Nannasprite? She has a bigger frame and is infrequently done. You'd have to use makeup to make yourself look older but that can actually be fun to play around with.

>> No.6344619

Nope, perfect height, perfect body ,perfect fac,e perfect Nepeta

>> No.6344621

<3 Wah I love Nepeta~

But, like >>6344596 mentioned, I wont be too tall? I don't know how tall she is supposed to be in relation to the other characters...

>> No.6344624

No, you'll be fine. I think the baggy trenchcoat kind of downplays her size and makes her look smaller than she really is. Seriously, your face is perfect, you should def. go Nepeta.

>> No.6344627

Actually no, Nannasprite never crossed my mind. I'm shocked it hasn't considering you know, Jane cosplayer and all, but that sounds like a great and fun idea! I'm adding that to the list now thanks!

>> No.6344626

Rose, Nepeta, or Jane

>> No.6344635

Ahhhhhhh yeah! Thanks everyone! Nepeta it is~ <3 I will keep Rose and Jane in the back of my mind for future cosplay adventures too.

>> No.6344641
File: 30 KB, 500x400, 530881_3162643965558_1378043501_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi!! wow I usually don't spend too much time on /cgl/ but I was curious if you had any idea of someone I should cosplay? I already do Dolorosa on occasion and regular/ballgown ms. paint, but do you have any other suggestions?

>> No.6344645
File: 34 KB, 510x802, damara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so CGL, i figured it would be best to ask here! I really want to cosplay Damara, but i don't know what type of shoes she wears? does anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking loafers or mary janes, or maybe even those retro white/red striped gym shoes? (leaning more towards the former two than the last one...)
thanks seagulls!!

>> No.6344646

Every single Virgo ever

>> No.6344652
File: 23 KB, 500x176, tumblr_mbueehgLbU1qixm0h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

((same anon)) the thing is that they're red and the only loafers ive seen are black/brown/etc. I really want nice shoes but im lost when it comes to schoolgirls.

>> No.6344666

If you have scars from acne or whatever, then use moisturizer every night and wash your face every day. I think foundations would cover them up, I wouldn't go too crazy but it certainly does help. And I think most department stores will do your make up for you if you buy their products, they have little counters for it. So if you ask them for tips and such I'm sure they'd be happy to help.
Alternatively there's online make up tutorials. Don't worry about going wrong, it's all about practice!

>> No.6344670

Double parenthesis... Do I spot an RPer?

>> No.6344673

What's /cgl/'s opinion on cosplaying well-done fantrolls?

>> No.6344679

>A purple and lavender fleece scarf! Measures 10 feet long and 1 foot across! Super soft and great for fall and winter ;)

The picture was of her as Roxy wearing the scarf, but that was it.

>> No.6344677
File: 235 KB, 778x584, MF_Etsy_Cache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the cache of her Etsy, she used the character names in the descriptions of the skirts. Looks like the scarf was just a striped scarf, though...

>> No.6344678
File: 32 KB, 764x1100, redloafers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, she's based on a Japanese schoolgirl so I would say go with what they wear. Typically I see loafers and also maryjanes. I'd say go for the loafers, more comfy. Also, no red loafers? Nigga u bes be jokin. Pic related -- two minute search on Amazon. Price? $39.99 - $44.99.

>> No.6344685


Well, the MSPA team has some weight in taking down the skirts (though I still think it's a BS move on their part) but the scarf....that's some shit.

>> No.6344702

I'm really impressed with the quality of work, but the artwork is so disgustingly animu it's off-putting.

>> No.6344715
File: 14 KB, 522x138, oh, okay..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rachel is a cunt to Jenni, who is still a cunt in her own respect, news at 11.

>> No.6344726

Oh oops! My bad. Thank you so much!!

Indeed you do!

>> No.6344738

i dont get this out of context

>> No.6344739
File: 469 KB, 688x309, cglhsg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delurking; if this thread has turned into somewhat of a homestuck suggestion zone, I may as well take a shot. i cosplay jade, nepeta (disregard the color of my old coat, i'm in the process of sewing myself a new one), and meulin, and i'm on the short side, 4'11"-5' ! thanks in advance!

>> No.6344741


Aranea! Or cheery corpse party Aradia.

>> No.6344758

you are adorable as hell but oh my god please stop doing the lip thing, it's creepy and distracting and bad!!
just use your expression to give a catlike smile, the lipstick doesn't need to do it for you!

totally seconding aranea, you would rock her

>> No.6344777

I disagree with the lip thing, I like when Nepeta cosplayers do it since.. her mouth does that weird cat thing. We can't possibly do it "right" with human lips, so I like the illusion it creates.

>> No.6344787

Honestly, the closest we actually have to a :3 in terms of actual anatomy is cleft lip syndrome. That's actually my personal headcanon for the Leijon girls, but sadly it isn't kawaii enough for the rest of the Homestuck fans.

>> No.6344790

golly i am so happy to hear that

>> No.6344803

I think these two seagulls kinda have it though

>> No.6344807 [DELETED] 
File: 352 KB, 515x448, catface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the opinions everyone! Somewhat unrelated, but I can actually make a :3! I considered doing that instead of the approach that ended up doing, but unfortunately, I have to somewhat jut my chin out and it sort of eliminates my top lip, which it makes the rest of my face look quite weird.

>> No.6344839
File: 47 KB, 500x400, tumblr_mau1y7sjqn1qizbjwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been kind of at odds with who to pick out from this canon for cosplay. My sewing skill level is pretty average, so difficulty isn't much of an issue. I'll post a picture of my body type in a moment too.

Thanks :)

>> No.6344848
File: 12 KB, 320x240, tumblr_m9scsyGWST1qizbjwo3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of the best picture I have at the moment. II have a larger chest and hips. I know the angle's a bit weird.

Thank you again.

>> No.6344870

>myspace boob-flatter angle
We can't see your body type like that.

>> No.6344871
File: 202 KB, 807x997, kankriclothescheck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/! I asked for some advice on pants and shoes for Kankri two of three threads ago and here's what I've arrived at for now. The shoes are well worn black leather oxfords which will have red laces, the jeans are levi's 511s. Do you think these are appropriate, or should I try to find wider pants? or different shoes?

>> No.6344915
File: 378 KB, 640x480, ArcSoft_Image32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem!

I just took this one now. Sorry about that.

>> No.6344927

love that top/dress!

>> No.6344928

I say Redglare, actually.

>> No.6344935


those shoes are awesome I'm so glad to see somebody wear actual shoes that aren't fucking sneakers

>> No.6344937

It's a sweater-dress thing! I love them in the fall, hehe. Thank you!

Redglare never crossed my mind. That could be interesting.

>> No.6344940

Please be in London.

>> No.6344948


I second Redglare--your figure would look really good in her outfit.

>> No.6344956

Sadly no. I've wanted to visit, though...

>> No.6344977

I will totally look into this. It would be an interesting challenge to make too.

I came here mostly for inspiration for ACEN next year. So any suggestions are wonderful.

>> No.6345004


>> No.6345005
File: 562 KB, 250x188, spaztuna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6345011
File: 369 KB, 800x531, tumblr_m9seajA1gP1r4x5xjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally, I really like the cat mouth? Maybe I'm biased, but I like how it turns out when I do it, and it looks cute on other Nepetas, too.

>> No.6345110

I had no idea this was the 'hey CGL I don't have half a brain so which Homestuck should I be' thread.

Ask your tumblr and cosplay friends and stop cluttering the thread.

>> No.6345162


The thread was moving really fucking slowly beforehand, actually.

And it's not like people asking for suggestions impedes our regularly scheduled drama.

>> No.6345171

yeah, I don't actually have any problem with people asking for suggestions? It's not like we don't bitch about people choosing the wrong characters all the time anyways; this way maybe they'll choose someone you think will suit them instead.

>> No.6345184

This is a general thread, meaning it encompasses everything related to HS cosplay. "Cluttering the thread" would apply to your useless post telling people to stop having discussions just because you don't like it.

>> No.6345192

People on tumblr are too soft. 4chan is a lot more honest.

>> No.6345214
File: 277 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m9yeolumVo1qmhipeo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6345224
File: 44 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mcd9uiNDfj1qlkcr5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6345242

no stop

>> No.6345252

kind of a girly Karkat, but wow really pretty

>> No.6345255
File: 275 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m9yeolumVo1qmhipeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6345274

Shitty Damara cosplays, anyone?

>> No.6345278

barf. make it stop.

>> No.6345290

ok there has to be a story of someone getting an std from this guy. Lets hear it!

>> No.6345296
File: 778 KB, 1280x1913, tumblr_m4rss9s6ht1r6erejo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6345320

I hate you.

Yes please

>> No.6345364
File: 41 KB, 540x720, tumblr_m5nm7zdHu21qkhhzqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6345371
File: 87 KB, 500x724, Leann-Rimes-skinny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6345399
File: 45 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mca1kjoJVk1qkhczeo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6345457

Thanks! and no im not trying to be hussie.That was before homestuck (well before i was into it) actually and i was just styling a brown wig and happened to be wearing a green shirt. Plus the lighting in my bathroom always screws with the color. Thanks to youre suggestions though im thinking of doing a aradia, handmaid, damara group. (me as aradia since im the shortest in my group. 5'2)

>> No.6345463

Your. ugh

>> No.6345587

Anonymous 10/23/12(Tue)22:22 No.6345571

So I bought two pairs of light grey tights for my Dolorosa cosplay, one to wear normally in case my skirt hikes up at all during photos so it's not just LOL randum pink leg, and one pair to make into armsocks because all day convention, painting hands, fuck that noise.

Does anyone have a link to or a cap of that pantyhose armstocking tutorial? It was made by someone cosplaying a Weeping Angel, and I really liked how their seams looked.

>> No.6345634

I thought you were Shaggy... From Scooby Doo. It was spot on...

>> No.6345685
File: 37 KB, 300x300, Okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I know who the girl in >>6345399 is.

>> No.6345700

Did anyone go to NYCC this year?

If so, did you see the bad Vriska?

the REALLY bad Vriska?

>> No.6345705

oh my goodness do you have a tumblr?

>> No.6345703

My south flroida friends hate this girl, seems to be a lot of drama around her. Her cosplays are OK imo.

>> No.6345713

Go and be fruitful.

>> No.6345718
File: 43 KB, 467x700, tumblr_mbwhrefTVx1rxr8uqo6_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is? Do tell. Maybe what I'm hearing is the same as what you're hearing? Unless it's just that a lot of people hate her for different reasons. I'm generally neutral towards her.

>> No.6345751

I really wanna do a damara cosplay but not sure whether to do her outfit more like a schoolgirl or do the weird collar thing that its doing.
also any tips/patterns for her stuff?

>> No.6345756

If you wait till tomorrow i cam get my south florida friend to tell you some stuff. I've heard them talk about it and junk but i'm shit for story telling. Im pretty neutral to the girl as well. I dont deal with her since im central florida.

>> No.6345767

If you can greentext part of it, I'll wait for the rest tomorrow.

>> No.6345769

A personal peeve on the level of trigger awareness: People who dress up in Militarystuck and don't look up how to fucking salute proper. Your arm is straight from middle finger to your elbow, your bicep is parallel to the ground, and you look sharp and crisp and disciplined. A limp, floppy wrist kills my impression of a cosplayer.

>> No.6345799

basically what my friend is telling me over skype.

>basically she slept with this one dude who had a girlfriend while the girlfriend was away
>more than once so it wasn't really a msitake
>she has a sort-of boyfriend who she swoons and fawns over but he kind of doesn't gaf about her (because they have an open relationship or whatever)
>she's a mediocre cosplayer but she is always nitpicking other people's john cosplays
>she's really immature even though she's twenty
>she's just generally annoying
Sorry for shitty green text i just asked her to give me highlights and i copy pasted them.

>> No.6345800


>Her cosplays are OK

have you not seen the anime spike wigs she uses

>> No.6345818
File: 76 KB, 500x374, Damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys have unleashed a monster from hell.

>> No.6345851
File: 558 KB, 238x280, 0013.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, forgot to mention why.

She's going to see this and unleash all hell.

>> No.6345976

post pics

>> No.6346437
File: 163 KB, 478x640, tumblr_mcdreicII11r35os0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jadesprite WIP photo brought to you by the same person who designed/made the mad intricate ballgown dreamer Rose (with the Jaspers cameo choker). While I'm not yet sure how I feel about the circle ruffles, I like the white-to-green fade effect that they create.

For the love of all your cosplay peers who have ever been in marching band, ROTC, or enlisted, yes to all of this.

>> No.6346565

wow... she's beautiful in every way. no other handmaid i've seen compares.

>> No.6346635

wow. That girl is crazy with the amount of work she puts into her outfits and they all turn out beautifully.

>> No.6346655


>people cosplaying Horuss

>please do not carry around blue horse dildos


>we have a shaky enough reputation as it is
>please don’t do this

I haven't seen any pictures! What's this girl talking about?

>> No.6346664

probably someone said they were going to or just saying it as a precaution?

>> No.6346880

Fuck no, the canon horse dildo is the best part about Horuss

>> No.6347163

That still doesn't mean it's appropriate to carry around at a convention or something??

>> No.6347204

Compromise and carry around a heavily pixelated horse dildo instead.

>> No.6347211

Or a blue shake weight.

>> No.6347242
File: 178 KB, 500x351, homestuckcosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More photos?

>> No.6347262
File: 1.37 MB, 1200x776, 44544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6347276
File: 440 KB, 1280x1707, 43114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6347277

the imbalance between male and female cosplayers in this fandom is ridiculous. the imbalance between good male and female cosplayers in this fandom is even more ridiculous.

>> No.6347281

jfc MF horns are always so shitty.

>> No.6347388

too bad he is an ugly fucker with chicken legs

>> No.6347389

this i understand you so much

>> No.6347401


>> No.6347424

Holy shit. I knew something was up with her, but that's new.

>> No.6347488

ew who would sleep with that face

>> No.6347735

She noticed and nothings happening. Hey at least she isnt screaming about how is "NOT TRUE LYERSSS >(" so my opinion of her has spiked. Mildly.

>> No.6347736
File: 915 KB, 1298x1380, shoes_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey cgl, I trying to choose some shoes for my Porrim cosplay, but since she kinda doesn't have canon ones, I'm uncertain of which one I should buy. Which one do you guys prefer? The white/cream ones I would obviously paint green. (sorry for the large pic!)

>> No.6347744

Id say number 3 and 4 would be best out of these.

HOWEVER, I highly dont recommend wearing heels at a con, especially if youre going to be walking around all day. its going to get pretty uncomfortable. But its up to you.

>> No.6347749

I like 11, Something simple and plain would look nice imo.

>> No.6347764

Who cares? It's an animals body part, you can see them in real life at family appropriate places like farms and other horse events. Plus it's specifically relevant to HSG I'm really surprised people on 4chan of all places would object.

>> No.6347771

I'm pretty sure horses don't walk around with their wangs flaccid at public events.

But if they do, I demand videos, preferably with clever cut-aways to young girls asking their mother what the long thing between the horse's legs is.

>> No.6347809

I swear if somebody actually does this theyre just ugh. No matter if it is related to the comic or natural there is no excuse to bring something like that to a fmily event. take it to a 18+ con. Im sure this is a joke.

>> No.6347835
File: 186 KB, 1024x678, god_tier_beta_kids_by_miwafwakes-d5iuo62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even going to delve into what I know.
But I guess it's part of her being ~*mature*~.

>> No.6347955

4 or 11 depending on what matches your fabric colour more.

I don't like most peoples' spite design choices but that could be interesting. I'd have to see it when it's finished though. Is she adding sleeves?

>> No.6347987

It's ok, I don't mind wearing heels for an entire day. Thanks for your input!


I guess I'm probably going with 11 then.

>> No.6348207

I can't believe people actually give a fuck, it's just a penis, get over it. No ones day is ruined by seeing prosthetic genitalia.

>> No.6348218

A friend of mine flipped the fuck out when I pointed out that the thing she just ran over on the road was a fleshlight. I think she was thinking it might have given her car cooties.

>> No.6348240

dude. It's not about us, it's about the fact that really young kids attend conventions and Homestuck photoshoots and it's just extremely rude.

Plus no one wants to see that anyways.

>> No.6348300

there are so many things wrong with everyone in this holy fuck
>those plastic bag shoes
>that broadcloth everything
>those symbols

>> No.6348380
File: 215 KB, 720x960, 550479_3900895160880_1313555474_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping up this thread with some adorable Karezi cosplayers from our local comm's Halloween Homestuck party!

>> No.6348423

new thread:


>> No.6348706

That's what I'm doing. I'm getting a cylinder, painting it blue, and then painting on pixilation, plus gluing on squares of clear plastic.

>> No.6349140

3,4, or 11.