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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 63 KB, 364x548, tumblr_m4402jVv531r7e0cpo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6345330 No.6345330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys, it seems we can't have threads where we single people out. So would people please post and discuss 27 year old's that are from Texas, with first names that start with "S", Preferably with birthdays in July.

>> No.6345339
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>> No.6345344
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>> No.6345350

okay, so I see Ashley, J-nig and PT.... whos' the brunette?

>> No.6345351

What are those 3 ugly people doing with pt? They are ruining her photo!

>> No.6345357

PT needs more weight added to her..

>> No.6345354


>> No.6345355


>> No.6345359

I fucking lol'd at Ashley's earcuff.

>> No.6345370

>includes her "lines from working out"
>ashley's shirt is misspelled
my sides

>> No.6345383
File: 335 KB, 2000x1428, 177028_10151140807996144_69545794_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but who was camera?

>> No.6345380

Whoever drew this is awesome. The animation style is so cute!

>> No.6345388
File: 58 KB, 812x949, Turipodu-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6345390

That's creepy. We have quite a bit in common...

>> No.6345395


I know whoooo but am not sayin :3

It wasn't PT this time, seriously.

>> No.6345401
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>> No.6345409


Dakota's legs should be bruised

>> No.6345415

Why *is* she always bruised? Does she have a blood disorder?

>> No.6345412

nyan, right?
Most of the negative shit we know about PT is a direct leak from her. I swear she's the one intentionally making Sarah look like a fucking idiot.

>> No.6345418
File: 112 KB, 500x335, tumblr_marqifiuPH1qagd25o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my trip. it was for a /cgl/ drawthread a while back.
this is currently my favorite with the /sp/ boyfriend I have right now

>> No.6345422
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>> No.6345427

It was James, wasn't it? I know he's gone with her for "photoshoots" at least once before.

>> No.6345428
File: 146 KB, 997x457, 1350157811039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6345429

it'd be hard to set up turipodu-sama and get in position of playing a 3ds while on a timer

>> No.6345436

God, I can't get over how dumpy she looks. Like, her body structure already sucks, so lets add really unflattering and non-fitting clothes to the mix!

>> No.6345443

I think PT makes herself look like an idiot. Taking pictures in costume, at a school, with her tripod....

Don't even get me started on her Twitter where she puts all her shit out on front street.

>> No.6345465

Wonderful but Dakota's face isn't round enough.

>> No.6345469

Lol. Nyan doesn't need to "leak" info when Sarah does a fine job of supplying it herself. You sound like PT, the way you're crying about it. Seriously, who gives a shit about PT's SIL?

>> No.6345477

Is there any drawfags who can do /cgl/ / /x/?

>> No.6345479
File: 848 KB, 250x167, tumblr_m1v4jkIe6N1qb9pa3o2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought someone mentioned in a previous thread that her sister in law helped her recently with makeup/posing/photographing?

On god, I'm having flashbacks to Teen Witch where all the boys are trying to rap their way into convincing her to ride in the car.

>> No.6345490
File: 65 KB, 537x720, dakoti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaand here's the original photo

>> No.6345498

PT said on her twitter that her sister in law helped her with her make up and took the photos for the snow white costume, not this one.

>> No.6345513


I would wear the shit out of that dress.

>> No.6345527

Who wouldn't, sister seagull? Shit's loli as fuck.

>> No.6345557
File: 971 KB, 873x828, 1350155097665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a long while back, there was a complicated hentai dressup game that everyone was making /cgl/ girls on. can someone send me the link or does anyone remember what that was?

>> No.6345563

Texas? Was this girl at Oni-con?

>> No.6345574

I have the link to it.

>> No.6345576

you can find it on /e/ most often than not

>> No.6345582

How come she still has James' 3DS? I thought she returned it?

>> No.6345588

The asian girl is so cute all you can see on the white girl is forhead.

>> No.6345599

Thank you seagulls
you must be new here.

>> No.6345616

Can someone post some pics of Ashley? I've been lurking around /cgl/ for a while now, but this name is new to me.

>> No.6345632

i think these pictures were taken before she returned it

>> No.6345640

probably miss the threads because the faggot (i mean great and helpful) janitor keeps removing our glorious drama threads
that's the ED for ashley, knock yourself out

>> No.6345725
File: 4 KB, 126x114, 1329349270531s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.6345930
File: 478 KB, 298x295, tumblr_m1nvjoLwcI1r3xezw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while I was talking to her last night about the photos I am retouching, she showed me some from her "ecchi/gravure" set she recently took, and also said that it was a male who took the photos.

I didn't ask who it was specifically though, because quite frankly, I did not care to even know.

Also, if anyone is curious, I determined who her BIGBANG bias would be.

picture highly related.

>> No.6345999

So it's probably James, Jonathan or Edd (I think that's his name). Did you mean that one of them took her gravure photos?

>> No.6346046

yeah, a guy definitely took the gravure photos.

They are lacking the same look that the Snow White photos have. Her sister in law takes awesome photos.

>> No.6346059

When you have these conversations with her, does she ever offer any explanation of why she still does these photoshoots and posts them publicly? Justification, reasoning, any kind of logic?

>> No.6346066

Then it's probably not Jonathan, he's taken some of her other pictures (the ones in the blue maid dress, IIRC). I'd wager James, she has the hots for him.

>> No.6346070

I hope it's daesung. That would be hilarious.

>Also because I don't want the same bias as her

captcha: Amberts passage

>> No.6346146
File: 240 KB, 245x145, tumblr_m50aqoHXo01r5wktlo4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.......I posted a gif as the dead giveaway/hint/clue.

it is TOP.

I honestly think she just likes to dress up and take photos.

yeah, she is still horribly pining over James. She randomly sent me photos of him. I tried to give her some good advice, but I don't know if she will use it or not.

>> No.6346150
File: 492 KB, 280x150, tumblr_m0h5d8s4Lg1r1t5by.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, she made it very clear that she hates kpop. I was just super pushy, and asked her what she liked in men, then sent her pics of the guys from BIGBANG, and she liked TOP.

>> No.6346286
File: 1.81 MB, 2133x3200, 1350972649642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6346293

He looks like a woman. Are you sure PT is not a lesbo?

>> No.6346297

Fat ass

>> No.6346325

she's "bi"

>> No.6346342


A horrifying thought just occurred to me when I saw this picture. I know this is a preview, but you guys don't think she is going to try and do gymnastics poses in it right? Like the kind where she can show off her ass and crotch as much as possible? I think most of us have seen far more of that than any person ever should. I don't think I am prepared for that again.

>> No.6346359
File: 1.53 MB, 1000x1403, 1350945720155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6346360

I'm eagerly awaiting the famous 'I'm poopin' pose

>> No.6346369

>hey, that's not too bad of a photo
>realise it's the shooped version

>> No.6346373

I will literally pay good Nipponese mochi desu to see her do a routine on a beam.

>> No.6346410
File: 93 KB, 708x1024, 1350943352102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6346478

I love you /cgl

>> No.6346488

Dat shoop

>> No.6346493

If PT lost a ton of weight, I bet she could look like Florence Welch

>> No.6346496

See what's funny is, that if PT actually worked, and lost some weight, she would actually look decent. But she's too delusional for that to ever happen.

And she'll never get rid of that nose.

>> No.6346740


She could get rid of it... but yeah, it wouldn't take a ton of work to look like a regular person.

>> No.6347103

the bandaid on her finger is a nice touch

>> No.6347309

I didn't even notice it. I was too busy thanking god that I don't have cankles like PT even though I'm pear shaped.

>> No.6347345

Someone should totally make a "Let Me Hit It" style flash parody with all her worst gravure and uguu photos. I wish I had the skills or I would do it myself.

>> No.6347355

Until then http://theuglydance.com/?v=hwimvupqrdf

>> No.6347361

I love that so much I can't express it in words

>> No.6347455

Tell me which pictures you think should be used and I'll try

>> No.6347491

Sadly I don't have a stock folder of PT stuff. I would think her "I'm Poopin" photos should of course take precedent. A couple well placed short video clips that are hilarious and good examples of PT should be worked in there too.

I think the focus should be her "sexyness" as a self-parody with the "drop it" music adding satirical contrast.

>> No.6347499
File: 180 KB, 900x1258, 1331333549159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can dump some PT pictures. I have a few gifs as well.

>> No.6347503

is it that terrible that I still want to do perverted things to PT?

>> No.6347504
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>> No.6347502
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>> No.6347507
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>recaptcha sexy xchangf

>> No.6347505

Oh and you should probably watch a good handful of other funny "Drop it" flashes to see what works

>> No.6347513
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>> No.6347510
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>> No.6347518
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So sexy... Who wouldn't want her.

>> No.6347520
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>> No.6347521
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>> No.6347524
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>> No.6347531

haha so many of these are gold, probably not enough room for all of them

>> No.6347529
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>> No.6347536

It would be comedic.

>> No.6347541
File: 91 KB, 601x901, try_again_by_pixyteriyaki-d30y44b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You definitely must use this one.

>> No.6347566
File: 179 KB, 533x800, the-pixxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only have 256 pics of my queen,
def don't have gifs, thanks !

>> No.6347600
File: 119 KB, 759x1200, mywaifuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6347605

I love how people group JNig with the drama queens

Even though she hasn't done anything morally wrong

>> No.6347616

That is the shittiest PT shoops I've ever seen.

>> No.6347625


>> No.6347621

I think she looks cute in that one.

>> No.6347678


>> No.6347680

Why can't she wear any of her clothes correctly? They either don't fit, don't match, or both. And why, when she is so happy to spend hundreds of dollars on imported clothes that don't fit, won't she do her fucking nails? She's got fat little grub fingers and bandaids on in half of her photos. It's just so distracting. You never see a real model with grubby little sausage hands, even plus size ones.

>> No.6347703
File: 89 KB, 500x670, tumblr_lqzc18KpuD1qahd60o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's shooped to fuck, that's why you think she looks cute.

>> No.6347704
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>> No.6347729
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>> No.6347730

a) she's delusional about her weight. She has a 'if it zips up, it fits' mentality
b) she buys some of her clothes from the children's section. Us shorter girls can usually get away with it, but coupled with a), it looks awful
c) she also seems to play 'let's see how many clashing colours and patterns I can wear at once today!' when she gets dressed

>> No.6347754
File: 131 KB, 681x1023, Img_5664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PT is very delusional about how young she looks. She shops mainly in the Juniors section, along with buying clothes meant for young Asian women. She tries, and fails, with various styles because she can't coordinate or she she tries to copy a look near exact but without the actually pieces. Take this outfit. She clearly threw shit on, probably trying to copy some Asian fashion model.

It's like when you see clearly 40+ year old women dressing like an 18-21 year old in clubbing clothes.

>> No.6347774

Surely this was pure pixy inspired. I don't think even Japanese street style could put together something so idiotic looking.

>> No.6347779

yeesh, even girls into asian fashion switch to something like otome or gal when they're in their early-mid 20's and then to Ginza style as they get older. This bitch is rediculous!

>> No.6347788

Japanese people don't even dress as retarded as she does. Gurl needs a makeover.

>> No.6347832

Miyu tried and failed. She even bought circle lens for Sarah.

>> No.6348032

hey guys, looks like the thread creator got banned
for posting this thread, but only on cgl. if you want to let moot and the mods know you want pt threads you might want to post there.

>> No.6348095

yes, someone is banning anyone that starts a PT thread. It happened to me too

>> No.6348113

I haven't been banned for PT, but I have been banned because of Ashley. Twice. i hate this new mod/ janitor person.

>> No.6348123

It's ridiculous because right now we have a depression thread, a wywt thread and I'm sure there is a /fit/ thread floating around here somewhere. PT and Ashley are for more relevant than any of that bullshit.

>> No.6348144
File: 160 KB, 455x351, meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god this is the cutest thing i've ever seen i love you anon drawfag<333333

>> No.6348315


And a tumblr thread.
And a "wah i'm not the right kind of asian and girls don't like me wat do" thread.
And a "is Chokelate anorexic/isn't she?" thread.

All right there on the front page. This janitor is shit.

>> No.6348319
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>> No.6348320
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>> No.6348325
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>> No.6348326


Probably because of a vitamin deficiency. She doesn't look like she eats much at all, and probably what little she does eat isn't very healthy. This could be fixed with a multivitamin easily but I don't think she's that smart.

>> No.6348351

I dunno, I like this one. Looks like she has a curvy fat girl body instead of being a slushy turd. I know its shooped.

>> No.6348420

i agree.

>> No.6348446

Jessica isn't even close to that color.

>> No.6348455

Why is Ashley shorter than PT?

>> No.6348472


PT's hair should be short, black with brown roots and hella greasy and stringy looking.

>> No.6348474


Why the fuck are you asking me, I just grabbed the image from a drawthread a while back.

>> No.6348480

she's like 10 years younge than PT so i guess it seemed right