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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 125 KB, 730x1095, dragon_snake_lady_make_up_by_asherbeeproductions-d5autjn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6335273 No.6335273 [Reply] [Original]

Soooo... I saw Ashley at Busch Gardens on saturday.. Ask me anything..

>> No.6335278

Prove it.

>> No.6335284

and you didn't take a picture? in this day and age..

>> No.6335290

which Busch Gardens? The one in Tampa?

>> No.6335296

She was infront of us and if I were to take a picture from the back all you would see was her group of horribly dressed awkward girls with troll horns made of masking tape.. but still, I should have taken one anyway..

>> No.6335299

She always looks so sad
I would like to hug her and then force her to pay attention to the detail in everything she makes

>> No.6335301

Williamsburg Virginia

>> No.6335398

enjoy your ban, op. our chubby chaser mod doesn't like people talking shit about assley.

>> No.6335414

Anon where are you? Can we be friends? I don't have any friends that cosplay..

>> No.6335429

>Homestuck cosplay description
She was COSPLAYING at Busch Gardens?

>> No.6335432

VA beach, I don't have any either, yes let's be best friends.

>> No.6335452

Ashley wasn't cosplaying, she just had some red lipstick and blue pants with a black top. But her friends made horrible horns that looked like they colored them with an orange highlighter, but some other people called them out and recognized they were supposed to be trolls. I did see another group cosplaying homestuck though.. theres was a bit better.

>> No.6335569

It was the Howl-O-Scream meetup. They probably went for dinner n' shit.

I go to VA Homestuck meetups occasionally so I get to read all about her.

I honestly think she was kinda cute as Feferi. Partly because you couldn't see her unsightly facial hair with the grey paint and her smile can be very pretty, it's just unfortunate she's so close to becoming a bucketspitter.

>> No.6335660

Depressed she has more of a social life than me.

>> No.6335677

>it's just unfortunate she's so close to becoming a bucketspitter.
A what?

>> No.6335700

Bucketspitter is the derogatory term for people in the Homestuck fandom who take it way way too far. The term bucketspitter came from a video online of a bunch of cunts spitting into a bucket in a nice restaurant.

>> No.6335707
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>> No.6335749
File: 15 KB, 586x472, 1346014366775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we've all been waiting and interested in when PT gets a fella' but I got to admit, I'd love to see how a relationship for Ashley would pan out too

>> No.6335768

she's gay

>> No.6335781

Well, unlike PT Ashley (as far as we know) isn't a desperate sloot who is willing to anal without lube. I guess either Ashley has to hope somebody would be desperate to go with her unwashed ass. I don't really see it happening anytime soon.

According to an anon at the field day meet she recently went to, she tried some social awkward flirting which mainly consisted of her blurting out hows she prefers women at inappropriate times.

>> No.6335784

Key word being 'relationship' or is that not a term used for Lesbians and Bi couples etc?

>> No.6335798

>she tried some social awkward flirting which mainly consisted of her blurting out hows she prefers women at inappropriate times.
Sounds like she is gay for attention. Imagine if she were to become a SJW... LOL

>> No.6335804

She 'thinks she might be a lesbian now' because she's desperate.

>> No.6335816

She should just state that's she's bisexual and open herself up to each sex if she's desperado

>> No.6335822

the term is regaytionship

>> No.6335832

she's tortured, her parents abuse her and her dog died

>> No.6335834

i think my head would explode. We need to get this going somehow

>> No.6335835

sorry to be that guy, but what is her tumblr again?

>> No.6335841


>> No.6335845
File: 46 KB, 245x245, snufkin is tired of your bullshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohhh social justice please calm down and go back to tumblr

>> No.6335847

it's ok i needed the url too i just didn't want to be that guy

so thanks for being that guy for me

and thanks to the anon for supplying

>> No.6335856


>> No.6335983

There were some rumors that a guy who watches her on dA has the hots for her, the same kid who gifted her the premie. I don't think it was ever confirmed, though.
Then again, she is trying to be a lesbian so I don't think she'd date him.

>> No.6335993

reddit's that way ------->

>> No.6335996

i see what you did there anon

>> No.6336009

>Imagine if she were to become a SJW... LOL
well, she already told people to "check their privilege" when she was asked why she occasionally turned off anon questions on her tumblr.

tbh i'd love to see her in fat acceptance

>> No.6336014
File: 195 KB, 500x375, 1339759948977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone should pretend to be a guy to get close to her, sharing with us everything she says and does

oh my god i can't believe i just recommended that
i'm a horrible person

>> No.6336021

that was just a Kankri thing. she doesn't know what it means

>> No.6336024

oh i thought reddits layout looked a little different today, thanks for your help!

>> No.6336038
File: 239 KB, 960x539, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6336052

Is that a long lost relative at the bottom right?

>> No.6336057

Already saw it on her tumblr - but which one is Assley?
She said she's in the bad but... Is she the one with the red glasses or what?
I don't know man

>> No.6336061

she doesn't look well put together

>> No.6336066

there's a disturbing amount of sailor chibi moon in her likes. either she has a thing for young girls like pt or she's collecting references to shit all over when cosplaying chibiusa.
either way i'm scared.

>> No.6336067


I think the one at the back with the red glasses on and black hair.

>> No.6336081

derp, forgot the link

>> No.6336090

> implying SJWs know what the hell they're talking about

>> No.6336097
File: 1.31 MB, 960x539, meetup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6336109

how is it possible that absolutely no one in that group is even remotely cute. usually even the worst bucketspitter clusterfucks have at least one.

>> No.6336110

Lol she's always at the back, like the group's dirty little secret.

>> No.6336252

Oh, Ashley. You dumb bitch. Even standing in the back can't help hide your fat body.

>> No.6336272

WTF? No no no no no. Please god no. I feel like I need to rescue the poor makeup that is abused by this girl.

>> No.6336301

Its like taking a crazy cat lady's "babies". She'll always find a way to get more.

>> No.6336302

Is that Ozzy?

>> No.6336376
File: 351 KB, 814x930, 1307501187146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>snufkin gif

>> No.6336396


>> No.6336426


>> No.6336463

Maybe it's just me, but she looks kind of like Helen Thomas in this picture...

>> No.6336723

She liked some Haruka and Michiru too. I hope she's not jumping into the Sailor Moon fandom but I know she will. It's getting popular. I fear she'll latch onto Haruka or Michiru because they're lesbians. I don't want to see anymore fat Michiru's. I just don't.

>> No.6336871

is she moving or what?

>> No.6337175

Are you kidding? That would mean she would have to be at slightly responsible and would have to take care of herself. Why would she move when she can sit at home, do makeup all day and stuff her fat, piggy face while mommy and daddy buy her everything she wants?

>> No.6337192

Moving? No, no. Ashley is only 'moving' when mommy and daddy won't let her get her way. Examples:

1) Ashley wants __________. She asks mommy/daddy for _________. She does not get ________.
"Wah I'm moving!"

2) Ashley gets authorities called on parents because she's dumb-ass over the internet. Her parent tells her to gtfo for the day.
"Wah! I need a new place to live!!!!"

>> No.6337283

does she have a twitter account?

>> No.6337463

Anons probably would have found it by now.

>> No.6339175

She said awhile ago when she got back from Disney World that she was "inspired" and was going to move to Florida with two other friends.
I highly doubt it'll actually happen. If anything, she'll go live with them, and not contribute to pay for any living expenses and will mooch off of them.

>> No.6339963
File: 191 KB, 900x532, oh assley no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dropping this here

>> No.6340007

>character is supposed to be her

I think not, Ashley

>> No.6340013

but it don't look like her at all

>> No.6340140

So she's basically trying to make a Katniss ripoff, or something?

>Look at that pig nose!
>"Ashton" "I'm going to give my OC a male >sounding name because I might be a boy afterall!"

>> No.6340159

Fuck u guy's ok
I talked to Ash and she's one of the sweetest people I EVER met. You're all just jealous because she's creative and her business is going strong. You're all loser's who won't make it anywhere in life.

>> No.6340161

she's not talented enough to write her own stuff. all her "idea's" are shit

>> No.6340163

Hi Ashley.

>> No.6340175

I have a feeling that's an anon pretending to be Ashley, not Ashley herself

>> No.6340188

Usually is always the case.

>> No.6340208

Take solace in knowing it'd not me this time.
Come on ladies, the bits been done.

>> No.6340209

Anon. Your trolling is not effective. Please hang your head in shame for your failure.

>Ashley doesn't come to 4chan because it's gives her virues aka she is too dumb to use 4chan

>> No.6340224
File: 42 KB, 915x515, 1344136992412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's believed she come here before.

>> No.6340228

I never claimed to be Ash, I was just sayin my opinion. Guess you're not allowed to do that on 4chan anymore??

>> No.6340251


my ashley radar is off the charts here

>> No.6340254

Not when you make yourself out to be completely asinine.

>> No.6340271
File: 211 KB, 320x320, 4369 - animated_gif hair_dryer hirasawa_yui k-on k-on! k-on!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay fat, delusional and stupid for us, okay?

>> No.6340277

No. Not in these threads. In drama threads you're either with them or against them. In past threads I've only suggested things that may positively change ashley for the better(even stated several times times that I was speaking theoretically and that it was completely fantasy.)
Instead illiterate anons (which seemed to be everyone in the thread at the time) got pissed because I wasn't bashing her like everyone else. So I was called a white knight who "ruined the thread"
In ashley threads, if youre not saying anything bad- you're against everyone.

>> No.6340295

Yeah, because it's definitely not like Ashley's retarded grammatical mistakes are common knowledge and anon would never pretend to be her to rile you guys up.
/cgl/ really is the most easily trolled board.
This guy is pretty obviously pretending to be Ashley, though.

>> No.6340324

> implying "she's" is a grammatical mistake
dude, what the hell are you doing.

>> No.6340337

I'm being retarded.

>> No.6340364

Grammatical errors aside, only a complete and total moron who doesn't know how business works would think a shop that sold two cheap items in one month is "going strong." And I think only Ashley could think that about her own business.

>> No.6340380
File: 740 KB, 720x960, meet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6340393

This looks like a weird meet.
Totally an easy lay for any pedobait hunter, too.

>> No.6340417

Please tell me she did not paint the stripe onto her hoodie.

>> No.6340436

I think that she indeed do that.

That looks so so so very messy and gross.

>> No.6340480

Not to mention, it's uneven as shit.

>> No.6340499

i thought she just wrapped her jacket in duct tape
that makes more sense though

>> No.6340500


Was this a lazystuck meet up? I've never been to a meet up but I assume if it's about cosplay you dress up.

>> No.6340514

I kinda find the awkward of this group cute.

>> No.6340530

I imagine this to be the face when Ashley tries to flirt.
Or sees a burger.
> captcha: cause rapePro
I'm scared.

>> No.6340553

I wonder if she was as awkward at this meet as she was at the previous one. I bet she made all of those girls uncomfortable.

>> No.6340583

I'm willing to bet she did.
>"We both like homostuck and we both have vaginas!
>"I don't know about you, but I'm a lesbian and I think we'd be the perfect couple!"

Or something similar and just as stupid.

>> No.6340649

She didn't. I was there and she was really sweet and friendly. I don't know why you always hate on Ash? Get a life.

>> No.6340657

Its a bit of an... obsession...
I have no idea why ashley gets so much attention while 90% of tumblr is like her or even worse.

>> No.6340708

And for fuck's sake stop calling her "Ashley". It makes her feel uncomfortable. It's ASH.

>> No.6340724

How do you feel about Assley, Ashley?

>> No.6340732
File: 339 KB, 512x448, 1347821678575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6340735

Or Ashburgers?

>> No.6340744

Ash doesn't know if Ash identifies as a female. Check your privelige!

>> No.6340753

See: https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Luvmonkeys

>> No.6340814

that confirms it!
You really are ashley!
Why are you on cgl?
Are you just begging for attention?

>> No.6340820
File: 52 KB, 972x582, Ashton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6340828

Again, not Ash. Just because I'm not hating on her I'm automatically her? Ok, think whatever your little brain likes to think.
I pity all of you, your life's must be so sad.

>> No.6340833

who do you think you are constraining ash to a gender? check your privilage cis scum

>> No.6340839


>> No.6340843

>I am now talking to myself
>Please respond

>> No.6340845

>you can see small hints of her gender

>> No.6340850

its because you are saying ash instead of ashley.
You are ashley or some kind of whiteknight going as far as going to cgl.

>> No.6340852

And yeah, so what if she's confused about her gender? It's nothing to make fun of, it's a serious thing. She can't help it. Would you make fun of someone who has cancer? You probably would because you're bully's who get off on making other's feel miserable. I hate all of you

>> No.6340853

i like how you haven't successfully quoted anyone that you're responding to
it's almost as if you don't come here often -- oh wait!

>> No.6340855

Remember? Ashley hasn't decided whether she wants to be male or female, so of course that self-insert is going to be gender neutral with "hints" at her being genetically female.

>> No.6340859

Its nice to talk to you.
Gender issues are not the same as cancer.
Cancer is a mutation, are you saying gender issue is a mutation?

>> No.6340862

Probably Ashley-speak for "she has a camel toe"?

>> No.6340866

I think that's Assley's way of saying she has small boobs.

>> No.6340869
File: 3 KB, 209x212, 1330635844947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you make fun of someone who has cancer?
She certainly did.

>> No.6340876

Fuck you, I never said it's a mutation, idiot. I said she can't help it. As in, she didn't choose to be like this. Stop twisting the word's in my mouth.

>> No.6340874

Being a faggot can be helped, there is no excuse.

>> No.6340883
File: 350 KB, 500x344, 1349409988709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost it!

>> No.6340891
File: 41 KB, 295x221, kekeke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What words in your mouth? You're typing, not speaking.

>> No.6340892

Of course you chose to be like this; you realized that nothing else was getting you the ass pats you so desperately crave so in true tumblr fashion you went straight for the golden egg of attention and claimed to have gender issues.

>> No.6340894

if you really are such a good friend of ashley/ash then why are you here on cgl?
Posting here is just a waste of time and you should know that!
If you are a friend of here then go to her blog or something and comfort her instead of making things worse!

>> No.6340910


One of my best friends has cancer. Her situation is worlds away from some whiny teen pretending to have gender issues so she fits in with the rest of Tumblr.
Don't make retarded comparisons.

>> No.6340929

Good job. You've managed to insult both people who have cancer and people who are confused about their gender in one go.

>> No.6340931

Yes, she did.
Everything she does if for attention. Hell, I even told her that everything she does is a pathetic and desperate attempt to compensate for the attention she never got from Mommy and Daddy and she didn't even deny it. The best she did was tell me she was going to blame me if she received no business.

>> No.6340951

I LOVE how you all always know everything and have all the answers to every question. Asked or not. Yet y'all sitting on your ass's all day and do nothing else than hating on a girl who hasn't done SHIT to you. I still didn't hear what she has done to YOU to deserve all of this hate. And don't link me to that ED article again because that's all lie's.

>> No.6340955


>> No.6340956


Uh huh.

>> No.6340964
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughing whores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're really outdoing yourself here

>> No.6340968

So, screencaps of everything she has actually said are lies, huh?

>> No.6340971


>> No.6340974

says the one who keeps posting here.
If this is really such a horrible place then why are you still here?
To see if someone reacted to your posts?
This is what 99% of 4chan is about.
You didn't realise but you just turned into one of us!
No live, sitting there behind your ass waiting to see if you made someone react!

>> No.6340976

Dear God are your jimmies rustled.
>random words in all caps
>words with 's when there is no 's
>defending a bratty, fat, ugly, unhygienic, bandwagonning attention-whore


>> No.6340977

I'm sorry I'm not as social and outdoors-y as you, ash. I will better my ways.

>> No.6340986

is as'ley still here?

>> No.6340988

>hating on a girl
ash dont need no gender

>> No.6341017

So you're going to start telling people you just met how you're bi/not sure of your gender/abused at totally random and inappropriate times? While smelling terrible with badly done eyebrows and a femstache?

>> No.6341035

Bloody hell, it's contagious.

>> No.6341040
File: 12 KB, 468x425, 1293033183095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6341055
File: 123 KB, 511x428, snicker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

Spontaneous entertainment.

>> No.6341062

How would you know how she smells? As I said, LIE'S. That's all you can do.
She has a hormonal condition. But you perfect people don'r have flaw's, right? So where's your photo? You're all hiding behind anon thinking you're smart and strong but you're just pathetic.

>> No.6341080
File: 28 KB, 555x346, weed kills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my photo, drugs haven't been good on me these past few years

>> No.6341081

>Hormonal condition
Is that code for "I'm scared of my shower", Ashley?

>> No.6341082
File: 51 KB, 402x402, 1343285782677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6341083

Ashley's dA page says she's online.

>> No.6341091

If ashley really had such a close friend who would even go to cgl to defend her, even though its a waste of time, then ashley wouldn't be so depressed and attention whoring!
Dear person, please go.
You are too good to be true.

>> No.6341097
File: 44 KB, 500x375, Lol_u_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you post your photo first to prove your not Assley, Assley? It shouldn't be a problem if you're not Assley like you claim, right Assley?

>> No.6341104

For the record, what she has done to deserve MY hate is the fact that her ignorant remarks are insulting to pretty much everyone. Also her stupidity makes my brain hurt.

>> No.6341107

This. Just show us a hand or something. We know what Ashley's fat fingers look like.

>> No.6341110

What did she do to you?

>> No.6341111

>dat apostrophe

Confirmed for Assley.

>> No.6341112

Nah man, they're not fat they're just messed up from when she slammed them in a car door as a child.

>> No.6341117


>> No.6341119
File: 632 KB, 1257x628, goggles2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who did it this time?

>> No.6341120

That's right. Didn't she even claim they're deformed?

>> No.6341124

uh what is going on in that picture?
is that some sort of extension

>> No.6341139


Captcha: PARALLEL tostedes

>> No.6341154


>> No.6341178

oh gosh time to go try that on every website ever

>> No.6341181

>"I'm scared." Ashton whispered, clinging to her brother tightly as he played with her natural ringlets in her hair.
>her natural ringlets in her hair.

It's like 2008 on ff.net again.

>> No.6341194
File: 83 KB, 945x550, DA goggles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys got to work quick. I am dying.

>> No.6341199

I read to the "super special white dress that is perfectly white even though the house is covered in soot"
>most likely to lazy to clean?

>> No.6341234
File: 59 KB, 530x461, 1315600167544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is best thread ever. I'm glad I get to read this on my birthday. You guys are awesome.

>> No.6341243


>> No.6341244

Happy birthday

>> No.6341245

> malnourished
> 15 years old, 5'2 and 125 pounds

Um, what? If anything you'd be a tiny bit chubs, unless it's all muscle or something. But that is fairly normal weight. I suppose 125 pounds at that height would be ~anorexic~ to her though.

>> No.6341249


>> No.6341251

happy birthday anon-chan ^^

>> No.6341294

so she rewrote the hunger games opening almost word for word just with her as a mary-sue. wow.

>> No.6341314

she steal's everyone's idea's

>> No.6341346

There's also the bit of "She's malnourished, but she can throw things like spears far!
Aren't spears usually heavy? And even if they weren't -that- heavy, I imagine it would take some strength to throw them. Strength I think a malnourished person wouldn't have. If her character was truly malnourished (implying it's been longer than a short time) wouldn't she be either really bony and thin, have brittle hair (I imagine it would be uneven and short since I wouldn't be surprised if some would "break' from time to time) as well as other problems? The character that Assley drew, along with the description sound nothing like a malnourished person.

>> No.6341347

>aarwin and ashton
>both girls

>> No.6341354

>She looked back to her family then turned to the check in. She didn't look back to her family because if she did she'd run into their arms and never let go.
>she looked back to her family
>she didn't look back to her family
10/10 writing

>> No.6341364

What's her tumblr? Her old URL doesn't work anymore.

>> No.6341375


>> No.6341392

Assley probably thinks that when you're malnourished, the only thing that happens to you is that you become normal weight.

I can't.

>> No.6341401
File: 137 KB, 350x350, 1350362103101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6341402

Please put that on her DA.

>> No.6341428

>Assley probably thinks that when you're malnourished, the only thing that happens to you is that you become normal weight.
That's how all fat people think.

>> No.6341494

done did it, mentioned how the nightmares and needing to be held by her sibling was "unique" too
forgot about malnourished shit though

>> No.6341499

My literature professor would put "Redundancy is redundant" next to that line because he's awesome like that.

I guess she's going for the "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee"-thing for her Mary Sue. This is a problem most amateur writers have - they want to paint a hero but make it a caricature because their protagonists have no flaws. Pretty fairy look-a-likes with a dark, tragic past, deep thoughts, high intelligence and great mental and physical strength. Fuck logic.

Happy birthday!

>> No.6341528

Thanks a bunch!

>> No.6341558
File: 39 KB, 955x164, goggle balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit!

>> No.6341571

Hey, Ashley!

>so what if she's confused about her gender? It's nothing to make fun of, it's a serious thing. She can't help it.

It's not that serious gurl, calm down. The serious shit is when people fuck with you for it or when it makes someone very depressed or suicidal. And no, people on the internet telling you you're full of shit =/= bullying, transphobia, bigotry, hate, or oppression.

>> No.6341582

Fucking shit, is she going to rape adventure time now? I hope she dies.

>> No.6341588

Appears it'll be both Adventure Time and Sailor Moon. I weep for the fandoms Anon.

>> No.6341596

I am cry

>> No.6341604

ITT: Bitches bitching about how ashley is ruining a fandom that already has awful fans
>hunger games
>adventure time

Pfft. whatever.

>> No.6341613

Classic case of "stop liking the shitty things I like!!"

>> No.6341616
File: 256 KB, 500x245, 8cUqM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6341640

>she reblogs one adventure time thing
>omg no she's gonna ruin my fandom
yall niggas dum
plus she rarely cosplays anything that's not homestuck

>> No.6341669

booo hoooo

>> No.6341688

Isn't Ashley a little old for the self insert fan fiction/art?

>> No.6341700

You are never too old for self-insert fanfiction/art.

Unless you decide to sell said work...

>> No.6341723

Stephenie Meyer did

>> No.6341725

>never too old

I beg to differ.

>> No.6341762

Hey, they can be good. Keyword is 'good.'

>> No.6341787
File: 112 KB, 932x562, ashton fanart on goggles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you guys.

>> No.6341811


>> No.6341838

>her chest beating rapidily in her chest

I think this character has a lot more to worry about than some competition...

Does she seriously not proofread this shit?

>> No.6341907

Sailor Moon?
Noooo stay out of my fandom.

>> No.6341908

>Who is Stephenie Meyer?

You can never be too old for it.

>> No.6341916

>implying I've read Twilight

>> No.6342125

>Implying you need to read Twilight to know it's self insert garbage.

>> No.6342185

Happy birthday, anon!

>> No.6342259

Apparently I do because I honestly didn't know.

>> No.6342497


Then also know this: 50 Shades of Gray is a Twilight fanfiction.

>> No.6342526

Yeah, I don't know anything about 50 Shades of Gray. Don't really care to either.

>> No.6342590

Count yourself lucky omg I wish i didn't i felt like i was on ff.net reading that shit I'm just glad i'm not the one who spent money on that sack of crap.

Speaking of sacks of crap wasn't this an Ashley thread?

>> No.6342599

Oh my god. Learn to use punctuation.

>> No.6342622

Nah to lazy.

>> No.6342627

>to lazy

Probably just too stupid.

>> No.6342638

Yea I probably am.

>Your seriously going back and forth with me over punctuation on the internet lol.

>> No.6342653

You probably did that on purpose.

Yeah. I don't have anything better to do until Ashley acts up again.

>> No.6342669

I apologise, I can't get seem to provoke a response from her anymore on Tumblr

>> No.6342676

and she didn't say anything interesting in reply to that deviantart post asking about >>6341354

>> No.6342683


Well shit

>> No.6342691

Either she is growing up, or Ashley isn't checking her stuff.

Though I still what to know what that status about her mom reporting people was all about.

>> No.6342704

nah, she replied on deviantart, she just didn't say anything interesting.

>> No.6342715

Her Mum reporting people? Mere scare-mongering

>> No.6342733
File: 18 KB, 635x258, DYING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6342770

I'd feel sorry for anyone doing a roleplay with her.

>> No.6342856

She most likely isn't saying anything because the person white knighting Assley earlier was Assley herself and she knows we're trying to get a reaction out of her.

>> No.6342880

I'm actually tempted to try to be her new rp partner just so I can see how bad she is, or if I can help her improve her writing. I've seen some of her old stuff and it was sad. I just wonder if she's ever had someone who can type more than just a sentence because I type paragraphs.

>> No.6342889

Do it. Do it. Doooo iiiit.

>> No.6342894

BTW what happened to her dog?

>> No.6342897

Apparently it died? Either that, or they brought it to be put to sleep. Turns out it had congestive heart failure.

>> No.6342898

It got taken to the vet and put to sleep. She posted a journal about it on dA.

>> No.6342907

Let me in on that. I can be a...idk some emotional abusive dude..but I type paragraphs too. We can be two guys fighting for her~ I know my style improved due to my partners.

>> No.6342910

That's not Tampa.
We no longer have Land of the Dragons, nor do we have a yellow rollercoaster.

>> No.6342930

>a kankri thing
>i haven't read homestuck for more than a year, have no idea what is happening
>look up kankri
>parody character of SJWS
yes bueno

>> No.6343138

I most likely am rusty, but I don't think she'd pass up a lady knight, I guess.

>> No.6343210

>if I can help her improve her writing
I'm laughing at all of the people who still think they could help her in any way. Why do you want to waste your time on that? Others have tried and were bitched out or brushed off. She's just so ~perfect~ don'tcha kno? Concrit is for losers, not ~artists~ like her.

>> No.6343285

I have nothing better to do, so why not? The major part is to see her rp skills and maybe gets some laughs. Besides, I feel she's a one sentence roleplayer and running around her in paragraphs would bring me enjoyment

>> No.6343292


>> No.6343314
File: 187 KB, 1111x723, 1335856200716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I miss those days. I thought I'd be the only one that ever did that shit.

>> No.6343328
File: 201 KB, 368x303, a canadian in sorrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We...We don't have Land of the Dragons anymore?