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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 47 KB, 467x700, 1338587964856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6340643 No.6340643[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/cgl/ has somewhat of a reputation of being filled with whores.

How true is this?

How many of you would consider having a sugar daddy?

How many of you are virgins?

We're anonymous here, so be honest.

>> No.6340647

Yes I would and no I'm not.

I don't consider myself to be a whore.

>> No.6340653

>I'm a whore but I don't consider myself to be a whore

>> No.6340648

Mod, why have you forsaken us? :(

>> No.6340656

I'm pretty sure 90% of us want sugar daddies.
Although some of us are taken or married, so it wouldn't actually be possible.
Virgins are a smaller or equal measure to non-virgins here.

Most of us who have sex enjoy it, and most us aren't whores.

Correct me if I'm wrong, girls.

>> No.6340659

Wasn't he here yesterday posting in a >tfw no gf thread?

>> No.6340660

The word whore is relative. It's not the same as working the street corner.

>> No.6340661

It's my first time posting on this board.

Just curious.

>> No.6340673

I don't understand. Most of you want sugar daddies, which is essentially exchanging sexual favors for money, but most of you aren't whores?

Doesn't that just mean you're just... not a cheap whore?

>> No.6340679

>The word whore is relative
"A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain."
"To accept payment in exchange for sexual relations."
Not at all, hobag

>> No.6340682
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>> No.6340689
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>> No.6340695
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>> No.6340699
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>> No.6340709
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>> No.6340717
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>> No.6340718


Listen girls, I like you all but this is some compelling stuff. Most of you aren't like this, right?

>> No.6340726

fuck this picture

goddammit /sp/ why ;_;

>> No.6340728

oh god what is this

>> No.6340746

I don't really see what's so immoral about having a sugar daddy.

As long as it's safe, what's wrong with it, exactly?

People exchange favors for sex all the time.

>> No.6340755

I'd like to think I'm not, but I've had my moments.

>> No.6340769


Just because people exchange favors for sex all the time doesn't make it right. It sort of ruins the experience if you treat it as a good to be sold.

>> No.6340778


>> No.6340779

I... wouldn't have a sugar daddy... I'd rather pay for things myself. It makes me happier knowing I bought it with my own money.

>> No.6340791

You've had sex with the same guy for 5+ years(he's your first, and only).
4chan logic: You're a slut.

You've never had sex, but are a relative normalfag, have friends, go out and socialize.
4chan logic: You're a slut.

You're a girl:
4chan logic: You're a slut.

There isn't any winning here, honestly.

>> No.6340792

No yeah, we pretty much don't have a mod. Last time I saw him he made a thread with his own pic to attentionwhore saying it was to us help him choose a cosplay, even though we had a cosplay suggestion thread up at the time.

>> No.6340801

There might be some virgins here, but they're either underage, asexual or unattractive.

Guys might prefer virgins as far as dating/marriage goes, but if you live in a 1st world country there are literally none, so learn to settle with normal girls.

We like to have sex too, you know.

>> No.6340804

>you get given money by a guy you would otherwise not be with, he gets to touch you
4chan logic: You're a slut.

The other situations are not the case, over-exaggeration does not help you here at all love

>> No.6340809

>You've had sex with the same guy for 5+ years(he's your first, and only).
>4chan logic: You're a slut.

Not at all. In fact I doubt ANYONE on 4chan believes this.

I seriously hope you don't believe people believe this.

>> No.6340813

Have the janitors been picked yet, actually? I'm guessing not, since I haven't seen any changes around here, but you never know. I applied, but I don't think I'll get it if they haven't already picked them. Sucks, I'd be a pretty good one.

>> No.6340815

Well that's where you're wrong.

>> No.6340821

yeah ok

>> No.6340830

Have people seriously told you they were a virgin going in?

>> No.6340831

>/cgl/ has somewhat of a reputation of being filled with whores.
It's like I'm in high school all over again!

>How true is this?
Not very. The only whores here are the ones that tripfag in every thread yet contribute nothing and derail everything.

>How many of you would consider having a sugar daddy?
I would only for money for a mastectomy. Fuck having breasts.

>How many of you are virgins?
There's a survey somewhere.

>> No.6340826

> How many of you would consider having a sugar daddy?
I considered it. I signed up to SA and replied to messages and everything. But then I kinda freaked out and stopped. It was weird; I always thought I'd been fine with it, but, I don't know. It was probably because my boyfriend had just left me. Perhaps I could do it if I was more stable.

> How many of you are virgins?
Hell no, and would never be again. I also try and avoid having sex with virgins; it's way too awkward.

>> No.6340834

I don't think it's so much that /cgl/ has a lot of whores so much as /cgl/ has a lot of girls.

Some of those girls are promiscuous.

>> No.6340837

>>/cgl/ has somewhat of a reputation of being filled with whores *or insane bitches

>> No.6340840

>There's a survey somewhere.

Oh. That would be great.

Does someone have a link?

>> No.6340846


According to society it's only okay if it's your husband or boyfriend.

>> No.6340857

Whether or not selling yourself for money is immoral is debatable.

Whether or not having a sugar daddy makes you a whore is not.

Guys don't want to date whores.

It's not some conspiracy.

>> No.6340861

Or y'know if you're not receiving regular cash installments from some beta sap

>> No.6340863

People will call you a slut for having a sugar daddy because you're having sex with a guy you don't want to be with for money

these people automatically assume this

It's funny because no one things about girls who are legit attracted to older men, and if that older man is willing to support them, why are they are such big sluts for being in a consenting relationship

>> No.6340864


I just tried googling but got nothing. But if I recall correctly it's pretty balanced. Also that there are a lot of FTMs on here.

>> No.6340868

>It's funny because no one things about girls who are legit attracted to older men, and if that older man is willing to support them, why are they are such big sluts for being in a consenting relationship
Le Oedipus syndrome face

>> No.6340877


What? None of those things are what most people consider slutty. In fact, I guarantee you any time someone calls 'slut' and one of those situations is present it's not the reason for the calling. The fact that you chose to emphasize those situations though and don't see the difference is kind of sad.

>> No.6340870


because >>6340846

>> No.6340880


Am I the only one who's waiting until marriage?

just wondering

>> No.6340884


>no true scotsman

"I'm a virgin and I'm attractive, lots of girls tell me so!"

Well you're not REALLY attractive then.

>> No.6340893

Me too anon. Me too.

>> No.6340895


>implying reputations don't matter in every aspect of life

>> No.6340899


I thought I was weird for a sec.


>> No.6340902


I don't agree with this either. I think now that men and women are equal ideally both should have careers.

>> No.6340905
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/cgl/, if you want, we could talk about porn instead of having this thread. I'm willing to help.

>> No.6340912

It doesn't really matter what people think, I would give anything for an older man who knows what he's doing in bed and can support me as well.

Shit I'd marry the guy if we liked each other enough. I don't have to be in love with the guy, I'd rather be comfortable and content than wait for "true love"

>> No.6340918


>tfwnoqtgf to have sex with me while wear a big bird costume and singing the French national anthem before pooping on my calves

>> No.6340922

>I'd rather be comfortable and content than wait for "true love"

Geez, /cgl/. You're bitter as fuck.

>> No.6340924


I guess it just saddens me that so many people (women included) want to take a free ride in life instead of trying to contribute something. I say people because it needs to be emphasized a ton of men in this generation have no work ethic either.

>> No.6340927

I can understand giving up on true love eventually, but not even waiting a little bit to give it a shot?

>> No.6340928
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I'd go in for that. Time to link doujins I guess, maybe that will help.

Preferences /cgl/?

>> No.6340930

I honestly feel sorry for you.

>> No.6340934


Some people just don't give a fuck anymore.

>> No.6340938

>tfw I used to believe in true love
>tfw I'm going to have to settle

>> No.6340942

They don't need to. It's not like a hard and fast rule. Perhaps I should've said "I avoid having sex with people who act like virgins". For example, my last bf was a virgin when we met (one night stand) and I had genuinly no clue because he was so calm. Like, people told me and I refused to believe them. On the other hand, I once slept with a virgin who couldn't keep it up because he was so nervous. It made me feel so bad that I decided just to never sleep with a guy that nervous again to avoid that situation.

And two virgins having sex - don't get me started on that one. And orgy of not knowing wtf they're doing.

>> No.6340946

Only 2 or 3 people answered your question, OP.

I think that gives you a good idea of what the answers would be.

>> No.6340960

>And two virgins having sex - don't get me started on that one. And orgy of not knowing wtf they're doing.

Unlikely to happen. Girls don't care about male virginity (in fact most would prefer non-virgins).

>> No.6340962

>How true is this?
/soc/ has more whores than /cgl/.

>Consider having a sugar daddy?
Maybe.. but the thought of pretty much prostituting my body for cash is unbearable. No thanks.

>Are you a virgin?
Virgin Status: over 9000.

>> No.6340965

How many of you would consider having a sugar daddy?
I shopped around for one once I turned 18 and was still in high school. But I only wanted attractive ones, so the pickings were slim. I gave up the search a couple months after I graduated.

How many of you are virgins?
Got married in 2011 and lost it to my husband.

I've never tried to not be one, but I don't think I'm a whore.

>> No.6340966

I have that feel every time I get broken up with. Then I meet someone, hope happens, they break up with me, and the feel gets even worse.

Once more, and I'll be you.

>> No.6340970

>Girls don't care about male virginity
This thread. Generalizations all over the place.

>> No.6340979


/cgl/: we're not as bad as soc

>> No.6340981
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>getting married that young
More a case of fictionalizations

>> No.6340982

I wouldn't want a sugar daddy, but I wish I made more money myself. I'm not a virgin but I've only slept with/done anything sexual with a long term boyfriend.

>> No.6340984

Fine, I'll just link random things from my favorites. /cgl/, I know at least some of you know how to into sadpanda.


Now be distracted by those thinks.

>> No.6340989

Christ is nothing sacred to you lot

>> No.6340990

Depends on how you look at it..

Sure /cgl/ has a ton of drama.

But /soc/ is nothing but attention seeking whores that post nudes all day while still living under their parents house.

Opinions, opinions..

>> No.6340991

> Girls don't care about male virginity (in fact most would prefer non-virgins).

This. I don't understand why so many guys on here are like "girls you should all want purity, purity is goooooood". No, purity is a recipe for disaster.

> Unlikely to happen.
Now it is, but I know a few "no sex before marriage" types. If they marry like minded people (and some won't consider non-virgins because god and shit), they're going to have abnormally horrific and awkward first times.

>> No.6340994

>under their parents house.
Called a basement love

>> No.6340996

Guy here who only dates virgins (and is currently dating one)

Not a virgin myself.

No I would not take the virginity of a girl who I didn't see myself potentially spending the rest of my life with.


>> No.6341002
File: 155 KB, 497x850, K (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should keep going if you thought that was the kicker.

>> No.6341004
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Same shit everyday.

>> No.6341016

Just because it happened to you...

>> No.6341021

Lol, I didn't literally mean underneath..
I mean like still living with their parents and their rules.

>> No.6341028

Do you guys really believe you HAVE to have sex with your sugar daddy? Wow so dumb. You don't have to, my friend never did and she had a boyfriend who was all right her having one and vice versa.
You don't have to have sex.god ask a sugar baby if you don't know what it's like and don't assume things from the media about them is right.

>> No.6341057


Got anymore stories?

>> No.6341069

It... didn't? Not 100% sure what you're referring to. I didn't lose my virginity to a virgin, but some of my friends did, and they had bad experiences. I don't see why you wouldn't want to sleep with someone with experience. That's like going abseiling for the first time with an instructor who's also never been before.

tl;dr my only bad sexual experiences have been with virgins. I'm pretty sure I was shitty as a virgin. Occasionally, you get really calm virgins who give no fucks, but there's always alcohol involved.

>> No.6341073

Oh look, it's my dearest mangina-chan.

How have you been doing since the last time we clashed?

Have you cosplayed yet?

>> No.6341076

>tfw no qt gf to steal my money while she cuckholds me

>> No.6341085

/fit/ pls go

>> No.6341089



>> No.6341103
File: 55 KB, 500x281, 1012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/friend, I believe you and I could be excellent friends. We share a common interest.

>> No.6341123
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>> No.6341144
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>tfw no qt 3.14 k-gf w/ g8 fts & long hair

>> No.6341145


>giving away money while being cuckholded?

>> No.6341151
File: 38 KB, 309x332, 1313366205272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish you people would stop replying to these threads. This person is obviously suffering from sort of horrible psychosis.
>But he just thinks it's funny.
No one thinks the same thing over and over again for 2 years is funny.

>> No.6341155

Well, I don't have any money, but I have a cuckoldry fetish. See about 90% of >>6340984

>> No.6341171


>not looking at this thread to verify that lots of cgl wants sugar daddies

>> No.6341173

what you wanna know?

>> No.6341202

>Also that there are a lot of FTMs on here.

I've noticed this as well, wtf.

>> No.6341207


You didn't catch the 4chan logic part I assume. Real world normalfags don't care about this shit obviously.


I know people on 4chan believe this, you clearly haven't been here long.

And if people think folks on 4chan don't believe these things, I suggest you take a trip over to /a/, /v/, or /jp/ and as them what their standards are for a girl who is "not a slut".

>> No.6341220


>a, v, jp

>> No.6341261

I'll let you in on a little secret, /a/'s standard for what is or isn't a slut is more or less a "keep 3D shit/anything related to that off our board", talk about characters being sluts is mostly just trolling.

>> No.6341271

/a/ /v/ /jp/ are the holy trinity of never left the house (/r9k/ is Brahman), their opinions don't mean shit

>> No.6341356

>How many of you would consider having a sugar daddy?
I would rather not have the stuff if I could not afford it on my own.

>How many of you are virgins?
Not a virgin but I have only had sex with two guys.

>> No.6341496

§What's a sugar daddy?

>> No.6341505


>> No.6341527

Oh, I guess I could be a sugar daddy, though I'm not that old.

>> No.6341534

>implying it's a generalization if it's true

Women care about male virginity in that they'd rather he not be a virgin to the point wher ethey actively shame men who are to keep them fro trying anything.

>> No.6341555

You girls are making me feel really bad with all your sexual experience and male virgin bashing.

>> No.6341559

While that is not true of 100% of women, the ones who do act that way are legitimately disgusting human beings.

>> No.6341564

Buh. I wouldn't have a sugar daddy.

I'm not a virgin though. I've had sex with two guys, both of them were serious relationships.

>> No.6341569

>the ones who do act that way are legitimately disgusting human beings.

So the majority of women?

>> No.6341579

I'm not that jaded, but I guess so.

>> No.6341585

So how do I say to a girl that I'm still a virgin? Should I wait until we're about to do it or come off as soon as the topic arises?

>> No.6341591

You don't. Always, always lie.

>> No.6341593

If you wait that long, you are going to have problems. I don't think there is any good way to handle it.

Somehow I think she'll figure it out quickly.

>> No.6341600

>How many of you would consider having a sugar daddy?
I wouldn't.

>How many of you are virgins?
I am. I'm 18, so I've had plenty of time to lose my virginity. I just don't see it as some monumental feat. I'm probably not representative of the average seagull, though; I'm fairly traditional, and I'm waiting for marriage.

>> No.6341611

Why all the male virgin hate? Seems like you bitches just want a guy that knows how to fuck because none of you do much more than lay there and moan (occasionally).

>> No.6341614
File: 166 KB, 625x554, 1320993705432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, guys, I think I may have found a Unicorn. Other wise this shit doesn't make any sense to me.

>> No.6341625

>How many of you would consider having a sugar daddy?
Never would conciser it.
>How many of you are virgins?
I am, 26 and a virgin. I don't like the notion of sex, so still being with my virginity doesn't bother me.

>> No.6341626

Are you me? (except that I'm 20 but still)

>> No.6341632

Two of them? What is going on?

>> No.6341633

Would you leave a guy if he said he was a virgin?

>> No.6341637

>Why all the male virgin hate?

Because you're undesirable. Deal with it.

>> No.6341646


Proving my theory. Thanks!

>> No.6341647

So nothing else about him matters if he's a virgin? Neat.

>> No.6341650

But male virgins are my fetish ;_;

>> No.6341657


You're cool, then.

>> No.6341658

If you had anything worthwhile about you, you wouldn't be a virgin.

You're probably a man.

>> No.6341668

The guy may have serious trust issues or any number of other problems associated with not making it that far into relationships (or even into them at all).

It seems more like a serious case of "group think" rather than anything else.
>Oh, if no other girl has slept with him obviously he can't be worth of me.

>> No.6341665


So sex is the only thing anyone is worth?

Get on your back and let me put my dick in you then, since that's all you're worth, bitch.

>> No.6341666

Me too anon. But I'm 22 and engaged.

>> No.6341667

What if I am? What if you're me from the future?

I wouldn't even consider dating a non-virgin male...

>> No.6341675

This thread is making me feel like shit better get out of here ;_;

>> No.6341686

No, but if you actually had something good about you some girl would have wanted to have sex with you by now.

>I wouldn't even consider dating a non-virgin male...

Why would you want to put up with virgin men?

>> No.6341694

Not that anon, but you only have to put up with them once when you get married?

>> No.6341695


The truth is that I don't even like the 3dpd meme, but it's a necessary evil to keep the shitposters and their endless shit about women out of the board.
When real women don't attention whore and are somewhat related to the discussion, we don't mind them. Just see the madoka movie threads all you'll see people praising the good cosplayers who went to see the movie.

>> No.6341750


>implying I give a shit about girls
>implying I don't like dicks

Do gay male virgins count?

>> No.6341753

I'm fairly indifferent to 3D women personally. A lot of them won't be interested in me for a variety of reasons, including >>6341658 so I just don't try anymore.

>> No.6341760


Girl you are sippin on some serious haterade.

What gives? First boyfriend couldn't make you cum and you were disappointed because your unrealistic standards weren't met?

>> No.6341766

I'm gonna be sincere with you virgin guys.

Yeah, we would date a virgin, but the problem is that we prefer guys with experience so we pick them over you, an attractive woman has many choices when it comes to dating. It's like getting a job, sure, you can get one without experience, but someone with experience will be picked over you. Nobody wants to do baby steps with you again, specially girls who have been in long term relationships before, they want someone on their level.

So unless you wanna date some autistic landwhale who can't do better, you should find a way to deal with your virginity.

>> No.6341782

And there you go.

>> No.6341779

>Get experience
>But not from us
Well I'm certainly not hiring a hooker, that is just disgusting. Back to not concerning myself with women at all I guess.

>> No.6341786

Your choice, there will always be some people who can't make it.

>> No.6341794

>Why would you want to put up with virgin men?
You make it sound like they're sub-human.

>> No.6341800

they are subhuman,

Do't you get it? You're flawed. Unattractive.

>> No.6341799

>tfwnoqt gf who pees her pants

>> No.6341808
File: 14 KB, 679x427, 1265657085846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Realistic nonvirgin female here. These unrealistic bitches are why sensible ladies can't have nice things.

>mfw my current boyfriend was a kissless virgin before I got to him
>mfw watching him thoroughly enjoying it because I knew how to ride him without crushing his nutsack was the best goddamn thing ever

Get on my level bitches.

>> No.6341813

>they are subhuman
Feel free to back that up with something other than the opinions of "liberated" whores who want an "experienced" guy so THEY don't feel sub-human when they realize just how high their number is.

Also, I'm >>6341600 - not a virgin guy, a virgin girl by choice.

>> No.6341816


>Nikola Tesla was a virgin

That seems about right, surely.

>> No.6341820

Unfortunately, a lot of those virgin guys get really bad treatment to the point that they just give up.

>> No.6341826

I don't give a flying fuck if a girl OR a guy is a virgin as long as they don't act like it's some all-important qualifier or dis-qualifier. That shit's just plain retarded.

>> No.6341830

In a relationship, so I don't have a sugar daddy, but if I was out of a relationship, I would definitely consider it. I'm not a virgin. 29 years old and divorced. Used to be slightly whore-y in my younger years due to low self-esteem.


>> No.6341832


Yeah, by subpar bitches maybe.

But to any virgin guys reading this, don't go after subpar bitches. They're not worth the sweat on your testicles.

>> No.6341833

>bragging about getting some unwanted virgin and having to do all the work during sex since he can't even find the hole

And you deserve it. Maybe it'll inspire you to improve so SOME girl will actually want you.

>> No.6341837


Oh I see, you're trolling.

Carry on.

>> No.6341844

6/10 for eliciting some responses. That's the best I can do.

>> No.6341848

>implying sex is only fun if the guy does all the work

You must be such a boring, shitty lay.

>> No.6341857


Sad thing is some guys are gonna take that shit seriously and commit seppuku over it.

Can we get some ladies in here who have been with virgin guys so they don't feel as bad?

>> No.6341858

So you're saying women with standards are "subpar"?

Angry virgin guys detected.

>> No.6341881

No doubt they should continue to try, but it's hard when your self-confidence is utterly destroyed, frequently by both male and female acquaintances.

I, personally, just want understanding on both sides. A Woman who has had sex isn't necessarily a slut, and a virgin Male isn't necessarily worthless.

>> No.6341903

>Can we get some ladies in here who have been with virgin guys so they don't feel as bad?

There are none.

>> No.6341922

This. This thread needs to die.

>> No.6341926

I think now I get why boards full of virgins like /a/ hate /cgl/ so much.

>> No.6341936

Except they generalize us based on what a few trolls say...

>> No.6341937

For the most part, until someone posts cosplay or con stuff on /a/, I think they forget you exist. They are very insular.

>> No.6341945

But those aren't trolls.

>> No.6341962

But they really are. Most girls aren't going to care about something like that, and the ones who do care aren't worth attracting anyway.

>> No.6341975

>Most girls aren't going to care about something like that,

Most girls here do, as evident by every thread on the subject ever.

>and the ones who do care aren't worth attracting anyway.

So are you admitting /cgl/ girls are all undesirable?

>> No.6341996

awwww really I quite like the idea of sleeping with virgin guys. Especially taking a guys anal virginity nothing like a sweet helping of boy pussy.

>> No.6341997

Never wanted a sugar daddy or some such shit. I have a pretty high level of self respect.
I am not a virgin, but I've only ever slept with people, and one is my current girlfriend.

>> No.6342007
File: 15 KB, 370x270, 1339757573363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've only ever slept with people
I'd certainly hope so.

>> No.6342009

WHOOPS. 2 people*

>> No.6342010

>awwww really I quite like the idea of sleeping with virgin guys.


>Especially taking a guys anal virginity nothing like a sweet helping of boy pussy.

But women hate pegging.

>> No.6342040

i'd never date for money, but not for any moral reason. it just seems like too much work to feign interest (romantic or otherwise) in some shitty misogynist, especially since i have a good job. plus i haaaate older guys.

>> No.6342052

>But women hate pegging.
I already knew it was true, but reading it killed me inside.

>> No.6342061

>But women hate pegging.

>> No.6342064


The only ones who do it are the ones get paid or some other benefit out of it.

>> No.6342069

>Tfw no qt314 gf to massage my doms away and then have mind numbing sex afterwards

>> No.6342128

I noticed lots of desperate men from other boards come here a lot more often now. Specifically /fit/ and /sp/. They don't even give a fuck about anything related to this board they just come here for dumb shit like this and the chance of speaking to women. I know because i visit /sp/ and /fit/ but i actually cosplay and have been for 5 years.

>> No.6342165

That confirms my theory. I've been wondering what the fuck was up with the sudden influx of horny desperate men coming to this board.

>> No.6342175

Not him, but I mostly come here to read female opinions and other threads of this sort. I never post them, but I am curious about how women's minds work. I really don't understand it.

>> No.6342279

Man here.

Been in 2 serious relationships before.

Still actively going for virgins.

I guess virginity is unfair for men and women.

As you say, why date a virgin when you can date someone with experience?

For men it's the opposite.

>> No.6342491


>> No.6342605

I can spot you betas from a mile away. So if your gonna stay here i suggest you lurk a bit and blend in.

>/fit/ here blah blah blah

See that? Stop that. Just post like a normal human being you fucking mongoloid. You aren't special. You don't have to declare what board your from. If your just here for the shitposting that is mostly started by you guys then fine but if you want to stay here then lurk a bit and act normal. Some are already part of our community slowly but surely getting there with their tripping faggotry.

And for the normal seagulls wondering. Gonna have to put up with these faggots. Im sure you already spotted some of the betas in normal cosplay threads etc apart from these troll threads which they hang out in. So i suggest you get used to it. Soon this board will be heavily populated with beta faggots from /sp/ and /fit/. More so than what is already is.

>> No.6342680

25, have serious boyfriend, no interest in having a sugar daddy as I am an exotic dancer and make plenty monies without having to chill with geezers outside of work.

I don't get this sugar daddy thing.

>> No.6342719

>How true is this?
I've had multiple girls I've hooked up with at cons 'claim' that they frequent this board. As for me...

>> No.6343069

that's all you. I didn't elect you as a representative of my gender, try not to speak for all of us.

I'm definitely not dating a virgin over a girl with experience for the same reasons girls chose men with experience I suppose. I don't have the patience to teach a girl how to anything, anymore. I'm in my twenties, and I've finally stopped getting my dick grazed by teeth every time it gets sucked. I'm not gonna go back to that.

I like girl who know what they're doing, girls who are fun, not someone who's lost and will just lay there with her legs open. but then again i'm rather adventurous in bed. idk maybe your average vanilla man would love a girl that would just lay there.

>> No.6343080

that's all you. I didn't elect you as a representative of my gender, try not to speak for all of us.

I'm definitely not dating a virgin over a girl with experience for the same reasons girls chose men with experience I suppose. I don't have the patience to teach a girl how to anything, anymore. I'm in my twenties, and I've finally stopped getting my dick grazed by teeth every time it gets sucked. I'm not gonna go back to that. every man LOVES a good bj, and most virgins cant even give you that.

I like girl who know what they're doing, girls who are fun, not someone who's lost and will just lay there with her legs open. but then again I'm rather adventurous in bed. idk, maybe your average vanilla man would love a girl that would just lay there.

>> No.6343102

My boyfriend was a virgin when I got with him, and I had no issue with that. It didn't take long for him to improve at sex either. Dunno what's with all the virgin hate, unless its all about fast gratification here?

>> No.6343128

''fast gratification'' is what virgins are known for. and no girl wants that.

>> No.6343135

I wouldn't call it virgin hate, rather virgin reluctance. Sex is always about risk analysis for me, and how keen am I on my partner being overeager and accidentally slamming me in the cervix? Not at all.

>> No.6343149

Even experienced males are known for that lbh here.