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6337259 No.6337259 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me at Fan Day in Dallas
>Get to meet Felicia Day
>Calls 4chan the cesspool of the Internet

>> No.6337268

That's what Reddit calls it


>> No.6337277

I'd horseporn her face if you know what I mean

>> No.6337287

does felicia day have a boyfriend?

>> No.6337307

No but she gave a speech on how uncool it is when people hit on her randomly.

>> No.6337315

Over all the convention was awesome. Got to meet Bruce Campbell, and Robert Englud, and Stan "The Man" Lee.

>> No.6337332
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>all my friends think 4chan is just /b/

anyway FD has a lizard face

>> No.6337334

I've always wanted to meet Stan Lee just to see what he's like when he isn't being all campy for the camera (if it's even any different). Bruce Campbell would be cool too, but I've only ever seen him in Burn Notice.

>> No.6337338

felicia day is a fucking cunt.

>> No.6337361

Felicia Day is mai waifu

>> No.6337371


What did she say exactly? I wonder how she expects guys to get to know her then?

>> No.6337407

Is Felicia Day the woman some journalist drunkenly insulted over twitter which lead to him being fired?
Or was that someone else?

>> No.6337430

I met her once. She was there with the entire cast of the Guild, and was rather attention-whorish and egotistical the whole time, not to mention rude to fans of the other actors, straight up. It was really offputting.
I was a huge fan of hers before that, but now I don't even want to try to like anything she's in.

>> No.6337442

>Felicia Day

Oh boy, the most retarded GRRRRL GAMUURR of them all, good going anon.


I suppose she's right up your alley though.

>> No.6337466 [DELETED] 

her name sounds like it's from a pornflick.

>> No.6337915

fuck felicia day, pics? I forgot my camera

>> No.6337939

I don't think it was drunken insults, he just said on his personal twitter to the extent of "What the fuck has Felicia Day done for the gaming industry? What does she even do?", then Wil Wheaton and a bunch of faggot white knights harassed him and demanded Destructoid fire him, which they did because "muh misogyny".

>> No.6337960
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It's sad because I'm friends with several of the cast members, and she really gets in their spotlight constantly and always tries to turn every discussion into something about her.

Pic related, it's a picture I took of the back of her head at Blizzcon last year. She actually showed up to an interview like this.

>> No.6337965

Oops, sorry for godawful enormous pic. Too lazy to upload a small one now though.

>> No.6337974

>dat tiniest sad ponytail ever

someone's gonna be prematurely bald. stop using bad dyes to be a fake redhead hon

>> No.6337998

she's still a cunt

captcha: cliche busessam

>> No.6338013

Fuck Wil Wheaton too. He's a douche bag.

>> No.6338019

Gross, it doesn't look like she has showered

>> No.6338023

Have you been here long? She's 100% right.

Sounds like she knows from experience.

>> No.6338022

Wil is cool though. To this day, I still don't know why people hated his Wesley Crusher.

>> No.6338029

introductions by other friends

are you new to dating?

>> No.6338038

You wonder how she expects guys to get to know her outside of randomly hitting on her?

>> No.6338045

I loved Wesley Crusher. I just think Wil Wheaton is a dickhead.

>> No.6338057

But what did he do?

>> No.6338068

He supported the idea that people shouldn't bash girls in nerd culture just because they're girls. What a terrible little shit he is, right?

>> No.6338085

Why are you so butt hurt about me hating the shit out of Wil Wheaton?

The only logical explaination is that you ARE Wil Wheaton! FUCK YOU, WIL WHEATON!

Seriously though, I've met him a few times through friends who have worked with him. He was always just a dick to everyone.

>> No.6338149


That made me laugh a bunch, you're fun.

>> No.6338880

He played Wesley Crusher

I know that feel.

>> No.6338900

Your friend Wil declares don't be a dick.

>> No.6339182

More like he jumped in to defend the girl like a ~glorious white knight~. That's pretty insulting by itself. Pretty sure she can speak for herself. I would be pissed off if my friends did that, I can handle myself just fine.

And honestly, it was a legit question, he just asked it in the worst way possible. He could've written a commentary about video game industry "personalities" like her (without naming her), and what they even do for the industry, and I bet he wouldn't have been fired. Tbh, I don't think he should've been fired. A public apology to her would've been fine if Wil Wheaton hadn't gone and riled everyone up.

>> No.6339209

If you watch TNG from the first episode, it's impossible to not hate Wesley Crusher. He's such a fucking Mary Sue. I'm only halfway through Season 5 but I swear to god if they don't follow through and actually make his Destiny As Some Fuckin Genius Kid plot come to fruition, I'm going to be pissed, because we spend way too much time establishing that he's supposed to be Some Kind of Fuckin Genius, just like we spend too much time establishing that Data Can't Feel Emotions, You Shithead, He's an Android.

I've never met Wil Wheaton so I couldn't make a comment on his personality.

>> No.6339218

obviously don't need to throw around that I'm a female and a feminist, but for this anyways..

I honestly don't know why people like her so much? What i've gathered is that her work on The Guild (which wasn't very funny after a while) got her voice acting parts and small cameo gigs?

Not really anything else? Her smile kind of annoys me. but that's besides the point.

I just don't believe in Gamer Gurlz. I believe there are women and men who try too hard to look like they're into something. There are dickwads. I think people use gamer girls in a negative way to add to that "boys club" mentality, but in this case, I really just fucking hate Felicia Day and I was super pissed when I found out she got to play Mass Effect 3 before me. Regardless of how bad parts of it was haha

>> No.6339223
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Makes sense that someone with a big ego wouldn't like this place. I'm still not even aware of why she's so popular.

At least she friendzoned Wesley Crusher.

>> No.6339320

The character she wrote for Dragon Age was literally just herself. Thats the only role she knows how to play.

>> No.6339419

I think the joke here is that even Wil Wheaton hated Wesley Crusher.

>> No.6339451
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>> No.6339477

That bitch makes me cringe

>> No.6339485
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Felicia Da is adorable, and+ I don't see at all how she is a "GAMMER GUURRL". As a matter of fact, in her show she's always very neurotic and anxious. She never dresses attention whorish on the show, even though it's her show and she could do that easily.

I'l admit, though, DA:O was crap.

>> No.6339487

that does sound mysoginistic to me. she doesn't need to contribute to the gaming industry. nobody needs to contribute. that journalist was a big gigantic faggot.

>> No.6339490

Wheaton detected

>> No.6339493

He meets a teleporting alien that's kind of like Q, named The Traveler. He then leaves with him to be his apprentice and isn't seen again for the rest of the series.

>> No.6339496

Wil Wheaton is a pretty cool guy. Can't provide proof, but a few years ago at Phoenix Comicon, some of my friends hosted an impromptu panel. Wil came in and sat down in the back. He left before I could fo over and talk to him, though.

>> No.6339507

I don't see how is that misogynous at all. White Knight journalists kept saying she was one of the most influential bitches in the vidya industry but she hasn't actually done anything at all, NOTHING. They just gave her some attention because she's a relatively hot girl and plays a few casual video games. He would've asked the same thing if Felicia was a guy.

>> No.6339519


>> No.6339529

Has Felicia Day ever actually done the whole gamurrrr guuurrlll thing?
I know she plays some video games, I've seen her invited onto Day9s SC2 show when they played something new together, she helped him design his character. Also she's been in video game related series' and goes to most of the nerd conventions since that's her fanbase, but I can't say I've seen her really just whore out for it.
Just curious if there's any justification for the hate, or if it's just based off of other people trying to make her out to be some video game influential goddess.

>> No.6339576
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Ditto. you made me laugh out loud not that faggy lol shit but honest to god laugh with a audible sound. I think it was the mix of paranoia and absurdity humor that got me.

>> No.6339577

She's "popular" because she was also in Dr. Horrible right? Or is that just another Adorkable (please kill me) Red Head?

>> No.6339584

Honest if half the stories are true she is nothing like the persona she portrays. Huge fucking turn off.

I got a girl like that at work that I went out with a few times, she seemed all cute and kinda nerdy, real friendly almost a personality around the place till you got to know her. Now she is a giant raging bitch.

>> No.6339606

>DA:O was crap.

Pls go.

Also she was in 2, not Origins.

>> No.6339608

I don't agree that he was mysoginistic. Not very clued up on Felicia Day, but it seems she has a fairly large fan following, due to her popularity in a web based WoW parody show?
The journalist didn't go on a rampage about her gender, but was questioning why someone who hasn't made any significant achivements in the gaming industry is being seen as infulential.

Isn't the reaction to the journalist's comments the most mysoginistic part of this entire story? Her internet fanbase attack the journalist to protect the cute girl? If these comments had been directed at a 52 year old guy would the outrage and eventual firing still ocurred?

>> No.6339612


>Planescape Torment
>The Longest Journey

>> No.6339642

I first saw her in Dr. Horrible and all I could think of was her horrible singing.

>> No.6339651

How is just playing a game in the comfort of your own home considered influential elsewhere?

>> No.6339655

2 was orders of magnitude worse

>> No.6339659



>> No.6339672

She hasn't actually played PS:T.

Biggest disappointment of my life when I found out.

>> No.6339679
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That made me laugh, and then I realised people actually do think like that.

>> No.6339687

She just seems to try so hard to be so "lol randumb" because she's a celebrity and was in one "nerdy" related thing. She annoys me a lot. She pulls the GAMUR GRRL shit a lot.

>> No.6339685

What I, as a handsome male, cannot understand is why she has such huge following to begin with.

Based on looks alone, she's a 5/10 at best. I have never met her IRL, but somehow, I doubt her personality is the main hook for all of her fans. I tried watching her show once and it was horrible.

So, is it just because that so many people are into gingers? If so, then it's really an unhealthy fetish, I mean, come on, I have a preference for certain hair colors too, but I wouldn't want a girl just because she has that hair color.

>> No.6339689


i burnt my felicia day tempel afterwards

>> No.6339697
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Oh god. I used to like her when I just got into fantasy RPG's and watched The Guild think it was "omg so me!!!".
Please note that this embarrasess me deeply.

And dear fucking god, her DLC for DA:II was even more awful than I'd thought it be.

>> No.6339740

>Has Felicia Day ever actually done the whole gamurrrr guuurrlll thing?
>I know she plays some video games, I've seen her invited onto Day9s SC2 show when they played something new together, she helped him design his character.
Exactly. Day9 was streaming that shitty Big Huge Games Diablo clone.

Felicia 'helped' him design his character - she told him what kind of hair color, face shape, hair type, mustache etc she found attractive. When it came to actually important part of the character creation - stats, professions, skills etc all she could say was 'zomg I luv stealing stuff!' 'does it help you steal stuff? ^_^' 'yeah, let's steal stuff!!!'. And when it came to to the actual gamplay, she had absolutely nothing to add. All she could comment on was how some character looked funny, or stare at Carrot Pouch's carrot pouch.

It was so cringe worthy with her that I had to skip to the part (which was thankfully soon enough) where she left.

>> No.6339749


So glad I was out of that phase when I watched her videos. Watched episode I, thought it was lame, never went back.

>> No.6339849



>> No.6339855

Dr. who?

>> No.6340003

Dr. Who sucks, even the 4th was trash.

>> No.6340038
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>Liking attention whores
>Liking the personification of whats wrong with the vidya industry today

Pls go

>> No.6340088

I'm not following this thread because I am indifferent to this person, but this comment makes no sense.
>personification of whats wrong with the vidya industry today
And what is wrong with the video game industry today? The sole purpose of the industry is to produce video games that are enjoyable to play. Everything else is meaningless. "Gurrrl gamerz", people who talk games for attention, rabid fandoms, none of it matters. It has no impact on whether games are enjoyable or not. Just ignore them online and irl, or if in an actual game mute them.

>> No.6340125

>And what is wrong with the video game industry today?
>The sole purpose of the industry is to produce video games that are enjoyable to play
You know, I'm a very tolerant and unprejudiced person, but this here is too much even for me to handle. You really are fucking retarded.

The sole purpose of the industry is to make money. Nothing more, nothing less. You don't need a good product to make money.

>> No.6340145
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oh shit

pedo fight, pedo fight!

>> No.6340185

>claims to be tolerant
>unnecessarily calls somebody out for something minor, which was worded poorly, and wasn't even the main point

Stay classy /cgl/.

Yes, game producers make games to make money. That has nothing to do with my point, I'm talking about beyond that. I buy games that are enjoyable to play. What other people do with those games or how they act about them has no bearing on my personal enjoyment. My point being, if a game is fun, then it's fun. Nothing else matters.

>> No.6340391

>see a thread with an underage looking girl in OP
>falcone talking about minors
srsly, are you even trying?

>> No.6340409

10/10, best troll of the month. I didn't even read, was full mad just from picture; I wanna kill her so, so , so fucking much.

>> No.6340432
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>> No.6340945

I meant her shitty show she made, whatever the fuck it was called. And it WASN'T 2, it was Redemption. So we were both wrong, and it was still shitty.

She can only play cutesy socially awkward characters, she sucks so many balls at playing "sexy" or strong-willed characters.

>> No.6341052

ITT: fat landwhales jealous of how good Felicia looking is