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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 298 KB, 500x647, tumblr_lyq061tBqb1rone1bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6339335 No.6339335 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6339337
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>> No.6339339
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>> No.6339340

OP why are you fat

>> No.6339343
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>> No.6339345
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>> No.6339348
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>> No.6339346 [DELETED] 

[spoiler]Oh jeez[spoiler]

>> No.6339352
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>> No.6339357

>a pair of black women playing videogames
I don't think that ever happened.

>> No.6339366

My favorite one is the binder one. I get a little sad every time I see it because I know that feel so well.

>> No.6339367

I fail to see how that one is a problem.

>> No.6339368


Not everyone is lesbians.

>> No.6339370
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>> No.6339374
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now i'm wondering how many girls get proper fittings

>> No.6339378


I want to get one but the only place that does fittings within 25 miles of me is Victoria's Secret.

>> No.6339384
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>> No.6339386

Then why are girls usually bf-less?

>> No.6339387


Because any multitude of reasons. What's wrong with being single?

My biggest beef with the "baww no bf/gf" threads is that they're full of people who just want one for the sake of not being alone, which isn't right.

>> No.6339396

That is gross, imagine how saggy they must be for them to have to air out the underboob.

>> No.6339401


Um, not very...like, at all.

>> No.6339403


Or just heavy. Despite what anime teaches you, big boobs do not stick out horizontally. Also with heavy boobs, that line under the boobs that gets rubbed against the underwire all day? Airing that out and rubbing it is almost better than sex.

>> No.6339404

I'm so glad I'm flat. Boobs seem like a hassle.

>> No.6339417
File: 343 KB, 608x731, breast;fake;608x731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last oppressed group in America: busty-americans

>> No.6339421


>Airing that out and rubbing it is almost better than sex.


As the husband of a busty lady, I can tell you that the underboob is a GREAT place to massage during foreplay )as long as you're gentle). Drives busty ladies crazy.

>> No.6339425


You are the best husband.

>> No.6339426



>> No.6339428


They are. They really are. And unless you can get surgery you're stuck with them.

>> No.6339432

>Despite what anime teaches you, big boobs do not stick out horizontally
I know that, I have big boobs. But if they are rubbing against the underwire all day to the point of you needing to air them out it means you're wearing the wrong size.
(and if you are wearing the right bra and still need to air them out means they sag pretty badly)

>> No.6339433

god i am too
big boobs usually look really gross naked, all saggy and huge dinnerplate nipples.

>> No.6339438


To each their own. However, unless it's a busty lady saying these things it's just so much sour grapes. IMHO, breasts are beautiful, whatever the size!

>> No.6339439

they should be

>> No.6339442
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>> No.6339443


Thanks! She seems to think so too! :)

I can tell she appreciates it, which makes it just that much more intimate. I would have to say it definitely enhances the experience.

>> No.6339449

I have huge tits and my nipples aren't like dinner plates. In fact I have never seen anyone with dinner plate nipples. Large areola? Sure.

>> No.6339452
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>> No.6339456

>Brazil: C cup.
That's true, because here ALL bras are C cups. They come in different bands, but not in different cup sizes. Only few and specialized stores sell different cup sizes, and even so they only go as far as DD.
Yes, it sucks to be busty/flat here.

>> No.6339460
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>> No.6339462
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>> No.6339464

/co/ pls go

>> No.6339470

That's ok AC I love you no matter how flat-chested you are

>> No.6339474
File: 207 KB, 541x674, @tyrion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i can relate to this
i'm just a fat guy

>> No.6339475

This comic is basically my life. I don't usually complain out loud because none of my friends have much chest, but these made me exhale slightly more forcefully than usual. Good job.

>> No.6339479
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>> No.6339481


How unrealistic this is actually broke my suspension of disbelief.

>> No.6339491

I have this problem and I'm only a 32 C... my boobs don't look huge but I still hold them when I run to catch my bus. I don't think this is a "busty girl problem" so much as it is a "anyone who has boobs" problem.

>> No.6339494

Yeah, I'm a 30B and I do the same. I can imagine the effect would be more... dramatic with bustier girls, though.

>> No.6339500

"dramatic" a la Baywatch?

>> No.6339503
File: 24 KB, 272x204, Momiji_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see friend's big sister running down the quad
>she's holding her stuff together
>him:"bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy"

oh yes. that's one word for it.

>> No.6339516

Oh jeez, I've been taking birth control for 6 months now and my boobs went from 34C to DD.
Surprisingly, it's actually terrible.

All the cute clothes either don't fit at all or make me look fat as fatass despite having a 27" waist and small frame. This is worst in lolita, suddenly I discovered just how much it was designed for a waifish body type.

Even with a properly fitted and good quality bra I look heavier than I should and I feel that way too. Plus all the cute ones usually only go up to cup C...

>> No.6339520
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>> No.6339524

Haha omg I even have the same hairstyle and color.
But yeah, that feel when I find a beautiful dress for dirt cheap and it only goes up to 85cm at the bust..

>> No.6339531


fat != busty

>> No.6339532


>Doing cosplay but not being able to sew

>> No.6339535
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>> No.6339538

I feel you. I have boobs AND hips, but my waist is small, so the only way to not looking fat is to wear REALLY tight clothes, almost vacuum packed, but I don't feel confortable in them.
Forever passing as a fatty.

>> No.6339539
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>> No.6339542
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>> No.6339547

What part of "and egl" do you not understand? Liking clothes doesn't automatically warrant knowing how to alter them.

>> No.6339549
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>> No.6339551

a...arm pit hair?

>> No.6339554

notice even in the comics most of the girls are fat

>> No.6339557

because the author is a total SJW

>> No.6339560
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>> No.6339563
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>> No.6339564
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>> No.6339573
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>> No.6339591

At 16 I had a DD cup. Fucking boobs, man.

>> No.6339596
File: 220 KB, 500x647, tumblr_m4n177PiGk1rone1bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6339602


Bitch shouldn't date a asshole. What do you think he likes you for more that those fun bags and the lukewarm hole, why act surprised when he stays true to his nature.

>> No.6339607

That must suck for a dude.

>> No.6339610
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>> No.6339613

Alright, well I have an A cup and this shit happens to me. A few of these other ones don't necessarily apply to big chested girls, either.

>> No.6339618
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>> No.6339620
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>> No.6339626
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>nations with stereotypically blonde women have the biggest boobs

O-okay. I don't mind.

>> No.6339639

I hit puberty and had C cups when I was 12/13. Shit was NOT cash, and boys were not all over me like popular media likes to illustrate. Instead it was almost like having a disgusting growth on the front of my body that brought out extremely awkward sexual feelings that kiddies don't want to deal with outside of their rooms. It was like when you accidentally see a really old person's cleavage or a really fat guy's butt hair, except I was just a kid with boobs. That kind of OH GOD I KNOW THIS IS NATURAL BUT WHY feeling.

Now, finally, at 19 and with a G cup, I know how to dress so my boobs don't take over my whole body while also being happy with fact I have them.

The only thing I dislike about my boobs is basically all the stuff stated above (though my boyfriend says it's adorable when I hold my boobs to run), the fact that I know they're going to hang and only get worse, and my nips. But so far no one's complained except myself so fuck whatever.

>> No.6339641
File: 185 KB, 654x659, tumblr_m984xox1ng1rcs9cno1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, there's comics for me too!

>> No.6339643

Anyone else here wear bras to sleep?

>> No.6339654

I never understood the appeal of huge boobs. I never needed more than a handful.

>> No.6339661

I've always worn my bra to sleep. I was told once by someone with fake tits that it'd keep my boobs perky.

>> No.6339663

I wear a sports bra to sleep, it gives support, without having to wake up because the underwire keeps poking at my arm.

>> No.6339664

I'm glad to be part of this formal discussion.

>> No.6339669

I'm happy with my tiny little A

>small bsentsl

..it knows.

>> No.6339665
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Tthat's where they fitted me. They're always friendly and helpful as far as I know.

>> No.6339670

Why is she wearing a hijab?

Is it Social Justice to shove as many fatties and sandniggers everywhere, but also not to let the mudslime women out from their oppression?

>> No.6339671

I used to do this, but it felt like my boobs got swollen. I lay on my stomach most times. Is this really happening or...am I crazy?
>38 D is that even matters

>> No.6339673

I can't even lay on my back without suffocating myself. No, I am not fat

>> No.6339678


I've noticed "social justice" is a buzzword for anything that kinda rubs anyone the wrong way around here. It's like "edgy" on /mu/ or "viral" on /v/.

I don't quite think that's what they're getting at anon, they're probably just putting in some diversity because it gets boring drawing the same person every single time.

I doubt vitiligo is "social justice", but they drew someone with i anyways.

>> No.6339676

please tell me your bf titty fucks you

>> No.6339681

That's not true. Your band should actually be pretty tight and do most of the supporting. If you can pull it away from your skin when you're wearing it it's too big.

>> No.6339683

Usually, yeah, unless there's something itchy in it that I can't find to get out. I was actually surprised back when I found out other girls oftentimes do not. It's not any more comfortable without a bra for me, and I'm just too lazy to take it off.

>> No.6339688
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Oh, man. Them girl feels.

>> No.6339691

If you think your boobs are about an A-C cup go to VS, otherwise DON'T FUCKING GET FITTED THERE. G cup anon here, I got fitted there and at La Senza on three separate occasions before going into a specialty store. They fitted me for a 36D and 34DD, both of which are too big of a band size and too small of a cup size. They just want you to buy their shit, so they'll fit you for whatever size you're closest to that they carry.

>> No.6339696

I took my measurements, and I should be a 34C. However, I don't have boobs at all. I have a man's chest and finding bras is such a pain. Anyone else in this boat?

>> No.6339700

Not to assume you're stupid, but you did do the bust and underbust measurement then compare method, correct?

>> No.6339704

For those who know how to measure, get over here and measure my girls.
In some 38 Ds I fit fine but in other styles the cup is too big or a little small.

>> No.6339705

am i the only person that thinks these comics are stupid as hell
a lot of them apply to anyone with tits, not just "busty girls"
and the rest of them aren't even issues that anyone has to deal with, or issues that anyone cares about

>> No.6339708

I actually went by what an anon said on here. For the bust measurement I got 37 and for the underbust I got 34. What would the correct size bra be?

>> No.6339709

Id say yes. The artist even said that she believes there is no minimal requirment to be considered busty.
As far as issues..if you want 'real world' issues read something else, its just for entertainment.

>> No.6339711

It's not just you.

>> No.6339713

Basically you measure your bust, then you underbust. Your underbust is the band size, then however many inches of difference you have between your bust and underbust is how many cup sizes you go up. So unless your underbust (ribs) are 38", you are wearing the wrong size and are probably more like an E/G/H depending on how slim you are.

Yeah, that's correct. Most people don't realize a C cup can actually be quite small. Even though I'm a G I don't look like HOLY SHIT GAZONGAS, I just look slightly busty. Most people assume I'm a D.

>> No.6339714

It's more likely than you think.

>> No.6339715

by drawing girls with big tits alongside girls with average tits, she's drawing the line between average and busty.

these comics are supposed to be humorous because they're relatable.
if they aren't relatable, they aren't humorous.

>> No.6339716
File: 298 KB, 754x659, tumblr_m8qebdnhQG1rcs9cno1_r2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But little do they know, some men in Japan are drawn to flat chest.

Just go no /a/, they love their loli like chests.

>> No.6339727

The thing is, there is no cup in my C cup. My chest is just very broad.

>> No.6339728

I would say pic but...

Well, go in for a fitting at a specialty store and see what they say. It's the best and easiest way, because you can also try on several different sizes to see what fits you best. Just remember that the band should support your breasts, not the straps.

>> No.6339729

Professional bra fitter here, some tips:

1. DO NOT MEASURE YOURSELF. It WILL be inaccurate. Get a friend to do the actual measuring.
2. When measuring the underbust, grab your bra straps and lift the girls up. This allows for more accurate measuring. The measuring tape should be pretty snug when you take the number, this is where you'll get most of your support.
3. Measure above the bust as well, below the armpits. Average the two numbers together to find your band size.
4. Measure loosely around the bust, with your arms relaxed. The measuring tape should wrap gently around the body for this measurement, not like the underbust measurement.
5. Subtract the bust measurement from your band measurement.
1" = A cup
2" = B
3" = C
4" = D etc
6. Shape is just as important as size. Bras come in myriad different cuts and styles; try out a few before deciding.
7. If you find a bra that feels like it's in the right direction but not quite, remember this for size fiddling: up a cup size, down a band size, and vice-versa.
8. The measuring tape is not the final word; what looks and feels best on you is the final word.

>> No.6339730
File: 41 KB, 444x480, prettysammyoav3-1330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you are 5'0"
>mfw you are 38D/38C
>mfw your height is perfect for cosplaying short characters
>mfw your boobs wont let you cosplay short characters
>mfw you just look like a bull dyke when you try to flatten them for cosplay
>mfw i fucking give up

>> No.6339733
File: 780 KB, 512x384, A single tear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw oranges or grapefruts in a busy womens thread

>> No.6339743
File: 92 KB, 800x613, 1342014256788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.6339741

Breast man reporting in.

I love busty women so much. Even if you don't think you're beautiful, I think you're all lovely :D

>> No.6339751

There are so many girls in this thread with 38, 40, 42 band sizes... it makes me wonder if you're all THAT overweight or have the SHITTIEST FITTED BRA EVER.

>> No.6339753
File: 90 KB, 650x650, what did you do to make me use this face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose some weight, jesus. I'm a healthy weight at 5' and I'm a 32D.

>> No.6339756

Meant to say busty. My tears of sadness were keeping me from typing correctly

>> No.6339761
File: 45 KB, 640x480, sadmayl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 28A

>> No.6339770

That's nice, bitch.

>> No.6339776

I cannot tell you how many women I've wanted to walk up to and tell them to get a new bra for their girls. I love tits, and it makes me sad to see tits not given the support they need. It's most likely because many places in the US still use that outdated "take your underbust measurement and subtract 4 inches" rule. Every time I've used that rule I end up with a band that's too loose and a cup that's too small.

>> No.6339778

>tfw perfection

>> No.6339780

wait, what's this rule? It's the first I'm hearing of it.

>> No.6339781

It's because your boobs get smooshed, but the wire remains its shape, but bends a little. I sleep in fetal position and with my arms so tight around me, it's like little blunt blades, yo. If I was a drawfag, I'd draw a big-boobed warrior who would draw her bra's underwire and they'd become swords. At the cost of extra jigglyness for fanservice sakes.

>> No.6339783
File: 34 KB, 497x497, 1347899080715-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I'm told I'm a 32c
>Mfw according to this I'm a 30D

>> No.6339792

Bra-fitter anon here, this is the sizing mixup I see most often. You would not BELIEVE how many women I measure who are wearing a cup size too small and a band size too big, just how across the board that fit problem is.

Oh and I have one more tip: BACK-SMOOTHING BRAS. Even if you're not very heavy, these are a godsend; invisible under clothes and comfortable as fuck.

>> No.6339801

Where can I find this?? I went to a specialty bra fitting store and ended opting for a slightly bigger band size because the one they fitted me with was uncomfortably tight and was giving me WICKED backfat.

Is there another solution to the bra backfat problem other than back smoothing bras and losing weight? I'm in an Asian country that DEFINITELY won't carry my size so back smoothing bras are sort of out of my reach now.

>> No.6339803

>Actually a 30D
How do you know this? I think I might be a 32 C as well... I've always just worn 34 C cause I can't find a 32 anywhere. Have I been wrong the whole time? VS is shit for getting fitted

>> No.6339810

Shit, I meant to say "ADD 4 inches". Sorry about that.

It's this very old way of taking band measurements. I used to see it all the time in different department stores for instructions on how to fit your own bra. The rule, which is INCORRECT, states:
"1) measure your underbust. if this number is even, add 4 inches. If this number is odd, add 5 inches. This number is your band size."
"2) measure your bust. now, subtract this number from your bandsize. if 1 inch difference = A, 2 inch = B, 3 inch = C, 4 inch =D...."

I have an underbust measurement just shy of 27 inches with a 34 inch bust, and I was stuck using 32B's for the longest time. I'm lucky my tits are not sagging to my stomach by now.

>> No.6339813

Back smoothing? Never heard of that, I would love to have a comfortable bra for once though, I'll have to try one out.

>> No.6339815

You're funny.

>> No.6339816

Washu turn your trip back on.

>> No.6339817

Same...huh. Guess I'm gonna go try on some new bras...

>> No.6339820

When you go down a bandsize, you generally want to go *up* a cupsize. This is because your cupsize is a ratio between your bandsize and bust size. If your bandsize is loose and your cupsize is fine, you want a smaller bandsize with the same absolute size of cup, so you would have to go up a cupsize.

An easy way to look at is, a 38C has approximately the same absolute size tits as a 36D, which has the same absolute size tits as a 34DD, which has the same size tits as a 32DDD/32E, etc.

>> No.6339822
File: 33 KB, 137x196, 2342234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man
Let's get real here flat chest > gross big flappy boobs

>> No.6339823

Really? Great! You like funny guys, right? I'll be your boyfriendo then.

>> No.6339825


>> No.6339828

I'm doing every single post you do and still you persist.

Help /cgl/. You're my only hope.

>> No.6339831
File: 41 KB, 640x480, tit-01-02161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying everyone's boob size goes down when you lose weight

i was 38 when i was 150, and im still 38 at 120. I wish they would go away.

>> No.6339833

Okay you must have some BIG MOTHER FUCKER ribs.
38 is not your bust size, it's your rib or underbust size.

>> No.6339835

Dat feel. But it's mostly the band size I think instead of the cup size you have to worry about.

I went from a DD to an F when I went to get fitted but I think they told me it's actually about the same.

>> No.6339836

>tfw 30DD/E
>tfw you need to buy online in order to get your size
>tfw you just got paid

Feels good man. I've been wearing the same two bras for the past 6 months.

>> No.6339840

The difference between a back-smoothing bra and a regular bra is in the band; regular bras will have stitching and seams along the band, while back-smoothing bras are just seamless, lyrca-like material. Maidenform makes a great one called the "Dreamwire," I swear by it. I'd recommend hunting around in department stores like Belk, they usually have great selection.

>> No.6339868
File: 158 KB, 742x275, braducation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are both Maidenform bras, you can see the difference here.

>> No.6339872

I not even chubby but holy fuck that looks so comfy. Must. Try.

>> No.6339875

>Wears an F size

I like my boobies.

>dinnerplate nipples

I lol'd!

Fuck that, I let them bounce freely! I don't care who looks. Proud of what I got.


Actually, my boyfriend told me that if you put your breasts in cold water during a shower for I think about 15 seconds it helps get the perkiness back. Helps contract the muscle tissue and watnot.

I've been considering it but the place where I buy my bras is expensive. :(

>> No.6339888

>can't click the bar down
>bumpy track causes a boobquake

Kill me

>> No.6339890

>Actually, my boyfriend told me that if you put your breasts in cold water during a shower for I think about 15 seconds it helps get the perkiness back. Helps contract the muscle tissue and watnot.

I've heard this (or similar to this, in Persepolis her grandma puts her breasts in ice water 3 times a day). I wonder if it really works... Also do pectorial work outs help at all? My gym teacher told us they helped keep our muscles tight and therefor boobs perky but I am skeptical.

>> No.6339894
File: 50 KB, 467x490, 1333386556311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh so is the rival flat as well or what?
I'm sorry I just don't get the point of this comic

>> No.6339895

>water rides

>> No.6339896

I think Jenna's advice on boobs is relevant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HErdtVkR3Nw

>> No.6339898

>bumpy water rides
Hell on Earth

>> No.6339899

>on shitty old bus erryday to school and work
>goes over new construction that won't be finished until next year
>for some reason the combination of shitty bus + road causes tits to reach resonance frequency
>chest dances to dubstep for 10 minutesf
I know that feel, sis.

>> No.6339900
File: 16 KB, 149x139, 2335345634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just my personal opinion of course and big boobs don't equal unattractiveness. I just hate it when this dumb stereotype goes around that implies that you are only a real woman with big boobs and hips.

>> No.6339901

dont all non-sports bras come with underwire?
Ive never had a metal detector go off because of my underwire.

>> No.6339909

The rival has blonde hair (=foreigner=slut) and a slightly larger chest. And she's confident, so she's a foreigner slut too.

>> No.6339914


Blonde doesn't always =foreigner in manga, sometimes it =yankee (biker gangs, in older manga) or =gyaru (which =trashy slut). I think this one is supposed to =gyaru

>> No.6339917

Either can look nice. It's just like... an opinion maaaaan.

>> No.6339919

still a filthy slut though, that's all that is mattering

>> No.6339951

I do, otherwise is just too much freedom to my boobs.

>> No.6339953

It needs to be tight, but if it hurts/is uncorfortable it means it's too tight.

>> No.6339954

>tfw I was measued 32B at VS but upon measurement elsewhere I am apparently a 28D
>still can't wrap my head around it

I bought a 28D bra online and it'll be coming in a few days, can't wait to see if it'll actual fit better than my current 32B bras.

sage because not sure off topic

>> No.6339961
File: 13 KB, 137x90, 42352462346246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah maaan
opinions, right? what ARE they even
miracles is what

>> No.6339969


I got professionally fitted for mine. My BMI is actually at 26.2 right now so I'm almost close to a normal weight. Just gotta lose 6 more pounds...

I don't think they do. I haven't done any research on the pectoral bit but I think breasts are more of fatty tissue than actual muscle. When I told a guy at work about the cold water he agreed that it does the same for all muscle because warm/hot water actually causes the muscles to stretch out, where cold water causes the muscles to contract.

>> No.6339976

I just realized that last bit didn't make sense. I think I met to say "does the same for all skin tissue". Ugh, can never brain.

>> No.6339988

i like titties

>> No.6339997

So do toddlers.

>> No.6339998

> BMI 26.2
> lose 6 pounds

yeah, you'd still be fat

>> No.6340010

With mountainous mammaries such as hers, I'm sure it's slightly inaccurate.

>> No.6340014

how many fucking femanons are on /cgl/
is it like 50/50 fem/an?

>> No.6340015

...both of those sizes are rather large. And I'm talking about the band.

>> No.6340017

We'd still need pics.

Other people are best judges of your fatness.

>> No.6340019

I forget I'm in 4chan.

Welp, still got 12 pounds to go all the way anyways!!

The BMI calculator?

>> No.6340020

I feel sorry for girls with D or bigger.
Must be shit for your back too.

Also anything bigger than B is a bit of a waste imo.

>> No.6340025

BMI in general - you can be heavier for your height, but still in a healthy range if your mass is distributed in muscle. It may be the same for large breasts, but I doubt it accounts for much overall.

>> No.6340026

you calling me a toddler m8?

>> No.6340027


>> No.6340030

I'd say the majority are female. Is that a bad thing?

>> No.6340031

Not as bad as wearing high heels too much.

They will fuck up your feet.

>> No.6340036

Yep...back pains and nothing looks good on you. I'd trade for 28A any day.

>> No.6340040

All I'm worried about is my waistline really. I just want to be small enough to fit in Lolita at the waist properly. Even though my breasts don't help this situation....

>> No.6340043
File: 7 KB, 213x165, 1270016503987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's just surprising

>> No.6340044

we sell a lot of maidenform at the marshall's i work at and they are often on clearance. which means you can also find them at tjmaxx... if you live in europe then it would be t k maxx

>> No.6340046

Girls using the internet is still surprising in 2012??
We can vote too, you know!

>> No.6340048

I don't know why girls want to have such bigger boobs. I suppose it is the whole, "grass is always greener" thing but I'm not attracted to larger breasts.

A and B is good for me.

>> No.6340051

girls being on 4chan in an capacity outside of /b/

>> No.6340054

60/40, and it's getting lower for females.

Used to be 80/20 in December '11 - February '12, but then /cgl/ became famous as the "girl board, where you come to talk to girls" and a lot of Beta males came to our board, and also pedophiles (e.g. falcone).

>> No.6340055

Kinda how like /fit/ invaded us yesterday. That was awkward.

>> No.6340057

I really hope someone screencaped the mod who was actively contributing to one of those
>tfw no bf
threads yesterday, instead of deleting them.

>> No.6340059

The thread was basically dead too, the mod revived it singlehandedly. Not sure how to feel about that

>> No.6340062

ur one cheeky cunt m8 i swear im going to wreck you

i swear it on my life m8, just wait until i find u

>> No.6340066

If you're 4'9 and your waist is too big for lolita, you're definitely fat.

>> No.6340067

Oh god, PLEASE, find me, I've been hoping for something like this to happen my whole life.

>> No.6340070
File: 26 KB, 442x330, look at him and laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> americlaps trying to be british

>> No.6340073

Cause I totally wasn't aware of that before. Thanks anon, you're so helpful!

>> No.6340089
File: 618 KB, 400x229, 1349993299208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couch to 5k program (do it every other day)
stop drinking soda altogether
do some freeweight lifting on the days you're not running

you don't have to count a SINGLE calorie, and you'll start shedding pounds almost instantly. You'll also feel like a million bucks

>> No.6340082


r u avin a giggle m8?

>> No.6340091

Arline St. Armour?

>> No.6340097
File: 351 KB, 537x511, the thin one in a fat girl couple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on, I don't know much about you but I do know that:
>you're friends, or at least used to be friends, with PT
>you're fat
Is this you in the pic?

>> No.6340103

> implying losing weight is easy

No. Whatever you do to lose weight it will be difficult.

I just started walking everywhere and swam once a week.

> peppers on the table


>> No.6340100

No, I'm serious.

I want you to find me! I'm waiting for ya, so whaddaya say? If you don't find me, I won't have meaning, so I'll be waiting for you.

>> No.6340105
File: 90 KB, 598x450, 1348701403608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6340110

>Losing weight is difficult.
Not really, losing weight is very easy.

Do you know the boxer Julio Cesar Chavez Jr?
Guy loses 10kg weight in a single day.

>> No.6340111

oh shit seriously?

u taking this a bit far don't you think m8?

can't handle the bant can ya lad?

>> No.6340113
File: 315 KB, 5000x5000, lel HD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6340114

>implying losing weight is hard
Not that guy, but I went from 185 to 145 @ 5'11" in the span of like 6 months. It's not hard at all.

>> No.6340117

Oh yeah. I've stopped drinking soda. Every time I drink it, I'm not sure what it is, but it plays havoc with my throat and I have to clear it. Feels like I got mucus or some crap.
Right now I'm actually on Sparkpeople.com and I've actually been counting my food intake and trying to exercise. I've been losing motivation though really bad. When I did exercise I actually had a lot of energy and now I feel crappy. Ugh, thanks for helping.

No, actually that's my cousin. She's lost a lot of weight since then. I have a few fully body shots of me recently in Lolita. But you'll have to ask nicely.
>inb4 asking nicely this is 4chan

Yep. Losing weight is difficult.
I remember that picture. It's so old. I was actually 140lbs back then but like I said, not me in that picture. I don't think those are peppers. They were some-thing I can't remember for my life.

>> No.6340126

Yeah, no

I've got F cups. But my band is only 28, so my breast have about the volume of an apple. Would you call that a waste?

Also, I still can't wrap my head around the US measuring system. Here the band number (60 cm in my case) is the actual circumfence of the band. Why do the whole 'measure yourself and then add 4/5 inches' in the first place?

>> No.6340123

> 10kg in a day

No way that's legit.

He must have saved up 10kg worth of shits.

>> No.6340134

Dehydrating mostly.

>> No.6340137
File: 390 KB, 461x400, 1350131617624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f cups you say?

>> No.6340141

>Whatever you do to lose weight it will be difficult.
not a good attitude to have. it's also wrong.
just have a good plan, and dont get instantly bored of it

>> No.6340148

I feel you. I only wear sports bras nowadays because nothing ever fits right.

>> No.6340153

/sp/ pls

>> No.6340158

It's easy as long as you know how to.
Walking everywhere and swimming only once a week can help you lose, but hardly will make much difference, unless we're talking about at least 1+ hours of walking everyday and swimming like a madman and NOT OVEREATING.
But just calculate your BMR x 1,2 if you don't do what is listed above and eat 500 cal less than the result to lose 1lb per week.
(but lrn2countcalories, people usually underestimate how much they are eating)

>> No.6340157

>fat girls
>b-but im busty lel

>> No.6340160
File: 50 KB, 214x250, 1292496571748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a fat girl said she was "curvy" near me

>> No.6340164

who /sp/ here?

>> No.6340167

Did that anon ever make a website for the meetup that's supposed to be taking place in August? I went to sleep when the thread slowed down.

>> No.6340177


I've never been on /cgl/ before. Decided to go on after repeated readings of the infamous bodily fluids thread.

>> No.6340178
File: 433 KB, 234x283, 1276117119413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys not read? it says edamame right in the picture. D: those are edamame beans, gl

>> No.6340187
File: 74 KB, 604x387, 1326924810922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw girls on 4chan

>> No.6340194

Well, because maybe more women can relate to stuff if they don't just draw thin, white women wearing usual clothes? Maybe because not everyone is white, thin and christian?

Jesus, she's not bringing SJ shit into her blog, just drawing different women. It's amazing how people are so used to white-wash that they actually COMPLAIN when other ethnicities are pictured somewhere.

>> No.6340199

This guy.

>> No.6340206
File: 21 KB, 325x228, apples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh, yes F cups. 28F, nothing more than two apples. Also, you're not getting pics
It gets tiring to have to explain to people how you can have F cups and not look like Pam Anderson

>> No.6340200
File: 61 KB, 604x452, hentaialternative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6340201

I actually didn't click the picture until after I posted. Then I realized. Whoops!

>> No.6340203


>> No.6340204
File: 113 KB, 589x1000, femplas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, here we go...

>> No.6340213
File: 171 KB, 706x677, laughingswans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They think the letter matters more than the number!

>> No.6340212

by being fat?

>> No.6340216

It's just a web comic. Do you have issues with your small breasts?

>> No.6340222

come on bb just one pic

>> No.6340227

> dat French smoothness

>> No.6340241

>band size 28
I...Did you even, like, read this thread? at all? There's so much information up there about what band size and cup size mean, that could even benefit you.

Unless you're referring to anything over, like band size 38. But that would be a stretch to relate to the previous anon's post.

>> No.6340244

Then post a picture of you or someone like you I just don't understand..

>> No.6340245

You're being trolled. Carry on.

>> No.6340250

I'm a 34c and I have a lot of these problems.

It's crazy some of the people in this thread are a 30 band size, I guess they must just be tiny people? I'm 5'10 and 120 and 34, was still 34 when I was almost 100lbs though.

>> No.6340252

ITT: fat bitches

>> No.6340249

If it's the same anon that posted reply to me, I think this bitch is just insecure. Srsly. I'm sure I'll still be a 38 when I lose all of my unnecessary weight.

>> No.6340257

My starting weight at 205.
Now I'm 160. I'm still a 38 D.

>> No.6340262

No, because 38 is YOUR BACK MEASUREMENT. When you lose weight you lose weight all around your body, including your back.

>> No.6340265


>> No.6340267

In that case, post then - not now.
You're just a butthurt fatty.

>> No.6340275

160kg is still a lot, fattie

>> No.6340272


>> No.6340276

Seriously, see:

>> No.6340278

She is most likely wrong. Or she was wrong before, or she is wrong now.
See the las two I quoted in

>> No.6340282
File: 17 KB, 184x172, 1271575993096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, but you could stand to lose more
another thing, when you're going into weight loss mode, eat MANY small meals, NOT a few big ones.

eat five times a day, you'll put your metabolism into overdrive and allow your body to quickly break down your fat reserves

>> No.6340283

Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. Each kilo of fat needs about 8,500 calories burned to go away so 10kg in a day would imply he worked out 85 THOUSAND calories. Which is pretty much impossible, even if you're running for your life or something.

>> No.6340287

Please. I know I'm fat. I've embraced my weight and I'm trying to lose it. I even call myself a fatty for kicks. So really, your "insults" aren't really hitting me.

In all seriousness, I was 140lbs and I'm at 121 now. I still have 12lbs to lose to hit my goal and as far as I can tell my band waist has not changed or else they've shrunk in the wash.

>> No.6340288

That is broscience. What matters is how many calories you eat a daw, not the frquency.

>> No.6340290

28F here again.
Dunno, maybe your ribs are pretty wide, or you just don't need as much support. My ribcage is a bit bigger than the 60cm of my band, but it needs to be so tight to be able to support my chest. If I go any wider it feels like I'm not wearing a bra at all.

>> No.6340291

Measure you underbust. That is your band size.

>> No.6340294

for most people, calorie counting isn't necessary if you're doing couch to 5k and a basic freeweight program

>> No.6340296

I think they mean pounds

How did this turn from a helpful boobie thread to a call everyone fat thread? Jesus christ, cgl...

>> No.6340306
File: 363 KB, 576x432, mnaUM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off your high horse honey boo boo, I wasn't looking for your tips.

I've read, I've measured and been measured again. I'm still the same size. You are more than welcome to come over and measure me up.
I'm wearing the same bra size now and it feels pretty good. The cup fits perfect and the band size isn't too loose or too small.

>> No.6340307

Because /sp/ is here being /sp/.

>> No.6340308


>> No.6340311

Yes, it is. It doesn't matter how much exercise you do, if you eat more calories than you are burning, you will gain weight.

>> No.6340310


I don't think my ribs are that big compared to other people of a similar height, probably just due to larger frame in general since I'm tall. I have a couple of 5ft friends who have a bit of weight on them but they're still smaller than I am (literally, not relatively).

>> No.6340318

Seems a lot of people are jumping the gun today.
>never said I was at my goal
>doesn't understand that weight includes muscle and fat
>do you even lift?

>> No.6340323

Ugh, why did I say that I was 38? I'm a 34. I'm still a 34 though. Guess we'll see when I get to 110.

I've never been outside /cgl/. What is /sp/? Special people?

>> No.6340327

so are you people just going to describe your boobs

why doesn't someone post some pics so i can get a visual i dont know what a 34c is

>> No.6340329

the point is that the amount of calories burned from couch to 5k or basic freeweights is MUCH MUCH more than the average person eats.

of course, cutting out all fast food and sodas goes without saying, but without those most people are fine

>> No.6340330

>Ugh, why did I say that I was 38? I'm a 34.
Oh come the fuck on. I cringed because that lie was so blatant. This is some assley-tier shit.

>> No.6340331

And by special people I mean retards.

>> No.6340333

Ah, I see. Now it makes more sense. Yeah, 34 is normal for your weight/height.

>> No.6340335

this, wtf?

>> No.6340339


> What is /sp/? Special people?

Sport you retard.

But it has it's own culture and is not limited to just sport.

>> No.6340340

aww c'mon


>> No.6340349

No, it's not. And the sad part is because /cgl/ is so ignorant about weight loss I can't even dismiss you as a troll.

>> No.6340341


What's the 32 cup size equivalent of a 36DDD?

Also, I have a 28" underbust measurement and a 37" bust measurement, what would my size be? I'm shit with bra sizes because I'm the only busty one in my flat-to-average family.

>> No.6340343

I did it because I was frustrated. unless you'd rather me go,"OMG NVM I'm actually a 34 LOL".

>> No.6340348

Are you FUCKING RETARDED? If you're fat, you're most likely overeating. And overeating without noticing - eating huge portions while thinking it is a normal-sized plate. Not to mention a lot of stuff that is considered diet food can also be packed full of calories and fat, and not to mention that a lot of people know SHIT about food so they'll eat a "small" (remember they have a problem with portions size?) piece of "diet" chocolate (which is made for diabetic people, not people trying to lose weight) and fuck up. Just to give you an example.

It's very cute to go "oh no, no need to ~obsess~, darling! You're exercising so don't count those calories!" but it's sadly not a good approach.

>> No.6340355

Really? Well that's good.

Butthurt bro? Sorry I don't really care.

>> No.6340354


True dat. I had been a 34DD, but when I lost ten pounds recently (gave up french fries, NYR) I lost it all around my waist/ribs and face to start. Now I'm a 32E/F.

Also, all women's weight fluctuates naturally somewhat, just due to hormonal changes/retaining water etc. I generally bounce around five pounds in either direction depending on how close I am to my period. That's also why they tell you it's useless to weigh yourself every day, and to do it once a week or so instead.

>> No.6340356


>> No.6340357
File: 2.83 MB, 225x169, attention whore.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ people. It's just a titty discussion. Whenever I talk about bras with my friends it never turns into a heated debate like this.
>must be the "Im so right attitude" that lingers /cgl/ sometimes
Stop getting so pissed and frustrated off about band/cup sizes.

>> No.6340358
File: 1.12 MB, 468x1041, god fucking dammit I forgot the timestamp I am not dicking around with this webcam again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of me, I might as well post for some reference for everyone I guess.

In case you can't read the numbers well it says:
bust: 34"
underbust: 27"
waist: about 26"

Even though the difference between my bust and underbust is big, my breasts clearly aren't xbox hueg. It reflects what people have been saying about cup sizes not really meaning anything unless you compare them right, like what this anon said: >>6339820

>> No.6340360

>Also, all women's weight fluctuates naturally somewhat
this is what fatties actually use as an excuse for being fat

>> No.6340362

I expected to see boobs, where are the boobs?

>> No.6340363
File: 120 KB, 300x300, 1348774871487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those measurements
Let me get in you, babe.

>> No.6340365

So this is what fat people feel...

>> No.6340366

Calm your tits.

What they said is true for the most part - I lost 40 pounds without counting calories. Learning proper portion size is easier/more practical for most people.

I can recognize the value of counting calories since beginning my bulk/cutting cycles, however. To 'eat clean', I feel like you need to pay a lot more attention to macronutrients and macronutrients (at least for a while, until you know what's in everything).

>> No.6340367


WHERE do you buy a bra with a 28" band?

>> No.6340369


>> No.6340370

>the amount of calories burned from couch to 5k or basic freeweights is MUCH MUCH more than the average person eats.

You'd need to run (ACTUALLY run, like, fast) for over FOUR HOURS to burn what the average person should eat (because let's face it, the average in the US is far bigger than the recommended 2000 cal).

Please, please tell me you're a troll.

>> No.6340371

Here /sp/, these girls are more your taste.

>> No.6340372

wait a sec, you aren't fat at all

>> No.6340373

hmmm i think it i need to see another one with your shirt off

>> No.6340375

>macronutrients and micronutrients

>> No.6340379


That can't be real.

>> No.6340384

Wait /cgl/ doesn't like Jessica Nigri.

I would have thought she was your queen.

>> No.6340392

PT is our queen

>> No.6340389
File: 12 KB, 169x131, cool smiley.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aye lass want sum fuk

>> No.6340397

No, we're just jelly of her and Minxy.

>> No.6340398

> PT is our queen
> Doesn't post pics.

>> No.6340395

This is actually a really helpful post, especially in terms of visually what the measurements look like.
Kinda lel'd @ the filename too.

>> No.6340399

Every inch after your underbust to your boob measurement equals one cup.
1 inch: A
2 inches: B

>> No.6340403

Go there:

>> No.6340404
File: 18 KB, 495x446, 1335028856508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6340406

Jesus /sp/

You need a girlfriend

>> No.6340420
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1342897781176s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not discussing in the form of power ranking

>> No.6340421


Here maleanon, some delicious sauce for you.


The fluctuation is normal and usually a result of hormonal water retention. That's what women mean when they complain about being "bloated" around their period.

>> No.6340414

I'm working on it bro

>> No.6340418

They're too busy watching men play handegg.

>> No.6340423
File: 326 KB, 640x480, 135068038268.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you have to squeeze your tits into a b-cup because they are too saggy to be in a c-cup
I hate my tits...

>> No.6340426

are you an archaeologist?

>> No.6340427

Doesn't sound that bad to me...

>> No.6340429
File: 256 KB, 1469x2103, 1324862874809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when stairs

>> No.6340430

welp, this wouldn't be the first thing good old Lance lied about, isn't it?

>> No.6340433


menstruation is icky

>> No.6340434

I never thought I'd say this but /sp/ makes me miss /fit/

>> No.6340435

this, we should make a proper tits measures power rankings

>> No.6340440

I recently measured myself to be a 28E and bought some new bras. It's taking a while to get used to the band mind you. I'm not used to how tight it is.

>> No.6340441

How would that work. Some guys love DFC, some guys like watermelons

>> No.6340446

36b is just a gross sounding number.
I am not fat at all, and that measurement makes me sound fat as fuck.
I have like, 34/32 c cups, fit around my ribs snugly but my tits are basically in a void and it does absolutely nothing....

>> No.6340443

/sp/, please go to bed.

>> No.6340445

No, I'm majoring in geophysics.

Glad to be of help. And yeah this webcam is killing me. If needed I will take one with a timestamp, though. It's just a bitch to deal with.

>> No.6340453
File: 180 KB, 627x640, 7577318100_a85b4c9622_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You will never e Jessica Nigri

>> No.6340448
File: 50 KB, 632x560, 1327522756523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6340452

/cgl/ so who's better Ronaldo or Messi?

>> No.6340459

soccer is boring.

>> No.6340461

post your face pretty please?

you're probably cute :3

>> No.6340463


Yeah but just because that's the logical outcome of the bra-math, doesn't mean that bras are made in that size.

I have never in my life heard of a 28HH bra.

>> No.6340464

yes take a timestamp

you should really study archaeology though

>> No.6340467

Would bang and then cuddle

>> No.6340473


>> No.6340469


Suddenly I don't feel as bad about my tits anymore.

>> No.6340472
File: 277 KB, 382x417, 1349790108170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the issue with your webcam? Could be fixed.

>> No.6340475
File: 174 KB, 466x569, 1348567836902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6340481

>too much ass

>> No.6340482

I'm not even Irish

>> No.6340485

>too much ass

>> No.6340486

So /sp/, what's your favorite color of nail polish?

>> No.6340487

>too much photoshop


>> No.6340490
File: 341 KB, 250x250, 1347912111379.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But soccer *is* boring.
Not /sp/ but /g/ here. I'd say black or blue, I let my little sisters paint them sometimes.

>> No.6340491
File: 31 KB, 810x483, 1350864462996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry guys, our hearts are already taken

>> No.6340495

white on the tip of the nail

>> No.6340496

Why is /g/ here too?? Oh gosh, I'm getting nervous

>> No.6340497

Freya is one of the few brands I know, and it's relatively affordable

>> No.6340505

How fat are you?

>> No.6340498

I'm in the same position. I recently found out I'm a 30DD. I get literally exhausted trying to find bras in my size, most brands only go up to a D. The ones I do find are really expensive.
>an actual busty girl problem

>> No.6340506
File: 843 KB, 320x240, 1347516455678.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6340507
File: 476 KB, 215x194, 2spooky4u.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no /g/ raid, no worries, I just lurk /cgl/ because I've been wanting to get into cosplay lately.

>> No.6340508
File: 2.20 MB, 360x360, 1346556690185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /cgl/ post your asses

>> No.6340510
File: 340 KB, 840x1200, 1350886021092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goshu/g/sama, will you help me install gentoo~

>> No.6340511
File: 368 KB, 473x350, timestamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

Nah, Lara Croft and Indie kinda over-glorify the whole archaeology shtick. Don't get me wrong, the anthro department has a buncha crazy fun stories from their professors, but our guys have more money, plus crazy fun stories.

>> No.6340513
File: 16 KB, 320x240, 1339157418346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But soccer *is* boring.
Jesus christ. People actually type like that?

>> No.6340515

post pics of them dds

>> No.6340517

Cosplay asses are here.
Taking my pants off is too much effort, sorry.

>> No.6340518


I was actually serious here

>> No.6340519

thats way too much ass

im irish btw

>> No.6340520

> Confirmed for americlap

What college?

>> No.6340524
File: 48 KB, 348x299, 1333981939437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6340527

Yes. But only if you are an enemy of proprietary software and can recite the Richard Stallman copypasta by heart.
Type like what?
You can never have too much ass.

>> No.6340528

That should give you an indication.

>> No.6340533
File: 455 KB, 1600x1200, 1349622928940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 30" considered fat now?
now I feel like shit for being a 36.
Is it acceptable if I am a tall bitch? 5'10?

>> No.6340535

Ass pic?

>> No.6340536
File: 79 KB, 458x443, 1350501115729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Victoria's secret
>Employee measures my chest
>they tell me that I'm a c-cup

>> No.6340538

Goddamnit I forgot you eurofats write it the other way. It's one of the Big Ten in the midwest, I won't say which, though.
>Implying I'm not clapping with my feet under the picture

>> No.6340539
File: 2.31 MB, 200x177, 1338052456030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, youre pretty fit

can i see a face pic too? im sure youre a qt 3.14 ;)

>> No.6340540

No, my point was that that anon was calling the other anon fat, even though she's clearly not if her band size is 30.

>> No.6340545
File: 436 KB, 750x545, 1347512237695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya blew it

>> No.6340546

Can anyone ITT tell me what the hell all these different types of bras do? They all look essentially the same to me:

>plunge bra
>balcony bra
>plunge balcony bra

>> No.6340557

So Minnesota?

>> No.6340559
File: 262 KB, 500x257, bale1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry love but you are fat.

You got dubs though.

>> No.6340562


I-i-is that acceptable?

>> No.6340574

I require pics of your hips.

For scientific reasons, of course.

>> No.6340576
File: 1.67 MB, 393x221, goffrey slaps.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Eurofats
> Not realizing it's Amerifats

>> No.6340584
File: 330 KB, 993x755, 1399418-bueno_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, the proper term is Yuropoors

>> No.6340597
File: 11 KB, 416x260, Project that red line upwards.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not realizing Europe's obesity rates are rising to rates nearly as high as in the US
Shit, you guys. Quit moving in on our turf. Don't make me eat this pack of fucking twinkies. I'LL DO IT! I SWEAR!

>> No.6340620

That graph proves the the term 'amerifats' is valid.

> Dat 36% obesity rate
> implying you'e not obese

>> No.6340626


37-27-41 here and I look ok. It doesn't even look like I have big hips even though the measurement seems more dramatic than average

>> No.6340637

> I look ok

post pics to confirm

>> No.6340666

>relatively affordable
>ooh yay lemme go check it out!
>$~60 per 28HH bra
>have never owned a proper fitting bra, would have to buy upwards of 3 IF 28HH is even my size


>> No.6340675
File: 1.99 MB, 264x357, 1336021073973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I said ok, not good. Recently started lifting but still skinnyfat. I might take a picture if I can motivate myself to get up, I think I might be depressed but I don't feel sad.

this was a huge shitpost so here's a gif

>> No.6340686
File: 65 KB, 285x276, 1347256306406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gif actually left me hugely disappointed, I don't know why.

>> No.6340688

you're just lazy, get up

>> No.6340700


The disgusting things I would do to have tits that small.

>> No.6340712
File: 991 KB, 1000x625, 1336350054892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I run 40 miles a week and do weight training 3x a week. Somehow I seem to lack the motivation to do anything else in my spare time.

more shitpost compensation pictures

>> No.6340725

>tfw barely fit into a 30AA
being flat is suffering

>> No.6340751

>tfw 32D and my boobs are way bigger than those girls'
brb time to do what >>6339729 said

>> No.6340760

Eeh, sometimes the shape of the bra can make it look bigger or smaller.

>> No.6340871

Finally, a useful compilation of bra sizes. Thank you, anon.

>> No.6340882


Lies. Get on of those band-aid bras and shut up.

>> No.6340908

you have the regime down great.
you probably just need to eat more often and in smaller portions, and eat slightly healthier food to get rid of that last bit

>> No.6340933


Looks like edamame.

>> No.6340937
File: 208 KB, 1091x980, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh I know, I was just responding to being lazy. My appetite just decided to disappear entirely about 3 weeks ago so the eating won't be a problem. The bigger problem is that I was planning to run/lift today and it's almost 3pm and I haven't eaten, but I feel sick if I eat and then run so I'm procrastinating both like an idiot (because running/lifting when I haven't eaten for ~18 hours doesn't tend to go well).

this image is crap quality, sorry

>> No.6340993
File: 17 KB, 415x408, fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6341072
File: 118 KB, 2276x2464, godblessyuropoors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed for you freedom-hating faggots

>> No.6341441

month value; 1-12
day value; 1-31
year value; -inf to inf

>> No.6342161

I personally prefer small and rounded, bonus points for pointy too