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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6334565 No.6334565[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thread for pics of Scum bags at conventions .

>> No.6335426

How tall (or short) is that guy?

>> No.6335462

I wonder if this chick would still be singing the same tune if the person resting his head on her breast was a 6'3", 180 lb. lightly bronzed dude with a six-pack and a decent haircut?

Not that I wouldn't be grossed out to be in her circumstances, though.

>> No.6335475

>implying anyone that aesthetic would let that fucking amazonian anywhere near him

>> No.6335674

Looks like the drummer for SYL and Dethklok.

>> No.6335690

Why didn't she just tell him there was a problem at the time?

>> No.6335703

Probably didn't want to cause a scene. I don't blame her.

>> No.6335757
File: 35 KB, 200x220, sure feels like 1999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Erik Ferris isn't the biggest scumbag for any conventions.
It's pretty much well known on the East coast cons that he's straight up pedophile.

>> No.6335861

Telling someone to not have his head on your boobs is not "causing a scene"...

>> No.6335886

>problem if touching cosplayer
>problem if hover hand

What do?

>> No.6335887


If she wants it, that's fine. It's her choice who she lets touch her like that. But in this case, the attention was unwanted and she tried resisting to no avail.

>> No.6335889

It is when he inevitably argues back about how he was just appreciating beauty/she shouldn't have worn that costume etc, etc.

>> No.6335897

But then it is HE who is causing a scene, acting like some creepy asshole who thinks he's entitled to touching her tits.
Why do you make up excuses for why guys can touch you?

>> No.6335900

>guy goes to touch you
>you make some indication that you dont like it
>he continues
>you dont say anything, just look into the camera and give up.

i shig and i fucking dig

>> No.6335909

This is exactly what i'm thinking, if a girl i knew would do this i would lose a lot of respect for her.

>> No.6335915
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Oh hey its Rachel :D
Oh fuck its him. This guy is a super creep.
He filmed me at Otakon last year and this year, Im a dude and he still weirded me out.

his Sci-fi Ninja theater is shit too. Poor excuse for trying to plop his heads on chicks tits.

>> No.6335958

She tried to move away and he didn't stop.

She shouldn't have had to do that in the first place.

In what plane of existence would anyone think that asking to take a photo with someone gives them permission to put their head on the other person's chest?

You can have all the balls you want about how you wouldn't have let him do that, or how she's at fault, but people who has been in that sort of situation generally aren't able to react quickly enough or how they want to.

What he did isn't okay. At all. The girl isn't at fault.

>> No.6335963


>> No.6335973

>girls want attention
>dress up to get attention
>gets the wrong kind of attention

every time. women are dumb enough to think they won't get hit on at a convention when they're wearing a glorified bikini with exposed ass. What's even crazier is that women will say that it's creepy and rude and disgusting that these guys do these things, yet in some twisted fucking way they crave it. If no creepy paid attention to them, they would question what's wrong with them.

>> No.6335989

you're right to a certain extent,they do crave attention, many people do, myself included. but no girl dresses up in a sexy outfit and goes to a con -expecting- to get slightly or full-on molested.
im sure they know it can happen, just like a jogger knows they could get mugged/raped while jogging at night.

>> No.6336000

She said no first, he still did it; she's even entitled to slap him at that point, but she did fuck-nothing.
Nobody said it was the girl's fault, but she can't blame it all on the guy.

>> No.6336012

Wanting to feel sexy/have photos taken/get compliments and wanting to have your chest nuzzled by a greasy hobbit are two completely different things, mate.

>> No.6336013


Women who go to conventions in sexy cosplay often are half expecting some guy to slap their ass or grope their boobs somehow. It's just being attentive and setting boundaries if it ever happens.

>> No.6336008

But you can still stop someone from molesting you, she did not and just accepted it.

>> No.6336018

>implying it's not dressing like that


>> No.6336019

He has a brain, he KNOWS that it's not okay to do that, whether she's wearing that type of outfit or not. She probably did not want be to be rude during that shot maybe? but he has a brain and he shouuld know that he shouldn't be doing that. It's him that's at fault

>> No.6336034

But the thing is that when you act/dress a certain way you send certain signals about what kind of person you are, and some guys will take that as an invitation (just like how if you act flirty, you can't expect guys to NOT pick up on it and hit on you); which is why you have to SAY NO, not just let it slide.
It will just make you look like you're okay with random guys groping you; which is entirely your fault.

>> No.6336035


But for a lot of the times at a convention, you're going to have those guys who will come up to you. Doesn't mean you should judge them as a creeper, but she could have pushed him away. Women dressed up like that should really figure out some type of protection when this occurs.

>> No.6336042

>She probably did not want be to be rude during that shot maybe?
HAHAHAHAHAHA... oh lord... this is exactly why girls like you are considered sluts.
There's NOTHING rude about telling a guy to stop touching your tits; other guys who aren't like that even think you SHOULD slap them or at least make them back off.

>> No.6336056

True, but what if she was scared? What if she froze up and couldn't bring herself to say no (because she felt threatened, or because she thought it would make a scene). It's much easier to stand up for yourself online, with miles of distance between you and the person in question, than it is to say no in person. You guys of all people should know that.

>> No.6336055

she could have stopped him if she wasn't being nice honestly. The guys a hobbit, even if he gave her trouble, some whiteknight would have appeared scooting him away.

>> No.6336058


I found the guys get really aggressive if you do that.

Luckily, I've always had friends who stood up for me or pulled me away, but after I push the fat fucker away, they just come up to me again and try to intimidate me.

And I'm pretty easily intimidated...

Not sure if that's her reason though.

>> No.6336064

Shy girls shouldn't go to conventions dressed like huas.

>> No.6336065

What if I just want to dress up without feeling self-glorification?

>> No.6336074

Eeeeeeexactly! Thank you!
Well, doesn't that mean that you shouldn't be aroung people like that?

>> No.6336077

Then learn to SAY "Hey asshole stop groping me" instead of shuffling awkwardly and not saying anything like the girl in OP.

>> No.6336080

People judging how she did or didn't react are missing the point.

The dude is the one who did the fucked up thing and that's the end of the story it's not that hard to grasp.

To people saying she invited it by dressing like that, go back to your rapist paradise of Reddit, where it's always the girls' fault.

P.S. Stop assuming she's dressed like that for the enjoyment of attention from men. She's confident in her body and enjoys the character. This is for herself.

>> No.6336084

this guy does it again.

he gets his thrills on how far he can get in a photo with girls.

Sometimes he gets kicked out of hte premise, other times girls let him get away with it. All in all this fucker has got guts.

>> No.6336085

>dressed like that for the enjoyment of attention from men. She's confident in her body and enjoys the character. This is for herself.


>> No.6336095


You mean should I stay home and never see the light of day? Dude, I got groped at a bus stop. Fuck off.

>> No.6336099


>girls always spouting 'THIS IS FOR MYSELF AND MUH FREEDOMS'

Yeah nah, both genders who dress up in any way revealing is wanting attention. There is never "for myself" situation when you're dressed in a one piece deep cleavage swimsuit with revealing crotch and ass.

But then again, this illogical rationale honestly makes me believe women have some level of crazy.

>> No.6336103

We're not saying its the girls fault.
What we ARE saying is that there will ALWAYS be a guy JUST LIKE THAT at whatever convention you go to. So learn to tell a guy to get lost instead of shuffling awkwardly like the idiot girl in OP.
And if you dress like a hua expect to be treated like a hua.

>> No.6336111

Trying to pin it all on one side and leaving the other totally blameless is a really shitty thing to do.

If she's so confident and assertive to go around parading at cons, she should be confident and assertive enough to open her lips and tell the jackass to get away.

He's a jerk for not respecting her personal space, she's a bitch for not vocalizing her discomfort and telling him to back off.

Feel free to call me misogynistic or whatever, though. No skin off my back.

>> No.6336117

>loses respect for the girl
>not the guy
i shig i fucking dig

>> No.6336121

Man, either she's really tall or he's really short. Must be awkward as hell, I would hate that.

>> No.6336126
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Jordan is that you.

>> No.6336127

>loses respect for the girl because she doesn't tell him off then and there for laying his head on her breast
>not losing respect for the guy who has already lost respect because he goes around resting his head on cosplayer's tits
Right back at you, shiggydiggy doo wop shoo bop.

>> No.6336129

It wasn't the way she dressed that was the biggest problem, noone said that, the problem is that she just allowed him to do it; she should have just at least walked away.
People like you just can't admit responsibility for you actions.
AGAIN: He was the one doing something wrong, but she could have EASILY prevented it.

>P.S. Stop assuming she's dressed like that for the enjoyment of attention from men. She's confident in her body and enjoys the character. This is for herself.
Then why would she go to a public place dressed like that? Cosplaying is for attention, just admit it; i have a girl friend who admitted it.
No, of course not. But if you know certain people who are like that you shouldn't hang out around them. And you shouldn't dress/act slutty while you're around a shitload of horny nerds; at a con where it's pretty much an aknowledged free for all to take pictures with/of hot chicks.

>> No.6336137 [DELETED] 


>> No.6336135

Do you think i would be in a relationship with a girl who thinks it's okay when other guys fondle her or just never tells them to stop?

>> No.6336140

Also, i still have never in this thread said that i have an ounce of respect for the guy. He's a creeper, but the girl isn't a perfect angel herself.

>> No.6336141


Nah but it pisses me off that women try to rationalize the reason they want to dress up like a hua "for myself" without the obvious "here's my costume now give me compliments and attention" just doesn't add up. Humans have it in their genetics to impress or get the attention of others. It's lying to yourself if your sole reason was to dress in a sexy outfit "for yourself"

>> No.6336142

>implying anyone had any respect for guys like that in the first place

Seriously, nobody is saying it's her fault she got groped, or that he's in any way not at fault here. They're saying that no matter where you go or how conservatively you're dressed, there are going to be creepy assholes who will think they're entitled to feel you up because they want to. Everyone needs to be able to say "Hey, back off, you're invading my personal space and that's not appropriate", but it's even moreso an issue for the folks who find enjoyment in wearing outfits that accentuate their looks in any public place, because you're going to attract more attention than usual (both positive and negative), and through that you will inevitably wind up dealing with a large number of these assholes.

>> No.6336216

As true as that is, we're not a Muslim country that has to put a blanket over our beautiful women. It's their right to dress how they like, weather it be in conservative or slutty attire. Men should have self-control. As a man you have no idea how many women I just want to RAPE and impregnate, it's all in them hormones. But I don't, my brain prevents that perve-switch. By reminding me of the horrific consequences and guilt I would suffer for such a savage act.

I still question what sort of reaction some cosplayers are expecting to receive. Many express a certain naive shock, and I actually think being 'prude' hurts themselves as well. I'd like to tell these ladies to dress as sexy as they want, but to not act the victim, unless they really do become a victim.

>> No.6336240
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>> No.6336325

But you're only half-correct. Yes, men should certainly have the self-control to not slather themselves over every woman they consider reasonably attractive in sight, regardless of whether or not tits or ass are showing. BUT! Women should also have the fucking balls to lay down the line if someone is attempting to do something they aren't comfortable with.

This isn't rocket science, people! Stop expecting everyone around you to police themselves for your benefit.

>> No.6336343

>It's their right to dress how they like

Very true. But its also their right to deal with the consequences of doing such.

>Men should have self-control

On the whole they do. However if you go into a crowded area with thousands of people looking like a slut, chances are good you will run into the one guy that doesn't.
If you want to go out and dress sexy, be assertive and say in plain loud remarks what your intentions are. If some guy is creeping, don't try to "send signals" like retarded women usually do. Be straight and forward (I know its hard for women to do that cause they like their little games).

>> No.6336353

I wonder if its possible to fix that guys aesthetics with a 200k budget for plastic surgeries.

>> No.6336437
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Yea I kinda said that at the end. Have some confidence and swagger dudettes. I know it's the opposite of what all nerds do, but just try! Tell that asshole face what's what, I'm sure you can get the dude tossed. All else fails, take some jui jitsu classes and learn to choke fuckheads out. You think Wonder Woman lets Superman fuck around? NO! Also check out the original self-help book by Dale Carnegie, the non-PC version if you can find it.

>> No.6336769

Female here, what I never understand about ALL these kinds of stories where someone gets a little too close, grabby, etc. is why these ladies don't leave. Like literally, leave the scene, politely but directly excuse yourself and move on.

I'd much rather be thought of as "the bitch who refused a photo with a guy" instead of letting some "greasy hobbit" [I like the anon's term lol] rest his head on my tits. I know as females we're supposed to act polite and demure and all that shit, but if someone is seriously making you uncomfortable, you voice that you're not OK with this, go against what "mama said" and go ahead and excuse yourself. It's not making a scene, it's getting yourself out of an uncomfortable situation.

Conversely, if you like people getting all up in yo personal space, by all means, carry on.

>> No.6336806

Everything's cool until someone's pregnant rule. Sounds good to me.

Actually my sister had some dude hitting on her and she just screamed aloud about his poor hygeine(shit breath and ball smell or something) and embarssed the shit out of him. Shit does work sometimes.

>> No.6336818

i'd give her the old lickeroo. good on him, if I was there i'd of pushed my soft, smooth semi along her butt till it grew big enough to penetrate her bum 8)

>> No.6336852

alchoholism pls go

>> No.6336875

sober as a lesser spotted wombat actually, just wanted to troll a /cgl/ thread as the >tfw no qt bf thread died

>> No.6336938

I wonder how long it is before I get desperate enough to start going to cons just to find excuses to grope women.

>> No.6336955

LOL the two spectrums
One side are guys afraid to touch the women they're taking pictures with
The other guys who are way to ballsy and are grabbing handfuls of ass while taking pics.
Pick a spot fellas:
Shoulder, Upper Back, Lower Back, Side

>> No.6336967
File: 8 KB, 143x181, 1329708409220j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be a lot more sympathetic if women would just admit they dress like this for male attention instead of "hurrrr is for ME".

It's not fooling anyone.,

>> No.6336962

I agree with this. Your actions can sometimes speak for you, and if you just physically stand there and let the guy do whatever - even if you say no - that's basically the same as saying yes.

I've had guys hit on me, and if I'm uncomfortable I'm not afraid to say "I'm sorry, no thank you" politely and continue on my way.

>> No.6336992

The thing is, I think she's only making a big deal about this because of all the attention that Black Cat cosplayer got.

Rachel is is one of those people trying to become cosplay famous. She used to be fun, but now everything is about costumes that she can be half naked in.

>> No.6337051

What happened to her modeling that she was posting all of those underwear pictures of?

>> No.6337149

She used to live in my area and attended a few cosplay meetups and was a lot more covered. She wore her Integra costume a few times.

Flip forward a couple years, I saw her at Otakon this past year wearing a glorified bikini and platform boots, she was able to walk in baby steps, maybe, because the shit she was wearing was so restrictive. Priorities man, they change.

>> No.6337212

I don't know who this is and I only read half the thread, but seriously? She should have said no to him flat-out? Yes that would have made the message a lot clearer to him but she still tried to resist it. Either way though, he should have had the decency to not put his face in her chest. I have no idea how anyone thinks that's acceptable behavior.

Removing the genders from this and making it a bit more extreme... If you answer the door and the person comes in and starts beating the shit out of you, is it your fault if you end up in the hospital because you didn't say "no, stop that, I really wish you wouldn't hurt me"

>> No.6337240

Oh Rachel, I remember when you had real life goals.

>> No.6337245

I just wanted scum bag pics.

What I got was something completely unnecessary.

>> No.6337257


>> No.6337285

That's a bit of a strawman argument, but I'll play your game.

Someone breaks into my house and starts attacking me. I can either A) do nothing and allow my ass to get beaten to the point I need to go to the hospital, B) attempt to hide in which case the attacker may follow me and continue to beat me, or C) attempt to defend myself and force the attacker to leave. While option C certainly does not guarantee success, it is certainly the most logical option to pick.

So yes, despite the fact that the gentleman who was rubbing the side of his head all over her breast being clearly in the wrong for violating her personal space and not recognizing that her attempt to back up was a sign to stop, she is also at fault for not making her displeasure 100% clear at that very moment. She can dress as she wants, she shouldn't have to deal with harassment, but she should also have the backbone to step up and stop the harassment herself, or at least draw attention to it so that someone else (potentially more capable) can sort things out.

>> No.6337302

More deets on her personal life.

Why do cosplayers always think they're going to be models or famous? Has anyone bought those stupid Yaya Han wings she's making?

>> No.6337316


cosplaying is such a sub culture of a subculture that any traction a cosplayer gets would be contributed by something like getting assaulted by perverts or getting on youtube with a ton of hits. Even then you just become an object of perverse because you'll have to dress up sluttier and sluttier to get decent views.

>> No.6337322

I can't give you photos, but there've been a number of times when I've been hit on in Lolita.

The classic 'little bo peep' names they call you, asking why you're such a pretty girl and where you're going and such.
I do not wear five layers of fluff so I can be easily accessed.

>> No.6337326

That kind of attention in a public place is really difficult to deal with, particularly if you're not used to it. It's a bit of a shock when someone invades your personal space in a public area, like a con, where there are lots of people around you and your safety is not being directly threatened at the moment.
When he was touching her, she was uncomfortable, but she didn't feel like she was going to be hurt. So in that kind of moment you can freeze up and be unsure of how to react, because a loud or violent attempt to escape would be uncalled for. In this situation, she's probably thinking that she has to stop this is a socially acceptable manner (i.e. not screaming and hitting him, but stepping away and telling him to stop).
Obviously that's not hard at all, but it's not a knee-jerk reaction like OH SHIT MY LIFE IS IN DANGER. So she most likely just froze up and was unsure of what to do.
She should have stepped away from him and told him to stop, so I'm not saying that she isn't partially at fault. The guy also should not have gotten so close to a stranger. Both parties are at fault, but I do think the girl is not nearly as bad as the guy.
So what I'm saying is she should have reacted differently, but this kind of situation is a lot different when it is happening to you in real time. So I understand why she did not immediately react.

For the issue of the clothing choice, just let girls do what they want. NO manner of dress is an invitation to be touched, that's ridiculous.

>> No.6337671
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Back on topic.

This guy is a known and constant danger to girls at conventions. He's known to have raped several girls in the Melbourne convention scene and there's probably many more who have never spoken up. He targets mostly 14-20 year old girls with low self esteem and a Hot Topic-esque wardrobe. His current fav outfit is the 4th Doctor probably because all the DW fangirls that are around.
Yeah I don't care that his name is on the shitty meme he made for himself either.

>> No.6337692

Mm. Not sure if anyone knows, but back in 2006/2007 there was a catain jack sparrow cosplayer. Notorious for hugging women really tightly to get a feel for bewbies.

>> No.6337739

If that's the case, then why is he allowed back into events?

>> No.6337758

Id assume the staff know nothing about it.

>> No.6337787

Yeah the cons here are either run on a corporate kind of level or by the old white guy neck beards who think that sluts are out to ruin their friends reputation.

>> No.6337820

I agree that it is kind of hard not to expect creepers and molesters to come after you dressed like that. On the other hand, if you think about it from a different perspective, if you were to see a girl dressed in a bikini on the beach, you probably wouldn't go up to her and touch her without her consent in an unfavorable way so why do the same at a convention?

>> No.6337838

>implying that the types of people that frequent conventions can often be seen at beaches

>> No.6337977

>unwanted attention
>its only right if attractive men dog me

women logic, what the hell do you lose

>> No.6337984

>P.S. Stop assuming she's dressed like that for the enjoyment of attention from men. She's confident in her body and enjoys the character. This is for herself.
Someone can't into evolutionary psychology.

>> No.6337992

>Woman doesn't want male attention
>It must be because he's ugly
>Definitely not because she's taken or simply doesn't like the loads of creepy attention piled on nominally attractive women at conventions

Man logic. We're not your personal body pillows.

>> No.6337999

i like how either rachel or that guy deleted the comment.


>> No.6338007

Again, what the hell do you lose having an ugly guy take a picture with his head on your tit.

>> No.6338017


If this was Ryan Gosling we wouldn't be having this discussion.

>> No.6338016



>> No.6338028

I want you to think about what you just asked.

Is it even possible in your tiny brain to comprehend that women may not want to be touched by strange men, regardless of level of attractiveness?

>> No.6338040

What do you lose having an ugly guy take a picture with his head on your tit.

>> No.6338052

The same reason why men don't want to be touched by ugly women I suppose. Lesson of the day: Ugly people don't deserved to be touched.

>> No.6338058

Self-esteem? Frankly if I'm pretty sure the guy is gonna go home and masturbate to a picture of me, regardless of how good he looks, that's fucking gross and I don't want any part of it. That's what we mean when we say "creeper."

>> No.6338062

The feeling of comfort.

>> No.6338091

Not the same anon, but I would lose some sense of comfort.
I would lose my patience with anyone else who got too close or any person placing their hand innocently on my waist/shoulder.
I would lose any amount of respect for the person who I am posing with.
I would lose a bit of dignity if I did not stand up for myself.

>> No.6338099

Men don't mind ugly girls dogging them, some of us get ego trips to that shit.

But you don't actually lose anything, your petty feelings are just hurt by the idea.

>get over yourselves

I'll ask again, what do you lose when a guy puts his head on your tit for a picture.

>> No.6338103


>regardless of how good he


>> No.6338117

>Men don't mind ugly girls

Maybe if you're the desperate type. Are you desperate and ugly?

>> No.6338125

You sound fucking dumb, and like the kind of guy who passive-aggressively takes out his loneliness on 4chan in the most cowardly omega way possible. Hope you enjoy your lonely night while most of us women in this thread cuddle up with our significant others. Don't bother denying it. <3

>> No.6338143


What are you even saying? If you took a random sample from /cgl/ I guarantee >50% of girls would say there's someone who they wouldn't mind masturbating to them.

>also I have a gf, don't make assumptions

>> No.6338145

>asks question on /cgl/

What did I expect.

I'm hooking up with a cuban model on friday, whether you choose to believe that or not is up to you, I'll cry by myself until then.

>> No.6338153

Yeah, I don't believe it. You sound like those desperate types. PLEASE TOUCH ME. I HAVE NO STANDARDS!

>> No.6338155

respond to the retorts that have some thought, don't just reply to weak arguments thinking you've for some upper hand or some shit. Legit- discuss. Or can we just assume that you have no response?

>> No.6338179


what a bro
all she could do was message him on fb after the fact

damn he made a beta out of her

>> No.6338191


>it makes me feel bad even though I'm not really losing anything
Thats a negative mentality, just think you just gave a huge boost to some guy that really needs it in his lonely pathetic life. I bet you've never done charity work on the basis that hobos think dirty thoughts about you.

>> No.6338197



I totally agree she probably felt uncomfortable and that he had no right to put his head on her chest like he owned it or something. I'm just saying if a 10/10qtpibf did it she would have a higher probability of being okay with it or at least be 'less' uncomfortable. Extending this I think most women on here have some standard of guys where they'd feel significantly more comfortable with them doing it, husbandos being the prime example. Sure not everyone has them, but most girls on here (at least >50%) have someone they already like enough - despite not having had a conversation with them or meeting them - that they would let do this.

>> No.6338222

Ugh, /cgl/ you continually disappoint me with your nasty judgmental attitudes.
Grow up.

>> No.6338224

Yes, he most likely has a brain, a lot of people do have brains, you could even say most people do, but I doubt you can say what he does and doesn't know
He could have mental problems, not everyone has the same right and wrong, some people don't know
She's pretty tall and he's pretty short, maybe he didn't mean to and it was an accident
She didn't say anything, he probably seemed/was being forceful and she got scared,
and couldn't say anything, at least she told him in the end, in a way she found safe, and maybe he knows now not to do that, or maybe he has mental problems which don't allow him to
Anyway, she seems like a bitch with that last statement, I don't think it was necessary
and as for him, I don't know anything about him other than he looks like my mom

>> No.6338226

See, that's the problem. You're expecting something PHYSICALLY. You don't think that emotions mean anything- but we both know that they do. Unless you're a husk of a man.

Please, don't ask me personal questions as if it'll give weight to this argument. Either you'll call bullshit or dismiss it.

>> No.6338233
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And this ended exactly where I thought it would.

>> No.6338239
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Threads like this make me glad I don't have any friends.

>> No.6338241

What part of ugly people don't deserved to be touched don't you understand?

>> No.6338242

You're cute, but this argument is null and void.
What would you gain by letting a man rest his head on your supple breasticles ?

>> No.6338250

I don't think anyone has the right to touch someone where they don't want to be touched, emotional pain doesn't heal as well as physical pain for a lot of people, even if you don't think someone touching a breast is a big deal, not everyone thinks like you, let me just put it this way
Women are bitches, women are stupid, and men aren't too far off

>> No.6338245

Why does every cgl thread turn into a social justice debate?
Can't we just stay on topic? Tell me about creepers!

>> No.6338263


>make reasonable response as was asked of me

>> No.6338268

I don't think anyone has the right to INSULT MOHAMMAD'S GLORIOUS VISAGE, emotional pain doesn't heal as well as physical pain for a lot of people, even if you don't think someone INSULTING MOHAMMAD'S GLORIOUS VISAGE is a big deal, not everyone thinks like you, let me just put it this way

>> No.6338283

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to INSULT MOHAMMAD'S GLORIOUS VISAGE :c

>> No.6338299
File: 944 KB, 270x180, 1333647440777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...that doesn't even...what?

>> No.6338302

I've seen this dude creeping on chicks at like every Otakon for the past five years. He's actually in a wheel chair/scooter thing usually, so he's not actually that short.

>> No.6338316

its an analogy



>> No.6338332


>still no response

>> No.6338354

> prophet of a religion is being used in a debate whether or not its okay for some guy to place his head on a woman titty.

>> No.6338361


Personally, even if the guy is hot, if I don't know him, I wouldn't be comfortable with him invading my personal space like that. If a 10/10 guy decided he wanted to shove his face into my boob, he'd probably come across as a cocky asshole instead of a total creeper, but it'd still be worthy of getting told off because that shit is still creepy.

>> No.6338372

If you can't make the connection in context enjoy flipping burgers or squeezing out waterheaded children for a decade for your husbando.

>> No.6338383

It just wasn't a very good one and didn't make much sense, try explaining, not in a mocking sort of way, also I don't think you read my post well, and just copied/pasted shit
Invading someones personal space, and making them uncomfortable is not a right people have
Insulting someone, where I'm from, we have freedom of speech to an extent, and even if it's not right, it's still a right
I'd like to think I'm not very offensive, rarely insulting someone, and the only person I grab or hold onto is my fiance, and he's fine with it
I will hear out your points when you get some, with reasons ofc

>> No.6338400


>cocky asshole instead of creeper
>confirmed for decreased creeper status
>correlation between looks and creeper status: CONFIRMED

>> No.6338408

You can't understand that using a religion to equate to something less significant is stupid?

But whatever, if you think its okay for guys to lay their heads on a girls titty when they don't think its cool- then by all means. May all the creeps in the world place an ear on your girls tit.

>> No.6338413

The only thing lost from letting a men put his head on your tit for a photo is something emotional.

The only thing lost from having a religious figure insulted is something emotional.

Lesson is: be the better (wo)man and let them have their fun if you aren't losing anything but what you are labeling as dignity.

>> No.6338424
File: 38 KB, 500x452, 1346800556657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staff don't have enough power to do anything. I've seen many creepers still roam to this day because staff seriously has no power to do anything/they're friends with the "right" people. I've seen plenty of targets speak up, it's just that at the end, there's not too much done about it.

Example: If someone presses a restraining order on another, con staff can't do shit if they're at the con anyway. This issue happened numerous times before.

Oh and if anyone says it's about what they wear, well I'm sorry if some people can't help wearing socks. Yes, I know a creeper that targets girls with socks. And yes, I know creepers that targeted girls who crossplayed/cosplayed very clothed characters, too.

>> No.6338426

>let them touch you on your titty
>youre making them feel good

>> No.6338430

My girlfriend doesn't partake in activities where the only resource at stake is dignity and the only effect use of your time is people seeing you.

>> No.6338443

if he has legit raped people surely they should go to the police about it and he should be in jail having his anus penetrated by a fair few skinheads.

>> No.6338446

Never said the creeper had to be in the same hobby as hers. maybe a close friends.
Either way, her tits are okay to touch with my head. It'll make me feel good.

>> No.6338455

Not relevant to whats left of this argument but you'll wish greasy 30 year olds put their head on your shoestring tit when you're 90.

>> No.6338472

I like how there's more outrage over one cunt who couldn't say no than over hordes of disgusting landwhales molesting male cosplayers and physically assaulting them with the complete support of the cons themselves.

We really need to just expand MWWS into an all-encompassing phenomena where crimes only matter when they happen to women. Because this is proof of that.

>> No.6338473

No, its okay. I'll put my head on some younger firmer tits instead, since it'll make me feel better about myself and my shoe string taytays.

>> No.6338485

She's 100% in the right about what she said, yet she still took a picture with him. Seriously, you embarrass him in public and get away. If all the women he tries to do that to react that way, he doesn't get his thrill but you gave it to him anyway and call him out after the fact.

>> No.6338486

Im all for this discussion, dish it.

>> No.6338501

Because men can take that shit because we don't lose anything from it as long as they aren't depriving us of time or involvement in something. If anything we get great material for landwhale stories on /cgl/.

>> No.6338506

Who says? I said ugly people didn't deserve to be touch and some guy said he'd be happy if somebody ugly touched him. Can't be outraged if the person it happened to isn't angry.

>> No.6338509

All you saying she should have told the guy off, been more assertive, etc. need to realize you have NO idea how you're going to react in a situation like that. You're usually not expecting it. Ever look back on a bad situation and wish you acted differently? Everyone has. When you're in the moment you freeze up and don't know what to do. And it doesn't help that women in particular are conditioned all our lives to be passive and polite all the time, even when we're being creeped on.

>> No.6338514

I don't think either of those are okay
I don't go insulting things people believe is or touching women
What you're asking of women is gross, just let guys feel you up
Dignity and pride are important, to me and I'm sure a lot of others
I don't cosplay or wear lolita, it's not like those are the only times a guy tries these things, your girlfriend doesn't have to partake in any activity other than leaving the house, she doesn't even have to be attractive to get hit on, there are really desperate guys
My fiance wouldn't like if dudes felt me up, and I wouldn't like it if a chick sucked his dick, no matter how great it made either of them feel
I'm not going to give up my comfort to give someone that kind of happiness

>> No.6338519

Doesn't matter. When even the people who make their livings getting angry on other people's behalf stay silent, it's clear that society beliefs sexually assaulting men is a-ok.

>> No.6338521
File: 50 KB, 375x500, tumblr_mal9syytlP1qgr6j7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets not forget
"huggy sora"

>> No.6338536

He looks like he has autism or something... I know a guy with aspergers and he does NOT KNOW when to not hug people.

>> No.6338531

Enjoy your monkey mentality I'm going to leave this thread to seek enlightenment and rethink my life.

>> No.6338532

Still my favorite con story ever. Wish I saved the reaction images of the Ash's face that one anon made.

>send help

>> No.6338541
File: 33 KB, 300x311, 1347934356611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got it

>> No.6338551

Enjoy your ugly shut in girlfriend, I'm going to stay in this thread to seek creeper stories and rethink why I don't cheat on my fiance to make others happy, oh right, it would hurt us both, I can't stand being touched by people, it makes me feel horrible(even just holding my hand) and he wants me to be faithful

>> No.6338547

>dont laugh
>send help

>> No.6338556

Thank you so much holy shit.

Speaking of huggy Sora, didn't his brother that cosplays Squall have this raging boner while he was hugging another girl?

>> No.6338582
File: 149 KB, 500x667, dontlaughsendhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maximum autism achieved

>> No.6338584

You know what though?

If she had said something, and he wrote something about it, people would be all over her for 'overreacting'. She had agreed to the picture, but not to him putting his head on her breast. She tried to move away sure, but who's to say whoever was taking the pic didn't just snap it before she could protest any further?

It's like people are saying "Well she dressed like that she should expect to get touched/groped".
Which, hell no, that's not right.

And this shit about how she's dressed? Come on you guys. What about the dudes who go around shirtless and wearing short shorts. If some skeevy chick came up to them and started to nuzzle up against their junk, would they be okay with it? Of course not.

Any woman (Or man) can cosplay sexy costumes and sure, there will be -that- kind of attention, but no one has the right to touch anyone in a way they are not comfortable with, without their consent. Male or female. End of story

I mean look at the face she's making. That's uncomfortable as shit.

tl;dr Don't do inappropriate shit no matter how the cosplayer is dressed.

>> No.6338591
File: 88 KB, 224x222, pictre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6338588

Any stories of creepy girls? I mean, real creepy.

>whats the difference between this topic and con horror stories?

>> No.6338618

At my local con we had the notorious 'green shirt guy'. The first time we noticed him was back around 2006, when he kept hugging young girls and not letting go. He was also just generally creepy to everyone though, and several people brought him up on the forums. He came back again the next year, but someone recognised him and his creepy ways and he got thrown out. All staff knew about this guy and he was banned. I guess he hoped we had forgotten about him, because he was back again last year. Some guy had a camera in his cosplay helmet and recorded him doing something, I never heard what, but he was thrown out again and I heard the police got involved this time.

I think the concept of just accepting that people at cons are creepy is ridiculous. We're at a con, not another world. Same rules apply here.

>> No.6338719

I wonder if she'd have reacted the same way if he was an athletic hottie with a chiseled jawline?

>> No.6338727

>liking people enough to let them touch you regardless of appearance

Are you even ronery?

>> No.6338743

>whores getting half-naked for attention at conventions
>think it's 'degrading' when guys take the bait


>> No.6338754

Maybe if he lifted some weights instead of soda, he, too, can handsome and have people touch him instead.

>> No.6338756


>> No.6338761

>Implying attractive women can be lonely

I gurantee that woman has at least a dozen men lined up for her at any given time.

>> No.6338769

>Dat butterface

Haha, don't think so.

>> No.6338770

Perhaps, or perhaps this is a fetish of his that only goes one way. Either way, the girls are very clearly enabling it by dressing how they do. It's not justification, but it is a logical outcome.

>implying I'm not an /a/non

>> No.6338771

Exactly. All she has to do is be ugly because ugly people don't deserve to be touched.

>> No.6338774

Well he has a point. What the fuck do women expect when they dress like strippers and fetish fuel?

Do they not realize the second they enter the con hall they are being eye-raped by every male there? Do they not understand that the only reason a heterosexual male would attend such a thing is in hopes of scoring some pussy?

Honestly, the only reason I even look at /cgl/ is to masturbate.

>> No.6338775

Then isn't it logical that nobody wants to be touched by somebody ugly?

>> No.6338778


Visit for the girls, stay for the drama.

>> No.6338779

Nor to they deserve to touch, as demonstrated in OP's pic.

>> No.6338781

Ugly people don't deserve to touch or be touched.

>> No.6338783

That's a rather shallow way to put it, but >>6338774 sums it up nicely. If you don't want to get molested, don't dress the part in front of a crowd of sexually deprived guys.

>> No.6338786

But if you want to touch people, you have to be handsome. He's not handsome so no touchy. What do you expect when you're ugly?

>> No.6338790 [DELETED] 
File: 476 KB, 438x325, 1347231815230.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It's degrading"

>dresses like a whore

>> No.6338791

I expect to watch sluts try to troll me on the internet, of course.

>> No.6338792

Does this mean you're ugly?

>> No.6338796
File: 134 KB, 340x340, 1345964735071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It's degrading"

>dresses like a whore
you dress like a whore, expect to be treated like one, deal with it bitch

>> No.6338797


This, as much as I hate to say it, is true :(

That's why I only got photos when Armageddon rolled around. I didn't touch.

>> No.6338799

You can always hoverhand. Very gentlemanly.

>> No.6338802
File: 75 KB, 640x480, Photoon2012-10-10at11572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say so, yeah. Your call though, milady.

>> No.6338803
File: 85 KB, 472x800, tumblr_m8wap2DWI21r7wymao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got no interest in drama pertaining to who did/said what and whose costume sucks or who happens to be fat. I don't know any of the girls names or trips, nor do I care. They're just slabs of female meat for me to save to my porn folder and cum all over later.

That is literally all they are to me, and they allow themselves to be.

Pic related - busted many nuts to this one over the years. Never gets old for some reason.

>> No.6338806

Not sure if woman. Do you have breasties that an ugly man can rests his head on?

>> No.6338808

Contain your orgasms, ladies.

>> No.6338810

I like her as a cosplayer.

>> No.6338811
File: 1.49 MB, 2560x1920, 2012-06-30 16.18.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like this? A-Am I d-doing it r-right?

>> No.6338812

Some fetishes I will never understand. Why costumes? Fully clothes costumes? Weirdo.

>> No.6338814

Not exactly. I'd need some sort of lewd push-up bra.

No lady can resist my thin, patchy neckbeard.

>> No.6338818

Ugh. Hoverhand.

>> No.6338820

Too close like the neuromuscular junction. You should depolarized your muscle fibers and move your hands away more.

>> No.6338817
File: 96 KB, 333x500, 6433445239_98a7f375e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her as something to masturbate to.

Here's another one of my favourite wanks. I mean seriously, just look at her for fuck sake. Not only is she dressed like a stripper but she's got the body of a fucking porn star.

Fapped soooo many times.

>> No.6338826

Use your mother's.

>> No.6338830

First off, that costume is fucking skin tight. If I want to imagine her naked, it's easy as pie, and the fantasy is always better than reality anyway.

Second, I have a massive fucking hard-on for super-powered ladies, demon girls, vampires, whatever - I love me some paranormal poon-tang. What does this big titted, thick-assed ubermilf decide to dress up as? A fucking shapeshifting Succubus; a woman that FEEDS on sex. I can have so many depraved and in many cases, physically impossible fap fantasies with her that to list and provide even the vaguest them all would need several pages.

My cock hard just typing this. That's how much boner fuel your cosplay can be.

>> No.6338832



>> No.6338835
File: 300 KB, 900x1050, 1349487981210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6338838


someone's taking anat/physio this quarter~ :3

>> No.6338839

Most males here are /d/eviants or at least interested in some /d/ material.

>> No.6338841

I don't know what you're talking about. I learned that while watching Honey Boo Boo.

>> No.6338845

Jesus fucking shit, /cgl/. You are repeating the exact same things without listening to a fucking word that you're saying to each other. You all sound like fucking re-re's at this point.

I wanted to hear about con shit that's gone down since I haven't been involved with the con scene or /cgl/ very much over the past few years, and this is what I get. Crater-faced basement-dwellers and pseudo-feminists squaring off and pissing pus at each other using the OP's story and pic as the excuse.

Seriously, all of you fuck off.

>> No.6338847

Love you too, anon.

>> No.6338852

But I... http://youtu.be/5X-Mrc2l1d0

>> No.6338855


>> No.6338863

>Most males here are /d/eviants or at least interested in some /d/ material.

Which pretty much solidifies what I said in

I'm /cgl/ to jerk off. If you're a female, and there's pics of you in a half decent costume, I've probably blown my load over you.

I'm not telling you this to gross you out, or establish some kind dominance over you, but just to make you aware that there are tons of guys like me trawling this board for wank-fodder, and by extension, attending cons in hopes of a hook-up, a squeeze of your meat, a picture with you, or at the very least, some candid voyeur shots of your ass.

I'd like for all women who do this to be aware of it, because honestly, things would be much, much better for me if every cosplayer was a girl who actively wanted to be wank fuel. The more of you I can get sexualized pics of, the better. The more tits I can bury my face in, the better. The less I have to worry about some chick freaking that I'm a creepy perv, the better.

I just want to get off, and I'd prefer it if the girls who help me do it all knew and expected the reality of this.

To you, your cons are about anime, manga and videogames. To me, it's a fetish fashion show.

>> No.6338864
File: 412 KB, 874x788, biting fuckkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your offering pleases me. I shall find several con horror story pics that I have saved from a while back and post them.

>> No.6338872
File: 505 KB, 1308x1948, 1333318823401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adopting my old /cgl/ trip while I post.

>> No.6338876
File: 316 KB, 1211x1676, omega level troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6338878

How do fat people run so fast?

>> No.6338879

oh my sides

>> No.6338882

Their cons are about getting attention and showing themselves off to guys like you, without things crossing whatever 'line' of comfort they have.

Everyone knows girls don't actually give a fuck about the shit they're cosplaying as.

>> No.6338886
File: 296 KB, 1244x2280, 1316382527145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6338887

They gotta lift 300lbs+ every single time they want to move anywhere. Unless they're of the type to stay in bed all day, they're gonna have some muscles and endurance just by virtue of living with themselves.

>> No.6338889
File: 790 KB, 900x1199, 1333467558111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6338891

Beautiful deserve to be in beautiful clothes and be put on a pedestal where ugly people can only look and not touch.

>> No.6338892

i guess being able to move two feet to get your ass onto your rascal is a form of endurance.

>> No.6338893
File: 527 KB, 1243x3728, Crazy Stalker Yaoi Fangirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6338895
File: 315 KB, 982x2934, crazy weeb neighbor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6338901
File: 563 KB, 980x4204, Female anime fans are scary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, most of the stories I have are about crazed yaoi fangirls or whatever. I was hoping to come to this thread to find updated stuff, maybe some creepy guy shit that resulted in more than "boob grazing" or whatever.

All I have seen here today has been quasi-existential pseudo-intellectual bullshit, however, so, I guess I won't be expanding what few quality stories I have anytime soon.

>> No.6338902
File: 343 KB, 1280x2324, Hambeasts are horrible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I forgot how much /cgl/ liked .pngs until just now...

>> No.6338904

>without things crossing whatever 'line' of comfort they have.

That's the fucking problem. If they'd stop deluding themselves about (or being oblivious to) the fact that it's basically all about giving guys boner fuel, things would be a lot happier and we wouldn't have cunts acting all surprised when hairy mcfatass rests his head on her tit.

>> No.6338906
File: 248 KB, 1296x1843, Naruto Fans are horrible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6338910

Probably because yaoi fangirls are some of the most disgusting human beings on the planet.

>> No.6338912
File: 773 KB, 1318x2287, Women are fucknuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, guy, nobody gives a shit and you're not contributing fuck. Stop trying to get the last word in and let it go, man, if they don't get you by now they're probably not going to get what you're saying anytime soon.

Now sit back and enjoy a fucking classic horror story. The legend of Hee. This tale was posted as well as post-op and after-effect pictures showing the damage to the OP's throat and wrist as mentioned in the story. This one isn't some made up bullshit; it actually happened.

>> No.6338914

I hope that one day you will feel the tender touch of a bearded man resting on your chest. Perhaps you will even love him and get married.

>> No.6338917

Alright, most of my other stuff is already posted in the OTHER con horror story thread, which actually has a lot more content, so.

Screw you guys, I'm going over there now that I'm done here.

>> No.6338918

Those stitches. Wow.

>> No.6338925

Wow. Majority of you have a really bad case of slut shamming and rape mentally.

Really fucking sad.

"She wanted the attention" "what did she expect dressing like that" ect.

Such fucking bullshit.

Wouldn't say that to a Lolita if she got grabbed.

Nope. I'm out. Sage to this fucking thread

>> No.6338928

You forgot your sage. I'll bump this so you can see the errors of your ways.

>> No.6338930

I'm so fucking fed up with /cgl/ and their attitude of "Well, if you didn't want to get raped, you wouldn't have cosplayed Yoko/Japanese schoolgirl no.45645/Whatever! It's your fault, you whore!"
Lolitas are just as 'attention-whorey' as cosplayers, and people would be riled up as FUCK if some guy groped a loli.

>> No.6338931

Never letting my wife hold the kitchen knife again.

>> No.6338934

I noticed in the last thread similar to this, about a Blackcat cosplayer... the majority of cgl actually agreed that the guy who was verbally harassing that girl was an utter douche. But I think it was because she stood up for herself on that spot.

>> No.6338937

I'm actually married to a massive whore of the swinging variety.

I am 32.

>> No.6338941

But are you married to a bearded man?

>> No.6338940

Hey so does this mean if somebody's dressed as a villain from a tv show or movie, I can go up to them and beat them up? I mean, they were asking for it, being dressed like a bad person!

>> No.6338943

If you wouldn't do it to a person at the beach, then don't do it to a person at a con.

>> No.6338949

Jesus Christ, someone played School Days a little too much. I hope she goes to jail for the maximum sentence too. People like her deserve the fucking electric chair.

>> No.6338946
File: 27 KB, 500x531, 1349718143488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, a bearded woman

>> No.6338952


>> No.6338955

And if someone did it to the beach and you'd tell them to fuck off, tell them to fuck off if they do it at a con.

>> No.6338965


I'll just leave this here.

>> No.6338967

>Implying you go to the beach explicitly to parade yourself to a bunch of complete strangers

>> No.6338976

Hard to say this but some people can't defend themselves. It like a trigger of do you just suck it up and continue ((which a lot of people do)) or fucking cause a scene.

Granted everyone would make difference choices, not always the best one.
-some with fight
-some would yell
-some will get use too it
-other probably would shank him in the balls

>> No.6338979

You keep forgetting. All male con-goers are ugly sacks of subhuman shit who have no right even breathing the same air a woman (other than maybe their mothers whom they still live with).

>> No.6338980

>“I represent your fantasy thus you may treat me like a fantasy and not a human in a costume,”; she wrote.

>'But that does not mean we have to put up with s*** that crosses the line, it does not mean we owe them a fantasy, it does not mean we dress up to have guys drooling over us and letting us know that we turn them on.'

Soooo... 'I have deliberately made myself look like an object of sexual fantasy, and I am happy for you to jerk off to me so long as I can act like I'm oblivious to it and thus bullshit myself into believing I'm not a whore'.

>a camera crew who claimed to be be filming a feature on fans, but instead seemed more interested in talking about her cup size.


>> No.6338984

Don't forget too, that if you try to play the character covered up, you aren't cosplaying her right.
Oh but you have to be super fucking perfect body type to play a said character.

Which it all just causes a fucking evil cycle.
Need to be bust to play busty character that you like, if not your disliked
Get bad attention from Pervy men
Get blames for playing in said cosplay by other who play similar exposed character or wear slut Halloween costumes

Hurray logic.

Moral of the story: molest all the females call they all asked for it

>> No.6338985

>'But that does not mean we have to put up with s*** that crosses the line

>Their cons are about getting attention and showing themselves off to guys like you, without things crossing whatever 'line' of comfort they have.

'Hey guys, look at meeeee! I'm your sexual fantasy! The one that you've had since you were a 13 year old kid rubbing his dick to big titted comicbook babes! LOOK AT MEEEEEE! TAKE PICTURES TO GO HOME AND MASTURBATE TO! ...Huh? WHAT'S MY BRA SIZE? EW! EW! I'M NOT SOME OBJECT! I AM WOMYN, HEAR ME ROAR!'

Cocktease every man in sight and ten be surprised when they get turned on. Durrrrrrr.

>> No.6338990

>they all asked for it

Yes they did ask for it. They asked for it the second they decided to dress up a sexy as they could and then attend an event packed with horny guys with life-long comicbook obsessions.

Don't want sexual attention? Don't fucking cosplay.

>> No.6338992
File: 33 KB, 627x442, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6338998

>Calling girls whores who are asking for it when they dress in revealing clothing.

> Doesn't give people the right to touch a person or violate their personal space just because of what they look like.

>People don't reach out and grab a mans ass, balls, chest just because they are wearing tight/revealing clothing.
On a side note, its actually quite difficult to find a female character to Cosplay (in the comic book world especially) that has a modest character design. Comic books are filled with female skin, tits, and ass

>> No.6339001

If they want to be with beautiful women, they should learn to be beautiful themselves. Get a haircut, shave their legs, wear some makeup, etc.

>> No.6339003

Because dressing sexy for attention is the same thing as writing a written consent form that says "Touch me."

Yeah no. Not in this lifetime. Not in the next. It's not ever a license for guys to overstep their boundaries and remove tact that would be reserved for girls who are fully clothed just because there's less coverage.

that's some smart ass logic you got there!

>> No.6339007

...Jesus fucking christ this thread reeks of false feminism and a failure to communicate.

Glad to see /cgl/ hasn't changed over the years.

>> No.6339010

>failure to communicate.
such is the life of many a congoer

>> No.6339011

Not at all.

But if you don't know the person personally, regardless of how they're dressed, it's common knowledge to not touch them the same way you would your girlfriend or boyfriend.

Yeah this definitely goes both ways (Yaoi fan incident as one example of how it affects guys).

>> No.6339012

>On a side note, its actually quite difficult to find a female character to Cosplay (in the comic book world especially) that has a modest character design.

Then don't fucking do it. Leave it to the girls who -know- they're sluts and are proud of it, because they're the kind of girls that SHOULD be doing it.

I'm not a slut hater, or slut shamer. I fucking love sluts. The more whores there are in the world, the better. ...But these women who only go half way? They are the worst. They go out of their way to make themselves as appealing to my dick as they possibly can, and then when I do what my dick tells me to do, they act like I'M the one being stupid.

>> No.6339014


Oh really. Alright so, if all cosplay is for such attention, then doesn't cgl fall into these line with pedophile for support the Lolita...

And before I get hell for that comment, about how different it is, it's not. A fashion whose attire derived from various girl child influences such as candy, dolls, pig tails and loli's.

So think about the double standard that is being placed.

A man fantasy of "little girl" or "girl behavior" but women still stick to the fashion, man acts in his behavior, man get hell from the Lolita community

A man fantasy of a "super hero" attire, a woman still want to dress up cause she love super Heros, man act on behavior, the "cosplay" community giver HER hell.

>> No.6339019

....nerd/weeaboo culture is one of the most disgusting things on the planet

>> No.6339023

Guess who are drawing the majority of comic books? Yup, it's guys. Guess how many girls you see at portfolio reviews at conventions? Not many.

>> No.6339021

I never learned to read nor comprehend. Such is life of a public education kid.

>> No.6339025

Because you are being stupid. You don't know them personally therefore your dick ain't invited to their party. It's as simple as that.

>> No.6339031

That's why I read shoujo where the body shapes are more realistic and oculomegaly is considered normal.

>> No.6339032

>Because dressing sexy for attention is the same thing as writing a written consent form that says "Touch me."

No, but it's the same thing as drugging someone with chemicals to make them horny as hell - because that's exactly what dressing up like that is going to cause their brains to do. They're going to look at you, and then those fucking hormones are going to start pumping out.

Now, 99% of them are just going silently ogle and grab seemingly innocuous pair/group shots or candid snaps from a distance or from behind for them to jerk off to later, but the fact is, if you don't expect someone to eventually put a hand on your ass while you pose for the photo, you are deluded.

It comes with the territory, and it always, always will. Nothing will ever change it.

>> No.6339034

the guys in this thread sound like shut ins who have never touched a woman in their life. i'm just going to assume they feel the need to act on their dick's impulses because it could be the last time they ever get to use it with a member of the opposite sex.

seriously don't you ever go to the beach? see the women in bikins? notice how no guys are going up to them and saying "hey i noticed how you're not wearing much clothes. can i take an uncomfortable photo with you?"

obviously not. there are boundaries at the beach, just like there are at conventions. it's just that guys who go to the beach are normal men who get laid.

>> No.6339039


I think the sexual harassment problem tends to be worse at comic-cons then at anime cons
and women who are ok with the negative attention and even go along with the degrading comments it also tend to be more prominent in comic cons
for example, the masses of slave Leia cosplayers
if they really loved the character wouldn't they be more inclined to wear the more modest long white dress that she is seen for most of the movies in?
they are doing it for the attention and sexual comments, and that's sad, but that doesn't mean that all the cosplaying girls are
people who are not wearing revealing costumes still get treated this way.
Bottom line, its not OK to touch people in inappropriate ways, without permission. These men should try and act more like men and less like animals.

>> No.6339043

>You don't know them personally

If I have to know them, then why have they come out explicitly to parade infront of strangers? Why aren't they doing this amongst their friends at fucking invite-only parties?

Because they want attention from everyone, but they think they can pick and choose the kind of attention they're going to get.

>> No.6339046

that's what shoujo is there for. they know their audience is female. same with comic book artists knowing theirs.

>> No.6339048

>These men should try and act more like men

Soooo.... like visually stimulated creatures who have evolved to compete to impregnate as many women as they can?

I don't think you quite realize what men are.

>> No.6339049

They're wearing a costume at an event that is appropriate to wear costumes to. Taking photos is also appropriate. But where at any convention is touching without permission appropriate? Answer: No conventions. It's never appropriate.

Common sense. Apparently you weren't born with any.

>> No.6339050

Indeed. Guys liking Sailor Moon = Gay.

>> No.6339052

it's more like the vast majority of fans of each type are of one gender.

>> No.6339055

The lot of us are raping machines. Beware, women. Our penises have minds of their own and they aren't afraid to affect the brain up top to get their way. They also have tentacles and spit acid.

>> No.6339056

If you can't handle yourself because a girl dresses in a sexy cospray you shouldn't be alive. Do you grope girls at swimming pools because seeing their partially naked bodies is too much to take? Also just because a girl shows skin does NOT mean she wants your sexual attention.

>> No.6339057

Girls like comics = Lesbos.

>> No.6339061

maybe they have superhero fantasies in the privacy of their bedrooms.

>> No.6339062

How would you boys like it if an unattractive overweight girl grabbed your junk and asked you how big it was in front of a recording camera?

Your not a person with feelings or thoughts,
your just a thing with a penis, and I need to procreate with you.

I have every right to do this, you were wearing tight pants, you were asking for it.

>> No.6339064

We'll probably react in a "Dude, this fat girl just grabbed my nuts" manner and the other guys with him will laugh

>> No.6339067
File: 22 KB, 568x346, archer.JPG.CROP.rectangle3-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emiya Shirou wanted to be a superhero. Look at what the hell happened?

>> No.6339070


Maybe we should take a page from your book.
Next time someone makes us feel uncomfortable
just loudly say

"This ugly fat guy just asked me what my cup size is!"

>> No.6339072

mind of steel happened.

>> No.6339079

It'd actually do a lot more than inaction would. In fact, you should react harshly. As a bonus you even get to make fun of him and possibly even make him feel bad! If the same fat, ugly guy tried to feel up another guy, there's a good chance he'd be on the receiving end of a "the fuck are you doing get the fuck back."

>> No.6339080

Is it appropriate? No. Is it going to happen? Yes.

It's not fucking news, though. Unless they guy is openly groping or someshit, it's not fucking worth the fuss. 'I dressed half naked and a guy leaned his head back into my tit while we posed for a photo'. Big whoop.

And in the case of the >>6338965 they DIDN'T touch her. They looked at her and they said things she didn't like.

And take a look at her blog: http://beautilation.tumblr.com/post/33538802648

She constantly goes on about how fat and ugly these guys were. Who wants to bet that that's what the real problem was? That attention was only unwanted because the men looked like... well, like the sort of fat old nerds you'd expect to see at a comicbook convention.

>> No.6339083

>You sound fucking dumb, and like the kind of guy who passive-aggressively takes out his loneliness on 4chan in the most cowardly omega way possible. Hope you enjoy your lonely night while most of us women in this thread cuddle up with our significant others. Don't bother denying it. <3

Classic woman response.


>> No.6339089

As a guy who has publically had his ass grabbed by one such female hambeast - who was encouraged by several other female hambeasts, who then proceeded to ask me that very question, my response was a laugh, and an impossibly large measurement. (I think I said 18 inches)

I didn't go and rant and cry about it. I fucking forgot about it because it was inconsequential.

>> No.6339090

Why should ugly people think they can be near people who are out of their league?

>> No.6339093


Oh please, sexual harassment is unwanted no matter how the person doing it looks.

If an attractive guy I don't know asks me an inappropriate question. They are automatically fucking disgusting to me.

>> No.6339096

but that is why you're mad. It comes down to being upset about someone getting attention from people that aren't you. Or getting attention that you want yourself. Wrap it up however you want, it's still symptoms of really big man child problems.

>> No.6339098

> if I'm pretty sure the guy is gonna go home and masturbate to a picture of me, regardless of how good he looks, that's fucking gross and I don't want any part of it.

Then I suggest you never let a man take your picture at a con ever. EVER.

Think about it. What the fuck else would a man want with a picture of some random girl dressed up like a comicbook character?

No matter how nice, polite and friendly we might seem when we ask for that picture, blowing our load over your image is the end goal.

Either accept it or GTFO

>> No.6339100


Go ask a girl how many times she has been harassed at a convention.
Compare that questions answer with a guys answer.

Believe me it gets old.

>> No.6339102

But you're telling us right now and basically begging for accolades because you laughed it off.

You sound like a fucking tool and this is doing the opposite of what you want.

>> No.6339106

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but honestly I have no problem with hot women who are actively flaunting everything they have being showered with attention.

I have a problem with hoot women who are actively flaunting everything they have turning around acting that attention was in any way unexpected.

>> No.6339107

>but that is why you're mad

That was my first reply in this thread. Good job.

But keep reducing every argument to U JUSS JELLY BOI, it really makes you look intelligent, and not like a developmentally challenged teenager.

>> No.6339108

>he masturbates to every female cosplay picture ever

>> No.6339110

You're still talking in circles so I'm not sure what anyone's supposed to say. It's still boiling down to the same thing and you're flailing around like a child.

>> No.6339111

So if we are being called sluts and whores for dressing in revealing clothing, since we are exaggerating here,
can we call these men rapists for not being able to control themselves around women and touching them without permission?

Does it ever occur to some of these men that the reason some girls do nothing at let inappropriate gestures and comments slip by is because they are afraid.

>> No.6339112

Now compare the number of guys dressed up as obvious sex object fanservice characters to the number of guys dressed up as sex object fanservice characters.

If you're a male cosplaying an anime character that has some popular on-screen or even implied romance with some female character, you WILL be hit on repeatedly.

Hellsing's Alucard and Pip spring to my mind. Every time there's one of them at a con, you can guarantee there's be a bunch of fangirls stalking them around the hall the whole time.

>> No.6339113

I'm not whichever anon you're arguing with upthread, btw. So I don't know where you're going with "keep reducing". I made one post and you sound like a fucking moron.

>> No.6339114


Again, you keep reducing the argument to something your simple woman brain can comprehend and rebut.

>> No.6339116

I'm the poster of:


So yeah, pretty much.

>> No.6339117

Sounds like he's just saying "this is what happened and then I laughed it off." Guys don't really care which made the "so maybe we so laugh it off too" post backfire.

>> No.6339119

sebas-chan y u no want my loooooooooove
raitoooooooo don't be meeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaan

>> No.6339122

If guys didn't care about being touched by yaoi hambeasts, we wouldn't have weeb horror stories.

>> No.6339124

>But you're telling us right now and basically begging for accolades because you laughed it off.

I'm not begging for anything. You have failed reading comprehension. I was asked how I'd react, and I answered that question.

Had I not been asked, I would not have mentioned it, because it is, as I said, inconsequential.

>> No.6339126

Some guy broke his ribs when a particularly fat one jumped on him. I suppose that was entertaining.

>> No.6339125

>Implying they aren't written for entertainment purposes

>> No.6339127

>go to comic con
>taking pictures or random cosplayers, asking them for permission
>multiple occasions girls ask me to take pictures with them even though I'm awkward
>they hang on to me and do sexy poses with me
>actually got numbers last time
>friends are impressed

T-thanks for the confidence boost.

>> No.6339136
File: 25 KB, 411x440, Stefan_is_so_edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that this dude goes to pretty much all the Texas cons and lurks on here under the trips Stefan and Jebus.

>> No.6339140

Everyone in Texas already knows Stefan is on the watch list. He's part of that entire West Texas group that's weird as fuck.

>> No.6339145

Are you seriously comparing BROKEN BONES to someone leaning their head on your tit or asking what your cup size is?


>> No.6339146

If female, add 'Make huge blog post about how I am not here to be sexualized and generally piss and moan about shit that was bound to fucking happen, which I brought upon myself'

>> No.6339148

>whore your body out
>expect not to get treated like a whore


>> No.6339152

>wearing clothes is whoring your body out

I do not want to live on this earth any longer.

>> No.6339150

Never heard of this guy. Any stories?

>> No.6339156

I think they're commenting just about the weeaboo horror stories as a tangent. right up there with yaoi paddling, fake bite stories, hand-down-bloody-miku's-panties, and all the others.

>> No.6339157


Oh you mean those whore rags where hardly any of your body is covered?

>> No.6339158

She shouldn't have posed for the picture if she was that uncomfortable with it. If he did try to use force, I'm sure many guys at a convention of that sort would gladly rescue her since it'll be just like their comics/manga/anime/video game/whatever.

She's confident enough to wear that in public, she's confident in making sure she's treated right.

>> No.6339161

Yes. That was just one of the many stories of ugly people.

>> No.6339173

if you ask a guy IRL if its ok to touch a girl in a revealing costume because "shes asking for it"

He will most likely say no because its not ok

This is common sense you develop from being outside and being social and interacting with people.
If he says yes then he is obviously a major asshole and I can't see any women wanting anything to do with him.

>> No.6339176
File: 23 KB, 288x499, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6339186

Nothing good really. Dude creeps on random girls at cons, tried proposing to one by flopping himself on the ground one year, and took a shit on a towel because he thought it would be funny or something.

>> No.6339269

>cant say no
>expect the guy to read your mind


>> No.6339270

But telling them afterwards online isn't.

>> No.6339272

When did she say no? Were you there? She herself didn't even mention saying no, she just mentions how she was trying to make signals to him and expected him to read her mind and know, instead of actually saying anything.

>> No.6339273

>men need to be in control
>women can do whatever the fuck they want
>men need to just deal with it


>> No.6339309

This is why I usually cosplay the psycho from borderlands, then we're on even grounds, right?

Also btiches b 'mirin.

>> No.6339469

>these threads
>every day

>> No.6339631

If you look like this >>6338802 no wonder there is so much anger. Women don't want to touch you.

>> No.6343369

Or they could rehabilitate him, but I mean way harsher punishments should be the norm, he raped a girl, get gang raped by a bunch of skinheads with no protection. Hope you never steal anything or were cutting your hand off, slander and your tongue is gone you cunt. Careful what you type, if you like your fingers.

>> No.6343598
File: 48 KB, 600x450, 1350780877007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the gay guy thinks incest is wrong.

>> No.6343757

> dress in skimpy outfits at an annual gathering full of sexually repressed men
> complain when said men become aroused by your skimpy outfits

It's a miracle of nature that there aren't gang rapes at these things.

>> No.6343775

The way I see it, women who dress this way are as disgusting as the men who act sleazy toward them.

No, /cgl/, you ARE the scumbags.

>> No.6343782

>It's degrading
If you dress up in skimpy fucking clothing and go to a convention where there's going to be hundreds of fat greasy neckbeards and expect not to be degraded in some way, then bitch about it when you do, you can fuck right off.

The only scumbag is the woman.

>> No.6343798

The guy is obviously a weirdo, but I hate it when women pull that internet warrior bullshit.

>"I'll allow you to take the picture and not say anything to your face but once I get home and go online Im gunna trash talk you about it and call you a creepo publically on the internet."

I know its fun to bash men and call them "creepers" from the comforts of your computer but if it actually bothers you that much then fucking have a backbone.

>> No.6343808

> women
> backbone


>> No.6344634


>implying that those two are the only options

>> No.6344653


They sound like reruns because they are. Anon comes and goes - it's no wonder we speak with as many voices as there are people.