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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6337310 No.6337310 [Reply] [Original]

I've always wanted to cosplay as this sexy mofo, but I don't know how to do facial hair.
What can I use that:
>is easy/comfortable to wear
>can be made or bought for cheap

>> No.6337343

> don't be a lanky faggot-ass ladyboy
> stop shaving for a while

There you have it. If you can't produce facial hair of your own, then you are not worthy of wearing that eyepatch.

>> No.6337345
File: 86 KB, 317x235, wee hee hee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can pull it of, you'll be my hero. Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6337357


Disregard, use brown marker.

>> No.6337359

should I have mentioned that I'm not a boy?

>> No.6337362


I am sorry, are you a girl wishing to crossplay Big Boss? Why not grow a beard?

>> No.6337373

I would give all of my virginities to Snake.

>> No.6337369

No one can pull off Big Boss. No one.

>> No.6337384

I can't really do any character that requires more facial hair than stubble, simply because mine does not grow in thick enough and it looks terrible as it gets longer since there are areas on my cheeks and jaw where it just doesn't show up.

>> No.6337441

Thanks to my dad's hairy genes, I've been blessed with the gift of the beard. I can grow a pretty respectable pirate's beard, black and thick, in a couple of months.

Oddly enough I haven't cosplayed any bearded characters.

>> No.6337450

Go the easy way and invent a slutty rule 63 Big Boss.

>> No.6337455

Grow your own fucking beard you manlet shitstain.

>> No.6337481

Don't even joke about vandalizing the manliness of Big Boss.

>> No.6339995
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>> No.6340419

>is easy/comfortable to wear

Have you tried shorts?

>> No.6340552
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then your not man enough ever. Give up, slit your wrist before you end up like one of those Fake Boi's dressing like Tony Stark and trying to grind on Steve Rogers. Get out of cosplay, grow the fuck up and realize you will NEVER be a man. You will ALWAYS be a weak woman.

>> No.6340669

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCBH1Uq4Dog.. Here you go, the best you can get without growing the thing yourself and it costs like £10 good luck with it

>> No.6340710

I would recommend you don't cosplay as him, but if your heart is deadset then you'll want a product that uses real hair. It's easily the most comfortable compared to plastic or fake, it may cost a bit more but it will do you better in the long run.

>> No.6340722
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 993340-boxxy_is_watching_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here comes /b/, prepare yourself!

>> No.6340772

>Solid Snake
I would rather do Vulcan Raven and have my sister do Sniper wolf.

Also, growing facial hair is really easy. Dont shave. For months. Fuck what people say. You are growing a damn beard.