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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 31 KB, 347x266, YKF7t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6333743 No.6333743 [Reply] [Original]

Secrets are up! Discuss.

>> No.6333749

You're all bitches that don't deserve what you've got

It's no secret~

>> No.6333763
File: 362 KB, 343x451, zXlQO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually would like this ;_; saw it in KERA and got excited.

>> No.6333771

I would like to encourage anyone who gets paint spilled on them purposely to give the thrower, a nice big hug.

>> No.6333774


I think it sort of looks like a shitty western indie "brand" print.

>> No.6333777

i like it

>> No.6333781

I really like it to... and I usually really dislike AP.

>> No.6333812

those clouds and pastels look like they came right out of a nursery are you kidding me

>> No.6333820

Oh good, I'm not the only one who had that thought...

>> No.6333822

can i have a link? i never bother to save it :(

>> No.6333823
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>> No.6333824


>> No.6333825

You just described 99% of AP clothing

>> No.6333827

I think it would be nice with a dark blazer and high boots.

>> No.6333832
File: 72 KB, 427x640, 6dRlM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this secret even mean? More hideous "custom" replicas of sugary carnival or?

>> No.6333848
File: 279 KB, 500x600, wtf is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think mine didn't get posted because I left the pretty-lolita-confessions url in the confession I was replying to.

So /cgl/, enjoy this nugget of WTFery.

>> No.6333854


What the Hell did I just read?

>> No.6333859


Your guess is as good as mine.

>> No.6333864
File: 15 KB, 723x308, 2VEOI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats with the NYC events? It's like I can smell the dramu

>> No.6333884


Is it just me, or are half the things posted to that blog fucking insane?

I don't think I follow it, but every now and again it pops up on my dash/here/BTB and every time it seems to be a really bizarre "confession". I thought it was a joke blog for the longest time.

>> No.6333922

re: 11
was someone really selling their bloody stained bloomers on the comm?

>> No.6333923
File: 157 KB, 481x496, ghC5Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolita is serious business you guys.

>> No.6333924


Might not have been blood. As somebody who very recently fell off a horse into a gate resulting in a tremendous nosebleed all over my shirt, blood dries/stains brown. More likely it was pen or something. IDK, though. I've not actually seen the bloomers in question, so some gross person may actually have been trying to sell bloody bloomers.

>> No.6333933


Jesus Fucking Christ

As a huge literature and music person, this secret makes me so pissed

>> No.6333946


But anon! Pieces of media that can change your life and move you to tears are totally the same as pretty dresses!

>> No.6333989
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What I don't understand is there isn't much of a "lolita culture" from what I've gathered from being in the fashion for a long time. Yes, you can adapt Victorian styled mannerisms and lifestyle... But there aren't things that are unique to lolita themselves. The only culture that I think is valid is the obvious consumer culture that stems from buying Japanese brand and having loyalty to such things.

I don't know if things have changed since I came into the fashion a long time ago, but from what I've seen there is no culture and definitely not "a way of thinking"

>> No.6334045
File: 41 KB, 250x199, wha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6334052

To me lolita is far too versatile and everchanging to form a coherent culture. There are sweet lolis influenced by decora, fairy kei and overall kawaii popculture. There are classic lolis who are into art, orchestrated music and old values. And there are gothic lolis who often seamlessly merge with alternative scene.

I know these are huge generalizations, but it shows that lolita substyles are very far apart yet still bear the same name.

>> No.6334083

this comic is hella cute.

>> No.6334086

I think that's what it means, yeah. That or the fact that Sugary Carnival is taking over the world.

>> No.6334091


If anything, it often seems that culture wise lolita can just be folded in as girly subsections of goth, neo-victorianism, scene, or whatever.

>> No.6334094

Fuck, does anyone know more about this one?

I like it. I like it lots.

>> No.6334095


Oh god, now I'm imagining a huge incestuous circlejerk concept map of subcultures.

>> No.6334096

Sugary carnival is cute and all but I don't understand why its so popular/errmegawd dream print worthy.

I'm waiting to see if she actually replicates the special set colour because I can't imagine it printing correctly.

>> No.6334119
File: 160 KB, 486x211, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was decorating some stpid secret, is this a new AP print?

>> No.6334122

iirc it already has been?

>> No.6334126

It was the tea party release

>> No.6334131

so is it something that's going to be available in the online shops eventually?

>> No.6334134

It already was. It's not for sale anymore.

>> No.6334137

Aw man, I never like sweet or AP stuff so I didn't even see this. What's the name of the print so I can droll over pics?

>> No.6334142

Angelic pretty Cats Tea Party/ neko no ochakai

>> No.6334143


>> No.6334145

From what I recall she was going to replicate that blue colour, but looking at her facebook I can't see the post anymore (but I don't have her as a friend), and I can only see her posting about replicating pink and black.

>> No.6334201

Aw man, this reminds me of this ridiculous article I read once about a gang of drag queens that ransacked a fabric store and ran off with all the fabulous fabric, boas, and sequins. It was in Florida.

>> No.6334204

Just looked it up to make sure I wasn't imagining it, but yep, there are several reports on this.
www . palmbeachpost.com/news/news/crime-law/gang-of-drag-queens-accused-of-robbing-central-f-1/nLx9R/

>> No.6334257

>"Oh, gosh, they could wipe out a whole section of boas in seconds…"

god that's amazing.

>> No.6334325
File: 532 KB, 830x1296, ap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here. i like the OP a lot

>> No.6334342 [DELETED] 

Have any of us actually bothered to admit the whole fact our entire fashion is driven by daddy issues and age play?

>> No.6334348

But daddy issues, body issues, age issues are fundamental to being a woman, or being seen as a conventionally attractive woman.

What would be interesting is how many victims of sexual assault got into lolita.

>> No.6334349

Lazy troll is lazy.

>> No.6334352 [DELETED] 

>But daddy issues, body issues, age issues are fundamental to being a woman, or being seen as a conventionally attractive woman.

How so?

I admit that daddy issues can be attractive if the girl wants to call you 'daddy' in bed (as most girls seem to want to), but beyond that?

>What would be interesting is how many victims of sexual assault got into lolita.

It's weird how many girls who were supposedly raped get off to very extreme fantasies about rape.

>> No.6334355

I think most developed countries have age issues. We push at a young age that being older is cool and the thing to strive for in life. But once we get there we realize it sucks balls and we want to be kids again.

>> No.6334357

notto disu shitto agen.jpg

>> No.6334360
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>> No.6334367
File: 787 KB, 400x257, tumblr_mbn2syUUJy1rdid2ao1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the internet, where stupid people can force their idea on others

>> No.6334378
File: 261 KB, 459x500, uhbZW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit at least keep your shitposting topic related.

Here, let me help you. NOW it's topic related.

>> No.6334385 [DELETED] 

Most lolis are into it for some sexual reason or another.

And please don't bring out that tired out "we don't dress for men, we dress for ourselves" argument.

>> No.6334401

I didn't say they aren't, I said it was off topic of discussing secrets. Why the hell do you think I posted that secret for you?

>> No.6334397

I've dominated guys wearing lolita. It really helps with the princess persona and some guys have this fantasy of being drowned in a petticoat when facesat on.

>> No.6334408 [DELETED] 

>I've dominated guys wearing lolita.

Sure you have.

>> No.6334421 [DELETED] 

Alright, this shit has gone far enough. If you dress as a lolita People outside of your circle won’t think you are adorable, hot or intelligent they just assume the fallowing.

-You are an emotional wreck who is bipolar/chronically depressed, or was molested/abused as a child. And have yet to address this and carry it with you.
- You are bad with money, cannot hold down a job for more than 5 months, probably spend large amounts on clothing that you don’t even use often and are probably swimming in debt.
- You dress in large fluffy clothing to hide how fat you are because you really hate yourself, and how you look. Or you dress in this fashion to make people think you are sweet innocent and adorable when deep down you don’t think you appear or feel that way at all.
- You are frankly slutty and therefore easy. You think you are in love easily after meeting someone, and probably get undressed after the second date, and you quickly become overly needy. You probably have cryonic self-esteem issues because of this.
- You are, rash, arrogant, irrational when mad, quick to anger, and really are often times a total bitch, and overall in life you are bitter about something, or just plain mean, making you uncomfortable to be around.

Fucking whores.

>> No.6334426


I totally thought Oojia is releasing sugary carnival bedsheet.

>> No.6334436

So, basically they're like every woman?

>> No.6334438
File: 61 KB, 268x207, 1299577245645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hello, I was wondering how long it would take for this to show up. Saging is a nice touch. It shows you are familiar enough with this board to realise that some idiot somewhere will fall for this and bump the thread for you. Good on you. However, we are still in the middle of Troll Week (Month? ...Year?) so it may not have the same oomph it could have had. Although if you were going for oomph you would've done something more creative than pasta an old paste.

In any case, have a nice day.

>> No.6334440

It's not that hard. My guys are alone guys who just want a girl to talk to. One guy jizzed in his pants when I sat on his knees, that's all it took. I had another shine my new tea parties with his tongue, which is pretty awesome if you can get someone to.

>> No.6334441

Oh, shut up. You're not going to get validation from some troll and the rest of us don't give a fuck.

>> No.6334447

Apparently enough to reply. I'm just saying what I have from my experience, I don't expect validation from another anon.

>> No.6334452

The NYC people are divided between the more bitchy, expensive group and the young, weeby, and butthurt group.

The bitchy group is having the ILD meet at a very expensive tea house with a 5 course meal while the weeby group is attempting to have a "sponsored" meet up that doesn't even have a venue yet. Some other people just settled for a small shopping meet.

>> No.6334456

Any pictures of said weeby butthurt group?

>> No.6334479
File: 109 KB, 639x503, sema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need. This. Daily ita fix.

Also opinions on nerf guns as props in lolita coords? Someone made this secret about a friend of mine so I'm torn...

>> No.6334485
File: 93 KB, 182x250, 1335631011898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its dumb, don't do it

>> No.6334488

nerf guns are awesome. I would deco one if I could, secret poster obviously never had any fun in their life.

>> No.6334493

Haha, when it asked why I got into it in the first place and why I haven't left yet, all I could think about was "pretty clothes."

>> No.6334505

I think the person who made the secret is jelly that he has lots and lots of bruando.

Still the unicorn is too much and maybe the Nerf gun. Tiaras are ok.

>> No.6334521

I just wish he did better bangs or hairstyles

>> No.6334539

I was lurking until I read this. I made the secret and I have 2-3x more brand than he does, easily. Both the nerf gun and that damn horn are way costumey and the tiara would look better in a hime gyaru outfit.

>> No.6334562
File: 89 KB, 488x516, 1326008667403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are no fun. You feel that what he's wearing is too damn costumey. You feel that if guys want to do EGL, then they should be proper and not brandishing guns at meetups or cons even if they're pink and Nerf guns. Most lolitas have a princess complex and he wants to act like a princess and sport a tiara. Deal w/it.


>> No.6334577
File: 78 KB, 604x453, 299847_10150341818729371_320491499_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related: It's their admin in "han-loli."

Their group is closed but they had a "photoshoot" in a cemetery and there was this chick lying on a pile of gravel with a traffic cone that had "funeral" painted on it.

>> No.6334584
File: 382 KB, 320x176, tumblr_mc40gdjKvS1qc8jcto1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like people judge brolitas harsher than other lolitas. If another lolita did this people would be gushing about how cool it is. He's having fun and not hurting anyone.

How well would a decoed nerf bullet shoot?

>It's their admin in "han-loli."

>> No.6334589


I'd say the same thing about a female lolita, I'm pretty sure WE ALL WOULD. I feel like if anyone wants to do EGL they should make an effort to see how others see them. I think we should ALL avoid turning lolita into a costume in the public eye.

>> No.6334599

Yep, she also offended 2 Korean lolitas at a meet by saying they don't know anything about their own culture (read: K-pop and hot men) and lecturing them. Also, she's "trans-Korean."

>> No.6334615

I don't believe that last part.

>> No.6334623

Is the expensive one at the place Amani had it at a few years ago, when she promised "big prizes" and "expensive decorations" and it basically looked like she ran into a chain craft store, grabbed some cheap Christmas centerpieces, and begged for indie/offbrand from people?

>> No.6334635

>Sugary OTT Sweet
They already look like costumes a majority of the time...only Classic lolita or casual lolita might pass as normal.

Also, you are making it sound like he is carrying the nerf gun around like an accessory. He was probably just using it as a prop for the pictures.

Want to know the saddest thing about this? I have to defend a guy I don't even like. I don't even care for him as a person... but you complaining about a damn nerf gun and someone actually having FUN is bothersome.

>> No.6334636

I meant no amount of Korean friends will make her the Korean that she wants to be/thinks she is.

>> No.6334638

Let's face facts, anyone outside the fashion already sees it as a costume. Lolita will never be accepted as normal fashion, even in Japan it's a weird fashion.

I don't know why people are so concerned about not making it a costume.

>> No.6334641

Jesus fuck, tell me more.

>> No.6334651

Nah, it's at this overly fancy place this year.

>> No.6334657

Shit son, there is just no hope for the future of the NYC comm.

>> No.6334662

But why Korean? Kpop isn't all that great. Damn these koreaboos. And she looks pretty unkept and dirty in that pic.

>> No.6334679

Didn't she used to be a weeaboo?

>> No.6334682

Well, other than her Koreabooness, she thinks she's a ~*professional event planner*~

Remember the whole "Loli-Con NYC" drama? That was her.
She keeps bashing the other group for holding swap meets, saying "real ladies" get a permit for swap meets. While she does announce events, she sends out sponsorship packets for them without any details about its location or venue.

>> No.6334698

Yeah, but ever since K-pop rolled around, she started luring girls in by saying she works for a Korean music label and started calling the male workers at Korean stationery stores "oppa."

>> No.6334705
File: 120 KB, 320x213, tumblr_l9vxefxafI1qcfcfdo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


brb hurling

>> No.6334720

there's a new korean drama that debuted on my local channel today. i don't remember the name, but it's about some time travelling. A morden day X period drama crossover I think.

The korean palaces looked exactly like in chinese period drama, and the actresses were playing guzheng and erhu. A woman in a hanbok was literally writing chinese characters on a piece of paper. Ninjas appear to assasinate the hanbok-wearing korean who was writing CHINESE. I laughed throughout, and we switched the channel in less than 10min. I'm pretty sure they weren't trying to depict a scene in ancient China because everyone wore hanboks.

I don't understand why people worship koreans.

>> No.6334725

what the fuuck

>> No.6334783

You realize that both the Koreans and the Japanese used Chinese characters historically, right? And that the Haegeum is very similar to the Erhu?

>> No.6334813

God the NYC com used to be drama free before this bitch. I miss it.
The girls from the non-weaboo group are very nice, well mannered and well dressed for the most part, I have never been to a meet that I did not enjoy...
Oh well I guess my drama free dream could not last forever.

>> No.6334892

well troll poster's gone for the week at least

>> No.6334900

gyaru secrets are up as well yay Not as funny as last week

>> No.6334914

The NYC comm was good before Shadow, Mia Carla, and most of the LI comm decided to break it up.

>> No.6335316

The NYC comm has always been terrible courtesy of ugly kitties.

>> No.6335496
File: 273 KB, 374x674, koneko_fancy_box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're slightly on the subject, would doing pic related be a bad idea? I'd like to do one of her designs for a con, but I'm just wondering if filling my face with teeth would still be considered too costumey or ita or something.

>> No.6335566

It would be costumey but you're at a con so why not? I wear a lot of my brand x anime collabs at cons which is always fun, makes me feel more fit in with the cosplayers (too afraid to cosplay anything that shows my face).

>> No.6335571

This secret is kind of ironic because crap from thesissystore, which is what that model is wearing, is covered in ugly shiny satin and cheap lace.

>> No.6336033

I'm kinda sick of lolitas being so judgmental about physical appearances. Mostly regarding faces, but also larger lolitas who can still pull off good co-ords too.

Like, when a lolita has good makeup but isn't naturally attractive and people call her out for it as if it's something that she can fix or something that takes away from her co-ord. In a culture based on fashion I don't think it's proper to judge someone for how attractive they are rather than how put-together she looks.

Bad makeup jobs are one thing, but "It's a shame she doesn't have a cute face" is totally uncool.

(Yes, this is being said from someone who isn't particularly attractive and wishes people would judge my co-ords for what they are, rather than how awkward my face looks.)

>> No.6336113

And while you ask that can I ask if it's worse to show up at a Halloween meet totally un-Halloween but Loli-kosher, or is it worse to have a go at something more Gothic even if it means your JSK is pleather?

>> No.6336116

I've noticed this too. A lot of what people consider a "good coord" is one where the girl wearing it is both thin and pretty. To be honest clothes just look better on a pretty person and people aren't always aware of it.

(this being said from someone who is quite pretty and is often complimented on it)

>> No.6336165

I was kinda iffy on the print when I just saw the stock photos, but seeing them on the models reminds me of really sweet otome. I'd wear the hell out of those dresses in casual coords.

>> No.6336211

It's not just lolita. It's people in general. Put a bland outfit on a thin and pretty girl. Put an awesome outfit on a girl with an unfortunate face. Who is going to get more praise/attention? If they both posted photos online, who is likely to get more comments or notes or reposts? The pretty girl, because she's more aesthetically pleasing.

Ditto for cosplay, lolita, costuming, just about anything, niche hobby or not.

>> No.6336497

It got worse when uglykitties became a shut-in and amanikitty ended up taking over.

>> No.6337109
File: 89 KB, 640x640, bpYWb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god! I'm so happy this got turned into a secret.

>> No.6337164
File: 35 KB, 481x496, FfpHy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, this is acually beautiful.

>> No.6337415

shut the fuck up gay virgin faggot

>> No.6337547

I'm surprised she didn't come to the conclusion that she should combine the two for a new feel.

>> No.6338549

This. Waist ties make for convenient restraints.

>> No.6338566

The bit where she referred to her partner as an innocent sort of freaked me out a bit, but I wish I could feel even half of what she feels for Lolita. So Beautiful.
You again! I'll have to try this but I doubt it'll be much different than using normal stuff.

>> No.6338606

It won't be, but at least it's cheaper than buying rope and junk.
>tfw you think rope is too expensive, but $200 for a secondhand dress is totally reasonable.

>> No.6338607


Fashion is based on looks. This is the reason why most of the professional models hired are pretty or at least has an acceptable face and features.

You are in denial for hoping people judge you for something else. Ugly face indeed can make a well-coordinated clothes look bad.

(this comment comes from a girl who had been called ugly several times IRL)

>> No.6338740
File: 499 KB, 490x240, tumblr_lreypuc4GC1qgudqco1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage for semi off topic- but I searched dolldelight because honestly, some knock off cambells sound fantastic to me.... and I didn't see the site that the secret showed so.....does anyone know what site that was for? I will pay you with love and a cute puppy gif.

>> No.6343383


If you want knock-off Jeffrey Campbell's (assuming you want Litas) just go to some shit-tier mall that has the shoe store "Traffic". There's one by my gym and I was blown away by the fake Litas in every color.

>> No.6343473

I love the Nerf gun! Whoever made the secret has a giant stick up her ass.

>> No.6343507
File: 82 KB, 293x272, Screen Shot 2012-09-12 at 11.29.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow this genuinely makes me sad.
I'm losing weight and everything just so I can wear lolita and hang out with others in NYC...