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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 277 KB, 629x900, 1350680680062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6331834 No.6331834 [Reply] [Original]

OMG the two hottest and most popular cosplayers of all time got together!

Who do prefer?

>> No.6331839

Complete butterfaces.

>> No.6331842
File: 854 KB, 795x1200, 1350680935653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stay jelly

>> No.6331841
File: 39 KB, 480x640, 1350681009484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6331846

the dark haired one always creeped me out. bitch has crazy eyes.

>> No.6331847

I wonder if Jnig ever gets tired of hoisting her tits up halfway to heaven.

>> No.6331849

I honestly think they both have cute faces, but they are unfortunately hidden behind years of over-done gaudy makeup. Really, Hannah would be such a pretty woman if she wasn't an apeshit weeb whore.

>> No.6331850

Yes, the two hottest cosplayers... only if you're regarding their bodies.

God, their faces are horrible. Just horrible.

>> No.6331851


>> No.6331853

Baldy with Hannah McBoobs. I bet she wish they were as big as Hannah's.

>> No.6331856
File: 60 KB, 959x719, 1350697622841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Minx is beautiful

only a jealous bitch or faggot would deny this

>> No.6331860



>> No.6331871
File: 55 KB, 568x426, 1350697758096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6331874


Also stop speaking fake bs japanese.

>> No.6331873

I'd take the brunette. But tape over the mouth and possibly the eyes.

I just want the actual tits and not just some stuffing like Jnig. Stuffing in the bedroom is no fun.

>> No.6331875


Why does she wear such hideous makeup when she youtubes? She's really cute here and could be extra cute with the right kind of makeup.

>> No.6331878
File: 410 KB, 500x315, wwwwwwhat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6331892

and i wish jnig would lighten up on the eye makeup. it really makes her eyes look super small and dark. and draws attention to the wrinkles around them and ages her immensely.

>> No.6331920

I'll take Jnig. The other one comes off as dumb as is trying her best to turn her name into a slang saying.

>> No.6331924

Neither of them have offended or harmed me in any way. I have no problem with either of them, nor do I know either of them personally.

That being said, Hannah is pretty hot.

>> No.6331940

I just want to cuddle with them both. They might have their flaws but they are damn adorable.

>> No.6331939

Sage for selfpost

>> No.6331953
File: 287 KB, 640x555, hannah_minx_tifa_lockhart_cosplay_wKUavhr.sized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat natural beauty

>> No.6331962

Hannah pls go.

>> No.6331993
File: 275 KB, 500x480, lum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying she posts here

u jelly?

>> No.6332014

Look at all the jealous fatties.
Stay fat.

>> No.6332029

Wow she looks so much better without that makeup/

>> No.6332036
File: 36 KB, 310x465, 2_39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damnit everytime I see Hannah I'm reminded how disappointing this video was >>6331993
guess I expected it to be amusing, silly me

>> No.6332040


its the same stuff as every janapese gravure vid, not sure what you were expecting

>> No.6332044


I've always been a bit weirded out by her face but could never quite put my finger on what it was.

It's her psycho fucking eyes man.

>> No.6332049
File: 41 KB, 697x503, hannah-minx-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she has nice eyes

>> No.6332053

which video is that from?

>> No.6332056

guess I found it more annoying than other one's I've seen..

>> No.6332058


She does in >>6332036 but when she's "in character" or whatever you'd call it she looks like she's about to send you to snap city if you sleep on her.

>> No.6332084

hannah pls go.

>> No.6332105

Her boobs are bigger than my head...

>> No.6332114

What the fuck are they wearing?

>> No.6332131

Attention whore apparel

>> No.6332167
File: 55 KB, 452x592, 1252826279324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find Minx really hot, however JNigra just looks like your average "omg im so hot" blonde tan girl


>> No.6332177

That makeup is not minxy.

>> No.6332193

I get seasick just watching her videos :x

>> No.6332201

Wait, does Hannah actually cosplay? Like actual characters?

>> No.6332225
File: 84 KB, 720x482, tumblr_m145geS2TR1r6egkmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6332234


>> No.6332244

As long as the characters have huge tits.

>> No.6332247

wonder how much they paid her
wonder how many they sold

>> No.6332258

I guess back braces are minxy too.

>> No.6332260

You really hate girls that are hotter than you, huh?

>> No.6332262

Nice color, crazy shape, at least with all the make up she uses in videos.

>> No.6332272

does anyone have the pictures of jnig's hacked photobucket account?

>> No.6332275
File: 1.37 MB, 300x200, 1325778016949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah I dunno why these ugly bitches hate on J-Nig and Minx

they should be happy for them

>> No.6332289

i prefer jessica. the other one has that crazy look in her eyes. like she wants to eat my spleen or something.

>> No.6332295

I like Minx because boobs and hair. Jelly.

>> No.6332352

They are probably saying, "Fuck you, slut" underneath those fake smiles.

>> No.6332354

Oh man I was wondering if I was the only one who felt that way!
Not that I have anything against her, just, that expression she usually has kind of scares me away from being attracted to her...

>> No.6332365

I don't know wither of them to well but JNig seems a little...too full of herself at times and the other girl, Minx? She does have a crazy look...

Doesn't she do walkthroughs?

>> No.6332410

wow minx actually makes jnig look good

>> No.6332411

>the two hottest... cosplayers of all time got together!
Picture unrelated, right?

They're both fucking frightening.

>> No.6332426

Does JNig even play videogames...?

>> No.6332446
File: 87 KB, 623x480, 133470839423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't she a teenager back then? That was waaay before she hit the wall. Now she's a sack of fat and makeup.

pic related, her underage tits

>> No.6332449

I can't... ugh

>> No.6332487 [DELETED] 

I'm glad she found kawaii. Emo is so 80's.

>> No.6332492

Why does that matter?

>> No.6332503


>> No.6332547

wait... the girl on the left is supposed to be one of the hottest?
You have bad tastes.

>> No.6332552

ITT: Hannah samefagging and jelly ugly hambeasts on /cgl/

>> No.6332553

Im going to be honest judging these people based off of only seeing them maybe 10 times each.
Jessica kind of pretty and has a nice body, in fact I want her body.
The other chick has creepy eyes but also a nice body.
Jessica is always too slutty and taking the goddamn pink powe ranger and making it slutty is full retard

>> No.6332571


going by popular opinion they are the two hottest cosplayers, well at least in the US

>> No.6333127

the glasses

>> No.6333217
File: 713 KB, 250x239, minxy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay! Cosplaying!

>> No.6333219
File: 91 KB, 500x750, minxlikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6333220


I lol'd

>> No.6333232

preeeetty much

>> No.6333260

Can you guys not be jelly for once? Jesus fuck...

>> No.6333265

Impossibru. Where do you think you are?

>> No.6333269

>Nigri and Ms. Titties

Never in my life have I laughed this hard.

>> No.6333278

If only they had actually 'got together'.

>> No.6333280

I am 100% jelly with preserves. It's in my nature

>> No.6333285

Stay jealous, fatty.

>> No.6333328

look at the left ones leg
notice how I don't know the bitch's name

>> No.6333360

what's wrong with it?

>> No.6333364
File: 49 KB, 640x480, fucking_disgusting_bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking thread.

They're both totally bangin'. Not a single complaint from me.

>> No.6333366

My god, she's such a weeaboo. If she wasn't hot she would be mocked hard.

>> No.6333397

Of course not. You're a guy. You'd fuck anything that moves and happens to have a vagina.

>> No.6333402

stay mad fanboy

>> No.6333405


no one cares what dumb women think is hot or not

its only men's opinion that matters, and men love Minx and Nig

>> No.6333423

>men love anyone with a vagina who show their bodies


>> No.6333427

Right, because your tastes are so discriminating

>> No.6333431

The only opinions that matter when it comes to hot women are straight men and gay women. If you're neither of these, STFU and GTFO.

>> No.6333444

but what about the people who fall down to one of those two categories but they prefer DFC?

>> No.6333475

Nigri's got you sorted, just wait for her to take the push-up off.

>> No.6333540

What I found when googling hanna minx + weeaboo.
from http://anti-weeaboo.tumblr.com/

>> No.6333642

hate when people have/wear glasses that dont fucking need them

>> No.6333665

Perhaps she only needs them for one thing. Lots of people need glasses for reading but not for anything else. Driving, using things with a screen, there's lots of reasons why someone might have glasses but not need them 100% of the time.

>> No.6333691


>> No.6333716 [DELETED] 


True. Also, while it might seem pretentious, people do that sort of thing all the time. They wear "light scarves" that aren't doing anything just for aesthetic reasons, or wear belts as fashion accessories as opposed to actual belts. Using practical objects for frivolous purposes is nothing new, and honestly, it's nothing to get upset about. Glasses can look really cute on a lot of people as an accessory, so I can understand the appeal.

>> No.6333718

True. Also, while it might seem pretentious, people do that sort of thing all the time. They wear "light scarves" that aren't doing anything just for aesthetic reasons, or wear belts as fashion accessories as opposed to actual belts. Using practical objects for frivolous purposes is nothing new, and honestly, it's nothing to get upset about. Glasses can look really cute on a lot of people as an accessory, so I can understand the appeal.

>> No.6333736
File: 149 KB, 720x480, 1346207673839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coming from a male
they both are nothing
more than fapping material in
the cosplay world. Many of my
friends love jnig and minx their bodies are
nice but mainly minx has large breasts and nigri is fit looking has platinum hair and tanned she resembles pretty much what a pornstar sort of looks like-- not a high end one though.

Point is ladies, stop getting riled up. The point of their existence is pretty clear and there's nothing wrong with it. Sometimes I feel like it's some kind of weird joke on how far these kind of girls take it (blatant cleavage, cosplay slutty characters or sexualize them blatantly with their tits hanging out).

Take into account this thread is obviously a troll thread. But jnig and minx could probably be some of the 'most popular' 'hot' cosplayers in the US at least.

>> No.6333770

where were these taken?

>> No.6333773

Gee thanks, all we needed was a male to tell us how to think.

>> No.6333785

Still don't get why people go crazy over these girls. I mean I'd understand if they had some kind of exotic beauty, or something other than them being white with tits and short skirts going for them. but they don't. at all.

they're both good fap material tbh but..that's about it.

>> No.6333791

I find it funny that my first thought upon seeing this was that Nigri makes Hannah look like a subtle artist. I'm not a fan of either, but I'd say Hannah is the lesser of two evils.

>> No.6334043

Why do
you type
in such an
annoying way?

>> No.6334093

what an awkward cover photo.

where can I watch/download this anyway?

>> No.6334099

They have nice bodies (def jelly as I have no tits.. like not even small tits. Just nothing there)

but for sure I have a nicer face than both. There are so many prettier people to be jealous of. y'know.Jealous bitches have standards too

>> No.6334111

You can fix tits, but you can't fix a face.

Save up, and get a chest.

>> No.6334149


Do you even plastic surgery?

>> No.6334152

As much as I love surgery I don't agree with it, It feels like a copout. I don't understand why people get cosmetic surgery unless it is something drastic.

>> No.6334179

WHY is jnig's face so fucking big?

>> No.6334189

I absolutely fucking detest minx, but she is pretty damn attractive.

Still hope she dies though.

>> No.6334190

well, you can fix a face really.. I'd consider it someday but right now I don't think my modelling agency would appreciate it. And then I'm still a complete coward when it comes to surgery.

>> No.6334202

Minx the tit monster isn't even a cosplayer.
Go home

>> No.6334211

they're both so haggard looking.. give me my fresh faced youth any day,

>> No.6334235

Do people seriously like Minx?

>> No.6334269

Wow, Jnig looks like a crack whore next to Minxy. Minxy isn't even my normal type to be honest, but she's got this lovely bouncy, chirpy look about her that gives her that 'would wife' appeal to people who are into that. I can't imagine anyone wanting to wife Jnig. Cum on her face, maybe.

>> No.6334277

Cut it out

>> No.6334279

Well, you can't use those tiny brains to form rational thoughts yourselves. Haha, women.

>> No.6334307

man i love tits

>> No.6334312

>I can't imagine anyone wanting to wife Jnig
I would, she seems to be a fun and nice person.

>> No.6334370

There are women on this board right?

Why are Hanna Minx's legs so fucked up. The are all blotchy, bruised and gross looking. Do women need to put lotion on their skin or they shrivel up and show their real forms or some shit?

>> No.6334373

/cgl/ - home of small titties.

>> No.6334381

/cgl/ - Home of the hopelessly jealous.

>> No.6334384

Stop being sexist.

>> No.6334387

>That rejection rage

>> No.6334389

God, they look so old. This is what applying ten pounds of makeup on your face erryday does to you. I recommend a good conditioner for their hair, too. For people who try so hard to look good, they really need to take care of their skin better.

>> No.6334395

Their both would fuck/10.
/cgl/ is just jelly

>> No.6334396

I wouldn't fuck your fat ass though!

>> No.6334412


>Do women need mountains of animal fat to cover their natural ugliness?

90% of women don't have natural beauty, makeup, lighting, clothing, etc is used to make them look less plain.

>> No.6334427

Bullshit, i am a thigh enthusiast, i fucking look at every woman's thighs. Like 90% are fucking amazing and i want to squeeze them.

There is something wrong with Minxy's thighs. They are weird and gross looking. They don't look warm and soft at all which is something women's thighs seem to do naturally.

>> No.6334433

It's just her cold dead personality leaking through to the outside, don't worry about it

>> No.6334435

rather small perky titties than minxies saggy cowbags.

>> No.6334439

Fuck you, some people like that ;_;

>> No.6334444

i like all kinds of titties

>> No.6334445

Your insecure is showing.

>> No.6334448

What the fuck are they wearing?
Gross, no sense of fashion at all.
Well we are talking about a bleached blonde here and a scary looking goth chick.

>> No.6334453

Panty and stocking

>> No.6334455
File: 233 KB, 700x1050, ViewImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that "these" girls are hot you got some pretty low standards

>> No.6334457
File: 93 KB, 427x640, anya nigri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood why you people rage so hard at these girls.

They're both objectively good looking.

>> No.6334462


Both girls are seen as extremely attractive to the opposite sex. Men could say the same about some other guys as well, but guys aren't so bitter about it.

>> No.6334460
File: 97 KB, 500x750, hnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thigh enthusiast
I love you. Thighs and hips are the most important things~

>> No.6334464

Age, smoking and heavy make-up. Not good for a lady.

How old is she anyways? She looks 28 but I guess is 22/23.

>> No.6334465

The amount of jealousy in this thread could provide enough jelly for a whole village in Africa for 20 years

>> No.6334473


She looks either very meep or very stuck up.

>> No.6334470
File: 1000 KB, 407x318, call my baby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you admit that you're jelly of someone more attractive than you?

I do it all the time.

>> No.6334472
File: 23 KB, 320x480, 386394_326043577428170_1774479554_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jnig looks like drew from my tranalsexual summer.

>> No.6334477
File: 13 KB, 300x300, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying that the girls we are talking about don't look or sound stuck up?
I think comparing pictures the blondie and cat eared girl with tits up to there neck look more stuck up.

>> No.6334480


jnigger stuck up? Maybe. She is also really nice to everyone publicly. I think everyone judges everyone on the inside, you could say everyone is stuck up, but some girls show it in their faces, like that girl.

>> No.6334487


To be honest, you can't tell if either of them are stuck up by looking at a picture.
Also, J Nigs is hot and that other girl is cute.

>> No.6334491


>> No.6334494

I thought the rule was "anything more than a handful is a waste", so why do guys like this stuff...

>> No.6334495

Yeah ok, have fun complaining about every little thing in life.

Peace i'm out, have fun obsessing over 2 mildy attractive girls who wear to much make up.

>> No.6334496
File: 335 KB, 400x533, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News flash: stuff that girl wears is a turn off
>ugly grandma sweater
>guys shirt
>boring looking skirt
>stockings with the worst material

and I do like lolitas & cute girls

even pic related is better

>> No.6334499

>All this jealousy
You women really are vicious, huh?

>> No.6334501


>> No.6334502
File: 55 KB, 600x823, 1344824610257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whoever told you that 'rule' was retarded.

>> No.6334503


She looks like she wanders the street looking for cold fries in trashcans. But I agree, for some guys grandma retro might be a turn on, but I personally like tight and acessorized.

>> No.6334511

>all this hambeast rage

never change /cgl/

>> No.6334508

What the fuck is wrong with you today /cgl/ ?

>> No.6334513

>What the fuck is wrong with you today

>> No.6334515


It's because of this


>> No.6334522


Nice cross-link

>> No.6334524


Sorry I meant this


>> No.6334526


can you into crosslinks? here let me help.


>> No.6334527

let me help you out you dumb fuck

>> No.6334528

Third time's the charm...actually don't bother, the thread just got deleted.

>> No.6334529

to me she looks like she goes to rock shows few times a year

I like stuff that looks good and when it comes to retro usually only the classier stuff looks good

>> No.6334531



>> No.6334533


Why would /v/ care about these girls? They aren't videogames.

>> No.6334536

why do you think?

>> No.6334540

because /v/ is a lonely horny teenager?

>> No.6334541

>You'd fuck anything that moves and happens to have a vagina.
Reverse slut & whores propaganda much?

As a guy, I'd be lying if I say that I don't like watching her insane boobs, and I do love long hairs. But that's pretty much it, I don't think that any sane man would actually like to hang out with her.
For the sex? I don't think that whatever you will get in the options is worth it.

>> No.6340621

>Hannah Mix

>> No.6340680

I have never found Minx to be remotely attractive. I also always assumed she was a bit larger because of her chest size and the fact I've never seen full body pictures before. But after seeing a few pictures in this thread my stance has changed. She's actually really pretty.

>> No.6340715

She wears costumes sometimes, so yes she's a cosplayer.

You don't need to be a weeb nerd who spends all their time at anime cons to be a "cosplayer".

>> No.6341788

They're just...so bouncy.

>> No.6341804

You do if you end up getting mad at people playing dress up.

>> No.6341845

cat ears=/=cosplaying