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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 118 KB, 600x600, 1350332658384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6331234 No.6331234[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can females and males just be very close friends, without ever having sex?
Blowjob etc counts as sex in this question.

Asking this board, because the rest would imply that all girls are sluts anyway.

>> No.6331240

Yes, if the chick is buttugly.

>> No.6331241
File: 22 KB, 139x156, 234578075643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that is entirely possible.

>> No.6331245

Of course they can. I mean, it's harder if one person holds feelings for the other and they never reciprocate them, but there are friendships between guys and girls kept completely platonic.

In fact, about half of my friends are dudes and we can go out to dinner or a movie without it feeling like a date. Generally we talk about their girlfriend issues, my boyfriend issues, work, video games and everything else in between. Never once have I thought about kissing them and honestly, they just treat me like one of the guys (and invite me to all of their bro-hang-out days)

>> No.6331246


>very close friends

>> No.6331248

Never was in a relationship.

But where is the difference between a very close friend and boy / girlfriend? Sexual attraction?

>> No.6331250

> Friends for a year, even seen naked and shit
> Laying on the bed watching Chickflicks n shit
> No Sex, no sexual tension, just friends (Brother/Sisterzoned)
> Years later, find out she had a huge hidden crush for me...
> Find out she's into girls now

>> No.6331251
File: 244 KB, 333x342, 1307518069197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think so but whenever I meet a guy I think I'm super bros with he gets butthurt that I don't want to have sex with him/have a boyfriend.

>> No.6331257

There is a pretty big difference. Attraction can honestly really decide whether or not it works sometimes. I mean, no matter how much you care about someone, if you can't kiss them without thinking "ew," realistically it isn't going to work.

When you're in a relationship though, I guess it kind of starts off always being exciting and silly and whimsical. You get all floaty and special feeling. After you've been in a relationship for an extended time period, though (a few years,) they sort of weave a way into your life and you have a hard time imagining it without them. It's less "exciting" and new, but it's better.

That to me, is an astronomical difference from just a friend.

>> No.6331256
File: 16 KB, 139x128, 324547687980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that a pretty girl can't be just platonic friends with a guy
What point are you trying to make? Is it
>pretty girls are all sluts and wouldn't hang out with a guy without wanting his cock
>pretty girls can't hang out with guys because the guys would think she is romantically interested in him
>the guy then finds out that is not the case and feels friendzoned

>> No.6331259

i'm a lezzie and my best friend is a straight boy. We're very cuddly and call each other sis and bro. We've never done anything sexual, sleep in the same and kiss occasionally tho. He likes curvy, girly women with proper asses and big tits and I basically look and dress like a dude.

inb4 it's bound to fail, we've been like this for 6 years

>> No.6331260

No, because every guy, including said friend, would want to bang her

>> No.6331262

my best friend is a guy.

He doesnt like vagina though, so that probably has something to do with it.

>> No.6331263
File: 29 KB, 147x175, 12435678798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the point is
>pretty girls are not able to make male friends because guys are unable to accept that a pretty girl has only platonic friend interest in them and would be unable to return those platonic feelings because she is too pretty to not put his penis inside of her at the first chance he gets
Wow this sounds bitter
I am bitter

>> No.6331264

I don't think that any guy would say no to sex with a pretty girl, they'd surely any chance they'd get.

>> No.6331265
File: 17 KB, 114x136, 234675689876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am against generalizing on this though. I have faith that there are a whole lot of guys who would treasure the friendship enough to not go for it as soon as it seems possible to have some pussy action.

>> No.6331266

What? You can still be friends and have sex. "Friends with benefits".

>> No.6331270
File: 10 KB, 89x85, 6363456357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, sure, if both people in this sort of relationship are okay with that. But it is risky, sex can totally destroy the friendship.

>> No.6331271

Maybe, maybe not. But gets sex for sure, so I think the choice would be very obvious.

>> No.6331273

Yes. They can. As long as they are adults. I have many more male friends than female ones, and I am a virgin. To date, all but a few have asked me out, and I have rejected them all, due to being asexual. A grand total of two held the rejection against me. The rest were still my very good friends, and whenever someone would ask if I was single, they would reply with "Don't waste your time." That saved a lot of hurt feelings.

See, the problem comes from men associating women with sex. And vice versa, of course. But, if you simply rip out any hope of that, they can refocus and evaluate the girl as a friend. A lot of times the guy can't see past his shame of rejection, and some times he and the girl didn't have anything in common to start with, he was just into the boobs. If you start making friends based on the possibility of good times and not sex, you won't need to worry about this as much.

>> No.6331274
File: 19 KB, 128x133, 56872735473583568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes people don't want sex, you know that, right

>> No.6331277

Honestly, part of it is that we only have ourselves to blame. We like attention and so we tempt men, then we don't follow through on the implied deal and frustrate them. Or we do follow through and just end up looking like sluts, if the guy is cute enough.

We're a pretty pathetic gender. Look at how we've crafted an entire damn hobby within a nerdy culture just to peacock and show off our bodies to boys.

>> No.6331279

>healthy male
>doesn't want sex with a beautiful girl
Yeah, give me a second, my unicorn needs food.

>> No.6331280

I like you.

>> No.6331281
File: 9 KB, 66x97, 4362245772457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, maybe the healthy male already has a girlfriend, or is gay, or asexual, or just not sexually interested in this particular girl.

>> No.6331283


I... Fuck it, you're actually kind of right.

>> No.6331284

My moirail is a guy, we're super-close and neither of us could really imagine anything sexual or romantic happening between us. I wingman him, he wingmans me, that's how we work.

>> No.6331285

Oh please, keep that out.

>has a girlfriend
Different case.

>not sexually interested
Then the girl doesn't classify as beautiful in his eyes.

>> No.6331287

Don't just stare at a girl's Homestuck, you pervert!

>> No.6331286
File: 33 KB, 193x207, 23423523523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Homestuck is showing

>> No.6331291

I just had to chime in to say that I love Arcana Time's pictures. They are cracking me up.

>> No.6331292

She's pretty cute too. Some German girl in a 'polyamorous' relationship with a guy who screws around.

>> No.6331293

Women make low quality friends(they aren't funny, they aren't engaging, they expect to be entertained), that's why guys don't bother unless they can have a relationship.

>> No.6331294
File: 12 KB, 209x76, 25236346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So assuming that the guy in question is straight, single, and healthy, there is no way he would be friends with a straight, single, healthy, pretty girl? That is kind of depressing I guess.

Oh my, I apologize for gazing at your Homestuck like that, I just couldn't help myself.


>> No.6331295
File: 261 KB, 300x306, clap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post of the year, ladies & gentlemen.

>> No.6331298

Guy here.


>We like attention and so we tempt men, then we don't follow through on the implied deal and frustrate them.

Thank you for being honest.

>> No.6331302

Thank you.

I don't actually like other girls too much, and I find it hard to be friends with them for reasons like that. I much prefer the company of guys. Girls are bitchy.

>> No.6331303
File: 199 KB, 447x604, 1342493206763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6331310

>Look at how we've crafted an entire damn hobby within a nerdy culture just to peacock and show off our bodies to boys.
Even if it's a troll, this is damn true.

>> No.6331314

Regarding the tempting thing. I've actually ended up having sex with underage girls because of it, girls as young as 13 sometimes. I can't help it. Girls don't seem to be aware of the power they have over us, to turn us on, and how, well, beastial that makes us. You have no idea how hot the idea of an underage girl being kind of coy and temptress-like is and how hard it is not to want to take her to a rave, get drunk/high and fuck her.

>> No.6331316

Just to continue on with this, I wish girls would cover up a bit more, especially younger ones, and at least TRY and make things easier on us.

>> No.6331318

Sounds like something an SJW would write when trying to pass off as a male.

>> No.6331319
File: 19 KB, 100x155, 657658654845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13? Wow, that is just dangerous. At that age, I don't think most girl have a feeling for their own "power", how you call it. They are just starting to be capable of sexual attraction etc, and you shouldn't take advantage of that.

>> No.6331321
File: 24 KB, 125x162, 324235235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make things easier on us
That sounded like your natural state is rapist and you are incapable of selfcontrol, even if you probably did not intend to imply that.

>> No.6331322

'starting'? Are you fucking kidding me? They're starting as soon as they start hitting puberty, which is two or three years sooner. It's the average age girls lose their virginity in Europe.

>> No.6331323

Needs to be capped.

>> No.6331324
File: 44 KB, 1433x90, cgl about relationship between man and women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you.

>> No.6331325
File: 373 KB, 532x600, jess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I'm a guy.

Well why are their parents even letting them mix with guys like me? Why are they allowed to wear the clothes they wear that turn me on? I'm not trying to pass the buck here, I'm just pointing out we have needs, and girls of that age teasing us need to be made to understand that.

>> No.6331326

It's difficult, because


Is there a gender difference in strength of sex drive?

Sexual Economics: Sex as a Female Resource for Social Exchange in Heterosexual Interactions

Cultural Suppression of Female Sexuality
http://www.femininebeauty info/suppression.pdf

Female polygyny/hypergamy

>> No.6331327
File: 13 KB, 98x99, 2423465346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, hitting puberty at 10? That is a little early, but possible I guess.

>> No.6331328

JFC, you can't even tell you're responding to a cheap troll that got butthurt over the statement made by your much, much more intellectually developed female colleague.

>> No.6331329

In the history of mankind as a species, 40% of men have successfully passed their genes to future generations, whereas 80% of women did. Today's human population is descended from twice as many women as men. This is proof that women function as sexual selectors, and men evolved risk-taking and ambition behaviour to compete for mating rights. The study was conducted by Michael F. Hammer. A lecture on the implications:

Female characters are defined more by their passive attributes and their emotional responses; male characters more by their actions. This is why male protagonists are preferred in fiction, by both women and men.

Culture sees men as expendable blank slates, whose self-sufficiency is their own responsibility, and who must prove themselves worthy of accolade or interest. Conversely, women are inherently valuable, but typically function as inert commodities or motivation for male actors. The TVtropes links serve as quantitative, anecdotal evidence that this basic dichotomy proliferates the culture, to the point that it can be casually and humorously catalogued.

tldr; Men are built to be the poor kids with no toys, and women are built to be that rich kid with all the cool toys. Remember how much of a little arrogant faggot that kid turned into? Remember how everyone kissed his ass anyway?

>> No.6331330


Fucking hell, think about how fertile she is. You could probably get her pregnant immediately if you fucked without a condom. That's the age girls should be marrying and having kids.

>> No.6331331

>already has a girlfriend
Yep, like that really matters.

>> No.6331334

Yeah, you're a guy, who immediately responds he's a guy when I accuse him of being "an SJW" - most guys don't even know what means, and I never mentioned female.

Bad troll is bad. 0/10

Back to the kitchen, honey.

>> No.6331336
File: 16 KB, 149x139, 2335345634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, no
Now you really sound like a rapist
"Lock your daughters away and teach them to wear no skimpy clothing", that is the wrong approach. How about you get your hormones in order and contain yourself?

>> No.6331338

Alright dude, I don't like SJWs and I think age of consent laws are bullshit, that somehow makes me a SJW though, ok...

>> No.6331339

Actually, I think you're responding to yourself.

>> No.6331342

No, it makes you a shitty buttfrustrated vagina. Now make me a fucking sandwich.

>> No.6331343

Dudes can be SJW's too you know.

Their parents probably don't know what their daughters are up to, who they're hanging around with etc. They may not even be buying their daughters' skanky clothing - this is an issue with kids at my school: they go leave the house wearing one thing and change into something skanky on the bus before arriving and vice versa before getting home in the afternoon.

Aside from unaware and neglectful parents [cause it takes more than someone buying stuff for the kids to be a good parent], look at the media and what ages are consuming it. There are a lot of questionable shows aimed for the older crowd on during the daytime and early evening. Look at shows like Gossip Girl... so it's no wonder the unintended younger audience sees it and tries to emulate the fashions and lifestyle.

>> No.6331346

>Sounds like something an SJW would write when trying to pass off as a male.
>pass off as a male.

U stupid.

>> No.6331347
File: 40 KB, 232x151, 34235345345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> back to the kitchen, honey
>now go make me a fucking sandwich
I didn't realize it is 2006 again

>> No.6331349

She's trying to pass of as a male so that she can use her own argumentation >>6331336 against a clearly retarded opponent.

But hey, you're a newfag tripfag, so I can't expect anything that could be called intellect coming from you.

>> No.6331350



Thread was nice, but then.

>> No.6331351

How old are you?

>> No.6331356

Older than suck my left nut.

>> No.6331357


Alright, I was lurking this thread and this is probably a troll but fuck it. Let me tell you why that's wrong:

You're presumably an 18+ guy who is associating with a completely different age group-- not being able to associate romantically with your peers and instead going for younger girls is usually a red flag. Why? 13 year old girls are not the most emotionally stable people in the world and thus are easier to manipulate and take advantage of. They are at an extremely sensitive age that someone like you should not be messing around with. She could potentially make a huge mistake that she'll have to justify for the rest of her life. Why is that your problem? Because you're the fucking adult here and she's a child. Be safe, poker face your way out of those situations and have sex with someone that's not almost a decade younger than you. Have a good day.

>> No.6331358

It's possible, I have a close male friend, and there isn't anything sexual going on between us at all. Not even hand holding. I would say the only thing we do that isn't typical of friendship is that we do tend to flirt with each other a bit. But it's all in good fun, nothing serious. It certainly doesn't keep him from informing me that he "didn't wake up in his own bed this morning," or something like that. Haha.

And honestly? I appreciate that he enjoys hanging out with me just to hang out. I don't want to be demoted to the girls he hooks up with, because what we have already is so good. We can easily spend whole days together, wandering around, talking about whatever...wouldn't trade it for anything.

>> No.6331359
File: 372 KB, 599x509, dota 2 navi xboct banana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we make this thread good nao?

>> No.6331360

Nope, you fucked it up.

>> No.6331361
File: 275 KB, 620x413, dota 2 being sing sing is suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6331363

>and I never mentioned female
>pass off as a male
Are you mentally challenged?

>> No.6331364
File: 155 KB, 516x869, sing sing race traitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying sing would resist tapping some narrow fucking 13 year old ass

>> No.6331366

Exactly why does my age matter?

>> No.6331368

Seems to be consensual tbh. Girls love sex way too much.

>> No.6331369

Fair advice, if you want me to respond from no one, you'd better drop your trip, otherwise we will have a bit of a problem communicating with each other.

>> No.6331370


You mentioned you went to school, you're obviously underage b& and a slut.

>> No.6331371
File: 210 KB, 500x500, dota 2 come with me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6331372
File: 16 KB, 95x135, 242352345634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to bust your party, but I only posted with my trip in this thread, none of that troll bullshit is coming from me. I can only say it and hope you will believe me, but hey it is worth a shot.

>> No.6331377


ugly looking chink.

>> No.6331378

No OP, it is simply impossible.

>> No.6331379
File: 10 KB, 90x83, 235467896457365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get infinite brainpoints forever and win this thread for being the most not-mentally challenged person in here!

>> No.6331380
File: 126 KB, 1024x768, singsing ripped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insulting the handsomest man on planet Terra

>> No.6331381

You find things like that attractive? Man, you would be all over me.

>> No.6331382

Reading comprehension, you do know it's possible to teach at a school and observe these children? When I say "my school" I mean "the school I work at" because there are additional buildings within my district.

Judging by what I get turned in for assignments, not even high school students write as coherently as I did. So, sorry, not everyone is underaged and thanks for the additional implication that I'm a slut. Nowhere did I mention that I did anything mentioned.

>> No.6331383

Hear, hear!

>> No.6331384

Just looks like another ugly Southeast Asian faggot to me brah.

>> No.6331386

>Watching video games
>Hero worshipping these nerds

Fuck off with your shitty genre.

>> No.6331387
File: 90 KB, 717x960, asdjlflasdjfoais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is possible. Doing it now. We fart, piss, burp, and talk about random shit all day. She's a bit of a tom boy, but doesn't look ugly.

Only shitty thing, you can cut the sexual tension with a knife. You can tell we want to rape each other, but we're both too pussy to be the one to initiate any sexual action.

>> No.6331390

Oh look, it's another slutty femanon with hair dyed a stupid color.

>> No.6331391

Growing up, I was really close friends with a boy that lived across the street from me from 1st grade onward. He's gay so obviously nothing sexual went on.

I also made a lot of friends within my grad school department because there are mostly guys in the program. Not everything in the world revolves around sex and finding ways to get it, though you wouldn't know it.

>> No.6331392

Lol, keep dreaming. You will never-ever in your life be as charming and witty as Sing.

He's Chinese actually. And he's better than you~

lel, stopped reading

>> No.6331395

Wat? I see nothing slutty about that picture lol. Looks more like a drunken, take the piss, picture. and I'm pretty sure the one that posted was a guy, and he was posting a picture of his chick friend.

>> No.6331401

Prooobably not.

I mean, if they both had an SO that would be fine. Otherwise, it'd be hard to keep the romantic feelings away.

>> No.6331406

>don't actually like other girls too much
I was sort of with you until you said that. Saying that "girls suck but I'm not like them!!!" does not win you brownie points.

>> No.6331411
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>> No.6331412

Don't you have some cocks to suck?

>> No.6331415

I get called cute/pretty a lot, and one of my closest friends is a guy. We hang out like real bros and no, there has never been anything romantic between us. I helped him getting together with his current gf.

So the answer is yeas, regardles of looks

>> No.6331417

Yes, one of my very best friends is male, and we've been friends for over 10 years now at this point. There was a point in that time span that he did like me, but he was so deep in the friendzone at that point that it wasn't going to happen, but I managed to introduce him to one of my other friends from college who was with him for like.. 6 years.

It can happen. This guy is such a dear friend of mine that he's pretty much the only person I would drop anything for to see him if he needs me, which now entails me flying back to NY if he needs me to be there for him for whatever reason.

He's also super cool with my husband and was an usher at my wedding (only because he thought it would be weird if he were my man of honor) and escorted my grandmother in law down the aisle.

>> No.6331419

I have several close male friends, no sex or romantic feelings involved. It's very possible. If what you look for in a friend is the same as what you look for in a partner/sexbuddy, then you probably won't be able to have that but eh. I want to be attracted to people I sleep with. I don't need to be attracted to my friends.

>> No.6331418

>He's Chinese actually. And he's better than you~

He still looks Southeast Asian you stupid homosexual, as do many other ugly males from Southern China. I very much doubt you're a girl either.

>> No.6331423

Guys want to fuck constantly and that terrifies me, so I just keep them at a distance for my own safety. What's wrong with that?

>> No.6331425

This, dude looks more Thai than Chinese.

>> No.6331429

Nope, you're just jealous bitches.

>> No.6331430
File: 48 KB, 246x199, 423523564564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit this reminds me
I was friends with a girl for a while, super close but also super platonic, I didn't find her very attractive and she sucked at hair/makeup/outfit choices.
She got into cosplaying and I saw her with well done make-up, a short, cute wig (as opposed to her huge hairmess that usually lives on her head) and an outfit that really suited her.
>"oh no shes hot" moment of my lifetime

>> No.6331433

Want to fuck?

>> No.6331435
File: 49 KB, 357x185, 4353456346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badumm tsssshhh

>> No.6331438

Why do you avatarfag so much? It is really annoying.

>> No.6331440

Not constantly, just whenever you walk by, or look pretty, or breathe

>> No.6331441
File: 24 KB, 143x143, 32523534634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is part of the whole arcana time package, baby

>> No.6331445

Maybe it's because I have a sister who's been my pillar for pretty much my entire life that makes me used to being around females without crushing on them, but it's pretty easy for me not to develop any feelings for any female friends.

I've had about one that I got feelings for and it sucked pretty hard, but I got over it and everythings back to normal again.

>> No.6331447

Your sister has swallowed the cum of a guy who didn't respect her.

>> No.6331448

Or eat or talk, I forgot those. Your lips move so sensually.

>> No.6331452

pls stop being creepy.

>> No.6331453
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when watching a girl drink from a straw
>that feel when she licks her lips
>that feel when their asses jiggle when they walk
>that feel when they stretch and all the curves of their torso are visible
>that feel when they run their hands through their silken hair
>that feel when their soft smooth necks are visible and you immediately think how warm they would be pressed against your lips
>that feel when they tap their foot while listening to music and you picture their cute toes wiggling
>that feel when they smile and your soul smiles back and you want to stick it in their ass

>> No.6331458
File: 28 KB, 249x95, 34632346245624567245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a scale of one to Charlie Sheen, how straight do you feel right now

>> No.6331459


Naw, I know her better than that.If anything the people she hooks up with have to respect her more than she does them. She has a pretty masculine mentality.

>> No.6331461

pls stop.

>> No.6331464
File: 23 KB, 500x312, lips-tongue-finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6331469
File: 1.11 MB, 1980x1200, lips15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6331473

I feel I'd get along better with guys, but from my time on 4chan I know that a friendship with a male is impossible because in the back of their mind they want to fuck you and that's the only reason they're your friend. I will never be able to be secure in the belief that they like me for myself or if they are just going along with things in the hope that one day I'll put out. And so, I haven't had a male friend in 10 years. I barely talk to guys because of this, I'm terrified that they will think I'm "leading them on."

>> No.6331477


Psh, that's easy. If they kiss your ass 24/7 and are apprehensive about cracking jokes on you (I mean not to the point of abuse, but if they entirely avoid it) then they're likely a "nice guy" beta.

Source: I used to do that shit.

>> No.6331479

It's not that early. Most girls I know started their periods at eleven, which happens about half way through puberty.

>> No.6331483
File: 367 KB, 255x118, ICanFapToThis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6331480

Have female friend co-worker.
We have friendly talk about different stuff and all but that's it.

Then again I'm mostly introverted, and depressed when it comes to any kind of close relationship.

>> No.6331482
File: 28 KB, 400x300, sdfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when every part of girls is built for sex
>that feel when your brain thinks they are walking balls of weightless cotton candy ambrosia even when you've had a girlfriend before and you know they're flesh and blood like you
>that feel when you want them more than heroin
>that feel shouting down the urge in your subconscious to reach out and graze your fingers between their thighs up to their crotch when they stand in front of you on the bus
>that feel when it's like being a starving man with prime rib steak held under your nose 24/7
>that feel when they walk past you and the sweet blend of perfume, heat, and natural body odor hits you like manna from heaven

>> No.6331488
File: 18 KB, 129x132, 2345678965746342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Damn, I started my period at 14. Lucky break!

>> No.6331490

This thread is why I carry a knife...christ

>> No.6331491

Hi, OP. Girl here.

I can honestly say I've thought about having sex with every single one of my close male friends, and the majority of my close female friends. I have purely platonic feelings towards them, but I'm a horny teenager, and there's nothing I can do about that. Probably when I get older, this will stop happening. I don't know if it's the same for guys, but I'm guessing so.

Despite this, I've only slept with one of my friends. We were very drunk, we had sex twice, then he got back with his ex, so we kept it quiet for a few months so that by the time we let everyone find out, there was no drama and it was cool. At no point was it ever awkward, and we continued drinking together regularly as if nothing had happened. It doesn't always work out that way though; it just so happens that both of us view sex as just sex and nothing more, so we were both cool about it. We're just bros, and it's fine.

>> No.6331496

To be fair, there is a difference between genuinely being a friend and displaying "leading him on" behaviors. Like just a bro hug/friend hug vs hug and tush squeeze or resting your tits on him, etc. etc. It's in how you carry yourself etc. too. If you sashay around in a teasing manner, that's different from just going about whatever you need to do without a show.

The other thing is communication, if there's an understanding between both of you that you really are just friends that's one thing but if it's not stated and understood, he might see that as a chance, however small, to make it something more. I've never had any issues with "leading guys on" because I am pretty blunt about things and tell them straight up what boundaries are and they respect and actually appreciate that. I go skiing all the time in the winter with a close guy friend and his gf was a bit wary at first because she doesn't ski and didn't want to go but wanted to know why his ski partner was a chick. Once she met me and also realized I had a bf who I am dedicated to and was someone who basically gave no fucks about anything, she had no qualms and we're all friends now.

>> No.6331494

Post pics of your feet

>> No.6331497

You carry a kitchen knife to be always ready to make a sandwich for the Alpha male?

>> No.6331499


FUCK. I know how you feel. I can't stop imagining sex with all my guy friends. I'm a virgin and have never done anything remotely sexual and I fap to them all the time without them knowing. Every single one. What's wrong with me, sis? ;_;

>> No.6331500

Lucky break indeed. I think it depends on the enviroment you grow up in. My mother started at 13, and my grandmother at 15, and the world has steadily become more saturated with sex, sex is more easily available, and it's making people's hormones go crazy. Certainly, where I live, if you're a virgin at 15, you're really weird.

>> No.6331501
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Beta Troll II: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.6331506

I'm sorry anon, I'm not into that.

Don't worry about it! I'm fairly sure it's normal. It's just your hormones going crazy because your sex drive views them as possible targets. If you get a boyfriend/start having sex regularly, it'll stop, or at least slow down a bit. I know that it only really happens to me when I'm single.

>> No.6331507

I'd like to participate but I can see we have an avatar tripfag infestation and so I have to sage this thread.

>> No.6331508

I also think the hormones in foods make a difference as to why girls develop earlier now. I know I'm on the older end of the spectrum of posters here but the people and food have definitely changed over the past 3 decades.

>> No.6331513

Some fagget just linked me to this post for some reason. Don't worry about it. I am a guy who has had sex with a few women and I masturbate thinking about pretty much every girl I like.

>> No.6331517
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I see alot of delusional ladies ITT. These are the facts.
A man cannot be close friends with a woman he finds attractive and not want to have sex with her unless he has something better and even that isn't a guarantee.
It is entirely possible to be friends with a girl youre not sexually attracted to. But that also wont happen very often because no one wants to be seen with an ugly chic in public.
If you are a girl and feel you're in a close friendship with a guy. A.if youre attractive he's waiting to fuck you. B.if hes not, hes gay or has something better.

>> No.6331519
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Here I go!

>> No.6331527

The "friendzone" is why I don't have guy friends anymore.

Sage for unrelated to cosplay/egl.

>> No.6331528

I'd forgotten about food. Although, when I think about it, it's more likely that girls are developing normally again, since historically (I'm talking Dark Ages) it was quite common for girls to be married off at 12 with families at 14, which obviously requires them to have started periods etc. Perhaps the backlash against that started to slow development, and now it's picking up again.

>> No.6331529

Stop posting.

>> No.6331532

I'm.. I'm sorry.

>> No.6331537

The only way you can truely be friends with a guy has to be kept up with by the chick. She has to make sure she makes herself undesirable to bang or make it seem like such a thing would be impossible. Being not very feminine is a plus in this. Also being attracted to women is a plus. When they start calling you bro or dude despite how girly you are this is when you have a achieved true brodom.

If they never invite you to hang with them though, you're screwed. They will never see you as a friend.

it's really situational and stupid. And i feel like it's a lot more work for the chick than the guys.

>> No.6331541 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6331542

There'd still have to be a biological reason behind that. Simply deciding in a society that marrying girls off at 12 is bad wouldn't necessarily slow biological development.

There are always early and late bloomers within any population but it just seems that with the hormones in food, that development has started a lot sooner. That and the obesity issue can make early development that much more pronounced. I think people my age were on the early side of this, I remember 2 girls in my grade who actually needed bras in 4th grade. 1 was an early bloomer and literally had C-cups and the other was the only "fat" girl though I think she'd be classified as morbidly obese, she had a hip replacement in 5th grade. But now, it's not uncommon to see either of these things in kids of similar ages.

>> No.6331553

Every one of my male friends has at some point told me that I'm like a little sister to them. They like to mess up my hair, play-wrestle and trade joking insults. None of them has ever expressed interest in anything beyond friendship with me. Hell, most of them come to me to complain about their girlfriends and ask for advice even when I've never met the girl.
I know I'm not ugly and I dress girly as fuck, so I guess I just have zero sex appeal. Basically I'm 'friendzoned', if you can even call it that when I'm not secretly pining for that's in their pants.

Oh well.

>> No.6331556

It could also be they think you're out of their league.

>> No.6331560


>> No.6331563

haven't read this thread

however, the answer was no


>> No.6331578


Pretty much this. Anyone who thinks a single man can be friends with a girl of the same age who is even slightly attractive is most likely a woman.

Girls can afford to have incorrect beliefs about social interactions, because their faux pass is automatically forgiven due to them being female. I find it kind of amusing western culture tends to think women are more socially intelligent. They aren't, they are simply held to lower standards. A man simply needs to walk into a bar and make a slight inappropriate facial expression for everyone to consider him as a social reject, while a hot babe literally has to get herself piss drunk and throw a 2 year old esque fit...and there will STILL be men willing to fuck her later that night.

Girls can afford to be retarded and think they can be friends with men. Men cannot.

>> No.6331584

Uh oh, here come the MRAs...

>> No.6331585

Well, no, but I imagine that social stigma would create a mental state that would affect one's hormones. Hormones affect your emotions, so I don't see why it wouldn't work the other way around. Also, girls who were married off at twelve probably had sex, and felt it was acceptable, and sex does settle one's periods. If it then became unacceptable for 12 year olds to have sex, then they either wouldn't be having sex or would feel ashamed about doing so, which would affect their hormones because they'd subconsciously be supressing them. Or at least, that's how I think of it.

tl;dr - The more sex is available, the earlier your hormones wake up. If sex is available to 12 year olds, their bodies will develop; if it itsn't, they probably won't.

Also, UKfag. I don't know what fourth grade is; how old is that? I'm not saying that food/obesity isn't a factor. I think food in America (presuming you're American) is a lot more modified than food here, unless that's a myth spread by UKIP. I know that fast food isn't eaten as much here (for example, we don't even have a supersize option), portions are smaller, and companies seem to be trying to make everything as natural as possible (or just saying they are, anyway). Obesity is still a problem, but I don't think it's on the same scale. Although all of that could be complete bullshit, since an awful lot of English people hate Americans, and they're my only sources of information.

>> No.6331587

Pfno, I doubt it, I'm no supermodel.
Thing is, since they all treat me like the cute, spunky younger sister I have actually taken up that role. Now when we meet a new guy who I think is cute he automatically starts to view me in that role and never sees me as girlfriend material. Who wants to date the chick your friends randomly pick up and get into little food fights with? Nobody, obviously. They all date outside our circle of friends. I'll have to meet a guy the same way.

>> No.6331593

>These ideas have only served to make them arrogant and imperious, to such an extent as to remind one at times of the holy apes in Benares, who, in the consciousness of their holiness and inviolability, think they can do anything and everything they please.

>> No.6331599

i wish had a Female Friend ;_;

>> No.6331600

>This thread
>trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

>> No.6331604

>Also, UKfag. I don't know what fourth grade is

>> No.6331616

Why would I want to be friends with guys? They're huge and disgusting and don't have feelings.

>> No.6331630

We have feelings. They're just real, awesome feelings unlike your puny childlike drama.

Men feel the sorrow of a comrade lost, the depth of true bosom companionship, the respect of a foe, the heat of battle, and the glory of conquest. Women feel self-entitlement, and start crying when Julie Roberts almost doesn't marry a guy but then does in the hit summer film Julia Roberts Almost Doesn't Marry A Guy But Then Does #7313.

The man's happiness is: I will. The woman's happiness is: He will.
'Behold, now the world has become perfect!' -- thus thinks every woman when she obeys with all her love.
And woman has to obey and find a depth for her surface. Woman's nature is surface, a changeable, stormy film upon shallow waters.
But man's nature is deep, its torrent roars in subterranean caves: woman senses its power but does not comprehend it.

>> No.6331634

Yes, sure. I've befriended many males online without ever mentioning my gender so we grow very close, and when we meet offline it's usually too late.

I had a very close online friend for two years, and seeing his interests and the way he typed, I always thought he was female. Then I referred to him as "her" in some MMORPG and the guild found it amusing. Was a bit of a shock to me but our friendship continued as usual, though I must admit that I haven't gotten non-romantically that close with a male ever before.

In real life? Be a trap, I guess. Also pretending to be a lesbian could help so your male friends stop trying to fuck you.

>> No.6331635

>>6331630 But man's nature is deep, its torrent roars in subterranean caves
Thank you, now I can go back to coding in peace.

>> No.6331640

lol, where is this copypasted from? the sad part is some people actually believe that.

>> No.6331643

last part is from thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.6331642

Western women status:
>[ ]not told
>[ ]told

>> No.6331661

>women don't feel as much as a man lololol
You're not a woman, you are a man. Ergo, you have no idea of magnitude of a woman's feelings as compared to a man's.
Hush, child. No one called you here. You're grounded for 2 weeks, you hear me?

>> No.6331667

Verily, quite whilst rather ego, indeed hrm, mhm, ah, ah yes quite, rather, indeed, mrnhhrm, verily quite rather.

>> No.6331670


>> No.6331673

The amount of mansplaining ITT is insane.

>> No.6331677

I'm also on my period.

>> No.6331696

>*Mansplaining and tumblr feminists.
This is easily the worst thread on /cgl/ in recent memory.

>> No.6331708

Maybe the day men stop being sex-obsessed freaks women will stop acting that way because then it won't be acceptable anymore.

It's funny how beta males like to say that women are arrogant and entitled when it's them and other males who make them be like that.

Yeah, you sure know how brains work.
Protip: If such behavior is accepted by her peers, sometimes stimulated, and it brings her advantages, she's never going to think "hey, maybe this is wrong" because nobody ever showed her any indicatives that it may be wrong.

>> No.6331714

Do I even need to link you to >>6331326 or can you just take a second to employ your common sense and realize that men don't CHOOSE to be horny

>> No.6331721

>Don't ask men to change, it's just the way we are!
>All women should change to make us happy, those sluts!

>> No.6331737

Ugh, you're one of those.

>> No.6331738

Who said women should change? It explained why things are the way they are.

For example,
> Man strives in everything for a direct domination over things, either by comprehending or by subduing them. But woman is everywhere and always relegated to a merely indirect domination, which is achieved by means of man, who is consequently the only thing she has to dominate directly. Thus it lies in the nature of women to regard everything simply as a means of capturing a man, and their interest in anything else is only simulated, is no more than a detour, i.e. amounts to coquetry and mimicry.

If anything it's an exhortation for men to stop treating women like equals, when they're clearly shit. That would be a change men have to effect.

>> No.6331740
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Holy fuck.

So many anons displaying misogyny
So many femanons displaying utter cluelessness

I hate to pull the "Older more experienced anon" card out but I think I need to shed some light on this subject.

Can men and women be friends? This is a loaded question. The problem is that attraction is not a choice. Men cannot choose to feel attracted to fatties and women cannot choose to feel attracted to social losers, no matter how badly you may like the personality.

I'll say it again: ATTRACTION IS NOT A CHOICE. Understanding this is critical to not being a fuckwit. Straight men cannot choose to not feel some level of sexual attraction to a hot model babe or "HB10" if you are a puafag. Similarly, press all the right social buttons and a women will have no choice in wanting to fuck either.

I'm 30 years old, and I have seen guys and gals be close friends and I have seen it work. The problem is attraction. You can't say "Oh we are going to be JUST friends". If a man and a women who are both single and semi attractive want to be friends with each other, they must accept the fact that it can escalate to something more than friends since there is no way to prevent attraction from happening.

It's not so much that you CAN'T be friends, it's that you CAN'T draw a line. You can't just come to an agreement that you will be nothing more than friends. Sexuality does not work that way.

Femanons, do you want to have male friends your own age? Sure, no problem. Just accept the fact that they may one day wish to become your boyfriend. If you can't accept this, your relationships are destined for drama and failure.

>> No.6331746

I'm not saying they do. I'm saying they complain about things that are created by them, and blame it on women.

Just like they don't choose to be horny or to treat women that way, women don't choose to be entitled.

>> No.6331750

>We have two groups of people, Group A and Group B. They are differentiated on the basis of different behaviour and characteristics. Group A's behaviour is more antisocial and tiresome than Group B's, on average.

>Yeah but both groups have assholes!

True but irrelevant.

>> No.6331756

Why can't I hold all these biotruths.

>> No.6331761

>Group A's behaviour is more antisocial and tiresome than Group B's, on average.
>anecdotal "evidence"
>personal bias

>> No.6331768

Sure, you can disagree with the basis of the claim. That doesn't make the counterargument you originally tried any less fallacious or irrelevant.

>> No.6331775

Yes, I've been best friends with my best friend for about 6 years now, and we've never had sex.

Although, we did go through a time very recently where we were considering exploring possible romantic love between each other.
I received a kiss on the cheek at this time, lol.

That never really panned out.

So it can happen, it just prolly won't. If you like someone enough to be friends with them for that long, you're gonna have feels at one point or another.

>> No.6331777

Sure, you can disagree with the basis of the claim. That doesn't make the counterargument you originally tried any less fallacious or irrelevant.

>> No.6331788

It wasn't my counterargument to begin with; not my video. Just a relevant link I threw in there.

Any girl who can't make friends with other girls is either a stuck-up bitch who thinks she's better than ~OTHER GIRLS~ or is socially retarded. Really, you can't find ONE single person of your own gender who you can relate to? Are you even trying?

>> No.6331787

Why would a male want female friends? I seriously don't see the point.

>> No.6331791
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>Yes, I've been best friends with my best friend for about 6 years now, and we've never had sex.
But that's no surprise. Kudos to your "best friend" for just having the balls to stand next to you.

>> No.6331794

>it lies in the nature of women to regard everything simply as a means of capturing a man, and their interest in anything else is only simulated, is no more than a detour

Do you seriously believe this?

>> No.6331795

It's possible OP but like all relationships it takes work.

Any female friend I've ever had sometimes looked at me like she wanted to have sex with me and I've felt the same too.

It's about having respect for yourself, your friend and all the feelings you have.

>> No.6331805

For women throughout history (and prehistory), the odds of reproducing have been pretty good. Later in this talk we will ponder things like, why was it so rare for a hundred women to get together and build a ship and sail off to explore unknown regions, whereas men have fairly regularly done such things? But taking chances like that would be stupid, from the perspective of a biological organism seeking to reproduce. They might drown or be killed by savages or catch a disease. For women, the optimal thing to do is go along with the crowd, be nice, play it safe. The odds are good that men will come along and offer sex and you’ll be able to have babies. All that matters is choosing the best offer. We’re descended from women who played it safe.

For men, the outlook was radically different. If you go along with the crowd and play it safe, the odds are you won’t have children. Most men who ever lived did not have descendants who are alive today. Their lines were dead ends. Hence it was necessary to take chances, try new things, be creative, explore other possibilities. Sailing off into the unknown may be risky, and you might drown or be killed or whatever, but then again if you stay home you won’t reproduce anyway. We’re most descended from the type of men who made the risky voyage and managed to come back rich. In that case he would finally get a good chance to pass on his genes. We’re descended from men who took chances (and were lucky).

>> No.6331801

Consider this question: What percent of our ancestors were women?

It’s not a trick question, and it’s not 50%. True, about half the people who ever lived were women, but that’s not the question. We’re asking about all the people who ever lived who have a descendant living today. Or, put another way, yes, every baby has both a mother and a father, but some of those parents had multiple children.

Recent research using DNA analysis answered this question about two years ago. Today’s human population is descended from twice as many women as men.

I think this difference is the single most underappreciated fact about gender. To get that kind of difference, you had to have something like, throughout the entire history of the human race, maybe 80% of women but only 40% of men reproduced.

Right now our field is having a lively debate about how much behavior can be explained by evolutionary theory. But if evolution explains anything at all, it explains things related to reproduction, because reproduction is at the heart of natural selection. Basically, the traits that were most effective for reproduction would be at the center of evolutionary psychology. It would be shocking if these vastly different reproductive odds for men and women failed to produce some personality differences.

>> No.6331807

The huge difference in reproductive success very likely contributed to some personality differences, because different traits pointed the way to success. Women did best by minimizing risks, whereas the successful men were the ones who took chances. Ambition and competitive striving probably mattered more to male success (measured in offspring) than female. Creativity was probably more necessary, to help the individual man stand out in some way. Even the sex drive difference was relevant: For many men, there would be few chances to reproduce and so they had to be ready for every sexual opportunity. If a man said “not today, I have a headache,” he might miss his only chance.

Another crucial point. The danger of having no children is only one side of the male coin. Every child has a biological mother and father, and so if there were only half as many fathers as mothers among our ancestors, then some of those fathers had lots of children.

Look at it this way. Most women have only a few children, and hardly any have more than a dozen — but many fathers have had more than a few, and some men have actually had several dozen, even hundreds of kids.

In terms of the biological competition to produce offspring, then, men outnumbered women both among the losers and among the biggest winners.

To put this in more subjective terms: When I walk around and try to look at men and women as if seeing them for the first time, it’s hard to escape the impression (sorry, guys!) that women are simply more likeable and lovable than men. (This I think explains the “WAW effect” mentioned earlier.) Men might wish to be lovable, and men can and do manage to get women to love them (so the ability is there), but men have other priorities, other motivations. For women, being lovable was the key to attracting the best mate. For men, however, it was more a matter of beating out lots of other men even to have a chance for a mate.

>> No.6331809

Tradeoffs again: perhaps nature designed women to seek to be lovable, whereas men were designed to strive, mostly unsuccessfully, for greatness.

And it was worth it, even despite the “mostly unsuccessfully” part. Experts estimate Genghis Khan had several hundred and perhaps more than a thousand children. He took big risks and eventually conquered most of the known world. For him, the big risks led to huge payoffs in offspring. My point is that no woman, even if she conquered twice as much territory as Genghis Khan, could have had a thousand children. Striving for greatness in that sense offered the human female no such biological payoff. For the man, the possibility was there, and so the blood of Genghis Khan runs through a large segment of today’s human population. By definition, only a few men can achieve greatness, but for the few men who do, the gains have been real. And we are descended from those great men much more than from other men. Remember, most of the mediocre men left no descendants at all.



>> No.6331817

Loveable is the wrong word- women are supposed to look fertile and young- able to produce many children- if you look at it from an evolutionary perspective. The whole bit about men is totally correct though- they have to be ready for it constantly. Women, because of the nature of their reproductive system, are on average more attracted to older, more stable feeling men, as they have to incubate a fetus for 9 months. But men are not attracted to women who are "loveable" they are attracted to women who are fertile.

>> No.6331820

Are Women More Social?
Let me turn now to the second big motivational difference. This has its roots in an exchange in the Psychological Bulletin about ten years ago, but the issue is still fresh and relevant today. It concerns the question of whether women are more social than men.

The idea that women are more social was raised by S.E. Cross and L. Madsen in a manuscript submitted to that journal. I was sent it to review, and although I disagreed with their conclusion, I felt they had made their case well, so I advocated publishing their paper. They provided plenty of evidence. They said things like, look, men are more aggressive than women. Aggression could damage a relationship because if you hurt someone then that person might not want to be with you. Women refrain from aggression because they want relationships, but men don’t care about relationships and so are willing to be aggressive. Thus, the difference in aggression shows that women are more social than men.

But I had just published my early work on “the need to belong,” which concluded that both men and women had that need, and so I was worried to hear that men don’t care about social connection. I wrote a reply that said there was another way to look at all the evidence Cross and Madsen covered.

The gist of our view was that there are two different ways of being social. In social psychology we tend to emphasize close, intimate relationships, and yes, perhaps women specialize in those and are better at them than men. But one can also look at being social in terms of having larger networks of shallower relationships, and on these, perhaps, men are more social than women.

>> No.6331821

Guy here. I have a BFF i slept with a long time ago. I actually attribute our long lasting friendship to trying down that avenue before, and then seeing better of it and continue being friends. I doubt we could have remained friends if that tension was still here.

>> No.6331824

Now consider helping. Most research finds that men help more than women. Cross and Madsen struggled with that and eventually just fell back on the tired cliché that maybe women don’t help because they aren’t brought up to help or aren’t socialized to help. But I think the pattern is the same as with aggression. Most research looks at helping between strangers, in the larger social sphere, and so it finds men helping more. Inside the family, though, women are plenty helpful, if anything more than men.

Aggression and helping are in some ways opposites, so the converging pattern is quite meaningful. Women both help and aggress in the intimate sphere of close relationships, because that’s what they care about. In contrast, men care (also) about the broader network of shallower relationships, and so they are plenty helpful and aggressive there.

The same two-spheres conclusion is supported in plenty of other places. Playground observation studies find that girls pair off and play one-on-one with the same playmate for the full hour. Boys will either play one-on-one with a series of different playmates or with a larger group. Girls want the one-to-one relationship, whereas boys are drawn to bigger groups or networks.

When two girls are playing together and the researchers bring in a third one, the two girls resist letting her join. But two boys will let a third boy join their game. My point is that girls want the one-on-one connection, so adding a third person spoils the time for them, but it doesn’t spoil it for the boys.

The conclusion is that men and women are both social but in different ways. Women specialize in the narrow sphere of intimate relationships. Men specialize in the larger group. If you make a list of activities that are done in large groups, you are likely to have a list of things that men do and enjoy more than women: team sports, politics, large corporations, economic networks, and so forth.

>> No.6331823

It’s like the common question, what’s more important to you, having a few close friendships or having lots of people who know you? Most people say the former is more important. But the large network of shallow relationships might be important too. We shouldn’t automatically see men as second-class human beings simply because they specialize in the less important, less satisfying kind of relationship. Men are social too — just in a different way.

So we reexamined the evidence Cross and Madsen had provided. Consider aggression. True, women are less aggressive than men, no argument there. But is it really because women don’t want to jeopardize a close relationship? It turns out that in close relationships, women are plenty aggressive. Women are if anything more likely than men to perpetrate domestic violence against romantic partners, everything from a slap in the face to assault with a deadly weapon. Women also do more child abuse than men, though that’s hard to untangle from the higher amount of time they spend with children. Still, you can’t say that women avoid violence toward intimate partners.

Instead, the difference is found in the broader social sphere. Women don’t hit strangers. The chances that a woman will, say, go to the mall and end up in a knife fight with another woman are vanishingly small, but there is more such risk for men. The gender difference in aggression is mainly found there, in the broader network of relationships. Because men care more about that network.

>> No.6331827

Why can't you just rewrite it in your own words so we think that you understand what you're typing? And what does that have anything to do with what I said?

>> No.6331830

Girl here- I've slept with many of my best friends and we're still friends today. Though, my boyfriend knows of our history and doesn't approve of us hanging out. But I understand completely, and I think that that's great.

>> No.6331837

You want the words of a psych undergrad instead of an eminent psych PhD with eighty billion books? Why?

Because it directly addresses your (random guy's) simplistic and incorrect view on the topic.

>> No.6331838

This is all very interesting and explain a lot about women and men personality-wise, but it still doesn't justify "women have no interests besides attracting men".
They have smaller/no ambition?
They have no need or impulse to strive for greatness?

But, considering how easy it is for females to mate, why would she spend all of her time trying to... mate (a.k.a. attract males)? Why would she dedicate all of her attention to trying to get someone to impregnate her?

On the contrary, all of this text points to the fact that it is men that don't have any interest for anything besides spreading their genes.

>> No.6331845

All I read was
>derp derp derp psych undergrad mommy tells me i'm special derp derpy derpy doo

Yes, you fucking mindless sheep maybe your undergrad words would reach my random guy's simplistic and incorrect view on the topic. Everyone is required to take fucking psych class you thoughtless pig. At least you could be polite. Fuck.

>> No.6331848

>considering how easy it is for females to mate, why would she spend all of her time trying to... mate?

This is weird. It's like asking, "considering how easy it is for a farmer to eat the food he has farmed, why would he spend all of his time farming?" Because that's why he has all that food, he spends time on it.

>This is all very interesting and explain a lot about women and men personality-wise, but it still doesn't justify "women have no interests besides attracting men".

It's not a scientific statement. The guy was describing female behaviour with a hypothesis that predated Darwin and he got it spot on except for some minor polemic/rhetorical exaggeration. I think that's pretty good.

>On the contrary, all of this text points to the fact that it is men that don't have any interest for anything besides spreading their genes.

Exactly, like any other lifeform, it exists to mate. It's just that in man, that driving purpose created all of civilization and culture as you know it.

>> No.6331854

If you can't read that shit I pity you.

>> No.6331858

Not from the article, you dimwit. 8/10 I'm seriously mad.

>> No.6331859
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>My point is that no woman, even if she conquered twice as much territory as Genghis Khan, could have had a thousand children.
The powerful woman could have like 5 boys and then make them impregnate thousands and thousands of women.

I'm so smart.

>> No.6331861

I have something like five male friends I'm really close to. I and many of them are single and straight and the sex/dating thing doesn't matter. Granted we're all sort of hermit-types anyhow. But hell, I talk to some every damn day and we've shared beds at cons and shit. Guess we're all just decent, respectful people.

>> No.6331885

>Because that's why he has all that food, he spends time on it.
Except that analogy fails in many levels. Women don't have it easier because they "work on it" like a farmer does, they have it easier because of biological factors.

Here's a better analogy: If you live in a land full of fruit-bearing trees, easy-to-hunt animals, good weather year-round, why would you spend a big part of your time trying to get food? That's right, you wouldn't, because it's unnecessary.

>like any other lifeform, it exists to mate
Now you're contradicting yourself. Let's see the said statement one more time:

>regard everything simply as a means of capturing a (member of the opposite sex)

So... men also exists to mate and created civilization as we know it only because of mating reasons and the impulse to spread their genes.

BUT! Unlike women, their interest in stuff is deep and real. Even though both do everything they do in order to attract (member of the opposite sex).

You are agreeing with me every step of the way but ending in a illogical conclusion.

>> No.6331901

No, the boys won't impregnate anything, since they'll be all Betas living without a father.

>> No.6331902

>Here's a better analogy..

You still have to gather the food. Women do pretty much nothing with their lives except dress up, 99% of the time. This increases their sexual capital, and enhances their ability to not do anything productive. It's a quantitative, not a qualitative issue - women can't literally lie down and stare at the sky and expect to survive and bear young.

>Now you're contradicting yourself.

No, I'm not. We evolved to mate. Gorillas are aggressive for this reason, and men feel the urge to build cars and kill each other for this reason, ultimately. I eat because I'm hungry, I'm hungry because my brain causes me to feel that way, and it does so because doing so increased genetic fitness at some point in the past.

>BUT! Unlike women, their interest in stuff is deep and real. Even though both do everything they do in order to attract (member of the opposite sex).

Yes. What's the issue? I feel aggression, ambition, competitive urges, etc., all things that led to society being created, because sex. You feel good when you wear a shirt with a window that displays your cleavage, or uncomfortably tight pants, because sex.

>> No.6331928

You can't possibly be serious.

That's it, I'm leaving. You're either trolling or incredibly stupid or incredibly stubborn.

>> No.6331926

>Telling a woman how she feels
Haha, oh boy

>> No.6331929

All of the above, I think

>> No.6331950

The issue is usually confusing to women because it goes against our preconceptions about agency and desert. The commonest problems I see with it are arbitrarily drawing distinctions of who is culpable, going "up" the chain of causation to the nearest male action and stopping there.

Women evolved to prioritize being pleasant, and to be sexually discerning. Men evolved to prioritize being worthy of limited sexual resources by subduing the world around them, and each other. This can't get much less complicated.

To apply this generalization to women's dress, and put the matter in concrete terms: the high heel, the skirt, the impracticable bonnet, the corset, and the general disregard of the wearer's comfort which is an obvious feature of all civilized women's apparel, are so many items of evidence to the effect that in the modern civilized scheme of life the woman is still, in theory, the economic dependent of the man—that, perhaps in a highly idealized sense, she still is the man's chattel. The homely reason for all this conspicuous leisure and attire on the part of women lies in the fact that they are servants to whom, in the differentiation of economic functions, has been delegated the office of putting in evidence their master's ability to pay. There is a marked similarity in these respects between the apparel of women and that of domestic servants, especially liveried servants. In both there is a very elaborate show of unnecessary expensiveness, and in both cases there is also a notable disregard of the physical comfort of the wearer. But the attire of the lady goes farther in its elaborate insistence on the idleness, if not on the physical infirmity of the wearer, than does that of the domestic. And this is as it should be; for in theory, according to the ideal scheme of the pecuniary culture, the lady of the house is the chief menial of the household.

>> No.6331956


>> No.6332278

bumping an awful thread

>> No.6332387

>You feel good when you wear a shirt with a window that displays your cleavage, or uncomfortably tight pants, because sex

Do most women actually feel that way? Am I some sort of anomaly? Because I feel really uncomfortable like that, I don't want to be sexualized by every guy.

>> No.6332403

Nah, I feel uncomfortable too. I mean, if I'm around my boyfriend, hell yeah I want to look sexy. But if I were around my friends or others I want to respect me... no.

>> No.6332415

Same here. Well, it's not really about respect or anything for me, I just don't want other men looking at my body in a sexual manner. My boyfriend? Sure, I enjoy wearing sexy clothes around him but... not in public.

>> No.6333045
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can we make it a dota thread nao?