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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6330253 No.6330253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me your problems, /cgl/.

>> No.6330314

There's a cat selfposting and asking me personal stuff on the internet. What a faggot, I hope he dies.

>> No.6330318
File: 86 KB, 264x356, Picture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dating this guy but I think he's only with me to buy me a Yoko cosplay and fuck me in it.

Life's hard.

>> No.6330321

I know this will sound like a stupid problem.
It's my anniversary, and my SO isn't here to spend it with. He could be, but he chose not to.

>> No.6330324

What anniversary? (I'm assuming a yearly one?)

In which case... wow, that's kinda shitty. I mean, if you've been dating forever and there was something really urgent going on that would be okay, but anniversaries are pretty symbolic. That would make me feel horrible, if it was just because my SO didn't want to be around.

>> No.6330332

3 Years.
He has a large school thing to do tomorrow. But I offered for him to come over tonight, and he said he didn't want to.

>> No.6330335
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>someone elbows me in the boob
>oh I'm so sorry, anon! Did I hit you in the stomach?
>that feel when you'll never have Mami's mammies

>> No.6330339
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I'm going on a date tomorrow, but the girl is a tomboy and I prefer fashionable girls.

She could atleast something about her hair.

>> No.6330345

Oh God, that happened to me before (when I was skinny). But now I've become a fatty, so when people elbow me in my stomach, they get embarassed and apologise for touching my boobs.

>> No.6330356 [DELETED] 

I'm getting tired of what sluts we all are to be honest.

I just want to stop being a part of the whole 'cosplay lifestyle' and sleeping around and stuff.

It's self-destructive. Other girls involved in this hobby are delusional with their sex positive shit.

>> No.6330367

>It's self-destructive.

I'd call it fun, but suit yourself.

>> No.6330378 [DELETED] 

It's just, we all seem to be so promiscuous. Whatever happened to just just being awkward nerds and having fun without everything having to be about drink, drugs and sex?

Sometimes I think us girls care more about sex than guys these days.

>> No.6330375

i want to take out this guy for dinner but he's sending mixed messages

>> No.6330387
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If it makes you happy anon, I'm not a promiscuous female.

If anything I'm a big loser. I haven't done any drugs, drank or had sex.

>> No.6330397

Same here. I'm actually saving sex for marriage.
>tfw total buzzkill

>> No.6330399

I have a cute and petite co-worker who's always wearing cute, but revealing clothes

on one hand, I'm jealous, but on the other hand, I'm really flustered around her fuuuuuucckk

i don't even like her i'm just super lesbobo

>> No.6330413 [DELETED] 


How comes girls love other girls so much?

>> No.6330418

Honestly I agree that sexual behavior to an extent, that would be widely considered casual and not just by a conservative view point, can become self destructive. Only because the effect of lowering the worth of yourself and people in general to a degree to make sex nearly transactional is negative. It either negatively effects your view/worth of yourself, or your view/worth of the people around you.


Without a healthy does of humility or alternatively self loathing sleeping around can turn you into a cunt. : D

>> No.6330421
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It is officially more fun to piss off a friend of than to actually be her friend.
Over time the feeling of friendship I used to have got replaced with jealousy and dislikement. I wanna tell her to fuck off and delete her from everything, but at the same time I'm curious to see if she's gonna keep wasting her life or finally accept help and do something about her issues.

I'm a sadistic fuck.

>> No.6330425

I won't have any money till I start school in January, If I can even get in
crossing my fingers I can save up enough money to make a cosplay and go to a con, but its going to be awhile.

Have horrible stomach problems, in pain everyday, and sometimes for the entire day doctors have been running horrible humiliating tests on me for the past year, gonna have the worst test out of all of them done to me in a few days.
They are not helping me to get better at all.

>> No.6330426
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I feel completely the same about some one. I don't know what to do. I remember the moment I snapped she was being a weeaboo horror-story level faggot, and now I schadenfreude whenever she's upset or sad, and live for the idea that she's going to do something that will eventually leave her life falling to shambles around her head.


>> No.6330430

I got fired today after my 3 month probation was up. I wasn't a "good enough fit" compared to the other new girl they were trialing.

I don't understand why I never fit in. I try so hard to get people to like me but it never works.

>> No.6330437 [DELETED] 

I want a boy to cuddle me and make me feel safe.

I feel so scared at night.

>> No.6330441
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1310615553217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, are you guys me? I have a friend who's completely BATSHIT (depressed, manipulative, etcetc) and I can't help but smile as people slowly figure out how crazy she is and leave her ass.

Are we bad people?

>> No.6330445 [DELETED] 

Whenever you ask for relationship advice:

>Girls like to feel special

Can somebody explain what this actually means and entails?

>> No.6330453

Stuff seems to be hitting me one after the other.
>Guaranteed job that I worked at before but different location
>Went in for first day back on the job
>Better hours than last time I worked there! Sweet!
>Manager calls HR to get confirmation for re-hire
>Apparently I'm unre-hirable and I had no clue
>Reasons being because certain sales percentages were low because I used to work once a week in a mall store and had crappy hours
Basically if I had a good numbers for the week, all it took was one person to do cancelations to ruin it for me for the month. Also was hard to raise it back up because, well, it's a mall store full of mall shoppers, not "store specific" shoppers.
>Manager tries to change that for me so I can work
>Still denied

tfw I've been searching for a job since I lost that one and have had 0 luck until I happened to run into an old co-worker/friend who got promoted to manager.
Seems like you gotta have connections to get a job nowadays. Everyone I know has gotten a job because they knew someone working there or some sort of connections..

On top of that, just that I won't be seeing my boyfriend everyday like I had been. He's basically been living here with me for a few months and it's been great.
He got an email from his school saying classes are starting early. Totally unexpected. So now I'll be seeing him once, MAYBE twice a week since he goes to work, then to school, then to his house to do homework until he falls asleep. I feel really bad that it's eating up all his time and I know it's stressful for him. Just doing my best to encourage him and to be happy with the time I do get to spend with him.

>> No.6330454

>why is this so cute


>> No.6330455
File: 38 KB, 158x119, whoopwash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy trolling silly boys on a juggalo dating site. Its become a pass time. i type in all 1337 on my profile. Im a loser.

are you me?

>> No.6330462
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We are kindred.

Or... We've all been sustaining the same bullshit ties with people we've known for too long and are A. Too chicken shit to cut it off completely, B. Schadenfreude to the max and are in fact bad people. Or C. All of the above.

Nah fuck it, we're awesome.

>> No.6330464 [DELETED] 

I really hate girls with tattoos.

They don't look cool, they look revolting. And please don't hit on my boyfriend, he thinks you look disgusting too. Can't wait until you're 40 and have no husband and no life with only your tattoos for company :)

>> No.6330476
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My mind is blown by seeing I'm not the only one feeling like this, it makes me feel better. Don't know if that's good or bad.

>> No.6330483
File: 250 KB, 720x476, 1345264199341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant stop reading angst fics of my otp

and then illustrating said angst into comic form, in turn having the rest of the fandom in tears and feels but then i get sadder and read more and draw more and

having otp is suffering

>> No.6330493

>Seems like you gotta have connections to get a job nowadays.

Thats what it seems like

No work experience because I haven't been able to get a job

I haven't been able to get a job because no work experience

>> No.6330498

>that feel when your OTP is hetero while the rest of the fandom is stuck in slash gear


>> No.6330499


>> No.6330514

Dealing with a narcissistic relative lately.
She makes me scrub floors and appliances in my house until they're like-new clean. There were a few tiny grease spots in the microwave, not going to hurt anything. ...Nope, gotta scrub until they disappear.
I recently smashed my thumb in a door something awful, however. So the 5 hours straight of scrubbing today did not allow it to heal up. Bled through 4 bandages.
She prefers boys, though, so while I worked my ass off, my brother actually got to relax and take a nap.
...This is physically and emotionally draining, I don't know how much more of this I can take...
She doesn't even think it's worth remembering my name, and she's known me since I was a baby. So yeah, recent name "forgetting" shit.

She has made me feel so worthless that I could just go die and nobody would care. I know in my mind that it isn't true, but it really feels that way.

Sorry for being depressing, I just needed to get this out... She rarely lets me talk to anyone, and when she does she listens in on the phone. So I can't say anything like this, or things will get worse.

...I guess that's it.

>> No.6330524
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*Havn't had a chance to talk to or see my lady friend in a while due to schedualing crap.

*Car that I bought out of good faith from a friend of my fathers, turned out to have major hidden shit wrong with it. Head gasket blew less than a week after buying it, and destroyed half the engine. Owner of said car (again, my father's now ex friend) played the "buyer beware" card, and as an informal deal the lemon-law has no affect. Between buying the car, fixing it up, getting it towed after the catastrophic failure and the disposal fee, I am out >$5000 USD.

*My legitimate best friend forever/ old flame and I have been hanging out because we share the same social circles and are both alcoholics. Probably not the best thing for me at this point in my life.

*My rat, Bella- Widow to my late little buddy Baldwin (see pic) is getting depressed and stressed to the point of affecting her health. No matter how much time I spend with her, she will keep declining unless I get a new friend for her, but she's old enough that if I do so, I will have a never ending cycle of depressed rats loosing their cage mates and dying, leaving heir new friend depressed until a new rat is introduced to start anew.

*The 15th leg armor I have been using since I was 16 has finally cracked. The man who made them is dead. I will never see the likes of it again.

*Apparently at my last gig a few weeks, the stage hands/roadies split the back-board of my bed of nails... and I didn't find out until yesterday. I don't have the money on hand to make a new one. which I will need for my next gig.

*I will never meet Vanilla Ice.

/rant. Yay first world problems!

>> No.6330530

Whats wrong?

>> No.6330531


Try losing a glass shoe at your next con.

>> No.6330536

OH! Forgot a good one!

My ex and her new 35 year old dishwasher from denny's/ drug dealer, broke into the house we used to own (which I sold), and were squatting there, and when the cops came to clear them out, I GET STUCK WITH THE $2000 FINE as former leaseholder.

Herpity fuckin' doo!

>> No.6330534

I let my "other" boyfriend come inside me last night.

Hope I don't get pregnant. I guess I'll just have to convince my real boyfriend it's his somehow.

I'm sure he would believe me, he trusts me.

>> No.6330535

Yikes, dude. Did you have the car checked out by a mechanic first? Or did you just buy it on faith?

>> No.6330540



Because you just know somebody here is going to get trolled anyway.

>> No.6330541

Slut alert.

Destroying happy people one way at a time.

>> No.6330542

...Like that's going to do shit to me after a week like this.

>> No.6330545

And let the fun begin!

>> No.6330548

Maybe get 2 new rats? If you've got the room. Then when the older one passes on, the other two will still have each other. You could also see if there's any older rats available for adoption, though I know that's pretty hard to find.

>> No.6330546

I bought it on faith, because my dad's friend's brother is a mechanic. I should have brought my gramps, who is literally a master mechanic.

I needed a car bad. The first and only car my grandfather hasn't cleared, and its engine explodes. Fuck.

>> No.6330547


Shut up. Like you don't do the same.

My real boyfriend gives me financial stability and a place to live, but my other boyfriend is a much better fuck and makes me feel good.

>> No.6330553

So did your father beat his ass? That's a shitty thing to do to a friend's kid.

>> No.6330552

>not supporting yourself
what a joke 1/10 made me laugh

>> No.6330558


>Supporting yourself
>Not leeching off some nice guy who will buy you anything you want

>> No.6330555
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Sluts like you always thinks that people stoop to your lowlife level to make yourselves feel better about your shitty decision making and selfish ways.

Did your daddy not hug you enough or something?

>> No.6330556

I'm seriously considering quitting my minimum-wage job to go back to school full-time. Everyone is saying it's a bad idea, but I made it a goal to enroll by next year. I even completed and entered my enrollment application and FAFSA forms. Thing is, I haven't told anyone yet and I'm afraid of shit blowing up if I just up and leave.

>> No.6330557
File: 55 KB, 552x552, Ariel feels bad man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I browse /cgl/ too often.

>> No.6330560

Like shooting retarded fish in a barrel.

>> No.6330563
File: 10 KB, 333x331, 1340426345820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my boyfriend left yesterday to go home and now i feel like im getting sick
alone and sick is a shit combination

>> No.6330561

My fiance of five years told me the day after we put down the non-refundable deposit for our wedding that she had not only been cheating on me with a 35 year old drug dealing dishwasher from denny's, but was pregnant. Im sterile. Its most certainly not mine.

I forgave her for cheating on me once before, AND giving me an STD scare.

I hope you have a baby, and that it's horribly deformed and lived every fay feeble and dependant on you for the rest of your disgusting life. I hope your boyfriend isn't like me, and absolutely devoted to you, and wises up before he spends every night for a month siting in the bathtub with a gun in his mouth. I hope the boy that knocks you up leaves you for someone prettier, and you never find him again.

You are the worst sort of fucking whore.

>> No.6330565

I don't have the equipment and currently the funds to get the equipment/housing for a three rat cage, with all the money I've been losing.

>> No.6330571

Dude, I know you're angry but that child didn't do anything. We're all born with a little wish for a better life. That said, I hope you can find somebody better while she is stuck in the lower rungs of society.

>> No.6330572
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I'm hopelessly in love with my ex. Hopeless because I know it would never work again, but I keep holding out for some fucking reason. I really don't want to feel like this. She stopped talking to me like a month ago and never told me the reason until a couple days ago, which happened to be that I didn't talk to her enough. Which is bullshit because she never initiated conversations at the time. And now I've been acting like a puppy messaging her everyday even though we have nothing interesting at all to talk about. She even told me she had things she wanted to talk about. She doesn't put any effort into conversing and I feel like a desperate beta admirer that has zero chance. I don't know what to do and it's killing me inside slowly.

And my fucking weed dealer is being flaky. I also got a raging headache the last time I smoked, but that's nothing a few days sober doesn't fix. So yeah, sober heartache. Great.

>> No.6330574

I sincerely hope its a troll.

>> No.6330568

Where are you? Seagulls of a feather and all that.

Fuck Gropey. Just...Fuck.

>> No.6330569
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If they both leave me, I'll just find another nice guy to look after my baby and me.

Boys will do anything for you if you're hot and willing to fuck them.

>> No.6330570

>being in a relationship with someone you don't have feelings for
it's like i really am talking to a troll

>> No.6330576

Trolls like you make threads like these fun.

And possibly end up making all men gay, so stop it cause I like men.

>> No.6330577

Is this what it feels like when /r9k/ roleplays as a /cgl/er?

>> No.6330578
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I wasnt trying to be snarky, I was trying to offer you a tried and tested solution to your problems.

>> No.6330579

Fuck the child. Its a lost cause being the crotch-dropping of someone like her anyways. I would rather be a crippled, retarded freak than another neglected and mistaught child who grows up to be another horrible person.

Yeah, I mad.

>> No.6330583

in my room
under the covers
somewhere in california

>> No.6330585

*rather it be. RAGE and tiquela.

>> No.6330594

love you gropey

>> No.6330605

Because I am a seething pile of alcoholic rage? Or is it just my hair?

>> No.6330603

...don't know what i was thinking, posting that here. sorry. i just.. i need to go, i think. It's really bothering me and I feel like shit because of this bitch, and i can't do anything about it.
i'm sorry.

>> No.6330606
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My sides have literally gone beyond light speed.

>> No.6330613

I picked that one up from Albino Lolita. I can't claim that as my original. She's a funny one.

>> No.6330622

My stomach has been feeling queasy lately, now I have really smelly gas. I am disgusting.

>> No.6330638

Whatever you do, don't ever change Mr. Clown. <3

>> No.6330672

Tea? Crackers? Baking-soda in water?

Couldn't if I tried.

>> No.6330679

Really sick, to the point where I missed an interview yesterday. Still sick, boyfriend is sick so I'm afraid of him passing it back to me. I'm almost over it and want to be entirely. I still really need a job, though. It really blows because I finished college and feel like I have no direction in my life now... Anyone know of any good psychology Master's programs in Southern California?

>> No.6330685

It IS a troll. C'mon, seriously, you should be able to tell. It's pretty obvious.

>> No.6330690

Fucking christ, dude. That's... wow. Just horrible. I can't even imagine how someone could do that...

>> No.6330697

Yeah, that's kind of horrible. I mean, I get it, he may be stressed, and guys can sometimes not realize how important dates and symbolic holidays/events are. (Example: my boyfriend has never got me anything for any holiday (including Valentine's Day, even though I always get him something) Sometimes you have to be REALLY clear about a day being important. He probably honestly doesn't realize it hurt you.

>> No.6330694

I'm doing very well loosing all the weight I have put on in the past 4 years, I should be happy. I know I am pretty and people of both sexes are very fond of me. I just have felt so unmotivated the past 3 weeks. No exercise and I have maintained weight with being lazy and putting forth minimal effort. I should feel happy and appreciative of myself but I don't. I miss my old self. I know that in the morning I should wake up on time and go straight to the gym like the many weeks before but I am 100% sure I will hit snooze until noon.

>inb4 fat chick on cgl

>> No.6330715

Bend or break. I bent. But enough about that.

This thread is cathartic.

>> No.6330725


Poor thing, I also thought of Cinderella when I read your post. I hope you wont be with that relative for too long of a time.
I hope that things get better for you. Stay strong

>> No.6330729

Just wanna say that I respect you a lot, Gropey. I honestly think you're one of the best tripfags here. You're a strong person and I respect that. Your makeup threads are also very helpful and I appreciate all the advice you give to people. I wish you nothing but the best in life.

inb4 "hi gropey", shut the fuck up, I'm allowed to say I respect someone for still being a decent person regardless of the shit they've been through. That takes some serious fucking balls.

>> No.6330733

Konnichiwa Gropey.

>> No.6330734


Peppermint tea

>> No.6330742

I've done so much in my life that makes me undeserving of the best. Stuff you would probably shit yourself over. I am not a strong person, just numbed to a dangerous point. I do not deserve, nor seek respect, but I am glad you enjoy my ramblings.

I lol'd, but its not afternoon.

I could use a cup myself.

>> No.6330744

My worries seem so small compared to the things in this thread but I need to write them down.
There's this guy I like, and I think he might like me back but I'm too much of a mess of a human being to make any sort of a move. All of my past relationships have been absolute disasters. I don't know if dating people is even worth it. I just want someone to cuddle and play vidya with but I feel like it's impossible for me to have that. I'm just not mentally healthy enough for relationships.

>> No.6330756
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You sound just like my lady friend. No girl should be without a fun guy to huggle and have good times with, tis a shame. You'll come to a point where you'll feel ready for another relationship, but for now it's all good, just do whatever man

>> No.6330759

My friend is suicidal

I left off at a bad note a couple months and stopped talking to them

I'm too shy to go across the road and apologize

>> No.6330767

If he's going to kill himself, he'll do it, no matter what. Most people are too pussy to do it, and never go through with it. The ones you have to worry about most are not the ones you can identify as suicidal.

>> No.6330777

I really wish my boyfriend was a bit more kinky. 4 years and the sex is starting to get boring. I wanna try out some D/s scenarios but he's just so unenthusiastic. Its like nothing else besides vanilla [albiet rough] sex gets him off. And I cant get off if he isnt into it. Guh, we need to do some sex talk soon.

>> No.6330780
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Man, every time I randomly click on /cgl/ in the catalog and see these threads, It's like Christmas. Keep up the good work, ladies.

>> No.6330783

Have you tried sneaking little things in to ease him into the idea? Is he shy or just completely dismissive/uninterested in the idea?

>> No.6330788


I don't know. I was ready to end my life last December and probably would have if I didn't end up getting help from another friend. I want to tell him the stuff I already know from experiencing it but I don't know if he even wants to see me.

>> No.6330795

Be honest. Don't beat around the bush. Ask him what his kinks are and share yours. Ask to swap porn that discribes your kink. The only way any relationship- sexual or otherwise- can grow is through frank communication. Don't be afraid to expieriment with each others kinks

How would one hint at "I want you to choke me until I turn blue while pounding me after using a pussy pump"? Answer is you don't. Discus your desires and find your happy medium.

This is why I like being a openly depraved sexual freak. Its simpler when you get a flat "yes, the claw gag turns me on" or "no, I am not into play piercings".

>> No.6330803

I mean, we've done kinky stuff before and he generally doesnt mind trying new stuff within reason, but he just never seems to really enjoy himself when we try to spice things up. and then I cant stay excited cause he isnt. I heavily feed off my partner's energy during sex. So when he's apathetic it wilts my ladyboner. I suppose I just want him to be more expressive.

>> No.6330809

We are generally really open about this stuff. I suppose Im just the freakier one of us two. But thanks for the advice guys and gals.

>> No.6330821
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I feel so bad for my friend who is a starbucks barista
>new gold card incentives
>take away free soymilk and flavor syrups
>people are now yelling at her saying they'll never be a gold member and take their business elsewhere
>fuckers are too cheap to spend the extra .60 on their coffee
>too lazy to order drinks one at a time to accumulate points to get the free coffee (which goes for food as well, every 12 drink/food item free)
People are sometimes the biggest babies over the dumbest things.

But as for me, I hate my job as a cashier at walmart. I hate almost everyone who shops there. I hate retail/customer service. People need to stop being so mean for no goddamned reason. The only reason I'm mentioning this is because the job makes me depressed as fuck, and no one except for my best friend understands why.

>my inside face everyday I go to work

>> No.6330833


>buy a $6 coffee
>won't pay $0.60 more
>consumer whining about overpricing overpriced coffee

Feel sorry for your friend as well.

>> No.6330838

my last relationship ended so badly that it killed my sex drive. i haven't had sex in three years. tfw when you know you're broken.

>> No.6330847

I am forever alone and I like it

>> No.6330849

>I hate retail/customer service.

get out man.
Get out while you can still not hate humans.
Look for some alternate jobs now.
Never settle for retail, EVER.

Every night you get home look up one or two jobs and submit your info.

It might take time but you'll get one of them and be able to leave retail.

Think out of the box, dog groomer, party planner, graphics/sign printer, internet media associate for small companies trying to get online presence.
Go look up gigs on craigslist. While you might not take any of them, it will help you see all the different kinds of jobs you might do.

>> No.6330853
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>want to cosplay as Marlon from Pokémon Black/White 2
>don't know whether to make the pants from scratch or use my old Speedo leggings from highschool and modify them

>> No.6330851

You just gotta find the right one, my friend. Besides, do you WANT sex? If you are happy without sex, why bother? Its terribly messy business.

>> No.6330857

>Its terribly messy business.
That's just because you're very, very bad at it.

>> No.6330861

Agreed. Walmart started me off on a good roll in learning how to have a job but I have never regretted the day I told them to shove their awful company right up their own gaping asses. Did it effect the company in some major, life altering mannor? Hell no. But I am one happier person in the world now.

>> No.6330864

>not messy

You are doing it wrong then. VERY wrong.

>> No.6330863
File: 101 KB, 750x600, 1336613019496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually look at jobs everyday and send in resumes. I do commisions on the side that even out my depression by giving me something to concentrate on. But where I live jobs open up only during the spring/summer months including government work.

This retail job is a stepping stone, but it's quickly made me see how horrible the people are. I've never been horrible to cashiers or people in the retail/customer service industry so it just boggles my mind at how people can be so vile and cruel to someone.

>> No.6330868

If its not messy, the you're doing it wrong.

>> No.6330870

before the last guy i used to have a sex drive, so i realize the fact that it seems to be gone now is not normal for me. i've already been to a dr and physically i'm ok so it's all in my head which is great because thats so easy to fix. ugh.

>> No.6330871

Sloppy sex-mind?

>> No.6330874

Freaky sloppy sex mind.

>> No.6330880

Quick, everyone break out the shower curtains.

>> No.6330883

If its a non-issue, don't fret too much. When you want to have sex again, if you do, you'll be fine.

If you're not happy, try trying something new. I had a friend go through the same thing, and she made a change by flipping her typical modus operandi of being dominant, with trying to be submissive. Basically, by allowing some one else to take control, she found a new perspective, and was able to enjoy sex again.

>> No.6330884

I got the crisco!

>> No.6330891

Oh come the fuck on. Fatty brigade to the rescue. Just because you can't find your dick/vagina under your mass of lard don't mean the rest of humanity do too.

>> No.6330894

I have a huge crush on a guy who isn't my boyfriend. I'm literally obssesed with him and text him nearly all day, every day.

Me and my boyfriend live in different cities and he always seems too busy to see me, and that makes me like the other guy even more.

>> No.6330900

Don't be like the whore from earlier: talk to your current BF and be realistic. If needs cannot be met, there is no shame in ending the relationship.

Or I WILL track you down and make you eat raw goat afterbirth.

>> No.6330907

You know there can be more messy things in sex beyond a sweating fat person, right?

>> No.6330911

thread was nice but then fatso the clown & his 'supporters' came in to derail it

RIP amanda

>> No.6330913

I met this really awesome girl from a cosplay shoot at Comic Con over the summer. She likes me back without a doubt and she is willing to spend a weekend with me, but between school, family, and travel expenses, we haven't set a date. Late nights like this just make me wish she could be here and just talk and cuddle. I just want to be in a relationship where the girl actually can be romantic/passionate for once, not some lackluster, selfish, materialistic bitch.

>> No.6330914

I don't think he's ever had sex. If he has, it was through a hole in a sheet.

>> No.6330915

lols, beta male can only argue if it's not a girl in his head

>> No.6330916

Are you buttmad? You seem buttmad.

So far no one else seems to have a problem. Go have some nasty, messy, fun sex. It will unruffle your johnnys.

>> No.6330918

seeing that you're posting here, you obviously haven't had sex in the last few months at all

go hire some poor working girl to pretend she likes it, you misogynist pos

>> No.6330920

Ah, my apologies, miss anon. I use he as the neuter in reference to anon.

Dosn't change the fact that you need a messy fun fuck.

>> No.6330921

>Are you buttmad? You seem buttmad.
This just in, but when you start arguing like this, it's a sign that you're about to cross into the abyss of shit trip.

It's just an observation. More popular trips (i.e. Maguma and his gf, or the entirety of the Canadian nation) have fallen before like this.

>> No.6330923

This sounds so romantic. I daww-ed. I'm cheering you two on, anon.

>> No.6330924

your probably a rapist in waiting, since you never had sex

>> No.6330925

Gropey you are so right, I'm just such a pussy that I can never come out and just say things.

The goat afterbirth is a pretty good incentive though...

>> No.6330928

I kinda sorta have a crush on a man at least 15 years older than me. I'm a newbie teacher at a high school and we chat it up a lot after the kids are out. He's a bit of a sarcastic asshole and goddamn he's like Richard Gere, where he looks better older than younger(he's 40). Teaches British literature and that seriously makes me hot. We're supposed to have dinner in two weeks just as a friendly co-worker outing but I am so tempted to make it go beyond that. He's single and does flirt with me a bit now and then.

Am I weird and gross, cgl? :(

captcha: senseetiv eechi ... perfect description

>> No.6330927
File: 34 KB, 472x315, LAUGHING PEOPLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to be a girl so that you can pretend your talking to a girl

>> No.6330930

Better upset for a few weeks than forever. A relationship only works when you can support each others emotional and physical needs in a meaningful way. If its not working, its not working. You don't need to be friends after, but if you can manage it, great.

Only for you!

I don't usually, but apparently I also sent a whole text convo in chat speak. I don't drink tequila much. I will accept your observation, and make a good note of it.

>> No.6330932

Would it make you happy?
Would you be interfering with a prestanding relationship?

There is no wrongs possible between two consenting adults, as long as your not hurting someone in the process.

>> No.6330933

nah, you're 25, that's way too old to be desirable since you probably slept with almost 50 guys by now, so, please, do go your thing, give the old man some saggy pussy to love

>> No.6330934

Age means very little once you are an adult. If you two get along and have much in common then go for it.

>> No.6330936

i have a dead cat and noone waants iiiitttt

>> No.6330941

Try using different seasonings?

>> No.6330943

Thanks! I am really looking forward to that weekend, whenever it may happen.

>> No.6330945

Gropey you are so sweet. :) I don't know, I've never been reckless about relationships and it feels to me like a lot of guys my age still haven't gotten it together (that's probably why I've always been attracted to older men, but the oldest before meeting him was 5 years my senior! This is kind of a big leap). I know he's not into committment, lol. We've talked about that, it's the reason he isn't married yet but doesn't go around banging random women either because all the ones near his age want babies. It's so weird, he makes me want to try a night with him just because he seems... "safe" somehow?

You sound so bitter. :( Perhaps you need a puppy or kitten to love...

>> No.6330946

Anon, your trolling is plebeian, blase and ineffectual. Notice the lack of rise you're getting from your target? A weak point has been exposed by another, much more skilled troll, and yet you seem intent on barking meaningless insults at someone who does not seem to care.

Back to /b/ with you, until you hone your trolling to a higher caliber!

>> No.6330947

I hope it is everything you hoped for while you were waiting!

>> No.6330949

actly I said the same thing as >>6330934 you just anally ravaged that it hit too close to home

>> No.6330952

Just get a good feel for him as a person, and don't let it interfere with your professional life. I wish you happiness.

>> No.6330953
File: 20 KB, 500x400, 1336025503222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 23 and a virgin (female) because I have huge trust issues with men. I was bullied a lot in middle school by boys and afterwards the only guys I've kind of dated have been ultimate possessive creepy beta males (because I didn't realize what a "nice guy" was until recently) who ditched me after realizing I'm not something you just stuff presents into and sex falls out. I'm not fat or even chubby, I take care of myself and my looks and personality.

Slowly all my friends are getting into relationships and I'm realizing that I can't rely on my friends to be there forever. As I get older, they're bound to find husbands/boyfriends who become their whole life afterwards. But I still can't find myself to be able to trust men, to pursue a relationship with one, and the thought of sex scares me shitless.

I'd like to be normal and go on with my life, wake up in the morning laying next to a man I love and just have someone who I can trust but one too many bad experiences have just ruined it for me. I don't want to force it and find someone just because I *have to*, but.. yeah. It's not like men want a clumsy 23-year old virgin in their bed when there's an option. Sometimes I like to browse those "when did you lose your virginity" and let out a heavy sigh at every "omg I'm 17 and still a virgin is there something wrong with me" message. Especially when a "you're a little old but don't worry" reply pops up.

Fuck this shit. Sorry.

>mfw I'm still alone with my gorgeous 2D husbandos at age 38

tl;dr: 23 year old female virgin afraid of men hates her non-existent relationships

>> No.6330954

you do realize that in the last 20 posts, 16 of them is fatso the rapist clown, right?

this's a slow moving board, it never get responses at this rate, especially since it's an OT thread

>> No.6330956

>in b4 fatso starts hitting on this 'chick' and she starts ttly swooning over him and saying she's on his tiny dick

>> No.6330957

Nice copypasta bro:))))

>> No.6330958

If I might give you my 2 cents;

You're going about it the wrong way for your personality type. You are very obviously in need of a supportive, rather than nurturing figure, to avoid feeling any suffocation in he relationship.

You need a someone who is first and foremost your friend who is also your lover, rather than a lover who is also your friend, if that makes any sense.

>> No.6330959

This just in, but if you're a girl, and you've been bullied by *boys*, then there must be something really, really outstanding about your appearance. And not in a good way.

>> No.6330961

Whoa, really? Never seen that one.

>> No.6330962

and now we wait a few minutes before the girl gushes about how lovley and totally helping this cliché advice from someone who's never been in a serious relationship is

god, I really wish we had ids

>> No.6330963


Thanks. I know, I am a little wary of what happens if we do make something happen... and maybe it gets awkward. We still have to work in the same department the rest of the year.

Sometimes I forget I'm a damned adult. Side effect of being Asian, being cursed by youthful looks til 50 and raised by a traditional Asian family... on casual days I've been stopped by school narcs asking me for a hall pass. :P

>> No.6330966

I think you're disillusioning yourself to how much /cgl/ likes to just talk.

I still love you though.

>> No.6330968

> My job sucks
> But not hard enough to go through all the effort of finding another one
> Need to find somewhere to start a damn career.

> I walked into a pillar at work yesterday, and fucked my shoulder up worse than it was already.
> The crunchy noises are louder
> It hurts more
> 'Free' healthcare has done literally nothing for it; still waiting on physiotherapy. AFTER A YEAR.

> Car tax due
> Trying to save for a car of my own.
> Spent £150 on clothes the other day.
> Whoops.

> Need to go do something this week.
> If I don't, depression will get worse.

> Nobody's fucking online in the fucking mornings. Lazy fuckers.

>> No.6330970

Why are you so buttmad at Gropey?

>> No.6330971

No, nope, nah. Not gonna read this. Take your greentext somewhere else >>>/r9k/

>> No.6330972

because you're samefagging too much and responding to yourself to make yourself look like people like you

they don't (protip: newfag trips who suck cock because they think it's what they're supposed to do don't count)

>> No.6330973

Cliches exist because they happen. It sounds like shitty Cosmo tip, and probably at one point has been printed, but that dosn't mean its untrue.

Why not trip yourself? Or offer an email. Do you have anything to get off your chest? People who act out so much tend to have the most to hide.

This is /cgl/s Kumbaiya circle of get shit off your chest.

>> No.6330974

Lol I'm not Gropey. I really want to know why he pisses you off so much.

>> No.6330976

A clown touched anon as a child, and never called back.

How do you spend £150 on clothes without realizing it, or saying "this is better put to a car"?

>> No.6330978

Cliche answer or not he's actually helpful in lots of threads. All I see is you complaining about him.

>> No.6330977

Fuck retail. Seriously, fuck it in the ass. And fuck everyone in the eye who gives anyone shit for hating their retail job. I used to work as a cashier and that job drove me insane like seriously, I couldn't sleep at night, I was pissed off and depressed all the time because the customers were so fucking mean and annoying, my boss was a jerk, the pay was shit, no lunch breaks etc. Thank god I finally got into college so I never ever have to do that shit again.

As I mentioned before we barely got lunch breaks so I was always working with a low blood sugar and sometimes even close to fainting, I'm surprised I never broke into tears in that state when customers started yelling at me for stupid shit. I became so jaded it all went through me, but returned off-shift.

>> No.6330982

none of his 'help' got anything to do with cosplay

he only comes here to jerk his ego off by talking to girls that are way, way, way out of his league (well, in his mind, the pretty girls don't actually give a fuck about him - all he gets is one or two fatties like you)

he is just as cancer as johnny bravo, and he shall meet the same fate

>> No.6330983

Thanks, I know im not the best by any means, but I do try to help. I'm no better or smarter than anyone, I just have fucked up a lot more, and try to pass on the shit Iearned the hard way.

>> No.6330986
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>> No.6330988

>Why not trip yourself?
but I have a trip except when I trip I post cosplay related stuff only'; since i'm not a socially rejected male loser who has to come shit up a cosplay board because girls don't like him irl

go away

oops, and there I thought that was not actually you

at least stop smefaging for one fucking second so that I can talk to that fat fangirls of yours

>> No.6330989

I've already kind of realized this but the line between a "nice guy" and a supportive man is blurred, the other one is genuinely nice and the other one is just a needy, immature fucknut who plays nice and supportive in order to get sex without actually meaning it. You usually find out which one it is after knowing each other for some time, and I always end up with the less desired result.

So my problem in a nutshell:
>Needs a supportive man who I can trust
>no such man exists in this reality and afraid of approaching them because they always turn out to be unhealthily insecure, possessive "nice guys"

Right. Because in middle school, you NEED a good, valid reason to be bullied. Instead of just "she's not fighting it or tattling, let's continue!". /r9k/ is over there <-

>> No.6330991

and few posts later, we realize fatso the clown is the man this 'girl' been looking for all her life

note that if this were an actual person she'd be confused by my first comment saying she's gonna be all over your dick

you'll notice most girls deny that sort of things

>> No.6330995


Women can't be virgins.

And even if they are, it doesn't matter, in fact when you do eventually get with a guy, he'll be pretty happy with his luck.

Only men have to worry about losing it.

>> No.6330996
File: 228 KB, 319x190, does it need saying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>called out on copypasta
>tries to save face by ignoring it and hoping noone notices

>> No.6330997

Perhaps you need to start out a little slower, then? You might be attracting possessive, insecure types because you're putting out the vibe that you're in need of comfort and strength and they see you as an easy target that they can rule over. Sounds like you need to be strong and start out as perfect equals with a guy, and let your weaker side out later when you know he can handle it without treating you like a child or an object.

>> No.6331000

I got drunk and cheated on my boyfriend with two of his best friends last night.

I'm really worried he'll find out and I'll have to move out of his place.

>> No.6331003

I might just not read much pasta, but it had me convinced.

>> No.6331013

Hmm. It's funny because I've always been rather strong-willed and all that shit but now that you mention it I realize that it doesn't take me too long to expose my softer side, thus giving a potential "nice guy" a nice spot to attack with the manipulative shit. I don't know, I just have a hard time trying to be strong around men because I'm constantly in an alert state when dealing with them. I just can't relax enough. This thread's "omg copypasta women can't be virgins hurr hurrr" people aren't really helping it.

>> No.6331010

Don't wait for him to find out. Man up and tell him the truth, no matter how much it hurts. Facing the consequences as soon as possible is preferable to letting it fester in your mind and having him find out weeks/months later and feeling even more betrayed that he's been living a lie. You might even have a chance to make it up if you're honest and straightforward.

>> No.6331015

Disgusting. It's like you're not even sorry. He had better dump you.

>> No.6331018

You sound selfish. You're only worried about having to move out? Ick.

>> No.6331024


Well, I sort of did it once before, but I told him and he took me back. I don't think he'll stay with me after I tell him a second time.


I just made a mistake. We all do sometimes, right?

>> No.6331026

The problem is your mentality, how you think about it.
>Oh no, what if he's gonna kick me out? Damn!
Instead of giving even the slightest hint you actually feel bad about it. Like, you'd do it again and again, if he wouldn't know.

>> No.6331025

Twice? Pretty big mistake.

>> No.6331036

Just sing him the Britney song that goes "Oops, I did it again".

>> No.6331100

hi sunbeemz

>> No.6331109

Do me a favor, be the better person, and don't pursue this. I don't think it was sunbeemz. I think our "crusader" just wanted to blame her because she posted a negative comment and was available. Even if it was, she deleted her comment and is now avoiding conflict.

self sage for super-meta-subject.

>> No.6331113

i'm a lolita. recently moved to a new state where i didn't know anybody. got involved with the local comm, everything was nice, made new friends. then a more established, popular lolita started talking shit behind my back: that i was scamming on the sales comm, attempted to steal her brand, tried to hit on her boyfriend, told lies and made fun of everyone. now nobody wants to talk to me anymore. they have a meetup next week and i wasn't even invited. i feel sad.

>> No.6331125

>tfw no one laughs at what you think is a killer joke

>> No.6331130

God damn. I hate that catty bitch attitude. Same thing has happened more times than I care to count to friends of mine in the burlesque scene. I suppose lolita attracts the same mind-set.

I really wish I could give you some advice, but bitches are bitches, and until they alienate their whole clique, or until you mean others who were cast out due to her disproval, you need to be tough.

>> No.6331135

Go back to /b/.

>> No.6331138 [DELETED] 

Dude, just wanted you to know I know exactly what you're going through.

(Guy here by the way).

>> No.6331141
File: 476 KB, 500x360, tumblr_lkmyzfzzta1qcfgllo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm essentially a single, young mother to kids who aren't mine due to various reasons. The whole situation leaves me so tired that sometimes all I can do is lay on the floor half asleep while they crawl all over my limp body like a jungle gym. I am so lethargic in that I can barely get up in the mornings, take showers, and put on clothes. I'll eat the left over baby mush instead of making my own food sometimes, since we can barely afford food in the first place and I don't have the energy to cook what we do have. Often times I just don't shower or change, I sit in a pile of self pity in 5 day old crusty clothes.

I just want to crawl in a hole to watch the world pass by as I slowly rot away. I'd gladly die now if my death could some how benefit any of the people I love, give these kids a better shot at life, or ease the burden on my family. But it won't, so I trudge on every day hating life.

There's not much anyone can do but thanks for listening seagulls. c:

>> No.6331145 [DELETED] 

Women have really slutty bodies.

>> No.6331148

Hang in there, anon! I hope your life will turn out for the better soon.

>> No.6331149
File: 362 KB, 256x184, 1339753058732.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in love with derpqueen's face and i don't know how to tell her :(

>> No.6331153

I finally booked an appointment to talk to someone. I should've done this 5 years ago, before my social anxiety and panic attacks took over my life. Now I'm worried that it's too late to fix anything, I don't have any power or fight in me left. I recently moved, thinking that a change would do me good, but instead I find myself completely without a safety net and I feel worse than ever. I regret it so much.

>> No.6331156

Really need to get this off my chest so here goes:
I have feelings for another person and judging from their behaviour I think the feeling is mutual, the only issue is that I’m already in a relationship.

I haven’t made a move as of yet because I really don’t want to be a cheating bitch and hurt my bf.

There is nothing too wrong with my current relationship since we both seem to be fairly happy (although it is lacking a little sexually)I just feel that I would be happier with this other person since our lifestyles and interests seem a bit more compatible.

Part of me thinks the issue might be that I have just an emotional interest in my bf and not a sexual one whilst I seem to have both an emotional and sexual interest in this other person.

Right now though these thoughts and feelings for her might just be a phase and in all honesty I don’t want to hurt anyone. I'm just confused and have no clue what to do.

>> No.6331158

i'm black

>> No.6331159


I... I'm so sorry...

>> No.6331165 [DELETED] 

>although it is lacking a little sexually
>Part of me thinks the issue might be that I have just an emotional interest in my bf and not a sexual one whilst I seem to have both an emotional and sexual interest in this other person.

Hilarious how obsessed with sex women are.

Can you go more than a fucking day without schlicking to a rape fantasy, you whore?

Ever hear a man break up with a woman because the 'sex wasn't good'?

This guy is just better looking than your bf, that's all it is, don't extrapolate it beyond that and try to act like there's anything more to it.

You are a WHORE.

>> No.6331166
File: 13 KB, 92x108, 234235234534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once in my life I have motivation to do things but my body is too weak and I have no energy so I keep getting terrible fatigue.

>> No.6331168 [DELETED] 

Nobody respects you because you're a slut.

>> No.6331171 [DELETED] 


I actually agree with this. I feel like it's women who care more about sex these days, and part of the reason is that they wear out the nerve endings of their vagina with sex toys.

Not only that, but women care more about looks, whereas men care more about personality.

>> No.6331172
File: 45 KB, 238x176, 12453478690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are entitled to your opinion, anon, but let's not derail this perfectly good thread.

>> No.6331173 [DELETED] 

You are actually a slut though. People in the TC were talking about you last week.

>> No.6331175

So I crush on this cute, shy /fit/bro from my college, and I kissed him at the foam party, but due to shenanigans he thinks I did it for a dare :( I actually really like him though! I'm going to try my luck tonight and see what happens.

>> No.6331176
File: 34 KB, 152x189, 325346346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut your trap for a second there. The poster you replied to stated that she does not seem to have a sexual interest in her current partner. It is scientifically proven that emotional attraction and sexual attraction are two different things, they trigger different hormones and work differently in the brain aswell. Now, I am not going to fight you about your entire slutshaming support because I doubt I will be able to change your mind on that, but the girl feels a different kind of attraction towards this other boy, and if she chooses that this is the sort of relationship she prefers over a less sexual one, it is her decision.
On a different note, yes, men break up with women all the damn time because "the sex wasn't good".

>> No.6331179 [DELETED] 


How many men have you slept with?

>On a different note, yes, men break up with women all the damn time because "the sex wasn't good".

No we don't. Sex is just a relief for most men, for women it's a "lifestyle".

How often do you fantasize about rape?

If you feel no shame, answer these questions.

>> No.6331181

Being forever alone sucks, I wish I had someone to cuddle and watch animu with.

>> No.6331183 [DELETED] 

Women are insane. You just jump from boyfriend to boyfriend and then you wonder why you're single at 35 and nobody wants you.

>> No.6331185


It's not a guy I'm interested in, it's actually another chick. She's sweet and cute in a tom-boy sort of way.

I do have to agree though that a lot of chicks care way too much about sex and looks in a relationship. I know so many people who are caught up in these ideas and it seriously hurts them.

For me, having a relationship that lacks sexually is still a bit of an issue because even though not everything in a relationship is about sex there should still be a balance.

>> No.6331190

I'm foreveralone as well. Don't care about sex. I just want a partner who will be my best friend and lover for life.

>> No.6331192
File: 16 KB, 99x121, 325235246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No we don't. Sex is just a relief for most men, for women it's a "lifestyle".
That is a gross generalization, you can't speak for all, or "most" men, and you can't project your ideas of women onto all of us.

>If you feel no shame, answer these questions.
Did you mean "Broadcast your personal life on 4chan or we will hold it against you"?
The whole point of my post was, it doesn't matter how many people someone slept with, regardless of gender. I have been in three longterm relationships in my life, two of which were with men. I don't cheat on my partners and I am not the kind of person to just sleep with someone outside of a relationship, though that is completely acceptable. As for rape fantasies, erg, how about no. Not for me, thanks.

Again, generalization. There are women who do that, I have no intention of denying that.

>> No.6331193

Get out of here, feminist trash.

>> No.6331194

>still replying to athens
You're really stupid.

>> No.6331195
File: 28 KB, 190x181, 23456786534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, sorry about the wrong assumption. But yeah, I agree. If the balance is off and one partner wants more sex than the other it is just going to frustrate both.

>> No.6331197


Why are perverts so bad at hiding their intentions?

>single out female tripfag
>lead her into a corner
>trick her into giving away intimate details about her sex life

>> No.6331198

I want to have a relation full of love, but me and my lover only have seen each other 1 time in 4 weeks and we barely talk because she is never online. If only she was online more often.

I guess this is a dead end. But i dont want to be alone again. Advice?

>> No.6331200
File: 125 KB, 920x1080, 1321962437057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boyfriend is in the south of england picking up my new brand dress.

He won't be home until midnight.

>> No.6331202

Do you not realise how incredibly obvious it is to everyone else that you're the only person who posts this shit? The masturbation thing is always a giveaway. Please study some basic biology before giving sermons on how a vagina works.

>> No.6331204 [DELETED] 

This is a girl who admitted she has sex toys...

>> No.6331205
File: 27 KB, 251x245, 1222044522284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alone again
Wait a second, to think of it, im sexy as fuck. I could just easily get fuckloads of shallow fucks to fill the void in my heart. I should really stop caring about true love,I lost all hope regarding true love. Finding it is too damn hard. Lets become a whore!

Somehow CGL solved my problems. Thanks?

>> No.6331206

Obviously not Arcana, but if you legitimately think a man has never broken up with a woman because sex with her was terrible or she just wouldn't put out, I want to know what universe you're living in because it definitely isn't this one. Men use that as an excuse all the time. You're fucking retarded if you think otherwise.

Also, before you ask, I've had sex with 4 people (each partner was my boyfriend of at least a year) and I never have rape fantasies because I have been raped and it really isn't that much fun in real life.

>> No.6331208


Get a real girlfriend. You know, one you can hold and spend time with. Don't waste your time on internet bullshit.

>> No.6331212
File: 16 KB, 133x99, 32534636346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You post that like you expect people to actually believe you are the person you are responding to and that made me laugh a little

Who are you referring to?

>> No.6331214

Thanks, but she is real. She lives 15km away from me and she clearly does not love me enough to meet me halfway. Thanks for the help, but i kind of solved it already. ( See >>6331205 )

I guess i just love the wrong kind of girls. I shouldve looked for someone (or rather, should ) who loves me not for my looks or attitude. Thanks for the help i guess.

>> No.6331215

i am actually the same guy. I kind of had a relevation after i made that post.

>> No.6331219

Still avatarfagging like a little whore you are.

Worst newfag of the second half of 2012.

>> No.6331222

My Chrome is fucked up. Everything is in italics. I'm living a diagonal life.

>> No.6331225

I hope that senpai notices you.

>> No.6331226

Well, so do I... I have a master plan, though! My friend is going on a nerdy man-date with him today, and he's going to drop hints that he thinks I like this guy. Said I'd buy him a drink if he does it. Fingers crossed!

>> No.6331247 [DELETED] 

Ok, one thing that kind of annoys me is how guys expect every woman to behave like a porn star in bed: Swallowing cum, taking 'facials', even doing downright degrading stuff.

Whatever happened to just making love?

>> No.6331254

Actually from /fit/ or just fit? Because if the first then making him yours is easy as fuck. Everyone from that board is so damn beta, im glad i dont visit it.

Oh yeah, if he is fit then he either is into cheap thrills or homo. Finding an actual fitguy who doesnt have ridicilously high /a/-like standards.

Either way, good luck. But please, PLEASE, dont just love him because of his looks. I lost my hope in true love because of that. (see >>6331205 )

>> No.6331261

*Finding an actual fitguy who doesnt have ridicoulous high /a/-like standards is incredibly hard.

>> No.6331267
File: 21 KB, 129x162, 34235346545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sleep with the wrong sort of guys.
Find someone who is comfortable with your limits.

>> No.6331268

Well I'm guessing he's from /fit/, he seems pretty clued up on /fit/ memes and I know he browses 4chins.

Really, his looks aren't a big deal to me, I tend to prefer skinny, girly guys when it comes to look. He's just a really sweet, nice guy and I really like him, he's a lot of fun to hang out with, we talk about vidya and stuff. He's not like some Greek god, I'd say hew's like a 7/10? Like I said, not really a looks/muscle worship thing, I just like him a lot.

>> No.6331300

A number of things. I've not gained enough weight to be discharged from my clinic. I just look generally shit right now. Limp hair, breaking out, no nice clothes.
Someone shouted "get a sandwich" at me on the bus.

Oh and my mum just told me this is the last Christmas where I'm not treated like an adult.I think that means only one present and maybe not coming home next year. wah

Such is life

>> No.6331304
File: 17 KB, 107x135, 23643654747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sucks, I hope you can gain the necessary weight soon. Good luck.

>> No.6331306

So what you are saying is that he is DYEL?

Fine. But remember, people from /fit/ are very insecure. He might just love you now, and when he turns into a greek god he will throw you away like filth to become an "alpha". Not saying that this will happen, but it can happen. Ive been there. I hate myself.

>> No.6331313

No, he's not DYEL, he's pretty ripped, but I'm just not someone who goes all gooey over muscles. Nice body, but facial aesthetics are meh.

and yes, I know what you mean about the becoming alpha thing. I've done it with /r9k/, which is so much more degrading than doing it with /fit/.

>> No.6331320

what I'd do to be admitted to a clinic.

I'm 10lbs underweight and lost 50lbs in six months and it's like nobody's even noticed.

They'll notice when I get heart failure.

>> No.6331332

>ridicoulous high /a/-like standards

>> No.6331340

Admit yourself. Just walk in and say "hey I'm starving myself/throwing up what I eat/abusing laxatives/whatever" They will admit you with... Well a lot of questions, but nothing they wouldn't ask everyone else.

Most adults are not admitted by others because legally an adult cannot be admitted by anyone but themselves or a court order. And it's not illegal to starve yourself, even to death. In fact it's the only legal way to kill yourself.

>> No.6331365

/a/ has ridicoulous high standards for women. I know that because that is the board i always visit. Unlike (what most people think) /fit/.

>> No.6331373

I always follow the convention stream threads there and I don't see that, maybe personality wise(they only like girls they can relate to).

>> No.6331376

yeah, that's why no one, absolutely, no one gives a fuck about JNig yet they were all over that shy Homura girl

0/10, never been to /a/, talking out of his /a/ss

>> No.6331434

Just post any 3d girl and watch how she gets burned for witchcraft.

>> No.6331444

Mainly because 3D women aren't /a/ related and /a/ hates off topic bullshit, unlike /cgl/

>> No.6331476

Yeast infection. Hurts like fuck. Put some tea tree oil on it though. Hope it goes away soon.

Who said being a woman was fun.

>> No.6331566

UTI here. shit sucks. I was about due though

certainly not fun

>> No.6331605

I've wanted to go to a convention for years. The problem isn't that I don't think Wisconsin really has many, or that I don't drive, or that I won't want to dress up. The problem is my fear of random people jumping me from behind and hugging me or touching me for whatever crazy reason they think of.

I have a really strong aversion to being touched.

>> No.6331655

life just sucks right now
i got into my dream college which I'm so damn happy about, as i've wanted to go there since even before highschool started
and i saved up about 80% of each paycheck during highschool so I could not be a broke ass if I got in
but I'm a semester in and I'm struggling to get a part time job, and even if I did get one I don't know how I would function in between all the studying and working. but i have to work if I don't want to be drowning in debt
fuck rich people who don't have to stress out about how they'll ever pay off college or get out of debt

on top of all this i don't know anybody here because I came here from out of state, and my severe anxiety is definitely not making it easier on me. i should probably try to make friends within my major but i hate talking to people because i overthink everything and I feel like i'd end up being a burden or that awkward kid who nobody wants to talk to but she ends up constantly bothering you. and people are sometimes too nice and don't tell you this stuff so i'd never know if I was annoying anyway ;_;
at this rate i'll never get into a relationship. i regret never dating in high school so I could focus on my grades because now i'm a kissless virgin at 19, and anything romantic just seems really awkward to me now. nobody wants to walk an adult through their first date.

gah, i just can't wait until I get a job in my field (engineering). building stuff is just so addictive and it takes my mind off of everything

>> No.6331676

I miss having freetime (yes I'm on 4chan, I've allotted myself 30 minutes)

I work a full time job, finishing up my graduate degree, and work parttime on the weekends. I want to be an author and artist professionally but I'm so drained with everything else that I can never focus when I have a spare moment. Hell, I'm glad when I can give myself an hour to play Skyrim once a week. Just, being an adult. Wish I could just take the gamble and quit my job and go "sink or swim" with it but I have a mortgage... really the thing that makes adults so unhappy imho.

>> No.6331689

just got finished with my meds for my third uti in 2 years. why does this keep happening. :(

>> No.6331703

I don't have many friends, and i am scared i will never get a boyfriend.

>> No.6331799

What test are you having done? An endoscopy?

I had a form of inflammatory bowel disease for almost four years but now my colon is gone. If anyone's having stomach/intestinal issues and is looking for info, feel free to ask me anything.

>> No.6331815

Girls don't watch Railgun or Index. 0/10

>> No.6331843

Try having interstitial cystitis.

>> No.6331855

>kissless virgin at 19

so was I. I didn't date in HS at all. I was social enough and all but dating looked like a minefield to me.

Second half of my first year an internet pal of mine came to visit from the next state over. Turns out we had feelings for each other and it's 14 years later and guess who is sitting next to me now...same guy. It was love.

>> No.6331868

My friend is obsessed with me dressing up as her favourite bishie which is a little embarrassing as I'm not as slim as he is in the manga.

>> No.6331895

I can't break up with my boyfriend. I've tried over and over again for the past going on three weeks now, and he just won't let me leave. What do?

>> No.6331907

stop bathing.
Works every time.

On a serious note, what's actually stopping you? Is he getting over emotional? Sometimes you have to just say plain and simple 'this is NOT working out, you're NOT making me happy''. The quickest wounds to heal are the ones that don't take six months to inflict, take it from somebody who's been on both sides.

>> No.6331914

I moved across country and can't seem to find a job. There wasn't any back home either.
My cat died shortly before moving.
I'm worried that I'm being used by the guy I like.

A lot of stress, regret and worries.

>> No.6331917

What's your approach when you're trying to tell him you want to break up? Do you beat around the bush or are you telling the guy straight up?

You can't let someone pressure you into staying with them. Just try and make it completely clear that you want it over and he needs to accept it and move on.

>> No.6331921

I don't bathe that often. We're poor. Unfortunately I don't smell because I lead a very low-action lifestyle in some of the colder parts of the world. So if I stop bathing it won't work. ;_;

He gets extremely emotional. I almost try to do things that will "make him hate me", like act mean or distant, but it doesn't work. He just fights harder. We argue constantly. I told him I was leaving (we live together) and he literally said no. That I was being selfish and I live in a different world from him. We've been together over a year, lived together the whole time, and I've known him for a long time.
But am I wrong to think that because he literally won't let me leave that he's being selfish? I dunno. Lots of things are stopping me I guess.

>> No.6331925

I've been telling him for at least two weeks that I am leaving, that he doesn't make me happy anymore, and that I don't want to make things worse for him in the future [by being unhappy with him].
I've been clear but honestly I've gotten to the point where I've given up on trying, too. And things are business as usual hours later.

>> No.6331933

Why don't you just man up and leave instead of beating around the bush? He knows you aren't going to leave so he doesn't do shit about it.

>> No.6331944

Is it okay to just leave someone like that? Like, he's not necessarily emotionally stable. What if he does something drastic and then I am responsible?

>> No.6331951

Would you have a stable place to stay if you were to move out? It seems like if you spelling out isn't enough, you should honestly just pick up and leave. If you continually tell him you plan on leaving and aren't actually doing anything about it, he's going to assume you're just bullshitting him and venting. You have to put things into action if you really want it to end.

>> No.6331957

I've had to break it off with someone unstable, and I was extremely unstable myself as well. As much as it was bad breaking up, we were terrible together, doing drugs, drinking, self-harming together and living together when we were only 16. So, as much as you might feel bad about it, if you need to break it off for your own mental health, you need to suck it up and do it. Make a clean break and just move out. If he does something irresponsible, it is not your fault.

>> No.6331964

Just went to a loli meet to take photos and then lost my buspass in the process. Had to walk an hour to get home in the dark....my blisters have blisters. First world problems.

>> No.6331976

I think I would have a place to stay, but I don't know if I would be able to move all of my things in one fell swoop. Even if we aren't arguing, it's okay for me to just leave?
I left a boyfriend of two and a half years last year. I just up and left. He was totally wretched for a little while, but overall he was much, much more stable than my current boyfriend. I am scared of repeating that. Thanks for listening though, honestly. I don't see any of my friends anymore, so I have no one to talk to about it.
I understand that completely. It's kind of pathetic, because I want the space to harm myself with drinking/drugs- my current boyfriend drinks all of my booze and spends at least half of our combined income on pot. I'm healthier with him but I'm a terrible enabler- I'm letting the things I'm dependent on slide so that I can support him. I think it would be better for my mental health though.
Thanks again for talking.

>> No.6331979

It's perfectly fine to just pack up and leave. They'll always go to the drastic route, but they rarely actually do something unless they are VERY messed in the head.

>> No.6331987

I met some new people at school yesterday, and they seem really cool, they half-invited me and i half-invited myself to meet them for a trip we have to go on on tuesday, but I suddenly feel like I'm really imposing on them and I'm being creepy since they're already friends, I don't know what to do ;__;

>> No.6331998

Fuck, yeah. My boyfriend at one point actually stole my bank card to buy coke. Of course I was an idiot and had told him my PIN because we were ~so close and soul mates.~
Don't do the being nasty and awful to make him break up with you bit, though. It honestly is only going to hurt you in the long run.
Anyway, gotta go to the grocery now, but stay strong girl. Remember that it IS okay to be selfish when your health is literally on the line. Good luck.

>> No.6332035

my body and head ache, throat is sore and I have $10 in the bank.

>> No.6332042

I'd honestly just get some stuff you need and let him know you're leaving. Come back later with some family or something for the rest of your things. If the guy's this stuck up on you, there's going to be heartbreak, that's unavoidable. But it's best to leave on a (relatively) good note, not in the middle of an argument.

Hey, no problem! Hopefully you can get this mess sorted out soon and move on with your life, you don't want to let something like this hang you up for too long.

>> No.6332043

I agree with everything you said, but worrying about your health and safety is NEVER selfish.

>> No.6332088

Here's a little story about my best friend.

She , like you, rushed into moving in with her boyfriend and soon fiance at 16. By the time she was almost twenty she'd realised she'd changed and it wasn't fair to stay in a relationship with him.
>she was engaged, expensive ring and all
>they had a cat
>she dropped out of college to be with him
>they both worked their asses off to barely pay rent for a small flat without savings

Two weeks ago, she does the 'selfish' thing and leaves. I would have never forgiven her if she didn't man up and leave a relationship that didn't make her happy and most importantly fufil her as a human being, not as a cosmo-woman, but as a intelligent human being with needs outside of a basic relationship.

She's fighting tooth and nail to get into university this coming january and she broke of her engagement and finalised it very recently.
She's now living with her mother until university.

If she can do it, you can do it too anon! I believe in you!!

>> No.6332093

Everyone who posted in this thread is cancer. Except me.

>> No.6332097

you're either fat or your shoes are too small.

>> No.6332099

oh my, missfire

>> No.6332101

You should have come to the party with us insteaddddd. Booze n stuff!

>> No.6332106

Haaaaaaaaa. Sorry! :( My feet hurt so bad.

>> No.6332110

Very wise, gropey.
Just realized I'm not going anywhere in this state. I'm having a hypomanic/mixed state episode. It's like, if you've ever done ketamine, kinda out-of-body lizard brain dissociative but internally so agitated you can't stop moving.
At least, that's what's going on, I can't say for sure if it's a mixed episode.

>> No.6332109

Booze is the best painkiller. Do come to a bop sometime <3

>> No.6332111


>> No.6332112

that is so adorable, I love hearing things like that, where your first love is your last.

i don't think i'll be like that though, i'm not social at all and I'm still a somewhat nervous around my friends of 3-4 years from highschool. i honestly can not hold up a conversation for the life of me.
it's nice to dream though, i hope you two end up growing old together and being one of those adorable old couples!

>> No.6332113

A lot of lolita shoes are made of pleather, so really, I think almost anyone could get blisters from them if they walked over long distances/caused a lot of friction. And hour is quite a few miles, so that seems accurate.

>> No.6332120

I was too, anon. (well, I was 18 when I had my first kiss, but almost 19 - and my second kiss was at 21). It's okay, you'll get there. Try not to be insecure about it, I realized that was the main thing standing in my way.

>> No.6332124

I always thought I was straight growing up. Never had any feelings for other women, just for men. I've only ever dated guys, and not very many at that, but I've been noticing lately that I'm less attracted on the street and in fantasies to men and more towards women. I'm 27, this is too late to be having sexuality issues. Wat do?

>> No.6332160

People in my cosplay community have been attacking me and calling me horrible stuff. I'm really sad about this, because I really never did anything bad to anyone and am just there to have fun. I don't even win any prizes, I'm not even competitions. I just don't understand why people would hate me.

>> No.6332183

It might be time for a change. To use a circus analogy, pull up the stakes, pack the bigtop and go. Obviously, have a plan if you can, like possible jobs/housing or support, but get yourself a change of venue.

>> No.6332207

Stop thinking of what your attracted to in black and white? As cliche as it might sound, you may just be attracted to certain characteristics that you are now noticing more in females than you are in males.

>> No.6332220
File: 290 KB, 647x480, 1327048869476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night I went on group cam with a bunch of people I watch movies online with.

I'm not particularly pretty or skinny or anything but I think I intimidated on of the girls there because she started being really bitchy to me for no reason, mocking me at any possible opportunity. I just ignored it of course.

But today Im kinda really sad and i don't feel welcome in the room any more. And shes still doing all she can to cut me off and ignore me, which makes me even sadder.

I can't handle people no liking me. Or being mean to me. Because I like everyone and I'm never intentionaly mean to people...

I'm really kinda depressed about the whole thing honestly. Girls are really mean sometimes...

>be attractive
>people assume I'm a bitchy slut
>that feel when I'm really a socially inept virgin

>> No.6332284

*Boyfriend hasn't wanted to have sex in a month. Think he's cheating on me.
*Can't afford to go to class, working two jobs
*Got mugged, phone and purse stolen. Work ID/keycard was in purse. Takes a week to get a new one and can't work until then.
*BF ANGRY at me for having to walk home from work alone, even though we have no car and he works later that I do.

Can I run away and join the circus with you Gropey?

>> No.6332290

Get out of that situation asap, girlfrand.

>> No.6332303

What the shit? Seriously fuck that guy with a broken broom handle. Get off the lease or whatever binding contract you have if any, and find a place to loft up with a friend. Contribute the money your paying now to the friend, until you get to something more permanent. Its sounds like a toxic situation to me.

Don't hinge bets on the life of a performer. Trust me.

>> No.6332322

The only friends that I have are ones that I talk to online. I don't drink or smoke or do any sort of recreational drugs. I'm not particularly religious. I work a dead-end job that pays me so little that I had to move back in with my parents. I value my personal space but I also have a distinct fear of being alone.

Now I wouldn't exactly call myself an extrovert, but I've really been craving social contact with people who aren't just words on a computer screen. I'd rather have three or four close friends than I would five hundred Facebook spammers. I'm also looking for a gal to eventually settle down with, but it's really difficult to find one that doesn't seem clingy and needy but also isn't a strong empowered womyn who don't need no cisgendered man.

First world problems, I guess.

>> No.6332323

I'll be your friend bro, I know that feel <3

>> No.6332423

so here goes jobless 1.70m uneducated 23 years somehow always end up having sex with the girls i like in life even tho i want a relationship.

last girl ended up with my friend i distanced myself from them she really wanted me there week ago they fight i'm somehow the person that gets them to make it up, thought i made peace with the whole thing but not sure what i feel, getting complicated thoughts dont think i like her still tho.

>> No.6332512
File: 621 KB, 840x900, madotsuki_by_pastingcorners-d4htjl4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boyfriend's been really pissed off at me due to how upset I get. It gets worse because him being angry terrifies me.

The problem stems in that I can still think logically, but my voice cracks up and whatnot. I'm one of those people you can hear are crying, with an added bonus of asthma causing me to get panicky any time I get upset.

I'm getting really tired of this shit, self.

>> No.6332777 [DELETED] 

Pretty ripped eh. That is called DYEL. You are either shredded, big or DYEL. There is no such thing as pretty not DYEL.

>> No.6332819

Im back, just had a blowjob in the toilet of a cinema from a girl i have never met before. I feel shittier now then i felt before. Is this some kind of post relation depression or a scream for attention?

>> No.6333117
File: 273 KB, 455x329, 1350262628072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goddamned ex boyfriend is emotionally damaged to the max because of shitty abusive family and just a shitty life in general. And even though I know this, and care about him more than I ever have anyone else, I am so close to fucking just kicking his ass, and for the same reason I broke up with him:

He uses fucking tone arguments with text conversations, and turns it into a huge fucking BAWW-party where he goes off about how worthless and shitty he is and wah I might as well just kill myself. Normal conversation can suddenly turn volatile because of my completely neutral tone being "offensive" or "mean-sounding".

At first, It was fine because I could handle it, be comforting. But goddamn it all he keeps doing the SAME BULLSHIT OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER. And makes no effort to change his self destructive bullshit ways.

If he wasn't the only person I find attractive that is also attracted to me I would be so done with his shit I swear.

>> No.6333125


Enjoy your STI.

>> No.6333128

He is an attentionwhore. He is going to say he will commit suicide soon. Tell him to stop being a faggot. No one likes attentionwhores.

>> No.6333136

I...just...dont care anymore? Finding true love while being muscled is impossible (people think i am a meathead,roider,etc. All the regular bullshit) , but having one night stands makes me feel worse then before.

What should i life for? What am i living for? Where will i end up over a year?

>> No.6333151

I'm a horrible fucking waste of space.

>broke as fuck, always
>puberty at age 13, suddenly huge uncomfortable tits
>horrible, horrible cystic acne starting at age 14
>major suicidal depression begins
>dropped out of HS at 16, got my GED, and did fuck all for a year.
>random therapist #1 enters, stop going because she's just sitting there each session listening to me and doing nothing.
>Joined community college, suddenly horrible classroom anxiety, flunk out
>do fuck all for another year
>lose my shit and get committed to mental clinic
>get out, on meds, take them and feel nothing
>random therapist #2. she is awesome, but transfers to another state and I get saddled with another shitty "pay me to listen to you and then leave" bitch. Eventually stop going.
>do fuck all for another year
>stop taking meds, suddenly I can have emotions again.
>do fuck all for another year, in and out of suicidal depression
>get a job! as a temp, that lasted a week because district manager was treating me like shit
>fuck all for the rest of this year. Also, still have godawful cystic acne.

>now almost 20, am worthless, starting to become afraid of leaving the house, literally cannot imagine myself as a functioning adult. Still broke as fuck, like always.
>/cgl/ and internet is 90% of my day, the other 10% is hygiene, food, and sleep.

I don't even know what to do. I've literally never felt so hopeless in my life.

>> No.6333154


He has done that. A couple weeks ago, he was texting me saying shit like "goddamn it's hard to aim this shotgun at my chest and talk to you at the same time".

>> No.6333160


Get un-muscular, try everything again.

>> No.6333165

Most people on 4chan have that problem. I feel bad for you. How much sleep do you get?

>> No.6333171

I seriously consider this at this point of my life. But i have been working out for more then 5 years. How can i waste all these years of my life? I shed blood, tears and sweat to get a dreambody most only can dream of, but when i reached it, it only ruined my life.

>> No.6333181


8-10 hours, usually. Why?

I also feel that it's worth adding that part of the worthlessness feels like it could be caused by my family never encouraging me to do anything. I wanted to learn karate, play piano, and a few other normal kid hobbies but all that ever came from it was "with what money?" or "okay then.".

>> No.6333183

Haha, soon he will say that he doesnt care about you or will try to make you jealous.

>> No.6333185


Nothing is permanent. If you don't like it, you can just go get muscular again.

>> No.6333187


Nah, right now he's just stuck on trying to convince me how convinced he is that nobody gives a shit about him and he has no friends.

But in his defense, I've met his parents and yes, they are vile, alcoholic cretins.

>> No.6333202

You said that you only did 10% of your day sleeping, hygiene, etc. My mistake i guess. Be glad you are not imsoniac or anything related to that. Also, if it makes you feel better, i never had anything too. I started working out as a kid with some cheap dumbells. My mother never encouraged me, and i meet my father once a year. I dont really think you should clamp to the past so much. I had a horrible youth, but that is beside me. I have been there, i want to forget it all, and i am working on leaving it behind. It is hard, but many did it. I can follow in their footsteps, and maybe one day i will have moved on.

>> No.6333212

Parents really shouldnt be excuses of personality though.

Losing muscle takes incredible long times too. So if it was a wrong choice, then i kind of wasted my life. But to think of it, i am Bi, and most men like big men anyways.

>> No.6333228


Yeah, I don't really ever eat. Also, I cannot math at all.

>> No.6333234

You dont eat?

>> No.6333261


Well yeah, I eat, but not much. My meals are really small, too.

>> No.6333272

I kind of have a same problem. Lately i have been getting more and more depressed (Has been going on for months ) and i actually got an eating disorder from it. Nowadays i live on vitamine pills and water.

Fuck, i love being Anonymous. I can tell any secret i want, no one wil ever recognise me anyways.

>> No.6333295


I know that feel. Watered down chicken & rice soup and watered down chicken noodle soup are my life.

>Fuck, i love being Anonymous. I can tell any secret i want, no one wil ever recognise me anyways.

That's why I'm here, too. There's nothing else like being Anonymous.

>> No.6333337

Well that is healthier then my current diet. Normally i eat Rice and Chicken. Nothing less or more then that. I am very religious.

Well, since i am anonymous, i gotta get some things off my chest.
>My father was a devil.
>My mother is a slut.
>I only know 2 of my ~15 brothers and sisters
>I got raped by my sister and a (girl)friend of her when i was around 11
>My 2 best friends betrayed me.
>Sometimes i lose all control, go out on 3 a.m and just look for someone to beat the fuck up or seriously injure myself. Both for attention.

Well, got that off my chest. It feels good i think.

>> No.6333358

>Masochist as fuck
>Weird ass fetishes. Like, shit i am scared of telling even the closest of my friends.
I might be quite unnormal.

>> No.6333432


A/S/L kudasai.

>> No.6333437


It's weird how much you remind me of myself. Except the going out at 3am thing. The world is scary.

>> No.6333445

18/M/The Netherlands. Sorry if you expected me to be a girl.

>> No.6333453

Well in the end i havent hurt anybody or myself at one of those 3 am trips, i dont want this to happen. At all.

>> No.6333455


Nah, I suspected male. Surprised you're not from the united shithole of america though like me.

>> No.6333473

It is nearly 5 AM here in Holland. I have lost all control of my life.

By the way, USA is not bad. At all.

>> No.6333489


10:55 here, I'm about to go to bed. Sleep is my favorite thing ever.

It is for me, but then again I live in the southeast. The part with rednecks and old people and hurricanes. And especially mosquitoes and humidity.

>> No.6333504

I love sleep. I just want to sleep. Sleep forever. Unfortunately, i had a very hectic night (>>6332819)
Ive been thinking all night long. But i got to go to bed because monday i have to wake at 5am.

>> No.6333511

By the way, Holland is totally overrated unless you are into drugs and crime. Shamefully i had my share of both.

Fuck yes anonimity.

>> No.6333524


Ah, I see. I'm more into alcohol, personally.

>> No.6333533

Legal drinking age is 16. I dont do any of that anymore though. I lived a few years basically on the street, hit to hit, centimeters close to my death. I got saved though, and i am glad it happened. So many people say that anime ruined their life. Well, it saved mine. If it wasnt for that, i would be still in the criminality circuit and probably fucking death right now.

>> No.6333767


Yeah, they are checking for ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease before diagnosing me with IBS and starting me on antispastic medication.
Ive been sick for a year now, I dont think its anything worse then IBS, but they want to check to make sure, and have the chance to catch it early if it is anything bad.

>> No.6334037

I want a cat, but mine disappeared months ago and I've lost hope she'll ever return.
I can't get another cat because it wouldn't be her and we've been together 9 years and I miss her and I'm a failure pet owner and I bet anyone thinks I shouldn't be so sad about it and it's stupid. ;_;

>> No.6334655


Get well soon girls.

>> No.6334667


I'm a virgin in every sense of the word, and I'm turning 22 this year. Well it's not like I'm really down about the sex thing, but to not have any boy hit on to me is kinda sad. I don't think I'm terrible looking :(

>> No.6334806


I had some problems with UTI's earlier this year

AZO cranberry pills will help. and will also help keep you from catching another one.

Probiotics, in pills, or yogurt to keep you from getting a Yeast infection while on antibiotics.

As a bonus, cranberry juice helps reduce cellulite.

>> No.6336892

Does your real name begin with a D?