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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 5 KB, 581x92, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6329864 No.6329864[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fresh from /v/
What say you to this?

>> No.6329872

>implying gurls can interwebs

They're too busy talking about their feelings and their monthly visit from Aunt Flow.

>> No.6329874

Apparently /cgl/ is full of hambeasts
Rather curious as to weather that's true too

>> No.6329879

Oh noooo, you win, we're not special or deserving of your attention. You can go triumphantly back to /v/ now.

>> No.6329883

But I want to stay for a little bit
Way to be hospitable

>> No.6329890


It's true but really, who can hate bacon?

>> No.6329891
File: 535 KB, 1191x685, 1198966876515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it ironic because I have those girl-senses, you know, the ones that tingle when you read something that another girl has typed.

That post was typed by a buttflustered female who is Not Like Other Girls™ and has hostility toward her own gender.

I love the internet

>> No.6329885

I LUV 4CHOON!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6329892

Yes. But we do not appreciate that sort of terminology, thin privileged asshole. If you're going to "see" our size, then we prefer for you to use terms like "curvaceous" and "womanly".
Real women have curves, you prick.

>> No.6329897
File: 886 KB, 500x281, donttouchmeyoufilthycasual.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Goddammit /v/ get out of here.

>> No.6329898

I don't like bacon that much
No just a flamboyant confused Australian male
>Implying I'm not overweight
Sorry if I gave off that vibe, though

>> No.6329907

Oh, how do you know who made the post in the OP image?



/v/ please don't tell me

You screencapped your own post and brought it here? /v/ pls
Tell me you didn't do that /v/.

>> No.6329905
File: 316 KB, 500x375, 1336498570746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see to the future... this thread looks extremely promising.

>> No.6329908

>I don't like bacon that much

Are you even human?

>> No.6329912


It's raining feels.

>> No.6329915


>> No.6329913

If it got some replies
Though it seems that this is a slow board
Nah I screencapped someone else's
No I'm uh er uh
[spoiler] Bacon is pretty cool guy

>> No.6329928

>flamboyant confused Australian male
Perhaps you are mistaken. I didn't mean you, I meant the image. It looks to be typed by a girl.
No males on 4chan use that ~~*~*~ neopets tumblr bullshit ironically. None. Nope. Not even the gay ones.
Well, Ryan might.

>> No.6329945

No idea who this Ryan is
Though I get you, my bad

>> No.6329953

Though /v/ sometimes shitposts ironically
They don't realise it's still shitposting

>> No.6329956

Ok seriously what is that gif from I love it and I need context.
Sage because shit troll thread.

>> No.6329957

Imma spoonfeed you now Anon.
Darker than black.

>> No.6329962

Actually I wanted to get to know /cgl/ with this thread

>> No.6329969


>> No.6329975

I-It's not like I wanted to be your friend or anything

>> No.6329973

Cause /v/ hates everything and blows shit out of proportion
So really it's getting to know facts rather than trusting /v/
At all

>> No.6329982
File: 55 KB, 589x455, i fucking hate you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First results in google image search.

Step it up, senpai

>> No.6329987

Lots of girls go on 4chan, i know alot who go on /b/ of corse never sayiny they're female cause you know. "TITS OF GTFO OMG A GIRL EVERYONE GO NUTS AND MAKE SURE IS ISNT REALLY A MAN"

>> No.6329988

I'd imagine it would be fun getting them pissfuck mad though
I mean like teasing them and not show a single inch of anything

>> No.6329991

We should all go over there at the same time.

>> No.6329994

And troll the shit out of them I hope
/b/ doesn't deserve that much, really

>> No.6329996

Yeah they do, quite a lot
Maybe numbers grow by the week

>> No.6329995

People still go on /b/? What the hell.

>> No.6330000

There are news ones born every minute.

>> No.6330002

>anonymous image board

Who knows, we just be dudes who get their kicks out of talking about vagina blood and cake.

>> No.6330003

Quite a shame
And drink menstrual tea?

>> No.6330010

Are you enjoying your stay so far? What were you hoping to learn from cgl on today's visit?

>> No.6330014


I don't see why other boards complain about ewwwgirlcooties all the time. After all, we're about the same except replace vidya with cosplay.

>> No.6330015

We're not any nicer than /v/.

>> No.6330011

Haven't gotten close to what I want to know as of yet, I'll stick around till I do
But damn you guys are hell of a lot nicer than /v/ by a long shot

>> No.6330017

>Haven't gotten close to what I want to know as of yet

And what would that be?

>> No.6330020

nigga hasnt seen our dramu threads

>> No.6330021

Apparently (in /v/'s words) you're the lot of you are hambeasts and ronery tier
But /v/ doesn't know shit about anything so I want to find out myself

>> No.6330024

Go on

>> No.6330027

Here is something I will let you know. It is a secret, don't tell anyone at /v/ or any other boards. I don't want them to know our secret.

We're all...

different. It depends on the person. But you'd never know because most posters are anonymous!

Don't tell anyone.

>> No.6330028

We have multiple self-post cosplay threads up at the moment; sort through them and judge for yourself. Get on it man.

>> No.6330029

Link this guy to the PT thread.

>> No.6330030
File: 34 KB, 415x277, djahkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6330034

So just like any other board?
Welp, I still kinda like it here
If I find it again I will, they're all posting about Hannah Minx though

>> No.6330035
File: 117 KB, 450x860, granny-porn-640-busty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6330038
File: 69 KB, 500x682, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ is my primary board.
You tend to just ignore everything they say, especially about girls, because they do it because its the "culture of 4chan" or whatever the shit. Late nights on /v/ are the best because no one cares what gender you are and you just stay on topic.
So yeah just ignore them. The ones that make comments like this aren't worth talking to anyways.

>> No.6330036

Here's one of our princesses: >>6328330

Nothing too serious at the moment, but if you stay long enough to see /r9k/ or /pol/ pop up the shitstorms are glorious.

>> No.6330040
File: 20 KB, 450x307, big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6330044
File: 80 KB, 850x451, header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6330045

You're pretty much right
The whole of that post, too

>> No.6330046

Use the catalog to find things quickly.


>> No.6330048
File: 92 KB, 500x680, naked-fat-granny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6330050

Your taste in porn isn't good.

>> No.6330051
File: 37 KB, 450x558, naked_grandma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6330053

For some reason I'm not a fan of the catalog
Great idea tohugh

>> No.6330057
File: 247 KB, 381x574, sexy-blonde-granny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6330058

Is that what semen actually looks like? Tissue paper?

inb4 are you twelve. I'm a lolvirgin asexual.

>> No.6330059


>> No.6330060 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 320x240, gma likes big black dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6330063

Nah it doesn't, looks nothing like that
Honestly I don't know
I might just love the scrolling part of the experience, though I use it if I'm looking for a specific thread

>> No.6330064

>gma likes big black dick

>> No.6330066
File: 96 KB, 600x845, naked-60-year-old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6330071

There's a guy on /soc/ that posted porn like this in a diaper thread. Are you the same person?

>> No.6330069
File: 58 KB, 600x750, wanttohabeeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know why /v/ and /cgl/ argue so much?

Because they are desperate for each other.

/cgl/ i...

>> No.6330072
File: 33 KB, 353x546, sex-stories-i-saw-grandma-naked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6330074

I thought /v/ and /a/ were totally tsundere for each other or whatever it is

>> No.6330081

I browse /v/ and i fucking hate /a/, they always spam off topic anime and namefag threads to death.

>> No.6330084

If anything /cgl/ and /v/ are related (so they can have incestuous hatesex).

>> No.6330087
File: 82 KB, 423x594, hai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6330088

So it's pretty much /v/?
This seems more accurate

>> No.6330090
File: 71 KB, 640x428, grandma-gets-licked-by-lesbian-hirl-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6330093
File: 79 KB, 910x1078, 1347679251470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/, I'll ask here, how accurate is this?

>> No.6330094

I browse /a/, /cgl/, /lit/ and a bunch of other boards and browsing /v/ makes me rage. Browsing /a/ makes me rage too though.
>stop liking what I don't like!
>stop disliking what I like!
>stop liking what I like!
>don't like anything! Kill yourselves!
I have genuine concern for some of those people going about their daily lives.

>> No.6330097

Completely wrong.

>> No.6330098

Then please tell?

>> No.6330101


Not that anon, I will refer you to my previous post:

In other words, anything like that is bullshit. Stop being an idiot.

>> No.6330102


>> No.6330104

It makes me feel better if you are a hivemind. Humor me.

>> No.6330105

why do you hate us at /int/, we don't spam porn. All we do is make fun of other cultures.

Same with me, i only go onto /v/ for comedic value, why do you guys have us rated so low in /int/?

>> No.6330106
File: 213 KB, 447x346, vee and seagull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do guys do this to me

>> No.6330109

What's /int/?

>> No.6330115

I like to think of boards as people

>> No.6330116

International. Basically a board for people genuinely interested in other countries.

>> No.6330113

I'd say it's because not many people go to /int/, but I largely go to /int/ for laughs, aka >implying you're black and >implying belgium is a country

>> No.6330114

/c/, /d/, /cm/, and /int/ at the very bottom under shit like /b/ and /v/?

/adv/, /pol/, /x/, /b/, /r9k/, and /soc/ actually on the list?

This is utter witchery.

>> No.6330120
File: 398 KB, 640x480, 1310006765772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6330118


>> No.6330122

Maybe we should do one of those charts for all of the major boards?
Sounds rather fun
Have sticky threads and ask people to vote for a board that said board would go to the prom with and make the list based on the votes

>> No.6330123

waifufags are probably the most similar to how people from /a/ would act towards other people in person. Those guy's treat each other so well.

>> No.6330126

If this turns out to be a romance VN, I will cry tears of joy and laughter.

>> No.6330127

If you keep generalizing people, you will always find the answer to be wrong.

Probably because other boards run around and would bork up the process. Plus not everyone is monogamous to their board.

>> No.6330128


>> No.6330133

I didn't even notice I did that.

>> No.6330136

Didn't somebody on /cgl/ said they were going to make a /cgl/ game. Don't remember if it was a VN or not though.

>> No.6330142


We just stay on our board, please stay on yours.

Also, women can't attentionwhore here on /cgl/ at least because everyone already assumes you're female until you say otherwise. So that's something.

>> No.6330143

I think so, but dating a tsun /v/ (who in the sad ending dies of cancer or some stupid shit) seems way more fun than romancing pt.

>> No.6330146

I think the /cgl/ game should be an otome VN.

>> No.6330149

>/r9k/ or /pol/

I fucking hate it when that happens.

>> No.6330150

Do you really just go to one board?

>> No.6330156

I know /cm/ is another primarily chick board, so yeah...but I'm not sure why the other three are on the bottom. Priorities, maybe?

>> No.6330155

Not that anon, but I do. All the other boards are mean. I can only occasionally lurk.

>> No.6330159

Probably because /cm/ has a lot of BL content and not everyone on /cgl/ likes that stuff.

>> No.6330160

It shouldn't be a game, it should be a porn movie.

/cgl/ is known for its slutiness.

>> No.6330162

I don't talk about stuff from other boards on their board. Neither do I ever state my gender. Does that count?

>> No.6330163
File: 368 KB, 520x784, 4841633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it wasn't, I would be seriously disappointed. But pt should be a secret route somehow, anyways. True end is FRENDZ5EVA route with /fa/ and /fit/. Thoughts?

>> No.6330164

Priority and as stated in the image the bottom of the chart is just filler from a different poll, I assume anyway.

>> No.6330165

>All the other boards are mean.

So is /cgl/.

>> No.6330170

No there are nice people here.
I've only encountered a few mean people, but I do stay out of the drama threads.

>> No.6330180

You're new, aren't you?

>> No.6330177

Yeah, there are nice people here. There are nice people on the other boards too. /cgl/ is one of the worst boards for being mean.

>> No.6330182

what do you guys describe as "mean"

>> No.6330183

Not from what I've seen lurking the boards of my interests.

>> No.6330192

/cgl/ seems fairly cordial from a visitors point of view. /a/ was voted the most prickish board on /q/.

>> No.6330187

Is there going to be a thread every time /cgl/ is mentioned on another board?

>> No.6330188

it's different for each person obviously
if /v/ isn't one person then obviously /cgl/ isn't either
for me it's
>everything else
although the only boards on this list I've ever stayed on for more than a few days are /v/, /mu/, and /sci/ so I'm mostly going by what i assume they're like

>> No.6330193

Which boards do you lurk?

>> No.6330196

I never understand why people ask this. If I'm old, I'll never be kawaii. If I'm young, I'm underage or new.

>> No.6330203
File: 31 KB, 256x256, 1309479477571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, you're new

>> No.6330208

Of course I am anon. Since I won't be able to tell you otherwise.

>> No.6330213

/fit/ is shit. It should be an unrequited love with /fa/.

>> No.6330220

That's because /a/ hates the rest of 4chan, specially /cgl/ and /v/

>> No.6330219

You said you've only run into a few mean people on a board that's notorious for being full of cunts. So, obviously you must be new here.

>> No.6330222

I don't hate /a/.

>> No.6330221

and everyone else hates /a/ right back.

they deserve it.

>> No.6330223

I should have been more specific. Very few people are directly mean to me on /cgl/.

>> No.6330225

/a/ is so tsundere.

>> No.6330233

/a/ was on a righteous crusade to save /v/ from itself this afternoon. They wandered into /cgl/ last night for a bit >>6326475.

They seem fairly fond of /k/, and /d/.

>> No.6330244

/k/ is taken by /an/

>> No.6330247

do any of you people saying /cgl/ is the meanest board even go to any other boards
i mean /cgl/ is the nicest board I've been on aside from boards like /c/ (and no, i'm not new, /cgl/'s been my main board for a few years)

you guys are judgmental about appearances and weight, but that's about where it ends. but on other boards people are constantly insulting each other over tastes in anything at all (even stuff unrelated to said board) and some boards that have lolcows actually troll them instead of watching from the sidelines.
plus when /cgl/ has makeup / appearance help threads there's barely any insults at all. and anons that are rude are usually called out on it.

maybe it's just my love for all of you but i don't think most of you are genuinely mean

>> No.6330252

I feel the same way. I've even posted my picture a couple times to get hair/makeup advice and everyone's been super nice and helpful to me even though I'm not kawaii desu. People who are cunts for no reason are called out on it. Yeah, there is a lot of racism, but it's tame shit compared to the rest of 4chan. I've seen people say we're the most racist board, and just... no.

>> No.6330272
File: 180 KB, 308x383, tumblr_mblr7bdysx1qhwuhq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's probably just some ginger neckbeard no-life that has nothing better to do with himself

>> No.6330285

really i don't get how some people think we're the most racist when most "racism" threads end up mostly just people saying they have preferences for some specific race
/pol/ would definitely win the racism contest
and it's surprising how nice /cgl/ is compared to other boards, sometimes I'll be on /v/ and forget where I am and i'll be genuinely surprised at all the hate haha

>> No.6330406


>> No.6330446

I <3 /int/, even though my own country men make fun of my border-line illiterate typing.