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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 120 KB, 600x900, homestuck_by_danzifurrylover-d534pyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6328129 No.6328129 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is autosaging.

Let's continue our attempt at quality threads again here. Good cosplays, WIPs, advice, etc.

>> No.6328150
File: 305 KB, 534x800, 1317846997205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those horns are very smooth. i'm not sure how much i like the effect.

>> No.6328158


I really love the tiny Time symbol buttons she made.

>> No.6328165


Making a canon-compliant Condesce wig is pretty much one of my dream projects. It'd have to have a shoulder harness or something, though, and it would be reallllly difficult to go through a con like that.

>> No.6328175

who is the girl in your pic OP?

>> No.6328177

read the fucking filename

>> No.6328215


it doesn't say the girls name you dumbfuck

>> No.6328218

It's a deviantart format name that states her username is danzifurrylover

>> No.6328310
File: 3 KB, 210x455, Mom_homestuck_4683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pattern/fabric suggestions for mom lalonde's dress?

>> No.6328564

Stiff cotton. Think labcoats.

>> No.6328575
File: 850 KB, 1280x1920, 554394_530465533645822_92918427_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is going around tumblr. I like it.

>> No.6328613

Why do more people not do screw on horns with hairbands under wigs? It's not even hard.

>> No.6328629

Stiffer fabrics. Also look into modding a double breasted coat pattern. I'm still sort of searching for one, but I was looking into modding this one: http://www.simplicity.com/p-3064-misses-jackets.aspx#t-2
as it'd take minor modifications to work perfectly

It's decent, but far from great? The major changes it could use are hidden headband, higher symbol, and evenly colored body paint/tights

>> No.6328645
File: 277 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_maumm6cjI71rcxj3co1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good size for dirk glasses? are there any tutorials?
i don't want mine to look ridiculously big or smalll.

>> No.6328652
File: 378 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mbpprtUHuh1re1c3qo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there's a tutorial for sizing?
I'd recommend having the points match up with the center of each eye, then just make sure the angles don't have them extending very far from the rest of your head.

>> No.6328876
File: 416 KB, 562x750, Capturelol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also going around tumblr, She actually put real constellations on her dress. pretty neat.
Taking homestuck one step farther i love that kinda thing.

>> No.6328877

this'd be perfect if the horns weren't on a headband and the skin was more even.

>> No.6329024

I hate her expression in this pic, it looks kinda retarded...

That aside, I love the idea and the way it was executed. Makes me feel a bit jelly when I didn't come up with anything like that when I made the same version..

>> No.6329048
File: 125 KB, 350x253, pmituna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help with my Mituna cosplay in here?

>> No.6329081

I thought you guys would be the best to ask this question.

How do you go about freckles without making them gross-looking? Is there a good freckle tutorial?

>> No.6329087

use a lip liner thats two shades darker than your skintone, or use a darker concealer, then powder over it.

>> No.6329100

well, what specifically are you concerned about?

>> No.6329119

How do I make the visor? And if possible how would I possibly go about adding in an LED display to the visor?

>> No.6329217
File: 373 KB, 960x1280, 1019121510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LEDs arent too tough, ive seen many sollux do them wonderfully, but I cant quite find any photos. But yeah, specially since its all inside the helmet, unlike sollux's glasses which LEDs are usualy apparent. You could do alot of things, assuming you get the visor to work. The two ways I plan on making my visor glow is either buying a small amount of LED wire (google it) something similar to that, and lining the edges of the visor with that, or just attaching a few colored LEDs to the right and left side of the visor, pointing to in the direction of my eyes (but not in them of course). You can get colored LEDs in pretty much every major general store. Probably even home Depot

Im working on the same helmet But the visor issue really depends on the type of Helmet you have. Im currently altering a Baseball helmet.

This is what it looks like so far, ive got a long way to go. Just waiting for this stuff to dry so I can sand it. Plan A is to cut these two plastic Tupperware that are red/blue and transparent that I picked up at walmart, into the rectangular shape, and add an extension to my helmet (where the edge of the eyes should be) so it looks even less like a baseball helmet and more like Mituna, then attach the visor to the inside of that extension.

If that fails, I could always just carefully paint a sheet of plastic and do the same, I just wont be able to see out of them, or have any sort of glowing aspects

>> No.6329228
File: 324 KB, 960x1280, altered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically, after I add the extensions it should look something like this. Incase I was being confusing.

Then I can easily attach the visor to the inside of that extension

>> No.6329238

I forgot to include, you can easily attach LEDs to the inside of the visor once you actually have it on, since theyre basically just lights and a battery.

>> No.6329366
File: 228 KB, 1071x804, wat s even happening here fcuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'l take pictures of the helmet I'm working with I suppose. That way you get a clear idea what what I'm talking about.

I want an emote on it, like a heart. If all else fails I can go for the tape...

The paint is just a mist to see if the colour was good. Most of it will be sanded off, and the visor for the most part will be sawed off.

So you suggest tupperware then? I was gonna go with colored plastic sheeting but that might be a better choice.

>> No.6329397

Someone aleady said lip liner, but I'd say go with eyeliner or a brow pencil, since the tones you can choose from with be more freckle-like.

Agreeing on the two shades darker than your skintone thing as well.

After dotting them on, take a q tip and smudge the freckles slightly for a more realistic look.

>> No.6329413

Oh, I see. That actually sounds pretty cool. That helmet is actually the exact same one im using, just painted., and plastered over.

Colored plastic sheeting would definitely work too! Probably better if you can find some that is actually easy to see through. its partially why I steered away from it myself, since I couldnt find any that were transparent enough. Id like to keep my visibility, but if you can find some colored sheets that are sturdy enough, visible, and malleable enough to bend into place, then I would suggest that. I guess it depends on what you find.

The onyl thing I DONT reccomend is trying to use a marker to dye clear glass, unless youre aware of a good method to get it on easily. Ive tried it before for other things, and it just ruins the visibility so much it doesnt work.

The other way I forgot to include is, get thin colored plastic paper sheets, or use a colored folder cover like these http://www.bizrice.com/upload/20111220/pvc_pp_plastic_PE_document_file_folder.jpg

Then just cut out a big rectangular piece of clear plastic to use as the visor and cover them with the plastic. Makes sense right? That might work assuming you cant find the right colored tupperware to use.

Apparently someone did this with their sollux glasses and they turned out pretty nice. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m17u0ruzXw1r4dl8p.jpg

If anything, I think this method would be the easiest instead of trying to cut two angled rectangles of plastic

>> No.6329420

>posting a link to a picture on an imageboard

boy, im an idiot.

>> No.6329417
File: 388 KB, 1072x804, horn progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually wondering if they were gonna be doing a troll, in which case they should go with the trolls blood colour.

>> No.6329442


My heart would melt to see you as Jade

>> No.6329618

they also light up, don't they. She's also like the sweetest person ever IRL

>> No.6329635


lot of things are very sloppy there.

>> No.6329666
File: 106 KB, 720x400, solanin_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tips, anons!

Not going to be a troll, actually nothing HS at all (i'm doing pic related). I just thought you guys would be the best to ask since people add freckles a lot.

The blood color seems like a good idea, but I feel like if someone used red/pink/etc it'd turn up like acne.

>> No.6329681

the biggest problem with everyone's freckles is that they're very unnaturally placed (in lines, same sizes, etc)
sometimes there'll be one freckle off all by itself, or two almost on top of each other. Random placement and sizing is your best friend.

>> No.6329683

Last week I went to a theme park and saw a group of people, a few wearing home stuck shirts. So being the nice person I am, I said cool shirts. All of a sudden, one of them yells "ARE YOU A HOMESTUCK?" And at that point I knew I'd made a bad choice. She ran up to me and hugged me and then pointed at a structure in the distance. "Don't you think it looks like an erisol tentabulge??" she squealed with joy.
Never again.

>> No.6329692

saw it irl. this picture actually makes it look way better than it actually was.... she literally ripped the crotch out of tights and pulled it over her head, and they're a good number of shades darker than her paint. And no, there's no fingers...
i think she might be a beginner, in which case other than the tights the costume is actually quite cute. Really like the wig choice.

>> No.6329703

also saw it irl. actually have more pics (incl wings) if anyone would like to see. Her garters also had tiny time symbols on them, it was adorable and she's such a sweetie

>> No.6329857

wow yea i posted this and it looked way better at first glance, i didnt notice all these janky details. Dang the magic of a good photographer.

>> No.6329886
File: 111 KB, 637x960, 430026_10151295718192664_1987201744_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6329899


What happened to those wings? The top halves are practically horizontal.

>> No.6329920
File: 143 KB, 637x960, 198713_10151295783632664_1371522930_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea. I saw it on my friend's facebook and Im guessing it was a cosplay outing with some of her friends. I think shes fixing the wings now actually.

>> No.6329933
File: 1.42 MB, 1200x800, tumblr_m7qoaodfZG1qeesqno2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6330270

I would like to see!

>> No.6330580
File: 548 KB, 600x904, tumblr_mc6g9ci7891qi0064o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude wasn't wearing paint; that's just the quality of the camera. But I stopped and went
>my god

That wig. That sweater. That slouch.

>> No.6330644

It's a pretty common issue if you don't properly mount the wings right. I had the same issues happen with my Aradia wings at first until I adjusted the tension in them.

>> No.6330772


The longer I stare at this the more I find things I'm not thrilled at about it.

I just can't stop thinking about how people probably only like this because she's skinny. If this exact same outfit were worn on a bigger person people would have verbally ripped it to pieces.

>> No.6330782
File: 136 KB, 600x896, DSC03457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe this is also one of her first cosplays? I remember her saying something like that

>> No.6330785

that can be said for about 90% of cosplays

>> No.6330786

If so, she did a really good job! The only thing that could possibly need work are her wings, and there are people who've been cosplaying for years that still can't quite get them right.

>> No.6330787
File: 131 KB, 600x896, DSC03465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6330793


I like her cosplay, but then I remember that this is the same person who wore full troll makeup for their school ID and it got thousands of notes on tumblr, and it's just like... Why. Why would you do that.

>> No.6330798

Okay, I might be a retard here, but is the 'my god' good? I haven't been in the cosplay scene for very long and a lot of people fuck up Karkat and I honestly think this looks very nice, especially the wig since Karkat's hair is so messy.

>> No.6330806

Eh, if you don't care what the rest of the student body thinks about you, it's just high school

I'm fairly certain given the way the singled out the best parts of that photo the 'my god' was good!

>> No.6330822

Your brain's no problem. Internet muddles things, but I definitely meant the "my god" as a good thing. It's great to see a Karkat where the focus was on embodying the whole character, not just being a pretty face with good makeup and cheekbones. His features are nubby in all the right places, the slouchy sweater works so well, and the wig is styled so naturally!

>> No.6330825

Alright, that makes me feel a lot better! Usually I end up feeling like a dipshit after going into these threads because I think that a cosplayer looks good and then it turns out that there's a ton of photoshop or the costume is a total mess.

>> No.6330830

Makes sense if you're a senior at my school. The picture isn't used for the yearbook and a lot of seniors (didn't do it myself though) dress up as clowns to get their ID pictures taken.

>> No.6330837

>not just being a pretty face with good makeup and cheekbones

This, exactly this. If I see a Karkat cosplayer, they usually miss the mark entirely or it's someone that looks seriously attractive and playing up facial features. For example, the one Fancy Dreamer Karkat that's often paired with the Dreamer Gamzee that's quite popular. It's a good Karkat, but I love the one you posted a lot more because it just really suits his character. It's difficult to describe.

>> No.6330848

It's actually not that difficult to describe?
The posted Karkat put thought into the pose, the way the wig would be styled to properly convey KK's messy hair, and how the sweater would actually fit an insecure teen.

And for cosplay that is relatively simple, that makes it stand out as good.

>> No.6331139

ok I want to see this guy cosplay Eridan because my god cutest chin dimple ever

>> No.6331333


The costume isn't that great. This stinks of self-post/samefag.

>> No.6331352

I'm not him, I just like the picture. Someone post a better picture of a Karkat cosplayer, because honestly, this is easily in my top 5

>> No.6331462

have to agree, one of the best I've seen as well.

>> No.6331463

Meanwhile, in the alpha troll bandwagon.

>> No.6331470


I feel like I've seen that exact trident used by different cosplayers before--is it sold by a party store or something?

It doesn't really bug me because it looks good but I'm getting the weirdest deja vu.

>> No.6331492
File: 282 KB, 500x346, Slirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the exact same trident in Party City a few days ago.
Coincidentally enough, the first thing i thought was "hey, that would be neat-ish for a Meenah cosplayer, wouldn't it?"

>> No.6331493

Aranea, Meenah, and Latula look great, Kankri is average, something about Meulin looks off, and Kurloz is still shitty.

>> No.6331520
File: 199 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mc766xEYgZ1ru6ow2o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upon further inspection,something kind of started to bug me. Why the hell does the Kanri look like they have downs syndrome.

>> No.6331530

because whoever did the eye makeup hadn't even heard of symmetry. I feel bad for the kid, they're not bad looking but the weird reddish smoky eyes thing is just all over the place.

Make up should be adapted and used to balance natural asymmetry in a face, not enhance. Also, why the hell do Kankri with heavy girly eyeshadow and NO CONTOURING.

>> No.6331535

I'm pretty positive the problems around the eyes are just weird shooping.

>> No.6331548

Guys, we've already been over these cosplayers. Post something new?

>> No.6331551

the kurloz is the worst.

Crappy shirt that's stained gray, too big and illfitting. Shitty job on the stitches. A too-short, unstyled wig. Horns also missing the yellow. Not really anything Kurloz-like about the pose either.

>> No.6331552
File: 207 KB, 1280x857, kurlozfail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic

>> No.6331557
File: 184 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mc766xEYgZ1ru6ow2o7_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Meulin was really cute in that last set of these cosplays. What an unfortunate shot.

>> No.6331569
File: 16 KB, 400x320, thiskidisadorable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only one who really hates that thing they do with the upper lip? I always thought she was just rocking that kawaii :3 face

>> No.6331575


I think she looks cute. I mean, okay it isn't a perfectly posed model shot--it's a big genuine smile. I like it.

>> No.6331577

I think it depends on how well they do it? I've liked in on some other cosplayers.

>> No.6331581
File: 359 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mc766xEYgZ1ru6ow2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dem bandy legs in shitty 90's hooker boots batman

>> No.6331582

and by that I mean, it still looks cute on her too! but I have seen it pulled off slightly better.

>> No.6331589

the group would be really good without the kurloz, honestly.

>> No.6331590
File: 349 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mc0dw9vWBf1ru6ow2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also KDoran.

Kankri is the perfect example of good by comparison here

>> No.6331601

agreed. Latula and Kankri aspecially are really adorable in that pic

>> No.6331620

Maybe its the fucking hooker heels on the kurloz, but that meulin is so tiny!

>> No.6331688
File: 1.11 MB, 762x828, fixed it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed it.

>> No.6331694

I think he looks really cute compared to his other cosplays.

>> No.6331702

haha perfect!

>> No.6331711

I agree. It really gets across Karkat's vague Edward Scissorhandsiness.

>> No.6331724

I like that Latula's horns a lot

>> No.6331726

does anyone have a link to a good base dress for aranea?

>> No.6331734

You could just try making it.

Unless your skill level is too low.

>> No.6331743

I am not the best at sewing

>> No.6331751
File: 40 KB, 321x249, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Kurloz keeps appearing on my Omegle feed...when did Kurloz develop half a dozen chins and weigh more than all the trolls put together?

>> No.6331753

dem horns

>> No.6331754

Honestly I think you will look the most accurate if you sew it, though, because you have to add the black band and shape the bottom. If you do buy one, I'd look for a long sleeve t-shirt dress I guess.

>> No.6331758

So much better.

>> No.6331764

Protip: No one gets better at doing things by taking the easy way out. If it's your first cosplay, maybe it'll suck? But you can re-do it later. It's always better to learn how to do x or y by challenging yourself than by just going with an easyout.

Plus, almost everyone's first cosplay, Homestuck or not probably sucked compared to whatever their latest one is, if they've been at it long enough.

>I'm on a nice streak today, cgl.

>> No.6331840


As that implies that you have some sewing skills, I'm going to go ahead and say you should bite the bullet and sew it yourself.

The problem is that unless a piece of clothing is very simple (button down shirts, jeans, etc) you're going to run into problems with the color or construction.

It can be harder to modify prexisting clothing, and even harder to replicate the color. Most clothing you'd be looking at is pretty cheap, which means that it may not take well to alterations or dye.

For example Aranea's dress presents a few problems in how the sleeves are a bit wide, and the color isn't "standard". (If it was bright blue or darker navy, then it would be easier).

I'd say try using a pattern like this, using pattern A:


The only thing you'd really need to modify is the hemline.

Sewing is really not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. (Except fucking winding bobbins, which I will always hate.) It just takes a lot of patience, and a bit of trial and error to get the sizing right.

But since her dress isn't too complicated or form fitting, you will have some leeway for mistakes.

>> No.6331870


thanks! its not my first cosplay, i've actually cosplayed aranea before, my dress just didn't look the best and i wanted to redo it.

>> No.6332083


>> No.6332195

You guys okay with genderbent cosplays? I found a really cute looking male Nepeta.

>> No.6332196

I like them if they're done well. Post it up, I'd like to see how it looks.

>> No.6332199
File: 108 KB, 500x750, ta4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does cgl feel about armsocks?

>> No.6332200
File: 167 KB, 957x639, 80q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6332203
File: 156 KB, 421x640, b6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6332206

Definitely worth it in the long run if they're made properly. It's also so much better than having a lot of paint rubbing off or worrying about touching things, no matter how much it's sealed.

>> No.6332215
File: 1.42 MB, 800x1067, bubbles_by_ritnou-d5a27gz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're an easy way to not smear paint everywhere, but they tend to look really wrinkly most of the time if not made properly.

Also some people really need to learn when to wear them and when to throw in the towel and just paint their hands if that's all that's showing.

>> No.6332240


paint would probably look better in all of these

>> No.6332246
File: 613 KB, 491x654, mr-radical-mpreg does bloody urban gamzee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great for conventions. For photoshoots, use paint.

>> No.6332261

Agreed. With the Sufferer you can easily see the seams in the fingers and the Summoner has so many wrinkles on his (her?) upper-arm. Cancerously's socks are almost perfect but you can still see some obvious wrinkles. Basically what >>6332246 said, too.

>> No.6332305
File: 444 KB, 1280x857, ow2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6332324


She's still signing 'llama'. I'm so embarrassed for her.

>> No.6332330
File: 60 KB, 880x788, rule 63 nepeta + bonus normal nepeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I didn't want to post individual pictures, I took the liberty of saving the pictures from this girl's blog and put them together on mspaint.

>> No.6332344

I'm not a huge fan of Nepetas who use plastic cat ears, but wow they have got their makeup down for crossplaying

>> No.6332369
File: 10 KB, 156x170, nepuhughfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming out of lurking mode to say that oh god, I know. it's super embarrassing, sorry about that. I still don't know how I managed to screw that up so badly, especially after studying simple phrases for Meulin poses for so long. It's my fault for making a silly mistake like that on my first shoot, so I seriously have to be more careful next time!

>> No.6332406


Everyone has cosplay stories like that. Don't sweat it!

>> No.6332421

Wow, I think they look great! I've got a pet peeve of Yaya's cat ears used for Nepeta horns, but if they made their own horns I think they'd seriously pull it off. She even managed to use the makeup to look like a guy and I applaud her for that.

>> No.6332504

Anon... One of those isn't in my blog...
Oh thank you! Sucks that you don't like the plastic cat ears, IMO they look better than most that I've seen.
Thank you anon, that's really encouraging! Although, the cat ears are not Yaya ears. I got them many, /many/ years ago before she started making her own. Her ears are more... Sharp looking? I don't know they look like they could poke someone's eye out.

>> No.6332513
File: 117 KB, 720x960, 254348_275374442582720_1751898169_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently there was a literal Skaia cosplayer at NYCC. This is the only photo I've found but wow. It's a cute idea and as far as I can see, it looks really well executed.

>> No.6332592

I'm going to a local Homestuck meetup. Any advice?

>> No.6332598
File: 181 KB, 571x438, looksfam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when this design was circulating on tumblr, everyone was like "OMG I GOTTA COSPLAY THIS"
I honestly thought nobody was actually going to go through with it since I didn't really see it anywhere after that :u

>> No.6332851

I'm thinking of tackling Robo Aradia, /cgl/. Any tips/tricks/things you'd like to see/things you think I should avoid?

>> No.6332867

Try giving some structure to the top part, like using a corset or bustier as a base. She's a robot, and I always assumed her top was like this rigid/hard chestpiece rather than cloth, so it always bothers me when RoboAradias just use regular fabric for it and it bends in pictures and shit. Same with the shoulder pads. I think Damara Megido or whatserface has the best shoulder pads.

Goooood luuuuuuuck!!

>> No.6332893
File: 1.93 MB, 3072x2304, IMG_0211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did /cgl/ enjoy comic con?

>> No.6332913

honestly Aranea does not suit this cosplayer

>> No.6332964


All I can say is that the only paint on your body should be on your face/neck. Every time I've seen a RoboAradia use makeup for the arms/hands, it's looked terrible. Same goes for the other bots.

>> No.6333086
File: 501 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mc7wyzRWg01qdm4l2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6333104

Hey Meenah cosplayers.

Stop wearing skinny jeans.

Stop wearing crop tops.

Stop wearing punk necklaces and visible bright pink belts and whatever.

>> No.6333112

Is it bad that the first thing I noticed was the pink five o'clock shadow she has?

>> No.6333122

Alright, you heard them. Time to pack it in, fun's over now.

Guess all cosplayers have to wear the very same exact things no with no option of stylistic choices because our buddy here says not to.

It was good while it lasted.

>> No.6333124

That's the first thing I noticed. Looks awful.

>> No.6333177


You can do stylistic choices, but that doesn't mean that it's canon.

I think that some of the "punk" Meenahs look good, but that doesn't stop me from being annoyed that everyone is accepting it as the de facto cosplay, when she never wears that shit.

>> No.6333197


gb2 tumblr

>> No.6333226

I have such a shameful cosplay crush on Mohawkdandy

>> No.6333241

I ran across that girl's blog after NYCC actually, and she's only 14. How. The number of talented 13-15 year olds keeps rising.

>> No.6333249
File: 49 KB, 300x225, 4944329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number of people who mistake this site for Tumblr is just fucking mental.

>> No.6333294

me too friend.

>> No.6333310
File: 718 KB, 1280x1912, kankri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number of people who complain about people turning 4chan into tumblr instead of actually posting and discussing good Homestuck cosplay is fucking mental. Just shut up about it already, everyone here has a tumblr anyways.

Here, I'll start. Turns out that Kankri from >>6331590 actually made really high pants.

>> No.6333331


Okay, that's great.

>> No.6333336


Yo, let's talk about our HS cosplay crushes.

Zillywhooore is adorable. And looks real good in her well fit Kanaya dress.

>> No.6333340
File: 119 KB, 154x388, Why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those really look like the underpants that people in marching bands wear.


>> No.6333343
File: 104 KB, 640x480, photo_on_2012_10_19_at_21_25_by_caraburningangelcat-d5iiwfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, wait. Not this one.

This one.

>> No.6333361

oh nooo

>> No.6333369
File: 122 KB, 640x480, photoon_2012_10_19_at_21_23__3_by_caraburningangelcat-d5iiwbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It gets better, anon.

>> No.6333379

oh noooooooo
no no no no no

>> No.6333401


What the fuck. You can't be serious. Please tell me this is a joke.

>> No.6333408

For my Meenah cosplay I was planning on a normal shirt, baggy pants... but bought a pink belt for the baggy pants.... is that bad?

>> No.6333415

No. Go for it.

>> No.6333441

To be slightly fair to this Kurloz, I recognize the shoes they're wearing; they're Pleaser Gogos, which come in shitloads of colors but also have that 3" stack heel. A lot of the stock pictures make their heels look less tall than they really are... I know so many people who've had to default to using those shoes because they needed boots in a certain color and didn't have the skill for bootcovers.

What kind of boots does /cgl/ think Kurloz should be wearing? I like the sneaker boots and the Doc Marten-style boots that I've seen a few times, but I'm curious what other people think too.

>> No.6333454

I it's holding up the pants and pokes out from underneath the shirt, it's no big deal. It's Meenahs going full Hot Topic that really grinds my gears.

>> No.6333463

ohmygod that is an amazing kankri

>> No.6333474
File: 630 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_mc0dw9vWBf1ru6ow2o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6333486

she's a really good Latula in general! but those horns are /perfect/

>> No.6333497

i can't get over her immaculate horns, and in my opinion her face really suits latula as well.

>> No.6333560
File: 84 KB, 960x720, 1350787101920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to /co/
>Check HSG
>Apparently there was a meetup in Miami today.
>Aspergers everywhere.

Any seagulls have word to report on what happened?

>> No.6333564

Doc Martens, always.

>> No.6333672

dat meulin and nep with paint only on their faces...

>> No.6333683

I'm using military boots because I like the look.

>> No.6333695

Mohawkdandy, TerminallyxSadistic, and Lindzar

>> No.6333700
File: 60 KB, 600x800, grimdark_by_gypsystar-d3kq2hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To their credit, (even though it *is* an awful picture) they look about 15/17 (at the oldest)
Maybe they didn't want to waste paint?

>> No.6333745

Ha, this bitch. What a fucking whore. Has two boyfriends so she made two facebooks; one for each, then tried adding me and everyone from her other profile like it was no big deal. Seriously, stop being a useless little girl, close your legs, stop being a whoe and get out of the house you fucking trollop.

but yay homestuck. Post more ancesters.

>> No.6333810
File: 70 KB, 554x527, F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw none of that makes sense.
It was a sad day for the English language.

>> No.6333875
File: 1.53 MB, 2775x2081, 20121020_190058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an arcade, you're not supposed to fucking get paint all over the sticks and games. Rules were paint on faces only or no admission.

Here's what happened.
It was a meetup.
It was alot of fun.
There were great prizes.
...That's it.

Let me help you!

>> No.6333901

why do people keep mentioning led sollux glasses around me like theyre a dime in a dozen?

anyone seen em?

>> No.6333928
File: 197 KB, 576x864, tumblr_mbzne05SUS1qzch29o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related but not an answer - does anyone have photos of the Sollux cosplayer at a recent con who had the psionic magic coming out of their body and the four-LED glasses? Guess I forgot to save those myself. :(

Young Handmaid photo in exchange.

>> No.6333942
File: 351 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mbyluarCt11r93qm1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go!

>> No.6333965
File: 80 KB, 421x750, 23020731166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gifset of testing out the lights yesss
Hnng and thank you. Anon, your good-dude cgl duty is accomplished for the night.

>> No.6334031

Am I the only one who thinks this looks stupid? Major props for trying but the glasses ruin it for me.

>> No.6334053

I actually think you are.

That looks pretty awesome in every concieveable way.

Even despite the 4 LEDs, but its tough (or even impossible) to do ithe glowy eyes any other way.

>> No.6334064
File: 411 KB, 407x750, tumblr_mboy7tq0qa1qh2d4so1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone please explain this picture to me

i looked at their other pics and they are not a midget or deformed or anything

how did they make this picture look so bizarrely proportioned?

>> No.6334066

I think a better approach to doing the eyes is to have sanded them or glass-frost the lights. If they did it wouldn't look like BAM LIGHTS but it would distribute light all around rather than a beam and give it a blended effect for his eyes.

>> No.6334068

A really bad choice of lens, I think.

Or maybe they deliberately SBaHJified him?

>> No.6334079

dont go

>> No.6334227

Any good cosplays of Equius? :(

>> No.6334242

I doubt she would add someone so ignorant twice.
So don't flatter yourself.
Jealous fatty can't handle the fact that one girl made two lucky guys unavailable to her(jealousfatty).

>> No.6334271

Does anyone know where to find a >$25 wig that would look good for a Jade Harley cosplay (perhaps one that is stylable)? I'm cosplaying the Squiddle Eclectica version of her in December and I don't have too much on my budget to go on with for wigs.

>> No.6334273

so much slut shaming
u need to get laid anon

>> No.6334281

Oops, I meant <, not >

>> No.6334311

coscom marketplace, get a used one

>> No.6334469


the tumblr samefag is giving me secondhand embarrassment

>> No.6334484

Wait, does that thing still exist?

Alternatively, check the /cgl/ Buy/sell/trade threads. You might get lucky

>> No.6334507

So I'm going as Kurloz for Halloween.

Got the contacts, makeup and wig, tested things out and it looks great.

How should I do the skeleton suit?

I was thinking I'd get a Zentai suit and cut off the head off it. Maybe applique the bones on? Or should I just paint them on?

Would acrylic paint work for that? I tried it out on a shitty old black shirt I had and it came out ok on that, but I dunno if the material would be a lot different for absorption of the paint on a bodysuit.

If I went with appliqueing, I don't really have a whole lot of experience there, but I think it'd look better. What kind of fabric should I get to make the bones out of?

Apologies for the stupidity. I have a lot of makeup experience, but little in the way of fabric work.

>> No.6334519
File: 90 KB, 500x368, 342342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something about this Jane that bothers me.

>> No.6334548

This is kind of an odd question, but does anyone know where I could find a moirail/pink diamond shaped keychain? Or at least point me in the right direction with certain keywords?
I try to search for pink diamond and I just get damn crystal diamonds.

>> No.6334554

Rather than diamond, try rhombus shaped instead. Diamond would lead you more to diamond type crystals, shapes[like rings] and other things but rhombus is the shape name.

>> No.6334558

Rhombus, that was the one I was looking for. Thank you!

>> No.6334561
File: 66 KB, 960x720, tumblr_mbwvjhLGyG1rj3y6uo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looting around in the Homestuck tag and my God...

>> No.6334567 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 3472x2604, 050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all too much work already x.x
Faun costume WIP

>> No.6334572

...Honey Boo Boo's mom cosplays now?

>> No.6334574

You're welcome!
Good luck on your search.

>> No.6334580


Although there are a good handful of good Porrim cosplays what is it that gravitates the fat chicks to her?

>> No.6334592

acrylic on fabric is a terrible idea, usually, ive only seen it work very rarely. if you want to paint the bones on, use neopaque fabric paint (itd be cool if you mixed a little yellow into the white to make them bone colored too)
applique would look nice too but i dont have experience with that, sorry!

semi related, i really want to see a kurloz paint their bones on with bleach, i think it'd look gorgeous if they did it right

>> No.6335022
File: 50 KB, 960x720, tumblr_mbwvjhLGyG1rj3y6uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6335255

It's the glasses. She's using ones with rectangular frames instead of ovals. That's instantly what caught my attention.

>> No.6335266
File: 72 KB, 800x532, ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6335323

is it that she looks identical to delia smith

>> No.6335322


this actually scares me, i might see it in my nightmares

>> No.6335336

There was a photo posted in one of the past HSG's of someone that painted bones on a sweater with bleach. It came out really nice despite the small bleach spots everywhere, but I don't think I saved it. Maybe someone still has it?

>> No.6335365

we understand you think your horns are wonderful

>> No.6335404

she looks about 40
that lipstick needs to go away

>> No.6335410

why would someone ruin a picture of the cutest Jade with that shiteous bg effect poop porridge seriously what the hell is that

>> No.6335438
File: 7 KB, 272x294, gRJG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6335681
File: 368 KB, 1024x683, tumblr_maulxm1txA1qi6oijo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying full cosplay should happen outside of cons.

So I'm guessing you were there and you're butthurt because someone insulted you.

>> No.6335773
File: 42 KB, 240x320, photo(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get any critique on my horns before I keep sanding / make the other one? they're for the disciple (this is not the wig I'm going to use I just don't have another black wig yet). I think they might be too big at this point...?

thanks guys

>> No.6335814

The angle looks a little off (as they could be pointing more up than they currently are), but the sizing looks good!

>> No.6335838
File: 138 KB, 1024x768, XdwAFh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else go to AAC? Talk about overrun.

>> No.6335881
File: 107 KB, 500x667, jadenbec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to cuddle these too for all eternity. so much cuteness on my dash right now

>> No.6335893

why did she make a miniskirt out of what appears to be yellow toilet paper?

>> No.6335910

Good dog, best friend.

This makes me so happy, it's perfect.

>> No.6336073

i think those are a tad too tall and far too thin

>> No.6336139

the angle is a little off and they're too thin

>> No.6336872
File: 85 KB, 960x720, 375889_3229928885705_1796063565_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Male Kanaya in the left corner is fabulous.

>> No.6337161

he really is. i need a close up of his face, looks like a cutie

>> No.6337187

oh my god someone tell me who he is he's fantastic

>> No.6337288

Any other male genderbends? I love them when they're done well.

>> No.6337298

Will give props to AAC for having one of the only good homestuck ask panels I've ever been to (the one last night), I actually legitimately laughed quite a bit. The sollux, terezi, and roxy were obnoxious.... But the eridan and the rest of the alpha kids made up for them in answer quality

>> No.6337341

Buttpilgrim imo has a great Equius. The cosplay is mediocre, but his voice in the Katsucon 2012 panel gave me shivers.

GeneralIvan is also really good.

>> No.6337376

Hey guys, seerofsarcasm here, i'm giving the layout of homestuckcosplayhelp a long-needed update and I think i'm going to go with the catching elephants theme since it's simple and easy to navigate and read. The problem is I want a picture in there on the side and can't think of a one that's perfect.

Would anyone mind posting their favorite good Homestuck cosplay pictures? Preferably with sources, vertically framed and not too well-known as well. It's a nice excuse to get more cosplay into the thread and also for me to get some help choosing a picture.


>> No.6337387

How about no. Do your own work for your own side projects.

You want to do something useful? Expose people like Zippy for being the backstabbing loser that they are. They post in almost every HS thread about people they know and no one says anything.

>> No.6337403

I don't even know who zippy is I don't go on /cgl/ that much. I'm just asking for people to share their favorites since the homestuck cosplay tag on tumblr makes me cry and a google search just gives me stuff ive already seen before and homestuck cosplay is what this thread is about?

>> No.6337408

for the love of god don't use the catching elephants theme it's terrible

>> No.6337416

Holy smokes do you seem like a bitter cunt. This seerofsarcasm person just wanted to see some more cosplay pictures, one of which they might pick to be a side image. It's not like they're asking to have the whole thing coded for them.


>> No.6337438

whoa what he hell? At ease, soldier.
I must admit the bit about zippy kind on piqued my curiosity. Is dat sum delishus dramu is smell?

>> No.6337433
File: 188 KB, 987x723, equius gets kittybitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onicon was a fucking blast. Even when another Equius finally showed up.

>> No.6337437

>/cgl/ spends all day bitching about Homestuck and how horrible it is. "Do not cosplay, desu~!"
>>Bitches about seerofsarcasm in almost every thread
>As soon as they show up "Of course we'll help!"

Never change ladies and almost ladies.

>> No.6337452

What theme would you suggest? We've been using the old tumblr default theme for a while but it's getting boring. I can't code for a damn so i'm somewhat limited to the free tumblr themes and so many of those are such a clusterfuck.

Also /cgl/ has been nothing but nice to me before so idk what >>6337437
is talking about but whatever.

>> No.6337499

what the fuck does Zippy even have to do with homestuckcosplayhelp oh my god

whether or not he's a terrible person does not have anything to do with people going to that blog to find out how horns are made. :|

>> No.6337511

seriously though where did that even come from

>> No.6337574


man 90% of people read homestuckcosplayhelp on their dash and anyone who's going to look for something wants readability and navigateability more than fancy layouts

>> No.6337598

I'm really okay with how the layout is right now. It's easy to navigate and straightforward, and the Vriska fixation in the background is pretty cute. It's a colour scheme that I heavily associate with that site. If you wanted to mix it up, do themed tiled Vriska backgrounds for the holidays (like scribble on a Santa hat, or change the blue to orange and black stripes for Halloween).

>> No.6337589
File: 72 KB, 594x462, 00104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Scuse us you fucking drama tease. Get right the fuck back in here and tell us what Zippy info you have.

>> No.6337605

Seconding >>6337408
it is terrible. There are more custom themes that are a whole lot better at providing a better layout

>> No.6337627

Different anon here. I think the Zippy drama will be what the Zippy drama has always been. They are the title-tier of an elitist cosplayer. Someone who has great crafstmanship, but shit talks friends and strangers alike. They're not that bad of a person, and will do a lot to help friends out. But I think everyone who knows Zippy, knows that shit talking people is directly part of their condescending personality.

>> No.6337631
File: 111 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m1v9oqPPdj1qf6qkjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah It's pretty well known but I think I sort of want it to look more...professional? But maybe i'll just fade the background a bit to not be so loud and leave it at that. I just feel weird because it's still all the stuff I put in there when I made the blog well over a year ago and thought it wouldn't go anywhere and none of it is actually cosplay related.

Contributing because I feel bad that i'm not. I was thinking this is a really cute picture for maybe a new icon at least if I don't have a side picture.

>> No.6337633

dif anon but I think it had to do with Zippys "crew" being posted pretty often and they never seem to suspect it's him/her/it/whatever tumblr justice says Zippy is, even thought they seem to be the first to point it out to said friends that they've been posted on /cgl/.
That's an old thing though. I think Zippy ditched the Homestuck bandwagon and is on the prowl for the new attention whoring thing.

>> No.6337647

And thank God for that. I was so glad Zippy and Frecklez didn't end up being in the anext panel, this of course did not keep them from shit talking it or the panelist. If you just look at their costumes great, but as soon as you meet them in person the claws come out and they're just nasty.

>> No.6337660

Well I think that's why even though his cosplays are really well done he's not as well liked as a lot of BNF cosplayers in the fandom, though many of them have they're faults, it's just that everyone knows the deal with Zippy at this point.

>> No.6337668

for someone who's not exactly in the know, who is Zippy? care to fill a brother in?

>> No.6337704


>> No.6337776


The icon change is great and it's good you asked who the source was for proper credit, but in the future you may want to use a reverse google image search to save you the time

Plus that way you can ask the cosplayers if they're alright with being used as an icon. I get that by posting the photos they're putting themselves out there, but like with icon art and sidebar art it's always good to ask permission first

>> No.6337834

Seconding that you really should ask for permission before using the image.
Also to be actually helpful, the Feferi is Lapirin and the Eridan is Keychainy both on dA and Tumblr for the both of them

>> No.6337853

You know what would be a good idea for the HSCH Background/Icon? Maybe a picture of some elements of actually making a cosplay. Like needles, thread, model magic, clay, things that are easily recognizable as stuff Homestuck cosplayers use?

Or is that just dumb. Sorry.

>> No.6337872

Okay, I don't follow the blog because it's shit quality, but if any of you guys do could you please submit them so they can be asked if they're okay with their faces being used?

>> No.6337943

I run it and i'm in this thread no need to send everyone over to them. i just asked and took it down until I get a response. I didn't think it was a big deal then I remembered how many followers I have and someone might not like that much exposure.

I was thinking something like that, i'm looking up some stock backgrounds to see if I can find anything cute or if I should make it myself.

>Tries to go through homestuck cosplay tag to find something nice to contribute with
>Gives up and goes back to google
>Gives up again.

>> No.6337996
File: 69 KB, 900x600, raise_the_tides_by_gentlemanlyspam-d55n3cy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, more like it's /polite/ to ask people to use their face on a blog they do not run or have anything to do with.

>> No.6338018

Yeah I know, my mistake. I'll remember that for my other blogs.

>> No.6338092
File: 107 KB, 1024x678, kanaya_by_vanderwinkle-d5htjuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay while I'm in here, does anyone have good examples of what the official shirts look like in actuality?

>> No.6338113

can we take a moment to appreciate that this girl is only 13

>> No.6338132

Holy shit Ive never seen that chainsaw done before, everyone always just uses her white one.

Any more cosplayers with that prop?

>> No.6338158
File: 72 KB, 500x750, gentlemanlyspam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

continues the "this girl is only 13" appreciation

>> No.6338168
File: 639 KB, 1277x1920, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her Eridan is precious too

>> No.6338402


So good!

>> No.6338409

preach it

>> No.6338477

Anymore Kanaya's with nice chainsaw's in general?

>> No.6338500



>> No.6338572
File: 999 KB, 320x240, tumblr_maz1egqi121qgk02j.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make-up aside I really like this gif

>> No.6338605
File: 46 KB, 526x900, 129825569865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I can't help but feel warm and fuzzy when I look at it. Uguuuu :3c

>> No.6338689

>Having trouble getting over cosplayer ex
>realize they, and their entire group, use skinny jeans as homestuck pants



>> No.6338698
File: 258 KB, 400x225, panty love.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the right can scratch my itch any day IYKWIM

>> No.6338766


I think the best option would be these: http://www.thatscoolwire.com/store/item.asp?Category=188&SubCategoryID=177&GroupID=&SKU=

>> No.6338789

YO SOLANIN UP IN THIS BITCH? post pics when you're done <3!

>> No.6339684


Lindzar's face just doesn't suit this cosplay... maybe I'm just not used to seeing her as a girl but it just looks so weird and uncomfortable

>> No.6339719

There needs to be a Tumblr for photos of men in the background of con shots looking disparagingly at Homestuck cosplayers. They seem to be becoming a bit of a genre.

>> No.6339720
File: 518 KB, 497x750, tumblr_mcad56HmKJ1qzh9h5o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This him?

>> No.6339800

I'm looking for a new homestuck cosplay. Does anyone have suggestions for a white, 5'8, 110 lb female?

>> No.6339839

I can't even imagine meeting a Homestuck fan that young. I know some people mature fast but I really don't think Homestuck is appropriate for kids that young. Seeing kids dressed up by their parents or siblings at cons is weird enough.
Props to her if she made that herself though.

>> No.6339841
File: 82 KB, 480x640, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to cosplay as a Homestuck troll, but I'm having a really hard time deciding who I should be. I love all of them, and I'm even willing to do a male character.

Can someone maybe give me a suggestion on which troll (Alpha or Beta) I should cosplay, based on how I look? Like, I guess which troll I look most like/could pull off the best.

I've never cosplayed before, but I have enough sewing experience to make anything that any of the trolls wear.

>> No.6339856


I think a lot of the fans that age mostly skim over Homestuck or just look at fanart and read the wiki. Every time I've talked to one, their understanding of the actual plot is very little.

>> No.6339861

Do one of the sexy female ancestors, like Mindfang, the Condesce or the Handmaid. Alternatively, Snowman.

>> No.6339862


>> No.6339863

Don't take this the wrong way, but um... how big are your boobs? You can just say in general, not a specific cupsize, if you want. Why did I ask? This might help decide if you can play something like Lalonde Mom or Porrim or even if you can crossplay as a guy without hurting your chest-babies.

>> No.6339867

The limits on binding are more like guidelines.

>> No.6339870

I have 38D's (Or a happy Feferi face lol) I would love to do Porrim, but I feel like I'm not skinny enough t pull it off.

>> No.6339876

Are you actually fat, or are you just the normal bodytype for 38D? (Stocky)

>> No.6339879

Her face doesn't look that fat

You'd make a good Jade but if you're hellbent on a Troll, I'd say a Serket

>> No.6339883

I'm definitely not fat, but I am a little pudgy in my stomach area. Everything else is pretty proportionate.

I guess I'd say that aside from the stomach area, I'm built like most average-sized women. Maybe a little wider.

>> No.6339893

Go for it. You won't be the BEST PORRIM OF ALL TIME, UNTIL THE END OF TIME but you won't be anywhere near the worst.
>assuming you make your costume properly

>> No.6339897

You could get a nice corset (apparently Halloween corsets are not so nice for shaping?) and BAM -- away goes the stomach fat and out comes a defined waist with boobs/hips.

If you're just worried about stomach fat, bite the bullet and go for some Spanx shapewear. It's in quite a lot of stores (found mine at Dillard's) and it is PRICEY but you CAN wear it more than once and I call it a good investment.

I would love to see you go for Porrim. You have the boobs and the face for it, and I haven't seen a Porrim cosplay I've liked yet.

>> No.6339902

Porrim's dress has nowhere to put a corset on the outside unfortunately. Spanx is probably the best choice, unless you want to go for a proper bustier! That could also work nicely assuming it doesn't slip down annoyingly.

>> No.6339903

Also, note that it has to be Spanx brand. A lot of other generic brands don't tend to hold up as well and roll everywhere because euuuugh...

>> No.6339904

Id say do Aranea and get a quality tummy slimmer underneath the dress. Curvy Aranea's are the best and the black belt will give the illusion of an hour glass body even if you are actually more apple-ish

>> No.6339905

Do you think a Porrim dress could be done right if I just made it so that it doesn't show the chubbiness of my stomach?

>> No.6339910

I don't think that would have any bearing on how good it was as a dress. It would definitely improve your look.

>> No.6339911
File: 70 KB, 628x940, rJe5l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um... You can wear corsets under clothes, man. I guess you didn't know that, but back when they were invented you wore them under your clothes. It's just weird Goth and Steampunk people that are making folks think you wear them on the outside. Pic related -- Yaya Han and one other Jessica Rabbit cosplayer used corsets under their costumes to give themselves her nigh-impossible shape.

>> No.6339915

>the spartan in the background

>> No.6339924

>You'd make a cute Aradia, or a good Vriska/Aranea.

>> No.6340124


And you can see the line of the bottom of it under the dress. Corsets are great under stiffer or heavier fabrics, but the thin, cling-to-the-body stuff that Porrim's dress appears to be made of would show all sorts of weirdness/seams/etc. A bustier is a bit smoother, spanx is the smoothest.

>> No.6340150
File: 31 KB, 220x340, bustier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you're right. A corset would show through, but that's the tradeoff for maximum hourglass figure. Still, I hadn't even thought of a bustier! This would really work... Pushes up the girls and flattens the stomach. Bam. I think we're also forgetting girdles, but that's more stomach-only.

>> No.6340205

she does make everything herself, she posts a lot of progress on her blog. And I'm pretty sure she's read it. I mean, it is a story about 13 year olds? some of the dirty jokes probably go over heads you're that young, but that's probably a good thing, haha. I know I definitely read worse at that age, so it doesn't seem too weird to me.

>> No.6340236

hey, i've seen several bad posts get through to your blog. i think you're great, but quality control, ok?

>> No.6340313


Definitely. And seriously, don't be afraid of Spanx. Tons of cosplayers use them, they really help.

>> No.6341012
File: 787 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_mc7f3oQ4U31ru6ow2o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one that is tired of MF turning every single design that she cosplays into something where she can show more of her body? Don't get me wrong, she has a beautiful body, but sometimes it looks like she only cosplays to show it.

>> No.6341071

I know she's one of the most popular/famous Homestuck and I admire her for that but, that image is not flattering. At all.

I'm not sure if it's the dress itself or what. The lace is a nice touch along her thighs but it looks like there's so much bunched up stuff on the back. The zipper needs some seams trimmed up and I, personally, would not use that color around the eyes to make them pop.

Aside from that, at least she's a breath of fresh air from all the huge, wrapped up in sheets, Porrims.

>> No.6341093

Agreed. She does it with every costume she can - She just recently put together 2 different designs of scarlet witch so that it would show off her body as much as possible. She's a good cosplayer and always looks nice, but she depends on her body to get her attention.

>> No.6341109

I think it's just the dress? The draping on the back/sides is kind of strange. She looked lovely in person except for the way the dress looked on the sides.

>> No.6341200

What the fuck is wrong with the side of her dress?

>> No.6341293


/cgl/HSG: Proudly finding ways to find flaws in every single fucking thing since 2012.

>> No.6341298

uglyass fucking lace trim that's what's wrong

>> No.6341302


the construction of that dress is fucked to hell and pointing that out is far from nitpicking.

>> No.6341349

Are you so blind that you need someone to highlight how terrible that looks, or...?

>> No.6341405
File: 2.73 MB, 2304x3072, IMG_1289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations on where to get a good, moderately priced wig for Dirk?
Tried hair dye, that was unwise.

>> No.6341518
File: 1.09 MB, 803x1200, scourge sisters mostflogged vriska vintage-aerith terezi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She seems like an alright cosplayer with a nice body, bad eye makeup choices, and the unfortunate inclination to construct outfits to hug her figure as closely as possible. If MF hadn't felt the need to try to get the Porrim dress to fit close to her body (unsuccessful in the end, since the dropped back negated the intent of the zipper and made the front of the dress saggy), she might not have needed the zipper that added so much bulk to her side.
I also don't really see how the zipper was necessary, since that dress' back is so low that you could feasibly just wiggle into it and pull the halter behind your neck.

Picture related; MF is the Vriska.

>> No.6341543
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_m9y0xp57h61rfl8d9o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male Porrim
Can't tell if it's ironic or if he completely missed the point of Porrim.

>> No.6341790


Not trying to whiteknight, but why is it that there's always a ton of know-it-all sewing wizards in HSG? Who are you anons that can sew well? There seems to be a very small percentage of Homestuck cosplayers out there with legitimate knowledge of costume construction and skill to apply it.

I'd love to see some of you post your stuff, since a few of you really seem to know what you're talking about.

>> No.6341819
File: 16 KB, 303x445, tumblr_lrqu7iiR0U1qi81el.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying it takes an absolute sewing master to see what is wrong in >>6341012.
>Implying Homestuck cosplayers on cgl didn't cosplay from other fandoms before Homestuck
>Implying everyone in HSG is a first year cosplayer
>Implying people who cosplay homestuck are only restricted to Homestuck cosplays and that's it.

>> No.6341839


but that post didn't imply any of those things
are you retarded

>> No.6341867

You really don't know how to read, do you

>> No.6342087
File: 125 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mc68lqppsZ1r4x5xjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys. Less stupid, more cosplay.

>> No.6342104

Is it time for a new thread yet? Are we in autosage?

>> No.6342106

hi jenni

>> No.6342170


new thread