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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 61 KB, 1004x141, youmadcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6248309 No.6248309 [Reply] [Original]

Youmacon thread? Who's going? What new events/panels are you excited about? Will we have a meetup? How will expanding into Cobo go?

>> No.6248333
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>> No.6248337
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>> No.6248362
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>> No.6248387

>Who's going?
>What new events/panels are you excited about?
Is there a schedule? I haven't even looked
Will we have a meetup?
Ideally. Last year it was in the 2nd floor lobby of the Marriot, so if everyone's ok with that, all that's needed is a time.
>How will expanding into Cobo go?
If it means not having to traverse the bottlenecked escalators everywhere, I'm all for it. The downside is that the two are somewhat distant from each other and there'll be many trips back and forth in autumn weather.

>> No.6248438

Never been to a con before, but I've been throwing around the idea of attending this one and doing nothing but playing video games

Also I think I'm on the wrong board.

>> No.6248475
File: 396 KB, 1210x704, Youmacon 2011 270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gaming area is quite amazing, and there are some people that that's all they do. Plus, they have pro gamers as guests this year.

Last year I learned what LoL was, because the comps they had for it were always filled! (I think they had 8 of them for LoL last year).

And at the Ren Cen, they've never had to air it out for getting stinky.

>> No.6248495

yeah i play a lot of LoL and fighting games.

Its more or less convincing someone to go with me cause I don't wana bum around the place alone.

>> No.6248556

Really trying my best to be able to go, working out my plans and working more to be able to afford it.
Probably just going to have a ton of fun with friends and maybe wear some costumes or something.

>> No.6248569

cosplans anyone?

I'm going to attempt a JSRF cosplay and wear a couple older costumes

>> No.6248582

Maybe Asami's date outfit, maybe Suki's prisoner outfit,
Depends on my time management.
Haven't decided what old costumes I might bring yet.

>> No.6248613

> Youmacon thread?
fuck yeah
> Who's going?
> What new events/panels are you excited about?
I can't wat for Team Four Star, LittleKuriboh, and Brad Swaile ;_;

> Friday wearing lolita
> Saturday cosplaying Lacus Clyne

>> No.6248624

there's actually a con called 'youmadcon'?

what is the world coming to

>> No.6248629

No, it's Youmacon. The d was added as a joke.

>> No.6248633

phew okay. I just noticed.

>> No.6248641
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>> No.6248648
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I am most likely going. Just needa iron out the roadtrip and hotel with friends. Which we will be gathering and talking about tomorrow so...

If I do go I am gonna bring Deep Dive Riku if it's cold or KH2 Riku if it's well, not as cold.

>> No.6248959
File: 553 KB, 1296x972, y011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6249080

mako, zuko, nightwing

>> No.6249093

Going as Loki, and Toph and such, excited for the TFS panel. Interested in the meetup.

Really glad we're expanding because last year was so cramped.

>> No.6249106

Holy shit, gotta meet God.

>> No.6249108

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww shit niggah

>> No.6249499
File: 833 KB, 1274x1530, y015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, candy-raver girls. Rowl. I think it's extra hot that I can't see the girl's faces, because I'd maybe be disappointed.

But damn.

>> No.6249572

Awww yeah, Detroit!

Going, but not 100% on what I'm bringing. Yuna of FFX, Yorda from Ico, and probably something Fatal Frame-y. Probably Needlewoman because lolimlazy. Was looking at wearing Selene (Underworld), but I'm not likely to have the time or money for that one by the time the con rolls around.

I should really look at the scheduled events...

>> No.6249623
File: 790 KB, 1931x1458, youmacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my plans! havent confirmed the days with enver yet but these will all be done one way or another

wow this photo is perfect look at all those stunning canadians

>> No.6249638

Is anyone else freaking out about outfits? Literally 1 of the 4 cosplays I'm doing with a friend isn't even started yet, but my friend is convinced that he can make a jacket in 10 hours if he puts his mind to it and works non-stop.

>> No.6249640

I hope you're really really hot. I am tired of seeing fat chicks in next to nothing.

>> No.6249662

I havent finished a single one of my costumes yet. 2 of them are half done, the other 3 I dont even have the materials for yet. I should probably start working on them, too.

>> No.6249773

Still thinking of going to Youmacon this year. My friends are up in the air of whether they're going or not.

>> No.6249784

Hahahahahahaha yet another trip fag on the "Cammy" bandwagon

>> No.6249816

Has anyone applied and heard back from the maid cafe?

>> No.6249824

putting both Toradora and Atlantis on the same day would be a bit much for me, tbh

>> No.6249866
File: 44 KB, 500x333, 1326945723087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's going?
I am, as I have for the past going on 8 years.
>What new events/panels are you excited about?
Scott McNeil bitches! I hope other IY voice actors come too. hnnnggg.
>How will expanding into Cobo go?
Oh god.
I forgot about that. It'll be cold! Do we walk? People mover?

>> No.6249949
File: 25 KB, 314x295, 1346989349088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the people mover even go over there? I think the only option is walking

>> No.6250318

>Who's going?

Me and all of my friends(well, most).

>What new events/panels are you excited about?

My friend has two panels that I plan on attending(Idol panel and magical girl panel), any Homestuck panel, Karaoke, Team Four Star panels(and like talking to them at the end of the con like I did last year), game room (mainly DDR and Arcana Hearts), other random panels, hallway mini rave, nerf raids, and other random stuff I can't think of at the moment.

>How will expanding into Cobo go?

Should go pretty well since the people mover goes directly into COBO Hall. I also heard there might be a shuttle service too(Not sure if they will use it for that though)

I have like, six or five cosplays I plan on doing. Most of them pretty easy, since I do a lot of running around during this con in particular. I'll probably end up falling in the video room or in the game room at some point(getting a thick hoodie just in case)

>> No.6250704
File: 460 KB, 1339x1004, Youmagulls3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<----- tenleid
<----- Enver

Where are all the others?

>> No.6250736


>> No.6250760

Oh look, Enver wasn't cosplaying again. What a fucking surprise.

>> No.6251423
File: 146 KB, 640x480, fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I forgot about that. It'll be cold! Do we walk? People mover?
The people mover goes pretty much directly from the Ren Cen to Cobo (you have to walk over a bridge to a next door hotel). It's a quick trip there. Getting back takes a bit though, since the people mover only goes in one direction on a big circle. I think the trip back is about 15 minutes but the one there is about 2 minutes.

Oh, and Youmacon is working on having weekend passes on sale for a few bucks, but they haven't updated the forums as to all the details and everything yet.

With good weather, I'd recommend people mover there and walking back. Although really it'll take about the same amount of time getting back. That walk has some good picture places though. Try not to get run over taking pictures with the FIST or the Spirit thing.

>> No.6251441

the fat mexican in the back is Charizard

>> No.6251444

Second. Guy or girl, they're a cutie.

>> No.6251523
File: 32 KB, 1000x973, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I missing something, or are you really basing your opinion on this bunch of pixels?

>> No.6251530

>good weather
>Michigan in autumn

Here's my forecast based on living here 25 years.
50ish degrees, overcast or rainy

>> No.6251535

I'm going to Youmacon with my bf. We're going as Finn and Fire Princess, most likely.

I haven't been since it was at that one hotel, what has changed? I mean, I remember it being very crowded, especially when it came to the elevators, which were RIDICULOUS. This was 2007-2008, ish. Is it at a hotel or a center? What's the best hotel around there to stay at? We're planning on going for all three days.

Also, we're glad that it isn't on Halloween anymore. Lets us take care of family stuff on Halloween and have our fun afterwards.

>> No.6251549

I like a good /a/-tan, lump off anon

>> No.6251564

BF and I are doing Travis Touchdown and Sylvia from No More Heroes 2.

I haven't been to Youma in this hotel, but I'm actually in the hotel across the sky walk so I'm really excited. Only down side is mom and younger brother are going to be in the same suite as us, but we'll have our own room so hopefully it wont be too awkward. But it's a free suite, so I guess it's worth the risk of little brother cock blocking all weekend.

>> No.6251567
File: 62 KB, 640x960, a-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6251753

Oh god, ENVER is going to Youma?
I don't even want to think of the bullshit he's going to pull this year :C

>> No.6251766

Is it the same /a/-tan? That picture is years old

>> No.6251784

No it's not

>> No.6251855

Wat? I'm not sure what you think he's like?
He was at Youma last year anyway.

>> No.6252465

it is the exact same /a/-tan. This picture was taken by tenleid AT the meetup last year.


>> No.6252879

...stop it, boner. No, seriously, knock that shit off.

I don't really follow our tripfags closely enough to know them by sight, so I'm a bit confused...is that Enver posting himself, or is the picture someone else?

>> No.6252899

I THINK that /a/ tan used to namefag as bleeds or something? Not 100% sure though. But def not Enver, and not an old picture either - I took it at youma last year at the meetup!

>> No.6252930

Ah, well. Maybe they'll show up again so I can crash and burn in hilarious fashion making a pass at them. One can only hope.

Polite sage.

>> No.6253038

Is that a Cocumeli and a Kashian too?

>> No.6254401
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>> No.6254416
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all dese chicks in sailor suits faauurk

>> No.6254429
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>dat shitty Mr.Bushido cosplay

>> No.6254461

I'll be there, going as Lilly Satou, Applejack, and Scootaloo. Event wise I'll figure out when the schedule is up.

>> No.6255121
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>> No.6256657
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>> No.6256826

does anyone know if youmacon will post a finalized panel/events schedule on the site before the actual con? a friend and i are planning some things and we'd like to know when certain events are happening so that we can plan accordingly. of course they also didn't even have panel reg open until like a few weeks ago... ridiculous!

>> No.6256862

Dat Cirno forgot to sew the part under her armpit..

>> No.6256866

the zipper didnt go all the way up.

>> No.6257069

If I wasn't in Marquette, I'd go. Sadly, this is the second year in a row I've had to miss because of monetary issues...sigh.

I'm certainly not going to miss standing in line for 6 hours, though.

>> No.6257135

this was my fist thought as well

>> No.6257170

Last year's reg line was zero hours long for a good deal of it.

Zero hours long. Was mindboggling.

>> No.6257528

Considering coming down from A²
How is parking?

>> No.6257547

Where is this?

>> No.6257581

Lel memes

>> No.6257834

Detroit. At the Ren Centre and Cobo

>> No.6257839

This is going to be the first con I've ever gone to because I pinkie swore my roommate that I would attend this year and that shits serious. Is this a good con for my first one? what should I expect?

>> No.6258246

I sent an e-mail a few months ago, and another one a few weeks ago, and I haven't heard shit. I already have me maid cosplay too....

>> No.6258298

*my, oops

>> No.6258538
File: 1.46 MB, 1600x900, wreckitraplh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a lot just Southeast from the building, on the river. I think it was $5 to park all weekend there, though if you have to get your car out, getting it back in is a huge pain.

Just park on Friday and then try not to drive anywhere (no real need, since there is everything in the Ren Cen itself, even a movie theater).

Anyone up for Wreck It Ralph on Friday?

>> No.6258770

OK so going back to Ann arbor (OK Ypsilanti but no one ever recognizes that name) to sleep is less practical than I realized

>> No.6258864
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I just wanted to high-five you for also living in the U.P.
Polite sage for off-topic.

>> No.6259725
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>> No.6259741

I recognize that name.

Then again, I'm in Ann Arbor, so it'd be kinda hard not to...

>> No.6260743
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>> No.6260815

speaking of detroit, it looks like chou anime cafe closed down. Who saw that coming?

>> No.6260918


Already? I just drove past it on the way to the Tigers last week.

>> No.6260953


yup, says so on their site. The last day was the 22nd

>> No.6261029

Youmacon thread?

>Who's going?
I am!
>What new events/panels are you excited about?
All of them!
>Will we have a meetup?
If you give me your number.
>How will expanding into Cobo go?
I haven't been keeping up on the news about it and am hearing this for the first time which sounds awesome.

Also I was thinking about doing a second costume. Should I do an Aquabats cosplay? I was thinking about it since it's a lot more simple, and would be good if I get to hot and I can wear it around more easily.

>> No.6261787

from what i heard of people who've gone to it, the venue was incredibly small and cramped, and the 'food' they served was bought from a sandwich shop down the road. who'd heard of a cafe that doesn't even prepare their own food?

>> No.6261883

You had to make your own ramen too. They bring it out dry with some water and you have to prepare it yourself.

>> No.6262161

Let me know who the new guy is in steam powered giraffe!!

>> No.6263256


>> No.6263638
File: 66 KB, 480x720, 33743_481971732358_758277358_6941708_8034446_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6263692

God. That is almost as bad as that Steampunk coffee shop place. A coffee shop that only had the same type of coffee maker you'd have in your college dormroom.

>> No.6263903
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watch out

>> No.6263905
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>> No.6263906
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>> No.6263909
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>> No.6264637
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>> No.6265929
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>> No.6265976

Didn't she spend like two years trying to sell that costume?

>> No.6269680

Youmacon, why are you on Page 9? You are my favorite con, and you are a month away. Get back up there.


>> No.6270161
File: 31 KB, 400x225, dsdaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there Friday through Sunday. The question is red jacket or green?

>> No.6271331

the answer is both.

>> No.6271334

please tell me you're coming to Equestrian Embassy, then. I've got jokes lined up I know you'll enjoy.

>> No.6274248

>got the dosh to go
>no idea if agoraphobia will cooperate

>> No.6274260

> officially a month away
> still need to get my passport

the only major thing I haven't done yet. fuuuuck, really gotta do that this week.

>> No.6275862

You can have it rushed for a fee I think. Typically it takes around 2 weeks to process

>> No.6276354
File: 2.84 MB, 3240x4320, Youmacon 2011 471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6276531


>Ordering online.
>Not just waking up at 6 and waiting in line for 4 hours.

>> No.6276560

She's not talking about a badge, but a passport.
Is that how long the line is though? From what I remember last year, there was no line. At least in the afternoon.

>> No.6276593

Yeah, I'll go.

>> No.6276616


I didn't go last year but the other years had HUGE lines specailly for those who didn't order online.

>> No.6276645

Last year had ZERO line for most of the weekend.

Was miraculous. Pre-reg is always faster though. But seriously, zero line.

>> No.6280124
File: 143 KB, 810x1080, Youmacon 2011 247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6280225
File: 48 KB, 480x640, 377258_2794393458631_1872440453_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhm hello!!! i'm that /a/-tan. this is weird, i come on for the first time in forever and there's a youmacon thread AND people talkin' 'bout me! zowie!!

>> No.6280391

he must be hiding a steadycam in that kigu

your /a/ tan is perfect!

>> No.6283512
File: 2.84 MB, 3240x4320, Youmacon 2011 262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6283622
File: 1.37 MB, 3672x1492, Grassy Rooftop 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get all the /a/-tan excitement, but here's another.

>> No.6283652
File: 37 KB, 500x333, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I went in and brought my forms in today, and for ten extra bucks they said I could pick it up in scarborough in ten days.

which means an extra trip to scarborough, but you know. yay, I'll be allowed into the US lol

>> No.6283676
File: 383 KB, 857x627, renji fanservice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see 1/2 second clips of /a/-tan at 1:15, 1:18, 1:20, 1:22, 1:25, 1:30, 1:32, 1:49, 1:51, 1:56, 1:59, and 2:02.

We stalker now.


>> No.6283877

it's a month away, L2calendar

I hope you're going in the middle of the day

>> No.6284532

i don't really get it either. i'm glad people like it but it was such a cheap costume. ahaha~

sage because i don't have anything else to contribute.

>> No.6284867
File: 2.05 MB, 3888x2575, Grassy Rooftop 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another.

>> No.6284928
File: 37 KB, 391x364, 1346381849458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the general opinion on that rapping guy? I was caught off guard when he herded our whole meetup into his video, and I'd never heard of him before that.

>> No.6285595
File: 27 KB, 335x352, 1283342690746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's going?
This guy, aw yiss.

>What new events/panels are you excited about?
None at the moment, I haven't been paying attention to the schedule lolwoops.

>Will we have a meetup?
Here's hoping! I want to see all the pretty seagulls this year * v*

>How will expanding into Cobo go?
It seems like it could be a hit or a miss, hopefully it goes alright though!

>That feel when none of my cosplays are done yet

>> No.6285596

I'm so nervous stuff wont be done in time. My boyfriend still has to make an entire leather jacket for his, and I have two minor but insanely tedious things left on mine.

Mainly worried for him, especially because he works.

>> No.6285632

We should have the schedule up early next week. Monday is the absolute correction/kill date due to some last minute additions.

Dude, Cammy on Saturday. Come to the fighting game meets over at the Battle Opera. Depending on the clearance I get from the co-con chair, I'm going to try and place Capcom at 4, to go with the SF:AE tournament.

>> No.6285633

Also, both. I know there's a red jacket coming too.

>> No.6285722
File: 1.38 MB, 2966x2206, Grassy Rooftop 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6287287

is this for serious? where will the schedule be posted?

>> No.6287823
File: 39 KB, 640x853, 6zMUE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the con's main website. I know I'll be putting the cosplay schedule of what's going in the book in the first post of this thread: http://forums.youmacon.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12450

>> No.6288039

i love you.

>> No.6288043

Is this the schedule for the con itself or for cosplay photoshoots?

>> No.6289021
File: 789 KB, 245x180, 2YVly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The schedule going to this thread >>6287823 will be cosplay only. But we're not allowed to put up anything until the full thing goes up to the site. So, they'll be there about the same time.

>> No.6289417
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>> No.6289752
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>> No.6290472
File: 1.45 MB, 2904x2029, Grassy Rooftop 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6291829

Probably gonna be COLD during the con judging by how the weather so far this October has been lousy

>possible snow tonight

>> No.6291830

>Menma cosplayer
all my jelly, i love anohana

>> No.6291992

A certain group really likes him (mostly his social circle i think) and everyone else either doesn't care or thinks he's a joke.

I am still forever glad that you can't see us In that video

>> No.6292126

apparently heard that fangirl sarah will be at youma again... heard someone stole her purse or something at some party last year.

>> No.6292371

I thought that everyone thought he was a joke, including himself. And then everyone heard a song of his and laughed and thought it was a pretty good joke.

And then he unfortunately made an entire fucking album.

She didn't get anything stolen. She was drunk from getting up to when she fell asleep. She certainly could have lost her purse, because that bitch couldn't walk by noon each day.

>> No.6293193
File: 1.11 MB, 2364x1722, Grassy Rooftop 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6293219

I'm going with my girlfriend and a couple other of my close friends, we have a Gravity Falls cosplay group planned (I'm going as NORMAL MAN/Norman, girlfriend is going as Mabel and my friend is going as Gruncle Stan).

As for expanding into Cobo, I don't see it being too much of an issue, it's actually a pretty good center, I went there for Detroit Fanfare, it's got a snack bar smack dab in the middle of it too.

>> No.6293680

it's sam. replacing members after they've already got concerts booked is kind of a dick move, imo.

>> No.6294692

I've known him for years, I'm pretty sure he's serious...sadly

Do we have a meetup time yet?

>> No.6294868

Friday evening or Saturday maybe?
I don't think it will be cemented until the schedule is live

>> No.6294985

I do know the FIGHTAN GAEMS have a preliminary schedule


>> No.6295015

True. My vote goes to lobby downstairs by the bar for location

>> No.6295043

This sounds like a good location!

>> No.6295842
File: 1.40 MB, 2866x1871, Grassy Rooftop 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6296654


Dat Kyubey

>> No.6296781
File: 25 KB, 160x120, 1344665735125.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I start... 0.o

>> No.6298721
File: 94 KB, 420x560, enter-at-your-own-risk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uhh, yeah.


>> No.6298744

Some of this is true, but this gets blown out of proportion every year when it comes to youmacon. Hell, people were scared when the con was in troy, since it was close to Detroit, even though Troy is one of the top 5 safest cities in the US.

Basically, Youma is in the nice part of town. I've walked around there at night and been completely fine. As long as people aren't stupid, they'll be fine.

>> No.6298860

Unless you go into a bad neighborhood in full gang regalia, I don't think you'll get killed.

>> No.6298923

Let's not forget, this is also one of the things the police are doing in order to strengthen their union and get better contracts.

Not that they shouldn't do that. The Detroit Police are treated like crap by the city.

But Hart Plaza, the Ren Cen, and Cobo? Those are the safest places in the entire city. You'll get some panhandlers, but the hotel will push them away. They get pushed away in that area. But still, just take it as a warning: don't give money to any of those shits, or like kittens, they'll keep coming back to every Youmacom kid who passes by.

But other than someone begging for money, you shouldn't have any problems in the area.

>> No.6298966

Yeah it comes across as the nicer part of town. I didn't really feel unsafe last year, and our hotel was a good 1.5 km walk away from the con

>> No.6299304


Never ran into any panhandlers outside the Ren Cen the last two years. You'll be fine as long you don't wander off into the areas by the Fox Theater and Comerica Park.

>> No.6299343

This will be my first year at youma.
I'm getting a press badge so I'm wondering, truthfully, what the quality of costumes are.
Is Youma a smaller convention?

>> No.6299461


Hasn't been for years. Over 10,000 easy.

>> No.6299526


This guy here. Hnnnng. I want to say you're a dude, but I'm honestly not positive enough to assume either way. Not that it really matters to me, you're cute as hell regardless. Are you coming to Youmacon this year?

I'd polite sage for no contribution, but this thread needs to stay up there with the con getting close.

>> No.6299576

It honestly is. I ran into more panhandler/hobo's at Otakon than I have ever even seen in that area of Detroit.

It's on the larger end when it comes to cons, and costume quality is pretty good.

>> No.6300193


Youmacon is in the nice part of Detroit where there are actual cops and such. Only way that any of that actually applies to you is if your retarded and decided to either go down allies next to bars at midnight, decide to hang out in random abandoned buildings or go to east Detroit, all of which are so far out of the way from the convention center that it's pretty much impossible for anything to happen unless your retarded like I just said.

>> No.6300236

Seeing as how the con is across the street from City Hall, there isn't too much to worry about as far as crime goes. Just make sure you don't walk alone and walk with your head up. Confidence in your stride does keep you from looking like an easy target. If you're not with friends, just ask a nearby congoer or two if you can walk alongside them.

Also, sorry for the delay on the schedule release, kids. Still waiting on the OK from Magius and chikyo to unleash the cosplay timetable. I can at least confirm that we're going to try and round up the Gangnam Style mobs a lot more than other cons, so hopefully, it won't be the only thing you hear all weekend. While waiting for that to hit live, enjoy these Golden Retriever puppies for while you slave on your costumes like headless chickens: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi-XBXik2mg

Anyone hitting up the battle opera?

>> No.6300269

I live in Detroit and refuse to go to these even though I've been offered to a half dozen times by a lot of people.

Just no, not after the stories from /tg/.

>> No.6300274

St Louis is more violent.

Detroit is the 5th most violent.

>> No.6300477


What has /tg/ been saying? I bet you the stuff they have been saying only happens in east detroit.

>> No.6300838

If you take river walk from the ren cen to cobo, I'm pretty sure you walk right past a police station.
The river walk is also under video surveillance.

>> No.6300889

gotta finish nightwing and zuko still

>> No.6301465
File: 68 KB, 355x343, 58938543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n-no, i'm a girl. i'm flattered you think i'm cute, though!!

i'm not sure if i'll be there this year. i hope i can, but i'm not 100 percent. if i do go, i don't know if i'll be cosplaying. i might bring /a/-tan again, since i still have everything i need, but i feel like that is tacky... hmm. but i hope i can go and see everyone again!!! everyone at the meetup was so nice~

>> No.6302496
File: 1.26 MB, 2526x1778, Grassy Rooftop 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-----Last one I have of these.

>> No.6303157

If I make it to the meetup, I'll definitely keep an eye out for you. I vote for more /a/-tan, of course.

I missed out on meeting all of the trips who were at Anime North, and it made me a sad panda.

>> No.6304298 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 600x400, Sailor-Moon-Nude-Cosplay-Deviants-Reunion_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, who flagged the orgy and got it removed?

Who did that?

Which one of you /vp/irgins did this?

>> No.6304307

I'm so excited! I can't wait to see everyone again.

It's gonna be so cold this year though

>> No.6306213

To be fair, the idea was fucking retarded, disgusting, and unsanitary.

>> No.6309956

Shit /cgl/, why is Youmacon on page 9? It's like, a week and a half away!

>> No.6309994

It's actually more than 2 weeks away, almost 3.

19 days left before the con.

>> No.6310527


>> No.6310800
File: 456 KB, 400x225, 1317893674799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19 days left

>> No.6311405

Half a month to go awww yeah

>> No.6314216

bah, have the money to go but still unsure if i'll be able to keep my shit together in crowds

>> No.6314830
File: 246 KB, 981x1143, 1319867123518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hah, my shitty blitzcrank cosplay is dancing in that video.

i'm closet cosplaying as the producer from idolm@ster and im bringing chihaya with me

tried to join the meetup last year, but my costume was too cumbersome and i couldn't see shit in it, so i got tired. i'll try to join this year if you're having one

>> No.6316208

>Get in car accident Saturday.
>No idea if I'll have enough money or even be able to drive.
>Already have my cosplay pretty much done.

Really fuck my life.

>> No.6316626

oh man that sucks. How far away are you from the con?

>> No.6316637

Being dragged halfway across the country for staffing (guest relations wooo)


12-year-old Jonathan Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure TV), Johnny Joestar (Steel Ball Run), Saber (Fate/Zero), possibly Kurloz (Homestuck) or Ebisu (Dorohedoro) since those are my Halloween costumes

If I'm free and not dying, maybe!

>> No.6317445


Not to far. I live in Dearborn so the plan was to just drive there each day or when ever. I really wanted to drive by myself as to not have to deal with other peopels scheduals or anything in both driving me to/from or me driving them. Sadly that might not be an option depending on how long our car gets fixed and well, pretty much everyone in my family is treating me like a 8 yearold who just broke some china so I doubt the'll let me use any car that isn't for school or work.

Not that I can blame them to much but my family has a tendancey to punish a lot more than what the crime is.

>> No.6317605

How many attendees were there last year?

>> No.6318806

I think 14,000?

I believe that number included staff, workers, guests, etc though.

I think no cons do actual "attendees" counts though. I think most all of them include all of those extras.

>> No.6318842

Is there going to be a sky walk between the Cobo and the Ren cen? It's going to be a cold and windy Youmacon and it'll suck doing the fifteen minute walk to both the venues back and forth especially when wearing a costume.

>> No.6319007


They usually guestimate by the number of passes they sell.

>> No.6319068

It's only an 8 minute walk. Take the people mover if you don't want to deal with sunlight and air.

>> No.6319095

if you want to wait 10-15 minutes to ride a shuttle

i'd just walk there, it's a better experience walking around if it doesn't go to shit and rain on us

>> No.6321436
File: 7 KB, 250x150, monorail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best plan is People Mover there (short ride, 5 minutes).

Walk back (People Mover would be 20 minutes).

Remember the People Mover is a 1 way thing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEZjzsnPhnw

>> No.6321865
File: 18 KB, 403x403, 579021_4758933301436_1011383838_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Aquabats gear came in the mail this morning.

The white part on the goggles is actually glare from my glasses. I kinda wish the goggles did have the white over the eyes cause it looks kinda cool.

>> No.6321930

You are amazing.

>> No.6324041

Oh my god. I really hope to see you. I've never seen an Aquabats cosplay and I'm totally freaking out. So awesome!

>> No.6324801


Haha thanks! I'll look even more amazing with my belt. Hope to see you too cause I requested that weekend off a month ago.

>> No.6324920


>Gets out sewing machine. Day off work. Fuck fuck fuck need so many things. Joanne Fabrics here I come.


>> No.6325694

Did anyone else enter the calendar contest? I haven't heard anything and don't see anything on the forums about the winners yet. I was wondering if anyone has received any email back yet since it's getting really close to the con.

>> No.6326291

For sure man. If a girl dressed as a pre-uniform Cap, Lady Deadpool, Valkyrie or AC:B recruit wants a pic, that would be me. Because, most def want one!

>> No.6326754


Well if there is one thing I will be looking out for it's the ladies!

>> No.6327752

i literally have to sew belt loops to my outfits and they're both done.
i'm just ready for it to be con time now

>> No.6327755
File: 160 KB, 1280x604, aboslutely disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about no, you whores.

>> No.6328095
File: 73 KB, 400x296, laulaulau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*SNORT* HA HA *COUGH* HA *ChokechokeHHrrrrCCChoke*

I seriously hope that is a joke. There can't be furry/scat/bukake/cutting/blood/cosplayers who are actually also swingers.

I'm betting if that thing is real, it's going to have 40 neckbeards and 3 really REALLY ugly (also neckbearded) women.

But seriously, that isn't real.

And if it is... PIC RELATED

>> No.6328240

>it's going to have 40 neckbeards and 3 really REALLY ugly (also neckbearded) women.
I think you mean just 40 neckbeards.

Oh, and a cloud of shame

>> No.6328270
File: 1.21 MB, 809x1267, content_201209241030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably going as Mikuo Hatsune and Megaman X.

I'm actually dead excited that Alex Valle and IFC Yipes are going to be there, as well as Guilty Gear ACR+ is going to be released on PSN the same day of the con.

I really didn't want to play fighting games that weekend but hnnnng; I never pass up a chance to hang out with Calipower. He's so cool! Tell me how the hang out goes, tho guys. I only know Kafuka and eggs. Enver kinda sorta.

>> No.6332632


>> No.6332649
File: 26 KB, 127x204, 44363547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how about someone of you guys going there just to see how it goes and tell us all about it later?

>> No.6333033
File: 85 KB, 279x192, 1345602031401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck I only just read this
>Some of our past fetishes include:
>Scat and watersports (contained to the bathroom and you need to bring your own air fresheners)
>Strange insertions

I want someone to crash this "party" cameras and vuvuzelas

>> No.6333799
File: 40 KB, 300x281, 1311922188546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't anyone give me the memo? This party sounds amazing. I bet a lot of hot girls are gonna be there!

>> No.6333844

>bronies to otherkin
ugh, there will be no women when you cast your standards that low.

>> No.6333852

someone needs to shop that face onto all their faces

>> No.6333869
File: 84 KB, 494x500, mcNUGGET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.6333917


>> No.6336957

bumping because 10 more days

>> No.6337642
File: 146 KB, 480x640, IMG_20120905_171822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make offhand joke about crossplaying in five years to a friend 5 years ago
>They hold me to it

Well, at least it'll be the first proper cosplay I have, instead of the makeshift Ooishi costume I've been using for the last 3 years.
Any tips to hide weight for costumes? It's going to look goofy and stupid anyway, but I don't want to be a complete disrespect to the character.

Also, hearing every year how people won't go because it's in Detroit is hilarious. It's right next to a border patrol station (since it's right on the river), so there's a heavier police presence there than anywhere else. Plus, the entire Joe Louis/Comerica Park/Ford Field area is safe as fuck in general. Though, if the World Series goes to 7 games, there might be victory/loss riots so it could be a little more dangerous this year than most.

>> No.6337753


>> No.6337877

I haven't heard back either... not sure if it's because I didn't get in or they just haven't announced it yet.

>> No.6339251

>who's going
Yo. I plan on cosplaying as Deadpool, Naked Snake and Tommy Wiseau

Live Action Mario Party, Live Action Mario Party: After Dark, Anime Limbo, getting Jon St John to read poetry again, gaming room derping, playing football with TGWTG, LK and TFS, and lastly playing Rock Band with some of the other Deadpools.

It's not gonna be too bad. Youmacon will deff' make good use of it. The walk isn't too bad and taking the People Mover also gives me an excuse to take on my friends to Five Guys.

I wonder if the Eat Em Up Tigers Guy will show up

>> No.6339266


What is After Dark like? Some friends I made at the con always end up dragging me to Death Note Mafia (which admittedly is always a blast), so I can never make it. Damn scheduling everything I want to do at the same time.

>> No.6339271

It's not a whole lot different from regular, just more adult-themed. For example, during regular they'd have a game where someone would wear a unicorn horn and other people would throw rings. At After Dark, they'd use dildos. Also, shock videos.

>> No.6339274


Sounds pretty fun, maybe I'll get to go this year. LAMP is always a good time.

>> No.6339571


Also team 4 star swears and sometimes one of them will dress in drag and you get to ask them more adult questions.

>> No.6339625

Valkyrie!? ohgooood I'm so excited to see it!
Is there a Marvel shoot?

>> No.6341195

Yes there is!

Oh hey, it's the Lady Deadpool. This here's the one Deadpool who came up with the idea of playing Rock Band together

>> No.6341359

Yep. It'll be on Saturday during the Marvel tournament over in COBO.

>> No.6341374

HA! I'm going to youmacon with them ladies

>> No.6343693

Oh boy, I just found out that my room isn't a double, but a king size. Time to squeeze 6 people onto one bed!

>> No.6343723


wait, I don't think you're talking to the right Lady Deadpool, because I remember that, and I'm not the previous femanon.

>> No.6343734

Oh, my apologies then. Were you the maskless one last year?

>> No.6343736


No, I'm the one with Rorschach. Must just be a coincidence.

>> No.6343962

Is there a set day/time for the meetup?

>> No.6344044

Who's all going to the orgy? I wanna get laid. I'll be dressed as Mikuru.

>> No.6344157

I just realized that Youmacon is next week and I have no idea how I'm going to get there yet.

>> No.6344179

I'm starting to wonder if last year's orgy was in the room next to mine. Either that or the people were zombies because I heard a shitload of moaning and groaning

>> No.6346025

OH!!!! Please please please please more pictures of them.

Oh my god please.

oh please.

>> No.6346160

Doing a JSR cosplay and can't fucking wait for the Battle Opera!

>> No.6346416

I know /cgl/ is slow, but any good bars in the area or where con goers usually go to drink?

>> No.6346421
File: 93 KB, 501x501, 7836_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girlfriend and I are going as Glenn Danzig and Henry Rollins respectively.

>> No.6346443


If that happens, just stay in the Ren Cen. It was designed to impede crowds.

>> No.6346563
File: 59 KB, 455x451, 1309167199413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting on my roommate from last year to tell me whether or not he has a spot left.

>> No.6346583

there's going to be a bar in the hotel. but for like outside bars- it's detroit. there are tons of good bars.

as for where con goers go i've seen like after hour bar meet ups on con forums before. but mostly it's like you meet people and all go to a bar together.

that must be stressful. good luck, anon

>> No.6346620

If you're up for cramming with 6 other people in a king size room and probably sleeping on the floor/in the bathtub, I MAY be able to help you out. Unless my other roommates aren't keen on the idea.

>> No.6346724
File: 42 KB, 273x380, zombie mil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ren Cen was LITERALLY made to repel a zombie invasion. Seriously. Oh, and to protect its inhabitants from grenade attacks.

They got rid of a lot of that during the GM reconstruction (when they made the large glass entryways.... glass doesn't repell RPGs). But all those large concrete slabs originally had a reason.

>> No.6346736

If by "zombies", you mean "soviets", then yes

>> No.6346737
File: 19 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m3dy2l5E4x1r2g7mto1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jet Set Radio?

I'm trying to finish a Beat costume! I was starting to think there would be any other JSR cosplayers

>> No.6346940

It would be nice if they posted the schedule already. What with it being a week away.

>> No.6346946

Yessir. Funnily enough I'm also doing a Beat costume. Hopefully we run into each other! P.S What are you doing for the shoes/skates?

>> No.6346949

uhg yes.

>> No.6347005

I don't know if it'll be done in time, but I'm making a wire frame over my roller blades to attach a craft-foam skin on to.
I've procrastinated, and I'm still not sure I'll have it ready.

How are you doing the headphones?

>> No.6347153

I would go if i had friends that were interested.. but nope.

>> No.6347169

don't let lack of friends discourage you. meet new people, make new friends. would you rather look back and think "man, i could have gone. but instead i stayed home and browsed 4chan all weekend"

>> No.6347178

Not who you were originally responding to. I was going to post something about how you imply people outside the internet are worth being friends with, but I guess you have a point.

If nothing else, you can try to meet up with some of the /cgl/ people that are going. No one's saying to put on a trip and start acting like some sort of retarded internet celebrity, but i imagine you can tolerate talking with the people that browse here face-to-face for a few hours.

>> No.6347182

Due to budget and time, I'm using a cheap pair of wireless headphones. Also I didn't find the time/funds to do anything with rollerblades, so I'm probably just gonna go with cheap yellow Vans or something. Yeah it's pretty bad tbh.

>> No.6347288

If there is a meetup i would try to go, any definite time/place for that?

>> No.6347295

i never understood that mentality, especially at cons. cons are like real life internet.

>> No.6347321

Are...are you arguing for or against >>6347178 ?

Because think about what you just said. If you go to conventions without friends, you're basically stuck having to either keep to yourself the entire time or willingly subject yourself to the ungodly lovechild of 4chan, reddit and tumblr that's constantly catty and defensive, spouting memes everywhere and showing zero self-control.

I mean, if that's your idea of a great time, more power to you and all that.

>> No.6347350
File: 340 KB, 1466x2994, TRpK2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's going?
I am with about seven other friends, going to be cosplaying as Kotori-chan from working, because 6'5 235 pound traps are kawaii as fuck. Pic related, still need the wig though.
>What new events/panels are you excited about?
Not really, the dealer room is always a high-point for me, as well as any contests involving physical ability, since I'm a /fit/fag as well.
>Will we have a meetup?
mite b cool. A few of my friends, mainly the girls, browse /cgl/ too, so who knows. I'd enjoy it, as long as none of you are landwhales.

>> No.6347415
File: 240 KB, 720x963, YOUMACON 2012 CGL MEETUP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time we settle this; last year I *think* we had it on friday evening, so Let's just do that again this year.

Is that cool with everyone? Friday around 5 on the rooftop outside of the 2nd floor Marriot lobby? Or even inside the lobby. From there we can discuss who wants to go to Wreck it Ralph on one of the other days.

All in favour say aye

>> No.6347419

Wud fuq

Where would the meet up be anyways?

>> No.6347450

please dont forget to iron your costume!

>> No.6347471


>> No.6347482

I might surface from my rural Michigan location just to take in the sights and sounds.

>> No.6347492

Honestly don't think being /fit/ is gonna help that much in most of the physical skill games considering they consist of manipulation of 4-6 buttons and a joystick

I mean have you SEEN how large the FGC is?

>> No.6347543

Oh, I will haha
I know, there were just some at the last con I was at like tug-o-war, an obstacle course, etc. and it ad prizes and such. I didn't know if Youmacon would have that sort of stuff, since this is my first time going. How stiff is security there? I usually like to get drunk as possible at cons, but I'm 20, so I was curious as to whether or not that would be safe to do.

>> No.6348104

The website plainly says "if it's illegal outside the con, it's illegal inside" so that probably helps. Also, you're not only going to have to deal with con security, but also the venue security

>> No.6348620

Con security is pretty cool with things if you aren't underage and running around the con (Fangirl Sarah was drunk off her ass all weekend last year) Other than that, you're fucked. They seem to keep an eye on parties.

I had a party last year and some girls tried to get in. We tried to ID them, but they didn't have anything and left in about 5 minutes. Later that night we got a visit from con security thanking is for running an awesome party. Just was kind of weird since the party wasn't that awesome. But they actually THANKED us for getting drunk and having no underage kids there.

>> No.6348748
File: 494 KB, 460x190, no1curr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wag your e-penis a little more, why don't you?

>> No.6349109
File: 7 KB, 200x345, 1322531222354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>describing your physical characteristics online and happening to be in shape IRL

>> No.6349115

That makes no difference. Online, I could say that I have a 20-inch waist and be 6'4". In real life, I'd be a shrubbery.

>> No.6349135
File: 226 KB, 614x357, sad 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

booo, i can drink legally at home, i want to be legally drunk at youmacon

>> No.6349661
File: 176 KB, 640x563, n4fea155f65f2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I posted a picture? Have another.

>> No.6349672
File: 50 KB, 720x480, south-park-blame-canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6349834

Wow, that's cool. You're in shape because you're genetics are good. Doesn't mean you should flaunt your body.

>> No.6349861
File: 863 KB, 435x360, 1346903219516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fit privilege

Pls be trolling.

>> No.6349881


Handegg pls go

>> No.6349913

Can I get to the meetup spot without a badge? I'm local and was only planning on buying a badge for Saturday.

>> No.6350077

I might be up for it if my roommate doesn't get back to me. Are you in the Ren Cen?

>> No.6350098

Don't quote me on this, but I believe the badge is only necessary for panels/events/dealers room.
Since its a hotel lobby, there's no con-specific events taking place there, making it public domain.

I'm pretty sure you'll be fine

>> No.6350146

Is the meetup on the roof with the grass like last year?

Then it's in a common space and you'll be fine.

>> No.6350153

I got asked to see my badge a few times when I was sitting around. Once up near the video rooms, and once near the dealers hall. It's not hard to be like "oh i still need to go buy one" and relocate, though. They wont boot you.

>> No.6350477

heard there is some guy buying lots of alcohol/liquor and having a party in some room this year, he had one last year too (think he was a genesis or cloud cosplay.. i remember fangirl sarah being there too. but I've heard the dude spent around $800 for this party this year.

>> No.6350944

What is the cgl meetup usually like? I'm a big lurker and I've never gone because I assumed it was going to be people who know each other on the boards already

>> No.6350952

there will be tripfags but there will also be anons
just talk to people
it's like going to a party

>> No.6351149

lets get drunk niggas

>> No.6352701
File: 632 KB, 1600x1200, Youma 2010 (116).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6353394
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1324080736986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad I couldnt make it this year due to money issues, It was supposed to be my first con.

Next year for sure :3 Take plenty of pictures anons

>> No.6353568

i aint doin shit 4 yo broke ass

>> No.6353581

imn crying im so ecxcited i cant wait to see everyone again i love you all

>> No.6355326
File: 12 KB, 300x230, 1300958052036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, finally got the message from my previous roommate, and he's full up.

>> No.6355386

Yes I love you all too. I get to fulfill my pedo fantasies with my new girlfriend. Bitch don't even know about my CP collection. By the time she knows it exists, I'll have her broken to the point that she won't leave me. Youma gunna be so cash. She's 20 but looks like she is 13.

>> No.6355525
File: 18 KB, 415x313, fuckfuckfff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6355562

I don't give a fuck whats wrong with me. I'm banging the loliest looking cosplayer around living out my wildest fantasy and you fuckers can't do shit about it

>> No.6355602
File: 134 KB, 250x250, oie_27924142GYJr0BV.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6355612
File: 37 KB, 600x453, lost-final-evangelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6355664

You two are actually congratulating a admitted pedophile?

>> No.6356028

Same dude. You're a fucking creep and I hope you're caught before you hurt someone.

>> No.6356327

Did anyone in the thread go to Shutocon?

>> No.6356336

If i can finish cammy today or tomorrow, this will be my first ever con where things werent done at 2 am the night before. whoa.

>> No.6357385

I'm not going this year. I'd rather not go through the hassle, and Youmacon is just getting too big. Hopefully Cobo will help but it always takes a year for them to adjust to new venues.

>> No.6357392

Well my room and roommates just crashed on me, so.. I may be able to throw enough cash out to go for one day. I'm getting pretty desperate for a room, but I doubt that'll go anywhere.

My costumes were all group ones so I think I'll just wear my horse head mask. I was originally going to be Kenji from Katawa Shoujo, however I'm not going there alone in sight-restricting glasses with crazy (actual) feminists around me in a crowd.

Anybody have any ideas for what I should wear clothes-wise with my horse head? I've got money for an outfit but I want something ridiculous.

>> No.6357668 [DELETED] 

you mean like tying up my girlfriend and leaving a bruise the size of my fist on her back? Yeah, bitch will learn to not resist by the time I'm done. If you see her crying outside a room, just ignore her. I have her thinking she is trash and no one wants her except me, so she just keeps coming back. I even have the bitch driving from the south to here and bringing her even younger friend with her. By the time I'm done with that one, I'll have two loli bitches on my dick.

>> No.6357680

all of my and my boyfriends costumes are done! everything is ready. i am ready.

most of my cosplay friends work on their cosplays literally all night the day before they wear it. like they'll have what they're wearing for friday done thursday night, saturday done friday night, and then they give up on cosplaying on sunday and just leave early because they're so tired.
what's up with that?

>too big
you don't want to go to a big con? whaaat. crazy, big cons are best cons.

i always think horse heads look great with suits.
why'd all your friends bail, though? i'd be super mad.

>> No.6357691

a lolita coord.

and feel free to come to the meetup on friday if you want people to hang out with

>> No.6357748
File: 9 KB, 320x240, wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting really excited now.

It's my boyfriend's first time cosplaying. He's being Ed Elric cuz he loves FMA, (and Kira Yamato to match my Lacus if his costume gets here in time) and he's going all out, I'm proud of him. He's letting me take him to get his eyebrows done by a pro, and put make up on him, and he's really excited.

I worry though, because Ed is so baby faced, and my boyfriend is one of those guys who's five o'clock shadow comes in at noon.

I'm sure it'll be fine though...

Anyone have an eyebrow painting tutorial? I don't want to have to start a thread.

>> No.6357870

Be sure to let us know what room you're in, classact!

>> No.6357877

Annnnd finally! We have schedule!

>> No.6357925
File: 824 KB, 400x467, YRUC0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's glorious

ANYWAYS, it looks like there's nothing too interdasting happening on friday at 5, so is that still cool with everyone for a meetup time?

>> No.6357978 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 2136x879, Youmacon2012Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now with the cosplay schedule!

>> No.6358049

LOL try it. Call the cops on me too. Bitch won't say a damn word against me. What, you people never got rough during sex?

>> No.6358068

Since the cell capture failed, spreadsheet: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?h1ug2a4arf3oplk

>> No.6358093 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 2956x818, Youmacon2012Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, Open Office fail. Anyways, cosplay schedule in spreadsheet and jpg form: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?h1ug2a4arf3oplk

>> No.6358122 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 1345x1639, Youmacon2012Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much for trying to stick to the full original format. --
Cosplay schedule in spreadsheet and (hopefully) easier to read jpg form: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?h1ug2a4arf3oplk

>> No.6358138
File: 56 KB, 337x367, 1311626491256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a panel called Chicken or Beef: A Male Take on Gay Anime {18+}

>> No.6358302

how does this keep ending up on page four and five? five sleeps, people!

>> No.6358529

http://www.mediafire.com/view/?jx5d5nr3ckk9eo1 Had to go back and stick in what the spreadsheets ate.

>> No.6358604

>Find random long, baseball sock in room.
>Oh shit just what I need!
>Can't find other sock.

I decided that I am going to wear leggings with my cosplay cause I think it looks better while also keeping me warm since I'm wearing shorts. I wish I knew where the other sock was cause it was comfy as fuck and it makes my leggings less flapy.

>> No.6359325

Oh hey, there's a Cosplay Speed Dating thing. Ima try that out for shits and giggles. I went to the one at the Detroit Fanfare yesterday and not only did I speed date a girl... and then her mother, but also said girl apparently lied about being 18 and the more she went on, the more it sounded like her mom just dragged her there so she didn't have to watch over her.

>> No.6360031

Welp, looks like I might have to do some male stripping on Thursday night...

>> No.6360790

I'm speeddating as Slenderman. Maybe we'll get matched.

Also it's 16+ this year.

>> No.6361182

Oh that'll be interesting. You a guy or gal?

Also, turns out the girl's mom is married and the girl herself has a boyfriend. Why the fuck she's speed dating is beyond me.

>> No.6361608

This is one of the funniest panels ever.

Also, NOT FOR THE SQUEEMISH. I walked in halfway through last year looking for a friend. And the whole room looked over at me. Dead quiet. I looked around at all of them, scared, before I looked at the projector.

>Ponies with dicks doing bukake buttsex with each other and vomiting.


>> No.6362237
File: 481 KB, 500x321, xsmPu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear God.