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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 48 KB, 1334x630, Nerdorgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6326475 No.6326475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, uh, seagulls, apparently there's an annual orgy after(?) Youmacon. A friend of mine alerted it to our group so we could laugh at it, but then I wondered if anyone here knew about it or anything similar at other cons.

Pic related. If the link is wanted, will provide.

Just... Jesus Christ how horrifying.

>> No.6326498

I've been to one. Met my boyfriend there, he was one of the guys who hung out with me after groupsex with a couple of guys.

>> No.6326499

If I'm not mistaken, someone from /cgl/ went last year just to check it out (Yeah right.) and it was a disaster. Four years of massive success until one of your attendees kills themselves 3 months later.

>> No.6326501

Convention groupsex has to be one of the most disgusting things.

>> No.6326505

I had no idea that these kinds of things even took place. What the fuck.

>> No.6326507
File: 340 KB, 1466x2994, TRpK2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to it, to beat the shit out of some perverts. Pic related, I'm a very Kawaii Cosplayer.

>> No.6326511

inb4 some tripfag suggests we do this for ALA.

>> No.6326512

>I've been to one. Met my boyfriend there
Sounds like a real catch!

>> No.6326523


>> No.6326522

He's not the only thing she caught.

>> No.6326527
File: 17 KB, 407x270, highfive1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that, girls, is what we call the "catty combo"!

>> No.6326525

Was it a gangbang or...?

>> No.6326537

>groupsex with a couple of guys.
What do you think?

>> No.6326539

I was reading and waiting for there to be some kind of statement about being clean in there. But nope! I mean I guess it would be hard to check, but they don't even mention stds at all. How gross.

>> No.6326545

Someone killed themselves?!

>> No.6326543

So what's it like? How many people? What distribution of guys and girls?

>> No.6326548

3 months after. I only heard about it a couple weeks ago.

>> No.6326582

Mostly guys pretty cute, you can say no during the orgy if some creep comes up. I just grabbed 3 guys, more followed and a bunch more kept coming. BF and i still do threesomes and attend fetlife munches.

>> No.6326596

Is it bad that I'd think about going? what's the average level of attractiveness of the girls there on a 1-10 scale?

>> No.6326597


I have a hard time believing that there is anyone going to these things who isn't a disgusting human being

>> No.6326601

what happened to them?

>> No.6326609

Not really into girls, but there were quiet a few...um larger women? But there were some cute girls there as well, mostly just for soft swap or public dom/sub play. It really is fun though,you should go! Carpe Diem right?

>> No.6326614

I assume they died

>> No.6326621

What sort of costumes were there? Was there any roleplaying?

>> No.6326622

So how many dudes dumped their load on your face?

>> No.6326623

>carpe diem
>latin for "YOLO"

>> No.6326626

I was too occupied to remember or care what anyone else was into.

Don't remember, 40? Was over the course of 4 hours.

Okay this isn't a Q&A thread I'm done.

>> No.6326631
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T-they don't mention anything about STDs or being clean?

Holy shit, gross.

>> No.6326634 [DELETED] 

And this, my dear, dear femanons, is why none of us respect you and all of us consider you to be little better than the average whore.

>> No.6326639

>Okay this isn't a Q&A thread I'm done.

>> No.6326640
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>40 in the course of 4 hours

>> No.6326642

This can't be real. Right? People do this? I'm so fucking vanilla that I can't even fathom the concept of an orgy after a con I've attended the past three years... Nope, I will not believe this.

>> No.6326643


Japanese porn stars would be impressed.

>> No.6326648


why are you all under the mistaken impression anyone cares

>> No.6326656 [DELETED] 

I'm not a whore. I hate most other girls who cosplay, especially the feminist bitches ITT.

>> No.6326650

Believe it, baby.

>> No.6326661

>I'm not a whore. I hate most other girls who cosplay

Not seeing what makes you stand out here.

>> No.6326665
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>> No.6326672 [DELETED] 

Why are girls who cosplay so ridiculously trashy?

>> No.6326686
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Women, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.6326687 [DELETED] 

I bet you guys that asian girls would be too pure to go to such a disgusting event.

>> No.6326690
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>scat and watersports
>(contained to the bathroom and you need to bring your own air fresheners)

>> No.6326700


God what a fucking whore.

>> No.6326704


All women into anime are.

>> No.6326735

an orgy of autistics

i wonder how many people accidently locked braces

>> No.6326743
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>having braces

>> No.6326745
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>topic about group orgy
>only one girl in-thread has admitted to going/endorsing it
>"ugh, cosplay girls are so slutty"
>cosplay girls
>not just girls
>not just people

>> No.6326758

>not just people

But I'm a virgin, so your point is invalidated. Also girls into anime are sluttier because anime corrupts you mind into thinking sex is fun and a good thing.

>> No.6326770

I respect you for your decision and your telling us about it.

>> No.6326781

>anime makes you slutty

I believe you mean the media and porn industry..

>> No.6326784




Kill yourself.


No anime. Anime is much more accessible to younger kids than porn. Weebaoo scum.

>> No.6326792


>because I, a male, am a virgin, that by extension makes no men sluts, and despite the fact that many men have/will attend this orgy, just as many girls who cosplay will not, I will only condemn the girls who do go.

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.6326794
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I hope you're trolling.

>> No.6326799 [DELETED] 

Not him, but you girls shouldn't be so open about sex.

Save it for marriage, or for a guy you love.

>> No.6326810


Whore detected.


Trolling? Is this a new buzzword you guys use? Anime is more accessible than porn, ESPECIALLY to younger kids.

See: Naruto

Naruto is a prime example of sluttiness in aime (sexy jutsu, harem jutsu, bath scene,s etc.)


Women cannot love.

>> No.6326814

Men go to the orgy too, why don't you condemn then? Why do you condemn girls first. Why is it bad for them to enjoy sex and not men?

>> No.6326820

>Women cannot love
No, no, you're thinking of your love pillow with your waifu on it.

>> No.6326824
File: 181 KB, 371x359, 13491261586991j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you girls

I never said anything about what sex I have.'
>impyling I ever had sex
You must think even PBS is the reason for slutty whores.

>> No.6326822

Don't even use the key and lock analogy because that's bullshit.

>> No.6326823

0/10 troll
or beta faggot that got dumped

>> No.6326828

Here's the freak who posted the ad http://forums.youmacon.com/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2825

>> No.6326831


Because I'm not seeking them out for a romantic relationship, so I don't care what they do?


Nothing on PBS kids is even sexual to any degree.


Vagina detected, why don't you go suck some cock and get the fuck out.

>> No.6326834 [DELETED] 

Men are dirty

Women are pure.

That's part of why we love you, you're pure, you're kinder, less sex obsessed and sweeter than us.

>> No.6326835
File: 983 KB, 323x224, FUCKYOURSHIT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread over you guys, go home. We all should of known how this would end.

>> No.6326843

> just as many girls who cosplay will not

most women on this board have probably been to something similar

from what i have seen 4chan especially /cgl/ and /soc/ are pretty trashy.

/cgl/ and /soc/ funnily enough are the most female centric boards.

other boards are fairly civilazed /k/ /g/ /n/ etc

like it or not men are actually the more civilized/classy and work oriented part of the human race

>> No.6326839

On the contrary, women are the only ones that can love. Love is irrational, and a BIG BAD RATIONALIST man like you wouldn't be capable of such a thing.

>> No.6326841

Cause the moment some porker gets knocked up all the fun is over.

>> No.6326844

>anime corrupts you mind into thinking sex is fun and a good thing.
nah, that's every media force ever

>> No.6326850

>Because I'm not seeking them out for a romantic relationship, so I don't care what they do?
Because the world revolves around you, right? EVERY girl is a potential romantic partner for YOU.

Life isn't a fucking anime. I bet you haven't even been in love before. I have, man, and let me tell you, it hurts, because the guy or girl you love is in a relationship or just wants to stay friends. It happens without fail, every single fucking time.

But hey maybe sixth time's the charm, IF it happens.

>> No.6326851
File: 1.22 MB, 720x405, 1349126382498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to church and praying to God to banish hentai

>> No.6326853

>sieg hiel the fat trust fund babby that regularly posts on /cgl/ talking about being classy and work oriented

>> No.6326854


But anime is the most accessible since it's cartoony and colorful, as to attract young girls and boys.


Men can love on average, women cannot love ever.

>> No.6326865

>But anime is the most accessible since it's cartoony and colorful
if this were true the majority of the population would be weeaboos

but they're not

they have the hippin hops and MTV to give them their dose of sex positive propaganda

>> No.6326869

As a man, I gotta say...

THAT'S BULLSHIT. /k/, /g/, and /n/ are far from civilized. Not to say this hellhole is, but hey, it's not any worse than them. Want civilized? Go to /h/, /d/, or /an/. Surprisingly, people are calm when talking about porn and animals.

>> No.6326870

>Men can love on average,
I have you evidence on why men cannot love, and you made no attempt to disprove it. You gave me NO EVIDENCE of why women cannot love.

Now what?

Let's just say women cannot love YOU and be done with it because I fully believe that statement.

>> No.6326877


That would imply love can exist between females, who are ruled by media and peer pressure, and males, who are logic-driven.


Your women logic never ceases to amaze me.


Where have you been? Lots of people like anime, just not shit like Madoka or other pedoshit.

EVERYONE loves Naruto/One Piece/DBZ/Bleach.


Upset because it's true? Just accept that anime is a gateway t osluttiness.

>> No.6326880

Men are more rational than women. Women are irrational. Ergo, women are more capable of love than men.

>> No.6326893

>Your women logic never ceases to amaze me.
Your hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me. What, can't address my point directly?

Why do the men that complain so much about women so often act so much like those they complain about? The man hamster is strong with this one.

>> No.6326887

Just get the fuck out. My cousin hates anime, my mother hates anime, my little sister only likes certain comedy anime, the rest of my family doesn't even fucking know what anime is.

>> No.6326897
File: 544 KB, 380x214, 1299503673805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking damnit.
Maximum trolling levels in this thread.

>> No.6326895

Lemme guess, cartoons are the gate way drug?
Are they the devil too?

Mommy must have never taught you about the birds and the bees.

Go jerk off to HinataxSakura some more.

>> No.6326903


Anyone who watches cartoons over 14 years old is a man child.


>man hamster

Now I KNOW you're a female.




>> No.6326907

>Lots of people like anime
but not a majority

to say a majority like anime would be to say that the majority of people are gamers because facebook and phone games

>> No.6326909
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>> No.6326918


please define "man hamster"

>> No.6326919

I'm still waiting for you to even TRY to refute anything I said. Come on, it shouldn't be hard if it wasn't true, right?

Holy shit, talk about strawmen. This isn't even relevant, especially because I'm a kissless virgin.

You're almost as bad at arguing as the average female.

>> No.6326915


Facebook games and phone games are games. People who play games are gamers.

>> No.6326917
File: 131 KB, 700x560, yeah id tap that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, hold the fuck on there, trollbuddy. I love my husbando more than you can even imagine. I do not think you can even begin to grasp the amount of dedication I have for him. Do not even get me started, Troll-kun.

>> No.6326920
File: 41 KB, 495x480, 1349319638871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how do you know about Madoka?
How do you know it's shit?


>> No.6326923
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>> No.6326924

Would you just leave. I'm trying to find out about this con orgy horrible shit and you're shitting it up with your mysoginistic trolling. well, hahha, nice, you got me. Now shut the fuck up and get the fuck out, go troll in another thread, or hell, make one for yourself, I don't care about you, fuck you.

>> No.6326934
File: 26 KB, 511x251, 58e7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hamster is a metaphor for the rationalization process one undergoes when they realize their pre-conceived beliefs are irrational. It's usually reserved for women since they're more notorious for it, but even "rational" men fall to it. When this happens it is called the "man hamster".

Here's an example: "reframing" is a convenient synonym for "rationalization". This man is a sad parody of fat chicks that are always cutting above their weight. These rationalizations allow him to continue his facade with his ego intact, and inflated egos are valuable when picking up women.

>> No.6326932


It's impossible to go on 4chan nad not here about your weeaboo nip cartoons.


Can't handle the truth? Then grow the fuck up, kid.



Get a life, cunt.

>> No.6326939

You're on the wrong board.

>> No.6326937
File: 743 KB, 500x281, 1345777304711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u watched naruto.
u a weeaboo

>> No.6326938

its sad because deep down, he actually believes the shit hes saying

>> No.6326944 [DELETED] 

Somebody who doesn't like Roissy I see.

He's very truthful about women, isn't he? Tends to ruffle a few feathers.

>> No.6326954


>> No.6326956

I don't mind him in general, but I do think he's a hypocrite. That's commonplace for the manosphere, lots of men touting the honor of their sex while being some of the least honorable. It's fine because I don't expect a man that makes pussy his purpose to be anything but.

>> No.6326962


My little brother watches it. Not me.


Aw someone seems rustled.


No, I came here to talk about cosplay, and ended up showing the light to lost weeaboos.

>> No.6326970



>> No.6326967

I sincerely doubt that.

>> No.6326968 [DELETED] 

You remind me of my ex, she vacillated between hating him and being intrigued by him.

I think Roissy is just a symptom of the times: Women need to start being more traditional and less "sex positive".

>> No.6326973



>> No.6326985


>> No.6326999

>I think Roissy is just a symptom of the times
Indeed, ultimately I deride other women for indulging him and giving him fame.

>> No.6327002 [DELETED] 

What other women indulge him?

>> No.6327020

And so do men right?
Or do you think alpha dudebro studs are a-okay?

>> No.6327018

As much as I'd love to say he's all talk, I don't doubt that he gets female attention IRL.

>> No.6327030


Alpha dudebros are the traditional male.

>> No.6327035 [DELETED] 

Would you fall for him?

>> No.6327041

No, I'd take great joy in brushing him off. He has nothing for me.

Alphas maybe, dudebros not so much.

>> No.6327052 [DELETED] 

What do you desire in a man?

>> No.6327055


Dudebro is redundant anyway, it means alpha.

>> No.6327061

Holy shit I hate this new generation.

It's like you're all trying to be as retarded as possible.

Do what you want, and stop caring about what other people do. Stop caring about what other people think of you.

But most of all stop complaining and shitting up everywhere you go with this crap. Just fucking stop. It makes anywhere you make up any portion of the users fucking unbearable. I'm almost about to go back on usenet; they complain night and day about how much better their clunky 100lbs electronics were built in the 70s but it's more tolerable than this.

>> No.6327064

>The men here calling all women sluts/whores in general, not even in relatin to the orgy
>Judge them by how they behave on the internet
>Have little to no actual interaction with females IRL

>> No.6327068

saging because I feel kind of bad for OP.

1. to desire me
2. to be within my class
3. to be smarter than me
4. to not be fat
5. to be willing to make a real commitment before he gets the goods

>> No.6327076

wow if there's one of these at every con maybe I'll start going. foot play? yes please.

>> No.6327079


Holy shit, obvious as fuck troll.

Also, funny how sieg heil should speak for /k/ considering he was told to pack his shit and leave last time I saw him on there.
I also recall hearing /o/ chasing him away.

>> No.6327083

Not at all. There are all kinds of alphas, some are at different levels than others. A dudebro is an alpha among a different group of people than a confident, well-known author. The dudebro will probably not have much luck with the author's female prospects, and the reverse is also true.

>> No.6327086


>encouraging slutty behavior

>> No.6327091 [DELETED] 

>5. to be willing to make a real commitment before he gets the goods


>> No.6327097

This is just fascinating to me. Too much of a prude to do anything of the sort, but thanks for sharing!

>> No.6327109



>> No.6327106
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>> No.6327117


>> No.6327123

We should do this for ALA.

>> No.6327126

I will finally have a reason for going.

>> No.6327134

That's the one thing I don't get... I mean, hey, if you wanna have a bunch of casual sex, go for it, I could care less. But, in an orgy, how exactly could you keep it... "clean"? I mean, I can't imagine many having the foresight to change condoms between each and every partner, and that's really scary.

>> No.6327164
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>guys interested in going but unwilling to make contact with anyone but another girl (Generally any group sex talk with straight guy friends)
I shiggy diggy motha fucka wat

I hope you guys don't think your sexuality applies at an orgy.

>> No.6327170


I think we can assume that there's at least as many guys at these events as girls (if not a lot more), so I don't see how this make women especially trashy (in comparison to men). A lot of guys are trashy, a lot of girls are trashy. It's okay, just don't sleep with them and you'll be free from any potential negative effects.

>> No.6327174

I lol'd.

It's nice being new to /cgl/ and not having predetermined opinions about the trips on here.
Anyone have a guide or something?

>> No.6327181

about that dude? you're in luck, just wait for his pictures.

guaranteed 10/10 you'll want a piece of dat ALA orgy action.

>> No.6327274

I wish /cgl/ had "NO BOYS ALLOWED" at the top of the page.

>> No.6327278

says the gay guy

>> No.6327282

>I wish /cgl/ had "NO WHORES ALLOWED" at the top of the page.


>> No.6327294

God forbid people enjoy having sex.

>> No.6327299

>implying anyone here has actually participated
>implying that one anon isn't a fucking liar
>implying the men involved aren't disgusting as fuck
>implying you don't just look for reasons to be a misogynist wherever you can

>> No.6327303

okay, now i'm 100% sure you're making this shit up. you have a penis.

>> No.6327306

but men can fuck as many bitches as they want and it's aaaaaaallllllll good.

>> No.6327316

Of course, because that's just normal!

>> No.6327320

>I wish /cgl/ had "NO BOYS ALLOWED" at the top of the page.
>I wish /cgl/ had "NO WHORES ALLOWED" at the top of the page.

I see no difference.

>683, seedooM
Yeah. This thread was doomed from the get go.

>> No.6327321

Sometimes I come here and think I accidentally stumbled into a evangelical christian chat forum. i mean, not much mention of god or jesus, but the misogyny and sex-hating and slut shaming and no fun allowed is all present.

>> No.6327376

I read it for that too, maybe that everyone needs a STI/STD test copy that comes out clean before entering, but nope. And nothing about condoms either.

>> No.6327379

I'm not one to "slut shame" but seriously dude

It's an orgy

You don't get sluttier than that. Just think of the type of men and women that actually WOULD attend an orgy, and then think about those sick fucks having an orgy. It's pretty gross.

>> No.6327395

Fuck off, I like my sluts the way they are thank you very much.

>> No.6327396

I am going to youmacon, and now I am going to this.

>> No.6327406


I really don't think there's anything "sick" about someone who attends an orgy. They aren't raping anyone, they aren't hurting children. They're just having sex with a lot of random, consenting adults. It's certainly slutty, and really divides any emotional sense from the act of sex, but "sick fuck" is a pretty strong term.

>> No.6327408

Take pictures and tell us stories when you get back!

>> No.6327414

Slutty, trashy, and disease ridden people, aka sick fucks.

>> No.6327416

Oh man I think I'm going to attend to find the ruby in the sand

>> No.6327417

That would really seem reasonable... I mean, I'm not a swinger/orgy-attender, but if I were I would need to be sure as hell that I wasn't going to come out of it with a nasty STD. And aren't those sort of communities usually REALLY strict about that sort of thing? That's the impression I've always gotten, but looking at this event, I might be wrong...

>> No.6327421

>I'm going to a landfill to find a diamond

good luck

>> No.6327425


I've never seen slutty and trashy and synonymous with being "sick". Possibly disease-ridden, of course, but again, wouldn't consider them horrible people, so long as they divulged their disease. For me, "sick fuck" has always implied something REALLY horrible - like a pedophile or rapist or murderer. Someone who commits acts I can barely stand to think about. Someone who's slutty just doesn't fit the bill for that descriptor, at least not for the way I use it.

>> No.6327426

If I remember too. You cant be sober to go to this shit. Take ALL the MDMA

>> No.6327442
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>> No.6327455

Who wants to go with me?

>> No.6327458



>> No.6327461

How about we go together? We don't need to go with any disgusting real life people

>> No.6327460

>Scat and Watersports (contained to the bathroom and you need to bring your own air fresheners)
My sides.

>> No.6327467

I'm actually going to be at this con. Tempted to check it out just to take a peek and bring back info, but I probably couldn't handle it.

>> No.6327469

How bad is it that I was mostly disturbed by the fact that all the good stuff they mention is aimed at guys?


Why would any girl attend that shit?

I bet they hire whores.

>> No.6327472

wait what

>> No.6327471

I'm sure gathering up a crowd with pitch forks wouldn't be too hard. Go with a posse.

>> No.6327475


>> No.6327473

Stop samefagging, turbonerd.

>> No.6327479

I know what to do!
Let's go together!

>> No.6327480

We're not.

>> No.6327477

Suck my cock dude.

>> No.6327484
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>> No.6327482



>> No.6327483
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>> No.6327486

I can feel the filth from the 3DPD just by being in this thread.

Let us go, girls.

>> No.6327488

Back to the Motherland!

>> No.6327489

But I like it here.

>> No.6327491

I-it's not like I want you to go back or anything!


>> No.6327492

Back to the tank with you slut.

>> No.6327495

Tsundere. We have a traitor in our midst. Smells of an Asuka.

>> No.6327498

believe me the girls will do worse. Lets just say most girls that go to this orgy have quite a few disturbing fantasies in mind and are willing to do anything you ask them if you fulfill them.

It's fun if you have a pretty twisted fetish, it isn't if you enjoy straight sex and have something against fat girls. Or if you're a sex addict like me, but what are the chances of that

>> No.6327499

Imagine if everyone who went owned and wore one of those horse masks.
Just envision 8 or 9 people fucking eachother wearing horse masks.
There's a horse man shitting on a horse woman in the bathroom.
Horse masks. Everywhere.

>> No.6327500


>> No.6327504

I don't like where this is going.

>> No.6327508

i had a girl come up to me one time i went and asked if she could either

A. stick a finger in my ass and jack me off
B. suck off another guy while roleplaying
C. if she could peg me

being bi is recommended if you want to have fun

>> No.6327511

And all the while, Trigun is playing on the hotel television. And one lone, chubby Vash coslplayer sits in a chair watching it, too embarrassed to do anything to anyone else...wearing a horse mask.

>> No.6327520

there's always at least 1 guy that shows up thinking this is a show put on for him "no i'm just going to sit here and watch TV, but secretly i'll be watching you the whole time and smiling"

>> No.6327519

I'm disappointed, I was hoping for scarier. A and C aren't even that bad.

>> No.6327523

i had a girl ask me afterwards just how crazy i'm willing to go for 200 bucks. I can tell you some sick shit i've done if you really want something i have no shame these days

>> No.6327524

In a horse mask.

>> No.6327527

hate the horse mask thing is such a boner kill and they always act like they're the first person to think of it

>> No.6327528

Go for it. I doubt you can top the goings on that I was already imagining at these things.

>> No.6327537

I'd be all about this if I lived near Detroit and was devoid of all self respect.

Okay, so maybe I'm a little curious...

>> No.6327539

lets see...

i went back with her because i thought 'she couldn't be that bad' and i'm bi so i can handle being with guys

>soy milk (i think she was lactose intolerant) enema that she shit into my mouth
>diaper up with several laxatives
>choking long as there weren't any bruising (she went overboard and i got an extra hundred out of that)
>stringing me up by my arms and doing some ball twisting
>minor cutting with a pretty serious knife drew blood if i screamed or yelped or something she kicked me in the balls

that's about it. That was also over the course of several weeks meeting up twice a week doing strange shit her paying me for it

>> No.6327540
File: 15 KB, 472x357, laughingthugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're saying this like it happens a lot.
Now I'm only laughing harder.

>> No.6327542

The first 2 weren't surprises really, the last 3 are way too much. Fuck pain.

>> No.6327543

Interesting. Did you get 200 each time?

>> No.6327550

except once when we met and she just wanted to talk for a while

>do you watch tosh.0?
>yeah sometimes
>heh did you see that one...where he waterboarded the guy with lemonade?
>yeah that was pretty funny he was so scared
>...could i try it? i'll use water there doesn't have to be a towel!
>don't respond just leave

got nothing out of that trip, i don't mind most things but water play (some new fetish you almost let someone drown them pull them out at the last second while fucking them) is just overboard.

She had a secret pain fetish she was afraid to admit. Made my fetish look like nothing. There were a couple times when she wanted to do certain things or have certain scenarios play out that i just didn't want to do.

The worst was public sex, i've gotten busted for 'public display' a couple times and i was afraid what would happen if they caught me a 4th time

>> No.6327553
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>drowning fetish is overboard

>> No.6327554

was she fat or unattractive?

>> No.6327557

she wasn't that bad looking. She was kinda pale, brown curly hair, about 5'4, but pretty wide hips. She watched a TON of anime had an entire closet (i was alone at her house for a while once while she talked her mom out of a surprise visit) full of anime dvds some hentai and 3 bookshelves with 5 shelves each worth of manga

>> No.6327558

i tried it once. It gives you the high that asphyxiation gives you, but the water kind of kills the high in my opinion. Not as powerful an orgasm

>> No.6327560

inb4 con staff get the authorities and hotel involved, and conduct an undercover sting.

why the fuck would you ever post something like this publicly on craigslist?

>> No.6327561

man sounds like i would have had a huge crush on her. Off fetlife?

>> No.6327562
File: 43 KB, 642x540, WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much every
Nerd Orgy I've ever been to.

>> No.6327567

no way she was just some random chick who showed up. I saw her when i went in asking a ton of guys questions and walked away every time.

You wouldn't have a crush on her, her mother is a horse this girl is going to be fugly when she grows older. Still if you want her i may still have her email address, just don't mention me we ended our fun on a bad note

>> No.6327568

yeah hook me up with her email.
which orgy/gangbang did you meet up at?

>> No.6327572

Are the people who attend decently attractive? It seems only obese/chrischan kind of people do this shit.

>> No.6327574

i'll see if i can find it. Like i said we ended on a bad note and after that i sort of trashed everything that reminded me of her.

I wish i could remember which con i was at. I go pretty often to random cons in hopes of finding her again. I think it might have been at some really trashy hotel a few miles from anime boston

give me a few minutes i know i still have it

>> No.6327577

it's really a gamble going. Most of the people are pretty nice and decently attractive. There will always (and i do mean always) be fat people who are probably virgins just looking for a quick lay.

Others are looking for really disturbing shit and know that this is the place to do it. Anyways it's a gamble some chicks and guys are hot some are fugly but for the most part reasonably (about a 6/10) attractive people go

>> No.6327578

Jesus Christ, man. I don't know if I should feel bad for you, or be impressed. I guess both.

>> No.6327583

like i said i'm a sex addict. I got worse and worse started with a very simple fetish that i guess most girls wouldn't find creepy to really disturbing shit because i just couldn't feel it anymore. Still can't honestly

tried going to sexaholics anonymous but ended up worse than when i came in, eventually i just found a hobby that kept me occupied which is cosplay. I like making costumes and have a real nack for cross stitching. Before though i only went to anime cons with a simple costume claiming to be some bullshit character just hoping to get laid

/cgl/: taxicab confessions

>> No.6327584

What happens if you get caught having sex in public? That's something I've wanted to try, but haven't due to what might happen if I were caught...

>> No.6327593

What was your original fetish?

>> No.6327594

well it all really depends. All times i was caught just jacking it in an alley or something once having sex with some girl i picked up who was charging 5 bucks

Now the worst possible scenario you spend a night in jail or up to 6 months. Second worst case you're pretty much on everyone's black list "DON'T HIRE THIS MAN HE JACKS IT IN ALLEYS AND HAS SEX IN ALLEYS" also you may have to pay a fine

>> No.6327596

simple cotton panties hanes or fruit of the loom. Then that sort of evolved into something worse and eventually it just got out of control

>> No.6327599

Someone I know is into this shit, and according to him it's 6:3:1
- 60% grossly unattractive people who just desperately want to be touched in their no-no place by another living, breathing human
- 30% averagely attractive people into some weird shit
- 10% ridiculously hot people, presumably into REALLY weird shit that even with their level of attractiveness they cannot get from normies. This group is the mostly likely to contain serial killers and other crazy fucks. Do not engage.

The dude considers himself part of the 30% but if you ask me he's more of a 60%-guy. So his standards, and therefore the numbers, may be skewed.
Also dependent on your area, of course. I'd imagine that really conservative areas have more 'normal' people who'd be driven to shit like this because even minor kinks are considered unacceptable there. Or maybe conservative areas actually contain more psychos. I don't know. All I know is that I'm staying the fuck away.

>> No.6327601


Would sexaholics anonymous be a good place to meet some real fun nymphos? Or are they so far gone you're only fucking yourself over by even considering this option?

>> No.6327605

>cotton panties

The fuck? That was my original fetish and im a sex addict now too. I have a new fetish every other week now and im having sex like a maniac hooking up with sluts from craigslist and shit.

>> No.6327611

honestly i went there to REALLY get clean and not crave sex anymore.

Sexaholics anonymous is everything the movies describe it's full of nymphos worse than me who did things like fuck their dog or touch their own children. Most of the girls there will do you for no charge but they probably have something (i don't thank goodness)

Truly you're only fucking yourself over with this because these people are really sick. Also if you aren't religious these guys are going to force you to turn to christianity. Admit you have a problem and ask god (they say whoever you believe in) for help.

I followed their program and it didn't help me i only got worse. In the end, like i said, i found a hobby cross stitching. I made a few ornaments for christmas, that lead to making costumes

>> No.6327609


This is pretty accurate for anything publicly advertised.

There's also a whole weird scene of attractive younger swingers who prescreen and filter out based on looks and personality. I say weird b/c it can either be great or incredibly drama-prone.

>> No.6327610

how hard was it to get laid at cons?

>> No.6327612

Aren't real nymphos/satyriasis (I JUST LURNED THAT!) completely ashamed of their behavior? It is a disease... not just 'LUL I LOVE TO HAVE SEX ALLL THE TIME AND DO WEIRD SHIT!' These people cannot help themselves or stop.

>> No.6327616

find yourself a hobby besides sex if you want help. If not keep doin what you're doin brother

most of the people at cons want to get laid just as bad as you do, but they aren't going to say it you have to say it.

some are, some don't see a problem with it
>i slept with my son i don't see anything wrong with it
>but it's your own flesh and blood
>his daddy aint here and he all messed up so i help him wit his urges and shit
his urges were non-existant, this woman forced herself on her own child telling him it's all right and mothers do it all the time to help their sons

>> No.6327623

Congratulations on your sobriety, man. Abstaining from that, or whatever owns you, is huge.

>> No.6327627

i fuck chicks on craigslist from time to time
i don't consider myself a sex addict

>> No.6327625

Okay, good know. I mean, I'm a girl, so frankly I'm probably less likely to get in trouble (due to bias), but obviously I wouldn't want my boyfriend to get in any kind of trouble either. Oh well, I guess I'll just keep in my head, I've got a good imagination.

>> No.6327637

why not try it in a bathroom or dressing room?

if you REALLY want to do it in public then the first offense (unless the cop is having a bad day) is just going to be "you kids get out of there don't let me catch you here again" just a warning, but if you do it multiple times then yeah you'll get a fine or do jail time.

Jail isn't that bad though, all the guys workout and shit and are just ripped holy shit are they ripped

>> No.6327635


I guess it depends on how frequently "from time to time" is.

>> No.6327640

craigslist bootycall isn't all that bad, except when the place is in the middle of nowhere or in a trailer

>> No.6327643

I don't REALLY need to. I mean, it's something I fantasize about, but it's definitely something I can live without. I don't need any trouble in my life.

>> No.6327644

whenever i find someone real

it's a bitch to meetup with women really wanting to follow through

>> No.6327649

I was always having random hookups everywhere. Then i started going online to hook up. Craigslist is as low as it gets without actually paying for sex. Pretty much have sex 2-5 times a week. Im supposed to fuck a trap tomorrow while his boyfriend watches but i think im gonna flake. Im pretty sure im a sex addict.

>> No.6327650

aw come on now, live a little the thought of being caught makes it all the more fun!

seriously though fantasies never hurt, if you really want to try something like that doing it with maybe the blinds open or or windows cracked during the day is a good place to start

>> No.6327651

Have you even taken the poor couple's trauma into consideration when you decided to flake on them?

You'd better show up if you want to have a clean conscience.

>> No.6327653

Well, starting those fetishes often escalates them.
"Experimenting" isn't always good.

>> No.6327658

are you a woman?

>> No.6327659

Oh no, I know. But I want to be a therapist, I really couldn't risk anything being on record, especially if I want to work with kids. However, if I was in the middle of nowhere it wouldn't be an issue, and that's doable. I can make some legal workarounds for it (such as your suggestion). But apart from that, I simply can't risk it. Obviously the whole point would be the risk of getting caught, but if I can't take the repercussions, it simply isn't worth it to me.

>> No.6327662

do you think about sex nonstop?
do you masturbate more than twice a day?
do you find yourself unable to enjoy things in life like going out or games what have you?
have you done anything sexual that is also illegal?
do you ever or have you ever masturbated or had sex in a public place?

if you answered yes to any of these then you probably are a sex addict. Don't go to any step program, get a therapist talk it over get some meds and find something that occupies you that isn't in any way sexual

so basically middle of nowhere truck stop bathroom would be fine for you? still if you have a career in mind and actually want to pursue that career then don't do it. Hey maybe i can come visit and have a few sessions, that'll turn you off of therapy in a hurry

>> No.6327666

only these:
do you masturbate more than twice a day?
do you ever or have you ever masturbated or had sex in a public place?

>> No.6327671

That was my thought - what I want as my life trajectory is way more important to me than a tiny aspect of my sex life.

And nah, therapy saved my life, I'm pretty committed to that being my career at this point. Looking at grad schools, studying for the GRE, etc. My goal is to work with the elderly though, not with abnormal psychology (since I take it that's what you're implying.

>> No.6327673

how old are you?

>> No.6327675

i was just joking with you, wasn't implying anything. Still abnormal psychology could be something else you do, always have a back up plan.

see a therapist or psychologist and don't let them try and push you onto a twelve step program really talk to them and try to get your life straightened out.

Take up a hobby like i did one that takes up a lot of time, but that you can do. For me it was just cross stitching started out with just a few simple christmas ornaments and evolved into me making costumes for cons.

>> No.6327680
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I'm not going to wade through the ~250 posts in this thread so I apologize if I'm basically just restating what's already been said;

But, really?
I mean, really really?

No seriously, really?!

>> No.6327686
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>do you masturbate more than twice a day?
I do more than that between 2 and 5pm.
>do you find yourself unable to enjoy things in life like going out or games what have you?
>do you ever or have you ever masturbated or had sex in a public place?
Couple of times.

Good to know I have a sex addiction. Can't afford therapy, guess I'm just fucked, which is convenient because of my sex addiction.

>> No.6327690

This thread just reminds me of how bleak Shame was

>> No.6327691

I feel so petit-bourgeois.

>> No.6327693
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>> No.6327696

Masturbating twice a day makes you a sex addict? What jesus-freak wrote this questionnaire?

>> No.6327699

really really

the same one that read it wrong because it says more than twice a day. I used to masturbate about 5-6 times a day didn't feel a thing just had that itch

>> No.6327703

I usually stop around 5. Seems like enough at that point, even if I feel like continuing.

>> No.6327710
File: 892 KB, 500x281, stoya.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think almost everyone in this thread needs to get laid and stop being so judgey.

Sex is fun. Don't over think it and get all uptight about it.

>Stoya always related

>> No.6327712

You're retarded.
Having and enjoying adventurous sexual experiences does not automatically equal sex addict.

5/10 my jimmies are suitably rustled.

>> No.6327713

Here you go.


The guy you were quoting is a pederast creeper who thinks he's not fat.

>> No.6328217

you do realize you can do some serious damage to yourself just going out and having 'sexual experiences' it isn't always healthy to explore.

Thinking about sex nonstop may be a little drastic, i'm sure every teenage boy out there thinks about it nonstop, but some think about it to the point where it consumes their life and they end up doing something they'll regret.

Masturbating at least 5 times a day isn't good for you. You get exhausted to where you don't want to but have to or you can't focus and afterwards you feel pain from doing it so much.

Sometimes sex consumes peoples lives to where they don't find joy in doing anything anymore except sex. I know plenty of people like that to where all they do is have sex either with themselves or someone or even something else all day and don't do anything else.

public sex is illegal. Most of the time the cops will let you off with a warning, but if they catch you multiple times you may have to pay a fine or go to jail. I met several people in therapy who had sex with random objects and even animals because they couldn't control themselves.

Long speech i know, but sometimes "having and enjoying adventurous sexual experiences" can be a bad thing

>> No.6328223

>implying any attractive girls would go

>> No.6328236
File: 248 KB, 270x154, 1348602447328.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...who actually went to this orgy? Experiences?

And please let's not do this at ALA. I'm 100% sure I don't want to have sex with a tripfag/"famous cosplayer".

>> No.6328234

some attractive girls actually go, but they have twisted fetishes. You're mostly right though you get like 2 or 3 hot girls and the rest are hambeasts who just want some form of human contact

>> No.6328262

experiences huh

>reasonably attractive girl
>hey want to do it?
>sure let me get a dragon dildo to shove up your ass
>somewhat attractive girl
>hey want to do it?
>i'll do anything you like IF you kiss that guy over there or suck his dick while i watch
>bottom of the barrel
>want to?
>sure do what you want i'm desperate for contact anyway
>guy on the couch wearing a horse mask just watching tv occasionally watching someone have sex
>room smells like sweat and tears
>bathroom is filled with scat and piss lovers
>cops probably pass by the door and think "fuck this they don't pay me enough to bust that"

>> No.6328273

Oh god, think of the smell of the bathroom. How would anybody use it?!

>> No.6328303
File: 122 KB, 500x393, 1341523709607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, why bother going to something like this - which you know will only end up in tears and stalking - when you could go round to a bro's house, give each other brojobs, and then bro it up playing with model brotrains. No tears, no creepiness, and at the end of it, you get some free imitation crab meat.

>> No.6328322


It is real. I'm sorry.

>> No.6328354


I said yes to 2, possibly 3 of these and I'm sure as fuck not a sex addict.

>> No.6328357

You paint a beautiful picture.

>> No.6328432
File: 53 KB, 638x399, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me laugh so hard every fucking time.

>> No.6328453
File: 67 KB, 590x480, 1341522928661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you better follow up that laughing then with a nice slice of pizza!

>> No.6328469

Thanks, OP.

I'll never masturbate again now because I have the thought of the disgusting neckbeards from conventions in my area having a massive orgy with the giant country sluts in my head.

>> No.6328674

do you feel bad about yourself?
are you addicted to x-rated material? (meaning you can't go without seeing an image or a video something adult rated)
do you prey on women like a voyeur?
do you regularly visit strip clubs?
do you constantly pick up hookers?

if you say yes to any of these you should get some help. These are the other signs that you probably have a problem

>> No.6328686

you know this shit is gonna happen at ALA with all da circlejerking, or maguma and charizard are gonna do their thang and fuck 5 people

>> No.6328831



I'm just depressed and have had/enjoy public sex.

>> No.6328841
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>that feel when mary jane will never show up to one

>> No.6328907
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thats fucking disgusting

>> No.6328977
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>> No.6329074
File: 490 KB, 528x297, 1335339964726.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was only mentioned briefly waaaay early in the thread but does anyone here know what happens at fetlife munches? I want to make friends with other nice littles because I don't know anyone irl who's into babby things but I don't want to have an orgy...

>> No.6329292

What's a 'nice little'? Do I want to know?

>> No.6329358

Oh, I just meant I wanted to meet other girls who are "littles" who are nice people. I'll spare you the details but it's an adult babby thing.

>> No.6329419

i've been to one or two they really aren't what people make them out to be i.e. everyone meets in an abandoned warehouse and whips each other all day (i have heard some people describe it as that, but more disturbing details)

what happens is basically everyone meets at a predetermined restaurant or club and just talks. The one i went to we barely even mentioned the topic of sex we all just chatted about general things and life. Very fun, you should go

>> No.6329468

That does sound like fun, if they're just normal meetups over food to meet new people I'd love to go to one some day.

>> No.6329490 [DELETED] 

ITT, /r9k/ takes over and virgins be angry at those who're getting laid.

>> No.6329518

Do you wear diapers?

>> No.6329670
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>this thread

>> No.6329814


protip: if the restaurant is in a warehouse don't go

>> No.6329826
File: 113 KB, 576x432, 1235111651625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god my sides have left my body

>> No.6329921


What does JO stand for?

>> No.6329936

jerk-off / jack-off

>> No.6329986
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>> No.6329997
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>> No.6330018

Yes but this thread isn't about me so I'd rather not derail it.

>> No.6330730

I can't even see your face and I think you're kai-wai. I'd gladly get beat up by you.

>> No.6330840

How? Why?

>> No.6331651
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I can only imagine this being disgusting. If a halfway attractive women at a con wants some quick dick, she doesn't have to attend an orgy to get it.

That leaves landwhales.

>> No.6331769
File: 40 KB, 187x186, yousayingilikedudes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought I was pretty open minded about most things, but holy shit. A room full of gross, sweaty nerds having kinky group sex has to be one of the most disgusting things I've ever imagined.

Jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.6331803

I'm more afraid that there will be sex toys which will end up being shared and not cleaned.

Also anal numbing lube is a rookie mistake, if you tear and have numbing lube you won't know till you take a painful shit.

>> No.6331893

It sounds like they plan on having a giant orgy. I'm pretty sure nothing is getting cleaned and if anyone has anything at all, everyone is getting it.

>> No.6331908

How are these orgies not just 95% ugly beta autists and 5% two or three girls whose combined weight exceeds that of the 20 autists?

>> No.6331915

because some hot girls go to these things, but they are really messed up in the head and their fetishes match.

But yeah the other half is ugly betas who just want someone to touch them. And one guy in a horse mask. There's always the guy in the horse mask

>> No.6332366

Would an event like this be virgin friendly? I'm to the point where something like this is the only option left.

>> No.6332540

no. they will if anything, ruin your view of a normal sex life. also fat chance they'll be "gentle" with you. just get to know someone in real life if you're that desperate. like friends with benefits or something.

>> No.6332621


Except every female around here is christfag as fuck, meaning they aren't going to do anything until marriage. And yes, I've tried, even getting one of them as a girlfriend. There's nobody in my backwoods shithole.
Besides, I'm 23, my view of a normal sex life went out the window a long time ago. I don't need gentle, I just need to not be a virgin, by hook or by crook.

>> No.6332634


Jesus Christ, I know this is a thread about an orgy but please go to a board that cares. If you're so obsessed about losing your virginity that you'll forgo a good experience or, heaven forbid, a good relationship, you need some fucking help.

Online dating would be better than that dude. Or get the fuck out of town.

>> No.6332641

Then go to another city and rent a hooker who you know will be gentle. At least one of those girls won't be able to spread rumors of you losing wood since it'd be your first time. If you're THAT desperate, you won't have any qualms to this.

>> No.6332650


Thought about a hooker, but can't really justify spending 200 bucks on something that will last 3 minutes. Didn't think about the losing wood part though, probably will avoid then.


>or, heaven forbid, a good relationship, you need some fucking help.

Once again, I can't justify wasting money just for the end goal of sex, especially since this would also mean that I would be putting myself in danger of even more losses once shit inevitably turns sour.

>> No.6332666


When you get some nasty ass STD because you are so concerned with losing your virginity, and then you end up forever alone because no one wants an herpes-ridden troll of a man, you'll regret it.

Go find a e-dating website or something. Stop whining about it on 4chan.

>> No.6332687


>ask a question

And no,

And no, >6332621 doesn't count since I was responding to that anon's points with my own, not complaining about them with no prior provocation.
hell, forever alone with an STD and forever alone without, the only difference is that you had at least one victory, no matter how pyhrric it is.

>> No.6332817

most of the people there will probably be virgins as desperate as you are, but don't think any of the girls there will say "i just want comfortable sex in the missionary position" they'll be more like "I'M GONNA SHOVE THIS CUCUMBER UP YOUR ASS WHILE I SIT ON YOUR FACE AND SHIT DOWN YOUR THROAT"

so yeah if you do go i highly recommend you spend some time on /d/ and get completely desensitizes

>> No.6332898


Didn't think of it like that. As much as I already enjoy /d/, that doesn't sound like a good idea for a first time in any way. Thanks for answering, mate.

>> No.6333320

tryin to save a life. I went to an orgy after a con once thinking i could get lucky with some girl looking to roleplay or something

When i walked in the room couple people were already doing foreplay, one guy was just watching tv, the bathroom door was shut for a while and when it did open it smelt like someone took a dump on a dead animal in there.

There were a couple hot girls and they were more than willing, but they a fantasy in their head and weren't about to do anything until someone fulfilled it and most of these fantasies are really messed up. The only other girls there were either chubby or landwhales that would probably eat dog food just to have some form of human contact.

I ended up leaving without even taking off my pants, one landwhale was getting ready to take on every guy in the room in a circle jerk. I'm sure not all con orgies are like this, but honestly most of them are

>> No.6333357

If people want to have orgies, fine. Decently organised orgies, even better.

But this clearly is not decently organised. Pooling toys? Inviting any and all fetishes all at once? No screening? This breaks every rule of the good orgy guide book.

I want to find where this is just so I can post them a 'sorry to hear about your HIV' sympathy card.

>> No.6333367

I dunno if "one victory" is worth an STD.... and really, is it important to you? I mean, do you actually want to have sex, regularly? Because it sounds like you honestly just want to "get it over with," for the sake of knowing you've done it, but not out of any actual personal desire. Which I suppose is fine, but if it's that important to you, why wouldn't you be willing to spend money on it? If you actually fronted a little money for a decent (tested!) hooker, you could (1) lose your virginity, (2) feel better about yourself, and (3) not have to deal with a potential STD if a condom breaks. Really, your health is worth a couple hundred bucks. It's not something to just scoff at and go "eh whatever, better than being a virgin". It's sort of serious, can be incredibly painful, and could cost you a lot more money in the long run in treatment than it would to just play it safe to begin with.

>> No.6333385

i'd love to go there cosplaying someone like chris redfield or leon from resident evil then a few minutes later reveal i'm actually with the FBI and call in the swat team to arrest them all

>> No.6333542

Arrest the for what exactly? Consensual sex in a private room .. oh no?

>> No.6333618

>implying you couldn't find something to arrest them for

>> No.6333667

if people are throwing a cutting + scat party with little regard for anyone's saftey, it's not hard to put them away.

>> No.6333678

I-I read through most of this... I want that time back and I CAN'T GET IT BACK GODS DAMNIT! I CAN'T GET IT BACK!

>> No.6333747


That's basically it that I just want it done with, but I don't have the regular income to really go get a hooker (and plus, it feels more like I've given up than anything), so i need to spend money on what I really want instead of a quick one time thing. Plus, I really don't care about my health (otherwise I wouldn't be an overweight neckbeard), but that's getting into whiny emo territory.

Still, thanks for the advice, kind anon. If anything, I guess I'll just wait until i get off my ass and get a job then find a hooker.

>> No.6333751

how is going to the orgy any better than getting a hooker? one you paid, the other just wants dick because she wants dick and anyone and anything would have done in place of you.

>> No.6333798

well in japan.... the majority of boy's mothers help jack them off and or have sex with them to help them "go to bed and not distract them from their studies."

>> No.6333865

The fuck crazy grass have you been smoking?

>> No.6333868

What were they looking to do/fulfill?

>> No.6333872

You don't know how these orgies work.

You don't just walk in, see some people you think are cute, get naked, and start to bang.

The way it works is you walk in, some dude wearing a horse mask slaps his dick on your thigh, some obnoxiously loud fat girls laugh maniacally on the bed, and a number.... a PLETHORA of people (both guys and girls) ask if they can put something in your ass.

It's VERY different than getting a hooker.

>> No.6333882


The paying seems like giving up... though I guess this is too. You're right. Thanks for the save.

>> No.6336545

i went to one i think a couple years back at a different con which was pretty disturbing...

i actually met a pretty cute and funny girl there that wasn't...completely messed up, but she did watch a ton of hentai. She came up behind me and started like pushing something against my butt so i turned around and asked what she was doing. Turns out she was cosplaying some girl from a futanari hentai asa kara something i don't remember. Anyway it was pretty funny she was dressed like a schoolgirl and had like a bunch of socks taped together to look like a giant dick in her pants and just kept bumping people with it the whole time

I was afraid to ask if she wanted to fool around, although she seemed pretty tame just had a strange sense of humor