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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6325101 No.6325101 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6325103
File: 34 KB, 518x66, IMAG0394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just murdered an animal, crushing it to death beneath her tyres, and it's just "gross"

>> No.6325104

dat delusion

>> No.6325108

wtf is "modern american geiko ne"?

>> No.6325109
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>> No.6325111

She believes she's like a geisha in the making.

>> No.6325118

She believes she is turning into a gecko.

>> No.6325119

why does she do this to herself

>> No.6325126
File: 20 KB, 650x450, 666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tempted to go bisexual
>go bisexual

>> No.6325130

That geisha makeup she wants to buy. It's $59.99. How the fuck is she going to afford it?

>> No.6325135


Geiko is another word for Geisha, and ne is kind of like when you say "right?" or "huh?", like a rhetorical question where you expect the other person in the conversation to agree with you anyway.

>"I'm still pretty hot though, right?"

Also, I hope to god that possum was already dead. That's something worth smacking her in the face over. Roadkill is unavoidable in a lot of cases, but calling it "gross" with so little regard for the poor creatures life... goddamnit.

>> No.6325137

why? i dont think i get it.

>> No.6325138

I think (hope) she means it was already dead in the road when she ran it over.

>> No.6325145

They're pissed because PT is treating bisexuality like it's a choice when it's not.

>> No.6325149

PT has previously stated that she's b-curious. I don't know how much of that is true, but if she is attracted to girls in any way, she might be repressing it and when she says she's tempted to 'go' bisexual, she might mean to not repress her attraction to girls anymore. Take this with a grain of salt though, this IS PT.

>> No.6325153
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>I'm kinky and an animal in bed.

>> No.6325155

that depends. (what you say is true for gay/lesbian and str8) but if you are feeling fullfiled with just that one part (either boys or girls) and you dont have anything against being bisexual then IT IS a choice.
if you somehow need to have sex with both, then, it is not.

>> No.6325166

I always thought a geiko was a geisha in training.

>> No.6325168

>Treating bisexuality like a choice when it's not

Ahahahahaha, that's a good one anon! Hilarious, my sides hurt from laughing

>> No.6325171

No you're wrong, obviously she means "american Geico", meaning she wants to be the "american version" of the gecko mascot for the insurance company Geico. Shit Spoony, get it together.

>> No.6325172

not everyone is the exactly same. I'm sure being bi is a choice for some and not for others.

Now for the love of PT let's drop the topic and focus back on our queen.

>> No.6325174

Nah, that's a maiko. I just had to look up "geiko" and apparently it's synonymous with geisha.

>> No.6325177


I could be wrong.


Forgive me sensei ;__;
Seriously though, poor possum. What a shitty way to die.

>> No.6325191


>> No.6325209

shes gonna dip into her japan savings

>> No.6325215

What savings? She frequently spends so much on stupid stuff she doesn't need to the point I don't see how she could have any savings.

>> No.6325213


"if you somehow need to have sex with both, then, it is not."

This is why people think bisexuals are sluts. Being bisexual is not a "need to have sex with both" sexes. That is retarded. You are retarded.

>> No.6325221

This is further speculative evidence that PT doesn't really want to go to Japan at all.

>> No.6325247

she really doesn't.

If she went, she'd realize Japan is not the ~kawaii dreamland~ she thinks it is, and they wouldn't accept her as one of their own. Then when she gets home, she won't have that 'dream' holding her back from reality.

a lot of people have something like this. For me personally it's weight loss- "I can't do ____ until I lose weight!", but I'm actually dropping pounds.
PT is so deep in her dreamworld, she's going to waste what's left of her youth wrapped in her own delusions.

>> No.6325250

You people are just as obsessed and sick as this crazy bitch.

>> No.6325253

yes it is. bisexuality is mos definitely a choice.

>> No.6325256

new here?

>> No.6325270

It's not a choice, but we see so many people pressuring girls to kiss or saying girls kissing is hot that when they do for attention, people think it's a choice. No.
I wouldn't admit to being bisexual and subject myself to all of the bullying and upset that my mom went through if I wasn't.
>inb4 you're just a slut

>> No.6325273


Who you have sex with is a choice. Who you want to have sex with isn't.

>> No.6325274


>> No.6325294

every human is bisexual

being straight is a choice, being gay is a choice

>> No.6325295

Who you want to have sex with is just as much of a choice as who you have sex with.

>> No.6325304

lolwut now that's some deep bullshit, never had any kind of interest with the same sex. I fucking hate everyone who's like "omggg u can't be 100% hetero!!!1 everyones a bit bi heheh!!! xxx"

>> No.6325316

I'm dying from laughing, I didn't know geishas where well trained in reading manga, drawing shitty art, playing video games and cosplaying. Sounds like a real winner.

>> No.6325317
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I'm actually amazed she didn't blame Jonathan and Edd (?) for getting James to dump her. I imagine though he was probably looking for an excuse. Now whether it's a permanent breakup I can't say. He does however, based on PT's tweets, seem a bit like Kris.

Through her tweets about James (I assume), she very much knows she is his 'dirty little secret' and really nothing more than a cum rag on call. She desperately wants to be more than that, so she challenges him by saying about how she is better than any other woman out there. The sad thing is, this will repeat itself ad nauseum, with every fuck buddy she gets. That is all she will ever be and she kinda knows it.

>pic related; good advice for all when dealing with PT

>> No.6325321

> Is cold when in snow
> Chooses to be cold when in snow

>> No.6325324

I am pretty sure PT is a bisexual in to get people's attention.

>> No.6325329

can we get the thread off of idiotic tumblr sexuality nonsense and get back to the fact that our queen thinks of herself as smart and sexy

>> No.6325330

>I live at home. I'm fat. I'm mentally 13. I'm delusional. I'm almost a decade older than you. I have bad hygiene.

i know right, how can't James want that?

>> No.6325333
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So she posted on her fb last night, that she had not eaten dinner yet and did not know what to have. A TON of people started recommending decent stuff to her (minus the person who suggested pancakes.)

anyways, she ended up going to Olive Garden, and then bitched about having to eat raw tomatoes. That tweeted about how she only like vegetables covered in ranch dressing.


>> No.6325340

It hasn't kept him from fucking her already though.

>> No.6325341

I'm pretty sure they meant that if you find girls and guys attractive but only choose to have sex with the opposite gender then you choose who it is you are boning.
Plus, haven't you ever seen someone and wanted to fuck them for no apparent reason?
Even if it's just to do with looks I'm pretty sure most people don't look at someone and say "attraction on; I now find this person attractive." It's something that happens in your head or your pants.

>> No.6325342

what raw tomatoes are the best, im mean they are fruit

>> No.6325343

This. She does this every time something goes South with her fuck buddy or some guy doesn't want to date her. Yes, way back in the day she did her an internet girlfriend, but it went nothing beyond the internet.

Sarah is just pissed because men don't want her so she thinks women will, because they'll understand her kawaii desu ways.

I saw that. And you know she finished her entire plate of pasta. Probably inhaled the bread sticks too.

>> No.6325346

I think PT wants a relationship with him though?

>> No.6325348


Raw tomatoes are delicious, wtf PT.
She should try raw capsicum, yummy.

>> No.6325353

That and I know girls who say they are ~BI~ just to make themselves look more attractive to guys, like they might get a threeway to happen.

>> No.6325359

PT has publicly posted that she is turned off by "what is below the belt" on women.

I don't know wtf she thinks she is getting herself into by wanting to go bisexual.

>> No.6325356

But... Anon, you know our Queen's sustenance is mochi, tea, and pocky. Such non-kawaii food that isn't from her homeland should be dismissed for the filth it is.

Raw tomatoes and other non-kawaii Japanese food is for peasants.

>> No.6325357

Cry me a river. It's roadkill.

I get that we're all nitpicking her every move, but I'll be damned if someone seriously interprets this as crazily driving along the road to mutilate poor, innocent, baby marsupials ;_;

>> No.6325362

You can start out as a fuck buddy and turn that into a relationship, but I think PT uses sex to lure guys in. In the hopes it will turn into a relationship but she is so fucking off putting sexual and probably not much of a great after sex talker she turns guys off to sex or a relationship.

Poor thing she has a messed up view of how to start relationships and how to maintain them.

>> No.6325372

What tomatoes are all over cute bento boxes. If we could only show some pictures to our kawaii queen then she would love them.

>> No.6325377

I don't understand. She's going to barf because she ate a tomato?

>> No.6325386

yes, how could i forget our queen's favorites, but she must know tomatoes are also in bento boxes, i see cherry ones all the time

>> No.6325388

What she really wants is a Ladyboy. Girl like above the belt, boy below it.

I believe you're right. Also, she is very selfish and really only thinks of herself. She isn't mature enough to be in an actual relationship.

It probably doesn't help she really does not take care of herself, in anyway. She's like a 13 year old in 27 year old body. Any guy looking for more than a fuck would be turned off by it. Plus, she's so catty about other women she'd attack any female her guy came into contact with.

She probably thinks they're either for decoration or that they're not actual tomatoes.

>> No.6325387

she maybe got a bad tomato at the restaurant? i never seem to get decent tomatoes when I go out to eat they are always soggy or mushy.

>> No.6325392 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6325393
File: 65 KB, 720x960, pt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never going to understand why she (and so many other girls) take photos in their cars constantly. Why are they out in their cars? Are they just hanging out in a parking lot somewhere taking angled photos of themselves on their phones? Where are they going? I don't understand!

>> No.6325394

>She probably thinks they're either for decoration or that they're not actual tomatoes.

She would.

>> No.6325396

Lawl omg I wonder if PT would love that book.

>> No.6325397

gross, where has she been getting all those chinese (I don't know the right word for it) style shirts from? they look terrible on most people specially if you don't have a long neck. And PT has a terrible stubby fat neck.

>> No.6325401

Bitch, mangos are the best fruit.

>> No.6325409

>tempted to go bisexual
>go bisexual

"modern american geiko ne?" made me laugh

>> No.6325402

Probably eBay. Unless she has an Asian decor/clothing store around that's really the only place I could see her getting them.

Quite frankly, I'm surprised she hasn't found out about Taobao. I figure she'd be all over that. Of course, the botchfest after she got a box worth of clothes that don't fit would be laff.

>> No.6325405

>Are they just hanging out in a parking lot somewhere taking angled photos of themselves on their phones?
Seems like it.

>> No.6325406

Do we have proof she has actually ever HAD sex?

>> No.6325408


She shouldn't be describing it as gross though, she should have a bit more respect. Maybe somebody should run her over and tweet about how they just ran over some "gross, overstuffed weeaboo who splattered there car with half digested mochi and ramune".

Maybe I just love animals too much. They're worth more then most humans in my opinion.

>> No.6325411

i only like it in juice form

captha: lord derpkn

>> No.6325412

Are you new here? She's stated on her tumblr and LJ that she has. Unless anyone has a PT sex tape, that's the most proof we're going to get.

>> No.6325414

She has nudes, and the nude-photo-dump Anon shared stories of her and Kris. Some of the highlights were she had a threesome (mmf) and would beg for Kris to come on her. Apparently, she also made those noises the females make in Japanese porn and hentai.

Let me find the cap of it.

>> No.6325418

>rodents worth more than Spoony
Yeah, can definitely agree with you on that

>> No.6325419
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>> No.6325417
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>gross, overstuffed weeaboo who splattered there car with half digested mochi and ramune

You got me there. I almost burst out laughing in the middle of class.

And I agree with you there about the animal part.

>> No.6325421

It's not kawaii like her cat.

Anyway, she's being delusional again with her "I'm hot and sexy and guys should want me instead of those other sluts" tirade again. It just makes her look desperate. Really really desperate.

>> No.6325428
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I think she has bought stuff from taobao and then complained it was too small. or was that from another ebay store?

>> No.6325425
File: 349 KB, 715x598, Screen shot 2012-09-01 at 3.36.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never had a raw tomato
I'm only across the border, but what's with Americans and not having even tried the most common vegetables/fruit in their area

>> No.6325431


Possum are marsupials you stupid bitch.

>> No.6325435

Adorable upsidedown pouched marsupials are adorable!

>> No.6325436
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>it's not kawaii like her cat

Say that to my face fucker, not online, and see what happens.

>> No.6325439

>implying people from Clapistan know anything about animals

>> No.6325437

ugghh can you just make up your mind on how much of a bitch you want to be

>> No.6325446
File: 124 KB, 800x600, opossum1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adorable possum master race. Look how chubby they get when they squash themselves up.

>> No.6325447


When it comes to the topic of people abusing/mistreating/killing animals I am always going to be a super-bitch.

>> No.6325448



>> No.6325454
File: 19 KB, 275x280, opossum-young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like they say I will love you forever and fuck the shit out of your enemies.

>> No.6325464
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I wish our badgers were like that, but they are mean little fuckers in real life. It's like they deliberately lure in with their adorable little faces and sassy little stripes, and just when you think you're safe, THEY STEAL THE FRESHLY BAKED BREAD YOU LEFT OUT ON THE WINDOW SILL.

>> No.6325471

so cute
would let him steal my freshly baked bread any day

>> No.6325478

This thread is 10% Spoony.

>> No.6325506

Nope, possums are disgusting. I see nothing particularly unhealthy or wrong with her post.

>They're worth more then most humans in my opinion.
Oh, one of those I see.

>> No.6325513
File: 25 KB, 600x492, Monodelphis_domestica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to work with these little guys in a lab (Monodelphis domestica). They are kind of feisty and great, but are big fans of biting.

>> No.6325519

Possums are from Australia though. What PT ran over was an opossum, which is from North America.

Yeah, there's an actual difference, also a pet peeve of mine when people confuse them.

>> No.6325522

This is genius.
I just come to /cgl/ for the comedy this is delicious.
Dont ever change /cgl/

>> No.6325531


>Oh, one of those I see.

An animal lover?

>> No.6325532
File: 309 KB, 1280x960, taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goes and pay overpriced meal at Olive Garden instead of even trying to make something decent
>Gags on having to eat a cherry tomato
>points out how a woman is actually small and not a chubby whale after having three kids(because you know, some people actually know how to lose the weight afterwards)
>Goes on a tirade because her fuck buddy doesn't want her anymore
>Talks about going bisexual because most men find her pig disgusting or worth nothing more then cheap easy sex.

I know people like to point out that /cgl/ likes to pick on PT. But my god, the woman is a moron. Don't have a proper reaction image, so have an old photo of our dog that's on this computer.

>> No.6325561

Sure, that's what a lot of them call themselves. In reality, they're internet cryhards who are all about saving the fluffy/cute little animals and not actually lifting a finger (keystrokes excepted) to do a damn thing about the environmental concerns as a whole.

The new age of internet advocacy, talking up a problem in hopes that someone else does something about it.

Hell, if you really think animal lives are worth more than humans, then you should seriously consider killing yourself because animals of all shapes and all sizes die sustaining virtually every aspect of your lifestyle, from food to fashion to powering your computer.

Even on a more practical (but less beneficial) level, there's plenty that could be done from volunteering at shelters to local preservation/restoration efforts. Prove me wrong if you can, but I don't expect much because being active in such things would cut into the 6+ hours a day you spend shitposting on PT threads.

>> No.6325571


You've just kind of made yourself look a bit stupid there on account of the fact that I DO volunteer at my local animal welfare 3-4 days a week and have been doing so for the last 3 months now.

>> No.6325573

Actually, I take that back, persimmons are the best fruit. Closely followed by mangos.

>> No.6325583


Yo I get this opinion, but as a zoologist whose life is devoted to the study and company of animals (including not cute ones!), I am completely comfortable acknowledging that I value animals more than people and I think my lifestyle reflects that belief system.

>> No.6325592

Well, I hope you are vegan. Otherwise you're a hypocrite.

>> No.6325598


and don't drive a car or ride in a plane
and use solely renewable energy
and realize that over 96% of animal species are invertebrates
and that going to the pound for 3 months of your life is great but doesn't mean shit except to you

>> No.6325606

A true animal lover realizes that animals eat other animals and it's natural for you to do.

Fuck off, dumbass.

>> No.6325609

Anyone have a picture of Kris?

>> No.6325627


What if you're going to the pound to volunteer walking and playing with the dogs? :<
I'm actually trying to get work in a nearby cattery or a veterinary practice, doing a course next year on animal care so hopefully I can take it further after that. My boyfriend and I actually found a stray kitty a few months ago that was riddled with fleas and very, very thin. We got him vaccinated, fed him up and when we couldn't find his owner we decided to take him in.

>> No.6325643

I thought this was a PT thread.

>> No.6325644

I didn't know PT likes Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.6325651

Everyone's a hypocrite.

I'm a vegan. You know what else? I eat chocolate and drink tea and coffee that may be produced by adults or children working in horrific conditions. I eat produce that may be farmed using animals and animal fertilizer. I take public transportation, which is cleaner than cars but still runs over animals and bugs. I eat non-organic food about 50% of the time just because I'm stingy, and I buy clothing that's energy-consuming to import, contains synthetics, and is dyed with chemical dyes that are harmful for the environment.

It's fine to urge others to do more if they can, but just pointing that they're a hypocrite is entirely unproductive, simply because there's ALWAYS something you could do to make your actions more consistent with your beliefs. No one can ever not be a hypocrite, so it becomes a criticism that offers no real solution.

>> No.6325657

I agree with you. It's unproductive to always focus on the whole all-or-nothing approach because that's just unrealistic.

I mean I respect people more when they say they're trying, rather than if they were extremely butthurt and going "WELL WE CAN'T DO EVERYTHING ANYWAY SO FUCK IT."

>> No.6325704


Now it's a possum/opossum thread.

>> No.6325707

She looks like a boy.

>> No.6325734

Hello i'm pixyteri and i can choose to be bisexual, because that is how i roll.
I think sexuality is a choice!

>> No.6325755

Who you have sex with is a choice, who you attracted to isn't a choice.
You can be gay and have sex with women many men are who have been married for years then come out.
It could be his parents keeping him from coming out, then feeling guilty because he now has a family.
Many things.

>> No.6325778


Just reminding you all.

>> No.6325805
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PT thread, damnit, get back on topic!

>> No.6325807
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>> No.6325809

She looked so nice here.

>> No.6325810
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>> No.6325814
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>> No.6325823

I'm dying to know if she has a Kpop bias. Can someone ask her?

>> No.6325828
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>> No.6325832

Bitch doesn't even know what Korea is. Someone PLEASE post pics of all the Vietnam/Korea dumbassery.

>> No.6325839

But I'm waiting for her to turn into a Koreaboo and have a bias. Is that so much to ask in a dream?

>> No.6325860
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>> No.6325873

Do you gulls ever wonder if one day her parents will just get completely tired of her shit and either force or trick her to get a DNA test to show her she's not Japanese in the least?

>> No.6325881

no, because if it comes back with any inconclusive results or like 3% Mongolian steppe nomad then she will hold it up as evidence for the rest of her life

>> No.6325903

Why in the fuck does she always do variations of that pose on the right? She doesn't really think it makes her look cute or sexy, does she?

>tfw you will never have a news broadcast of PT murdering her family, then driving off into the Texas sunset in high speed car chase with the TSP, and dying in a hail of gunfire as she screams that she is Japanese while throwing mochi at the troopers

>> No.6325920


in her defense I fucking abhor tomatos. It's the texture, they are too soft and the seeds are too slimy. I cannot eat them raw and I dislike large chunks in food. I do still eat sauces and so on made with tomatos though.

except ketchup, fuck that shit.

I also don't eat shit all day, so I feel like not eating tomatos is a fine stance to have when I eat plenty of other vegetables.

>> No.6325928

>Mongolian steppe nomad
muh sides

>> No.6325935

Cold raw tomatoes. Oh my god I love them.... Shiiiiettt, I know what I'm having in my dinner tonight!

I hate cooked tomatoes :(

>> No.6325936
File: 43 KB, 465x700, tumblr_lop3m2FQga1r04fl8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She thinks it makes her look like a kawaii idoru.

>> No.6325941
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>> No.6325944
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>> No.6325945

PT must be into anal or some shit. I know guys would settle for anything just for a quick fuck sometimes, but she has something that keeps them around. Must be anal.

>> No.6325949
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I wonder if she'll do gravure shots in it. What the fuck am I saying? Of course she will.

>> No.6325950

Oh she is. I've been told that she can do anal sex without lubrication.

>> No.6325955
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>> No.6325956

I've posted kpop on her wall before, and she stated that she has not clue about kpop, and prefers jpop.

her sister in law commented though, and appears to be a TOP bias.

>> No.6325958
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>> No.6325961
File: 56 KB, 720x960, buttons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So forever ago there was a pic of PT in this jacket and the buttons SERIOUSLY looked like they were about to snap off.

She claims it fits looser now (And I will say the buttons don't look like they are running away as much...) but that are still pretty puckered...

ya think she actually lost weight or just hasn't washed that jacket since she bought it?

>> No.6325964

Who would wear those items together like that?

>> No.6325966

Also, possible she's more willing to try things. Urine, scat, having stuff shoved into various orifices.

Ew. I'm sorry you know that kai. I imagine the things you've heard and seen must not be pleasant.

>> No.6325967

dat face

>> No.6325969


>> No.6325974

I see she never removed the stitching that holds the pleats together for shipping. Being PT, I'm betting the latter.

>> No.6325978

I could see her cutting open the back so she can button it up the front just to be able to say it "fits better"

>> No.6325980

I will never fap again. Thanks sis.

>> No.6325983

>having stuff shoved into various orifices

I can confirm she has shoved random inanimate objects into orifices.

god I know too much about this bitch

>> No.6325989

I am so tired of hearing "due to illness" over and over. Bitch, you don't fucking have cancer.

>> No.6325991
File: 68 KB, 466x700, tumblr_lp11spz2eM1qahd60o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6325993


God, she is starting to resemble cwc. I doubt she's losing any weight. She has only been gaining, never lost any.

>> No.6325994

When she says "illness" just replace it with "obesity" and everything makes perfect sense.

>> No.6325998

With all people it's my ex that I hope goes to hell and becomes Satan's personal fucktoy. So it's actually not so bad.

Oh god...I just realized I've had sex with the same guy PT has. Excuse me while I go hang myself.

>> No.6326003

She still doesn't know how to dress but at least she's covered up. Not sure if its an improvement or not.

>> No.6326005

Does anyone have the original pic of her in this jacket? I can't find it.

>> No.6326014
File: 787 KB, 1458x2187, 1331382761461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the skirt from before. I think it's just she's stretched out her clothes. This happened to me when I gained weight.

I'm looking for the jacket one. I'm sure I have it somewhere.

>> No.6326021
File: 43 KB, 366x550, tumblr_lqxj914Jax1qahd60o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many mochi desu~

>> No.6326027
File: 91 KB, 601x901, try_again_by_pixyteriyaki-d30y44b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6326044
File: 52 KB, 500x698, 1331547274649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find it. I could post some images of her old photo shoots.

>> No.6326061

Now this is worded correctly.

You can have sex with people you aren't attracted to.

>> No.6326065
File: 2.15 MB, 1979x2965, 1331375507812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6326073

So much blue.

>> No.6326086
File: 180 KB, 900x1258, 1331333549159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so disturbing that she did some of these shoots at a school. I hope students weren't there to bare witness to the crazy lady humping the pillar while using her tripod to take pictures.

>> No.6326091

Hopefully it was during a school break or something. I would hope that PT is smart enough to not take pictures like that with children around.

>> No.6326090

>humping a brick pillar in front of a school
>So much blue
>Fake silk Letterman jacket with bleach patches on the back
>Japanese flag patch on arm fixing to come off

just wow.

>> No.6326109
File: 1.00 MB, 800x647, 1331339722556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal warm Texas day
>go to pick up your child at school
>see this
>wat do?

Does anybody have the school girl one in the grey sweater where she's on all all fours with her ass pointed to the camera?

>> No.6326116

Christ her thighs are just SO FUCKING HUGE.

>> No.6326122

so she works out 2 days a week and covers "GROSS VEGETABLES" in dressing? No wonder she's huge and never seems to lose any weight.

>> No.6326123
File: 296 KB, 1004x1500, 1331338836203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6326130
File: 177 KB, 900x1350, 1322906306015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she went to an actual bar to take these photos, but she had a photographer this time. I can't imagine that bartender's face.

>> No.6326133

if by "working out" you mean driving to the gym, walking on the treadmill for less than 10 minutes, and then driving home to eat a bunch of shitty food then yes.

>> No.6326138
File: 46 KB, 571x429, 1333901531216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6326144

It was her gay friend Jonathan that did these if I recall.

>> No.6326149

Even if she did an actual, full 1 hour work out, she'd completely negate it by eating shitty snacks.

>> No.6326158

That brave, brave man.

I've always wondered what are the reactions of random people and PT when they stumble upon her taking pictures of herself with her tripod? Like, does she have a reputation of being kinda crazy or retarded around Victoria?

>> No.6326159
File: 213 KB, 900x1258, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6326160

The problem is that she doesn't know how to work out. I don't think she's capable of pushing herself up to the point of physical discomfort, let alone pushing through the burn.

>> No.6326177
File: 39 KB, 500x351, tumblr_loptfebDqv1r04fl8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PT sure loves dat poopin' pose.

>> No.6326190
File: 416 KB, 862x536, sheisamedium_sonotfatyoumeanskinnyminnies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. She wouldn't put any strain on herself. Hell, she won't even put up with the hardship of eating something healthy.

She's a Halloween store medium. Isn't a Halloween store medium like a 12-14? I mean it looks like she squeezed into it, so it's still too small for her.

>> No.6326214

No it might be more like a 10-12. She looks uncomfortable.

>> No.6326281

Skinny mirror

>> No.6326310
File: 307 KB, 622x563, 1349676454239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6326324

She looks like she's trying to turn into a chinaboo with her chinese shirts.

>> No.6326330

She also isn't arching her back and puffing up her chest. She's also probably wearing a different bra.

>> No.6326335

It's like she's a fictional character being written by a dozen different authors and none of them collaborate between each other... That would be an interesting project actually.

>> No.6326344

If this doesn't scream weeaboo then I just don't know anymore.

>> No.6326350

Actually it looks like the newer one is a bit tighter in the waist/stomach area. Plus this pic was taken at a time when she liked her boobs so she's sticking them out.

>> No.6326361

how the hell is she losing weight/her clothes fitting looser?

>> No.6326364

If she is even wearing a bra at all. She believed a troll's info that wearing a bra was bad for boobies.

>> No.6326371

This was made in the prime of her I HAVE HUGE BOOBS THEY ARE AMAZING phase.

Apparently she's stopped wearing a bra most of the time so I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case here.

The new picture looks about the same tightness around the stomach and the jacket just looks kind of out of shape. I bet she hasn't washed it in a year.

TL;DR: She's not wearing a bra in the new one.

>> No.6326374

didn't she say she's going bra-less most of the time?

>> No.6326380 [DELETED] 

Fuck yeah TOP

>> No.6326394

I believe so.

Also, as another anon stated, it's possible it's not only unwashed but it stretched out. It's why some people are a bit amazed that they jumped up 2 sizes when they gain weight. Fabric will stretch out and if she wore it a lot, she likely popped seams and everything.

>> No.6326398
File: 251 KB, 900x1258, PTpoopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst shoop ever, but you get the idea.

>> No.6326403
File: 111 KB, 500x700, tumblr_lr0zx9cIu61r04fl8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6326428

>So for Halloween I'm going to be Snow White. For the Ren faire I'm going to be a female Robin Hood. Very excited!!

There goes my childhood. ;_;

>> No.6326447
File: 787 KB, 240x174, 1299555273367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurg, when i see these things and think about how mean she was to me for even suggesting she had a chest big enough to need proper support.....

>> No.6326457

Indeed, it is truly outrageous. truly truly TRULY outrageous.

>> No.6326460

>It's a Halloween store medium but it fits so well! Teehee! ^__^
It couldn't possibly be because she has her tights yanked all the way to her tits under that leotard which is compressing her blubber, could it?

>> No.6326480

If she's going bi does that mean she has a female target in mind already? I wonder who the lucky lady is? :O

>> No.6326488
File: 361 KB, 567x709, 1324777058913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6326494

And whose to say it's really even a medium. She could just be saying it is. I guarantee she's sucking it in hardcore.

>> No.6326569


>> No.6326572
File: 76 KB, 501x502, 1337393621177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she have those chocolate covered cookies - which name I just can't remember - on her hair?
She has to snack while doing a photoshoot?

>> No.6326579

Well, her blood pressure DOES get low.

>> No.6326583

I like this, this is clever.

>> No.6326589

you can't be a weeaboo when you're a kawaii loli ^___________________^

>> No.6326615

Lol, that blouse is a 3XL.

>> No.6326658 [DELETED] 


>> No.6326667

How can you tell? It gives anywhere between a M to 3XL.

>> No.6326668
File: 46 KB, 517x483, ptjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how when this Kerensa chick goes into full-blown Japanese, PT never responds to her. It's because through her many precious years of study, PT still doesn't know a lick of the language. I wonder if she knows how obvious her lack of language skills are, or if she has just fooled herself she is brilliant at it like everything else she does.

>> No.6326674

fooled herself into believing that*

Wow, must be tired.

>> No.6326675

wait... the fuck am I looking at?

>> No.6326688

Kai, you have some insight into PT's life. Do you know what went down between Jonathan, Edd, and James. Like did they outright tell James to fuck off or did PT tell him what they said and he decided to just leave? If you don't know it's okay.

>> No.6326703

Basically PT is saying James is an idiot.

Then Kerensa replies with something along the lines of:

"James is an idiot. Isn't it better that it's over now? Sarah, you always persevere, but a break is good. You should look for a nice man. There are plenty of other nice men in the world"

I think that's it. My Japanese skills are pretty terrible.

>> No.6326711


Nah, she has threatened to date women in the past, at one point she claimed to have a crush very briefly on a woman, but it usually all stops within a few days when she swings back to "well, it's his loss, I am pretty, and sexy, and smart", after her "I hate all men and their skinny sluts phase". It will pass in a few days time if it hasn't already.

>> No.6326730


I think she inadvertently admitted recently that she uses bing translate to put things in japanese. She said something about it not working on her phone.

>> No.6326749

It really wouldn't surprise me. With or without bing she sucks either way. I always think she shouldn't be using kanji if she doesn't even know the basics, but meh, she likes to pretend. I'm guessing bing translate wasn't working, so she couldn't talk about James in "code" (Japanese).

>> No.6326751

Sadly I don't. Her and I were good friends once until shit hit the fan. I'm not sure where I stand with her right now.

>> No.6326752

I've only seen James - what did all of the other guys look like? If they're decent looking, how the fuck does she keep attracting these guys? Not only is she fugly as all hell, she's obviously batshit insane.
>tfw attractive, sane girl with no qt bf
The world is so cruel. Hold me, seagulls.

>> No.6326771

The less crazy in your life, the better.

>> No.6326790 [DELETED] 

True. But sometimes I feel bad for blaming her for the incident when i found out the truth later on. Oh the list of people I want to kill just keeps getting longer.

>> No.6326796

True. But sometimes I feel bad for blaming her for the incident when i found out the truth later on. Oh the list of people I want to kill just keeps getting longer

>> No.6326804
File: 70 KB, 534x720, ptchrischan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Kris, the ex fuck buddy.

>> No.6326818

I don't know who you are. Care to share what happened?

>> No.6326819
File: 299 KB, 1319x630, 1322901497715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some guy she wanted to date in highschool or something.

Supposedly she had a boyfriend named Matt, that she briefly lived with. Don't think pics of him have ever surfaced.

>> No.6326842

PT only "gets" guys because she's so fucking desperate and they want an easy lay. They're not interested in any sort of actual relationship.

>> No.6326855

>sassy little stripes
Oh god why did I think that was super funny
>I peed a little when I read it the first time

>> No.6326867


>> No.6326886

Oh, I've spoken of it before. We got over it her and I apologized. The guy I was dating at the time spilled this story that he went with her to a local bar, and when Sarah dropped him off she made a move on him.
I texted her about it, furious and dropped her like a hot rock.

After him and I broke up, about a month or so later he told me the truth. That he had moved in on her because he wanted to get back at me. SHE was the that resisted and, with someone with such a high libido as hers, that was pretty strong of her.

Just to clarify, I am no saint. When I say "to get back at me", I had been pressured to text sex with this guy I know. I felt bad about it, but not so much anymore.

>> No.6326940

I would kick her out, seriously. Don't fucking wear that shit in my bar you'd be scaring away customers.

>> No.6326963

I ADORE her studying. She loved history for a day when she was studying the vietnam war!

>> No.6326964
File: 123 KB, 315x477, djs71539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She spent 25 bucks on some Byakuya x Rukia incest doujinshi

>> No.6326976

ugh, he's gross. They fit each other well.

>> No.6327025

I hope she didn't get the idea to be Snow White from my profile pic
If so I apologize now

>> No.6327088
File: 69 KB, 314x309, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha ha, i leak this one before she's gone.
Some people even called me GOLDEN KNIGHT.
What a glorious feeling.

>> No.6327118

He looks like someone stun gunned a downy.

>> No.6327154

I want Pixyteri to date a Kpop idol. Is that weird?

>> No.6327172

Kris is his name as the filename implied. He intended to slut-shame PT quite a few years back, I think 2007 or so, because she cockblocked him and stuck with the boyfriend who liked her because he was a MAJOR BBW lover. Kris ultimately gave up on that quest and they act as if nothing ever happened (barring him being one of the people mocking her behind her back or something).

This "Edd" dude claims to be bi but is gay as springtime. Fancies himself a stand-up comedian but is extremely un-funny.

Back to lurking, I guess.

>> No.6327188

She's definitely gained weight if you see her recent pics. My tits stick out a mile if I wear an undersized pushup bra too. I agree, she's either going braless or just wearing sports bras or camis. PT's boobs look huge when she wears those little fabric juniors bras even though they're not -that- big. I think that's also JNig's secret. Stuff 'em, squeeze them together and lift the crap out of them and they look huge.

>> No.6327189
File: 12 KB, 519x110, Shemad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's measurements should be like hers you know.

>> No.6327196
File: 45 KB, 400x317, laughing horse2 (get it).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a girl as good as me

>> No.6327203

... wait. But didn't she used to say that she has the PERFECT anime girl figure?

>> No.6327240

Why yes, I remember this!

>> No.6327287

As much as she points this out... well, I'm sure it's her motivation having gone out for a "jog" right now.

>> No.6327292
File: 256 KB, 1440x806, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy my real story about PT.
I'm a former Fanboy and White Knight of Sarah.

I was in love in her. Really.
Like a fucking Otaku. The First time i get in touch with her, was the first time i google Bleach fanworks like pictures and cosplays. Then i saw this chubby girl in a Swimsuit. I didn't know she was PT. A Couple of month's later, After i found out what 4chan is and how it works i saw a PT Thread.
I was fucking in love.
I know some of you dudes and dudettes don't understand, but i was a huuuger bbw lover.
I stalk her a little bit, Find her on DA. She even post her datas , and how to contact her.. that was my chance.
I add her in every instant messanger i own..CLICK.. i write with her. With my Idol. My Fap-Girl #1
Every time when she was online, We write, and flirt. I try to help her when some guys trolling her, comfort her.

She talk about Sex with me, and how much she would like it if i fuck her ect.

She allways showed me her unedited pictures, and she allways was like "I'm Ugly, i need to edit this" but i said stuff like "You are beautiyful and cute, you don't need to edit stuff, be natural" everytime until she was annoyed of it.

lol, i even save some money to visit her. I even dump TWO chances to get a Nice, Cute and Handsome Girl.I was totally into Sarah.

But after a long time i finally understood, that she doesn't remember who i am. I was just a fan, in her fucking MSN/SKYPE/Social network shit.

Well, a couple of days later was the apocalpyse day when she's dissapear and block everyone.
Even me. The Guy who Protect her.

My heart was broken for a couple of weeks.
But now im okay again. And i really, REALLY Dislike her.

Well, thats my PT Story CGL.
I'm such a beta.

>> No.6327304

Sucks man, but she is a whole lot of crazy that you don't need in your life. At least now you've realised how much of an ungrateful bitch she is. She doesn't care about anyone but herself.

>> No.6327308

Omg so I saw this awesome bear at Spirit Halloween! He moves too! He reminds me of the bear in the fan video for "Little Sister" by Queens of the Stone Age. I want to get him for my next Lolita photos.
>next Lolita photos




>> No.6327317

>Omg so I saw this awesome bear at Spirit Halloween!
Ahaha holy shit, I definitely thought that meant you saw her at Spirit Halloween and that she was a bear.

>> No.6327324


Ohhh, nono, forgot to greentext that part

>> No.6327333
File: 39 KB, 412x599, tumblr_lok448lQND1r04fl8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6327339
File: 290 KB, 265x399, 1350205556730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6327356

i hate those dumb lips, but I they make PT look better

>> No.6327370

Oh wow. She actually looks very cute in that photo if you minus all the pink overdose, Hello Kitty and duck.

>> No.6328281

Jesus christ PT, this bitch pisses me off.

>> No.6328371
File: 49 KB, 450x600, Duck_ass_pixyteri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PT has a great curvy, voluptuous body. I like a girl with big boobs and a big butt, but damn, she is a terrible, terrible person.

She's a disgrace to cosplayers everywhere, but damn, DAT ASS!

So, in other words, I'd fuck PixyTeri, but there is no way in Hell I would befriend someone who is that vain and stupid.

>> No.6328385

I swear I saw a lovecraftian horror scuttle away into that dark crevasse.

>> No.6328402
File: 344 KB, 222x183, tumblr_mbidxxWEab1riqizno1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6328406

Alternate punchline "At least she's bathing"

>> No.6328408
File: 365 KB, 450x600, OhKojima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6328409

You are one nasty motherfucker.

>> No.6328415


PT has a standard fat girl body, nothing particularly special.
Kind of jelly that she weighs more then me but appears to have less cellulite the back of her thighs are surprisingly smooth...

I thought cellulite was caused by a poor diet filled with fatty, processed foods? Does this mean she is actually eating clean or what?

>> No.6328440

duuudddeee tempted to mess with her on the who bisexual thing.

:| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :|

Do you think she'd go for a Japanese girl? We can talk about how similar we are, ne?

>> No.6328444

might just be genetics? I eat terrible food and should technically have tons of cellulite, but I luckily don't.

>> No.6328450

Or maybe she just has access to photoshop.

>> No.6328451
File: 140 KB, 755x1058, peek_a_boo_by_pixyteriyaki-d37dng4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6328473

why has she not been arrested yet for mooning people in public

>> No.6328478


>> No.6328482

Are you shitting me?

She just wants a Japanese anything. Be ready ti be praised for your race more than for your personality though.

also cap ALL OF IT.

>> No.6328480

She's our glorious queen, the popo can sense her regal aura (also, the cost to get their car cleaned isn't worth the trouble).

>> No.6328498

I've fed her ton of compliments before. :3 I'm on her good side already~

Does anyone have her new contact information? Doesn't seem like she goes on Chappy Pantsu anymore...

>> No.6328510


Oh yeah, part of it is DNA isn't it, like stretchmarks? Looks like I lost out twice haha

That's funny because it doesn't seem like PT has those either actually.

>> No.6328514


Ganbare desu yo! >^__________^< ~*

>> No.6328520


bow bow bow bow bow

>> No.6328528

In all seriousness, I'm a real skinny chick, and I have it, probably because of poor nutrition and eating habits for many years, along with genetics.

>> No.6328544



>> No.6328566



>> No.6328569

Fuck you, you're the scum of the earth. Leave her alone and let her do stupid shit on her own. Acting on her good side and shit, and then backstabbing her. You make me sick.

>> No.6328573
File: 80 KB, 160x120, OverRustle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I being trolled? I think she is trolling us. This can't be anything but trolling, right?

>> No.6328576
File: 6 KB, 218x252, 1235012305816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PT would not accept the results. She'd say they were tampered with, they paid off the guy who did the test, there must have been an error with the test etc.

I am not sure I'd ever be fit to be a mother because if my daughter pulled this shit, I would start describing in great detail what it was like to have sex with her father aka my husband as well as what his naked body looks like and then tell her to ask my husband and to compare our answers.

Not that it would prove anything, I would just want to traumatize the shit out of her and make her feel ashamed that she ever asked.

>> No.6328581




>> No.6328586

If PT is our queen, who makes up the rest of the Royal family? Are there Court Jesters.
Obviously, we know who are knights.

>> No.6328591

Good idea.
I've been thinking for a while I want to find out who the "queen" is of several boards on 4chan, and draw them in the same sort of manner as the Disney Princesses. I'm just lazy and have more important stuff to do these days.

>> No.6328593


>> No.6328600


loooool why have I never seen this before?

>> No.6328604

Until they make a razor with a two foot long handle she'll never get that hair out of her ass.

>> No.6328606


Oh Spoony, I'm ashamed.

>> No.6328608
File: 7 KB, 630x592, index.php20110724-22047-58b7hk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's PT we're talking about but she can do better than THAT.

>> No.6328616


I've seen the first two, but I gave up after that. I heard the rest weren't very good. I'm not big on comedies anyway :>

>> No.6328618

>scum of the earth
>goes on /cgl/

ok then

>> No.6328635

See the Scary Movie formula has always been "throw shit at a wall and some of it's gotta stick", but after a couple of movies their bowels were emptied and they had to start filling their diet with pop culture fiber and... This is an awful metaphor.

>> No.6328637

what is that, twitter? /cgl/ confirmed for gayest board on 4chan. Pretty sure this place is just full of really super gay guys that act like the girls everyone thinks is here

>> No.6328638

They should battle to the death. Like the babby cup GoT style.

>> No.6328702

i'm with you PT! i think raw tomatoes are horrible too!

>> No.6328710

No Kojima! You're not supposed to be in there.

>> No.6328727

Kind of proof that normal people wouldn't go for her.

>> No.6328735

I know I'm late to the tomato-party but what, how can you be 27 and never have tasted a raw tomato?

>> No.6328771

>tfw I literally vomit if I eat a raw tomato
I'm okay with tomato sauce, but I can't stomach pure tomatoes. It's weird.

>> No.6328803

So kai, I have to know. I'm sure somebody has asked this already but does PT have actual friends IRL? Like people she hangs out regularly? Or does she have the friends that feel bad for her so they give her a pity hang out once a month?

>> No.6328805

i like how cosplay, gaming, and reading manga are good quality's of hers.

>> No.6328806

same here. i love tomato sauce, tomato puree and tomato soup but raw or tinned tomatoes make me gag!

>> No.6328902

To be fair, they are qualities compared to the rest.

Capcha: dunce, ssogrow

Oho! What does the Captcha fortune forsee?!

>> No.6328982
File: 32 KB, 700x525, 1295156837287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think tomato soup is delish but raw tomatoes are slimy and terrible. Cherry tomatoes are okay as long as I get to eat them whole. People call me crazy but apparently I'm not alone!

>> No.6329027

I've always wondered this myself. Based on her tweets and other online posts, PT comes off as an insufferable cunt. She seems as those she would not only complain about everything but she would be very embarrassing to hang with in public. And not just embarrassing because she's a total weeb but from how she would treat other women and act all sexy around guys she liked. Like I just imagine her being this huge bitchy, weeaboo ball of social retardation.
I could easily see her doing the following:
-Randomly use Japanese words and phrases
-Constantly trying to make things that aren't Japanese, Japanese (Oh! This pasta is just like udon, but udon is sooo much better!)
-Acting like a character from anime
-Making bitchy comments about other women just loud enough for them to hear
-Strutting and acting kawaii in front of guys she finds attractive
-Awkwardly pointing to guys all the crazy sexy things she does because she's better than other women

>> No.6329047

This is exactly what it is like to be with her in public.

Also, add in there, saying overly sexual things or being sexually inappropriate in public.

>> No.6329055

witch would be better? a girls sawing one of her good qualities are reading manga or that she is really and smart.

i hope she puts ll of that on her resume or tells people that in job interviews. "yes, one of my better qualities is i can read manga."

>> No.6329062


We already know she does some of those things. I mean, she tried to make Cajun food Asian because to her "Cajun" sounds exactly like "Asian" the way she says things, that and they are both spicy (according to her) and are in the same aisle in the grocery store.

Also, she already seems to talk in that really annoying high voice that she thinks is kawaii. I am sure that she does those other things as well.

>> No.6329077

Some of these sorta sound like my friend 0___0 ew i'm going to have a talk with her.

>> No.6329202

>Tho even tho my costume is cheap it looks like it was made for me!

I like how bad she worded this. She's making herself sound like she's cheap. Which is the truth! LOL

>> No.6329286

Tell me more tell me more----

>> No.6329471


I honestly don't know why people keep harping on the ~**windchime Japanese father**~ thing. Obviously what she said was completely deluded, but we only have evidence of her saying it once to one person. She just spouts crazy shit. That's PT.
I don't know why literally dozens of you feel the need to bring up the windchime thing to her mom now... it was a couple of years ago, right? She's moved on to new crazy. Chill.

>> No.6329487

She says she's on CGL chat right now... is she?

>> No.6329488


Except where she said herself that in an argument with her parents about her weeby behavior she made a comment about her dad probably not being her real father.

>> No.6329494

Dunno. She tends to just try and get asspats then gets pissy when nobody does, in the chat.

>> No.6329500

Where did she say this?

>> No.6329512

before she went offline for a few months she had a fight with her parents and shouted something about her dad not being her real dad

>> No.6329517

She's there!

>> No.6329520


>A Comic Con 2008 video almost made me orgasm. Shhh don't tell anyone.

Why in the fuck would she post about it?!

>> No.6329522


Oh jeez, I remember this too... but what was the source? Again, I think bringing up the dad thing to Debbie is a dead issue.
I think the only thing anyone could conceivably feel justified reporting is if she keeps ruining her chances of employment with new nudes or gravure or something.

>> No.6329528


omg she looks really cute...

>> No.6329530

linku prease

>> No.6329538

is she actually pantsless or did my eyes deceive me? T_T

>> No.6329542

it happened....

>> No.6329546


>> No.6329547

stop insulting her and get her to give us dirt jesus christ people

>> No.6329553

I remember when she'd cosplay in the chats, and if a cute girl got in cam suddenly cleavage and sexci PT.

Does is sorta have a thing for Masao?

>> No.6329555

fuck me, I got banned.

>> No.6329557

I'd link, but 4chan wouldn't let me when I tried.
PT got mad and went off camera just now though

>> No.6329558


Probably tumblr or some blog of hers, I dunno exactly. It was something she used to type out a paragraph about it though. LJ maybe?

>> No.6329561


This is the extent of PT's Japanese skills:


>> No.6329563

just shorten it for us

>> No.6329566

Thanks to Iridium she get pissed, went off camera and just left. There's no reason to go there now.

>> No.6329569

I can't type

>> No.6329571

for next time

>> No.6329573

You deserved it to you Dinkleburg.

>> No.6329578


What happened??

>> No.6329580
File: 38 KB, 500x376, lol_o_617217[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it for her own good. She doesn't need to be acting a fool just so you cunts can get your jollies off.

Hypocritical? Probably. but I don't give a fuck.
>pic related

>> No.6329584
File: 758 KB, 1276x2532, lederhosen_dlx_red_trim[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically this in panties and with PT's face.

>> No.6329587

I dunno what Iridium said before I came in but, he/she was going on about PT's Ren faire hat. She got pissed and left.

>> No.6329588

Just put "/cglchat" after tinychat

>> No.6330249

well dicks i just missed everything that happened
anyone want to sum it up?

>> No.6330263

How do I keep coming up when I don't reply for awhile!? Lol!

I'll be honest that I don't really know. When we were friends at first I genuinely wanted to hang out with her. I'm sure if I did now it would be out of pity or pure boredom.

I know the people she hangs out with. One I went to High School with and the other I think I met through friends. I can't really remember.
She belongs in that group of friends.

She did get into it with Jonathan pretty bad once and they stopped being friends for awhile. Something about this other girl that they used to hang out with who was foreign(non-Asian) said something to Sarah and then I guess shit hit the fan. Jonathan was going to tell me what happened but 1) I didn't really care and 2) when I actually called to ask he never answered me back.

>> No.6330293
File: 33 KB, 400x323, 1235425982564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't people cap that shit!?

All it takes is pressing Prt Sc and pasting the cap onto Paint.

Damn it /cgl/

>> No.6330525

...Are those sentences supposed to mean something? Was this about the tsunami or something?

>> No.6330719

You dumb asses always scare her off. I've wanted to see her on tiny chat for ages. I can't believe I missed it! Stupid work.

>> No.6331099

>I hate men. Not trying to be in any relationship for a long time. Go to hell all of you.

Guys call the waaambulance! She's at it again.

>> No.6331238


>> No.6331272
File: 49 KB, 519x690, SheKnowsJapan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I didn't know she knew honestly.

So, why is she still "saving" for it?

>> No.6331296

She has probably been "studying" her Japanese history, along with all that shinto stuff she is currently reading up on. Everything she says/does is short-lived, and she'll change her tune in the very near future, or she'll replace her interests with something new. This is how it always goes with her.

>> No.6332647
File: 29 KB, 633x114, asspat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloody Hell! Quit Ass-patting the beast!