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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 86 KB, 423x640, ff77c2c1fe48c57fa363901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6322041 No.6322041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok I know fat acceptance is a serious hot button topic here but... I was wondering of the larger femanons here does anyone know if there's a plus size pageant in New England? Or is just a southern thing? I just finished watching the 'fat' episode of Taboo and I'm a bit curious.

>> No.6322111

Sorry, I don't think so. It's mainly children's pagents from what I know.
My quip on "fat acceptance"
Aside from people who have legitimate diseases or medical conditions(which are typically rare or serious) that prevent them from being a normal, healthy weight or close to one
"Fat acceptance" should end at not making fat people miserable
It's not something that should be accepted in the sense of IM BIG AND IM A PROUD CURVY WOMAN HOW CAN YOU DISCRIMINATE ME YOU ANOREXIC BITCHES
but at most quietly like "I don't care to lose weight at this time thank you"

>> No.6322248

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

>> No.6322380

You must be new

>> No.6322412

this this this this this

Lifestyles that are seriously unhealthy and possibly life-threatening should not be praised.

>> No.6322413

should just call it fat festival

>> No.6322434

OP here

You guys are FUCKING IGNORANT. I'm having suicidal thoughts right now because of this. I just want to be comfortable in my own skin and you are making me feel gay and unwanted.....

>> No.6322489

you could always lose weight and become skinny and unwanted

>> No.6322506
File: 242 KB, 630x400, LaughingWhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6322508
File: 788 KB, 2032x2366, Midler and Naoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, my first CGL post...I've been lurking forever, (I'm one of those chubby chasers)
At the end of the day, most fat acceptance haters just hate looking at fat people and wish they didn't have to deal with them (looking at them, or hearing them liking themselves, like it will spread like a disease). Obesity is not a good thing, but an independent individual's fatness doesn't actually hurt anyone (nor their vocal enjoyment of such fatness). It bums me out to see all the drama surrounding the topic.The obesity problem isn't effected by fat acceptance either, more like its an after effect of obesity. Fat acceptance isn't even about "praising fat", its about praising whatever body you got. This is as silly as "the gay agenda" Christians talk about.

OP by the way: http://pageantcenter.com/ A list of pageants across the country, this should help. There seem to be plus size ones as well.

>> No.6322515

>Fat acceptance isn't even about "praising fat", its about praising whatever body you got.
which in turn is praising being fat and "you don't got to change"

>> No.6322520

haha fatass

>> No.6322542


>> No.6322540

>having suicide thoughts over 4chan


also, >gay and unwanted

>> No.6322543
File: 297 KB, 1448x1904, Poison 5 Mid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm saying is, Liking yourself does not equate to saying "big is better". And that in itself is not fat praise. I suppose I support general body acceptance myself, but I think most fat acceptance folk at least "claim" to hold those same beliefs. Which in itself is not bad.

>> No.6322562

You are FUCKING IGNORANT. How does one feel gay?

>> No.6322574

I never said it's bad to like yourself
it's when they don't acknowledge that they are in fact overweight and being overweight is a bad thing
not even socially
it's a bad thing biologically

Even if you eat healthy things and go jogging, if you are severely overweight or obese, you are still hurting your bones and organs
not as much as the one who eats shit food
but that still doesn't make it a good thing

added to the fact that a good percentage of people who are overweight/obese typically got that way because of emotional issues and coping with food

I'm also not referring to people who are say a 5'5 and 160lbs woman(non athletic) and not that overweight

>> No.6322578
File: 942 KB, 600x338, Super-Buu-Expands-No.18-Animation1-Web.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I've started to think this is just a troll thread.

>> No.6322584


By the way, it's one thing to get upset if someone makes rude comments about your weight just to provoke you (i.e. LOL FATASS NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU). That's justified, because remarks like that are uncalled for. But when overweight people get all buttmad because you point out that being overweight has serious health consequences (which is true), that really grinds my gears. And a lot of them DO get buttmad about it.

>> No.6322587

Depends if you're a fatass or a "Real Woman" like Pixyteri.

>> No.6322598

Pixyteri is a fatass...

>> No.6322595

no one should be subjected to cruel comments
but don't just become delusional and overly defensive and ignoring faults that you should go about changing/improving

>> No.6322601


>> No.6322602

You're probably a skinny mini, anorexic bitch. Go eat a hamburger.

>> No.6322605
File: 312 KB, 1024x1177, white_creme_with_tubby_frosting_by_theamericandream-d4lucja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well okay then. I agree with all of what you've said then. I feel lots of people have a knee jerk reaction to any fat person wearing something they "shouldn't" or simply doing something like modeling to shout at them "you are praising obesity" or "setting a bad example to kids", which is insinuating a lot of things about a persons beliefs they don't know. folks who hate fat people should learn to simply ignore them.

>> No.6322624
File: 196 KB, 655x900, Adiane TTGL BBW_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pisses me off too...there's a lot of stupid pro fat people too, I realize. But perhaps they're just buttmad that you bring it up unprovoked? I don't go up to cig smokers and yell at them about their habits...thats also rude. If you were to go to a fat cosplayer and tell her she will die of diabetes, well thats not any better. That's hate hiding behind science. Which doesn't make it okay.

>> No.6322630

Irrelevant but why does "ignorant" mean "bigoted" to many people? The two don't always equate. I used to be fat, into fat acceptance, learned shit, lost weight, got healthy, am now anti-fat. So I'm very informed about both sides but am still bigoted.

>> No.6322632

well fat people shouldn't wear things that are unflattering to them
but that a rule in general

In terms of cosplay I don't think fat people should cosplay characters that are supposed to be tiny(eg: loli's) or athletic/muscular if it's not a joke kind of thing or if it's supposed to be "taken seriously"
because A)the outfit probably isn't flattering in the least B)cosplay isn't srs bzns, but don't get offended if people are laughing at the fat supergirl/insert loli character for the fact that they are in the opposite direction of how that character looks

Like how a skinny super man would look silly

there's nothing wrong with it
but it does indeed look silly

>> No.6322637

X-meeeeen!! Lawl

>> No.6322648

>go eat a hamburger
Every fucking fatass bitch says this. Obviously you're just bitter because you're had a few too many hamburgers in your lifetime.

>> No.6322651

I never do it unprovoked, it fact I never really do it at all. Mostly it's from observation.

>> No.6322655
File: 80 KB, 245x200, Ralff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked up Pexyeri as well.

To think the entire reason I popped by is because someone insisted that /cgl/ collaborates with /fit/.

>Go eat a Hamburger
The saddest thing about this catchphrase is not the implied intent, but the choice of food.

>> No.6322668

I don't know why it's always a first reaction to yell "DAS IGNORANT!" when people are pissed.

>> No.6322669

You need to visit during /fit/ fridays on /cgl/.

I was the one who said "go eat a hamburger." I'm actually quite in shape. I jog in the morning, refuse to drink soda, I don't snack, I make sure that I go out a lot, walk my dog twice a day, do yoga, drink lots of water and never eat processed food. Suck it, fat people

>> No.6322674

YES. Oh my god I am so tired of fat people butchering decent characters when they cosplay.

>> No.6322681
File: 264 KB, 714x900, MOTIVIZE_My_Gift_to_the_Game_by_TheAmericanDream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, Though I enjoy fat yoko cosplay for my own devious reasons, I agree 100% with this I got nothing else to add at this point.

OP was most likely trolling, but I haven't regretted posting here yet. I suppose thats good.

>> No.6322697

Ugh this was not meant to be a troll thread but I should have known better.

This is not OP, obviously

I did start to look at pageant center but wasn't having much luck so I came here.

>>well fat people shouldn't wear things that are unflattering to them but that a rule in general
Anyone no matter what their weight, size or shape shouldn't wear unflattering things.

>> No.6322717
File: 289 KB, 1151x1359, DeborahSSBBWCroppedMid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That goes without saying, but I could play devils advocate and argue "unflattering" means different things to different people. I saw at least 1 or 2 plus size pageant's listed on the website, what area of New England are you looking for? Perhaps thread can be salvaged.

>> No.6322725
File: 211 KB, 1024x1365, electric_touch_by_hikaricherry-d4orlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


IRL version

>> No.6322727

I'm proud to be the artist behind all the pics (excluding the OP) :3c

>> No.6322742
File: 193 KB, 720x960, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking in CT but any of the pageants that said they had plus sizes I couldn't find anything on the sites. But I don't really know how to navigate them.

>>Let me back story this
I'm 5'10" and for a long time I was skinny fat but a healthy weight (145lb). Over the past 2 years I've gone up to 200lb, meaning I'm bordering obese. I'm pretty upset with myself even though most people assure me I don't 'look' fat I know I am. It's kind of deflated my confidence so I thought maybe doing a pageant, even if I didn't win might help me feel better. Although it could back fire because I'd be one of the smaller contestants (plus size pageants are for people size 14 and up, I'm an 18-20) I figured it was worth a shot.

>> No.6322768

Sorry, correction I'm a 16-20 depending on the brand.

>> No.6322776

You're a cutie!

I've never heard of a fat pageant in NE, but you might consider applying to model for a plus size agent in NYC. (You're in CT, so it's close enough.)

You seem to the perfect size for plus-size stores or catalogs!

>> No.6322773

if you kept reading you would see "but that's a rule in general"
you're really tall so even though you're overweight(not grossly since even at 200lbs 30-40lbs is what you would need to lose), at least you carry it well and hence you aren't "that fat"
you have some weight to lose, but you don't look disgusting or anything
but wtf maybe it's the photo, but why are your tits so high up?

>> No.6322785
File: 807 KB, 3000x4226, Fat Rouge request.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say your best bet is to simply contact someone via the website (one of the more promising looking ones) and see if they can't point you in the right direction. I took a glance at it, but its hard to tell if it merely accepts plus size applicants or has separate pageants for them.

I think fat chicks can be beautiful, I openly prefer them, but having them in separate pageants was always kinda odd to me, but I guess its a good way to get positive attention. Good luck to whatever you decide to end up doing.

>> No.6322802

Ipod why do you hate 4chan so?

I honestly don't know lol. I didn't even think you could see my boobs in that shot. :/ They never got bigger when I gained weight. I'm only a B cup.

I thought I was to small and shapely for plus size work. I always see rounder girls with big chest in magazines. Apples when I'm a pear.

>> No.6322814

Thanks C: I don't plan on being plus size foreve. I jus need some confidence to boost my motivation.

>> No.6322828

Thats not true from what I've seen. lots of big legs and hips girls in Plus size modeling. But they definitely prefer a particular look.

>> No.6322829
File: 194 KB, 600x600, 1092996257677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe not but in the photo it looks like your boob is floating straight out from your armpit, and that ain't right

also Plus size agents don't care about your body shape as long as you're size 14+ with good skin, good features, good hair, and not rollie pollie

>> No.6322833

Maybe I'll look into it. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.6322852

I guess I'd have to take care of my blackhead issue first. Damn my clogged pores! And condition more since I'm trying to dye my hair lavender (I'm not a blonde)

>> No.6322860

I wouldn't go in an agency with oddly coloured hair
They like simple

>> No.6322878

It's only for October. I need time to clear my skin up anyway. Also what's the average age of plus size models?

>> No.6322898

This fat acceptance crap bothers me because these whales get mad at me for loosing weight because I don't want to be a whale. It's none of their damn business what I do and if they want to be fat and unhealthy and become exactly like those skinny girls they hated they can go for it. But that doesn't give them a right to tell me what I can and can't do with my body.

Anyway those girls are hypocrites. They claim they don't want to be like those skinny girls that made fun of them for being fat as they grew up and yet it's okay for them to make fun of skinny girls now?

>> No.6322899
File: 211 KB, 550x367, dashboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, anon's comments still apply, as long as you're the right size and have nice skin, they won't mind what age. I'd say most appear to be late 20s-early 30s. But I'm sure there are some younger and older.

>> No.6322905

depends on what you want to model
if you'd want to be more on the "fashion" side and not just catalogue
though plus models tend to be in their early-mid 20's

>> No.6322911

freaking adorable

>> No.6322913
File: 62 KB, 480x720, 76857_451471806815_289360456815_6048974_5805798_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMEN. See I love fat women, real big ones too. But I fucking hate that crap. If you want to lose weight, or if a person wants to gain weight that's their body, that hypocritical logic does not represent all fat positive thinkers.

>> No.6322933

Uh.. Where's the experinced plus size model when you need advice C:

I get that a lot which is weird I'm a 26 yr old yeti, how's that cute?

>> No.6322949

you carry your weight well; it doesn't look like "oh wow fat girl" to me, it just looks like tall leggy girl

and you dress decently, unlike many people who are overweight

>> No.6322964

I can link the few plus models I follow on tumblr. If you're genuinely interested I'm sure they'd help give you better advice.

>> No.6322983

define "fst"

>> No.6322988

You can tell when I'm undressed, I've got some lumps lol. But I get my trip from the fact I use to post lucky and instyle scans here lol I should get back to doing that.

I'd at least like to look at them.

>> No.6323038
File: 174 KB, 631x900, Can't Find My TurtlecomBG_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two I'm semi familiar with, two of my personal favs.

>> No.6323051

Can I see more of your Art. I love these.

>> No.6323055

Those girls are a lot bigger then me

>> No.6323091

Daww...did I just make a new fan? :3c Honestly from all my cgl lurking I wouldn't expect that.

http://theamericandream.deviantart.com/ This has most all my art (some's more x-rated)

and my tumblr for fat drawfag requests (feel free to request) http://fatline.tumblr.com/

Yes they are, but they are familiar with the business, while they are not runway models, they've worked several clothing labels. I think they could probably at least say "these are good places to start, this is what they look for etc" Basically they know more then most people in this thread, and would have more validity then anything I could add. Emailing the pageant website I'd stress as a good idea.

>> No.6323096
File: 390 KB, 839x1200, JolyneWGsm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll leave a few more of these here.

>> No.6323100

You did!!! Awesome :D

>> No.6323125
File: 387 KB, 1850x1900, Mitsuru Commission sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6323131

fan soundtrack

>> No.6323156

True C: and thanks for being awesome and helpful

>> No.6323168

OP I would be kind of offended that my plus size thread was being flooded with hambeast pictures

>> No.6323178

There really isn't enough fat-art of this series.
(Polite sage)

>> No.6323187
File: 808 KB, 1923x2343, JSR-GG vs Loveshockers WG sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no prob, I'd be semi curious if anything came out of this, do you cosplay as well? I'd say this went over fairly well.

>> No.6323192
File: 215 KB, 688x950, Ask-PuddinCosplay Mew reply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairly certain all the pics in this thread are depictions of "plus size" women. Don't see how seen as offensive (outside of someone simply not liking them)

>> No.6323216

I don't like the kinds of things you draw
but it's hardly offensive

at most slightly distasteful since some of it seems very fetishy(though the one in the comment I'm replying to isn't, just cute)

but again, not offensive

>> No.6323245

Added you on DA. Stuff's cute. Not my cup of tea necessarily, but you've got the stuff :3

>> No.6323281

Doesn't bother me

No I don't cosplay. I don't have a real interest in anime or manga anymore. I started coming here because I like the Lolita drama but I rarely even pay attention to that. I just lurk around the fem related post.

>> No.6323294

bueno. Heh, very cool your stuff is nice, I had seen your bf's stuff around before (really good).

>> No.6323304
File: 192 KB, 600x1194, Dobuita 11 Showing off the Goods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jelly you got to go to Otakon, I've been (with a table) at Artist alley twice before, but I loathe their current lottery system for preordering tables :p

>> No.6323307

haha, so you already know who I am it seems. I figured more people had added you. I'll let the bf know you said his stuff was good. Thank you!

>> No.6323316

Had the tab open I was like, hmm not my regular watcher, added me in the last 10 minutes. Pretty easy to put together. I had seen his Skullgirls fan art submission. I have a few friends who worked on the game, its great. Ha so if you see fat art at Otakon in the near future at Artist alley, chances are its me.

>> No.6323331

Nice! Yeah, skullgirls is pretty great. We probably have some mutual art friends who worked on it. Really nice to see it come together now. Oh, and I'm always at Otakon! Will likely see you and say hello.

>> No.6323339

Oop, didn't see this post! But oh man, yeah... that lottery system is weaksauce. I got really lucky to get a table. They're really cracking down too. I've had better luck with Katsucon. You should try there if you're local, plus the venue is really nice.

>> No.6323346
File: 1.86 MB, 1107x1120, ptfab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with being a fat cos-player?

>> No.6323358

Skinny person here. I love hamburgers. Especially those ones that cost $10 at restaurants. I'm not afraid of the $1 ones at McDonald's either though.

>> No.6323359

Wow... I never really noticed but I don't think my figure is that far off from Pixyteri. I might have slightly bigger hips.

>> No.6323368

Sadly I was just lazy and forgot table reg at Katsucon this year, really kicking myself for it. I went this past February and cleaned up, met some nice folks it was a great time.

Nothing...I got nothing against her body personally. But that face, she's just weird looking. I came across this chick years before 4chan in my search of cute chub cosplay, its hilarious that she's like a meme here.

>> No.6323379

here's a good FB page with delicious fatties being posted


>> No.6323381
File: 152 KB, 518x547, lolmiddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What bothers me most about her is that she's a loony and refuses to come to terms with her weight.

>> No.6323388
File: 185 KB, 675x900, Scanty and Kneesocks_DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This page gets my approval.

I dont think weight loss would be an improvement, she's just weird looking. I think its that expression.

>> No.6323399

it's the chin
the chin makes everything worse
the only thing she could do well is be a professional ice breaker in the arctic circle

>> No.6323411

Unfortunate about Katsu... Don't kick yourself too hard. Only way I remember to register is due to rss feeds! I didn't even go last year due to lack of money.

>> No.6323414
File: 721 KB, 1872x960, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont think weight loss would be an improvement, she's just weird looking. I think its that expression.

Personality and sanity make bad looks much worse.

>> No.6323436

Check out the bitch's toes on the left.

>> No.6323438
File: 279 KB, 1183x907, KarinEmma MvC1Color_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RSS feeds, I need to get into that, I'm looking into other Conventions I can get a table at in the Baltimore DC area. Are there any other good ones? I'm gonna shoot for Otakon again.

>> No.6323441

I'm confused

Is this a fat chick fetish thread

a PT thread

or a thread about plus size fashion shows

>> No.6323448

I dunno. I say we agree fat people should cosplay to thier body type because nobody wants to see that shit unless it's the glorious Queen. And really, only then so we can mock her and feel better about ourselves.

>> No.6323458
File: 124 KB, 770x1083, Breakfast Princess WG small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't it be all 3? We've resolved said Fashion problem best we can I believe. Now I'm just having fun.

:P mostly agreed. Though I wait for the day fat midriff is socially acceptable.

>> No.6323467


Because this board is not for you to spam your fetish art and to shamelessly promote your deviantart?

>> No.6323468

This has been interesting. Usually we tell PT only people with fat people fetishes would be into her, but not even them. They like CUTE fat girls like AD over here. Seriously fuck that bitch. I still miss her and wait for her full return.

>> No.6323474

Fuck you, slut. Most of us like these arts and random talk about PT and fat people. Sexy or not.

>> No.6323479

speak for yourself.

>> No.6323489
File: 686 KB, 2183x3433, Q Bee WGcolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cute face is really important to chubchasers with standards. lol...has she gone into hibernation? I'm new here.

>> No.6323492

Pretty much this. I liked talking about conventions. Which is what people on /cgl/ do at times. Personally, I don't care if he posts his art. PT talk is just a bonus.

>> No.6323496

I read her latest tweets. They're just beautiful. Basically she's "thinking" of going bi because her bi and gay male friends told her James-chan was creepy, so James-chan blocked Sarah-sempai because he's tsundere for her.
Oh! Her highness stated that she has eaten healthy salad but they are nasty unless smothered in dressing and in small amounts. And some stupid peasant slut bitch isn't fat after popping out three children, and this has angered the Queen.

>> No.6323504

>implying I'm a girl

Also, what this anon said >>6323479

>> No.6323537
File: 116 KB, 600x801, 196353-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been fun.

"The Queen" lol, Cosplay drama I have to admit is infinitely amusing to me.

I can switch to posting my ideal cosplay waifu's. If that's better.

>> No.6323555

Smothering is bad but when used in the right amounts the oils in salad dressing actaully help your body absorb the nutrients in the vegetables. I read about it in fitness or health magazine.

>> No.6323569

Can we have a PT thread? I love PT threads.

>> No.6323574

It was Olive Garden Italian salad dressing. I dunno how healthy their dressing is.

>> No.6323570

According to an anon, PT got into major trouble for bad mouthing the fuck out of her family (mostly her mom) online to the point her family was getting harassed. Her computer access was limited and I think the took her camera away. So PT had a forced hiatus. She's back now though. Fatter, bitcher, and crazier than ever!

Before her hiatus, she did pretty bad photo shoots. She wore shit that didn't fit, did characters she clearly couldn't pull of (from age), and dabbled in gravure. Her drama was even more hilarious. We found out she doesn't bathe thoroughly or often enough because her mother was screaming at her (seen via TC video, which PT turned on the mic for) and apparently likes to do kinky shit in bed (thanks nudephoto dump anon). Combine all of that with her inability to see how weeby, fat, and bitchy she is and you can see how she is a lolcow.

>> No.6323594

That's not a real salad... I think they use iceberg D: but it could be ranch and as long it was the 2 tbsp serving (and prefably a very colorful salad) it's still ok.

What's so bad about 'kinky shit'?

>> No.6323604

Nothing's wrong with normal kinky shit. PT level of kinky is a threesome and acting like a kawaii uguu school girl when one's a fat, ugly 25-26 year old who has tits that are just...sad.

>> No.6323611


Given that she just stated that she tried a raw tomato for the first time ever and though it was disgusting, I doubt PT uses dressing in the right amounts.

>> No.6323612

A. That's not kinky
B. I'm fat and 26 D:

>> No.6323614



>> No.6323619

Lose weight. You will feel better about yourself and you won't have to spend thousands of dollars on a stupid pageant.

>> No.6323621

IF said tomatoe was in said salad served at the olive garden... Well I would hardly call it a tomatoe and whole heartily agree with her.

>> No.6323628


Did you forget what board youre on? Why the fuck are you defending PT

She also posted shota and loli on her twitter I think

>> No.6323631
File: 303 KB, 900x879, ByakkoBBWRule360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point you guys need to have threads entitled JNig and PT general. lol.
I'm sure she's planning to, doesn't mean she can't do something fun to make herself feel good. That's why most of you cosplay right?

>> No.6323632

Salad dressings are never healthy. Even the ones with less offensive ingredients (i.e. balsamic vinegarette etc) are still basically mostly oil and sodium. Pouring salt water over your veggies would be healthier, and we all know that's a pretty dumb idea. Salad itself has very little nutritional value unless it's made with spinach as a base instead of lettuce and includes decent veggies like broccoli, carrots, artichoke hearts, and asparagus. Most of those are also gaseous vegetables and will also cause some water retention; but do at least provide nutriente. Lettuce is essentially useless ruffage. It's also one of the worst gaseous vegetables besides cabbage and will cause you to retain more water than say, broccoli or cauliflower. Water retention is compounded by high sodium intake, so your salad dressings are only making it worse. The majority of the calories in your salads come from that crap. They are empty calories too, nothing but salt and sugar.


>> No.6323629

Avoid dairy products there are so many hormones and chemicals in milk that make you get muffin top. Switch to almond milk. or soy

>> No.6323633

Do you act like kawaii uguu school girl while getting pounded and pretending you're in one of our hentai videos?

Then often air that you're getting fucked by some guy?

Do you have terrible nudes featuring greasy hair, period stains, and sad looking tits? Do you have nude photo that has you laying on your back, face forward, spreading your vag lips with your hand while doing duckface?

If you said no to most of these questions, then you aren't PT level disgusting.

>> No.6323636

Oh geez, olive garden. Ew.

I'm not one for raw tomato myself. Maybe PT should try eating fresh salsa. It's pretty healthy and damn delicious. Still can't eat a slice of tomato on burgers though.

I'm shamelessly going back and forth from here and /ck/. I love food talk.

>> No.6323640

DQ you have no idea what you're talking about. Please stop.

Unless you're lactose-intolerant, dairy products contain some of the most affordable, readily accessible, bioavailable protein out there.

>> No.6323643

You can still get that without drinking milk yo. Milk has so many chemicals in it.

>> No.6323641

Uh... How is that defending her?

I personally don't consume all that much dairy and I don't really have a muffin top my fat is disturbed pretty evenly with a little extra on my thighs. Also I try avoid soy as much as possible it's not some super miracle food. You should consume it in moderation.

>> No.6323648
File: 411 KB, 1586x1300, April O'Neil Before and After Update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good advice, there's no real help for PT though.

>> No.6323659

This. I'm waiting for her to crash and burn. I don't know how it'll happen, but it will. I imagine it'll be in a blaze of glory worthy of her reign.

>> No.6323660

Good thing my salad's usually include those things. No sense in eating them otherwise. Figured it was common sense.

>> No.6323663

Poco do gallo! <3

I'm to tired to argue this BUT it can be argued.

>> No.6323666

Not from almond milk, you ignorant attention whore. The only comparable protein sources in a similiar price bracket with that kind of protein content are eggs and canned fish. 1 cup of regular almond milk has 1g of protein. Compare that to at least 8g in a cup of 2% milk.

Take off your tinfoil hat and educate yourself.

>> No.6323676
File: 552 KB, 1542x1298, Phantom Troop Fatties sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how much lower she can go.

Alright since I'm new(ish) here, how often is it threads devolve into PT troll/discussion threads?

>> No.6323678

Almost! Pico de gallo~ My bf makes it really great, made me start appreciating tomatoes. Chips, salsa, and I'm done.

>> No.6323682

You didn't have to be such a dick explaining it, you know.

>> No.6323683

OT Surprising fact couscous has like 6g of protien

>> No.6323685

Argue it. You'll still be wrong.

>> No.6323692

It's one of the better grains, true, but it's protein content is still negligible in comparison to a can of salmon.

>> No.6323693

Not too often unless she can be brought into them. I would say any thread about weight issues, her screencaps will show up. Usually she has her own threads.

Well, you'd be surprised. She got worse after her hiatus.

>> No.6323694

I am not taking off my tinfoil. But enjoy your night sir I may of got my facts wrong but at least I do not need to insult others to be right.
Good day.

>> No.6323698

Jesus tits dude, if you wanted to state correct information you could have done so in a manner that didn't make you an insufferable twat.
Come down from your high horse, the weather is fine.

>> No.6323703

I will simply state that a. not all oils are bad and the body requires some amount of it to survive and b. vinegar (as well as fermented food) has been proven to be good for the body. So to make a blanket stat,est that ALL salad dressing are bad and should be avoided is not true.

>> No.6323706

Yeah I know, but when someone who obviously has no idea what they're talking about tries to give advice on something as important as food it induces my rage like nothing else. There's already enough misinformation out there when it comes to nutrition.

Browsing /fit/ a few times a week does not make you an expert.

>> No.6323715

I got it from a teacher of mine. The information was misleading I guess then.

>> No.6323713

Well, if you explain something once with proof, and they deny it THEN you can feel free to go off on them. I understand the rage though I see people say wrong shit all the time and then constantly deny that they're wrong and it gets me a little miffed.

>> No.6323722

I'm a girl who dislikes attention addicts, so I already have a solid bias against you. Just being honest. Yes, I'm being a raging cuntmonger right now. No, I'm not proud of it. I'm sorry to be so mean. You're cute and now I feel bad. But still. Educate yourself before you give people advice next time. And next time I correct someone I won't be a dick about it. :/

>> No.6323726

Great, see we can all be friends now!

>> No.6323732

It seemed logical to me because of all the hormones cows are being fed now a days. But I never put in the thought of protein intake. Everything really okay in moderation besides Mc donalds and products that have 20 ingredients that barely seem English. Thank you for correcting me.

>> No.6323734

Thanks for taking my douchery with such grace. We all cool now.

>> No.6323736

Also the attention part, I haven't posted fitness pictures since August. And I rarely trip anymore I saw it as being a problem. I wasn't seeking attention I was more so just a troll getting kicks out of anger. But its time for me to grow up so you will rarely see me use this anymore.

>> No.6323745

No problem, I really do appreciate you pointing it out though that I was incorrect it means I should research into the material my teachers teach me so that anything that is incorrect does not end up sticking.

>> No.6323762

It's understandable, I only despise attention whores because I used to be such a huge one. Then we grow up and feel really dumb about it. Natural progression or something like that. I was just projecting my own issues on you blindly, sorry. It was a lapse of self-control. I do a lot better when I refrain from making any emotionally-fueled posts in general.

>> No.6323771

Its fine Anon. Nobody perfect we all have our flaws. Its a stressful time of year, you'll learn over time how to deal with it better. Just like I will learn to be less derpy.

>> No.6323779

You'd be surprised how often people are wrong about food. It's a subject that's really super difficult to find reliable information on. The best thing you can do is study basic biology and learn how the human body absorbs and processes it's nutrients. The most reasonable diet I've found that has mainstream popularity is the paleo diet. The ketogenic diet is good too.

>> No.6323781

Ill make sure to look into those and study more. Thank you a lot for the suggestions, I'm taking skin care but they do not fully go in depth with diet. But I think they should.

>> No.6323806

Absolutely, they really should. There is a very direct correlation between the two.

>> No.6323823

Teacher didn't even really say it was important. But I'm still going to look into it for my own benefit. I did have a pretty good diet, and I still stick by it but I'm learning so much new stuff lately I feel I should improve it even more and research further into it. I'm off to bed now though, good night Anon. I hope your day tomorrow is amazing.

>> No.6323836

Aw you too, DQ. You're pretty awesome. Let's dream about good stuff. Goodnight. <3

>> No.6323864
File: 564 KB, 2500x1421, Parasoul and Valentine Run FatGirls Run sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread was pleasant from beginning to end. I'm glad I came out of hiding just for this.

>> No.6329508
