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6319805 No.6319805 [Reply] [Original]

>Love Asian guys
>Go to South Korea
>Creepers. Creepers everywhere.

I have never met as high a concentration of entitled Creepers as in Seoul. Not even at a con.

>> No.6319829
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were they hot like your oppas?

>> No.6319835 [DELETED] 

Creeps in what way, OP? As in stalkers?

>> No.6319872
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I like creepy asian dudes

>> No.6319903

Yeah. Following me home and stuff like that. Old men touching me and so on.

>> No.6319905

go on....

>> No.6319915

creeping on you means they find you attractive.
GO OP!!!!!!!!1

>> No.6319918 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6319919
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I'm sure there are some lovely South Korean men, I met a few while in Korea but don't let their innocent looking faces fool you.

I lived there for 2 years because my husband is military and there was this other wife who lived in my apartment complex. I hung out with her a few times and realized she wasn't my cup of tea. One of those times, her, myself and another wife walked to McDonald's from our apartment (again we lived in the same building). This Korean dude pulls up in a pretty nice car, he's about 25 years old and wearing a suit. He asks us if we want to get in the car and go to Itaewon (an hour away from where we lived) to party. It was a weekday and we were married so me and one of the other wives said no, thanks and walked away. One wife stayed talking to him and against our advice (we told her to get to know him first by hanging out with him in public places), went alone with him to another city to party. The pic is a screencap of what she later sent me in a message on Facebook. She had drunken sent that to a different friend after the incident and then to me. Granted, what she did what completely fucking dumb but the guy was a complete asshole too.

>> No.6319927

that girls was really stupid. Who the hell just hops in the car with a foreign stranger?

>> No.6319937

I know. We warned her. I'm paranoid to a fault almost and tried so hard to get her to not go. She's lucky nothing worse happened. But the fact that, that married guy will pull up to some random girls, foreigners no less, and ask them to party is fucking weird and shady as hell.

>> No.6319939 [DELETED] 

Second this.
I mean, I don't expect all normal girls to be virgins like me but wtf who does that, especially in a foreign country?

>> No.6319940

Same thing happened when me and my boyfriend went there on holiday. Except I told the guy to fuck off and when he saw my boyfriend, who is a six foot two white guy coming out of the shop asking if there was a problem he literally ran off. kinda funny.

>> No.6319976

Are you white?
I hate to say this, but white, specifically blonde girls should expect a bit of this. I hope it's not horrible or impacting your enjoyment of the country, but SK has this thing about assuming white women are Russian hookers due to some shit way back when.

Stick near your oppas and keep away from old men/staying out late at night. At the very least, if they're being really antagonizing, tell them clearly, directly, and loudly to stop bothering you. Use your height, if you have any.

>> No.6319988

doesn't surprise me, asian dudes can be complete fucking assholes. never understood where the nice guy stereotype came from. even white frat boys are more respectful.

>> No.6319998

In the program I attended there were two white girls in particular who were exceptionally loose with all the Korean male student helpers and they, the helpers, told me that it's just how they are. As in, they key in on white, blonde girls specifically for sexual encounters because the stereotype is as this OP mention, that they are prostitutes/whores.

Which is really awkward to try and protest when most of them came there to hook-up with they're magical shinning Korean drama men~

It's interesting that they didn't have that idea about black women though, since it's so prevalent in the US. It's just interesting to be in a culture without that specific stereotype. At least from what I experienced. The worst I got were men staring at my butt and people trying to avoid me.

However, I do feel most foreigners are looked upon as shady in general, though, that's fairly easily remedied if you speak the language.

>> No.6320007

They get really angry about white dudes dating their women. Sorta hypocritical given how Korean Americans are always accusing whites of racism.

>> No.6320018

Speaking as a white guy. We kind of look at white women who date out as undesirable. They are generally self hating and the children they have identify more with the fathers race. It would be nice if white asiaphile females stayed in Asia. But that would mean accepting the reality that they will never accept you or your children there. lol.

>> No.6320020

Yeah, I'm the one who posted the story above and it didn't help matters that the girl who went with the Korean was a short, petite blonde girl with green eyes. Also, she actually kinda was stressed like a stereotypical hooker. She had short, faded red hair that had devolved into orangey blonde, was wearing a mini skirt, black boots with heels, and a black plain hoodie. She didn't look very put together so I could kinda see why she would have been perceived as "easy" or a hooker or whatever, especially in Korea. For those that have never been or don't know, showing any kind of cleavage or underarm is seen as slutty over there. Korean girls will wear the shorter fucking skirts in existence, where their ass cheeks are showing, but you will never see a Korean chick showing cleavage or upper arms/under arms. My "friend" had a tendency to not give a fuck about acclimating to their culture so I guess the result of that is weirdo Koreans harassing her.

>> No.6320030

Korean's are ignorant as fuck. Most of them are miseducated about everything because they literally never interact with anyone but other Koreans. Curse of homogeneous nations.

You sort of have to accept that for minor transgressions and either try to break the negative ideas, or talk to them.

>> No.6320035

>assuming our dudes aren't assholes just like everywhere else

born in HK dude here, east asian countries are hilariously behind the times when it comes to gender issues. and they will be for at least a couple more generations.

>> No.6320036

I had no idea! that is fascinating. So what, tank tops are a no go?

>> No.6320050

They sell these little shrugs made out of super thin fabric EVERYWHERE for like $3 each so you can cover your shame.

>> No.6320051 [DELETED] 

What other fashion/beauty norms have you noticed are common there?

>> No.6320052
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Sort of upsets me how accepted wife beating is in East Asia, especially if your wife is foreign I guess:


This guy is still a fairly well known celeb in China, he still gets invited onto talk shows and so on. His wife received virtually zero sympathy or commiseration.

Next time you're bitching about EBUL WHITE MALES!, remember stuff like this.

>> No.6320064

AHAHA ok I'm mormon and I had like 10 of these to cover up my tank tops, prom dresses, anything that showed off my lovely shoulders, in high school or my mom wouldn't let me out of the house it was so shameful to not cover those shoulders

>> No.6320068
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>Tfw Korean
>Tfw you're the only one out of all your Korean friends whose parents are divorced
>Tfw it took your dad putting your mom in the hospital to get her to even consider divorcing him
>Tfw seeing stuff like this honestly makes me shiver and cry

I know it sounds like a pathetically simple request, but I wish men wouldn't beat their wives for tiny little perceived slights. I mean, it can't be that hard not to beat her, surely.

>> No.6320077


THIS is the sort of stuff feminists should be concerned about. Not DIE CIS SCUM nonsense.

>> No.6320074

well china is just retarded, we all knew that

>> No.6320079

Sounds like Asians are trying to make up for being shit in the pants.

>> No.6320083

Men who beat their wives for nothing have personality disorders, not even joking.

>> No.6320088


>> No.6320090


That's sort of cute. Modesty is nice. Respect your parents.

>> No.6320092

Tank tops are definitely a no-no. I would only ever wear them to the military gym but when going downtown or a restaurant or something, I tried my best to cover up.

Other cultural norms:

All heels, all the time. About 95% of the women my age (20-26) wore heels. Heels to walk to and from work. Heels to go to the supermarket. Heels on the train. I was flabbergasted when I went to the zoo or to a park and bitches are STILL wearing dresses and heels! The exceptions to this rule were teenage girls 16 and under and women over 40. Oh! I saw a girl on the train once fuck herself up because she was wearing heels. She tripped over herself, fell and then screamed. A crowd was surrounding her when it happened but my husband told me she had fallen on her ankle hurt it pretty badly. It was also normal to see a woman now and then with scrapes or bruises on her legs, presumably from falling in their heels (which made me feel better about how they dress like models all the time).

Women never dye their hair a color that isn't a "natural" color. Ever. Red, blonde, brown and of course, black, are acceptable. You will never see a woman or man of any age with pink, blue, green, purple hair etc.

>> No.6320102

Sometimes I think men don't even view women as human.

>> No.6320104

What's there to explain? Beating somebody who is seen as "weaker" than you is a power play.

What purpose does it serve to beat your wives, kids, etc? Simple, because you're insecure as fuck.

>> No.6320119


Maybe you shouldn't be whores?

>> No.6320120

I lived in japan for a year and during that time I took a one week vacation to korea. I'm a white girl and my hair was blonde at the time, and I've never felt more objectified in my entire life.
>old men staring at my boobs, actually licking/smacking their lips
>people talking loudly about me and my friends in korean although I can't hear what they're saying
>young boys trying to be edgy and cool in front of their friends shouting to us in broken english
>old men staring, old men staring everywhere

>> No.6320126
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>lololololol its my first time on 4chan i gotta be edgy and troll

>> No.6320133

Koreans are obnoxious shit. Haven't people (namely other Asians) told you?

>> No.6320134
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And these are the same people who, in the US, rant and rave at random white dudes for saying they find asian girls cute, calling them 'fetishists' and 'racist orientalists' and stuff. Just shows how insecure and hypocritical they all are.

White dudes confirmed for alpha as fuck, altruistic, manly master race.

>> No.6320143

Agreed. Alpha as fuck without the craziness; whities win again.

>> No.6320149

To be fair though, some om my best friends in japan were korean exchange students. I think korean people can be really nice, but I don't think I'd ever like to live there.

>> No.6320150

If someone abuses for no reason other than to abuse (not acting out in self-defense but in pure violence) or for created reasons such as annoyance, anger, percieved disrespect is a strong sign of a lack of empathy, lack of control. These two things are STRONG if not absolute indicators of some form of personality disorder. If he's a celebrity he most likely has sadistic NPD or psychopathy.

>> No.6320154

I don't know why this seems to be much less an issue with the other east asian ethnicities besides Koreans.

Sure, parental disapproval and stuff but the younger generation of Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese honestly doesn't give a fuck 99% of the time. Except Koreans, where that seems to drop to about 50%.

>> No.6320161

But you've heard about the bad rep Koreans have before, right?

>> No.6320162
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Why are you throwing yourself at inferior men in the first place?

It just looks pitiful and pathetic to throw yourself at inferior, plastic men whose families treat you like shit with their tacit blessing.

>tfw no qt scandinavian bf

>> No.6320165
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Pastels are very in, in Korea right now. It's one of the things I will miss. I think pastel clothes are so pretty. Mint, lavender, peach, ivory, and cream are very fashionable at the moment.

Lots and lots of dresses, skirts, and short shorts unless you are a business woman wearing slacks. Jeans are super rare and worn generally by the 16 and under girls. It could be the dead of winter, 20 degrees F or less, and these girls insisted on wearing heels and exposing their legs in some way.

Wearing bows is extremely popular in Korea, for young people at least. Usually only students do it though, in high school and college etc. Older women did a lot of updos with hairclips.

Pic related, some of my Korean bows.

>> No.6320173

Because the urban family model in Asian cultures isn't currently about compatibility or love. The husband is expected (and not just by women, by his family as well) to get education, get a good job, and work his ass off. In return, he is the unquestioned King of the Castle - except to the elder generation.

This usually leaves the wife free to socialize without too much worry over money, though she can work if she wants. But for the most part, financial concerns are handled by the husband, and the unspoken assumption is that in return for not having to deal with that stuff, she's basically his bitch in terms of any real say or power.

The bitterness often manifests with the kids.

The problem now, is with the internet and communications, women want more freedom. And for the guy, whose side of the bargain included never being questioned or undermined, the frustration often manifests in physical violence.

>> No.6320175

I'm swedish and tbh I'd never met any koreans before I got to japan, neither do we have a korean culture in sweden as I'm sure there is in the US. Sure I'd read about koreans being more conservative than japanese people, but I'd also heard that the younger generation was really open and friendly, so I didn't know what to expect really.

>> No.6320185

Glad I am not a Korean woman in Korea.

Excerpt: "Criminalization of a husband for marital rape has raised a few questions. To what extent can the government meddle in private life? Doesn’t the court’s ruling on the sexual life of married couples infringe upon the people’s right to pursue happiness guaranteed in the Constitution? Isn’t sex between a husband and a wife a conjugal agreement? Will not abuse of spousal rape cases occur? "


>> No.6320186

depends on where you live
I'm in BC and the Korean kids are all generally unsocial asshats (ex: out of a group of 10 Koreans, 2 will be nice)
and it's not even because they're new/can't speak english fine

they always make fun of other asians too. Though same in the greater vancouver area with the chinese/korean/veit kids. They hate on any asian group that isn't the same kind of asian as them
it's retarded.

>> No.6320187
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>Sepaking as a white guy we

Woah there buddy, you don't speak for me.

>> No.6320191



>> No.6320192

Sorry, but that's how the majority of us view it. Maybe those of you who like to ass kiss minorities don't see it that way, but you're in the minority.

>> No.6320197

>They hate on any asian group that isn't the same kind of asian as them

yeah, given the history of the region that's not really surprising. Old hatreds, etc.

>> No.6320199
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>mfw I have a lovely asian boyfriend who enjoys the same things I do
If only you sad people could experience this great feeling.

>> No.6320201

Can I vote neutral? I honestly don't give a fuck.

>> No.6320202

>because we don't have asian boyfriends

Get real weeb, in the real world your fetish of choice isn't considered desirable by any means.

>> No.6320205

i don't want an asian bf

>> No.6320203

White guys come with all the awesome and you don't have to worry about all the fucking crazy archaic traditions, mindsets, etc. that comes with dating non-white men.

Modern as fuck and classy as fuck. Why don't you have a well-adjusted , sane white man for a mate?

>> No.6320206

Yeah, because all Asians are the same. You never said WHICH type of Asian he was.

>> No.6320212


Honestly,maybe I read too much tumblr but I think people rag on white dudes too much.

I personally love my white hubby and I couldn't imagine having children with a man who wasn't white. No problem with those who chose to date interracially though of course.

>> No.6320207

I do have feel that feeling? Does it make you special that you're dating an Asian? Weeb detected.

>> No.6320208

I don't want a bf.

>> No.6320209

/fit/'s insecurities leaking out the ears in this thread.

>> No.6320216

Korean men were beating their wives way before the interwebs ever existed.

>> No.6320221

A large portion of /fit/ is insecure asian guys.


Have you never actually browsed the board or anything? There's a huge spike of interest amongst Asian American males in lifting. Mostly down to inferiority complexes.

>> No.6320230

I don't see how anybody could rag on white guys. Look at all the flavors, shapes, colors, and sizes they come in! It's like Baskin Robbins, Ben and Jerry's, and Blue Bell on crack combined into one race.

Ah-freaking-mazing. God's gift to the world.

>> No.6320231

>large portion
the last /fit/ poll I saw last week was hugely disproportionately white male

asians were second, yes, but it was a very distant second

>> No.6320236

I was in a huge asian thread on /fit/ the other day actually.

It's the whole Frank Yang thing, Asians view everything as a competition and always think white dudes are out to get them and steal their pure azn waifus, so they've started copying white dudes and lifting.

Most white guys lift because it feels good, not to prove passive aggressive points, unless you're Tinytrip, in which case your Napoleon complex makes you part Asian anyway.

>> No.6320240

More proof that white males are the superior males.

>> No.6320246

>have a thing for asian guys
>not a large asian population where I live, the asians who do live here stick together
>go to university
>holy shit so many cute boys
>talk to them
>snobby and materialistic from what I can tell from the limited english
>seem to avoid anyone who's not asian at any cost
it is not worth this suffering to have a bf with cute eyelids

>> No.6320251
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so wait....non-asian creepers?

I am confused.

>> No.6320253

>Most white guys lift because it feels good
lol bullshit.

the ratio of mirror-preening gym egotists is high amongst asians, but it's pretty damn high among white dudes too.

>> No.6320252

For those who liked Gangnam Style,
I bring you "Itaewon freedom".


>> No.6320258

Damn it, this is the better version

>> No.6320261

Course it is, but with white dudes, it's just general vanity and narcissism, there's not the undercurrent of passive aggressiveness and insecurity there is amongst asian dudes who do it, generally speaking.

Put it like this: I know tons of asian guys who hate white guys. I don't know a single white guy who hates asian guys.

>> No.6320264

He's of japanese descent, when we get married I'm going to be Ms Takahashi.

A lovely man is desirable to any sane woman.

>> No.6320267

but it's not as catchy or danceable
which are the reasons gangham styles is popular

>> No.6320268

>A lovely man is desirable to any sane woman.

Outside of the anime/k-pop fandoms, most white women are completely indifferent to asian men.

>> No.6320271

Japanese > Korean

This is already well known.

>> No.6320273
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>called on generalizations and anecdotal evidence
>tries to refute with more generalizations and personal anecdotes

oh you

>> No.6320274
File: 71 KB, 940x472, Joseph-Gordon-Levitt-in-Looper-2012-Movie-Image-3-e1333992550608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we're all agreed that when it's all said and done, white guys are the best all-round guys? (Not too effeminate, not too masculine, not too overbearing etc).

>> No.6320278

koreans are generally more attractive but they have a shit culture

>> No.6320275


Wait what? /fit/'s insecurities are manifested in alpha/beta threads, and making fun of fat/small people. Nothing in this thread resembles what goes on in /fit/. They don't want no perfect Korean oppa lover.

>> No.6320280

>White guy living in a predominantly white city in a predominantly white country
>Hear about all the shit going on in HongCouver

Was funny to do a year at Uni here though and see the manifestation of all the "asians being asian" stories. Harmless enough as usually just quiet and akward, still interesting though.

>> No.6320282


I'm a female, so I'm not that guy. But I've dated a Chinese-American guy in the past and he seemed to fit within the pattern anon is describing, resentful of white men and so on (mostly the reason I dumped him).

Funny thing was, he was only opposed to white men dating asian women, he seemed to be ok with the reverse.

And I'm not the only seagull who has noticed this, others have pointed out the same thing in the past. I personally don't think all asian guys are like this, but I think you'd be hard pressed to find a white guy who resented asian guys.

>> No.6320283

>koreans are generally more attractive

That's because plastic surgery is cheap in Korea.

>> No.6320284

whatever the reason, dey pretty

>> No.6320286

You seem to consider him lovely primarily because he's Asian.

>> No.6320289

What kind of stories are there of Hongcouver?

>> No.6320294



>Korean guys with plastic faces wearing makeup and immaculately sculpted hair trying to be manly by scowling at the camera

I wish they'd stop doing this.

>> No.6320296

Oh lawd.


>> No.6320295


Not him but you asked for it with that BS crazy feminist generalization. His response was about equivalent.

>> No.6320299

>Love Asian guys
>Go to South Korea
I've identified your problem, OP

>> No.6320301

People always hate on the white man being racists. But good grief we have NOTHING on Asia and Africa.
Be indonesian and try to get accepted in Japan or Korea
Be Black African and try to get accepted in, say, Libya
Shit, be Pakistani and go to India..
I think it has to be some joke that the rest of the world is in on.. Cry foul about the white man being racist... But be savagely racist yourself. Just to see how far the white man's guilt goes.

>> No.6320304


Watch this ^

>> No.6320308
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>Go to South Korea
Ya dun goofed

>> No.6320319


>study lots of history
>study current events
>look at current global power structures

Yup, still glad to be a white guy

>inb4 white pride = neo-nazi

Asian pride day!
Black pride day!
Latin pride day!
gay pride day!
Turkish festival!

I'm proud to be white hetero!

>> No.6320328

in before "power plus privilege" and all the other verbose bullshit

>construct an entire linguistic grammar around promoting racial consciousness, tribalism and clannishness amongst non-whites whilst demanding aracialism from whites themselves
>act like this postcolonial verbiage proves anything

>> No.6320326

>Generalizations, generalizations everywhere....

Yes everyone has stories of some Asians being incredibly sexist and/or asshole-ish. I also have plenty of stories of white people being extremely rude and xenophobic ("I got an F because my TA doesn't speak English! Fuck that guy!" within earshot of said TA who definitely CAN speak English, just has an accent.)

I'm not saying that anyone deserves to be treated like crap just because someone else was s douche to them, but there are douches in every race. If you ever thought Korea or any other Asian nation was above the fucked up shit that happens in every society, you're an idiot. It's not news.

As some other anon said, they're dealing with having a homogeneous culture. They are more conservative than other countries by a few decades. Calm down.

>> No.6320332

The problem is the hypocrisy, the fact Korean-Americans complain about racism in the US whilst ignoring the fact its many orders of magnitude worse in the same motherland they ferry state secrets back to. That's just one of many things.

Asians need to stop being such massive hypocrites. If you're going to be racist fuckers, then I can call you a slant eyed chink, deal with it.

>> No.6320337

Not to mention the fact Asian guys are constantly pushing the whole niceguy(tm) thing...

>> No.6320347

Thank you anon, I feel a lot less bad about being an evil whitey now.

>> No.6320349


I think the outburst in this thread is more because people are sick of weebs speaking for them on /cgl/, going on about how we all apparently love shitty asian boy bands and effete asian men and so on. A lot of us have to listen to this nonsense day in, day out on here when we really just want to discuss progress threads and so on. The thing is, most of us prefer white guys if we're being honest, and being included in this whole manufactured K-Pop craze is annoying. I don't find Asian men attractive. Period. Apart from a few Japanese ones who could pass for halfies anyway.

>> No.6320351

not the one you're responding to but it essentially wraps up to the Chinese and Korean people generally being racist and assholes to you just because you're not Chinese/Korean
though it's also generally behind your back

Though this is mostly with the older generation and the Teens/Kids who reject 90% of Canadian culture

The girls and some of the guys are REALLY superficial and entitled cunts who flash their cash to everyone which is kind of annoying

Oh if you wear "frilly things" like flowy dresses and skirts, it's seen as "trying tb azn"

My (chinese) boyfriend(who was my friend for 3 years) and I laugh at his goth loli friend because she called me a weeaboo when I met her for 5 minutes(she was working and we happened to be in the area).
I laughed when her reasoning was simply that he's Asian and I'm white.
Boyfriend, his gay friend, and some other friend found it funny and agreed that it was because she's jelly that I was dating him+that I'm hotter than her

But yeah, that's speaking about the asian kids/people who don't hang out with anyone else but "their own kind"
everyone else is normal/coolbro's

>> No.6320353


As a white male, it's kind of weird to read that, on a female dominated weeb board of all places. Culture is always a strong influence, but I still feel you shouldn't generalize too much like that. There are good people in all places of the world. You can't judge anybody on race or heritage alone.
THAT said, it is slightly refreshing to hear the other side of the coin. I know some girls who are true Kpop fanatics and boy is that frustrating to even witness...

>> No.6320356

I had a gay asian boy accuse me of being anorexic once. not sure how I feel about that.

>> No.6320358

>THAT said, it is slightly refreshing to hear the other side of the coin. I know some girls who are true Kpop fanatics and boy is that frustrating to even witness...

I hear you bro. Nobody likes seeing their women be so mindlessly xenophilic and bashing their own men in the process, as so many of them seem to do.

>> No.6320394

It's not the fact that they like asians, it's how incredibly superficial it all is. The korean "music" industry has become the peak of superficiality in all the world, and not only do they immerse themselves in that but they devote all of their attention and affection towards 3D cartoon characters that they will never meet. It's such a waste of existance; I don't care if you dig the music or not. Those boys are not real. Why waste your life on a fantasy when there are real people you could be developing real relationships with around you?

No disrespect to all you hopless weebs/fangirls, just being upfront about it.

>> No.6320399

What's worse is it's pushed by the Korean Government as a way of promoting Korea's image abroad. It's little more than Nationalist propaganda at the end of the day.

>> No.6320431
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I was merely sharing my experiences to save K-pop fans (that are as obsessive like Pixyteri is about Japanese culture) from having these idealistic dreams about Korean and it's people. They talk about it like it's some kind of Asian utopia where everything is perfect and everyone is better there is better than the people in the US. That's just not true. There are some really cool things over there but I couldn't get past a lot of it. Their animal rights laws for instance. I'm not saying the US is perfect but at least you can report animal abuse here and have it investigated and have people go to prison for it. In Korea, the police will laugh at you and tell you "oh that's just the way it is here."

Check out the woman in my pic. She is a teacher fostering a dog in Korea and is the constant target of harassment from her neighbors.

>> No.6320442

>randomly hitting foreign women because they keep an animal you don't like
>cops justify abuse of random foreign women by Korean men as "you don't understand our culture"

Next time an Asian American tries to guilt trip you guys about the Chinese Exclusion Act or something, remember this shit.

>> No.6320456

...oh my fucking god. How on earth can people think that Korea is some magical place where nothing bad happens? This is absolutely horrible.

>> No.6320461

This is exactly what pisses me off the most. If they didn't emigrate to Western countries I seriously wouldn't give a shit. But they emigrate over here, they demand our legislatures apologize for perceived prior injustices, demand we tread on eggshells around them, and all this shit only emboldens them.

>> No.6320464

This. I currently live in a heavily Korean population (I'm white) and the majority of Koreans I have seen don't exactly have that kpop star look going for them, unless they're young teenagers or in their early twenties.

Most of the Koreans around here are the fob kinds who don't have a good fashion sense and don't speak English very well. There are also those drunk fat old Korean ahjussi guys who are creepy.

If I go to South Korea, I know to be wary of those creepy drunk fat old men because I'm sure they will be everywhere.

>> No.6320476

AAAND now I understand why japanese hates koreans. Especially reading >6320431

>> No.6320478 [DELETED] 

I plan to go to Japan next year as my abroad-study year.
How are japanese people regarding foreigners, particularly young, white girls? Is it like Korea in any way?

>> No.6320491

My husband misses Korea but as a dog lover, I don't. None of the Korean animak abusers in those links were charged with anything despite having damning evidence against them. Also, those are all KOREAN animal rights groups website who translate some of their articles into English. I don't want to hear people crying that these accusations are biased coming from Americans blah blah blah





Tell me, would this happen in the US without the criminals being prosecuted?

>> No.6320494

so at what point does this become a Dildos, Coffee and Hobbes dick sucking fest to prove that shithead scumbag asians will always be right and girls will let them beat them up as long as they are Kawaii asian?

>> No.6320497

The Japanese exchange students are really nice especially compared to the Koreans

I would assume the Japanese youth is generally pleasant to foreigners
but it's obviously better if you know the language and can talk to them since most Japanese people only know a little if any english

>> No.6320506

Their culture is based around being nice, so obviously, in normal situations, there shouldn't be problems. I've heard good things from a black guy who was there for a year, so I don't think you'd have much problems either. No personal experience, though, so take it with a mountain of salt.

>> No.6320510

As a white foreigner girl in a month trip to Japan, I got treated really well. Everyone was really kind and patient with me. When I *looked like i was lost*, a lady offered some help, even speaking English.
I got called for modelling sometimes and I ain't even pretty. Since my visa was a short term one that I couldn't accept any paid activities, I only accepted to model for a makeup school. was pretty cool. After the job was done, I went to karaoke with the people from that makeup school, and it was tons of fun.
The most disconfort situation i got there was when I accidently bumped with a guy that seemed to be yakuza(lots of tatoos and deep voice going on) and he gave me the dirty looks. oh, and ONCE a creeper in akihabara, and that's it.
Sorry for typos. English is not my first language

>> No.6320517

There are a few creepers, but not really as violent as Korea.

A lot of the mistake people make when it comes to Korea is they assume it's like Japan, but with some minor superficial differences.

Japan was a less stratified society, and more harmonious in terms of resource distribution in feudal times. Korea was heavily stratified into really strict classes, there was little to no chance for social mobility. As a result, they're very different. Also remember that after the Heian Period, Japan moved away from Chinese Culture and started to develop independently, they withdrew from the tribute system. That's why Japan was heavily feudal, whereas Korea was heavily bureaucratic.

Contemporary South Korea is a lot more violent than Japan. There's actually a fair amount of rape too, and other sexual crimes. There's also less emphasis on etiquette and politeness. This is what I'm referring to when I say Japan is fairly unique in East Asia, the idea of politeness and etiquette is a Japanese thing, not an East Asian thing. Chinese and Korean society is ruled by fear. These are 'low trust' societies. People are suspcious of each other. They ignore each other.

In homogeneous white countries, we trust each other, same with Japan. I think this has something to do with the fact our societies were feudal for so much of their history, these sorts of bonds of mutual reciprocity developed between landlord/tenant, knight/squire, baron/farmers etc.

Read some of the Western accounts of 19th century Korea, it's sad, it was literally like an African country in how primitive it was. A lot of Japanese genuinely wanted to help Korea, but unfortunately the military took over the colonizatiion efforts and fucked everything up.

>> No.6320521

I haven't been to Korea, but I studied abroad in Japan and everyone was really nice to me. I don't know if it was just me, but most Japanese people were really shy. I was off in some small(ish) town too. I didn't have a single bad experience with Japanese people. In the larger cities no trouble at all, but with cities you need to know where to be.

>> No.6320523

Please don't bring your Korean husband to a Western Nation.

If you love Koreans, you should have stayed in Korea,

>> No.6320530

More Korean horror stories!!!

And in Japan, do foreign, average looking girls get asked to model because they're blonde/blue eyed?

>> No.6320531

>This is what I'm referring to when I say Japan is fairly unique in East Asia, the idea of politeness and etiquette is a Japanese thing, not an East Asian thing.

Yes, exactly, Koreans and Chinese abroad just appropriate positive aspects of JAPANESE culture to make themselves seem more positive.

>> No.6320532

>And in Japan, do foreign, average looking girls get asked to model because they're blonde/blue eyed?

Of course not, unless it's some sleezy thing.

They'll work with real modelling agencies most of the time, so that means no average girls.

>> No.6320535

He's not Korea, he's American military. We lived in Korea for 2 years.

>> No.6320534

I guess I was referring to this girl. She said, by her own standards, she's not even pretty, seems like she got a cute legit modeling gig. You blonde?

>> No.6320538

HOLD UP. Important question.

I'm going to Japan (sorry to sidestep). I usually wear a tank top, a cardigan, jeans and flats or flat boots. Is that acceptable? Should I keep my chest completely covered? What if I wore a baggie shirt with a skirt and flats?

>> No.6320541

White women are so adorably maternal towards animals. It's cute.

>> No.6320543

Look at pictures that have average japanese women on streets, where they aren't the main point of the picture.

That's what's normal, a bit less than that is "acceptable".

>> No.6320561

Because animals are the one thing that will love you forever, and ever.

>> No.6320562
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Yes. I'm blonde. It's fairly easy to get modeling gigs in Japan. But it's recommended for you to get into a model agency, so you don't get scammed or anything. Only accepted the makeup thing because I wouldn't be paid(in money. Got paid in sweets ahaha). Pic is one of the shots of the makeup school thing.

>> No.6320570

This is very serious but I saw this
> If he's a celebrity he most likely has sadistic NPD or psychopathy.
And my STUPID BRAIN read
>If he's a celebrity he most likely has sadistic NPH (Neil Patrick Harris) or psychopathy
I had to read that shit two or three times because I just didn't get it.

>> No.6320572

You're fairly attractive, idiot. Not by /cgl/'s standards, but meh.

I've heard many blonde girls with blue eyes get offered legit modeling gigs in Japan just by being seen off the street.

>> No.6320574

In japan it doesn't matter
though tank top+mini skirt or a tube top or a really tight dress would come off as slutty

Korea/China are just tight asses some times
I still find it funny that showing legs=ok showing shoulders/bare arms=slutty

with my dad especially
shoulders/arms showing=ok
showing legs=you look like a hooker
a good example is today I layered a shorter flowy white dress with long sleeves(low cut, but I have no tits) with a ruffled skirt that brought down from mid thigh to a few inches above my knee(I'm 5'8) and wore some heeled knee high boots and got told he was embarrassed to be seen with me for 5 minutes because I looked like a slutty hooker and I should dress like a tomboy

>> No.6320576

I'm giggling over here. hahahaha

>> No.6320578
File: 335 KB, 245x245, mind blown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My man is straight from Bulgaria
I love white guys. Since I'm a light brown female I get a lot of flack but he can do things with business that I'm ashamed to admit I can't because racism is still a fucking thing.
>Need a hotel room in the middle of bum fuck Alabama
>Send boyfriend in and hide in car
Fucking racism man

>> No.6320586

>Not expecting racist people in bumfuck areas of Muricah
though at least try before you assume "omg racist"

>> No.6320593


You can't imagine my.. disgust? depression? suprise? I still don't know what I feel..
When I found out about Hatsune Miku.. That people go to her "concerts?" and.. I just.. I just don't even know...
You're telling me there are boy versions of this too?

>> No.6320594
File: 488 KB, 248x252, why tho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember what the "laws" are called but basically they ask everyone that isn't from the town and is darker than a frap to exit town or else the police won't be responsible for what happens. MFW this was not at all how they put it and I'm never going to Alabama.