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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 87 KB, 723x421, j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6319188 No.6319188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>yfw Venus Angelics real face

We've all been duped.

>> No.6319199
File: 21 KB, 590x406, spotthedifference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's er, quite the contrast..

>> No.6319202

7/10 would bang and cum onto those delicious lips and eyes

>> No.6319209

Hah, another case just like Dakota. I love it

>> No.6319212

omfg she looks just like Margaret!

>> No.6319214

Worse than I expected

>> No.6319217

Wow, she has finally morphed into her mother.
This is terrifying.

>> No.6319220

This. The genetics are really strong in this line.

>> No.6319226
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It won't be long now.

>> No.6319231
File: 20 KB, 166x200, Oh+silly+spiders+_b0af4f30d2202c6ec763032f0fb686b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, if you're really surprised...then that's just sad.
It no news that she looks so shitty.

>> No.6319232
File: 53 KB, 714x366, ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She reminds of an Oblivion character in character creation.
Everything looks fine when faced dead on, and then you spin them into profile..

>> No.6319244
File: 49 KB, 720x365, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah, but I didn't expect it to be THIS bad.
There is no way in hell this girl i just 15.

>> No.6319245

She's got like no profile except for her nose...

I want my money back.

>> No.6319255

I prefer Dakota's real face instead of that...thing.

>> No.6319250

I'm almost 30 and she looks older than me here.

Yes! This is exactly what I was thinking!

>> No.6319258
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>> No.6319261

Is this after she's 'finished'.

>> No.6319262

Is that my gran?

>> No.6319270


>> No.6319279
File: 722 KB, 1968x810, What We Got.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when their real faces get exposed.

>> No.6319284


I think the best part is when their real face looks distorted and bigger/fatter than it really would have been had they not gone so overboard.

>> No.6319292

Dakota actually somewhat resembles what she made herself to look like. To the untrained eye, it would look like Koti just photoshopped some lines and imperfections out, and the rest was due to lighting, makeup and photography. With Venus, it's a LOT more than that.

>> No.6319293
File: 164 KB, 1600x900, dffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link to interview if you're interested.


>> No.6319295

aww she sort of looks like she has downs here makes me feel bad for her especially since everyone keeps making fun of her

>> No.6319300
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Also, I think it's really creepy during the interview when Margaret leans over and begins feeding Venus lines.

>> No.6319298

That would explain her stupid 'kawaii' fake accent and awful dancing ability.

>> No.6319299
File: 12 KB, 426x304, 1335940358536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6319301

how is her mouth so small..

>> No.6319302

Those uniforms look so much like age play when the person wearing them is taller than a grown woman.

>> No.6319305 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6319312

>Implying she looks like shit.

I'd like to see what you look like, bitch.

>> No.6319314

It's so weird how small her lips are and how round her face is.

Hell, I really think PT's lips might be like holy damn compared to Venus'.

>> No.6319316


Maraget detected.

>> No.6319321

Her mum seriously creeps me out.

>> No.6319320


>tfw no qt 3.14 real life ningyo gf

>> No.6319325


Yeah, she's actually making me feel a lot better about my own babby lips.
Still, I think it's sad that she feels she had to go to such an extent to feel pretty.

>> No.6319330

How old is Venus, by the way?

>> No.6319332

You realize you'll still debase them no matter what they look like, right?

>> No.6319336 [DELETED] 

I blame bulimia for her bloated face but she has cute lips.

>> No.6319341

Lol at Margaret telling her what to say.

>> No.6319348

Her face looks lumpy.

>> No.6319349

It's not about feeling or being pretty. It's about being like a kawaii anime doll.
A lot of people who are obsessed with Japan or "kawaii" even when they don't like anime have horrible horrible self image issues, self-loathing and envy of things like anime girls or ball jointed dolls.

It's very sad when things like this that take people to the extreme, because there are really beautiful people out there that look ugly to themselves compared to anime girls, when, looking like that is impossible.

I feel bad for these people too because they must feel so much self hatred about their own features. It must be so painful.

>> No.6319352

They're smaller than PT's. Those lips are TOO small.

>> No.6319357

That coord is terrible! I don't think there's any valid excuse for that kind of failure.

>> No.6319370

Plus side, that bodyline dress looks really cute.

>> No.6319371

What language are they speaking and why is she so good at it?

>> No.6319380

Her head is so tiny, she looks like a barbie in that other interview.

>> No.6319384

Her face is so like... pudgy.

She looks like she has no jaw line or cheekbones, just a little bit of chin.

>> No.6319412

i haven't seen the video, just the screen caps (i'm on my phone) but considering it's a show on 3sat i assume it's german since 3sat is a german tv program.

venus lived in switzerland before moving to the uk with her mom, if i'm not mistaken.

>> No.6319424

I honestly thing she looks more legitimately Asian without the photoshop.

>> No.6319431

she is Hungarian.

>> No.6319429


>> No.6319430

I think it's German, because she's German.

>> No.6319438

well when you label your videos as "real life doll" and are known for that it will be said. If there is anything less that expected, there will be disappointment and criticizing. It's how it always works.

>> No.6319436

also, her mother's native language is Swiss-German. The two of them seem to be fluent in several languages.

>> No.6319450

WooooooooowWeeeeeeeeeeeee. She would've been cute/borderline attractive to normal people but since she shooped herself so much, I couldn't help but notice the jarring differences.

>> No.6319453

This. Anybody know her real age? She looks so old.

>> No.6319456

I'm beginning to think Penis is famous for being the laughing stock of the internet. She has a toxic mother who is ruining her.

>> No.6319462

The more Venus videos I see, the more creeped out I am by Margeret... whispering in her answers blatantly obvious in the film to the point even the voice over speaks it up, insisting that it's either acting like a 5 year old or acting like a giant slut, Venus spending hours a day on make-up, answering shit to her 'fans', making videos, not even being allowed to go to school.

It's about time Margeret stops playing with her Venus doll and starts raising a daughter that'll be able to contribute to society. She's 15 (though I firmly believe she's older), for Christs' sake.

>> No.6319460

Well, she is trying to be a doll. Dolls have really soft features. Only some of the recent bjd's started looking more adult. If she's going for a younger look it'd look off if she had a strong jaw line/cheekbones.

>> No.6319464

They're been saying she's 15 for a while now, I'd say she's at least 16, if not 17.

>> No.6319471
File: 55 KB, 214x276, OhMahGaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the front door!! Seriously?!!? She looks like she's in her 20s! Mid 20s at the at the latest!!

>> No.6319479


Anyone can look better than her on /cgl/. Her cheeks are sagging from all the god awful skin care route she shits out. Girl looks like she's nearly 30. Skin is the first thing people look at, and anyone can hide their age as long as they take care of themselves. Elasticity = Youth

>> No.6319482

An upside down smile that's not a frown. Is she a wizard?

>> No.6319486

It's honestly not a big difference
her skin isn't as light from the contrast in her videos and you can see some pretty minor dark circles

also, old news

>> No.6319495

That feel when as a guy I feel like make-up is institutionalized treachery in the first place. You don't see us 9999/10000 of men stuffing our pockets with counterfeit cash, getting all our friends to pretend we're influential, etc.

The entire concept looks silly when you perceive it from another angle.. [spoiler]Kind of like venus' face![/nospoilersoncgl]

>> No.6319502


>> No.6319503


It's not something that we can help, makeup is expected and people think you look horrendous and/or sickly without it. That's just how our society is, I hate wearing makeup but it's expected

>> No.6319520

My mother hates when I wear makeup and always makes me feel like shit for putting it on even though it makes me look less tired...

>> No.6319521
File: 8 KB, 387x429, have love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people think you look horrendous and/or sickly without it.
I-I don't think that...

>> No.6319539

I think Venus is awesome. Her mom, not so much...

>> No.6319537

I wonder how many girls on /cgl/ actually don't wear makeup.

>> No.6319542


>It's not something that we can help

You can easily just not partake in an activity you don't enjoy. Just because society tells you you should do something doesn't mean you should.

>> No.6319548
File: 14 KB, 500x259, 115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My skin has an allergy to every product out there I can't use soap, sunscreen, makeup etc.

>> No.6319549

I don't every day.

>> No.6319551

I can't relate. I hate wearing makeup and feel uncomfortable and ill at ease in it, like I'm not being myself. I feel more attractive natty. I literally only wear it twice a week for work, and even then I only use a tiny bit of eyeliner on the outer edge of the upper lid + mascara. I never wear foundation. I'll only wear a dab of concealer if a blemish happens (which is thankfully not often due to the fact that I don't ever wear anything on my skin in the 1st place). You don't have to give in to society's pressures on women. That's an excuse for insecurity. Do you care more about if people find you attractive than you do about your own health? Makeup is terrible for your skin. You'd be amazed by how much better and younger you can look if you go a few months not wearing foundation at all.

>> No.6319556

I never wear anything other than chapstick because I'm too lazy. I don't even need mascara because people tell me I put too much on when I'm not wearing any.

>> No.6319557


>> No.6319558

I loled at the part where Venus said, she would be on a political mission, to rebell against being premature and the depraved mainstream media.

>> No.6319564

> You'd be amazed by how much better and younger you can look if you go a few months not wearing foundation at all.

That's not always true. I stopped wearing make-up for almost a year and my skin looks like shit now. Don't ask why; I have no answers.

>> No.6319565

I have very pale skin that is translucent, especially noticeable above my eyes. I get asked things like "are you feeling okay" if I don't wear makeup.

>> No.6319566

Not everyone is blessed with great skin. People with skin conditions like cystic acne can't help it, and they can't take time off work to have makeup sabbaticals and they can't show up at work looking unpresentable either. It's not hard to have empathy.

>> No.6319567


It's better that than have people ask me if I'm sick all the time. Yes I realize it's a choice but that just makes me feel like absolute shit about myself, if people didn't say anything I wouldn't care about not wearing makeup.

>> No.6319569

oh god this happens to me all the time

>> No.6319576

lol the barbie girl song

>> No.6319577

Then look at your lifestyle because your skin is telling you that you have other health issues you aren't addressing. I had good skin until I turned 25 and acquired a shitty case of adult acne. I got on doxycycline and use benzaclin cream at night, I don't eat carbs or sugar, and I severely limit my sodium intake. I don't drink or smoke. I also work out 6x a week and change my pillow case every other day. My skin finally looks fucking awesome because I took responsibility for my lifestyle and stopped putting toxic things in my system.

>> No.6319585


If you can't go to work without makeup because you feel you need it that badly you should get your priorities in check.

>> No.6319591


Not that person but I have BDD, get on my level lackofselfconfidence fags.

Not really, I fucking hate my life.

>> No.6319593

Then suck it up and go to work with pizza face. I went to school everyday looking like a leper for an entire semester while my skin healed. It mighy hurt your pride but at some point you need to realize that taking care of yourself is more important in the long run than making sure people don't judge you.

>> No.6319594

Something tells me you've self-diagnosed yourself with BDD

>> No.6319595


People are always going to be judgemental, you can't stop that. You can however stop their choices from effecting you. As shitty and plain as that sounds, it's up to you to be okay with yourself the way you are. If you don't like something, don't do it because some other people made you feel bad for it, that's their hang up, it shouldn't be yours.

>> No.6319598

What? She looks cute to me. Her cheeks are not "sagging", she just has really chubby cheeks.

I do too so I know what it's like. ;_;

>> No.6319599

Cystic acne isn't an excuse since we have things like dermitoligists, and they really should be avoiding makeup if they are prone to it.

I have no self confidence either. Even when I put on makeup I feel like I look like shit and I never get compliments or anything like that. Many of you chuckle fucks are only going "bawww, I'm ugli" for fucking attention which grinds my gears to eternity.

>> No.6319596


Not unless being told that I have it by my therapist and psychiatrist is self diagnosis.

>> No.6319597

Interesting discussion we got here. Lemme chime in!

I would say I had a "no-makeup fetish", but I don't feel right calling it that because not wearing makeup is the natural order and stuff... I dunno I think girls look fine without it and look too "tryhard" WITH it. I don't mind really understated, subtle makeup though.

But hey, what do I know? I just have the penis. The cadre of women and gay men at vogue/cosmo/<makeupcompanyhere> etc. knows much better than me what makes you sexually attractive!

>> No.6319600


And you're right, I don't have any sympathy. Why? Because I also don't allow myself to feel self-pity.

>> No.6319601


Oh and my boyfriend is the only person irl aside from said therapist and psychiatrist who know, I do everything I can to feign self confidence and general aloofness irl.

>> No.6319602


I'd just like to note, there still isn't a define link between shitty diet and shitty skin. A lot of dermatologists still believe it's still just a myth.
Some people just have shitty skin, a lot of it is just hormonal and no amount of fruits or veggies can change that.
When I started having skin problems I did a complete overhaul of my diet and lifestyle. The result? Nothing. Nothing changed until I actually started on a prescription of androgen blocking hormones. Now my skin is like a babies arse.

>> No.6319603


>> No.6319607



>> No.6319608

Just because a lot of dermatologists are too stupid to understand the human body doesn't mean it's not true. Some people might just be lucky to not have their diet affect their skin; however, with some people, fatty greasy foods can have a negative impact on their skin. You are what you eat.

>> No.6319609



>> No.6319613

I really don't believe you. For you to really have BDD, it would have to be significantly detrimental to some part of your everyday life. "I do everything I can to feign self confidence and general aloofness irl" makes me think otherwise.

>> No.6319622


It's an act, one that I've been doing for years. Just because I'm not projecting to others doesn't mean that it's not something that's constantly on my mind and that has frequent negative impacts on my relationship. I said I act around others, but didn't mention how often I interact with people (other than my boyfriend). It's not often, I go to school and avoid social contact whenever possible. If I'm not at school, unless I have to go to the supermarket, I don't leave my house.

>> No.6319618

If I outlined my diet you would see that it's not at all what you're assumjng. 80% of what I consume is protein. It's a very strict version of the paleo diet. Your health internally is expressed externally by the condition of your skin. Any biology major can tell you that.

>> No.6319620

I have chubby cheeks too, anon. ;_;

>> No.6319629
File: 91 KB, 645x428, oh gosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when I think chubby cheek girls are cute and come to learn I've been posting alongside so many of them.

>> No.6319624


and that doesn't have*

>> No.6319625

imho she looks cuter here than in her makeup videos

>> No.6319626

You just sound like a big baby.

>> No.6319638

because 100% of women wear their makeup for men

try again

>> No.6319633

I should also add that if you re-read my original post you'd see that I said I started taking acne medication AND completely changed my lifestyle and my eating habits. If you had actually "overhauled" your lifestyle you wouldn't still be fat, you'd be ripped as fuark like I am.

>> No.6319635


>> No.6319637

I agree with you people with BDD feel so bad about their appearance that they prefer to stay at home, I dropped out of college and want to get a job but leaving my house and talk to someone is territying.
No friends nothing let alone a boyfriend.

>> No.6319642

Good lord. Learn to use some punctuation.

>> No.6319646

There's a difference between "soft features" and your face looking like a bag of mashed potatoes.

>> No.6319654
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English is not my first language

>> No.6319651



O dropped out too, I started going again last semester after 2 years of therapy. It didn't used to be as bad which was when I first got together with my boyfriend (have been together 6 years), I got a herniated disc and stopped working and it got much worse during that period.

>> No.6319657


That's a silly conclusion. I've seen a lot of skinny girls who're suffering from horrendous acne and sores, and on the flip side I've seen the majorly obese people with flawless skin, not a single mark.
Look at Beccabae A.K.A. Pearchan, girl eats like a fucking hog, but her skin is so enviable.

You think you know better then professional nutritionists and dermatologists, okay, I'll leave you that way. For everybody else I'm leaving these links.





>there is no proven link between diet and acne. Chocolate, French fries and other junk foods, while not exactly healthy, aren't going to cause acne

>acne is not caused by a lack of hygiene. It is a disorder of the pilosebaceous unit, or hair follicle

>> No.6319666

Can you read?

>Some people might just be lucky to not have their diet affect their skin

>Some people, fatty greasy foods can have a negative impact on their skin

Key word: SOME not ALL

>> No.6319662


>professional nutritionist

I think you mean dietician.

>> No.6319663

People with BDD don't put on 'an act', it's usually so crippling they can't leave the house. They also have such shit self esteem they can't find a partner. In addition, I have a few questions for you:
Typically, BDD is a fixation with one particular part of your body, what's your's about?
Do you ever have suicidal thoughts?
Do you often check this part of your body, spending much longer than you should in front of a mirror?
What sort of treatment are you getting for it?

>> No.6319664

Awww, is someone mad? Calm down Margret.

>> No.6319670


>> No.6319678


Depression meds and 2 years of therapy were required to get me out of the house.

very much yes, constantly.
therapy and zoloft

I used to chronically pick my skin, I'd spend over an hour per day and that really kept me in the house. I've been doing CBT and have mostly gotten past it, I still slip up somewhat often but I only will pick a little (not a whole session/multiple sessions over the course of the day)

>> No.6319681

I could go onto a long diatribe about base instinct and how any social/self-esteem boost you get from your own perceived appearance is simply related to the security within your psyche of you feeling you can easily get a mate... But that's a lot of work and I just got home from work so I'd rather not get into that.

I'm still attacking the pillar of retardedness that is the cosmetics/womens magazine industry and there's nothing you can do to stop me!

>> No.6319687

There's no need for you get all Intro to Psych on us. BDD is the new fad word for "I'm an attention whore, pity me."

>> No.6319686

Your nose? You really are a big baby.

>> No.6319693


>attention whoring on an anonymous message board without posting pictures


>> No.6319696

You don't need to post pictures to be an attention whore.

>> No.6319697

Lets take the cunt glasses off for a second and be realistic here. She looks like she's 16-17 considering she still has a baby face going on. Dem cheeks. But she probably is in her 20's. She just doesn't look it.

>> No.6319698


Now you're just being petty.

>> No.6319702

I'm being petty when someone is whining about their nose? I deeply apologize.

>> No.6319706


How could someone possibly find that satisfying?

>> No.6319711

Heard a rumor she's actually around 19. Someone apparently saw her in some college intro video from a few years ago.

>> No.6319716

Just the fact that people are replying feed some attention whores.

>> No.6319723

I really wasn't being a cunt, I was just curious if she was the same age or around the same age as Dakota. I don't agree with her looking 16-17 at all with her insanely thin lips and chunky appearance.

>> No.6319733


It's not possible for somebody to hate that part of their body?

>> No.6319738

It's an extraordinarily common thing to hate.

>> No.6319744

> baw
> bawwwww
> bawwwwwww pay attenshun to miiiiiiii

Seriously, fuck off. Nobody cares, this is not about you.

>> No.6319739

She looks like shes gotten chubbier

>> No.6319740

I'm not saying it isn't possible. I'm saying that it's stupid to let it affect a person so much.

>> No.6319752

So, you're trying to tell me that your native language has no punctuation? Or are you just too retarded to know that there's a "." at the end of each sentence? <- This is a question mark btw. It marks questions.

>> No.6319749

She reminds me of Tory Spelling in OP's pic

>> No.6319758

Ugh I got so disgusted by the close up of her caked on make up ! IMO it all depend on you, if you think you look better with concealer, go for it. For a moment I thought I looked way better with it but then I think, trying to eat more healthy and wear less make up made my skin a bit better naturally.

Anyway here's a tip: Don't apply your BB cream and powder like her, she apply waaaaay too much : when you look at her from too close it's really gross. Buy a kit of brush, it will help with not overdoing the foundation and throw away the little sponge that comes with the foundation. It can't be washed and can be dangerous for your skin if it become a little wet/dirty (trust me ...). Wash your brush once in a while and don't wear make up at an unnecessary time (to simply buy things or going to class or to work if you can and don't have to deal with clients)

>> No.6319755


>disliking a body part
>a psychological disorder

It's like theoretically trying to argue with someone who has a legitimate phobia about why they're afraid of something that poses them no potential harm. It's not the same as just disliking something.

>> No.6319759
File: 30 KB, 573x467, 1336348468494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you. You sound like me.

>> No.6319768

it's a pretty bs psychological disorder.

>> No.6319765

What part of psychological disorder don't you understand

>> No.6319772

More often than not, acne is from a hormonal imbalance, a poor diet, or because of a dirty pillowcase/city environment

>> No.6319777


>> No.6319778


There's proof that it exists, so either you disregard that and believe it doesn't exist or you don't fully understand the concept of a psychological disorder.

>> No.6319781

On the make up/not make up topic, I'd like to see more guys giving opinions. I'm a girl and I often browse /s/ to find inspiration and see pretty girls. What really gives me curiosity is the 'you fall in love, you lose' threads, where most (if not all) of the girls have:
>1) Lots of hair covering her face/just half or less of her face is visible
>2) Heavy, and really HEAVY make up (even the 'natural' ones have tons of nude make up going on) and
>3) Shoop, be it just light/ambient or liquify skin, edited eyes etc.
Given this info, I wonder why lots of men say 'ooh yeah I like natural women, they always look better without make up!' when clearly these threads prove the opposite.
And yeah, in my personal experience I mostly embrace my natural look, but when I put a little make up on I notice a lot more of attention of other people. If it helps you boost your confidence then go for it, but it should not be that important.

>> No.6319792

If your nose bothers you so much why don't you just get a new one?

>> No.6319791


>> No.6319797
File: 58 KB, 644x556, daybreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe people are actually surprised?
Did no one see her Daybreak pictures?

>> No.6319798

I have little reason to believe a person actually has a psychological disorder when I go on tumblr, see baww posts about how somebody has BDD, and then proceed to see 50 billion pictures of them wearing "ka-wuh-ee clothes" or "ka-wuh-ee circle lenses".

BDD is the new depression. Everybody has it and everybody wants sympathy for "it".

>> No.6319794

lol all you bitches are just a bunch of attention whores. Love how this thread just got derailed by a bunch of whores crying over BDD.

>> No.6319802

natural look =/= no make-up. the word "natural" is usually used when people describe a "healthy" look, whether it's created with makeup or not. rosy cheeks, clear skin, shiny eyes/lips. it's meant to enhance/create the beauty nature was supposed to give to us but didn't. that bitch.

and don't ever trust men talking about makeup. they don't know shit.

>> No.6319803

I know. That Daybreak video has been out for a while too, right?

>> No.6319804

She doesn't look 16-17 at all. She looks like she's 25 or 26 and is having a midlife crisis. Look at tht cakey, blotchy skin.

>> No.6319809

LOL 10/10
b-but it's not that easy, anon, don'tcha kno?? if she would actually work on improving her "bdd" she would have nothing to whine about anymore!!

>> No.6319814
File: 273 KB, 999x351, 1350176406443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like she has a baby-granny face, the angle in the OP pic makes it look particulary fat, and the wig doesn't help either.

She does look happy living her kawaii doll uguu~ delusion though, I really hope she doesn't end up like some trash crack whore when she realizes she cannot lead that lifestyle forever :(

>> No.6319811

Yeah, a real long while.

>> No.6319812 [DELETED] 
File: 1.96 MB, 800x3267, paper_mache_armor_and_prop_tutorial_by_firelilycosplay-d4l4gid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6319819

I also have this thread open in another tab lol.

>> No.6319820

that small mouth and lips is disgusting

>> No.6319828

I pretty much look the same without makeup and with makeup. I wear BB cream because it has 45 spf and acts as a mouturizer and evening agent for my skin. When I go long periods without wearing it my natural skin underneath looks awful. It's much better for you to go outside with something on. Be it sunscreen or makeup, it helps protect your skin against the wind and sun, protectiing your skin will make you look younger longer :/

>> No.6319834

This. It's so frustrating, especially when they don't even do their research about their disorder and when you call them out on their discrepancies, they just whine "Baww, you wouldn't know, you don't have! It's different for everyone, don't you know?!"

>> No.6319838

Sunscreen yes, makeup no. Makeup is known to age your skin.

>> No.6319844

She'll end up like her mom. A desperate 50yearold dancing in a skimpy bikini for Jewtube pennies.

>> No.6319854

to guys saying they never put on airs that is a load of BS. I've seen many of my male friends lie about jobs, money and even love just to bang a girl. Only betas baawww about makeup and can't even see their own fucked up shit.

>> No.6319863

any sunscreen,skinprodct from america is known to fucking age your skin, seriously. Japanese women slather on the BB and it's not doing them any harm. Take your makeup/sunscreen off before bed and be done with it and invest money in decent shit for your skin. Depending on what makeup you use it's totally harmless and even beneficial.

>> No.6319874
File: 66 KB, 344x368, 1348165073497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I know that men are dummies. They don't know about make up until they start using it themselves (like wigs for that case). With natural I meant no make up at all, my fault. I just needed a little rant I guess
Thanks for the tip!

>> No.6319875

Asian people also age better than white people. Face it whites, all the stuff you put on your skin can't fight genes.

>> No.6319890

Most people who don't wear makeup themselves have no idea what subtle makeup even is. Both of my parents and several of my (male) friends claim to HATE makeup, but will readily compliment me when I'm wearing a face full of BB cream, blush, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil and mascara to get a picture taken. They really have no idea how natural makeup can look.

People want an 'ideal' woman, who is naturally gorgeous without any cosmetics at all. But then they are either ignorant or in denial about what real women even look like. Dark circles? Uneven skintone? Pale lips? Obviously these make you haggard and unhealthy-looking and nobody will ever love you! They want someone who has perfect skin and long dark eyelashes and luscious lips but they do not want someone who uses any outside help to achieve these things. It's annoying and confusing for both sides.

>> No.6319897
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Oh you're so lucky...my mommy always says how much better I look without makeup.

Feels bad, yo.

>> No.6319900
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>> No.6319904

By 30, white people look like shit. Wrinkles, wrinkles everywhere.

>> No.6319912

Back to Venus, you thread fuckers!!!! ...I dunno, I think she looks adorable. I've never seen such a round face with such tiny lips. Its cute in a baby way. I really do think she looks like a real life baby doll. Its just creepy because they shouldn't move. ... :S

>> No.6319922

Hi Margaret.

>> No.6319925
File: 161 KB, 300x169, XW6jB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit she's hideous.
How did she even make herself look so different in videos.

>> No.6319929

Actually I'm not Margaret... That woman is a full blown cunt. I just think Venus does look like a doll. Not saying she's beautiful. Actually, the kid looks a little retarded because of it.

>> No.6319930

retarded looking*

>> No.6319934

I feel ya sis, fucking perfectionist society. Because of that you have Datokas and Venus'es popping out everywhere.
I like hearing her speaking in german, seems less awkward than her english. I like the long dark wig too, suits her better than short hair I guess. And that cape! Do want!

>> No.6319943
File: 448 KB, 160x120, perfect jerry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tutorial, bitch!!


>> No.6319941

My skin is horrible. I'd love to have skin like hers. But she is just so damn weird looking, I'll give you all that.

>> No.6319946

She has videos that show her skincare routine if you want to see what she does.

>> No.6319949

White people don't have to look bad at 30, but white culture doesn't exactly propegate good health. White people also shouldn't be in the sun. When you see a whitey who has aged without intense sun exposure they look damn good. Just most white people don't really start caring for their bodies until 30.

>> No.6319961

I am 30 and she looks older than me. That's terrible.

>> No.6319974


dat mouth

and to think i hated mine for being really small/only as wide as my nose, but hoo boy do i feel lucky now

>> No.6319994

I miss when people believed Dakota's pics and whined about the unattainable. :(

>> No.6320001

There were people who actually believed her pictures were real?

>> No.6320005


Me too actually. I used to always think Dakota was so very, very beautiful up until her past started leaking out. I actually enjoyed those days.

>> No.6320013
File: 60 KB, 800x1216, DR10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well yeah, back when she was shooping/dressing like this. She looked beautiful, but it wasn't a beauty that wasn't unattainable by natural means and I think it made a lot of people feel good about themselves at the time. I mean a lot of people were jealous, but comparing those pictures to her trainwreck of a scene period it kind of showed you that no matter how shitty you look, there's always room for improvement.

>> No.6320014

Spoony, do you think BDD is a legit psychological disorder?

>> No.6320019

These are the pics I thought were real. She looks so sultry and feminine. I wish she didn't desu afterward. I could live with this lie. It was inspiring.

>> No.6320024

Oh, those pictures. I thought the anon meant the uguu~ pictures.

>> No.6320031


If you're interested in my opinion, then my answer would be yes. Before I got my own social anxiety and panic attacks under control I used to experience something very similar to BDD in that I would find my appearance warped and grotesque whenever viewed through my eyes which is what initially lead to me starving myself and which later lead to my infamous mass-camwhoring. I always required constant validation from others and there were days where I physically couldn't leave my flat unless I had at least one person telling me I looked okay, and it couldn't be somebody I knew in real life as I was convinced they were just lying to me. I don't think it was BDD in it's fully fledged form, but it was probably the beginnings of something.

After watching this documentary I don't know how anybody could deny that something like this exists, though I can understand at the same time why it's easy for people to pass off as extreme vanity. It's probably one of those things that most people will never really understand until they've experienced a bit of it themselves.

The doc in question:

>> No.6320037

Oh Spoony, u so cra-cray.

>> No.6320038

If I wasn't interested in your opinion, why would I have asked you? But thanks for replying.

>> No.6320042


was just surprised that somebody actually wanted it for once, sorry if I came off as aggressive, I didn't mean to.

>> No.6320049

Understandable. Thanks again though.

>> No.6320324
File: 13 KB, 500x313, tumblr_m3tvpjRDiG1qkl6ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If anybody is interested,here is the translation.My english is horrible(and Venus grammar isn't the best either),so feel free to correct me:

This is what the youtube videos of the 15-year-old look like. Almost 15.000.000 people have viewed this make up tutorial. Venus Palermos role models are japanese dolls,anime figures. She is born and raised in Switzerland,lived in Brugg in Kanton Aargau. We are visiting her in her new home,London. From here she wants to conquer the world as Real Life Doll,as living doll.

Make-up is like painting...because I change my face right now,it's like a transformation and so my face is my canvas and this is my tool and then I brush it like that and that's a bit like being an artist. [Seriously,thats what she said,literally]
I like myself much better as doll,because it makes me feel special,like myself,as I really am and then I'm just happy. I feel complete.

Layer by layer she models herself to a doll figure. This Cosmetic procedure takes 30 minutes,every day. Venus Palermo is a staging professional. And she's not alone,her "real life doll colleagues" are called Valeria and Anastasia. Make-up is no longer good enough, cosmetic surgeons have done their work here. Silicone for the breast and a rib removal for the Barbie waist.

>> No.6320330


-Margeret creeps in the room-

Venus Mother,Margeret Palermo,makes sure that her daughter gets famous as Real Life Doll and that she gives the right answers in the interview.

Well,anyway.. I like being a doll,because it's so innocent,dear and cute and it somehow epitomize an earlier world.

Mother Palermo likes it better to have a doll as daughter than a wild brat. Pubertal cutting the cord? [?] Not with the Palermos.
In the internet, Venus lives her fantasies. Espacially in japan the young Swiss is popular,speaks japanese fluently and chats daily with her fans. Whoever thinks this is just a childish gimmick: Wrong! Venus says she has a political mission.

>> No.6320333


Me and many other girls rebel against the depravity,which is influenced by the mainstream music and all these pop stars nowadays and,um..we rebel against premature and we want to be innocent and just real girls and we don't want to grow up immediately. You're only a kid once, and you can always remain a child at heart.

The Real life Doll enters the real world. Even in everyday life she is a little star. Venus Palermo has become a brand,an adored Idol of innocence. She enchants her fans and leaves all the others clueless behind.

Also,could you please stop discussing about your f*cking skin? This is a venus thread,nobody cares about your face or disorders.

>> No.6320374

You're on /cgl/. You have to expect girls to always talk about themselves.

>> No.6320389

Spoony what's your tumblr?

>> No.6320392

Well I generally only wear makeup to work, I'm a salesperson so I do need to look fairly presentable. I also have very visible red blemishes which splotch my face. It's not so much insecurity, I happily and comfortably go around without makeup on my own time even when I go out with friends, it's more for being able to make myself look nice, neat and approachable.

I consider it the same as wearing, say, nice clothes or nice shoes that aren't necessarily practical and more for looks (before I started working my philosophy on shoes was 'if I can't run in them, why bother?').

>> No.6320408

oh m ygod stop talkng in about yourself this is a thread about venus if you want to talk about yourself make a thread about it shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

>> No.6320415

You're new here aren't you?

>> No.6320418

I honestly am yes I can't stop anyone from being so self centered but omfg

>> No.6320448

It's generally how /cgl/ threads go. People like talking about skincare here, it's a not terribly uncommon topic of discussion.

Personally I find your negativity and fairly empty replies far worse for any measure of quality of this thread than people talking about makeup and skincare. If you want to keep it on the topic of venus, talk about venus instead of bitching.

>> No.6320479
File: 17 KB, 400x300, chola5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is a lot of effort to look like a cholo

>> No.6320486
File: 55 KB, 600x480, 140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw spoony's on a thread about underage girls
>mfw she's posting pics of dakota too

so two of the rumours you denied were true.

>> No.6320488

Fuuuck yeah, dawg.

>> No.6320524

>Pubertal cutting the cord? [?] Not with the Palermos.

I would think that's something akin to "cutting the apron strings" which means moving away from your parents and becoming an independent adult as you age.

>> No.6320556

aww i like the little granny at the end.

>> No.6320801

>blah blah i take care of my skin and this is why its awesome, therefore if you have bad skin you're not taking care of yourself

i hate this fucking attitude. Yes, there are many things that contribute to having acne, but there are people out there who do all the shit you just mentioned and they still have terrible skin.

I exercised, changed pillow cases, got laser treatment, did accutane, took antibiotics, went on a thousand different creams and soaps and I still had a pizza face. Last summer it just magically cleared up out of nowhere though I hadn't changed my lifestyle at all.

>> No.6320845

oh god her eyebrows are so dark and pointy. She'd look a trillion times better if she just had given them less of a menacing arch, or hadn't dyed them black to match her hair. D:

>> No.6320903

This issue always baffled me. Women say they HAVE to wear makeup or else people will say they look bad. Men, on the other hand, do not have the luxury of wearing makeup (without social stigmas that would occur if they did) and have just as many skin problems as women. This is something I find feminism skims over: women shouldn't wear makeup because MEN expect women to look nice? If they are plagued with the same skin problems then they probably are more empathetic than that. It's probably us girls who hold a higher standard to ourselves and our peers about our appearances. Perhaps it would be best to be honest with ourselves and one another, but that would have to start with everyone accepting the fact that women, too, have medical skin problems, and not shaming one another for it.

>> No.6320915

Nah, what works for her wouldn't work for me. Different skin types. I have a plague of hormonal acne problems that never seem to go away. I just would love the smooth, blemish free skin she has.

>> No.6320944

>>You'd be amazed by how much better and younger you can look if you go a few months not wearing foundation at all.

I look better with foundation. Can't doxycycline away them big pores.

>> No.6320947

>>women shouldn't wear makeup because MEN expect women to look nice

In all honesty, I don't wear makeup for men. I wear it to look presentable to mainly other women -- we're the cattiest bunch around.

>> No.6321430

Am I the only one here who genuinely delights in applying her makeup?
Sure I have days where I honestly can't be fucked, but the majority of he time I wake up and I'm itching to jump in the shower, dry myself off, sit down in front of a mirror and put my face on. To me it's like painting a blank canvas, I love it. I love creating.

>> No.6321440

No, I was trying to say that feminists will often tell other women not to wear makeup specifically for that reason, but will skim over any other reason. Sorry, I haven't slept well in the past three days.

>> No.6321447


She isn't ugly. Its just different from her usual self so not only is it underwhelming, the fact that she lied about it is getting everyone angry. Personally, I think she and her mom are bitches but I don't think she looks ugly here at all.

>> No.6321456


You must be young/have naturally good or mostly clear skin. I have acne scars all the way from high school that are getting better as I use my bb cream (which isn't very often anyway) and have a daily face routine for. It feels horrible having all your acne scars exposed, especially at work where a good appearance is of the utmost importance. Stress from worrying about my appearance or anything for that matter can also lead me to get more acne. Food allergies you might not even know about might cause you get acne. Not everyone is the same or as lucky. Bad kinds or too much of makeup can make your skin worse but you just have to be sparse with it.

>> No.6321458

On 3Sat, god damn! She´s fludding Germany with her crap, i see her in a lot of magazines apparently!

>> No.6321465


Have you considered investing in a derma roller for use on your face? Not going to lie, it fucking hurts, a lot, but that's why you purchase a numbing cream to use in conjunction with it whenever you have a session.
If you don't know much about them then you should do some research, they're pretty damn good and it's guaranteed you'll experience long term results.

>> No.6321466

I like doing my makeup too. I don't feel bound by a societal expectation to wear makeup and can go out without it, but I prefer to make my face pop.

This is sort of an example of how patriarchy hurts men too. It's not socially acceptable for them to wear makeup, and my brother (who has cystic acne) has stated on occasion that he wishes he could wear simple concealer but doesn't want to risk the shame of people finding out because makeup is a "girl thing."

>> No.6321481


Same. I can feel perfectly comfortable going out without it, but I prefer to have it on. It makes me feel good about myself being able to walk around "knowing" I look good. I don't want to say that it has nothing to do with trying to impress men/women sexually, because it probably does, but I do feel I do it mostly for myself.

>> No.6321484

Honestly, even when I'm just hanging out at home and no one will see me I generally dress up and put on makeup. It's stupid but I'm so much more productive and enthusiastic when I feel attractive in my own eyes.

>> No.6321489

She looks so bloated (her face). Is she still on crazy diets and shit?

>> No.6321503

As a guy, I'm a little jealous of you girls for getting to wear makeup because I'm always self conscious about looking weird for one reason or another. I don't get a lot of sleep and that only makes the genetic lines I have under my eyes all the worse.
(no homo)

>> No.6321516

>Espacially in japan the young Swiss is popular,speaks japanese fluently and chats daily with her fans.
>Venus Palermo has become a brand,an adored Idol of innocence. She enchants her fans and leaves all the others clueless behind.

I can't get over how much bullshit is in this video.

Also, someone go make a goddamned skincare thread.

>> No.6321592


Fuck off, tiny penis. This thread is for girls.

>> No.6321598

What about gay guys?

>> No.6321609

See that's the kind of shit I'm afraid of. As a straight guy you're not even allowed to talk about makeup without being called all sorts of dumb names, by morons.

>> No.6321615

Of course you're welcome here.

Pig disgusting straight men are not.

>> No.6321618

That anon is an asshole. This is /cgl/ for fuck's sake, WIGS AND MAKEUP FOR EVERYONE
Seriously though I think you should easily be able to get away with a tinted moisturizer or bb cream. If you use a good one that matches your skin tone, no one should be able to tell that you're wearing anything at all. You don't even have to apply it all over your face.

>> No.6321685

danke kind anon.

>> No.6321686

Guys don't understand the full extent of just how deceitful women are.

>> No.6321689
File: 148 KB, 1354x687, 1345641095912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venus is a giant slut, because all the 'innocent' women are actually giant sluts.

>> No.6321692

When guys say they like 'natural' women they mean natural make-up. They just assume it's the women's natural beauty.

>> No.6321696

No they don't. They mean no makeup at all, but they're too retarded to know that theres actually makeup on.

>> No.6321700

That's... pretty much what they just said, just worded differently.