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6318841 No.6318841 [Reply] [Original]

secret weeby desires? I personally never grew out of the desire to be educated in a japanese high school

pic unrelated. It just made me laugh

>> No.6318853

Who here doesn't still want to learn Japanese and move to Japan (or visit frequently)? We just have more realistic ideas of what that would entail now.

>> No.6318851

I'd liked that too, but I soon realized that was way too impossible.
When I finished high school where I live, my parents told me they would had paid for my education in a high school in Japan if I just asked them."
Fuck this world.

>> No.6318861

I just wished I lived there for the fashion, it'd be so handy to have the fashion I love more readily available

>> No.6318876

I play sports actively, work out MWF, and like to think of myself as a pretty normal guy. But if I ever took the chance to teach English in Japan, I would probably ruin my financial situation by becoming a huge buyfag.

>> No.6318877

I wouldn't mind learning it, and, now that I know that I have a knack for languages, I may pick it up one day. Focusing on Korean right now, though.

I did always want to live there because, even though I am a serious introvert, I do like the crowded aspect of the country. I also want to visit the fashion stores and stuff like that.

>> No.6318878

I just want to visit Japan to raid up merchandise, visit series related bars and participate in general otaku shit.

>> No.6318973
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My secret weeb desire is to go to Otome Road in a nice lolita dress and visit a female butler cafe.

>> No.6318988

I lived in Tokyo before and I had japanese friend who worked as a hostess at this kind of shabby little club. She brought me along to work for one night as a joke but I actually got to keep the money I made. Afterwards I told everyone how it so wasn't my thing at all but secretly I loved it. I want to go back and be a hostess full time.

>> No.6318996

>otome road

What is that

>> No.6319010

>Go to Japan
>Be called kawaii by shopstaff

I also really want to try random snacks with a green tea flavour. I don't know why these fascinate me (I don't even like green tea) but they do.

>> No.6319017

Green tea flavored snacks are so good. I buy matcha just to use it in cookies, icecream etc.

>> No.6319027

My secret weeby desire is just I wish I were a small asian woman. I hate being 5'7 and having enormous feet.

>> No.6319031

the street with the most yaoi/doujinshi shops and Swallowtail, the most famous butler cafe. In Ikebukuro behind Sunshine 60. It's quite short and boring actually.

>> No.6319034

Otome Road is a street in Ikebukuro that has a lot of anime/doujinshi/merchandise that caters to females. Also has a lot of butler and BL cafes.

>> No.6319040

I secretly want to wear cute sailor uniforms and cat ears every day.
There were some popular, normalfag girls in my class who actually shared one pair of cat ears and wore them to school without a problem, so I think the latter is okay where I live at least.

>> No.6319041
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Just imagine the stench of unwashed vagina.

>> No.6319046

Green tea flavoured stuff is baaaaaad. Never have green tea cheesecake. It's the worst.

My secret weeby desire? Bleach themed wedding. Myself and my husband dressed as Ukitake and Kyoraku. No shame.

(No, really. I don't think marriage has any use or meaning, so if I'm gonna do it, it's gonna be awesome. And if I marry a girl, we'll be Soi Fon and Yoruichi.)

>> No.6319058

To be far, the green tea frap from Starbucks is hella good. I don't understand the desire for green tea everything, though. Some stuff just seems off.

>> No.6319067

Green tea Kit-Kats, of all things, are actually REALLY good. Not good enough to pay the $10 they wanted for a bag of them at the con where I found them, though.

>> No.6319100

j-list sells them too...don't buy from them though it's too expensive.

>> No.6319124

I've always wanted to live the life of an 80's Bancho. Wearing pompadours and fighting with honor. I'm a huge weenie so it would never work out.

>> No.6319143
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I really like asian food, especially those crazy flavored snacks and drinks. Also, figurines.

My darkest weeaboo desire is to go to Akihabara just once.

>> No.6319150

they don't let fatties in, sozzy!

>> No.6319224
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Sorry to hear about that, maybe try working out a little and they will let you in next time?

>> No.6319240

I never liked Cherry Blossom scented things.
when one weeb friend found out she told me I am a horrible anime fan and that all of Japan would hate me for disliking the scent.
so for most of high school I told people I liked it. my face would be happy smilie on the outside, but inside I wanted to stab people who kept pushing it into my face

>> No.6319294

I would actually love to go on a crazy mad weeb-related shopping spree.
Problem is, I want my room to look like that of a sane adult. I used to have anime cut-outs and posters plastered up on my walls and my ceiling, and merchandise fucking everywhere.
I've cleared out most of my collection because I'm embarrassed about showing it off, and also because this constant "no, you should be ashamed of this" attitude towards myself helps me with saving up money for other, cooler things.
But damn, there are so many weeb things I want to buy. I've got about 50 Taobao pages bookmarked right now - All shops that sell weeby things (especially kawaii plushies). Every first day of every month I always go through all pages and put everything I want into a basket. Then I spend a few hours on telling myself that I really don't need this crap, but oh, how I desire it.

I also love a lot of japanese candy and import some of the stuff over here whenever I've got an extra plus on my bank-acocunt.

At least I don't dream of going to Japan anymore. I guess it could be fun, and if I saved up for two months I would be able to go, but it's not really on my top 5 places to visit anymore. So that's something.

>> No.6319324

I really love the Visual Kei style, but toned down to not look like a Jrock artist at a concert. I'd kill to have some RQ-BL in my closet.

I also want to visit Japan and just see the sights, especially the districts that the areas in The World Ends With You were based off of.

>> No.6319358
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Someday I want to visit a maid cafe and eat sweets while the girls call me "Onee-san". I think my heart would explode if that actually happened

>> No.6319391
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I would really love to go to a proper sushi place and, well, eat sushi for the first time. My parents hate fish and most of my friends are in this annoying post-weeaboo "Everything from Japan sucks!" stage so I don't have anyone to go with. I'm too scared to try it alone, especially since it's ~exotic~ and I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do. I wish I had a friend to weeb out with occasionally.

When does this even come up in conversation? I don't think I have ever had to vocalize the words "cherry blossom" in my life, even to other weebs.

>> No.6319392

I always secrelty liked the idea of being the rebellious foreign exchange student at a Japanese highschool.

Also secrelty wish to date a cute J-Rock kinda guy.

>> No.6319395
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>I want my room to look like that of a sane adult
Obviously the only solution is to get another room with all your weeby stuff that you don't show to anyone.
I have all my weeaboo stuff packed away too because I still live at home, but I await the day when I get my own place and can put my shit anywhere I want without anyone caring. Shit's gonna be awesome.

And speaking of Japan, I don't think I ever fell far enough into the weeb phase to ever want to go there. I mean sure, it's be cool to go around Akihabara to see what it's like, but it's not exactly in my top 5 places I really want to go to.

>> No.6319404

I still harbor the secret weeaboo idea of wanting to go to Japan, but now the only reason is to eat their food.
If I could find a nice Japanese restaurant here I would be thrilled, because there is literally no other reason I would want to go there.

>> No.6319455

I actually did that. Learnt the language and lived there for a year. Worst mistake of my life. Soon as my contract was over, I pegged it, though I was offered a longer contract as they loved my work.

>> No.6319483


Ooh, stories?

>> No.6319492

I want to be a live-in student at a dojo.

Also, the food. Oh god, the food...

>> No.6319498
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I'd love to actually put my Japanese to use and go to Japan, even if only for a short while. Though if I went I'd probably come back broke because I'd go on some kind of weeby shopping spree.

But, I do kinda wish I could get excited over things I like as I used to back when I was a weeby kid. Sometimes I see these cool items at cons or figure stores and I get so, so excited, but I know better than to bounce around and scream about it because that's stupid/obnoxious. It'd be nice to be able to let it all out for once.

>> No.6319578

Whaaa- do want. I swear we don't get any of the cool ones in the UK. :(

> captcha: saucy atingory
The captcha wants sauce too.

>> No.6319612

Not much really to tell! I was a systems analyst that was hired to work by a Japanese company so they could pull in more American business. From the way I was treated, the expense, the guy who tried to burn down my apartment because "a white woman cannot take homes from good Japanese people" (and was let off!) to all the casual racism/sexism, it just wasn't somewhere I enjoyed living. That and even though I was hired for my ability to fluently speak both languages, they kept trying to give me a Japanese-born translator because I "couldn't possibly ever hope to understand their language".

>> No.6319617

I secretly desire to meet/find a quiet shy girl who ends up being intellectual and enjoyable to love despite only ever having fake-blonde girls like me.

I will never find love.
Are these feels even weeby desires?


>> No.6319634

I want to have lunch with other girls and giggle about daily things, like something straight out of a slice of life anime.

Go outside and marvel at the sights around me like they always do in commercials. Or go to the shopping center then come back home with cute little things for the house.

>> No.6319726 [DELETED] 
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No anon, that is a human desire.

>> No.6319756

You have to specifically ask for it. If they have green tea, and make frappuccinos, just go up and ask for a green tea frappuccino. It's never on the menu, but they will make it.

>> No.6319807


>I always secrelty liked the idea of being the rebellious foreign exchange student at a Japanese highschool.

Are you me

>> No.6319852

I still really want to have a Eurasian hafu baby. They are just so god damn cute.

>> No.6319883

I wana live like the girls in jellyfish princess before the trany showed up. Living in an apartment with my best friends, spending all my allowance on figurines and gunpla.

>> No.6319909

Same omg

>> No.6319916

I want to go the top of a high school and find the delinquents and or main characters eating lunch.

>> No.6319985

Related to this. I want to see how many of the stereotypical things in anime and dramas actually happen in high schools, like girls giving out chocolate for Valentine's Day. I also want to know how differently they treat non-Japanese Asians who grew up in non-Asian countries.

>> No.6320006

oh my god i went only once because altough the original plan was 30mins in a cheap table I ended up making my party stay for almost an our and a half and buying lots of pictures and stupid crap because all the maids were so goddamn cute and there was an absolutely precious bartender girl dressed as a boy and she came to talk to me and then I had to order more cocktails and I spent way too much money and it was worth every yen.

>> No.6320010

my inner weeb really seems to hate punctuation. sorry about that

>> No.6320015

I am so doing this in Brighton on Sunday. It's always really busy, though, so they might just glare at me. Worth it.

>> No.6320039
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>> No.6320048

My weeb dream is to work at Disney Tokyo as Tinkerbell....Just to be close enough to Tokyo.
Or live in Japan and do a Manzai duo with anyone that wants...Enter Yoshimoto's school for entertainers and comedians.....and be a comedienne there...

But it's too far from me....just my ultimate weaboo dream.

>> No.6320053

I could eat Japanese food every meal.
From the good stuff to the weebiest.

>> No.6320361

I'd like to be a pretty, short Japanese girl and dress in lolita or like an idol every day.
but what can you do?

I'd really like a pretty-pretty bedroom like you see in threads here sometimes. That's not really weeby, hopefully at least I can have one of those before I'm 30.

But if I could just be average height, instead of 5'9"...

>> No.6320378

I'd gladly take 4" or 5" off you to add on to my own height, thanks.

>> No.6320385

>actually liking Japanese comedy duos

It's just so... terrible. The only comedy group I think I've ever liked was Monster Engine.

>> No.6320404

I want to be a foreign regular on the comedy circuit in Tokyo. I mean the televised stuff like Gaki no Tsukai. Not very "weeaboo" but damn I love Japanese comedy/variety programs.

>> No.6320417

I want to go to Tashirojima. As in, my life will not be complete until I do :/

but I think that's more of a secret crazy-cat-lady desire than a secret weeb desire, it just happens to be japan that has a whole island full of cats

>> No.6322329

Yeah, you don't want to go to a Jap high-school, the social environment is very hostile to people that are too different and foreigners are garantued to have a really bad time.

>> No.6322729

I still want a perfect 2(.5)-dimensional boyfriendo who was kind, perfect hair, beautiful face, amazing voice and he'd spoil me rotten. Well, the rotten part is the only thing I've achieved.