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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6316517 No.6316517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey hey Kids! Halloween is around the corner! Who wants a makeup thread?

Or I can just go back to /tg/ and drink my candycorn vodka.

>> No.6316522
File: 190 KB, 816x896, 1339310707864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also costuming advice, mindless banter etc etc.

>> No.6316524 [DELETED] 

I want you to fuck off.

>> No.6316526
File: 45 KB, 600x338, 1330989166729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Candy corn vodka sounds amazing, you should post the ingredients meanwhile so I can make sum.

>> No.6316539

oh shit, someone forgot to drop they're trip

>> No.6316544

Oh look! A tripfag I have never heard of who dislikes me! How novel!

You got a still?

White rye, water, and candy corn. Distill using the candy corn as the sugar.


>> No.6316545

>step two of your makeup guide
I use Monistat between my skin and makeup (and some friends use aloe vera, though I've no empirical experience). Monistat prevents itching and I haven't had any problems with the makeup (Mehron brand) reacting with my skin, but I've also never left it on for longer than an hour. Do you have any experience with using a clear coating gel instead of a barrier spray?

>> No.6316552

Oh, heads up! The skimming is going to be heavy, with all the glaze and wax in the candy corn. This is normal.

>> No.6316561

Thank ya!

>> No.6316563
File: 17 KB, 288x165, MMcbsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never used anything but barrier/sealant combo spray in my 10+ years of clowning. The BIG important factor is making sure its a combo spray, and not just one or the other.

Another be contribution to any irratation or itching is what you use to wash your face with first. NEVER us lotion or oil on your face before makeup because it might cause a reaction. You're best bet is to wash with a good soap or face wash, use some astringent and then apply the barrier spray.

I also would never put vaginal itching cream on my face, but that is just me.

>> No.6316566

ITT: Fatso the clown samefagging with preprepared responses.

>> No.6316581
File: 735 KB, 499x330, 623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I really was samefagging, how would someone not know that the negative, unsaged comments are not really mine, to encourage those who like me to participate?


>> No.6316588

Gropey I think what the person is using is actually Monistat Anti-Chafe Powder Gel, which is a common poorfag substitute for regular makeup primer; it has the same ingredients and consistency as Smashbox primer and costs way less, since they intend it to go on your thighs to stop thigh rub rather than on your face. It isn't meant to go on your snatch at all. A lot of cosplayers and MUAs I know swear by it.

>> No.6316598

Ah. I did not know this, as I have only ever heard of monistat from the yeast infection commercials

My bad. I still would just suggest proper facial cleansing and proper barrier spray.

>> No.6316596

>can't change for samefag

>> No.6316601

Shut up me. The voices are supposed to be quiet when I drink.

>> No.6316605

It's also a godsend to put along your hairline/forehead if you have itchy wigcap/wig problems.

>> No.6316611
File: 26 KB, 375x500, 1346738349800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. I have heard of using straight Selsun Blue anti-itch shampoo along the hairline for underneath baldcaps and full-head prosthetics (obviously it washes out better than anything else)

pic unrelated

>> No.6316616

You browse /tg/?

>> No.6316618

I tend to go for the overkill myself; wash my face well, apply barrier spray, apply the anti-chafe gel, apply makeup. I manage to not have smudging problems and I find it easier to wash off after than just the barrier spray or just the primer, plus if I'm pulling a lot of faces, the foundation tends to settle less into the wrinkles caused by doing so.

>> No.6316622

It comes off just fine with makeup remover, but if you have shifting and buildup in your wrinkles, it sounds like your using makeup that is too cakey.

What are you using?

Yup. all the time. Did a giant "fantasy/fairytale insprational photos" thread last night.

>> No.6316624

>Yup. all the time. Did a giant "fantasy/fairytale insprational photos" thread last night.
Huh. /tg/ is actually my main board. Never seen you over there.

Do you just not use the name/trip over there?

>> No.6316634

>Did a giant "fantasy/fairytale insprational photos" thread last night.
actually it's still up

>> No.6316635

Rarely trip, but since I learned how to keep my trip from dropping on restart, I havn't bothered to take it off.

I am also in the recent HEMA threads, as I do compete and study.

Link to the photodump thread >>21132926

>> No.6316646
File: 35 KB, 488x604, tumblr_m2g4ubkWdI1qbzc05o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey LARPfag! Wassup?

>> No.6316649

nothing, tired as always, and it seems like /tg/ is not really interested in the infinicon thread right now.

>> No.6316653

Given his penchant for smithing and the like, it's not too much of a stretch to imagine him frequenting RenFaires and the like.

>> No.6316671
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a reenactor and historic martial artist. WMA, SCA (Armored, rapier and cut-and-thrust), ARMA and currently working on BotN style combat.

I don't frequent renfaires persay, but my SCA group gets invited to demonstrate full contact fighting, put out educational displays etc etc

Im in the green

>> No.6316681

I also play tabletop RPGs (UA, OWoD, WHFRP, PF, CP2020, CoC...), mordheim, warhammer fantasy, warmachine, used to play blood-bowl, board games, im an ex-40k player, ex-MTG player... Yeah. /tg/.

>> No.6316705
File: 92 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m2nge6Qw3s1qjfb9go1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So. Back to the subject. MAKEUP AND COSTUMES


>> No.6316719

actually I have one. How long could a good makeup last on average if you run around all day and hence sweat a lot?

>> No.6316737
File: 70 KB, 720x480, Wobbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With proper use of good quality greaspaint/crayons and barriar/sealant spray, I have walked 4 miles in the Texas summer heat, with no problems. I don't recall a single show I have performed with anything short of getting hit in the face with a mop (part of a skit) that my makeup has ever gotten smudged or ran, following my makeup guide (as taught to me by my uncle and my grandfather).

>> No.6316755

so, would you say a good makeup could endure a day from morning until sundown?

>> No.6316774

within reason. Rubbing your face all day, masks etc etc might require touchups

>> No.6316823

well, I always knew that I'm shit at makeups. Most of the time when we tried things like this we failed in one way or another. Than at the end we just used tempera because it wasn't as toxic as it was cheap. But that was many years ago

>> No.6316843
File: 86 KB, 300x453, Oldguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly are you doing? Solid colors (Like green for goblins etc), detailed lines and blending (see the pic) what?

>> No.6316865
File: 2.10 MB, 2448x3264, DSC00774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it was pretty much at the beginning of my larping days we tried to be dark elves... it was a time of dickswords and bad costumes but still, we tried to make our face a little dark elf like. And as I said we failed but that's not surprising as we did not know shit about makeups.
Then we gave up with this as it was too much bother and we focused on other, more important things while avoided playing characters that would need makeups.

Well except a few zombies or ghouls here and there but that's another story

>> No.6316878
File: 63 KB, 530x345, dishonored530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was waitin for your ass.
I want to surprise my honey with a Dishonored project. We've never made anything like this
>to spare you my life story
How would I make this mask ?

>> No.6316938

whuttup bitch? you want the quick and dirty or a super detailed mask

simple: purchase a cheap, plastic skull mask.bisect and remove the lower jaw and top teeth. spraypaint it black, and dry brush a dark metallic on it. attach it to a "faceless" halloween mask, and use various bits of wire, toy lenses (swim goggles, glasses, colored tiddly-winks etc etc) and mechanically looking stuff to fill in the gaps (also sprayed and drybrushed gunmetal). you can get 90% of this stuff at a dollar store.

Put it on him, and then come over here and give me a blowjob because you just made his fucking halloween great cause of me.

>> No.6316965

Now the detailed if you don't mind. I've got access to two work shops.

These lips were made for blowing and that's just what they'll do- but not for youuu.

>> No.6316998

I also take suggestive photos, first born children and buffalo wings!

For the detailed....
Nomex/Lycra whatever zentai style hood, vacuum-formed plastic pieces, painted, cast latex applications for under the skull to look like wiring... plastic cut lenses with custom shaped bezzles....

>> No.6317008
File: 1.65 MB, 240x187, YAAAAAY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This uterus isn't spewing vermin just yet.
Thanks sugar tits. I shall take this knowledge and hence forth.

>> No.6317074

Its not smut or buffalo wings...

But thats ADORABLE. I want to see pics of the finished product!

>> No.6317106
File: 1.99 MB, 318x241, dont hate me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can garuntee you that if I come within 5 feet of buffalo wings they wont make it to your house.

But I will, project will be started later in December though...hope it will go smoothly

>> No.6317207

I eagerly await pics, im sure you'll make an awesome mask.

>> No.6317482


>> No.6317639

Just wondering, how would you guys pull off Zombie face makeup?

Wounds, cuts, paleness, making your face look deathly skinny, etc. Just like in Thriller.

>> No.6318127
File: 21 KB, 226x300, zombie_makeup_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a one thing that makes the difference between a good zombie, and a shitty zombie: plotting.

This picture here is of a plot. He's mapped out the ridges of his face to express the sunken and raised portions, making him look more corpse-like after he blends it.Highlight your cheekbones and temples to create a dessicated look. Shadow the eyes in stages to make them look sunken. etc etc.

The rest is blending and getting a good tallowy parlour color. I suggest a sl mixed with aight mix of a dab of grey and yellow for a waxy, ashen complextion.

>> No.6318170

>candycorn vodka

Hold the phone. Why have I not made thos yet?

>> No.6318204

Because its really not that pleasant after the second bottle.

Still drinking it though!

>> No.6318209

Two bottles of the same thing? Eww, no. I think I would get sick if there was no variety in between.

Do you have any make up art to share? Just stuff ypu are impressed with or find useful as a reference?

>> No.6318219
File: 113 KB, 333x500, ITS A SHARK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure do.

Mind you, some is for just creative reasons rather than technical skill, as is the pic related

>> No.6318220
File: 75 KB, 600x399, FOR_E_VER_by_wenzdai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6318221
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>> No.6318224
File: 1.95 MB, 232x300, Clown_facepaint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Creepy or not, this gif is magnificent

>> No.6318225
File: 216 KB, 900x1200, Makeup___Happy_Mime_by_Bittersweet12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6318226

have you noticed that you come here whenever you have no pussy to fuck?

>> No.6318227
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>> No.6318239

I am unsure if I find this creepy or not... still on the fence.

>> No.6318242
File: 131 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m2l8tb2sal1r7pbtao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I come here when I don't have shows to do or plans to hangout with people.

And honestly, when it comes to sex though I am a perverted fucker and joke around all the time, I'm a very monogamous person and I don't sleep around. Years of body modding and the whole "monthly cotton swab shoved dry down my urethra to make sure I don't have any STDs to keep my certification" thing make me a big fan of closed relationships.

Since I havn't been in a stable closed relationship since my ex earlier this year, and I don't trust people in general, sex hasn't been exactly something that's dominating my life. I like sex, but paranoia of filthy people keeps that in check.

>> No.6318246
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>> No.6318248
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>> No.6318251

>monthly cotton swab shoved dry down my urethra
what the flying fucking fucks?

>> No.6318259

To keep my state certifications to do such things and sub dermal implants, scarrification and branding, I needed to get broad-sweep STD/BBD tests monthly. This has since changed, thank god.

"But Gropey", you ask; "WTG OMG BBQ".

Let me explane: Blood tests only cover blood born illnesses. Many STDs can only be located in mucus membranes. For women, this means a vaginal swab, but guess what? The urethra is a dual purpose mucus membranes for guys! Guess what that means, champ?

Yes, it sucks.

>> No.6318260

Just as pleasant as getting my cervix stabbed with a tiny toilet brush. My hubby and I used to swing. Screw that crap.

>> No.6318266
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And stuff like this is why I don't sleep with fangirls!

Back to makeup! I DESIRE QUESTIONS!

>> No.6318272

fatso pls go

>> No.6318275
File: 56 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m30hvdpLcy1qmrj7co1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up brain-voice, or i'll poke you with a qtip!

>> No.6319023

>Tab Gropey thread because I had school in the morning
>"Oh boy! Lets see if it updated with wonderful pictures, advice and stories!"
>See >>6318251
>Whelp! Im asexual now!
>Never gonna be as cute as >>6318225 or >>6318242

I have a love/hate relationship with clown time.

>> No.6319445

Just doing my job!

Sup folks?

>> No.6319494
File: 22 KB, 468x430, spec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> getting my cervix stabbed
Surely the best part is the clamp!

(I'm actually way overdue for an STD test, but that thing is so horrible...)

>> No.6319615

What?! I know I can't be the only one who keeps specculums in the "toy box"!

>> No.6319690

Now, I'm all about a toy box but something so horribly metal and pinchy is awful.

>> No.6319761

I find the pinching/pressure enjoyable, but feeling awkward and having discomfort seems to be the main goal of that device inside and outside the doctor office. It makes ke think of a duck puppet.

>> No.6319826

Same, expandable objects are much fun. I just find speculums to be incredibly unsexy.

>> No.6319849

How different is beauty / "normal" makeup techniques and application from your clown/costume/stage makeup?

>> No.6320508

>Duck puppet
You win a prize for making me chortle like a retard.

a great deal, as you need to work it more like oil paint on a canvas. Blending, barrier isolation and caking are all very important.

>> No.6320527
File: 105 KB, 375x500, 1339546088327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't have a medical fetish, its more of the humiliation/degredation aspect.

Also: clowns.

>> No.6320537
File: 237 KB, 1280x720, HNNNNNNNNNNGHZEMI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd

>> No.6320567

Hello to you too.

>> No.6320583

You never cease to to both terrify and intrigue me Mr. Clown.

>> No.6320604
File: 177 KB, 960x640, 404089_10151057004441752_1959072554_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to paint my face like a panda but slightly circus-esque look to it.
is there any photos like what i described?

>> No.6320610

Nothing I have seen. How would you make it circusy? I hate pandas.

>> No.6320643

Try drawing an example?

>> No.6320762
File: 21 KB, 516x387, oddities-from-the-city-museum-st-louis-mo-usa-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was totally aiming for the chortle range.

>> No.6320785
File: 56 KB, 600x400, Cirque-clown-mirror-image3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its... Magnificent...


>> No.6320822
File: 38 KB, 393x594, tmpscary_clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying the quiet hours at work, before the busy 2am action, on /cgl/. Wee~ Contemplating Halloween costumes, paperwork, ect.

Picture not related, just my halfassed attempt at being relevant.

>> No.6320852

Where you working/what do you do? Fuck the haters. If they want on topic, they will ask on topic questions.

>> No.6320967

As in what is my job? I'm a nurse. I work in a rehabilitation facility. Like post-op and chemotherapy/ect. Some of my patients are long term cares. Most of my work is interacting with them but between 11pm and 3am it's all paperwork.

>> No.6320978

Well helloooooooo nurse!

I went and got a hat, just so I could take it off to you. Its a hard job you got there.

>> No.6321012

I really like it. I was the little girl that doctored my pets and such. Plus I hsve been told I am pretty empathetic/intuitive with my patients so I enjoy helping them all. And A&P is one of my favourite subjects.

I had other choices in mind for careers, but nursing was the most practical and suited me very well. We cannot all be costume designers, artists, and clowns.

>> No.6321015

Its a calling you have, and I totally respect it!

Besides, no one wants to be a clown :P

>> No.6321023

I would had really liked a more creative job! I draw and sew on the side but nursing really pays the bills much better. I tried music for a bit but I was living in the southern states and all my gigs were religious things. I have nothing against doing church services and funerals but that don't go very far.

>> No.6321026

That sucks. Obviously since you're here on /cgl/ you still get some creative outlet, yes?

>> No.6321037

Oh yeah. I am into egl and cosplay both, but lolita more. I like sewing and crochet the most. I used to be a cake decorator, thT is LOTS of fun. I wander around hobbies alot, to flightly to stay settled for long.

>> No.6321046

Thats awesome. You're awesome. :D

>> No.6321049
File: 20 KB, 320x240, Photo0115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ex and I used to mess around with fondant and cake decorating. This is the box of cupcakes we made years ago for a troupe member's birthday (the boobs, popcorn, clown face with nail and cleaver are all fondant).

Not the best, but fun!

>> No.6321050

Dawww. Nah, it's just the ADD. Jk. So, did you always want to be a clown then?

>> No.6321060


I wanted to grow up to be Batman or Godzilla. I ended up being a sideshow performer and clown as my life calling, but have had many jobs and done alot of things for a living.

>> No.6321066

Nice! I don't have many digital photos of my cakes. But my favourite was a white iced one with blood splatter and a free hand image of Billy from Saw on his tricycle.

I wanted to be Raphael's wife (TMNT) for a really long time. Told my mom I was going to live in the sewer and everything.

>> No.6321070

Performing has always been part of my life, but to be frank about it, through middle school and the my freshman year of high school, I was ashamed of the circus/carnival half of my family.

Shit changed when I started getting gig offers from groups like Richmond Varietease and Candid Cabaret! Suddenly it was cool to do what I did. 16 years old, and hanging with burlesque dancers! My Sideshow stuff also got the attention from body mod shops, and got me my apprenticeship (been studying for years, was a shop kid at my uncle's shop back in the 90's)

>> No.6321075

I was raised in MS/LA for most of my youth, singing in the choir is not an option really. It progressed into show choir, orchestra, and the given marching band thing. Then I started voice lessons and I really started to love it when we got into more beautiful, old gospel pieces and opera. I love singing things like that, really loud and with all the vibrato. Traveled around alot in the eastern states doing that for about 4 years.

Your mod job. I want to be branded, what kind of experience is that? Is it a difficult thing to arrange? I imagine painful is a given but I just don't see many people do it.

>> No.6321081

Where in LA? As much as I am from anywhere, I prefer to be from New Orleans, the only place thats been home to me.

It depends on the branding. I do strike, electrocautery and cryocautery. With the exception of chemicalcautery (which I do NOT like), pain is minimal to non-existant, but it really depends on what your doing, and who's doing it how.

>> No.6321095

I was born in West Monroe, lived in Folsom, and spend alot of time in New Orleans. I actually moved to here after my place was trashed by Katrina. I miss it so much, but now my mother is happy I am closer to her.

I don't worry too much about it hurting, I have an immense tolerance. I just worry about infection control mostly because of what I work around. I have been putting off a sleeve just for that reason.

>> No.6322033
File: 40 KB, 600x600, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

West Monroe isn't bad (Better than Venice), and Folsom is Folsom. Good to hear you're making your ma happy.

Pain won't be an issue. Ideally, you want the brand hot enough (or in the case of cryocautery, cold enough) that it will kill the nerves on contact. Care is the same for any serrious burn: sterile moisture, dry dressings and limiting stretch of the area.

The biggest concern is how you keloid- and keloiding is the goal here. Some people recess, some people raise (as seen in this pic of an electrocautery brand) and some people hardly scar at all.

If you are worried about not forming a recessed/raised keloid, you might have to do unpleasant things regularly to irratate it enough to keloid. Things like taking vinnegar and a toothbrush to it daily.

>> No.6323124

Folsom was downright awful, that being from the view of a young and bored teenage girl. I haven't been back there is a long, long time. That might be for the best though. My brother and I killed many boring moments with stealing farming equipment. We took a "roof tar machine" once, that was a unique adventure. I'm a much better behaved lady now but I'm not sure if the people would like to see me again!

I had read that it would need much debrisment/irritation for it to turn out proper. From my personal body experience my scars recess or go away often, that means more scrubbing for me then possibly?

>> No.6323169

Like I said, everyone is different. I couldn't tell you unless you were in my chair, and we made test dot.

>> No.6323207


Im gonna be a sexy clown for Halloween because of you!

>> No.6323215

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure you are too far to employ. My tattoo guy has been really good to me, I'm sure he could send me in the right direction when I am ready. I feel a need to get a move on sijce ky wants are starting to stack up.

>> No.6323249

*since my wants

Jeez, fatfingering up this mess. Sorry.

>> No.6323297

Oh obviously. If you had known about me before I moved in July, I would have got you to one of the shops I was doing work at.

Not to sound like an ass, but as a rule, I assume that any body modder I have not seen the work and sanitation practices of are suspect until proven otherwise.

>> No.6323328

Not assy at all. The guy who has done almost all my tattoos and piercings is a good friend and he says the same thing. It's a good mindset to have in that profession. He always makes me happy with his work and the placement of my piercings! It seems like really who you know is important in the body mod world.

>> No.6323420

I sound like an old fart, but I did an honest-to-god three year apprenticeship. Now any asshole can get a certification the pierce off line or over a week-long course.

What really sucks, is that because I have certs for three forms of branding, scarification and subdermal implants, its hard as hell to get a regular gig piercing now adays. I'm in contact with a half dozen shops and they call me up when they need someone who know what they are doing.

Just remember kids, when you go to the tattoo shops with "$30 piercings" signs, you get what you pay for.

/end rant. sorry.

>> No.6323429

Damn, forgot to add my trip.

>> No.6323616

Yeah, my first non ear piercings were the $30 kind. I have went through 3 sets of rejection with those but Jamie has been really patient and now they are golden and have not migrated for 3 years now.

>> No.6323671

Yeah... one rejection is too many in my book.

>> No.6323749

Young and stupid, Gropey. Young and stupid. I came to Jamie after the 3rd time and he taught me alot. Switch me out to bars instead of rings. He was very suspicious that my jewelry was not good either since it was doing that discolouring stuff. BUT IT WAS ONLY $30 DOLLARS! So worth the savings...meh.

>> No.6323763

I'm wanting to get my ears and bellybutton pierced.

If $30 is too cheap, how much should I be looking at. I really don't want anything happening and the only thing I know to avoid is piercing guns and to make sure everything is
new and sterile.

>> No.6323782

My piercer charges from $30 upwards for the piercing fee depending on how long he thinks it'll take/number of piercings/whether local anaesthesia is required PLUS the cost of the jewellery - he generally uses Industrial Strength titanium for new piercings. So to get my industrial it cost me $85 (plain titanium bar and ends), and my Christina cost me $175 (titanium L bar with amethyst ends and a dangle). I'm in New Zealand so convert that to whatever currency you use. He's also a member of the Association of Professional Piercers which can give a guide as to which piercers are "good" as they have minimum required standards for membership, but there are good piercers around that aren't APP members and I've still heard stories about people being unhappy with their piercers who were APP members.

>> No.6323929

As a rule, I wouldn't trust them, but generaly speaking, navels are easy to do correctly, if you know how to take into account the person's weight and ways of moving. Most issues happen from the aftercare, as clothing, seatbelts, and leaning against things can cause trauma to the fistula, and clothes, towels, bed linens etc are haves for germs. Be smart about it, and stay clean, and you'll be fine.

YES, OH GOD YES. We don't have much sway yet, but APP is a must. I've been a member for years. Yes, there are lesser piercers who are APP compliant, but they are rarer.

And just as an aside, I refuse to use local anesthesia for the combined reasons of allergic reactions, and my personal opinion that if you can't take the relatively minor pain of the initial piercing, you're going to be a little bitch about the healing.

>> No.6323942

OH, and another strong suggestion, aside from only going to APP approved piercers, If your locality dosn't require them to own their own autoclave (basically a pressure cooker on crack that is used to clean medical and modification equipment to the point where NO microbes can survive), ask them if they have one. If they say they send their tools to a third party sterilization company, just walk the fuck out.

>> No.6323951

I'm kind of scared to go now...can't you just do it?

>> No.6323962

Nice, my place is APP!

>> No.6323978

Where are you? If you can make it to VA, I can call one of the shops I moonlight at and get a room set up.

>> No.6323987

Don't be scared, BTW. Im just an exacting oldschool asshole. I am very untrusting with other piercers. Out of my currently twelve piercings, only two were not done by me: My left earlobe when I was 10 by my mother (looking back at the whole sewing needle/cork thing, I cringe) and my left helix (done by a ex years ago, who I got into piercing)

>> No.6324004

My mom used a potato.

>> No.6324006
File: 53 KB, 640x352, 1347242523747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gropey, do tell, are clown girls as 'talented' as I've been led to believe?

>> No.6324016

My mom boiled a virgin cork. Lucky for You, me, and stupid teenagers everywhere who use a potato, apple or the gun at piercing pagoda (barf), earlobes are very forgiving, as they are mostly fat.

>> No.6324023
File: 168 KB, 900x1241, Madness_is_Like_Gravity_by_dougschwarz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some are. Some are not. Girls with a clown fetish tend to be more in-touch with themselves, and know how their body works. They also tend to know how to work their partner. This has nothing to do with being a clown, and more about just like any probably kinkster understanding sex a little better than your vanilla women.

>> No.6324031
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>> No.6324039

*kinkster propably understanding

Stupid rum... making me type stupid...

>> No.6324053

Would you dump some clown porn in /s/ for us? Pleeeeeease?

>> No.6324066
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>> No.6324070

For navel I paid about $75 and that was including the jewelry.

>> No.6324076

Sounds about right to me.

>> No.6324073

If other people are interested. Any takers?

>> No.6324079


>> No.6324085

Do you have a tumblr by any chance?

>> No.6324090

sorry if this has been addressed before, but what piercings do you have?

i've been meaning to get my clavicles pierced, but i'm thinking i should opt for dermals rather than barbells. i've heard they're less likely to reject.

>> No.6324099
File: 265 KB, 551x800, harley_quinn___fancy_dress_by_shoomlah-d3ivl2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reluctant but curious.

>> No.6324118
File: 14 KB, 360x504, l_25ddd0104b615d88edf92ede457a046f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Left ear:
Earlobe, Primary: 0g
Earlobe, Secondary: 10g
earlobe, Tritary: 14g
Helix: 16g

Right ear:
Earlobe, Primary: 0g
Earlobe, Secondary: 10g
earlobe, Tritary: 14g

Nasal Septum: 14g

Offset Prince Albert x2, 10g
Penile Frenum x2, 8g

I have had many others that I have taken out over time (see pic), and plan to add 4-5 more barbells down the underside of my shaft in 10g, and repierce my tongue.

The pic is me in Highschool. Ignore the fact that my eyesocket is broken please.

>> No.6324120

Nope. Why?

>> No.6324126



Here we go!

>> No.6324129


Awe, alright. Just because I find you interesting and would love to see what type of things you'd post. Thanks though.

>> No.6324130

you did your dick piercings yourself?

>> No.6324139

Fuck yeah I did! I wouldn't trust ANYONE near my equipment with a needle!

>> No.6324175

So I'm guessing all you perverts are in /s/ now?

>> No.6324185

Yes Mr. The Clown!

>> No.6324189

Yeah, there's no way. I'm down in Texas, and I want things like tattoos and piercings but I'm afraid of the pain and if the piercer is incompetent.

>> No.6324192

Fuuuuuck. Again, I was JUST living in LA. I went to Dallas and Austin for gigs all the time!

>> No.6324314
File: 15 KB, 305x361, 157751856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest Gropey, would I make a cute clown? Pic related.

>> No.6324325
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And I'm in Dallas too...

Oh well, no pretty body jewelry for me.

>> No.6324350

Jezz Gropey, you left all this clientele behind sans piercings.

>> No.6324354

You're cute as a button hun, and I think you'd make an excellent auguste clown. That nose does not suit you in my opinion though. You have a taller face, so you can totally pull off the round nose, but I would suggest one maybe 25-50% smaller.

Hey, if you TX anons get me a place to crash, I might find a show to do down there, and bring my "box full of sharp and shinies"!

>> No.6324405
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Well folks, i'm hitting the hay! I'll check the thread in the morning.

Hope you all had fun! Keep on smiling!

>> No.6325503


Hypothetically, where would one go to meet cute girls who like wearing clown makeup for adult activities?

I...I have a friend who wants to know....>_>;;;

>> No.6325507

On this board.

>> No.6326078
File: 80 KB, 636x776, 1350533228163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you won't find this 'till the morning, but are these symbols accurate?

>> No.6326169

I'm in Britain and some of those match ours here, others don't and a few mean the exact opposite.

>> No.6326654

Well, in my case its about the social circles I frequent. That and the traditional clown mating ritual....

I recognize like, 80% of them. I have a few tattooed on me from my time jumping trains too.

>> No.6326838

So whos around?

>> No.6326935

I consider myself round. Maybe a triangle. I dunno. Hello!

>> No.6326960
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With jokes like that, you're a total square!


>> No.6326979

Not too much. Uploading a pile of pics and avoiding going to bed. I picked up a day shift tomorrow so I can go out this weekend. Yay.

>> No.6327005

What kind of pics? What do you do?

>> No.6327014

It's nurse. And stuff for my FB, was crafty today. Sort of. Plus rambling around amazon.com.

>> No.6327034

Hellooooooo Nurse! I still need to figure out how to use rapidshare (anyone wanna help with that?).

What did you make today?

>> No.6327062

Sorry, didn't see I was anon at first. Mostly Halloween costumes, also finished a scarf today and started a Freddy sweater. Big warehouse party thing Saturday and I have procrastinated too much, rushing to get stuff together.

As for RS, good luck. I have never used it.

>> No.6327072


So no one has questions? Should I go back into hibernation?

>> No.6327092

I'll be sad if you don't send but I am sure I will get over it...eventually.

>> No.6327125

... New

>> No.6327124

I know it's an incredible long shot, but there's a group near me and they are headed to Wew Orleans for some halloween gigs... You wouldn't happen to be headed there as well? I just thought it would be neat if they somehow were performing near you! They are called 'Off Centered' (don't know the event names that they may be attending though) not even sure if it's the same kind of crowd: street performers, fire breathers, that kind of thing. One of the girls is a waitress on the side and I always talk to her about it.

>> No.6327129

Er, I say group, but it's only two people. haha, I thought they were a troupe, nevermind!

>> No.6327138

I will, im just trying to figure out how to make rapidshares or megaupload or something work

No. I just left NOLA earlier this year, and its going to take a while for some old memories to fade before I head back.

>> No.6327235

What was her name?

>> No.6327270

We're not talking about that.

More questions.

>> No.6327296

Hmm, not sure if this would be in your realm of expertise but... I want to make my fingertips looks ragged and gross. I was thinking of dipping them in liquid latex, then using some spirit gum to glue on pieces of fake nails all broken up (like had torn off my nails and only pieces are left) then using some kind of make up for a rotten look from the finger tips to the wrist, fade to white/grey. Any tips on materials, or does this sound about right?

>> No.6327300

Dipping them to layer it up and do some texturing on the layers, not just one coat I mean.

>> No.6327322

Sounds pretty good to me.

>> No.6327329

there's this thing that you paint on you and then put clear wrap on and it let it dry and when you peel the clear wrap off it makes your skin look wrinkled and gross. it's a zombie makeup trip. let me find the name of it.

as for nails this takes a bit of effort but it looks amazing

>> No.6327341

Oh I do like this idea, this was my BASIC tactic, I didn't think about lipstick and the cotton ball gauze in the cracks though, pretty awesome. I would like the 'skin' on the fingertips to be hanging and ragged, like I've been scraping my fingers on things. Excited to hear about this wrinkly stuff!

>> No.6327346

i'm trying to find it, i was watching all the Face Off episodes on my on demand last night and i guess i have to go back and re-watch the episode to find it because it's not on the syfy website boo

give me like 10 minutes to fast forward through it and find it ~

>> No.6327364

Thank you so much for sharing this! I love learning new things!

>> No.6327372

it's called Pros-Aide. it's just an adhesive. but he literally just like put it on, wrapped the guy in cling wrap, and when he took it off it looked like wrinkled rotting flesh.


>> No.6327373

for sure, if there's anything you are like interested in finding i watch makeup tutorials 24/7

>> No.6327380

Nothing at the top of my head now, but feel free to join in whenever you see a thread of mine, because I love stage makeup.

>> No.6327384

Maybe I could do the latex and use this on top, like for the long parts of the fingers... since I don't think the ragged parts will work like that. very cool, thanks!

>> No.6327389

of course ~

>> No.6327433

Oh man I think I would use that trick on my legs too... Should make up be applied before or after the adhesive? After probably?

>> No.6330469

So, the thread continues!

>> No.6330497

Hello Gropey. I'm having a shitty day. Thank you for having this thread, it makes it a little less shitty.

>> No.6330510

Is there anyway to avoid a Keloid?
Or to make one go down after it's formed?

>> No.6330589

You're welcome! Talk about stuff!

No no no. You WANT the scar to keloid in this case. That is the point!

>> No.6330602

Not for scarification. Just in general.
I have a surgery scar that turned in to a keloid. The doctor told me it wouldn't scar.

>> No.6330608

Well, this is a touchy subject. Some people have great luck with daily applications of tea-tree oil and massaging the keloided area. Some require acid or even physically cutting the keloid off.


>> No.6330616

I can't get a good picture of it. It's on my shoulder blade.
I'm just happy the other one finally faded. They both happened at the same time and were both lucky enough to lay directly under my bra.

but yay, I get to say I had 'plastic surgery'. Luckily the insurance paid for it before it was classified as such.

>> No.6330621

That yay was sarcastic. I'm not sure if it came off as such.

>> No.6330623

well, without seeing it, or knowing your skin, I can't say. I might suggest teatree oil massaging the keloid daily.

>> No.6330626

I will definitely be trying that. Thank you Gropey.

>> No.6330646

My mom pushing my nose back in with a teaspoon technically counts as plastic surgery, by definition.

>> No.6330666

It was two mole removals that looked like they were turning cancerous. I was told one was fine, and the other was pre-cancer. But since they weren't cancer, plastic surgery. Except, it looks a 100 times worse than before.

>> No.6330669

Pffft! A little cancer never hurt anybody!

>> No.6330676

where in VA?

>> No.6330684
File: 116 KB, 487x365, md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have any tutorials for painting your face and body the same colour?

I'm trying to accomplish a complextion like in my picture.

>> No.6330692

The only way you can really do that with any success in not smudging/even tone is via airbrushing.

The historic triangle. all my gigs are in Richmond or Va Beach/norfolk though. You? There are some anons that want to to a meetup.

>> No.6330696

ahh central virginia, i'm in a bumfuck town near roanoke.

>> No.6330704

That isn't too bad. Im sure you could get down or find someone to carpool with if you wanna do the meetup. My email is in the field

>> No.6330757

Blah. No questions tonight?

>> No.6330760

What is your favorite book? I am currently on the 3rd book in the original Dune timeline. Really digging it! I'd love to do a stillsuit cosplay one day.

>> No.6330763

Love the original Dune series (Herbert's son fucked it up). I always wanted to make a stilsuit and a harkonen trooper uniform from the 2000 version of the movie.

Favorite book? Tie between Paradise Lost, and Dante's Inferno. Favorite piece of literature? Pickman's Model, by HP Lovecraft. No question.

>> No.6330797

What about you, anon?

>> No.6330808

Oh geez... Hmm, I loved Ender's Shadow, that's up there, there's a book called 'The Contortionist's Handbook' that I really love... and one that always stays with me is 'Stilllife with Woodpecker' nothing really earth shattering, if I think about 'classics' of literature I did enjoy the Iliad and the Odyssey and Don Quixote. I also loved One Hundred Years of Solitude. Anything Palahniuk before he went a little stupid with Lullaby and Diary. And recently anything Brandon Sanderson I've enjoyed.

>> No.6330814

Also, high/epic fantasy, Malazan, Book of the Fallen by Erikson for sure.

>> No.6330823

Good selection there. I am happy to have another well read person to talk to!

Play any instruments?

>> No.6330828

Erm, I played violin for about 6 years... haven't picked it up in a loooong time, but I still have 2 of them. Can still read sheet music. Would really need to get it restrung, not to mention the moisture at my old place probably has warped it. I am sure you play some! My father can play a harmonica really well and I always wish he had taught me (lives in another state, so I don't see him much!)

>> No.6330846

Played viola many years ago. I am a classicly trained drummer and percussionist (like my dad and his father), and I play accordion, a little woodwinds, a little piano/organ and can fake guitar pretty good.

I am also a mother fucker on the kazoo! YEAH!

>> No.6330850

I miss playing my viola. It sits in my bedroom waiting for me to pick it up, collecting dust. Ten years poured into it and now it sits idle.

>> No.6330852

Oh god... I deleted the part about me playing the kazoo... I know you probably won't believe me... but... STAY OUT OF MY MIND MAN! How wild haha, oh well, at least I know it is the truth!

>> No.6330855

Why? I own an electric Kazoo. Why wouldn't I believe you?

>> No.6330859

One of my friends that played in orchestra with me plays viola and she is professional level. I forget where she went to school... Some place in Boston? Anyway, man, those pros and their neck warts/finger callouses. She practices so much, well... obviously it's her 60-80 hour a week job. She is amazing. Chopped the tip of her middle finger off on her playing hand with a hatchet. She now has to wear a little fingertip prosthetic.

>> No.6330862

Well, along the lines that I typed out 'I'm also a badass at the Kazoo!' in my original post, then deleted it for some reason. Haha.

>> No.6330865

Yeah, its a brutal instrument. They have an entire study on spinal displacement and curvature issues caused by it. I know many long term violin players loose the nails on their fret hand, and some even slowly saw through the tips over the years!

>> No.6330873

My hands are very small and my fingers are so short, my middle finger on my left hand is all warped from rolling the side of it over the strings so hard. I haven't seriously played in like 4ish years. I pull it out to play Poor Wayfaring Stranger on occasion, one of my favourite songs.

>> No.6330887

Not familiar with the tune, but you have my admiration for a commitment I was unable to make. I regret not sticking with viola as a child.

>> No.6330897

Not sure your likes on music, but this version is one of my favourites.


>> No.6330926

Love me some good soulful folk music!

I listen to anything I like. Genre, musician etc, dosn't matter. If I like something, thats all that does.

>> No.6330940

Same here, I sort of snatch what I like from all over the board. I get really excited when people mix genres and it turns out suprisingly well.

>> No.6330960

I have a clown fetish I'm just coming to terms with.
That made me feel better.

>> No.6330965

Doesn't it feel better to share?

>> No.6330980


Nothing wrong with it. No kinkier than a corset or burlesque kink.

You know it!
Happy advice sharing time in the "tell me your problems" thread has gone down hill. A shitty troll is really gunning for me.

Glad people here are civil

>> No.6330985

Sorry if it makes me sound like a bitch but I think it's really hilarious how some people go into this massive shitstorm over you being here.

>> No.6330987

How would that make you sound like a bitch? I agree! I like to think more people like me here than dislike me.

>> No.6330990

Shitty trolls tend to go for anyone who gets even mildly well-liked around here. I still want to punch whoever drove Johnny Bravo out of town. Don't let it get you down, you're a cool guy and board-relevant most of the time.

>> No.6331001

I honestly like about 99% of the people on /cgl/, and they seem to like me back. Whats wrong with that 1%? Did I slight them in some way?

>> No.6330998

I miss Johnny.

>> No.6330999

Your make-up advice is always appreciated.

>> No.6331009

Some people just gotta troll. Some people just like to be angry at something all the time.

>> No.6331005

Thank you.

So, someone fill me in on this johnny bravo trip?

>> No.6331007

except it's the other way around

>you like
people who come here to jerk your ego
>you dislike
people who come here because they like cosplay/lolita, and don't give a shit about a fat clown
>people who dislike you
^ except most ignore you because you are prone to samefagging and stalking those you hate
>people who like you
few fatties, your samefags

>> No.6331012

and some people (you) don't cosplay

>> No.6331014
File: 472 KB, 500x276, eyeroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6331016

yeah, you're the same person as the one in the last thread, I get it

at least try to pretend you're not, i dunno, post some dumb shit-- oh wait you're already doing it

>> No.6331017

What are you talking about? I enjoy baroque/EGL, larp threads and Some of the cosplay is absolutely mind blowing.

the last two are bullshit strawmen with no basis, so I am assuming your my friendly neighborhood troll. I'm gonna call you bob. Hey bob!

>> No.6331019

I tend to write them off as people who've been in the drama threads (PT, Koti, Ashley, etc.) too long and can't stand it if someone with a name/identity gets praise rather than being torn down for every single inadequacy.

>> No.6331020

Johnny encouraged cgl to post picture of themselves without fear of being made fun of. He would then pay a kind comlliment/corny pickup line for them posting. Or if they posted a obviously fake image to bait him he would play alng and joke in good nature. Always replied like one would imagine to cartoon character to.

>> No.6331022

I havn't in a while, but I also havn't been to a con in a while. Im actually working on my Bruce "Buck" Wayne's batman costume (1950's greaser batman) for an upcomming con.

>> No.6331023

you 'enjoy' but you never contribute, unlike the good tripfag from /tg/ who posts larp pictures and doesn't hit on girls like a beta male
-> HE is alright

what do you do? make threads like these: "ZOMG fat clown here come talk to me girlssssss xD"
-> YOU are not alright

if you *ENJOY* cosplay and lolita so much then just stop tripping

>> No.6331027

Again, not Gropey. Your samefag detection skills really stink.

>> No.6331028

Because I don't have stuff to contribute to the EGL or cosplay threads. I do contribute to the LARP threads, and as far as I know, HungarianLARPfag and I are on friendly terms.

>> No.6331029

and? who gives a fuck? just because you're friends with a poster who's good(=tolerable) doesn't mean you're good too

you still shitpost and he doesn't

>> No.6331032

Your posts aren't shitposts? You can just ignore him, you know.

>> No.6331033

no, they're not, because I only posts this in threads where he posts in - which are never cosplay related - and by trying to get rid of his lard, i'm trying to get rid of shitposts on /cgl/

>> No.6331035

pls go away

>> No.6331039

I'll go when the clown goes
(and his threads too)

>> No.6331040

you're shitting up the board worse than he ever has by being a creepy gropey stalker

>> No.6331041

Do people REALLY think that the fat comments bother me? I mean, really. Its kinda funny.

>> No.6331042

are you Batman?

>> No.6331043

I'm happy where I am. If you get a mod to ask me to leave, or ban me, I'll go. Otherwise? I hope you like my threads.

>> No.6331045

Oh god, I just remembered the troll that was all about "being the hero /cgl/ deserves" and banishing me. t

>> No.6331044


this is not a cosplay thread

this is a cosplay board

I'm not shitting up the board, I'm purging a shit/OT thread

you pretend it doesn't, but you keep being frustrated about it

actually, yes, I said so before, I think

>mod to ask me to leave
see, /cgl/, and this is why this narcissistic cunt will forever be a shitposter

like, holy fucking shit

>> No.6331046

You haven't been on 4chan very long, have you.

>> No.6331047

then why don't you fuck off?

>> No.6331049

1 This started as a makeup thread. It changed. Deal with it.

2 Not really. I'm working on it slowly as a personal thing, but im not going "OMG CRASH DIET TIME". I've been trying to lose the junkfood weight I put on over the summer.


4 Don't like my threads? Report them. Simple as that.

>> No.6331048
File: 171 KB, 950x1000, 1347515879350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao "purging", moot already has an answer for people like you. Get the fuck outta here. Most people like Gropey and his makeup advice, and those who don't minimise his threads and keep on scrollin' like mature adults instead of throwing a tiny baby tantrum and shitposting like you are.

>> No.6331053

except I have made /cgl/ better so many times already

I got the board rid off the likes of Johnny Bravo, Roko and countless pedophiles

are you missing them too?

>> No.6331055

Or he could report the thread if it offends him so much. If I'm making so many people angry, why havn't I been banned?

>> No.6331056
File: 61 KB, 450x832, funny-Joker-meme-Batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6331059

I miss Johnny Bravo. You're a gigantic cunt if you're really the one who drove him out. His threads might have not been technically cosplay or lolita related, but he did good within the community by encouraging our resident females to be less insecure about their looks and less catty about other's. He fostered a spirit of goodwill and the board is worse off for his absence and the subsequent influx of r9k-level misogyny. I don't know about the others that you've driven off, but you really need to stop whatever stupid crusade you think you're on. You are actively pushing /cgl/ even further down the shitter here.

>> No.6331063

I like Gropey. He helped me with makeup for a costume, and then we spoke about many fine books... And Kazoos.

>> No.6331061
File: 118 KB, 500x672, engrish-funny-este-verano-this-summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6331062

>His threads might have not been technically cosplay or lolita related
thanks, that's all I needed to know

feels good

>> No.6331066

Yeah, they are stage makeup and prosthetics advice. We just talk about more than makeup.

>> No.6331067

/cgl/ - Makeup and Kazoos.


>> No.6331068

"Technically". He only roleplayed within his own threads, but the very nature of them encouraged original content and new costumes to be posted, and people to begin or continue their cosplaying efforts. He was on the same level as our progress and mailbox generals - discussion of what the actual /cgl/ community is doing, cosplay-wise, and encouraging it to continue. You gotta look at the big picture, shitpostanon, instead of being so petty and nitpicky.

>> No.6331069

Gropey threads got OT when questions are low. But he always answers when someone asks, offers images when need be, and doesn't sit here all "durrr hurr hurr, do you even clown?" when an amature question is presented.

>> No.6331070





>> No.6331072

typical morbidly obese gropey fan

as I said before, I actually cosplay unlike him, and have a trip too

I only drop it when on crusade

>> No.6331075

I could see the roleplaying wearing a little thin though. Not my thing, but from the sound of it, he had a use for the board's meta.


>> No.6331077

>I only drop it when I am being a raging hemorrhoid filled asshole and don't want it tied to my trip


>> No.6331078

As usual, you have no argument against my actual point, and resort to personal attacks and baseless claims of your own superiority. Give it up, shitposter, you know you're not doing anything worthwhile. You are a detriment to the board and actively driving away valuable members.

>> No.6331079

Are you afraid of people being upset with you "crusading" against me, and thus drop your trip? You scared of backlash?

Honestly, is it so much harder for you to report and minimize my threads? Why do you have to roleplay? And yes, you are roleplaying being a /cgl/ vigilante hero.

You've become what you hate: a roleplaying shitposter! WE'RE ALL MAD HERE!

>> No.6331080

lolk, so you use ad hominem first and then expect me to respect your landwhale opinion?

no, I drop it so that you and the few of your insane followers (if they even exist) won't stalk me on the internet seeking revenge

I know a stalker when I see one, and fatso is definitely one

>> No.6331082

You drop it because you know most people like or are comfortable tolerating Gropey, and you would be exposed for the weeping buttravaged infant that you really are if you tried this ridiculous "crusade" under an actual identity of any kind.

>> No.6331083


Watch it be, like, Seig. Who is already a worthless shitposter.

>> No.6331087
File: 58 KB, 528x772, 1348635439652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm anon, sir. I don't have followers.

>> No.6331086

Shhhh. He's in character! I'm waiting for him to narrate his brooding thoughts while staring down from a church bell tower over /cgl/!

>> No.6331088
File: 2 KB, 73x126, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6331090

grow a spine, you male loser

>> No.6331092

I laughed.

>> No.6331097

OOOOOHHHHHHH deleted post. Sunbeemz confirmed for buttmad shitposter.

>> No.6331095

WTF, he deleted his post with his trip? Its been like, a minute!

>> No.6331096

It's sunbeemz. They deleted their post. Nice try though.

>> No.6331098

I like having a name, but I'm not going to "stalk" them. If he comes in my thread, he comes in my thread.

>> No.6331102

Wait wait wait. Sunbeemz, a vaguely recognizable tripfag, is butthurt over Gropey threads because Gropey is cgl cancer in his own demented opinion? How dissappointing. I was sort of hoping it was PT, RISING TO RECLAIM HER THRONE OF POWER AND FUCKERY.

>> No.6331103

I don't think it was sunbeemz. I think our "crusader" just wanted to blame her because she posted a negative comment and was available.

>> No.6331105

So there is still a chance it is PT, because that would be a greater plot twist.

>> No.6331106

Deleted post kind of does no good, considering there is an archive. Sorry sunbeemz, you done got caught.

>> No.6331108


>> No.6331111


>> No.6331112
File: 47 KB, 629x700, DV016_Jpg_Large_502296.901_red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super cereal you guys, do me a favor, be the better people, and don't pursue this. Even if it was Sunbeemz, she's deleted her comment and is avoiding conflict.



>> No.6331114

Nice digits btw

>> No.6331115


OH MY GOD, is that a thing? Is that a thing I can own?

>> No.6331116

Dude, please. Don't escalate this. Its over.

>> No.6331120
File: 16 KB, 133x234, seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I just pointed out the obvious. Then why did she delete her post afterwards?

>> No.6331119

YES! AND YOU CAN HOOK THEM UP TO FX PEDALS! I gotta make a video sometime... I got my good stainless steel kazoo, hooked up to a humbucker kazoo pickup, with a Casio FX pedal board and a Stollard wa-wa.

....Yeah, I'm a dork.

>> No.6331121

It's cool, you caught them. At least now people know who it is and can call them out on it if they ever do it again. Sage for dramu.

>> No.6331123

Because Sunbeemz didn't want the rap for another troll? I DON'T CARE. If you really appreciate my threads, you'll let it die.


>> No.6331124

Well, everyone, it's been swell but the swelling's gone down now. Nighty night and go make your Kazoo music video.

>> No.6331126

Mind if I use that line? Sleep tight! I should probably nap myself.

>> No.6331129

I stole it from my role model, but she probably stole it as well so it's most likely fair game.

>> No.6331132

Sweet! :D

>> No.6332048
File: 87 KB, 750x600, clownmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I AWAKEN! And have time to kill!

Makeup/costume/prosthetics/metalwork thread is go!

>> No.6332082

Is clown meat the same as cannibalism?

>> No.6332094

I dunno. I have never seen it in the US, and only saw it while in Alberta, Canada once (didn't get a chance to buy some, was busy getting booze).

If you look at the picture, it says product of the UK, and has the price in pence I think. I guess clown meat isn't USDA approved.

>> No.6332107

US probably claims it has lead in it.

>> No.6332135


How are you today Nurse?

>> No.6332148

Fabulous. Absolutely fabulous. Slept in until my clan came and assaulted me out of bed around 1 this afternoon. Had a 16 hour workshift yesterday, so all my booze fund has been replenished for my outing tonight. Little mad cuz some bitch opened my mail yesterday at work, but I'll soon get un-mad about that. Too passive to give a damn. You?

>> No.6332170

Scubbing my stove and toilet and trying to decide what to do/what to wear tonight.

And apprantly being cancerous to /cgl/.

>> No.6332213

Ninety percent of cgl's population is cancerous. Only furthers my suspicions of clown bologne btw. You can come do my toilet next, I won't complain at all. Stove too, if you are feeling super frisky.

>> No.6332229

Oh baby, let me get my hands on your clorox multisurface! WRING THAT SPONGE! UNF UNF!

I would not call this "frisky time"

>> No.6332274

You are just using the wrong mentality when applying yourself to the scenario. Think of the multitude of satified ladies you will leave in your wake when you finish all the toilets and stoves! You could totally feel a sense of accomplishment in this.

>> No.6332293

...Riiiiiight. Totally. Janitors get so much pussy, amiright?

>> No.6332310

Lol, cannot blame me for trying. I hate cleaning toilets. Hate hate hate. If I ever find you a job where cleaning = getting boned I will certainly inform you just to pretend that I proved a point.

>> No.6332329

Very late reply but don't you use condoms Gropey :(? It's not safe out there!

>> No.6332404

OF COURSE I USE CONDOMS. I'm not a retard.

But condoms are not 100% affective, and don't forget about saliva and sweat. Be smart, don't sleep around.

>> No.6332407

You know I'm joking :P.

I'm still not scrubbing your toilet.

>> No.6332425

La la la la. Cannot hear you over blending my makeup and posting yoi an ad on craigslist. LA LA LA LA LA~

>> No.6332482


>> No.6332554

Your enthusiasm fuels me.

>> No.6332747

Don't it just?

>> No.6333394

Would this recipe work in a snap for a Halloween related look? I'm alergic to most commercial masks as well as anything shortening related. I'd need a full white face and that's about it.
