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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 72 KB, 478x564, 1350176452569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6312174 No.6312174 [Reply] [Original]

So. Did anything happen yet? Is she really getting kicked out?

>> No.6312190
File: 117 KB, 482x484, 1347578792678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay, another Assley thread!

>> No.6312230

so, that bitch won't take her dog to the vet to check what's wrong with it? fat pig!

>> No.6312231

Who said she was being kicked out?

>> No.6312235
File: 34 KB, 638x163, i thought assley was gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"fucking a man" made me kind of confused. I thought s/he was into women.

>> No.6312238

Anon did in a thread last night. They didn't post a screencap, though, and never followed up. Probably was just making shit up.

>> No.6312240

assley did that once to her cat or something, and it died.

>> No.6312249

I hate people like her. If you take a dog or a cat or any other animal into your house-you should provide it with as much care as you can. Especially when it comes to food or health. Geez.

>> No.6312250

Ah, thanks. Does anyone have a screen cap?

>> No.6312251


>> No.6312252


here you go anons

>> No.6312268

>collapse right in front of me in my arms.

I dunno guys but a pet collapsing in her arms...

>> No.6312279

Agreed. People on FB saying not to take the poor dog to the vet are retarded. You either need to see if the dog will be able to recover and if it's something age-related such as organ failure or something not treatable, then it really sucks but sometimes putting the pet to sleep is the most humane answer. The beagle is 15 according to her which is pretty good but just "assuming" it's old age and not checking it out is cruel.

Then again, this is Assley, so she may not even be feeding/caring for it properly. We already know her house is a disaster so if she doesn't take care of herself or her house, I can't exactly forsee her taking care of a pet either.

>> No.6312319

OP should delete this thread and move to this one. We don't need more than one Ashley thread.


>> No.6312331
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My yorkshire terrier was 12 when she was having issues. She wouldn't eat, drink and was just mopey. My dad refused to take her to the vet, since she's just "old" and "this is what old dogs do". Nope. My brother and I put our money together and took her to the vet that night.
My little girl had an infected uterus that ended up rupturing. We were told if we left her, she would have died in the next day or two. She was put in surgery right away with only a small percentage of living. We all, for the first time, sat as a family and cried together after hearing she was more than likely going to die that night on the surgery table.
She made it through like the tough little girl she is. Our dogs are another member of our family to us. It cost a LOT of money and it ended up taking us about a year to pay for it all ( thankfully the vet's office understood our situation and was lenient ). She's still alive, but very old. She's live a good life with people who love her and slept by her side when she was crying from the pain after surgery.
Ashley has no excuse to not take her dog just because it's "old". Fuck her. Fuck her so hard.

>> No.6312335

Fucking move this to the other thread.

>> No.6312338
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Oh God... I am so sorry to hear
Thank goodness you two took her, you guys sound like you really love her

>> No.6312370
File: 10 KB, 646x817, cantfeelwithit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the guilt. My dog died. I thought he was just tired because he started lagging behind during walks, and wouldn't eat his food, but he grazes through the day, I though he was fine and just wasn't hungry.

The other dog had been eating his food because he was starving himself because he was depressed because Paris (his sis) died.

>> No.6312386

Someone screencap this and post it to Asherbee's FB page.

>> No.6312406

If I had access to her FB I would. Someone who can, do it.

>> No.6312421
File: 135 KB, 500x281, 1334206690669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pisses me off simply because Ashley is just being a lazy fuck while her dog is dying.
>"But I wouldn't be able to buy my cosplay stuff...waaah :( BUT I'M TOTALLY SAD ABOUT MY DOG GUY'S PAY ATTENTION TO ME ABLOOBLOOBLOO"

Fuck that fatty, pig snouted fuckface. I relish the day someone finally hits her squishy body with their car.

>> No.6312585

Anon from >>6312279: It can be pretty hard to tell what's what if you have 2 dogs in the household and leave food down throughout the day for grazing, so don't feel bad. Especially if you weren't aware that animals can grieve just like people when a person or other animal they're attached to passes on.

My uncle is a funeral home director and has told me how sometimes when they go to pick up a body, that the pet won't leave its owner. It gets me every damn time thinking how horrible people are to others and all dogs want to do is love.

>> No.6312623
File: 132 KB, 730x1095, poison_ivy_make_up_by_asherbeeproductions-d5b98nl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poison Ivy
So sexy, so glamorous. She looks like a mixture of Jessica Rabbitt and a hippie

>> No.6312631

The rose almost matches her skin and just looks off.
She can't seem to draw neat lines period, whether on her face or on the computer.
I'm chalking it up to laziness since those leaves are shit.

>> No.6312653

where the fuck are her eyelashes? seems she forgot to put on her mascara...

>> No.6312661

i think she puts it on first without curling her lashes, then she applies her eyeshadow.
then the fallout from her cheap eyeshadow sticks to her lashes and makes them look dusty and pale

>> No.6312671

Would agree with this >>6312661. If you look at her right eye [left side of pic] you can totally see her lashes are blueish from that eyeshadow. Jfc, even if you get eyeshadow fallout, you can easily throw on another coat of mascara to cover that up. You'd think with the internet being as loaded with tutorials as it is, that her makeup would be getting better... but then again, she is pretty narcissistic and obviously no one knows wtf they're doing, just her.

>> No.6312717

Anyone notice Assley deleted her "professional" facebook page? It's a same because I was going to post what >>6312331 said on her page.

>> No.6312724


>> No.6312728


>> No.6312730

At least her lipstick kind of looks better.

>pets nlychr

>> No.6312793


her fucking eyebrows what the fuck!

>> No.6312876


>> No.6312890

i see nothing
it took me right to my home page

>> No.6312906


It's good to see people that really love their pets! I have a friend who treats hers like shit. You shouldn't have a pet if you're not willing to take care of it.

>> No.6312910

That's what's trying to be pointed out/

>> No.6312915

At least this looks better than her other makeup abortions.

>> No.6313030
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>that tongue
Oh God, oh God. That's too cute

>> No.6313087

I can't seem to friend her on FB. If I could I would give you guys updates. I created a fake account just for the purpose of screwing with her.

>> No.6313099

She's actually matured enough to ignore me on Tumblr now. Good for her, except it was about the wealth-fare of her animal

>> No.6313141

Shit. I'm going to have to suck up to this bitch in order to get in her friends circle, aren't I?

>> No.6313173

Same here, I sent her a message begging her to take her animal to the vet... to no avail.

>> No.6313179
File: 56 KB, 500x364, saiyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else would you do it?

And if you want to get really close to her, you might have to commission her.

>> No.6313284

Of course. Talk to her a bit, suck up to her, tell her how much you love her makeup and art. Comment on dA, nothing but positive asspats. Maybe if you really want to suck up, buy something from her Etsy. Bitch loves money.

After a while just go to her friends list and add one of her friends. As long as you have a mutual friend, you can friend request her.

>> No.6313322

Any cosplayers she's friends with that aren't shitty?

>> No.6313340

>~ursecretcrushlol 1 day ago
>As fake as the scar on your wrist ^____^
>mwah! <3

What. What. She still hasn't deleted that comment?

>> No.6313354

I'm in her friends circle, and though I'm not the best cosplayer, I'm not on an Assley level.

>> No.6313370

I met Ashley a few last weekend during a group event; I'm somewhat regular on cgl, I've seen threads about her a bunch of times, so I was expecting....a lot worse than she was.

Her costume was pretty bad, and she was socially awkward, but not horribly so. She's nice enough, if not really my cup of tea. I guess I'm missing what makes her special enough to have constant threads.

>> No.6313377
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>> No.6313386

I think Ashley is just like PT online; she has a big mouth and never lays low and shuts up, but IRL she is nice and quiet because she's too shy or socially awkward to act like hot shit.

>> No.6313419

Totally see it.

>> No.6313770
File: 51 KB, 1000x1000, 1343224370526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I'm really surprised. After sending her a message telling her off, having her reply telling me that if she loses business it's my fault, blocking me and then sending her another long message (telling her why her etsy will fail among other things) on a different account,she never blocked the second account. I am actually surprised that she didn't reply to my second message, or block the second account.

>> No.6313778

Were you the anon that sent the message a few threads ago?

>> No.6313791
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1200, 1349784494205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not fair I didn't even have a celebrity match on that site.

>> No.6313788

Indeed I was

>> No.6314522

You know, I bet Ashley's house is infested with fleas.

>> No.6314574
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And cockroaches.

>> No.6314702

Whoever is friends with Ashley on FB, will you friend my account, Travis Troleston? I would be very thankful.

>> No.6314705

crying at this name right now

>> No.6314707

The more people make the connection the more I see Ashley spiraling down in to the delusional state that PT's in at the moment.

Ashley really does seem to have a bigger ego online than in person, probably because she has insecurities and afraid people will call her out on them face to face rather than online with the safety of a 'block' button to be her 'Cool bad ass' exit.

I do hope she sucks it up and stops blaming on everything in the world around her being at fault for her own mistakes but that's really not going to happen till she has a bit of harsh reality punched in to her so here's hoping.

>> No.6314714

I doubt it.

Though I want to know if she's actually getting kicked out of her parent's house.

>> No.6314725

It's a frivolousness hope none the less.

I would also like to know that. As someone mentioned above, it's probably her taking her mother's advice of going out and doing something rather than staying at home all the time as "THEY'RE GONNA KICK ME OUT"

>> No.6314731

well, at least she isn't getting kicked out
getting kicked out is something that shouldn't happen to anyone
i'd rather have someone still living at their mom's house than get kicked out

>> No.6314772

i still don't really understand what she's trying to do.
is she trying to become a makeup artist? a pro cosplayer? a designer? she seems to trying to be a jack of all trades but everything she does is so lazy, but she wants to make a career out of it?

>> No.6314798

Bah, hearing stories about animals in pain always kills me a little on the inside. Poor pup. :(

>> No.6314807
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>> No.6314816

We must give her a makeover!

>> No.6314953

She said in her 'about me' section on Facebook that she wants to be a broadway actress or something to do with theater, and a few weeks ago she said she wanted to be a wedding planner, and a few weeks before that, a photgrapher. She can't make up her mind, apparently.

Anyone got the caps of either of these? I don't think I saved them.

>> No.6315000
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>Ashley planning a wedding

>> No.6315462
File: 20 KB, 420x342, somewhere else to live.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing as the second post came only an hour later I'm willing to bet she made it up for attention. No clue, but that's how it looks to me.

>> No.6315467
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>> No.6315469


Of course she did.

She where probably fighting with her mom and her mom probably said something in the lines of: ''Then find another place to live''.

When I was a teenager and my mom and I were fighting she could say something like that, she never meant it though.

>> No.6315472

oh my god I fucking hate when people post cryptic and passive statuses like this as if everyone knows what they are referring to when they know NO one knows what they are talking about and are basically begging people to ask for details...and then after people do ask they give them the good old "I don't wanna talk about it~*~*~" response

>> No.6315474

report what crap?

>> No.6315476
File: 46 KB, 500x363, feelfelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how fluid coming out of the nose = old age.

>> No.6315617

I think she maens the various people who were TELLING ASHLEY TO TAKE the dog to the vet. She probably told her mother people were harassing her and being so mean that she's letting her dog die.

>> No.6315858
File: 33 KB, 277x278, 1344709415116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That poor yorkie... it's so good that you weren't like Assley and took her. At least some people care for their pets!

>> No.6315875

>It was old age.
>it was congestive heart failure

>Heart failure is often a long-term (chronic) condition, but it can sometimes develop suddenly. It can be caused by many different heart problems.

You're a fucking idiot, Ashley.

>> No.6315897

This pisses me off. Ashbergers is a retard and probably isn't even sad her dog died.

>> No.6315950

She'll only be sad as long as it gets her attention.

>> No.6315962

Right, Assley. The big bad internet police are going to backtrace all of those sane people who told you to take you dog to the vet or reported you. Yup.

>> No.6315993


We dun goofed

>> No.6315994

we dun goof'd

>> No.6316003

Those pesky consequences I tell ya! They'll never be the same.

>> No.6316004


Wow. If my dog died, especially one I had for 15 years, I'd be a mess. Leave it to Assfuck to care about nothing but herself.

>> No.6316011
File: 681 KB, 640x960, 1349748576609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I-It's perfect.

>> No.6316020

Of course! She's probably pissed because that vet trip cost her parents money that might have been spent on her. I wonder if the humane society contacted them? I would guess so, since she's bitching about people reporting her. Unless somebody let her on to being reported.

>> No.6316023
File: 14 KB, 300x199, thats just gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6316024

Jesus fucking christ- IM EATING.

>> No.6316035

Has anybody sent this to her yet? Would she even know what it's referencing?

>> No.6316063

I wonder what went through her head doing this...it looks so awful.
>lol im edgy~! i bet im scaring all those guy's >:)

>> No.6316086
File: 79 KB, 500x380, trole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6316132

>I wonder if the humane society contacted them?
Wondered the same, actually. Have they responded to any of the anons that reported Ashley? I know there were at least two of them in the old thread.

>> No.6316154

For a start I don't even believe the dog was taken to the vet, she's probably bullshitting so people stop 'harassing' her about it.
Also, the way she's written this, it sounds so bloody cold. Not upset at all, not 'Wah wah dog is dead'. She sounds smug! More like 'Told you guys, my dog died cuz of OLD AGE, in your face!'. Jfc.

>> No.6316158

I never got a response but then my privacy settings might not allow them to reply. I know old facebook would allow replies if you messaged first. Only thing is, I don't think the Humane Society would give out names of those who reported. I asked to remain anonymous, so I would think they'd honor that request because they'd want people to report abuse. If they make it so there's backlash or harassment to the reporters, people won't report.

>> No.6316179

I guess I was right in a way then: she doesn't take care of herself or her house so obviously she didn't take care of her pet. If she paid any attention to her dog, she'd have noticed changes if it was "sudden onset" or would already know it had a heart condition from a simple vet visit/checkup, like when they take the stethoscope and listen to the dog's heart... yea...

Why even own a dog if you're not going to care for it? It's people like this that make me want to seize their pets and place them with families that give a shit.

She probably thought the dog was more of an inconvenience than a family member. Or just a tool to get attention in a "Wahh my dog is dying but I'm too lazy/stupid to take it to the vet as soon as I noticed something was wrong with it" kind of way.

>> No.6316352

It's unfixable.

>> No.6316364

Congestive heart failure isn't from old age though. She just sounds like a moron.

>> No.6316370 [DELETED] 

Can somebody please, PLEASE tell her this.
The poor dog.

>> No.6316372

Can somebody please, PLEASE tell her this?
The poor dog

>> No.6316388

Ugh. I frequent both /an/ and /cgl/, and you guys disgust me.
while it's true that this girl is being shitty to her pet, we're not your personal army, fuck off.

>> No.6316390

That's nice; no one cares.
This is a threads about a crazy bitch, not you and what boards you go to.

>> No.6316393

Goodness, I was like that when I was 8.

>> No.6316398

Pretty sure anon posted that because someone here made a thread about Ashley and her dog on /an/, thinking /an/ would give any shits. It was embarrassing.

>> No.6316399



We're doing this because we like drama, not for justice.

>> No.6316400

Ugh work with animals here

Fluid expelling itself from nose and or mouth after euthanasia is a sign of Congestive Heart Failure. The body is finally releasing it all. It's very sad, if caught early it can improve and prolong life but that's with a lot of money I'm sure her family doesn't have

I hate saying this but... It's probably because they didn't give the dog any heartworm prevention. Something so simple could have possibly prevented it. But that is just a HUGE assumption on my behalf

>> No.6316401

I doubt she knows what goatse is, but you never know. Anyone have her email? I'd copy/paste it and send it so she doesn't have to click a scary link.

>> No.6316403

INB4 troll

If I were her and I KNEW my dog was suffering/in pain I'd cook my dog a nice steak, hug/kiss them for the last time, then take them out back and shoot them in the head so it'd die instantly.

I would love that dog til the very end.