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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 63 KB, 400x438, borderlands2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6311053 No.6311053 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, anyone have picture of jnig in her moxxi cosplay? I've heard from friends that it's god awful and I want to see it for myself.

>> No.6311057
File: 31 KB, 403x403, 320298_10151283668617533_614832781_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I was thinking it wouldn't be so bad but it really, really is.

>> No.6311061

The more I see these posts the more I think its Jnig herself posting them.

>> No.6311063

That's the feeling I'm getting. (same anon that posted the picture) I probably shouldn't have replied at all and let the thread die.

>> No.6311064

>implying Jessica Nigger cares about what /cgl/ says
knowing that they will hate her regardless

>> No.6311066

What even is that material? Looks like she chopped up a knitted sweater.

>> No.6311068

Are women really this catty? I agree it's not that great, but it's nowhere near that bad. Like you all say, she doesn't make the costumes anyway.

>> No.6311075
File: 119 KB, 476x960, 0ja5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not too bad IMO

>> No.6311076

I mean, it's quite inaccurate but at least it looks like a costume rather than some clothes from Target with animal ears and a tail.

>> No.6311077
File: 131 KB, 500x333, cables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not being catty, I'm making an observation. The rumpled texture makes it look like cable knitting, and I'm curious as to whether it is or not.

>> No.6311080

Aaand turns out it's not, it's just a badly photographed texture. There we go.

>> No.6311086

OP is just jelly

>> No.6311084

Alright, that looks a lot better. I thought her outfit was indigo, not purple. Lighting really makes the difference. My main problem with it is the bust area, since that's one of the only inaccurate areas on the costume.

>> No.6311092

still botched it. I mean... exposed bra? really? Not to mention, the holster's on wrong side, and would it fucking kill her to wear a wig and make up?

>> No.6311094

is she wearing her bra on the outside?

>> No.6311097

I think she's wearing a bit of makeup around her eyes (where it looks like the eyeliner is running), but it really would stand out a lot more if she did the full clown makeup. The lack of a wig and the exposed bra are also bugging me quite a bit.

>> No.6311098

her hair is too straight, exposed bra, lack of clown makeup

1/10 put some effort into it.

my dick however wants to fap.

>> No.6311205

Omg, she looks so much prettier when her face isn't orange. Holy shit.

>> No.6311215

When I first saw this I thought it was OK. Now I notice all the inaccuracies. That's disappointing.

>> No.6311243

I'm pretty sure that's a wig.

>> No.6311259

She is wearing a wig and neither of the photos posted would be good to judge if she has clown blush on or not.

Is small and blurry, but I still see pink on her cheeks.

She's facing directly into the sun, causing her to squint and for heavy lighting on the face which makes makeup look way less heavy, or not there at all.

>> No.6311265

In the first picture it's pretty obvious that the makeup is not as heavy as it should be.

>> No.6311279

I don't think you know how makeup and photography work. I don't think Jnig does either, though. Which is why her eyes always look so heavy in a bad way.

Dark colors mesh together, so her black eyeliner with big lashes just turns into a black blob of raccoon eyes. Where fleshy tones, blush, contour, highlight, turn extremely subtle. Have you ever seen close up shots of runway models behind the curtain? They look fucking insane.
But the on stage runway pictures? They look great, great bone structure, great roseyness to their cheeks, the light reflects off them like they're glowing.

Works the same way with clown pink blush, she thinks it looks like enough in the mirror but any photo and it looks like she's not hardly wearing anything. I can't say I blame her, I hate putting on stage makeup on people who don't know how it works, they complain say I put on too much. Take it off, do it themselves. Only to say "You can't even see my makeup!" later in pictures.

>> No.6311289



Not a subliminal message whatsoever. Ayup.

>> No.6311293


She dosnt make her own costumes????????

>> No.6311431

That bra...hanging out....WHY?!

>> No.6311452

Because she wants more attention on her boobs. I thought this was common knowledge..

>> No.6311805

ooooh someones jelly

>> No.6311815

One thing that puzzles me is she always wears makeup obviously, but never character accurate makeup. She did the same thing with her Joker, too. Obviously she puts in some effort to get all that eyeliner on, so why not be assed to go for the right look?

>> No.6311827

Her friend Monika makes her costumes for her. She used to use Kara for it but Kara stopped when JNig lied about it and refused to give her credit.

>> No.6311838
File: 301 KB, 1347x912, christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6311841

I was about to be mad over color. But now I'll just be mad over the boobage. She's supposed to be a professional. People hire her for TnA and professionalism. How could she make such a glaring error in costuming?

>> No.6311843


Really, because I remember an interview once that she said she made her costumes herself.

She said she learnt how to make costumes from her mom who used to make costumes professionally and got help from her dad who was artistically inclined or something.

>> No.6311850

So her parents are ok with her being a professional attention whore and help her dress like a skank? I somehow doubt that unless her parents are shitty people

>> No.6311854



>Ash: You make all of your own costumes correct? When did you discover that you had a talent for design?

>Jessica Nigri: Well my mum actually makes hats and costumes for the Kentucky Derby and she had always dressed me up in fish tails, vacuum tubes, and all sorts of random things. My father is also a flurry of artistic talent. I get it from them, and they actually taught me all the basics! I wouldn’t be anything without them (smile).

>> No.6311866

Well, look at Dakooter's mother... it's not such a far stretch to imagine parents supporting pro-attention whoring practices at all.

>> No.6311902

Except she doesn't actually say she makes them.

>> No.6311920

Seems like the implications are heavy though.

>> No.6311944
File: 303 KB, 936x604, oneofthesethingsisnotliketheother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me these sleeves don't look the same even after the folding is taken into account but I'll let you be the judge of that.

>> No.6311946

So... Why are people bitching about the Bra...? She has her bra hanging out in the game too...

I'm no jNig fan. But you people are acting like jealous bitches. Jesus.

>> No.6311953

Because the jacket covers most of Moxxi's boobs and the bra just peeks over the top of the jacket in the game.

Jnig's version is cut so the jacket ends underbust so that her bra shows completely. Pretty big difference.

>> No.6311955

She doesn't make anything that looks even halfway decent, really. I'm sure she use to be honest about it but it seems like her ego has inflated.

>> No.6311960

Yeah, her sleeve is a goddamn trainwreck. That gold trim.

>> No.6311984

Well yeah. She used to be a bit more humble about it though.

Honestly it looks the same, even after folding. Because you have to do a lot of folding for those types of sleeves, so fuck ups get covered pretty easily.

>> No.6311993

Aside from the glaringly obvious problem with the jacket, the cuffs and the jacket collar are the things that are bothering me the most. I feel like there's something off about them. Maybe it's that the black and white are a little to stark in color compared to how moxxi's look? I feel if she used a darker gray and more of a smoky or eggshell white it wouldn't be so jarring. The way it is now I just can't stop staring at them. I can't even focus my attention on her tits for a minute without my eyes drifting to that bright contrast.

>> No.6312346
File: 107 KB, 612x612, ec6fb41414ce11e29f661231381b5773_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't see I blame Monika, I'd make costumes for her in exchange for sexytimes too.

>> No.6312358


>> No.6312364

Couple things about this costume.

Inaccuracies all over the place. Moxxi is slutty as all hell, but she keeps 90% of her bra covered and her coat at least covers the top of her panties. Also, her makeup is supposed to be stark white..

At any rate it's not unforgivably awful, but leave it to jnig to make a slutty character even sluttier. Also, it's funny that her usual raccoon eye makeup thing she always does would have been more fitting here, but she actually went with something more subtle that actually looks ten-thousand times better than the usual shit she slops on.

>> No.6312480

I think she did okay with the make-up. It could have been a tiny bit more white, but if she had gone full on mime white, her teeth would look yellow as hell.
I have never seen anyone do stark white face make-up without looking as if they haven't brushed or whitened their teeth for years.

>> No.6312606

I usually don't have a problem with JNig but her Moxxi is just awful. I think it's one of her worst cosplays.

>> No.6312639

Do you think Jessica likes cock?

>> No.6312644
File: 113 KB, 424x640, shout_out_loud_by_darkagesun-d5ee3ft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hers looks like a mess compared to this one.

>> No.6312735

Everything is inaccurate with her costume, color, boobs, makeup, hair, hat, dress length. It's just a mess.

Damn, I've been cosplaying Moxxi proudly for years and now I feel ashamed of my costume. Thats the best Moxxi I've ever seen.

>> No.6312744
File: 42 KB, 398x408, 1304385344082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6312767

the full thing says insert your tip haha
and the pizza box says have you had a piece lately?
they are not shy about making her look like a whore

>> No.6312777

It's Raining Neon still has the best Moxxi ever... I think Dustbunny might be able to dethrone her, at least makeup and hair-wise from what I've seen.

>> No.6312782

Uhhhh.... I think I may be in the minority here... but the top Moxxi looks fine to me.

Who knows? Maybe that's my man genes talking?

>> No.6312783

It's also stated that she sleeps with bandits, spared her most recent husband because he was good with his hands, and her favorite gun is 'Miss Moxxi's Good Touch' which she uses as a vibrator.

>> No.6312789

Do you even play the fucking game? Idiot.

>> No.6312961

To you maybe. But to people that actually love Borderlands 2, jinig's costume is an insult.

>> No.6313007

Not seeing the insult part.

The biggest things I see that are off are the belts and a few inconsistencies with color choices?

While it may not be perfect, it certainly isn't insulting.

Maybe I've been out in the real world for too long and have had my reaction to geek things mellowed out a bit... Who knows? I'm certainly no cosplay expert.

>> No.6313034

I agree. She is insulting my fandom.
Just because of love Moxxi does not mean i love will love this costume, Jessica.

>> No.6313037

I don't get why people are thinking this is an insult. It's not perfect but it's good. Do you also think that Angelina Jolie was insulting Hackers because she looked fucking hot in that movie?

>> No.6313050

That was the only reason I tolerated her actually.



>> No.6313064

No. It's not good. It's trash. It, and Jessica belong in a dumpster.

>> No.6313096

But see, you guys are basing it all on the notion of Jessica being a mere eye candy. If you know a thing or two about cosplay, you'd be at least disappointed with her costume like many people.

This is the girl that claims to be a seamstress, and in that sense, she did piss-poor job and had to expect backlash.

>> No.6313122

I won't dispute any of this.

Pretty hard to take the man-glasses off when y'all dress and look like that. Just saiyan.

>> No.6313142


>> No.6313147

All of us?
First of all, there are plenty of cosplays that doesn't make us show massive amount of cleavages. You're just being selective, and to small extent, sexist.

Second, even if some women do choose to cosplay the cleavage-heavy character, a lot of them put effort into details. Not to mention, it was the character designers that opted to make the character sexy, not the cosplayers.

>> No.6313220

i think it looks pretty accurate, actually. one question, are you all comparing this costume to the thunderdome dlc? because her bar costume in borderlands 2 looks way different, it is purple looking and looks alot like nigger's dress, only she just has a bit of bra peeking out while nigger's bra is completely exposed.

>> No.6313299

>Ya'll dress and look
>dress and look
>and look

Not everyone can pull that hyper-sexualized character off. If you are one of the few that even gets halfway, you can bet you'll catch our attention. Is it sexist for me to bring attention to this? Is it sexist to let my own preferences of the female form alter my views on a subject?

Like you said, the character itself is sexualized to extremes, so by meeting the design you are fulfilling a the generic template for which most females are prized on. AFAIK No one forces the cosplayer to don a revealing costume, though you should have some degree of realism as to what to expect when you do so.

The character design was intended to stoke the male psyche. All the cues are there. Make-up that reduced main facial structure to eyes and mouth? Extreme check. Clothing that accentuates and brings attention to the female form? Triple check.

It's in her design. It's a satirical representation of female sexuality in a (literally) male dominated world. When you cosplay as that character you are bringing that idea and concept into reality; and in doing so taking part in the good as well as the bad.

Oh wait were we talking about costumes? Oh shit, pardon me I tend to ramble.

Costume is fine, could be better. Particularly in the chest department alongside the belts and makeup.

>> No.6313308


Hi, I'm from /v/, and I don't play fucking shitty ass games. Tried the first one, and it was really fucking bad.

That said, I don't have to play a shit game to look at a fucking character reference. In this case, the one in the OP.

>> No.6313327

lemme guess, you play other shitty games like Madden and Modern Warfare?

>> No.6313699


>Say I'm from /v/
>name games that only bro dude bros play

I don't think you understand. I actually like GOOD games.

You know...

>Shadow of the Colossus
>Metal Gear Solid
>Killing Floor
>The World Ends With You
>Resident Evil 2

You know... GOOD games, lol Borderlands, which is on the same level as Madden and CoD.

>> No.6313746
File: 322 KB, 3264x2448, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Picture for reference

>> No.6313759

for reference
you're both fags

>> No.6313763

>both left 4 dead games
>on 360

No wonder you aren't on /v/, they probably laughed you out

>> No.6313765

>Gears of War
> Not the same as Call of Duty and Madden Football
Bro you're so hardcore.

>> No.6313874

i'm embarrassed to even own borderlands 2 right now because of all of this furious assrage


sit the fuck down

>> No.6313892
File: 40 KB, 412x371, 1309675618587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>console gaming

>> No.6313964
File: 12 KB, 239x95, Screen Shot 2012-10-14 at 11.18.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don;t worry, thats just for my casual friends. I don't even like Valve games on consoles.

>Not being idort masturdrace
Also, You're missing my PC games on the shelf.
PC has a GTX 550ti. Not amazing at all, but I can run anything at mid settings. Except Arma II

Pic related, my steam.

>> No.6313990
File: 98 KB, 580x1300, buying games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says he's from /v/
>buys games
get a load of this faggot
calamity ghould

>> No.6314234

Riddle me this Batman,

Why are you hating on Jnigg for her inaccurate costume if you are already hating her for the fact that she dosnt make her own costumes?