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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6311389 No.6311389[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/.

Serious question: Why do virtually all girls have sex toys of some kind or another these days?

>> No.6311393

Is it weird that I just go to my boyfriend when I'm in that sort of mood?
...The toys intimidate me.

>> No.6311401


>dat awkward silence

>> No.6311409

It feels good.

>> No.6311424

Because bf isn't home? or maybe i want to fap by myself and have a little alone time?

OP women have sex toys to fap with.

>> No.6311434

I don't have any.
Just so you know that not all need them.

>> No.6311439

They make nice paper weights and door stoppers.

>> No.6311442

I prefer real dick, not plastic shit.
So I don't have any either. If I need alone time, it'll be just me myself and I.

>> No.6311447

They don't have boyfriends? They do have them but he isn't around? They enjoy penetration during masturbation? They like vibrators? They are a lesbian but like strap on play????

The reasons are endless.

I know this is going to turn into a "men can't have sex toys or they are judged" thread so I'll address that now.

When I buy a dildo I don't tell anyone about it. I live by myself and my toys are delivered in discreet boxes. I have a container I store them in, in my closet so no one could see them on accident. You too can live this life. Just buy your plastic vaginas and hide them away so no one sees them when they go in your bedroom.

>> No.6311453

Shut the fuck up whore.

If you've got boxes full of dildos you're obviously a bucket cunt who has had many sexual partners.

>> No.6311455
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>bucket cunt

>> No.6311463

Fucking cunt.

>> No.6311468


Not same anon but i have only had one boyfriend: I have 2 vibrators. Sex toys don't indicate how much sex you have any more than a preference for fancy underwear does. Original anon can buy as many dildos as she wants and it still doesn't say anything about how many sexual partners she has had.

>> No.6311485


Sure is virgin beta faggot in here.

>> No.6311492

What are you trying to prove by using that sort of nomenclature? That PUA works on you just like it works on every other dumb whore? Keep riding that cock carousel, cunt. Just wait until you hit your 30s and nobody wants you, not even betas. Nobody is going to pay to get what you gave away for free.

>> No.6311493

Because the average dick size is not enough. I'm grateful my boyfriend is over 7 inches.

>> No.6311494

You are a homongous whore.

>> No.6311496

Expressing any interest or knowledge about sex automatically makes you a slutty slutbag, obviously. Just like taking birth control every day must mean you have sex every day! Possibly with many different men! You hoor!

This is why I will only take comments from men on my sexuality seriously if they have a medical degree and I am paying them. It is depressing how little men understand about female sexuality.

>replying to an obvious troll
>not even saging
This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.6311497

I'm not one by any definition.

>> No.6311498

homogonized is what they do to milk though xDDDD

>> No.6311500


How many men have you slept with?

>> No.6311503
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All of them.

>> No.6311505

Because they're easy to get hold of, with internet shopping and discreet packaging. They don't give you STDs or babies, don't judge you, never lose a hard-on, never come before you, and are always there when you want or need them. No egos to massage, no smell, no mess, you don't have to introduce them to your parents or friends, and your bed is for you alone. Your dildos, vibrators, and butt plugs won't steal the sheets.

>> No.6311515 [DELETED] 

>men understand about female sexuality.
its not that we dont care
its that we just dont give a fuck

>> No.6311516

>men understand about female sexuality.
its not that we dont understand
its just that we dont fucking care

>> No.6311523

To be honest I just use my fingers...

>> No.6311525

That guy they were replying to sure cares enough to post multiple comments here about it

>> No.6311528

They also won't leave the toilet seat up.

>> No.6311532

thats a lot of pent up rage right there

>> No.6311537
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>> No.6311553

To all those saying that girls who use toys are whores: isn't it far better for a girl to use toys than go out and look for the real thing?

I want a vibrator or a dildo but before I get one, what online stores have the best ones for the best prices? Which stores have discreet packaging? What products do you reccommend? Thanks in advance!

>> No.6311555

Sounds like a lot off you guys need to have some alone time.

I personally like vibrators. Dildos not so much....
The vibrations are just that extra something that makes it all come together. Also my boyfriends penis doesn't vibrate so theres that.

Also I think its ok for guys to have toys. I got mine the Avatar Fleshlight for xmas last year.

>> No.6311557

Just to clarify: there's nothing wrong with a girl deciding she wants "the real thing", but it's far safer to use toys rather than have sex everytime you're horny.

>> No.6311564

Using dildos wears out the nerve endings in your pussies, so you need bigger and bigger dicks to feel satisfied.

>> No.6311568

No way, girls need to discuss these things too. We like sex, too.

>> No.6311569

Is that actually true? Damn, I wanted to get one.

>> No.6311570

That's retarded.

>> No.6311580

Am I the only one who thinks it's amazing how men are insecure about their dicks?

They feel threatened by our ex-partners' dicks, they feel threatened by what we see on porn, they feel threatened by our sex toys.

>> No.6311577

I love my vibrators.
My bf and I have been buying a lot of toys lately, nothing wrong with it.
They're fun.

>> No.6311578


I know Adam and Eve are very discreet, and I would assume a lot are.

Brands wise - try not to get some cheap knock of of anything. If the packaging (pictures they use, the big text that says " BIG COCK 3000!!" and horrible photoshop)
Usually end up sucking...

Also if you're going to get something that is " water resistant" make sure its not cheap. Those fuckers will turn on you and fuck up.

>> No.6311579

Yeah, all you pretty much do in your lives is lie down and take dick.

>> No.6311582

Why are you even watching porn?

>> No.6311589

It's hot.

>> No.6311595

Are they? My boyfriend actually suggested that we start getting some toys and has been hinting about the porn bit...
I'm just nervous, haha. Porn is okay but the sounds the women make... I don't know, they just really turn me off.

>> No.6311596

What a complete slut you are.

What sort of porn do you watch?

>> No.6311601

Older men and younger women.

These are my favorites.

>> No.6311608


Could you get any more whorish?

>> No.6311614


>> No.6311615
File: 178 KB, 900x638, 1324274759785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you girls seriously not watch porn? I thought it was just a rumour that girls were that innocent.

Now I feel disgusting for talking semi-openly to my male friends about porn.

>> No.6311622

Two of us have openly admitted it
The others are liars

>> No.6311618

Really its not biggie. My bf and I have basically the same taste in porn.

I do agree some of those noise are a huge turn off. I hate when it zooms in on their face (male or female) and that make that gronchy disgusting face and say very fakely "Ohh yeaaah! fuck my little tight pussy - whirls tongue around like the Exorcist - yeah fuck it good"

I'm like bitch octuplets can play slip and slid in there.

>> No.6311619

Am I the only one who thinks it's amazing how women are insecure about their breasts?

They feel threatened by our ex-partners' breasts, they feel threatened by what we see on porn, they feel threatened by what they see on tv, they feel threatened by what they see in public, they feel threatened by anyone/everyone hotter than them

>> No.6311624


I'm surprised any woman could be into interracial porn. It's so ridiculous and over the top.

>> No.6311628

its normal to take pics of yourself with your boyfriend

>> No.6311627

why do girls take pics of themselves with their dildos?

jesus christ

>> No.6311629

I also feel threatened by porn.
I have no chance against those fake tits that cost a load of money, or those perfectly sculpted bodies (because the actresses live off it so they have to be perfect) of those bleached anuses (along with the future cancer caused by the bleach) or those painful anal fucks that makes their intestines prolapse...

Yeah, I'm not willing to do any of those. I don't live off my body so I'm not gonna spend a ton of time working out to perfect it, or money on surgeries not am I going to risk my health just to please men.

Dildos rule. Forever a real-penis virgin.

>> No.6311630

Yes, that fake shit! That's exactly what I'm talking about. Sometimes it's fake moaning, though, and that REALLY kills it for me. That's like half of why I watch it. Moaning gets me off.

>bitch octuplets can play slip and slid in there

>> No.6311632

I like the visual contrast of different skin tones.

>> No.6311635

Sureeee, it's just that.

>> No.6311636

Trust me I thought it was weird at first as well, but then I decided not to think about it and just enjoy it.

>> No.6311633


>> No.6311634

Would this be good for a beginner? I want a quiet vibrator under $50.


>> No.6311640

Yes, granted it is porn, but there are some out there where you can actually tell the people are getting their brains fucked out of them.

>> No.6311641

Honestly, if the guy seriously does care about you, he'll like you even without the fake tits, perfect body, or bleached anus with complimentary cancer.
And remember this: they may be able to watch people like that on a screen, but they will never ever be able to fuck people like that. It's just a fantasy and something they use to get off.

>> No.6311642


I think that would be kind of unfair on your boyfriend tbh.

>> No.6311645

Just not so blatantly fake moaning is fine for me.
Maybe I should just give up and make some with bf. He might like that.

>> No.6311656


An.. Any recommendations?

>> No.6311662

>complimentary cancer.
love it.

I understand. my boyfriend has about a TB of pornographic things. I used to let it get to me, but I thought, " Whats the big deal?"
He has an Asian fetish, he likes the eyes (hates the noises)
My eyes are huge.I'm not 'skinny' or anything. I do have a bit of a pudge, but I'm still very proportional.

Also my butt isn't bleached but hes the only guy I've done anal with. What >>6311641 said is true. Its just porn. All it is is visual stimulation.

>> No.6311660

Still, they -do- compare the people they fuck to the people on the screen. Have you seen those researches on males and masturbation and how many of them are losing interest in real women (by 'real' I mean average/usual/not porn stars, not PT REAL WOMAN shit)?

Men that are raised watching porn like they do these days are hopeless. Even if they do love you for who you are, they'll never love your body the way it is and when they fap or look for porn, or open some camwhore's thread, they'll usually think and sometimes even talk about how they wish their gfs were as hot as her. Hell, even among their friends men complain about their gfs body not being hot enough.

Ah, and the "nicer" the guy, the less woman he's fucked, the more porn he's watched and more unhappy he'll be. So yeah, no way out.

I don't want that, thanks.

>> No.6311666

white dude with asian lady

>> No.6311668


Maybe that's less over the top than black guy on white girl.

>> No.6311670

why would you want to see a black dude fucking? most of the white dudes in porn have like 10 inch schlongs anyways

>> No.6311672
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I really love those where a black guy takes a white and an asian girl at the same time.

>> No.6311673

>Even if they do love you for who you are, they'll never love your body the way it is
I, th..that's depressing...
>talk about how they wish their gfs were as hot as her.
>even among their friends men complain about their gfs body not being hot enough
Yeah, but..
>the "nicer" the guy, the less woman he's fucked, the more porn he's watched and more unhappy he'll be.
...I think I'm just going to go cry in a corner now...

>> No.6311678


>> No.6311681

Personally I believe you are wrong. My boyfriend watches porn from time to time. Yeah the girls are skinny and what not but a lot of them are fake looking. The huge plastic surgery breast, the 5 lbs of make up, and disgusting long nails. The high maintenance ones.

Yes, I know I will probably never that my boyfriends 'ideal version of a female body' but he knows he might not have what my 'ideal' is either. We have an understanding. I try to stay as fit as I can. Not because I necessarily want to be 'skinny' or because he wants me that way. It's simply about being healty. He loves that. Healthy is better. Also the whole less interested in woman thing. I believe its woman who make them selfs that way (and by they I don't mean to generalize so much just average society in general)

>> No.6311683

do not cry! not all men are americanized assholes

>> No.6311685


>> No.6311689

So wrong. Male here.
Watched porn/fapped 1-3 times a day since I was 13, currently 22. Have had 3 girlfriends from 18-22 (lived together with one) and was never unattracted, uninterested, etc in them. Seriously.. I do enjoy lingerie models from time to time but there is absolutely no comparison to having a real person in front of you that you can touch, kiss, etc.. Hell even fapping and having sex are completely separate and unrelated things.

You kinda seem like someone whose never dated or been in one relationship where the guy mostly ignored you.

>> No.6311691

Unfortunately I've been a tomboy/hung around masculine places most of my life and yeah, I have not seen one who weren't like that. Don't make a big deal out of it, though, I'm just excessively sensitive about this. It feels bad and makes me sad that even though they love me, feel attracted to me and fuck me, they'll still wish I were hotter, but most women that forget about that and live happily.

Yeah, I agree most men don't even like the whore make-up, long nails and too-fake looking ones. But there are always even natural women who are hot as fuck. With huge asses and perfect waists. Or professional ones who are fake but don't look that fake.

Not the mention most of them are so used to bleached parts they feel disgusted by ones that aren't, and get the impression they're dirty.

I feel happy for you and your boyfriend but really, I could never deal with that. Women aren't as visual as men (which means they don't care about looks that much, sex-wise) so if he's not your ideal it's not gonna make you complain about it when you see a guy who's hotter.

>> No.6311694
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>> No.6311698

>I don't eat fruit at their house anymore, except for pineapple
Oh man my sides

>> No.6311707



>> No.6311708

...I don't feel like crying so much after reading this.
Th..thank you, anon.

>> No.6311710

NHDTA048, google it.

>> No.6311712

>Hell even fapping and having sex are completely separate and unrelated things.

Uh... no they aren't. Both of them include sexual pleasure and arousal.

And you are not getting my point. Of course it's different if you have them in front of you, being able to touch et cetera, I'm not talking about choosing between a computer screen or the real deal. I'm saying that most men will complain that they don't have what they see on the screen as the real deal, or that what they have available to touch and fuck isn't good enough. Or were you seriously 100% happy about your girlfriend's bodies? Never looked at one lingerie model and thought "damn, I wish my gf were as hot as her"? I seriously doubt that.

>> No.6311715

Are you a guy or a girl?

>> No.6311716

>most men will complain that they don't have what they see on the screen as the real deal
>or that what they have available to touch and fuck isn't good enough
Most men I know are intelligent enough to realize that what they see on the screen isn't real anyway, and that they couldn't ever possibly have that. Complaining about something so stupid and obvious is perfect grounds for dropping the idiot like a hot potato. Maybe the men around you are just delusional assholes? Get better friends, girl.

>> No.6311719
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I fap when I'm bored. I have sex when I'm aroused. When aroused with no sex around, I fap to pictures of my girlfriend.

My ideal tastes ended up changing to whom I was dating at the time. None of my exes even looked similar to each other.

Pic related? my last ex.

>> No.6311722
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I've had the "complex" of my boyfriend/now husband watching porn and me believing he wouldn't want me after watching it. It's just a cluster fuck of bad vibes... But you explained it the way he did, fapping and sex are two different things. There the "I need to get off" and the "I want to make love". Masturbating is healthy, my husband would go insane if he didn't do it every day. For his sanity and mine, I have no qualms over it.

Don't put yourself in the mind set of "they'll still wish I were hotter". It's never going to get you anywhere good with a relationship. Sure, do I wish my husband had the 6 pack he used to have and I love bicepts, but I didn't marry him for his body. I married him because I love him unconditionally as he does me.

>> No.6311728
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And the current girl I'm interested in / hitting on / doing shenanigans with.

Completely different, Only attracted to the second one. I dont wish she was any different than how she is now, because that's what I'm (physically) attracted to.

>> No.6311732

Every person wishes they have hotter girlfriend/boyfriends. Don't put men in the category only.

Seriously, the mentality of:
> "damn, I wish my gf were as hot as her"
That is not healthy to be focusing on if you are in a relationship. You can't control that, at all. Porn isn't the starter of this,it'e the media and culture. It is as abrasive. We are as a culture look at what the ideal of beauty, and that is portrayed in porn... but in no way defines it. Look at all the amateur porn out there where the girls are real.

>> No.6311733

>Never looked at one lingerie model and thought "damn, I wish my gf were as hot as her"?
Different anon here, and fuck no. I'm sorry but that shit creeps me out. I like a girl who has a little extra to hold on to, not someone with bones sticking out, photoshopped to a creepy, anorexic barbie doll sort of perfection.

>> No.6311736

yeah right johhny boy

>> No.6311741

all the women in here complaining about porn ruining men's expectations are out of their damn minds

when i go to the club i am grinding on every 6+ in the place until i find a bitch that will let me take her home and fuck her. if you're a >=5 too bad, i have standards god dammit. by the way, if you see me tonguing your hotter friend's throat dont interrupt us. i hate that shit. we're obviously both into it so take your ugly ass home and ill pay for her cabride in the morning

>> No.6311748

>Every person wishes they have hotter girlfriend/boyfriends
I have to disagree with you, I'm incredibly attracted to my boyfriend and I wouldn't change a thing about him.
Don't just assume that because a few people are like that, everyone is.

>> No.6311750

>i am grinding on every 6+ in the place until i find a bitch that will let me take her home and fuck her
>i have standards god dammit

>> No.6311753

It's funny about how all the girls in this thread are complaining about how guys like the way women look in porn and how it's not fair to girls. Yet, this thread >>6309249 exists.

Obviously EVERYONE is going to want an extremely attractive girlfriend/boyfriend
So just singling out the guys is just unfair.

>> No.6311757

A very good effort, kinda subtle and almost convincing. Saging was a great touch that made you seem mad. An excellent decision not to post a picture as well, that would've been much too tryhard.

>> No.6311759

Because liberals.

>> No.6311784

I don't understand how women "like" dildos. I mean, obviously I GET how they LIKE them, but they've aso freaked me out a bit. They're so cold and dead, I always think it'd be like fucking a corpse.

Are they not really cold when they're inside of you?

>> No.6311797

Some people like that. I remember that there were these Twilight dildos that were being sold. They were supposed to be cold, like Edward's vampire dick.

>> No.6311803
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Because masturbating with them is fun.

>> No.6311807
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I do not know if this is me generalizing but plenty of men do not like the thought of their GFs having a dildo. My ex and my current boyfriend have asked me indirectly "Do I own a dildo?" They were really relieved that I did not and always just used a pillow. I am assuming men are intimidated by the size of dildos and maybe they feel they have exclusive rights to those certain regions..
Anyone want to elaborate on this?

>> No.6311812

>disgusting long nails
FFFF I hate it when they have those in lesbian porn. Jesus christ.

>> No.6311818

Go back to /r9k/, pimp daddy master.

>> No.6311820

you sound like Rick Santorum, aka you know absolutely nothing about porn and its effect on people.

>> No.6311821
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Oh my god, did they come with tubes of glitter cum too?

>> No.6311822

go fuck yourself you conservative piece of shit. your filthy pathetic bigoted kind doesn't deserve to be on /cgl let alone 4chan.

>> No.6311831
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My fiance and I enjoy using toys together from time to time. Using toys is just another part of sex to us. If one or the other isn't around we use them as masturbation tools. We've actually bought one other toys for our birthdays and stuff. We particularly like buttplugs during sex and pegging.

Why girls specifically have toys? There's quite a few different reasons. Some girls would rather have something like a penis to masturbate with, rather than their fingers. Some girls like the vibration of a toy and find it easier to masturbate this way. Some girls may be new to masturbation and use toys as a learning tool, or some may be old hands at it and want to make masturbation more interesting.

It's not just girls who use toys, guys can use them too. The prostate feels good to rub with either a dildo, buttplug or a prostate massager. There are also masturbation sleeves like the fleshlight that guys can use if they wanna masturbate but want a different experience, or wanna lose their "deathgrip".

Remember, sex is supposed to be fun and safe. always properly sanitize your toys and store them where they won't get dirty!

Some are made with a silicone or polymer that warms to your bodyheat, or you can just stick them in very warm water. Alternatively, you can stick them in very cold water for a different experience. In addition, you can do this, hold them inside yourself for a few minutes during foreplay, then have sex with your partner.

>> No.6311839
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It IS a rumour a lot of the times that girls are innocent. The ones that think they're shy, nope.jpg

>> No.6311863
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It leaves me in control of my own sexuality. I don't have to go to anyone in order to satisfy myself and I have to ability to do it whenever I want, even if my partner isn't available (which is honestly probably when I use it the most.)

Personally, I've always held the views that it's healthy for women to know how their body works before anyone else does (not to mention that sounds like a scary situation. Someone messing with my body before I ever touch it.) But yeah, I just think of adult toys as a tool to get there. Something relatively harmless.

>> No.6311874

Onaholes are great too.

>> No.6311878

I recently bought a pink sparkly dildo that vibrates with my girlfriend, but it doesn't have batteries, so we haven't tried it yet. I'd love to get some more things, like a flavoured lube kit and some restraints.

Sage because troll post.

>> No.6311885

Shut the fuck up you closed mind cunt! That her personnal life if she want a collection of dildo to have fun with them who care? Honestly, is not because you have 2 or 3 dildos that make you a whore who slept with a guy every day of the weak you stupid fuck!!!

>> No.6311897
File: 448 KB, 712x471, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't you have sex toys?
Pic related, its most of my collection, barring a few new additions.
Probably gonna order more stuff for both me and my girlfriend soon too.

>> No.6311901

What are those large black things next to the lube?

>> No.6311905

Wearing a wig when you're masturbating doesn't qualify as you having a girlfriend.

>> No.6311906

Got them in a £40 box that was filled with random clearance toys.
I lo'ld.

>> No.6311907


Eh, a lot of guys are intimidated by dildos because they end up worrying about their performance and how large they are in comparison to the dildo.

Mine felt a little worried and awkward about my dildo, but now he loves it. Particularly because he likes watching me use it, whether in person or when I am out of town and on webcam with him. He would also rather me use it than bug him when I am in the mood and he is busy (ie: working on his finals, insanely tired, going out with friends) He usually just jokes around telling me to "save him a piece of that action."

And quite frankly, I don't think I'd really give a shit if he didn't approve of my toys. It's my body not his. Sort of like how I encourage that he masturbate and watch porn. Hell, we pick out doujin together.

>> No.6311964

who is that slut she looks delicious, well her body anyway. face not so much. moar? sauce?

>> No.6311971

I was never into toys or porn for that matter, until my boyfriend had to go to Iraq for 9 months. He encouraged me to buy a toy and I think it helped ease his mind that I would be able to satisfy myself in his absence. I think it's helped me a lot in figuring out what my body wants and how to please myself. I know soooo many women, married women no less, that have NEVER had an orgasm or only have them sometimes instead of most of the time or always. Guess what these women have in common? None of them play with toys or masturbate. Porn is "gross" to them. So they have never explored their bodies. I used to be one of those women and masturbating changed that. It makes me legitimately sad that they will never experience that feeling of relief and contentment that occurs after you've reached orgasm. That feeling of surrender when you are climaxing is like nothing else in this world. Most of all, it is incredibly satisfying to not fake it and to climax at the same time as your significant other. I think it helps intimacy of the couple as well as their self-esteem to know that they have no problems getting the other person off.

>> No.6311988
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What masturbating helped with with was realizing that I depend less on clitoral stimulation and more on g-spot stimulation. My boyfriend used to focus so much on the clit and it actually would make it go a little numb which makes it harder to get off. I think because they focus so much on the clit in porn, men think all women enjoy it. I enjoy a little but the g-spot is my go-to area.

Girls, don't be afraid to tell your partner to slow down during sex. Rabbit sex aka jackhammer sex ain't cute and ain't fun but your partner won't know this unless you tell them. COMMUNICATE. Don't be ashamed to tell your partner what you want and what you don't want because most men actually get turned on in correlation to how turned on YOU are so it's a win-win.

>> No.6312023

Be quiet you jew tool. You're making a fool out of yourself.

>> No.6312039

lol, we cosplayers are such whores.

>> No.6312036

>Why do girls have sex toys?
In my case, no boyfrando.

>Where to buy discrete sex toys?
Amazon. If it's direct from Amazon/Prime Eligible, it comes in an Amazon box, and the toy is in an opaque black bag within the box.

>Girls watching porn?
Gotta get my boyfriendless clit off somehow. I can schlick to erotica or doujins, but the added aural component is the best. My go-tos are MILFs, teacher-student, sex slaves, and any hentai with tentacles.

>> No.6312050

what is with these retarded prudes who post shit like this? are you some kind of repressed religious bitch who doesn't believe in any kind of sexual stimulation unless married? you are a waste of space go kill yourself.

>> No.6312053

>we cosplayers
Are you even trying?

>> No.6312061

One thing you can do to make your guy feel more comfortable with the idea of you using dildos is get a cast and mold kit called a "clone a willy" kit. It lets you use your guy's penis to make a mold for a dildo. It makes guys feel better knowing that it's "them" in a sense that is pleasing you when you use it.

It's often a self-confidence issue that makes guys uncomfortable with the idea that his girl is using a dildo. Porn often shows these girls using honkin' large pieces of silicone that vibrate and twirl and light up and all sorts of shit. They worry that they won't measure up and please their girl as much as something like that. It makes them feel better to know that they can satisfy their girl just as well or better than a piece of plastic can.

>> No.6312082

God forbid women masturbate with something other than their fingers.

>> No.6312100

Problem with porn is that getting off requires ever more depraved highs if you do it regularly enough.

>> No.6312106

lol really
"clone a willy"
thats hilarious

>> No.6312133

It's what they call it, unfortunately lol. I will say this, it's kinda hard to make a proper clone of your guy when he keeps laughing and making bad puns about the name, but that just may be my guy.

>> No.6312182

that's why you don't do it every day, idiot. a few times a week is perfectly normal.

>> No.6312206

Are you me?
I'm crying now, thanks.

>> No.6312239

I want to buy a dildo, but I can't buy it online because parents.
What do? Where go?

>> No.6312253

I can only get off by masturbation. Sex doesn't do anything for me and it's frustrating as all hell. Not to mention now my love is obsessed by not being able to please me so he freaks/gets depressed afterwards when I reply to his question. (he asks if I got off after every time.)
I don't think I was ever able to get off during sex, so when I was learning how to have sex with past partners it was always awkward..

>> No.6312273



>> No.6312281

Girl logic. Um, it's the same with guys too that are insecure about their fat bodies and have super hot gf's that are yearned after by ripped men. Blaming it on porn isn't going to solve anything. Everyone has insecurities. Even the guys.

>> No.6312288

Dildo store.

>> No.6312290

Condom + Hotdog/Cucumber/Unpeeled Banana

>> No.6312292

is he trying to get you off from just intercourse? try having him just rub your clit with his hand or jab a finger at your g-spot. better than nothing.

>> No.6312293

just order one, they come in discrete packages and your parents won't be able to tell what it is.

>> No.6312301

He does. He actually goes through a lot to try to get me off. It really breaks my heart so I end up lying to him every now and then and letting him feel accomplished. But when it comes to having sex I can't help but try to come up with excuses to avoid it. I'm horrible 'cause I'm a tease too. But I just can't get anything from an intercourse, probably end up seeing a doctor about it eventually or something.

>> No.6312302


I like to come here sometimes, just to remind myself that girls are just as fucking shitty as guys.

Thanks, I feel a lot better now.

>> No.6312312

They like to watch me open my deliveries. (I usually get dresses or some shit)

>> No.6312314

Well if you have a technique that gets you off, why not teach it to him so he can do it? He'd feel a lot better.

>> No.6312316

Oh man, that would be awkward. Also hilarious. I'm just picturing a sort of Link opening a chest scene. You hold aloft your brand new, mighty dildo for all to see.

>> No.6312327
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 1342071283677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually tried this. A couple different methods, but when he does it on me I get turned off. I was just curious if there were others that got that way too. I try to please him the best I can, but I imagine it's hard on him since he only gets it like once a week. And since I'm rarely thinking of sex I can't tell when he wants it. I fully encourage him to fap to his hearts content but..can't really come close to the real thing. I see commercials and shit for old men who can't get it up and was wondering if there were meds or something out there for young women that this happens to.

>> No.6312336

There's plenty. Just look up aphrodisiacs.

>> No.6312340
File: 63 KB, 920x459, 1347911099774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel, sis. When we're having sex my boyfriend's pleasure is heavily based on mine. He loves seeing me get off when masturbating or the few times I've enjoyed sex, but most of the time I just can't get into it. It doesn't help that every time we have sex I get a yeast infection and a bunch of tiny little cuts around the opening and inside my vagina that hurt for the rest of the week. We must have tried like ten different lubes in case that was the cause but no dice. Sex just stresses me out. The thing is, when I use a dildo or my fingers, it never hurts or makes little cuts or anything. Maybe I'm just having some kind of anxiety problems, or maybe I'm allergic to his semen, I dunno.

It just makes me feel even worse to see how hard my bf tries, and how sad he is when he sees I'm not enjoying it. He feels really guilty that I always end up with a yeast infection and cuts.

>> No.6312347

As a guy I can say I do not feel intimated or scared of girl owning sex toys. Only anal stuff grosses me out. Watching a girl go town on herself with a big dildo is hot as hell. Also you girls complaining about bad fake porn, just watch amateur. Also I find "real" girls way hotter than any porn or model girls.

>> No.6312350

You actually believe this? Lel.

>> No.6312351

Man, why? Everyone else gets to be sluts and we can't even have consensual committed relationship sex.

>> No.6312352

I have some anxiety problems too so maybe that is a factor in it.


>> No.6312353

Damn. Have you spoken to a doctor about this? That's really weird.

>> No.6312355

I think it's all the little cuts that make semen hurt so much.

>> No.6312356

All sex shops carry dildos/vibrators. Sex shops are usually incredibly obvious, and so really shouldn't be hard to find.

>> No.6312359

Oh my god are you me, I'm in the exact same position.
My boyfriend is so inexperienced though he doesn't really know anything about sex. I've tried to teach him but he's just awkward about it. It's made him unsexy to me and I find having sex with him to be a chore, now .. I love him but our relationship is totally failing and its because of the sex. It sucks.

>> No.6312362

Because men are slowly being phased out of existence

>> No.6312368

I know both of these feels all too well.
I feel broken, like I'm a malfunctioning human being because I'm the only person on earth who isn't jumping on my boyfriends dick every time I see him.

>> No.6312372

Trololol I know that feel. I've actually been called a dirty slut so many times by vendetta ridden women who have no idea that I can't even get it off with the guy I've been dating for years.

>'I wish I could, bitches. I wish I could.'

>> No.6312371

> Order it shipped to a friend you trust.
> Go fetch.
> Take to your room quietly and without fuss.
> Win.

>> No.6312377

Also, this is getting almost as bad as the penis thread earlier in the week.
'Almost', because there aren't femanons getting advice on blowjobs from a guy.

>> No.6312375

So if you where gonna get a vibrator or something similar for a gift.....which one would you get?

>> No.6312380

I hear this is a leading thing that ruins relationships which kills me inside 'cause I do love him so. I just wish I could be as horny and easy to please as he is, lol.

>> No.6312382

Because female sexuality is encouraged and celebrated while men are shamed for just using their hand to masturbate, let alone toys.

>> No.6312383


>> No.6312381


>> No.6312390
File: 66 KB, 550x400, 1318963890001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a cold, lifeless plastic or rubber monstrosity
>not using Mother Nature's natural dildo, the cucumber
I shiggy diggy doo.

>> No.6312393

I hope you female realize that male penises do not vibrate unless we consume massive amounts of red bull

>> No.6312391

I dunno, a rabbit? Those are popular, right?
I can see you're really broken up about this.

>> No.6312394

Well, I got a boyfriend for that.
I don't know why, but owning a sex toy seems odd for me. Just doesn't feel right, so I don't have any. No big deal.

>> No.6312396


>> No.6312404
File: 54 KB, 500x421, 128891448757240935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better get started then.

>> No.6312400

Well he gets turned on by anything and everything. No matter the time of day. Then again I don't think I've met a guy who isn't horny like 24/7.

>> No.6312416


>> No.6312417

That's how we're wired. It's a relic from back when we were naked, huddled in caves and one of the easiest things to kill out there due to a complete lack of defense mechanisms. We just made babies all the time. Males would bang the fuck out of females to make as many babies as they could so we could outnumber everything. Biology, man.

>> No.6312414

Only if you buy the red bull but prepare to be sore.

>> No.6312420
File: 18 KB, 379x214, okwiththis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a cheap $10 one. Idk, they always break within a week for me. I personally want to save up for a monster giant one like the godly one my friend was using. (she pulled it out in front of me on accident once, was hilarious. mfw.)

>> No.6312423
File: 62 KB, 648x484, 09wq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go, then.

>> No.6312429

Lol do you know where she got it

>> No.6312430

>break within a week
Jesus, woman, it's a vagina, not a mortar and pestle.

>> No.6312445

Better be ready for a wild ride.

>> No.6312457

I would never use a dildo. Those things are creepy.

My boyfriend did buy me a vibrator for Valentine's day though. I can't have an orgasm with only vaginal stimulation, so the vibe made it way easier for me to finish during sex.

sage for not related to cosplay

>> No.6312467

I don't want to be mean, but it's kind of retarded that you haven't considered that your boyfriend might be giving you the yeast infections. Men often have what would be an unacceptale amount of yeast present in a vagina with no or very few symptoms until they're severe.

It's also possible that the PH of his semen is disrupting the PH of your vagina, allowing the yeast already there to flourish. In which case him changing his diet may help. Showering and using PH neutral bodywash beforehand could also help.

If you're on the pill that could also be the cause, so you can ask your doctor about going on a different brand. It's a pretty common problem with it.

>> No.6312473

why are the tripcodes different?

>> No.6312523
File: 49 KB, 465x700, 1349937912009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told ya it's hard to get me off. Even the toys have a rough time.

>> No.6312532

Have you looked into kinks/fetish-gear?
It could help, if typical drilling-your-nethers doesn't work.

>> No.6312550

Yeah but...goddamn. How hard do you have to go at it to break a sex toy that fast? What are you doing down there, attempting to murder your vag?

>> No.6312554

That was two sentences.

>> No.6312552

There likely won't be; I was the one answering the questions that time, and it's nearly my bedtime.

For fuck's sake. If you love him, sit down and fucking talk to him about your fucking issues with your fucking.
> TFW I get to use 'fucking' three times in a sentence without it being too excessive.

>> No.6312560

Because they can make things more fun by myself or with my boyfriend. Using them during sex with him adds more sensation and thus more enjoyment foe both of us.

>> No.6312566

The second part was one sentence.
yay smartasses

>> No.6312584

Fetish gear? Like slave/master stuff?

Nah, actually most of the time it's just resting on the outside of my undies 'cause I don't get off on penetration. It just overheats easily and the cap that holds the batteries in always breaks 'cause it's made cheaply.

We have. We live with each other, hard not to notice these things. Still upsets him, but we deal. I'm just getting sexually frustrated of 'dealing' and not getting anything out of it/him getting depressed from me not getting off.

But I like the aphrodisiacs idea so far, so. yeahhh...

>> No.6312593
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>> No.6312591

so uh i have never had an orgasm before and I dont know how to make myself have one. whenever Im mastrubating and I get really into it I always feel like im going to pee which is pretty gross and I have to stop.

>> No.6312598
File: 11 KB, 214x317, MV5BMjIzMjY4MTk2M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzQ3ODg3NQ@@._V1._SY317_CR0,0,214,317_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL You need to watch:

>> No.6312603

BDSM is a start, but there's seriously tons of shit.
There's got to be at least one that gets you revved up.

>> No.6312602

despite what the internet may suggest, the prevalence of sex toys in america is because housewives started buying them up from gatherings like they used to do with tupperware.

Sex toys are most frequently used during physical intimacy with a partner, not solo (though don't get me wrong, their primary purpose is for masturbatory aid)

Also... this isn't /adv/

>> No.6312604

Well, don't stop.

Problem solved.

>> No.6312619
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>the "nicer" the guy, the less woman he's fucked, the more porn he's watched and more unhappy he'll be

Wow. You just...you've actually made an interesting point there. You've enlightened me anon, holy shit.

>> No.6312628
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>> No.6312630

My boyfriend bought me my first and only vibrator. I don't know what to tell you anon.

>> No.6312633
File: 61 KB, 960x643, 8156_a613_960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to apparently expose myself to more then, not entirely sure what gets us hot and bothered.

>> No.6312643

Try different positions. Doggystyle, him on top, you on top, standing up, etc. Also, figure out what parts of your body turn you on when they are touched. I love anythingggg having to do my breast. Maybe you like your ass getting grabbed, maybe you like him tugging on your hips. Lastly, do you have any fantasies? Like, you're a student, he's a teacher or you're a rich girl and he's a servant, etc? Or even mild S and M fantasies like a little bit of smacking or him holding your arms down during sex? Try to act them out during sex. Figure out all those things and I'll be surprised if they don't bring you closer to orgasm. One more thing, don't worry so much. Let go during sex and let any stressful things distract you. It sounds cheesy as hell but I like dimming the lights, lighting a candle and playing some instrumental jazz on low volume to try to relax me a bit more before we start. Good luck anon and I hope you can get off soon :)

>> No.6312651

Do you take any anti-depressants or birth control? They might be affecting your libido, anon :(

>> No.6312654

Lol, I remember we did that kind of stuff after we started dating, but it did kinda die off as the years passed.

>> No.6312659

how old are you?
As you get older (28+) your vaginal walls thin a little bit and g spot stimulation becomes more intense.

It's the reason a lot of women claim the best sex of their life is during their 30s

>> No.6312667

I use NuvaRing monthly. I'll schedule an appointment and ask them if my birth control is a cause. We were thinking that could be a reason too.

>> No.6312677
File: 17 KB, 612x567, 1333907007179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, early/mid 20's anon here. Good to know I might have more luck in the future.

>> No.6312683
File: 24 KB, 439x335, 1235208790309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking dumb??? How many movies show men enjoying sex? Blowjobs, breasts flopping everywhere even RAPE scenes. Usually rated PG 13 or R. The ONE movie that shows a woman getting off by a guy using cunnilingus? Was rated X. BECAUSE WE CAN'T SHOW AMERICA A MAN GIVING THE WOMAN PLEASURE AND NOT HAVING ANY FOR HIMSELF! I was shocked in Avengers when they showed a guy in the shower since usually they only ever show females, especially in horror movies. How many male magazines are out there? Playboy, Jugs, Penthouse, Maxim, etc etc etc. How many fucking women's porn mags do you see? Have you ever even fucking seen one in a store??? Lastly, how many guys in high schools, middle schools, or universities are ever shamed for being sexually active? Do you ever see guys on the news that have killed themselves because they were bullied and harassed for being sexually active??? GTFO.

>> No.6312684


>> No.6312688

I feel bad that I've been faking orgasms with my boyfriend since I can't cum unless I use a vibrator or like play with my clit for fucking 50 minutes. When he's fingering me or eating me out I get really really self conscious that I'm taking way too long so I fake an orgasm, which is totally counter productive since he thinks it's working when it sorta is but it's gonna take like an hour of constant stimulation.

I really want to get myself to cum easier so it's more fulfilling sex and I don't have to feel bad about faking in front of him anymore.

>> No.6312689

admittedly, the only way my boyfriend can hit my gspot is if he has me lay on my side. He hits it EVERY time and I'm only 21.
Foreplay also helps get you there.

>> No.6312690

For at least 3 years I didn't get off during sex unless I did it myself, I find oral sex much better for orgasms. I also found it a bit of a chore and kinda meh... then I found that it was a matter of time and clitoral stimulation. I still don't often come during sex, but I enjoy it more now.

>> No.6312699


>> No.6312706

Just straight up tell him that it might take an hour or so. And then you won't feel bad. Or maybe you need a bit more foreplay...

>> No.6312701

You know what works best?
Talking it out.

Yeah, he'll feel like shit for believing it, but would you rather have it resolved or continue on like this?
If you need an hour of foreplay to get off, so be it.

>> No.6312702
File: 8 KB, 384x384, hello-kitty-vibrator-pink.thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex toy for every weeb.

Speaking of men not knowing about female sexuality or caring, My ex boyfriend bought this for me ages ago. He wanted to use it on me. Fine and dandy. Turns it on and sticks the mother fucking dial (bottom part that doesn't really vibrate) in my cooter. Like, WTF are you doing?

Married now, don't have a use for any sex toys. Get enough sex. Though if I need to, I've got my finger. Fine and dandy.

>> No.6312718

>The ONE movie that shows a woman getting off by a guy using cunnilingus? Was rated X. BECAUSE WE CAN'T SHOW AMERICA A MAN GIVING THE WOMAN PLEASURE AND NOT HAVING ANY FOR HIMSELF!

No, it was rated X because it didn't use simulated sex like all the other movies you listed. Considering I've seen two R-rated movies where a woman was being eaten out I highly doubt it was the reason.

> I was shocked in Avengers when they showed a guy in the shower since usually they only ever show females, especially in horror movies.

Are you kidding me? I cannot count the number of movies I've seen that have a requisite shower scene with whicher male actor is popular with ladies at the time. Or them being shirtless, which is essentially the same thing.

>How many male magazines are out there?

How much female erotic literature is there? men have magazines because male sexuality is visual based. Women have books because their sexuality is based on feels. It's the same reason porn is geared towards men (aside from the fact women don't need porn since they can get sex at will).

> Lastly, how many guys in high schools, middle schools, or universities are ever shamed for being sexually active?

Men are shamed for being sexually inactive. And I certainly don't see women fighting to end virgin-shaming so I don't see why we should care about the reverse.

>> No.6312772

>And I certainly don't see women fighting to end virgin-shaming
You certainly haven't seen an actual decent feminist.

I can't blame you though. I haven't either, but I sympathize a lot with most feminism's ideals, along with this kind of thing that would fit well in feminism.

But oh well. The more stupid, the louder.

>> No.6312796


>No, it was rated X because it didn't use simulated sex like all the other movies you listed. Considering I've seen two R-rated movies where a woman was being eaten out I highly doubt it was the reason.

How recent were the movies that show the women getting eaten out? How long have they been showing men getting blowjobs in movies? At least 30 years?
You don't find it odd that the rating board still would allow movies depicting brutal scenes of rape, such as The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, but not the cunnilingus scenes in Blue Valentine?

>How many male magazines are out there?

>How much female erotic literature is there? men have magazines because male sexuality is visual based. Women have books because their sexuality is based on feels. It's the same reason porn is geared towards men (aside from the fact women don't need porn since they can get sex at will).

I think a lot of women go for the literature and not the magazine because the book is more inconspicuous than the porn. You can walk out of a store carrying a book where people don't know what it is but not with a magazine that makes it obvious. I think a lot of women get off on visual, like myself, but it is much less acceptable to have a collection in plain sight while adult men get NO flack for having a stack of Playboys, except from maybe a frigid girlfriend, Also many parents mentality on their children masturbating are: "Oh he's masturbating? Just what guys do. You're a respectable lady, you don't do that."

> Men are shamed for being sexually inactive. And I certainly don't see women fighting to end virgin-shaming so I don't see why we should care about the reverse.

Men are usually the ones shaming other men! Women might tease them but actual bullying? Done by the so-called "Alphas" who are jocks, rich kids etc. A girl would NEVER spearhead that shit against a guy.

>> No.6312799

Really? I thought it sounded a bit stupid so I'm not sure whether you're serious or not.

I've seen that on my many (many, many, many) years spent on /b/ (not 4chan's /b/, though) and other more serious boards, guys who lose their virginity after, say, 25, usually have seen so much porn and masturbated so much that they idealize sex a LOT. And they get very, very disappointed because women have dark anuses and vaginas that they think are "dirty" (when it's just them too used to porn), aren't as hot and especially... because they've idealized and dreamt about it so much, they expect it to be so much physically better than their masturbation - which it isn't and will never be because a vagina is never going to squeeze their cocks as hard as their hands, they expect their girlfriends to do anal with ease (and when they can't, they think it's them trying to play hard) and ride them and give them perfect blowjobs.
Generally, they get very disappointed in actual sex.

Come to think of it, maybe there's where my paranoia comes from.

>> No.6312826

A sex toy won't abuse me, make fun of me, or leave me. I can put it away until I want it, and can take my time with it.

I could live the rest of my life never having sex again.

>> No.6312834

>since they can get sex at will
>implying virgin-shaming only happens to men

As a virgin I think you're retarded.

>> No.6312851

Because my clitoris is retarded and needs strong stimulation. I'm working on increasing sensitivity to lighter touch but it's a slow process.

That and my boyfriend is not so good at actually getting me off. We have fun, but like I said I have a retarded clitoris.

>> No.6312862

>Because my clitoris is retarded

This, FML

>> No.6312882
File: 16 KB, 102x146, 322353245342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not own any, but I can see why other girls would.

>> No.6312883

Fucking this.

>> No.6312884
File: 42 KB, 250x250, 1347161148610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being part of the penis wielding master sex

Are you even trying females?

>> No.6312888

Same situation here. Boyfriends always got bored giving oral/trying to get me off. Sex wasn't fun because I didn't feel anything.

>> No.6312901

You might just be doing it wrong.
The clit can be worked in a variety of ways, but usually only one or two get a girl off. If you need the vibration to get off then you might actually be getting too rough with it, or not pulling the hood back enough.

>> No.6312909

>I'm like bitch octuplets can play slip and slid in there.
I can't even
laughing so much whyyy
Never change /cgl/

>> No.6312936
File: 54 KB, 361x365, 1235123463568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took YEARS for my boyfriends (now husband) to stop going so hard at my clitoris. I'm like, "Babe...less is more. Go easy on it. How would you feel if I squeezed your dick like a tube of toothpaste? Babe...seriously...be gentle with it, it's sensitive!!"

One time before sex, I was grooming myself in the bathroom and saw a tiny piece of toilet paper stuck to my clit. I tried getting it off and finally did, but made the damn thing sore in the process. Cut to us during foreplay, I try telling him nicely to do something else, my clit is probably blood red at this point. I guess he really likes messing with it because he keeps doing it so I just wait until he's done. By the end of it, my clit is burning and when touched, stings like crazy. Still came but my poor clit, man ;__;

>> No.6312941

*boyfriend, not multiple ones -___-

>> No.6312986

just wait until he dumps you, then you'll need one

>> No.6313138

so that is why nice guys don't get girls.^^ no seriously that sounds like a one heavy complex on mediocracy.

>> No.6313150

whenever my bf tries to stimulate my clit it ends up feeling ticklish and makes me laugh.of course when I do it myself I can get pleasure from it but it can be a bit of a mood killer to start giggling when hes going down on me

>> No.6313154

Cus your dick is to tiny and you resort to getting your faps on the internets.

Serious note? I don't own any. Now please do us the kind favor of getting the fuck off our board.

>> No.6313158

>our board
"We" aren't your imaginary host club, you cow.

>> No.6313164

Just sage this shit. Obv troll is obv.

>> No.6313167

>236 posts and 35 images hidden
You're doing a fine job there, retard.

>> No.6313169

How about a nice dose of we all shut the fuck up.
This is why /cgl/ is seen as it is. A troll makes one posts and gets hundreds of responses. Seriously people?
Agree the 'our board' thing is possessive, fucking nuts....but host club?

>> No.6313175

As in I just got here?
Aren't you a smart one.

>> No.6313222

Because feminism made it socially acceptable for women to be whores?

I honestly wonder, how long does it take on average for a woman to start actually feeling good with a toy? Women can't possibly enjoy sex with other men, so if their masturbating it must be the only sexual act they enjoy. I was just wonder that if a man can't do it what do you do with your toy that makes it feel good?

Also, I'm jealous. You can literally stick a pen in there and get off. Men have to either use their hand which isn't entirely comfortable all of the time or buy a toy which is frowned upon and expensive as all hell.

>> No.6313241

>You can literally stick a pen in there and get off.
>Women can't possibly enjoy sex with other men
>masturbating it must be the only sexual act they enjoy

I hope you're just impersonating all of men's insecurities about women and toys otherwise I'll have to ask: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU HIGH ON?

>You can literally stick a pen in there and get off
The fuck are you on, really? What kind of sick porn have you been watching?

I enjoy penetration like crazy, but with a dildo there's no way to reproduce the male's thrusting moves (there is but it's tiring and impossible to keep up for a whole minute).
And the part about women not enjoying sex with men... seriously.

Give some of that shit you've been smoking.