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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 37 KB, 496x195, Screen Shot 2012-10-13 at 6.34.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6310769 No.6310769 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6310774

too bad, she was pretty then and looks like shit now

>> No.6310777

oh my fucking god
this bitch
why can't take the hint that she looks like shit with dark short hair

>> No.6310786

I find it weird, cause we're friends on facebook and everyone is SO NICE to her. Like, everyone loves her old look as compared to her new one. She looks terrible and with the long hair at least she looks smaller and damn, she was BEAUTIFUL.

She is just spoiled as what. :/

>> No.6310791

I think it says something when just about every single person who's seen that picture agrees she looked better back then than she ever has.

It's true that you should dress in what feels comfortable to you and makes you feel beautiful, but I just don't believe Sarah's truly happy the way she is no matter how vehemently she asserts herself as so. She looked so healthy and happy and she's done nothing but go downhill as time has gone on.

I think things tend to come full circle. When I was younger, I did a similar rebellion to what she's doing now. I wore hoodies and baggy pants and didn't shower enough because I loathed anything girly. Then as time went on, my style changed and I began to gradually accept the things I had once shunned. And as it turns out, the stuff I HATED when I was 13 looks absolutely amazing on me. Now I love being soft and feminine with a little sass.

She needs to get out of her own head. That's what it all comes down to. She pushes anything and everything that isn't hers away. She shuns every outside opinion in favor of her own with a stubbornness that only harms her.

PT, you looked good because you looked healthy and happy. You look like neither of those things now. You look desperate and miserable. Just be honest with yourself. Please.

>> No.6310797


>> No.6310802
File: 101 KB, 469x571, kuchiki_rukia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has to realize she doesn't look like an anime character, and she never will no matter how hard she tries.

>> No.6310836

I guess she wanted everyone to say "Golly Sarah, you were so ugly back then! You're such a gorgeous, curvy, real woman now!~" But had anyone done that, I'm absolutely certain would have thrown a fit someone would end up BLOCKED.

>> No.6310851

Can someone post the pic?

>> No.6310854
File: 67 KB, 720x960, 1350081568913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6310858

Thank you!
She looked so much prettier then! Jeeze.

>> No.6310861

I'm amazed she didn't block everybody who commented on it.

>> No.6310862

Eh she still looks like shit.
And I don't think blond compliments her skin tone very well.
Her eye makeup is lovely though.
Also, these pictures are touched up a lot....So maybe the professional photoshoper deserves some credit hear.

>> No.6310865
File: 40 KB, 450x600, Imgp0148_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about orange?

>> No.6310870

she needs a chestnut with some red and gold highlights.
subtle subtle highlights.

>> No.6310873

I think a golden brown with subtle highlights would look nicer that that blonde. Even with the touching up, she at least looks like she put some effort into her appearance. She doesn't anymore, even for her photo shoots. She has greasy, limp black hair in an unflattering cut and clearly isn't bathed.

>> No.6310907

Agreed. She is honestly not a beautiful, or pretty, woman in general. She can look better, but she'll never be beautiful because of her facial structure. She will always look dowdy and older than her age.
That said, my favourite version of PT is the one in the white loli dress, with dark red hair.

>> No.6310917

Its her senior picture. EVERYONE looks good in their senior picture. You have to be seriously deformed. Even at her best, shes maybe a little below average. People need to stop kissing ass. Even at her best or most normal looking, she isn't pretty.

>> No.6310920


>> No.6310929
File: 36 KB, 445x487, rumerworking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bleh, I'm trying to look up hairstyle ideas for people with big chins, but none come close to PT's besides Rumer Willis.

>> No.6310925

Agreed. She's a 3, maybe a 4/10.

Not even if I was blackout drunk

>> No.6310932

but it looks a lot better than her new style, right?

>> No.6310934

No, she isn't and never will be a beautiful, but you have to use a different scale so to speak when measuring the appearance of PT.
What would be considered fuck ugly in normal circumstances is average with her; what's considered plain or just below average would be the PT version of beautiful.
She can either be a pile of manure or a polished turd depending on the picture.

>> No.6310940

If somebody could dig up a decent front facing shot of PT, anygull could run it through one of those virtual makeover sites and see if they could improve her.

>> No.6310941

Jesus, was the entire lower half of her face swarmed and stung by bees? Wtf is going on there...

>> No.6310948

You know, when I first ran into PT threads I was endlessly amused and happy with all her crazyness and antics. Then when she had real life issues cause her to disappear I was very sad and couldn't wait for her return.

Lately I have actual feelings of fondness towards her and have this weird urge to like, help her be a better person even though I know she is probably too far gone, as well as the whole reason I like PT is because she is so flawed and crazy...so I am not sure what to think.

Anyone else feel similar? Lately I have been like wondering if I should drive to the cons she goes to for a chance to meet/hang out with her.

>> No.6310952

I think her staff photo from when she was hired by police dispatch might work for something like that. Her bangs may need to be shooped out though.

>> No.6310957
File: 113 KB, 454x427, 1338681237728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, never mind. I hadn't seen it for awhile; it's pretty bad.

>> No.6310962

I think most of us feel that way and a few people here have even tried to help her. Every person has had PT eventually turn on them- I heard even Miyu has stopped associating with her. Sadly I think her only hope would be professional help.

>> No.6310964

People have been trying to help PT for years, and for every 1 of us who has tried to help there's 10s of anons who have wanted to, or given suggestions to the anons who actually do try and contact her.

The problem is anyone prettier than PT she automatically hates, and anyone skinnier she automatically calls anorexic.

>> No.6310960

I honestly don't know why everyone is raving about how good she looks here. I do like the hairstyle on her, but I don't think the colour suits her at all. She looked nice with this colour >>6310865, and she would look nice with a light or medium brown. I do think that darker colours age her, but so do lighter colours.

>> No.6310965

I really want to do this for fun now

>> No.6310967

I don't agree, I think PT has potential to look decent or even pretty with the right combination of hair, makeup and body changes. Yes with her face structure she wont ever be a knockout, but would be at least a 5 or 6 depending, especially if she lost weight. She has light, relatively clear skin and under all that lard is probably petite given how short she is.

>> No.6310973

I was with you up until that last bit. She's always been on the heavier side. Not that she looked bad, but she's always been 'chunky' at the very least, and that's just how her body is.

>> No.6310978

I dunno, losing weight can really change your body type in ways you wouldn't think possible. I mean she might be not ever be very thin, I think she could surprise us if she were to get to 110 pounds or so.

>> No.6310985

buzz, your girlfriend.


>> No.6310991
File: 33 KB, 480x640, iwrhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true. I think she looks best here, though apparently she's only 13-14 in so she's probably prepubescent

>> No.6310996

sweet jesus

>> No.6311004

Yeah she doesn't look that bad at all here really. Geez why is her face so big compared to her body. Her face is like 90% of her head,

>> No.6311005
File: 26 KB, 286x400, Imgp3642_small (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She actually looks pretty decent here.

>> No.6311023

Girls got a big old head.

>> No.6311050

Looks like the troll face. Can't get that image out of my head.

>> No.6311052
File: 173 KB, 600x450, Troll_Face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6311056


And pretty much here's the only proof anyone needs to show that no matter what, Sarah is just ugly as hell.

I'm genuinely not saying that to be mean. It's simply a fact. The sky is blue and Sarah is ugly.

She can improve herself, and her life, her quality of living, her health, pretty much everything. Without surgery she will NEVER fix that massive bumpy nose or the gargantuan trowel chin. But she has the power to better herself as a person and improve practically everything else. Nobody would give a shit about how fat she is or nasty she looks if she presented herself like a functional fucking adult. But she doesn't.

>> No.6311060


There's no fucking way she's 13-14 here. Jesus christ, she looks like 25/26. I have a 22-year-old friend who looks younger NOW than PT does right here.

>> No.6311069

HA! we all predicted that she'd be pissed off that people complimented her. what an idiot. She really just wants attention....

>> No.6311070
File: 346 KB, 450x600, 1319672348130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how she goes off on skinny girls, but she used to look like this. I mean, she's not thin but for PT standards she looks damn good. It's too bad that she wore this costume again after she got gigantic.

>> No.6311079
File: 191 KB, 900x1352, it__s_my_life_by_pixyteriyaki-d3nq797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't you heard, she's lean....

>> No.6311083

>got gigantic
This costume is what actually brought me to PT and /cgl/. I saw it posted on Poorly Dressed (on the Cheezburger Network). This costume was not flattering, and there's no use pretending it was.

>> No.6311090

I suppose I can understand her viewpoint even if I don't agree with her. Whenever my roots start to show at work I get the whole "your hair colour is so pretty!" and "you should grow it out!" It really bothers me, because they are essentially saying I look like butts how I am.

I actually considered letting it grow out once after so many comments, but I'm ok with how I am.

>> No.6311102
File: 51 KB, 417x543, 307272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6311120

Goddamit, she's still doing that retarded downturned duckface. Seriously, her pictures would look 100 times better even if she just learned to pose and make decent facial expressions.

>> No.6311176


I don't think she does that on purpose, it's just her mouth is really wide and her lips are really thin so that when she tries to do the duckface, it looks like she's frowning while doing it.

>> No.6311179
File: 21 KB, 450x338, Picture3222_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6311178
File: 19 KB, 337x450, Picture3248_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.6311180

Best picture I have seen of her ever.

>> No.6311200

The only thing wrong in this picture is the eyeliner on her lower lash line. Her eyes are too droopy for this.

Otherwise, she looks really good.

>> No.6311240

I don't like the super blonde but her hair actually looks good in this picture because a) it's washed and b) someone did a good job dying it.

Now her hair always looks like shit; greasy as fuck and the dye looks like it comes out of a box.

The tan goes a long way into making her look healthier and gives her features some depth. When she is pale she looks like a tub of lard in comparison.

>> No.6311260

shes soooo pretty as a redhead!!!

>> No.6311288
File: 19 KB, 256x170, 1347406103462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks pretty here

>> No.6311336
File: 290 KB, 265x399, bunbunchan-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: decent pictures of PT

>> No.6311338
File: 20 KB, 322x450, Imgp4142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6311341

How did she do this? This face looks awful on 99% of chicks, and PT is a 4 at best, but this looks adorable. What?

>> No.6311342
File: 19 KB, 321x450, Imgp4141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6311344

small lips

>> No.6311346
File: 127 KB, 967x520, ptba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that was fun.

>> No.6311354
File: 25 KB, 299x450, Imgp4360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6311363

ooh post the before picture please. I love doing this shit

>> No.6311365

Holy shit I would hit on her if she looked like this.

>> No.6311379

Someone get her addicted to the game dance masters(kinect)

>captcha paid uryesar

>> No.6311402

She really needs to grow her hair out. Long hair suits her.

>> No.6311408

I remember when everyone on /cgl/ was saying she should cut her hair/get a bob.
Can't please everyone.

>> No.6311416

that elongates the face. she needs something shoulder length, to frame her face, make her head seem smaller, and not lengthen her long chin more.

>> No.6311427

And everyone also always said layers, because her hair is so flat and limp.
It can be any length at all, but while it's still plastered to the sides of her face like that it's never going to flatter her.

>> No.6311432
File: 32 KB, 250x350, rachelL_250x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe the Rachel cut, with not so much top volume, an not super blunt feathering.

>> No.6311526
File: 48 KB, 400x604, 7333_132015186143_8387432_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6311723


Am I the only one who noticed she is wearing her purple Rukia circle lenses in that picture? Is that a normal thing to do? I mean, if I knew I was going to be getting my picture taken for something so official, I wouldn't turn up wearing my iFairy Super Crystal Pinks.

>> No.6311730

I think it's just because she's diving more in to the delusion and hope of BEING Rukia so if she wears the lenses everywhere, she's her.

>> No.6311934

What's miyu's deviantart, or site where she has PT's photos on it.

>> No.6311940

I think Miyu deleted her DA.

>> No.6311952

Wow, it's sad to see how heavy she's gotten.

If only she lost the weight, had auburn hair a tiny bit longer than the wig she's wearing here that was properly styled, and for god's sake stop making that duckface she would look ten times better.

Also it's like she goes out of her way to find the worst possible angles to make herself look stumpier and her chin bigger. Girl needs to learn to pose.

>> No.6311962

She is puffing out her cheeks and it makes her face look less long

>> No.6311982

I remember everyone said she lost weight when she came back. I don't see it at all.

>> No.6312003

does she have some of this shit on private because I didn't see that post.

>> No.6312059

Does anyone have any caps of personal experiences people have posted?
Like the ones who have actually met her in person or have history with her?

>> No.6312269
File: 528 KB, 1260x840, PTschoolcatgymthing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I want to photoshop PT again.

Is there anything new that hasn't been done yet?

>> No.6312291

OH GOD HOW SHOOPED IS THAT ORIGINAL EVEN? There is some srs blur right under her scarf which looks like it was drawn in MSPaint and... wai-- wh-- WHERE IS HER BELLY BUTTON?!!?!


>> No.6312320

bump for interest.

>> No.6312357
File: 89 KB, 500x670, tumblr_lqzc18KpuD1qahd60o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6312360

She has new privacy settings where only some of her friends can see it, some people can't. She made a status about it, if you didn't see it, you're probably in the second group.

>> No.6312374

Weird. I've never spoken to her, but I made the first group. Anyone know how she split it up?

>> No.6312411

>I made the first group
Sorry, I don't know what you mean. And I don't know how she split it. I was friends with her before she went on hiatus, but I don't think that was the criteria she used.

>> No.6312657

Did she shop her legs thinner in the original also?

>> No.6312715

>some of her friends can see it, some people can't
>if you didn't see it, you're probably in the second group

That's basically what I meant; that I can see those statuses. I'm wondering what the criteria actually was.

>> No.6312716
File: 189 KB, 592x382, PTbeachwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6312753
File: 271 KB, 800x456, hurrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay... This is kind of fun

>> No.6312764
File: 366 KB, 991x582, hurrr2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6312778
File: 359 KB, 1077x594, hurrr3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, only just realised you can move the green dots to adjust it to the face

>> No.6312781

Maybe I lack any sense of style, but... I like her with shorter hair. Am I crazy?

>> No.6312785
File: 330 KB, 895x505, hurrrr4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having far too much fun with this whilst I wait for my noodles to cool

Will try some short on her

>> No.6312792

this one's my favorite

>> No.6312798
File: 323 KB, 829x458, shortttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look a little poofy because I'm covering her bloody spikey buns

>> No.6312803
File: 337 KB, 933x518, luvit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG I'm in love with this one on her

>> No.6312807

That looks great on her!

>> No.6312808
File: 333 KB, 707x462, shortred.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6312809
File: 46 KB, 610x412, 610x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6312812


Nooo, she looks like Margaret Thatcher! Go ginger!

>> No.6312815 [DELETED] 

This one looks really good on her.

>> No.6312823

The hair length is flattering for her chin.

>> No.6312843
File: 325 KB, 647x476, brownmid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6312857
File: 297 KB, 806x512, dt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shitty, but I used RuPauls Dragulator for laughs since I always thought she had a manish face.

>> No.6313089


>> No.6313098

my favorite of the bunch. That red is great for her skin tone and blue eyes.

>> No.6313113
File: 301 KB, 285x431, ptderp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna upload the ones I make.
Wow, what a difference proper makeup could make for her.

>> No.6313131

Fuck. I did not get the PT all inclusive Facebook pass.

>> No.6313130

oh wow.

>> No.6313151
File: 289 KB, 282x415, ptderpin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My second attempt.

>> No.6313162

her hair needs some BODY. It's always so flat and greasy god damn.
Are make-over boutiques a thing? They should be a thing.

>> No.6313163

That looks like a shitty ass blow up doll.

>> No.6313171


I got the all inclusive pass lol
I don't know why though. I'm nice to her and comment on her updates fairly regularly, but I don't totally kiss her ass all the time and can be fairly blunt at times.
That status about not wanting to visit South Korea because of all of their "past atrocities" was deleted because I ended up bitching her out over it.

>> No.6313172

Wow that is the best one.

>> No.6313185
File: 293 KB, 280x422, ptderping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, agreed. :)
Here's the third one. I think the windswept was too much.


>> No.6313202
File: 285 KB, 276x424, ptderpa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is actually my favorite so far. Why can't she do this? :( I think she'd be gorgeous.

>> No.6313212

yeah this looks a lot better!

>> No.6313215

all you have to do is introduce her to an anime character with that style type

>> No.6313261

She's 18 in this pic, but looks 38. Sure, she's clean and well-groomed, and her smile is pretty (and much nicer than the derpy one she uses all the time now), but she looks like shit with blonde hair. It's too light, it doesn't suit her coloring at all, and looks fake and trashy, IMO.

I don't think she would look bad with darker brown hair 1) if it was longer, 2) if she fucking washed that mess, and 3) if she had it at a flattering length and got a good cut. Decent makeup choices and application would help a lot, too.

If she was a sane person, I think she could be strikingly attractive--some women with strong features can really make them work.Too bad about the dead eyes, poor hygiene, derpy facial expressions, and Fukushima-levels of toxic crazy radiating from her.

>> No.6313279

well PT looks fake and trashy anyway so i guess the blonde fake and trashy fits better in our society than kawaiidesu~ne fake trash

>> No.6313289
File: 369 KB, 600x800, 1322442581732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best PT

>> No.6313294
File: 28 KB, 300x400, Mutsuki_Uehara.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are tons.

>> No.6313302

Your like the woman version of the men she likes. You give her a constant stream of attention, a lot of of bad and every once in a while you give her a little nugget of praise that makes her day...

I'd ship it.

>> No.6313316

Excuse me for asking, but what site are you using for this? I rather like it.

>> No.6313335


Oh god... SpoonyxPT OTP?
One can only dream...

>> No.6313350

is her hair actually washed...?! no wonder she looks so cute in these pics. plus the angle of course. but damn, it makes a difference when her hair isn't so lank and greasy.

>> No.6313383
File: 655 KB, 582x592, chesnut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried the chestnut with highlights look.

>> No.6313393

>Sarah @pixyteri Lol I got my Renaissance Faire costume ordered i hope iy fits! It's green lol I wore green to the last one I went to weird!! Lol!!

Lol guyze!

>> No.6313409

omg that is like so weird! lol!!!

>> No.6313423

This picture is about my favorite of PT. Can we somehow convince her to do this style, or get her to look like this?

>> No.6313436


Does anyone have that picture from this shoot where there was a side by side of her and Miyu. It shows how PT was shooped to look more like Miyu.

>> No.6313443

God DAMMIT! I want her to cosplay Scully even more now!!

>> No.6313466
File: 62 KB, 1001x481, truth is out there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6313470

Oh... shit..

Oh my...

>> No.6313471


>> No.6313475

i didn't realize the resemblance until I did this

>> No.6313472

See! It would be awesome.

>> No.6313479

I knew i wasn't crazy when I pictured this in my head. I'm glad you did this side by side.

>> No.6313485
File: 626 KB, 320x240, Hirasawa_Yui_Sparkles_From_K-On_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PT must become this!

>> No.6313497

>is probably petite given how short she is.
She seems like the classic endomorph; she's just going to be big, regardless.

>> No.6313499
File: 30 KB, 511x637, tumblr_mb0sgi5PjB1rrtar6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they're of a similar height, too. If PT got her strong/smart/sexy/confident woman affirmations from Scully instead of her Japanese animes maybe she wouldn't be such a trainwreck.

>> No.6313505

X-Files fixes everything. Sad thing is, I got the idea from her sister-in-law who had mentioned to me once in a chat that she wished PT would cosplay Scully.

>> No.6313516

At least it would be a reasonable goal instead of becoming japanese.

>> No.6313512

PT would have to drop a shit ton of weight to be like her

>> No.6313549

...but she ~IS~ Japanese, so there is no trying. Didn't you know!?

>> No.6313554
File: 88 KB, 799x383, 1350193045495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makeover thing is kind of fun

>> No.6313551

S-shut up, you baka gaijin! The queen is half japanesu.

>> No.6313626
File: 269 KB, 345x382, sofreshandsocleanclean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6313675

oh goodness! Many apologies~~

>> No.6313792

please someone send this to her

>> No.6313797


Too bad she hates redheads.

>> No.6313839

>Sarah @pixyteri MEN!!! >.< ..Come on and pay attention to me! You know who you are!!

>> No.6313843
File: 282 KB, 276x416, ptdesu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fulfilling your dreams.

>> No.6313848

Thank you. *sniff* thank you so much.

>> No.6313861



There's attention whoring, and then there is LITERALLY yelling "Pay attention to meee!!!!!"

Holy fuck.

>> No.6313881


>> No.6313893

looks great!

She'd be mad if she saw this, dammit PT.

>> No.6313898
File: 300 KB, 347x326, ptredderp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6313915

I just want y'all to know - if PT gets an online dating account, you can thank me.

I wonder how fast that'll get tore up.

>> No.6313922


I really want to like... make friends with her, as a fellow genetic lottery loser to help her realize ways she can improve her looks and (hopefully) her outlook on life.

I'm fat, I have a huge nose, and my skin is awful, yet I figured out how to put on makeup, minimize negatives, maximize positives, and dress for my shape - I KNOW I could help her, and not just with looks. I fought with some of the same depression/delusion problems she's clearly going through, and I know how important a healthy self-image is to overcoming those imbalances. I want to help her realize that she doesn't need to (and, in fact, for her own sake, really SHOULD NOT) hate on other women for how they look or act, because of the way that turns around and poisons the hater.

>tldr, cool story sis

But I'm pretty sure she won't listen to a stranger, so I'm not sure I should even bother trying. Anyone on here have any success (or failure) stories (other than Miyu - I'm not an e-famous COSUPURE IDORU) with trying to help her up?

>> No.6313932

a bunch of people have genuinely tried to help her but the thing is PT doesn't think anything is wrong with her so sadly it's all pointless

>> No.6313936

If only PT would get this hair.. its so perfect..

actually would be beautiful on PT
PT and beautiful in the same sentence-The apocolypse really is coming guiz

>> No.6313938
File: 181 KB, 325x426, pt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got rid of the background stuff because it annoyed me and somehow made her look like Dakota.

>> No.6313941
File: 346 KB, 317x424, ptherp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6313942

If an e-famous idol couldn't fix her why do you think you can? If PT won't change on her own nobody can help her.

>> No.6313945

Like, she needs to grow her hair out (a bit,) put more volume on top, learn to do makeup, and wash her hair. Also pose with her chin jutting out less. Its like she's emphasizing all her faults.

I'm cursed with big nose & droopy eyes, but its workable, you just have to not... well, do your makeup like you're asian.

>> No.6313947

I'm afraid of what will happen if she gets one.
We may laugh and pick at PT but she is human and she does have a heart. Breaking it for lols isn't very humane.

>> No.6313980

This just looks so strange.
Maybe it's just her contacts standing out more than with brown hair

>> No.6313981

Even does her best picture a little bit more justice.

>> No.6313982

Oh that looks good!!

>> No.6313986
File: 302 KB, 314x424, ptaherp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.
(Kinda looks like Miyu. . . )

>> No.6314003

now here she looks great.

>> No.6314006

Only in the eyes. It's definitely the eye makeup.

>> No.6314008

> If PT won't change on her own nobody can help her.
By this logic, people shouldn't go to therapy. :P Don't be retarded.

I think I can help her where Miyu couldn't, because no matter what Miyu did for PT, she would still be a 6%bodyfat idol, and PT will never be able to get past that (jealousy, resentment, self-loathing) in the way she relates to her.

I'm NOT the things that put PT off about Miyu. I'm fat, relatively unattractive, and a nobody. I could relate to her on a different level. Instead of "Here's how to be perfect like me", I'm offering "Let me help you do the best with what you've got".

>> No.6314022

good luck girl. I've tried to get close. All she does is complain. =(
and dtjust

>> No.6314034


I was looking for pictures to give her some more makeovers and I found this.

What. the. flying. fuck. is. this.!?!

>> No.6314046

I've heard the same thing from so many people wanting to help her..

Go for it though, it would be awesome if someone actually succeeds.

>> No.6314094

Thanks, I don't know if I'll even bother or not, but my heart just goes out to her :/ I wish she lived close by (socal) instead of in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.6314104

It would be noble of you to try though. I doubt you're as terrible looking as you make it sound on here, but I think you should try. Just note, ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED!!!!!

>> No.6314115

Guias she wants to skype with people!

>> No.6314140
File: 252 KB, 258x391, getittogetherpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She could look so good. ; _ ;

>> No.6314149


>> No.6314172


>> No.6314174
File: 210 KB, 470x340, gimme_pizza_Reaction_faces_part_2-s470x340-159303-580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's because I'm coming from somewhere different, but I would be really grateful if people spent this much time deciding what would make me look best. I'm one of those people that really likes certain styles, but know they look terrible on me and I'd rather look good AND wear stuff I like, not just wear whatever the hell I want because "Waaahh I need to be myself and be unique blah blah blah~"

This looks SO GOOD for PT. Like WOW. If she looked like that all the time she would be so set. I agree that it'll be really hard, if not impossible, for her to actually be attractive because of some of her features, but that's such a good PS. Maybe it is possible...

>> No.6314180

I just feel like she has so many fake "friends" who are only orbiting her due to appreciating the drama/trainwreck, that she may not even know what a real friendship even is at this point. Granted, part of it is probably due to her personality problems, but THOSE AREN'T INSURMOUNTABLE, you know?

Maybe she just needs someone to be her friend, and lead by example, instead of trying to change her.

>> No.6314196

We have threads about improving yourself pretty regularly. If someone made one, I'd join in.

But yeah, PT is pretty ungrateful. But if that's drilled into your brain, and you're totally set in your ways, what can we do? Most of us have tried helping her in one way or another, she just doesn't care because she'll never fit in with her own arbitrarily-devised standard of beauty: asians.

>> No.6314203
File: 249 KB, 257x389, ptptptptpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I'm bothering spending this much time on this. I guess to prove it can be done, knowing she'll never do it?
I'd actually rather do it for someone that would appreciate it.

>> No.6314290

The green eyebrows are bothering me

>> No.6314305
File: 196 KB, 500x476, tumblr_lsx33gfenW1ql26gfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want your advice but I don't want to be the lone weirdo/attention whore posting their pic

>> No.6314310

I feel the same way.

Is it weird that I feel like it would work out better if the person trying to help her was uglier than her? I weigh more than her (Though I think I carry it better) and I feel like if someone who was "uglier" than her was like "Oh wow look at this style, it's too small for me/I can't pull it off but you totally could" and just flatter the fuck out of her?

Idk man. I feel like I have really good style and I have two pretty friends who I pretty much take shopping and play dress up with and they love it. They try on things they would have never tried on before and get huge confidence boosts because they're hanging out with someone they look better than.

TL;DR: I think PT would listen to advice from someone uglier than her better than from someone prettier than her.

>> No.6314323

I wish I was Karen Gillan or Amy Pond rather.

>> No.6314326


I'm like damn. I'd pay someone to give the advice all these gull's are giving PT. =<

>> No.6314333

I would almost do anything to have tons of people jumping to give me suggestions on how to better my appearance.

>> No.6314337


>> No.6314338

Poor image quality, couldn't be helped.

>> No.6314360

Speaking of which, what happened to that online dating account an Anon made for PT?

>> No.6314364
File: 94 KB, 1342x574, its me yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'll bite because I really like anon's shoops and everyone is giving really good suggestions, and I am desperate for advice. Sage for selfpost and off-topic. I am so sorry for my face.

What the hell should I do with my hair. Pic attached is a couple of my senior portraits I figured would be workable/photoshoppable. I'm 18 in them and I'm 22 now, but I pretty much look the same. My hair is really short right now (goes maybe 2 inches past my ears and it's really layered) and it just looks terrible. The far right kind of shows it but it was windy and I was hiking. (Far right pic was taken 2 weeks ago.)

But it is truly awful and I'm so frustrated. I got a pixie cut around last December and I've just been letting it grow back, but it's slow and it just looks ugly now. I also get my eyebrows waxed now so they're not so caterpillary anymore. If anyone has suggestions for my face too I would be super grateful.

>> No.6314407
File: 454 KB, 829x1249, Gruntilda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to cosplay Gruntilda so fucking bad.

>> No.6314451


I constantly cut my hair really short and then let it grow out - it'll be a pain no matter what.
To avoid potential mullet issues, keep your hair on top and sides long, but keep the back shorter until it all starts evening out.

>> No.6314469
File: 33 KB, 320x240, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to agree with you, but then I realized she would try to pull THIS off.

>> No.6314486

A longer pixy cut with lots of layers would look good imo
make sure you get a side bang of some kind though

>> No.6314489
File: 460 KB, 412x588, cgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is your no where near as ugly as PT so it's not as fun. >:3

You have a large forehead so I gave you some side swept bangs. The colour you have here (Natural colour?) Looks really good, I just added some red and gold highlights to make it a bit brighter. Shaped the brows just a touch and that was about it, you pull off the natural look very well. :]

>> No.6314506

Me gusta mucho. I always end up parting my hair 3/4 exactly like my pic's because I have a cowlick and it wants to separate itself, so I'm always scared to do bangs. But I like the sideswept very, very much. And yes, it's my natural color. I've dyed it before but I do like my natural color, so thank you!

Thank you so much anons. Now I have inspiration for when I get my hair did.

>> No.6314858
File: 79 KB, 600x800, A5OtrGOCMAEJIgE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something tells me PT is going to try to, if she hasn't already, get James to re-enact the Rukia-x-Urahara doujinshi she bought a little while ago.
Poor kid, I feel a little bad; having that crazy heifer after him.

>> No.6315026

Who made this?

>> No.6315041


If she just made the littlest effort to lose some weight, i bet she would look a thousand times better.

Her face (although her chin is a little big) isn't that bad. It's that fucking disgusting body that makes her ugly.

Well... that and her personality...

>> No.6315060

I tired to be a real friend for her. I don't think she understands what one is. The first thing she did was complain. She's genuinely really sad.

>> No.6315071


Hmm yeah maybe.

I find it gives her a special quality, somewhat admirable, not to be concerned about her fatness

Many fatties claim this, but PT actually lives it.

In her own way, PT is better than most of us..

>> No.6315077

But she is concerned. She's talked about losing weight and eating healthier. She just doesn't try at all.

>> No.6315082


Shes probably getting alot of advice from people to tell her she needs to lose weight, but really if you can be fine doing >>6311102 , i think youre quite special

>> No.6315092

You guys need to stop deluding yourselves into thinking you can "help" her. What she needs isn't a friend, she needs a backhand and a good dose of reality.

Miyu couldn't help her because PT doesn't WANT to be helped. For all her efforts you know what Miyu got in return? Ungratefulness. PT only ended up using Miyu as her personal makeover assistant and on-call photographer. PT even tried to get Miyu to lie to her mother and say she was having a sleepover at Miyu's so she could instead sneak off to San Antonio to attend San Japan.

Miyu refused of course, but do you guys seriously think that's gratitude? She doesn't want friends, she wants people who will follow her around constantly telling her how hot, sexy and Japanese she is and she abuses them for their talents, various mangas and Japanese textbooks. As soon as these people have run out of uses and stop kissing her ass, she chucks them.

>> No.6315091

PT needs to read the sticky on /fit/

>> No.6315116

I'm inclined to agree.

>> No.6315129

Preeeteee sure Miyu helped PT for the attention. I mean if she didn't go to /cgl/, PT wouldn't even be well known. She still isn't outside of /cgl/. Kinda like how that fatso smoker just had to take a picture with her.

>> No.6315166

This. PT has had friends in the past. Thing is, those people either got dropped because they told her something she didn't want to hear or disagreed with her or they left because they couldn't constantly deal with having to coddle her bratty ass all the time. She's too immature for a real friendship. It's the same reason she will always be some dude's booty call and not his girlfriend. PT can't think past what PT wants. She doesn't give a rats ass about other people.

>> No.6315224

I hate agreeing with Spoony but I doubt it. If she wanted attention I think she could get it just fine on her own.

>> No.6315272

THIS! She actually did have me lie to her Mom about being with her at Ikkicon but Debbie doesn't even know my number. It is an endless loop of just lies and being used with PT. Our friendship has been on & off for awhile because of drama like this.

There are times when I want to reach out to her, or tell her she's being fucking retarded but all that's going to do is get me blocked.

I srsly wonder to this day if I said "yes" when she asked me if she was fat. ._.

>> No.6315290


>I srsly wonder to this day if I said "yes" when she asked me if she was fat

What DID you say to her by the way?
Also, you should come on MSN more often :3

>> No.6315297
File: 327 KB, 417x518, tumblr_lpb74590jK1r04fl8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't speak the lingo but can anyone tell me what the windchime actually says? I'm betting I can find identical online for sale

(Also how is it a chime if it has nothing to chime against?)

>> No.6315298

Kai, does she ever throw tantrums in public if she doesn't get her way or make loud catty comments about other women when out in public? I always imagined PT stomping her feet like a child or just outright throwing herself, kicking and screaming, on the ground because somebody didn't want to go to her favorite Japanese restaurant.

>> No.6315316


Apparently it's some lesser known Kanij for "chair", though others have said it means "heads", as in heads or tails. Just like PT's split heritiji, surely it's a sign?

>> No.6315341

She's not that size anymore. She's way bigger

>> No.6315347

I'm kind of wondering why no one has just straight up asked Debbie where she got the Japanese decoration in her garden from

>> No.6315388

My dumbass said no. Fucking no. I slap myself mentally EVERY TIME that memory comes to surface.
How do you know my MSN handle? <_<

Oh, I was friends with her before it got worse like it is now. If anything, the only time she was ever depressing was through text messaging. Other than that she was a joy imo. We shared a lot of the same interests too. Though, I wonder if it's changed because she doesn't seem to be in to Lolita anymore. I srsly wanted to buy that Melty Chocolate off of her.
I was actually quite excited to go to Tokyo Bar & Grill with her cause I love asian food. lol

>> No.6315396


Nvm, I thought this was Miyu lol

>> No.6315400

Why would you want a dress that's been so stretched that the seams were popping?

>> No.6315403

That's... actually really sad. :/ You're better than being a satellite.

>> No.6315407

I wish I was as pretty as Miyu. ;.;

Someone else bought it off of her though. Unless they were just as big. Hey, if I could save it I would have loved to wear it!! Shit, at the size I was when she had it it probably would have fit me too.

>> No.6315418

I can't agree with you more.

>> No.6315419


Yes you can. With diamonds. Lots and lots of diamonds.

>> No.6315422
File: 15 KB, 460x276, Vanessa-Feltz-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooooly shit, I totally thought someone had posted Vanessa Feltz as a joke reply.

>> No.6315426

Well at least you hung out with her before she went to her current level of cray-cray.

I'm betting that's the reason she bought the hat in the first place. I don't feel that bad for him. He made that choice himself. Though based of her tweets, he seems very much like Kris in the way he treats her.

I agree but nobody seems to be willing to go through her drama to do so. I honestly do believe she's too far gone for it to take just one person to pop her a good dose anymore. It would have to be all of her friends and they would have to stay the course. She would just dismiss one person do it to her as a hater, but she wouldn't be able to do it to everybody. As well, the people online would need to not kiss her ass and give her ass-pats about her mean friends if it ever happened. If she gets even one person to support her during something like that, and saying she is in the right and they're just haters, she'd run with it. Thing is, there will always be at least one person who'd give her ass-pats.

>> No.6315433

Dr. Phil, save this woman!

>> No.6315435

Wouldn't it be great if cgl pulled all their powers combined and helped PT.

>> No.6315437

Dr. Phil would have a hard time with this.

>> No.6315478

I know PT tends to hate women who look like the girl her fuck buddies leave her for. What would happen if her current fuck buddy left her for a legit Japanese or even Asian chick, who look exactly how PT sees herself? Thin but curvy with small breasts and medium black hair. Would she implode?

>> No.6315486
File: 68 KB, 500x358, tumblr_lfrfa5jQGa1qfiindo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6315511

uh, no. if she did that then she'd advertise all her shit with PT right here but she never did.

>> No.6315519

Maybe. She'd probably just go on about being more sexier and reinvent herself again as another animu character. She's been on Rukia for awhile for some reason (at least, she hasn't mention another one?)

>> No.6315584

I'd honestly expect her to become utterly obsessed. She might try to cozy up to the girl to ~learn her secrets~ while shitting all over her in 'vague' tweets and FB updates. If the girl is Japanese:
>WOW I wish SOME PEOPLE would stop claiming to be something they're not because that is really offensive and hurtful ;-;
>Do you think a Japanese person would do xyz? I don't think so...
If she were from another part of Asia, there would just be a barrage of unfounded bitchy comments about how
>Japan is so much better than X country haha girls from X country WISH they were Japanese no offense though! lol

Sarah might also try to copy and 'outdo' her, like buying similar outfits and sexing them up for photoshoots.

Really I can only imagine her being disturbing as fuck about something like this.

>> No.6315599

is that really PT. SHe looks so pretty

>> No.6315879

She could never look that good anymore anyway, she keeps gaining too much fucking weight.

>> No.6315885

Holy shit your example tweets sound exactly like her.

I wish this would happen now, she would totally lose control of herself.

>> No.6315891

Dear Lord. She really would do this. Especially the sexifng up outfits thing. Of course she would do her usual hands against wall, ass out, face turned pose.

>> No.6315910

I think she's focused on Rukia because Rukia is what PT truly wishes she could be. A thin, short, flat chested Japanese girl who lives in both modern day Japan and a feudal Japan realm.

At one time, PT thought she was Orihime. I doubt she'd go back to that character though. Not since, Kris left her for that redheaded stripper. When you think about it, it's rather sad that PT hates redheaded characters now, just because her ex-fuck buddy preferred a red head over her.

>> No.6315964

Yeah. That's really her.

>> No.6315967

I don't think we could handle PT like that.

>> No.6316007

I'm actually thinking she'd go way off the deep end. I'm not talking catty tweets and stalking. I'm talking physically assaulting the other girl. It's one thing to left for a girl who looks PT's opposite (or well the opposite of what PT perceives herself) but to be left for somebody exactly or similar looking enough to what she believes herself to be. I think it break her to the point of no return. Especially, if that girl became her fuck buddies girlfriend.

>> No.6316029

Is it bad that I want to see James get set up with an Asian girl now? Preferably Japanese?

Maybe there will be a charge and she'd go to jail. Maybe that'll help her wake up.

>> No.6316054

I don't want to wish bad on a innocent girl, but I want it to happen to.

>> No.6316056

>Sarah @pixyteri Please stop messaging/emailing my mom.

>Sarah @pixyteri And apparently I'll never find a man because I'm too interested in Japan.

>> No.6316064

No PT, you can't get a man because of your attitude. You need to wake up, stop living in your dream world. You are 27 years old, you need to act like it. You need to stop taking everyone for granted. Then and maybe then you can land yourself a man.

>> No.6316072
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can't find a man because you love Japan too much
>implying it isn't because you're batshit insane, whiny, and clingy
>implying it isn't because you're overweight, dress worse than a 5 year old, and don't bathe

>> No.6316073
File: 4 KB, 150x120, 4057056+_dd1642061ce6d42e70775e6e98d63b19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, now I REALLY want to see her on Dr. Phil.

>> No.6316077


I almost want to tweet her that no, she wrong. There are worse reasons why you can't get a man.

Or unless someone wants to do it for me. I just feel like ending this and slapping her in the face.

(But atm bbs, grocery shoppin')

>> No.6316130

All I did was ask where her Mum got the 'windchime' from because I think my Mum would like something similar for her non existent upcoming birthday

>> No.6316149

Why does it matter?

>> No.6316150

>its ok it's more of the story people made up about the windchime that bugs me.

Wait. I thought PT was the one who stated to somebody she was talking to on MSN, that she thought the windchime was a gift from her totally Japanese dad. Please don't tell me that whole MSN convo was fake. It was my favorite batshit PT moment.

Wait, did you ask PT or PT's mom?

>> No.6316203
File: 221 KB, 331x515, 1322207997171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think PT has physical harassed Kris-chan before? Not like punches and shit but stalking and touching.

>> No.6316209

1. that photo has nothing to do with Kris
2. Her fucking nasty ass hair

>> No.6316210

Holy fuck she aged (plus no makeup and photoshop), she looks like an ogre of some sort.

>> No.6316219

It does, Kris-chan called her slutty after she was stalking Krissu-chan.

>> No.6316220

Her eyes look like she's been crying.

>> No.6316229


She was crying,

>> No.6316241

She was. Then ran into the bathroom to show how sad she was.
Wasn't she also getting buttmad over another girl Kris was talking to or was that another time? I know she hates the current red head stripper but I thought Kris calling her slut was not only because she wouldn't leave him alone but because she was insulting the girl he liked/was with that night.

>> No.6316243


s far as we've seen, PT herself was the one to start flinging that shitty windchime about as proof that shes "TOTARRI JAPANESE"

>> No.6316251

Hey guys
Do you think PT puts herself as Asian decent on her job applications?

>> No.6316253
File: 759 KB, 1711x3184, Pixyteriwtfuckerytranscript.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6316255


She's said herself that she usually goes with "Mixed"

Which I find hilarious because lying on official documentation could get your ass in a lot of trouble.

>> No.6316256

She probably does. Unless it isn't her filling out those applications.

>> No.6316257

With her very French last name? I would lol... in a way I hope not, but in a way, it is also possible.

And maybe not check off "Asian" but "Other" and claim halfu status

>> No.6316264

I know one time she said something about her dad jokingly saying he'd mark her as asian on their census form and because she didn't realize he was being a smartass she got pissed when he didn't.

>> No.6316265

Her last name is Cajin.....which she thought was asian because it sounds like asian and the cajin food goods are right next to the asian food goods in the super market.

>> No.6316289

> can we get a raid monster called pixyteri
> A giant delusional half naked creature with giant thighs and a buddha belly. also would need a trollface grin and streetfighter mika outfit.

>> No.6316293

>Which I find hilarious because lying on official documentation could get your ass in a lot of trouble.

Only in america would 'lying' about your race get you in trouble.

>> No.6316315


I don't mean just specifically her race

Giving any kind of false information on legal documentation is just risky in general. It's the same as lying about your age, name, address, anything. PT is as white as shit so anyone with half a functioning brain can tell that she's lying her ass off if she fills in any kind of job application or documents with "Mixed"

Also, I'm not from America. I'm not even sure what your point is here.

>> No.6316323

They were assuming you're from america anon, not that hard to comprehend.

>> No.6316326

Oh wow, that would be gorgeous on her. Like damn, she actually looks like a woman and not a weeaboo. I wish somebody could have shown her this when she was trying to figure out her hairstyle.

Bonus points if it was a guy who offered it to her.

>> No.6316331

Even if it was James-chan, she would not have listened. She just post passive aggressive tweets and facebook statues about how she'll be who she really is and she won't change for any man!

Not even James-chan can help his sempai.

>> No.6316335


I was more confused about the fact that they wrote "lying" as if they're suggesting that PT isn't a total bullshitter.

Also saying that lying about your race is only a problem in America. What.

>> No.6316350

well to be honest, in most regards the race/ethnicity bit is just a formality.

hell there are reports of asians "creatively misinterpreting" their ethnicity (to say, pacific islander) for college applications.

>> No.6316368

It's mostly this. If she's lying about that basic thing, what else is she lying about. I don't know the hiring process for most entry level retail jobs, and with her likely putting 'mixed' on her application it probably isn't something they look into or question. Now if she's putting Asian and turns up for an interview, clearly being white as fuck, it could raise some eyebrows.

Quite frankly, I wonder if she is even the one to fill out applications.

>> No.6316385

someone has the rukia cosplay pictures???

>> No.6316386

I asked her Mum. PT wouldn't give me a legitimate answer now would she? I just asked her Mum, simply where did the windchime come from? Seeing as though it is the stem of PT's belief that she is in fact Asian. I was hoping for some hilarious response saying "Home Depot" or something along the lines but I guess even her Mum won't get involved. Which is semi annoying as she could put the whole case to rest if she just said "No, it's made in America, bought for pleasure or gift from friend"

I mean, that would be the end of PT's right to claim Asian right there

>> No.6316429

of course not. She doesn't want to see that her daughter is a basket case.

>> No.6316433

I can't blame her mom for not answering. I mean, she knows of the whole wind chime tale and I'm sure the last thing she needs is PT getting harassed, when it's confirmed where it came from. Plus, then Debbi and the rest of the family would have to deal with the breakdown, whining, yelling, and stress from PT denying the wind chime's real origins and constantly saying her dad isn't her real dad or her parents not being her actual parents.

>> No.6316499

Why would you ask her that? You're such a cunt, her mother already have a lot to deal with, she doesn't need the constant reminder that everyone else know her daughter is batshit insane.