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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 72 KB, 478x564, dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6309651 No.6309651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is why she makes the wrong decisions on everything. Her friends are just as dumb as she is.

>Medical attention won't help your dog! Hugs will though!

>> No.6309656

Somebody, please tell this girl to go take her dog to the vet. For the love of god.

>> No.6309657
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This really pisses me off. This came right after her "Baaaw my dog is dying, I'm totally crying!" status.

>> No.6309660

That illiterate girl did twice. They just ignored her.

>> No.6309662

>we hook up a heat lamp

I can totally see the poor doggie having burns all over her body

>> No.6309664

uugh, as a Beagle owner myself, that REALLY pisses me off. You should still take the animal to the vet, because then they can at least give them a shot to put them out of their suffering.

It could take days for a dog to finally die, and the process can be very painful for them.

>> No.6309665

Someone already did. She's obviously not going to.

Anyone want to call animal control?

>> No.6309667

oh god this pisses me off so much
if i was blind, deaf, and dying i sure as hell would not want to live my last month or two in agony and I doubt this dog does either
i had to take my dog to get put down recently and sure, it was depressing, but not nearly as depressing as seeing her fall just trying to get up and her knocking over her food bowl because she couldn't see it. and I only put her down after knowing there was no saving her
jesus fuck words can't describe how annoyed I am right now. she won't even bother going to the vet to see if there's any way she can help her dog. let alone put it out of its misery.

>> No.6309672

whoops accidently linked to last thread's post, disregard that

>> No.6309671

please someone do this

>> No.6309676

Shit, we have evidence of past neglect along with unsanitary conditions. She's admitted to her family leaving their cat untreated for a breathing problem until it died MONTHS later. Also there are all the pictures of her house and her statuses saying the dogs shit in the house. Not to mention when she left to spend the weekend with a friend and left the dog in the house alone all weekend.

>> No.6309683
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>> No.6309684

She won't be the one in trouble her parents will.

This annoys me seeing as my dog is 14 years old and ill be damned if I let him suffer. No doubt the poor guy was showing signs of illness before his final days.
Not made at ashley, but that whole damn family.

>> No.6309686

This doesn't look like cosplay

>> No.6309687

>my cat died this morning
>yay auditions!

and now

>my dog is dying
>yay I sold stuff on Etsy!

>> No.6309688

I would hope that animal control / SPCA would do something...

>> No.6309689
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She's a cosplayer. See?

>> No.6309692

nope, this does look like animal abuse

>> No.6309693


Her parents should get in trouble for leaving an animal in pain and untreated. They ARE the adults after all.

>> No.6309694

Out of all the threads 'not about cosplay' right now...

>> No.6309698

Sent her a message on Tumblr at the very least.

>> No.6309699

Very much agreed.

>> No.6309703


Isn't this them?

>> No.6309704


bitch always bawww~ and make excuses when people call out on her shit

>> No.6309708

This is... bizarre. I mean, certainly, there are aspects of old age that you can't treat (at least not at any reasonable cost), and you just have to love them and make there life nice for as long as they aren't in extreme pain. But there are a million possible causes for "collapsing" and some of the treatments would be simple and not even that expensive. Perhaps the dog has severe arthritis, and with some pain meds would be immensely better. Why would they just say "oh well whatever" and not treat something that serious?

This bothers me. Bah.

>> No.6309710

She's an adult too. She can get in legal trouble as well.

>> No.6309713

Especially since she claims it's "her" dog.

>> No.6309716
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Looks like Ashley wasn't lying about her brother having cancer.

>> No.6309719

She lives in the land of the free, they should take the dog out and shoot it. It won't feel it coming and with a little preparation it won't be that messy. Not that they'd keep that in mind, I bet we'll see the carcass in photos in the future.

>> No.6309722

stfu this is not /b/

>> No.6309724
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And nothing else about her dad...

I'm partially convinced that she doesn't even have a father with how many false-stories she brews up over him.

>> No.6309727


How tacky. "Here's a candy cane, how about some money for my stepson's medical bills?"

Hold a benefit, Chinese auction or dinner instead.

>> No.6309729

This. Our dog is 18 this year and she's honestly still like a puppy hyper running fits and all. But a few months ago we thought she'd had it. She stopped eating and could barely walk. Of course we thought it was her age but the first thing we did was get her to the vets! She's part of the family and we want the best for her. Turns out she had a kidney infection and was back on her feet within a week after a course of pills.
I really don't understand how you could just watch your dog suffer - it could be old age, it could also be something totally treatable. Shame on her!

>> No.6309732

Dear God. If there ever was a time for Gulls to make calls to the correct authorities, the time is now. Don't care if the fat bitch is halfway through her wrist or having trouble breathing or what the fuck ever attention grabbing excuse she'd throw out for asspats, but letting a poor animal suffer because it's vet bill might takeaway from Assley getting some shit quality cosplay materials for a cosplay she probably won't finish and would look as shitty as her Goddamn face if she did? Nah bitches. That shit don't fly! Holy fuck balls...I'm mad.

>> No.6309733

great. Now all I can picture is that girl who took a picture of herself holding a severed dogs head.

>> No.6309735

Her dad looks totally chill, just old.

>> No.6309736

It's not legal to shoot your animal.

>> No.6309738

This article sounds like literate-Ashley..
>yay decorations and lights
>ahh cute themes
>almost all of december, oh how committed!
>oh and their son is really sick

Not implying anything, it's just organized oddly.

>> No.6309740

The Federal Prison thing didn't raise any red flags for you?

>> No.6309745

Fucking. Yes.
I can't believe we finally got her actual address instead of "somewhere in white-trash Chesterfield."

>> No.6309749

fuck how I wish I could call US animal protection but my spoken english sucks balls

>> No.6309748

time for disgusting girls on /cgl/ to act like disgusting boys on /b/

>> No.6309751

Ladies, you know the site for animal cruelty. Don't sit and wait for some one else to do something.
Please, report it yourselves. Don't hesistate.

>> No.6309759

Phone calls only, please.

>> No.6309756

holy shit I quoted the wrong post

>> No.6309762

I have the ASPCA site up and going to report.

>> No.6309760

Jesus fuck Ashley, at least wait until the poor thing has snuffed it before you go making attention-mongering statuses.

>boo hoo trying so hard not to cry my dog is close to death dot dot dot she just means so much that i have to tell everyone rather than check if theres anything i can do to help her dot dot dot so dramatic dots im so caring guyyyyyyys

>> No.6309761


I looked up Chesterfield Virginia animal control but they aren't open past 4pm on Saturdays.

>> No.6309774


>> No.6309782

Please. With the amount of money Ashley wastes and how her family needed X amount of money one day to file bankruptcy before they lost the house and then suddenly the next day "Oh we don't need the money anymore." I doubt any of that shit is true. Her mom got a new car in late 2011 as well.

>> No.6309780


I'm having a hard time find a report page for anyplace outside of NY or NJ.

>> No.6309788
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Honestly, animal control and/or the police will give them a warning, at best. Last summer, my sister and I went to Wal-Mart, it was 3 pm in July (in Texas) and we saw a dog inside a car in the parking lot. NONE of the windows were even cracked a little bit for the poor thing to get fresh air. It had knocked over a soda on the dashboard, either in anxiety or desperation to get something to drink. We went in to the store, shopped for 45 minutes, came outside and the dog was STILL in there. My sister made the call to the cops and the person on the phone did not seem to understand that it's animal cruelty to do what the person did to that dog and did not seem bothered by it. My sister insisted they send someone and 20 minutes later a cop showed up in a patrol car right as the dog's owner was walking up to the car. Yes, we watched to see what would happen. The cop merely glanced at the car, did not examine the state of the dog and did not write up a citation. The cop only talked to the person for about a minute and then left. My sister and I were so pissed and sad that the person will probably keep neglecting that dog until it dies because no one will intervene.

>> No.6309795

At the very least, call the cops. It'll at least scream 'TAKE YOUR DOG TO THE GODDAMNED VET.'

>> No.6309800

Honestly I would call the police but I'm too lazy to give a fuck about an old fatass beagle atm.

>> No.6309806


...and you are a horrible person.

>> No.6309809

>call the cops
If anything, the cops would show up because seagulls have called them before on Ashley when she said she was killing herself. Everyone that called the local hospital said the person taking their calls assured them they'd send a police car to her house.

>> No.6309810

welp it'll be dead soon, hopefully.

>> No.6309811

Just speaking from personal experience, I don't think Animal Control will do much (if anything) for the dog or them.
My neighbor's would let their pitbull out unsupervised and it attacked my sister/killed our cat.
We called both AC and the cops, but all they did was tell them to keep their dog inside and did no follow ups.

Good luck to anyone who's trying, though.

>> No.6309815


Where do you live?
That's illegal around here, shit like that gets on the news. You can't leave kids either. I'm in Canada though.

>> No.6309817

Normally, I'm not for calling anyone over an internet thing, unless they're about to commit suicide, but seriously. Someone fucking call animal control; she's obviously trying to milk her dog's illness for sympathy points.

If he dies, fuck her. Ifshe suddenly posts a, "Oh, he's not sick anymore!" post, double fuck her.

>> No.6309821

Another anon here. In certain places with a strong ASPCA that stuff gets you in trouble but if you're just from a non-major city, no one cares.

>> No.6309823

I live an hour away from El Paso, Texas.
Don't want to say anything more than that.
Yeah we were disappointed that the cop didn't even ticket the bitch :(

>> No.6309826

As the owner to 2 lovely pits, I'm so sorry that happened to you. It's the owner, not the breed. Both of my dogs are lovely to my 3 month old. I wish they would've done something more though for your cat and your sister.

>> No.6309836
File: 58 KB, 960x640, 536801_437386299620413_976693746_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is this the first time we've even heard about her owning a beagle? This is the only dog she ever photographs and it sure as hell isn't a beagle.

>> No.6309843

I'm reporting it to the humane society through their contact email. I want /cgl/ to check my message before sending it out and would like some images of the deplorable conditions. I plan to send both screen captures and if there are any other captures of animals dying or being sick I'd appreciate those to.

The letter:

To Whom It May Concern,

I have come across a Facebook news feed status from a young woman named Ashley Bennett stating that her elderly dog has collapsed. She is refusing to take the elderly dog to the vet after a sudden collapse even at the advice of another friend to do so. This is not the first time this has happened to an animal owned by the family of this young woman. On March 14, 2011, Ms. Bennett wrote a journal entry on the website DeviantArt.com saying that her cat died from a long term breathing problem such as, to quote Ms. Bennett, "a cold I guess" and continuing on the say that the animal dies slowly from it. Ms. Bennett lives in house under deplorable conditions as well. I have included the screen captures of both the journal entry and the news feed status along with some images of the deplorable conditions in which the animals lived.

>> No.6309848


don't forget address

>> No.6309850


professional as fuck

send it

>> No.6309854
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Pics of said deplorable conditions coming right up!

>> No.6309851
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>> No.6309852

Animal control is just really sorry in general, from what I've seen. I live in Texas, also, and we had to bring a puppy to a shelter because we didn't have the means to care for it more than a night (we also own quite a few pets already). My dad and grandpa brought it in, my dad walked outside, and then he was informed that they were going to put the puppy to sleep. He wanted it back, but it was too late. Only took them about five minutes at the least. Around here, they think putting down anything that might cause a problem is the best solution.

>> No.6309853


Wow seriously?
Just leave it the hell alone.

>> No.6309860

*that the animal died slowly
*Ms. Bennet lives in a
*I have included screen captures

>> No.6309856
File: 419 KB, 400x600, 400px-Luvmonkeys_bathroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checking her FB albums for more pictures.

>> No.6309864

No ashley we won't. nice coverup on your FB deleting the status.

>> No.6309870

Too late, Ashburgers. You dun goofed.

>> No.6309871

Changing now. Thanks for catching it!
Thank you!

>> No.6309875

Wow. Thanks for suddenly jumping to the conclusion that I was Assley.

I just think you guys are taking it a step to far.

>> No.6309884

what the fuck? Didn't even give it 3 days at least? Fuck :(

>> No.6309882

> I'm having a hard time find a report page for anyplace outside of NY or NJ.
this is why i was asking, i'm having the same problem nd thought you had found a form or something.

>> No.6309888

>called CPS because possible abuse
>you guys are taking it a bit too far!
>called hospitals because maybe she an-hero'd
>you guys are taking it too far!
>now calling animal control because of neglect

I think you're a bit too late for that, anon.

>> No.6309886

Hi Ashley. Go pluck your eyebrows or something.

>> No.6309891

Unfortunately I didn't. If you want to report as well, here's Chesterfield's Humane Society's contact email.

>> No.6309889

Really? *We're* taking it a step too far? She posts this shit for everyone to see - we can do whatever we want with it. Plus, I'd say it's more admirable than anything that we're trying to save her pets from the hell they're in.


>> No.6309897

Scratch that. Emailed them and it bounced back.

>> No.6309900

thank you, going to type up an email now.

also, hi ashley. we know you're itt. lol at deleting your status about letting your dog suffer, too bad it's already been screenshotted and will be in the cgl archive along with the rest of your fuckery. dumb bitch.

>> No.6309903

well, fuck.
i'm going to look for other contact info.

>> No.6309904

And that's why if I ever see a car with all the windows rolled up and an animal inside while it's hot outside (live in So Cal), I will break a window and leave a note saying to not leave their pet trapped in a car without air or else their window will be broken again. It's just like leaving a child in the car.

>> No.6309910

If you find one, can you post it? I'm looking for an alternate as well.

>> No.6309916

Why should we? She must at least have a contact from the SPCA so she won't do that ever again.

>> No.6309914
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I was supposed to lay low but fuck this.

>> No.6309921
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>fuck her
>double fuck her

>> No.6309918
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>> No.6309919

Honestly the only other suggestion I've seen is call the cops.

>> No.6309923


Wtf, if an animal stops eating and drinking most of the time it's in fucking pain. That is so selfish of her.

>> No.6309924

This is Ashley, okay.
Beagle is probably the only breed she can name.

>> No.6309922

they apparently have a fb page, maybe we can send them a message through that? http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chesterfield-County-Humane-Society

>> No.6309925

sorry, this
was meant for

>> No.6309926

fuckin walk there if you have to

>> No.6309927
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>> No.6309928
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>> No.6309934

I'm sorry I didn't go in to drama threads when that was going on. But you know what, I'm glad I didn't.

But you know what, screw this, I'm going back to working on my cosplay for Anime Kaigi.

>> No.6309929

Tell her to call somebody then???? She's a retard.

>> No.6309931



>> No.6309932
File: 3 KB, 126x105, 1336282284764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've had lots of pets in my lifetime
Just.. how many is that, Ashley?

>> No.6309937
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>> No.6309938

>every pet's had some horrendous illness before dying
>don't you think that's a sign, Asherbutt?

>> No.6309939

Christ! It honestly could be anything, it may not even be dying! There's a possibility that all it needs is a shot. Why would she risk that?

>> No.6309935

> she's not eating or drinking
> she can't control her body functions
> lulz she's just old, no need to take her to the vet at all
fuck you, ashley. FUCK YOU. i wish your parents would let you starve, it wouldn't even do you any harm. you fat fucking cunt.

>> No.6309936

This is minor in her list of lies, but in the original screenshot, she says she's trying not to cry, then, suddenly, she's been crying for hours?

>> No.6309945
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>> No.6309946
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>> No.6309942
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>> No.6309943
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>they live for many years

>> No.6309947

She seems to be young. If she had two dogs that lived for 15 years that is already more than her lifetime.

Jesus christ she probably killing her pets out of neglection.

>> No.6309949
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>> No.6309950

Oh hai thar, Arizona anon.
Sage for no contribution. I'll try to see if I can contact anyone that can do something about this, though.

>> No.6309951

>live for many years
>the age she is now is a common life expectancy for most small pets

....I see the problem, do you?

>> No.6309953

I was actually wondering if it was animal hoarding...didn't think I would turn out to be right :\

>> No.6309957

You should say, "If you were in pain, fainting, losing your appetite, etc. Wouldn't you want to be taken to the doctor?"

>> No.6309960

There's a saying on a gerbil forum I visit:

"If you can't afford the vet you can't afford the pet."

I think it applies heavily in this case.:/

>> No.6309961

All her pets were like, 13-15? I'm wondering if her family adopts adult pets of like, 7-9 years of age.

>> No.6309964

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.6309967

Maybe they're not even that old - they just caught that 'old age' disease that's going around.

>> No.6309965

Message anon here I messaged them through Facebook and asked them to keep me anonymous. I hope they do something.

>> No.6309969

I don't even think it's that she, excuse me, her parents can't afford the vet. It's more like she's just as thick a pig shit and lazy to boot, so anything that wont revolve around her isn't worth doing in her eyes.

>> No.6309978

Agreed. She can afford tons of cons and supplies, yet not a single vet visit? I think she's afraid that it might turn out to be /something/ and have to pay more for meds/treatment.

>> No.6309976

This. She isn't wanting to take the pet to the vet because it might delay her getting some shiny, new object.

>> No.6309980
File: 82 KB, 179x189, 1325121324181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16 years old IS old for a dog.

It probably is about to die of old age. Jesus I understand you guys want to paint Ashley as a crazy bitch but don't be irrational.

Ashley is obviously too poor to bring the animal to the vet just to be told its going to die of old age.

Vet would probably just want to euthanize it (which I would think is the best option at this point).

It's not eating or drinking because it knows it's going to die. It will probably go off and hide somewhere so it can die.

Spoiler alert: things die of old age

>> No.6309985

Why do you shitheads even care.

>> No.6309986

Actually, depending on the dog. It can still live a few more years.

Yes, most animals don't eat or drink when they are going to die, but instead of letting it suffer a vet would put it down humanly cause GOD knows how fast the animal will pass away.

>> No.6309991

It's not that we don't doubt it's old age... it's that she should help put the dog out of it's misery.

>> No.6309989

Someone needs to tip CNN off to this. They would have such a field day with the dying and dead pets, the horrible living conditions, the cancer-riddled son, etc. My only fear is that they might make Asshley look like a good, hard-working girl trying to make her life better.

>> No.6309990

Because /cgl/ is trying to a lolcow forr all her worth, causing them to attack any and everything she does.

>> No.6309993


That's not even the point. Yes dogs die from old age, yes that is old for a dog but she is not a vet, she doesn't know if it's old age or something else. Ashley is not a vet, she is not an animal expert, she is just assuming it's old age and is dismissing that it could be something else. That is not giving proper care to a pet.

>> No.6309997

so you're saying it's perfectly fine to let the poor thing die from starvation and dehydration instead of taking her to the vet and ending her suffering? just because assley's too lazy to get off her fat ass? seriously?

>> No.6309999


>> No.6310001

Oh. Makes sense.
It's petty, but whatever.

Thanks for explaining, yo.
Polite sage.

>> No.6310002

i dont like people like you, i had a coworker once who said she like this. I was once talking to another coworker of mine about our cats, she then decides to but in, ask how old our cats are. I say mine are 2, my coworkers cats are 7 and 8.
She then turns to my coworker and goes "they are going to die soon you know, why do you care so much about them?"

i have never raged so hard in my fucking life.

>> No.6310012

This is true anon. But this making animal suffering longer than needed isn't being done because Ashley's family is saving so they can afford dinner or food to feed them. It's being done because of laziness and selfishness.

Plus, it may not be old age. The dog could be ill with something treatable.

>> No.6310005

What the hell are you talking about? They wouldn't care. Honestly, nobody but /cgl/ cares. And /cgl/ only cares because it's Ashley.

>> No.6310006

Maybe, JUST MAYBE, the crotchety, old seagulls on this board have enough sympathy left in their shriveled hearts that they get pretty fucking pissed when a creature who depends solely on its owner for food, shelter, health care, etc. is being neglected by a disgusting pig of a girl who obviously only wants to milk the poor thing for attention.

>> No.6310007

>My only fear is that they might make Asshley look like a good, hard-working girl trying to make her life better.
They probably would, and we'd be painted as the evil cyber-bullies who nearly drove her to suicide. God knows how much they like to play up that angle.

>> No.6310010

It's her decision to make as the owner of the pet.

Some people believe it's wrong to cut an animal's life short. Or that animals like to die on their own terms yadda yadda.

She said she's making the dog as comfortable as possible, which is more than a majority of humans get.

>> No.6310014

>the evil cyber-bullies who nearly drove her to suicide
Honestly, I wish we had fucking succeeded.

>> No.6310016

That's only legal if you know what's wrong with the animal, after you know the only option is death by injection or just dying naturally.

If you just let it be sick it's abuse.

>> No.6310019
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Whoa whoa whoa, that's a bit harsh. We weren't even egging her to do it, she just pulled it out of the blue.

>> No.6310021

>She said she's making the dog as comfortable as possible,
She's comforting her dog by sitting on Facebook and celebrating with her friends over the sale of four of her ugly ear cuffs. She's such a caring pet owner u guise~

>> No.6310024

If a pet is sick you take it to the vet. You don't assume its dying of old age and just let it suffer.

>> No.6310034

This. If she really fucking cared for the dog she wouldn't be on Facebook trying to get sympathy. This is Assley. She's probably glad it's dying because now people might pay attention to her status.

>> No.6310029


They're talking about making the dog "comfortable as possible"; what are the chances of that dog being in horrible pain that a veterinarian could perhaps numb to aid passing? Medical aid will provide better comfort than a tatty blanket on her grime-encrusted floor. What a cruel and stupid child.

>> No.6310030

I'm a prevet student dumbass. A sixteen year old animal displaying these symptoms is obviously on death's doorstep.

It isn't a matter of not caring. The animal is going to fucking die of old age regardless of how much you put it through beforehand.

Lets say Ashley is ROLLING in money and decides to take the animal to the vet. What can the vet do? Prolong its life for another 3 weeks through steroid shots and meds? When the animal already knows it's going to die?

So there are basically two options for Ashley
1) Euthanize the animal.
2) Let the animal die a natural death.

From a moral standpoint there can be arguments made for EITHER choice, and as the dog's owner it's Ashley's choice too make.

Letting an animal die a natural death isn't fucking animal abuse and by pretending it is you only take attention and resources away from REAL animal abuse.

>> No.6310032
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Who are you to say that the animal is just dying of old age? Unless you are a professional vet who has examined the animal, then your job as a pet parent is to ensure what is best for that animal by taking it to the vet and seeing if the pet's problem isn't something that can be cured.

Fuckers like you make me sick, how the fuck would you feel if a family did that to their grandparents? "Grandpa has the flu" "OH WELL, JUST BUNDLE HIM UP AND LET HIM DIE, HE'S 60 ANYWAYS". Fuck you. Fuck you hard in your nigger ass that should be raped and enslaved just like how your fucking ancestors were.

>> No.6310035

I don't give a fuck if I'm harsh. People like her don't deserve ass pats but kicks in the face.