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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6307391 No.6307391[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>How many calories do you eat a day?
be fucking honest

>> No.6307395

1200-1800 at best guess

>> No.6307398

>I dont keep track honestly.

>> No.6307400

1325, because I'm trying to lose a bit of weight

>> No.6307402

I try to keep my intake around 1000, but truthfully, it's usually probably closer to around 1500-1600

>> No.6307406

>How many calories do you eat a day?
I dont keep track.

>> No.6307407

300min - 1400max

>> No.6307412

No idea... It's probably a lot though.

>> No.6307413

120 lbs
>How many calories do you eat a day?
a fucking lot.

>> No.6307415




91 lbs

>How many calories do you eat a day?

When I keep count, I try to remain at 1400 or below. When I don't, I probably can eat up to 2000 especially if I go out.

>> No.6307421

fuck I'm the second fattest person ITT so far. I hope you're all lying.

>> No.6307424

I don't fucking know; I just eat all day. I have bird bones.

>> No.6307428

120 lbs
It was 1500-1600, but I'm going on a diet and trying to keep it down to 1200.

>> No.6307432

Even if they're not, most honest fatties will abstain from posting ITT. Don't worry about it.

>> No.6307436

I never pay attention to it, but I just tallied up what Ive eaten today, and Im at a little over 1500. Havent eaten dinner yet. Going to Steak & Shake in a bit.

>> No.6307439

125 lbs
I have no idea

>> No.6307442

5' 10"
>How many calories do you eat a day?

>> No.6307446

165 lbs

Upping my intake to 5000 since I started losing weight :(

>> No.6307443

calories, oh god, like i count.
probably way more than 2,200.

>> No.6307444

>5'3, 5'4. Not sure.
>I don't keep count anymore

>> No.6307445

4 foot 9
98 pounds
What are calories.

Plz stop being so tall.

>> No.6307447

>110 lbs
>about 1200
feels heavy, man

>> No.6307449

Don't care

>> No.6307451

You stop being a dwarf

>> No.6307453

93 lbs
>How many cals/day?
i don't really count em, i just eat when i want to
it's too bad that as a result the weight I DO have is flab

>> No.6307455

I can't believe McDonald's got rid of chocolate ice cream...

>> No.6307457

>150 lbs last I checked
>I don't count calories I just sort of eat...what I find. Ive been working non stop on a film recently though and average around a meal a day and I think I lost a few pounds this week so.

>> No.6307458

4' 11"
about 800

>> No.6307462


Need to try to get more calories in since I've sort of plateaued I think. But I have gained 10 pounds since I started paying attention to calorie intake, so at least it's prgress

>> No.6307464

Sage because what does this have to do with cosplay again?

95 lb
>Calorie intake
Varies from around 500-4000

>> No.6307466

Uhm, today I've had about 500...Usually I have about 700 a day.

>> No.6307469

112 lb
Some days a shitton, some days barely any. I've been having stomach problems I've been seeing the docs about but have yet to get an official diagnosis on. 2 or 3 days a week I usually wind up puking everything I eat.

>> No.6307471

>98lbs at 5'5
>gained 10 so was 88lbs
oh my
Protein powder should help if you're not using it

>> No.6307474

i've tried working it out it was about 1500 calories for my average food without snacks and i snack a bit too much so maybe 2000? 1900?

>> No.6307481

I have a question...
I am about 5.4 and weight 50kg.
I've been losing weight by eating healthy and exercising (I've lost 10 kilograms already) but I'm a little worried I will have a lot of lose skin.
I've never been obese, but 60kg for a 5.4 was not healthy and quite big... Will I get lose skin once I lose more weight? Will I need surgery to fix it?
And what would my ideal weight be if I am 5.4 tall?
Thank you!

>> No.6307482

106 lbs
Don't know how many calories I eat, don't care.

>> No.6307479
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BTW, male.

>> No.6307484

Anywhere from 800 to 2200.
If I'm actually paying attention I try not to exceed 1200 but these last few days I've been eating whatever happens to cross my path. Boyfriend made cupcakes last night too and insisted we try them together so... That alone was probably 1200calories, haha.

>> No.6307487

Not the anon you're replying to, but another underweight anon (5'8, 119 lbs)
Is protein shake a good option? I was slowly gaining weight when I lived in Europe, but now I live in Asia and I've already dropped 7 lbs in 3 months :/

>> No.6307488

Yeah, been meaning to try that. Especially since I've been stuck around 98 for quite a while ;_;

>> No.6307494

It's a good option if you're wanting to gain weight and find it difficult to get enough food in you to do so for whatever reason

>> No.6307497

too many. i should be doing around 1300 or something to lose weight but i can't stop eating because i'm pathetic. after a painful break up my chubby boyfriend of 4 years, he started working out and dropped weight like crazy and here i am eating chocolate. sage because boohoo who gives a shit.

>> No.6307498

>between 800 and 2500

also i lost two inches in my waist, so i have a measurement of 34-22-34

please pat me on the back
it's my only redeeming quality

>> No.6307499

If you're young and exercise, not just lose weight by lack of eating, you skin will generally tighten up on it's own and you won't look like a plastic bag.
And for ideal weight it depends on if you're planning on just being thin without muscle or having an athletic build and if you're naturally curvy or not, ect.
I would say between 100-110lbs would likely be fine though, with 120 still being dandy as well depending, again, on what build and your base body type is.

>> No.6307500

just bulk up on protein
when I was underweight it took a good 5 months before I got back to normal
I went up faster when I started eating lots of high protein foods(makes sense)

>> No.6307505

measurements sound great. good job, bby.

>> No.6307512

A fucking lot because I fucking love food too much even though I want my thigh gap back.

>> No.6307515

>90.5 lbs
>No idea, I don't keep track, but probably the normal amount, I don't eat junk/fast food that often

>> No.6307518

Jesus reading back over that makes me realize the horrific comma splicing in that last comment.

>> No.6307522


mirin my 23 year bulk?

>> No.6307534

> 5'6
> 113lbs
I dont know, probably around 1200.

>> No.6307535

120 lbs.

>> No.6307544

Height: 5' 1" (61", approx. 154cm)
Weight: 109lbs (49.4kg)
Caloric Intake per Day: I eat 4 meals a day that are anywhere from 300-600 calories, occasionally eating fast food/at restaurants.

My measurements are:
B: 35.5 (89cm, 32F)
W: 25 (63.5cm)
H: 36 (91.5cm)

What was the point of doing this again?

>> No.6307543

>120 lbs
>Around 1200.

>> No.6307545


>> No.6307549

193 lbs
anywhere from about 600 - 1500 on most days, I'm trying to stay around 1200 to keep it healthy but when I'm feeling like shit I tend to eat less or more

>> No.6307555

>133 (down from 200)
>1200-1600 net
I am very active and like food a lot. Thanks to tumblr I'm a health nut and eat a lot of protein and whatnot. I keep my fat intake low.
I should probably stop here or I will probably go on a long tangent about healthy calorie ranges and what have you.

>> No.6307559


b-bear mode c-coming through ..

>> No.6307587

5 ft 8

Male 178

Current calorie intake 1400-1600

>> No.6307608

>~135, bit of a guess, haven't weighed in a while
>1000 or less

>> No.6307612

Usually 1500 or less. I try to keep it under 1200, want to get down to 97, possibly a bit smaller.
My waist has gotten down to 22.5" at the beginning of the day.

>> No.6307617

I don't really count, but I'd say 1200~1500?

>> No.6307619

>How many calories do you eat a day?
What's the point of counting them? It's like counting the number of steps you take in a day or the number of minutes you sleep. Whatever I'm eating, it's keeping my weight stable.

>> No.6307622

5"3 / 163cm

~140 pounds give or take a couple

>How many calories do you eat a day?
No idea.

Fuck errythang I'm happy

>> No.6307641

To a lot of people in this thread:

>> No.6307648

>Fluctuates alot i guess.. today: 900-1100 i think. Should be sleeping soon aswell, so that should close the deal.

>> No.6307649

>What's the point of counting them?
Do you really not know why someone may want to keep track of how many calories they intake?
Could've just sad 'I don't keep count cuz my diet's keeping my weight stable'

Aside from that, I bet you're seriously adorable!

>> No.6307656

119 lb, weighed tuesday at the doctor's.
I think around 1500 or so. Some days I forget to eat my lunch at work and just eat my fruit.

I haven't been keeping up with my exercise routine because I am a lazy fuck. I used to be 123 when I was hiking like 3 miles a day every two days or so and actually had some muscle.

>> No.6307692

>How many calories do you eat a day?
Dunno but too many.

>> No.6307700

5 ft. 5 in.
116 lbs.
I don't know. I don't keep track. I usually eat about two meals a day and snacks.

>> No.6307698

200 lbs
2200 cal a day

>> No.6307703


>> No.6307704

McDonalds had chocolate ice cream?! Where did you live that they had it?

>> No.6307710

Have better things to do than sit around counting calories. Or maybe not, but still.

I may be the largest person to post so far? The shits I give are exceedingly minimal, though.

>> No.6307708

I just re-read most of the replies. I gotta say, either all of you are full of shit, or only the skinny people are on this board. Jesus christ, I feel bad for you skinny guys.

>> No.6307712

There, There anon. It'll all be okay.

>> No.6307722

Fluctuates from like 103 to like 95 throughout the year when I relapse on some of my EDNOS tendencies. Idek, mang. Currently 99.
Never over 2000.

>> No.6307740

5'3". 113.
Probably around 2500-3000 daily.

>> No.6307753

101-104 lbs
200-700 calories maybe? I have no idea, depends on the day. (Should be noted that I'm currently recovering from an eating disorder, taking baby steps.)

>> No.6307781

about 400 or nothing. i'm losing weight.
btw im a girl.

>> No.6307809

around 600-1000 maybe.

>> No.6307811


400 calories is just about a single can of fizzy drink.

>> No.6307818

nah american water is always 90-150cals

>> No.6307814

also girl

>> No.6307816

I don't know how much calories...

>> No.6307856
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Dunno, lots?
6 months ago, I got a boyfriend, takes me out a lot and buys me everything I want, gained a bit of weight
20ish lbs

>> No.6307866

1260 or less calories a day

I just started a new diet to stop being a fatty. Fuck yeah feels good.

>> No.6307873
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height: 5'9
weight: 110-112ish

calories per day: 2000-2500

I've recently cut like, 99% of all soda out of my diet, so I am probably closer to 2000 a day.

come at me bro.

>> No.6307879

>105 lbs
> I don't usually keep track, but when I do it ends up being around 1000 - 1500. I'm sure it's often more though.

half the time I care, half the time I don't give a shit and eat everything because food is excellent and I love cooking.

>> No.6307880
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in all seriousness though, I rarely keep track. Only way I know the general "ballpark" range, is because of a college health class that required us to log our daily calorie intake.

>> No.6307883

135 lbs... Gained some durin summer
>How many calories do you eat a day?
No idea, but I always eat what I want, even if it's the fattest junk ever.

>> No.6307890

2500 max.

>> No.6307895

1500 calories
I have a sedentary lifestyle. My metabolism must be on my side. Thank god.

>> No.6307897
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148lbs was 200lbs
>How many calories do you eat a day?
btwn 1000-1500 depending

>> No.6307905

/cgl/ is surprisingly not fat.

>> No.6307928

It's probably all of the skinny people leaping on the thread to show off and the normal weight people showing off their ~low~ calorie intake attempts.

>> No.6307926

5' 9"
1500-2000 a day. I walk about 2 miles to work and back every day, but I need to work out more.

>> No.6307929

167 lbs and dropping
1700-3000 Cal, Personal BMR is around 2100 Cal

>> No.6307937

I don't keep track.

>> No.6307939
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I'm jelly.

>> No.6307936

5 ft 3
117 lbs
and fuck if I know, I just eat.

>> No.6307977

180 (used to be more but found out about medical condition, fixed and now losing weight)
I don't know, I don't really eat much...

>> No.6307986

Now I try to eat only 700 to 800 a day after gaining 15 pounds for no good reason.

>> No.6307988

>125 lbs
>1500 calories? I don't know I've been trying to eat more.

>> No.6308006

>as many as I want.

>> No.6308009

1700-2500 a day

Yes, I know, I eat too much. Oh well.

>> No.6308017

>180 - 5'4"
>I don't eat much
Yeah, right.

>> No.6308019

I don't know, I think my weight is fine

>> No.6308037

>How many calories do you eat a day?
Between 1400-1800 most days. I'm just active enough to not gain more, instead of lose it. So my weight just sits there anywhere between 165-175 give or take. I need to find more time to get more exercise.

>> No.6308043


>> No.6308045

Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's. Look it up.
I was gaining weight for no reason, even while dieting and exercising. But now that I've got pills to get the thyroid levels down, I've been actually able to lose weight, and so far it's been about 30 lbs.
I don't give a fuck if you don't believe me. I probably wouldn't believe some random anon either.
I'm really happy, though. Soon I'll be down to the weight I'm supposed to be at. No more joint and back pain. :)
At least I'm trying, and at least I'm being honest.

>> No.6308054

>I... I have failed you. Probably more than 2k or at maintenance 1.6k

>> No.6308058
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Just about exactly 5'0".
Last I checked, 95 pounds.
I have no idea.

>If it makes a difference, I am not of the female persuasion

>> No.6308060

159 cm
50 kg
>How many calories do you eat a day?
An ass ton.

>> No.6308069

5'10, 65kg
When I was tracking I was usually eating between 1200-1400, but I suppose I am eating somewhere between 1500-1700 normally.

>> No.6308086

Probably 1700-2000. (I dunno I haven't used a counter since I stopped trying to lose weight.)

>> No.6308095
File: 41 KB, 500x463, tumblr_lg7uzk6gYk1qadlzho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6307622 here

Internet high five for shorties over 115 pounds with no fucks given!

>> No.6308094


>> No.6308110

>How many calories do you eat a day?
Most days I would imagine it's barely 1000. Maybe I can do 1200 if it's far spaced smaller portions. It depends on whether or not I eat any sweets. I have a stomach condition that makes eating normally impossible. A 2000 calorie diet for me would be some much food that I'd be puking. I'm a little flabby in the stomach and thighs. I want to lose more weight. Suddenly it's been dropping off pretty fast though.

>> No.6308132


I'm in a constant cycle of recovering and falling back into anorexia. As is obvious from my current weight, this fall back into hell has only just begun and I'm hoping like hell I can get out of it before I end up in hospital again.

>> No.6308140

176 lbs

cut almost over, will maintain at 2100-2200 before slow bulk

>> No.6308155 [DELETED] 

>How many calories do you eat a day?
Too much apparently because I can't seem to lose weight anymore.

>> No.6308157

I'm such a fat shit I need to get it together :(

>> No.6308159

Dunno exactly, but it's getting to be less and less every day. I hope the pounds go away soon, too.
I'm tempted to start counting calories to keep them under 1,000 per day.

>> No.6308160

1120 max calories a day, changed accordingly to my weight. Although I usually hover around 900ish.

>> No.6308171


all mussel baby

>> No.6308180

Don't count, don't even pay attention. Went on this new birth control and jumped from 125 and losing weight to 130. Pissed as fuck.
But I'm a bit chubby right now, size 5 is getting tight. Guess it's back to restricting.

>> No.6308183

>How many calories do you eat a day?
1300 calories or less

>> No.6308208



2000+ Easy

>> No.6308210
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Surprisingly a lot of normal-weighted people in this thread.
And once again I'm reminded how much of a minority guys are on /cgl/.

Male, 6'
Gained 20 lbs over the last couple months, and saw some friends today for the first time since then.
Felt great, since they all noticed, and said I was starting to look ripped.
Debating between cutting now, or going up to 190 before cutting.
I want to finish cutting for a con on New Year weekend - but if I get too big, I might not fit my cosplays any more. They're already pretty tight across the chest. I'd at least want these cosplays to fit until summer.

>> No.6308223


>> No.6308229

>140 lbs.

It depends on the day for how much I eat. I skip breakfast and lunch a lot, but I also binge eat while I'm stoned, which is a lot. I'm pretty wiry as far as muscle goes, so I can hold my own. I quite like where I am.

>> No.6308265
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>Never counted them. Maybe I should start to... I sometimes eat junk food though

>> No.6308270



>up to 1000, with exercise net can be anything from -hundreds to 600.

so why am I so fat, seagull?

>> No.6308272

~103 lbs
i have no idea... it really varies...

>> No.6308273

>Sometimes I eat food. Usually I just drink a lot of tea and coffee.

>> No.6308282

167cm. I think.
Either nothing or like, honestly I'd probably get over 4000 sometimes. Fucking bulimic. I wish I had anorexia nervosa instead because at least I'd be skinny. Just being honest. The logical part of me is attempting to eat healthy. Haven't managed to stick to it for more than three days though. The ironic thing is I'd probably lose way more weight eating healthy.

>> No.6308285
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>around 1200 calories
currently recovering from anorexia lol

>> No.6308290

140 lbs

less 2000 I'm pretty sure

btw I'm a guy


>> No.6308312 [DELETED] 

No clue. But guys you need to have some meat or something. Steak is good.

>> No.6308316

~126 lbs
No clue. But guys you need to have some meat or something. Steak is good.

>> No.6308343

I have no idea, don't count calories. I eat a lot but mostly have a high protein diet / home cooked meals, and I work out. I'd guess 2000-2500.

>> No.6308349


I dunno, man. It really depends. but probably around 2000-2500 a day. sometimes less. some days I only eat like 1200 or something, and other days I can get up to 5000. so yeah..

>> No.6308355

>Lots and lots. I'm afraid of losing my petite frame and just becoming short and stumpy, but I love food.

>> No.6308356


240 pounds of disgusting lard.

800 to 1400 calories a day. I am gradually loosing weight, but it is a slow process.

>> No.6308358

90 lbs
i dont fucking know

>> No.6308357
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im not 'murrican...

pic related it's me

>> No.6308362



>> No.6308390

2000+ easily
It seems that no matter how much or little I eat, my weight doesn't change. It's a blessing and a curse.

>> No.6308393

are you me?

>> No.6308395

>183 cm (6 foot)
>130 kg
>heaps - mostlty booze

>> No.6308400

>always try to stay under 1000

It's a curse, let me tell you that. Always counting calories, always making sure that if you eat a single thats over 200kcal that you feel bad for it for the rest of the day.

>> No.6308406

1000-1200 calories per day.
Also working out 3 times per week.

>> No.6308412

>How many calories do you eat a day?
Honestly no idea, and it differs. Some days I'll be constantly stuffing my face and others I'll not feel like eating anything more than a piece of toast

>> No.6308417

Aaaaaaw yeah, anon! Here is your high five.

Man, 115 pounds would be awesome. I used to be ~100 pounds but that was because I was too depressed to eat. I prefer being heavier to feeling like that, TBH.

I'm still in the "fits into most Lolita brand items" zone, so I'm not too bothered.

>> No.6308418

>Not a lot. 1000-1500? I don't count but I skip 2/3 meals a day.

>> No.6308420

>100 lbs.
>I don't keep track.

>> No.6308427

114 ilbs
>How many calories do you eat a day?
Usually around 1200-1300.

Every 5 or 6 days I give myself another 400 or so calories to mess around with as long as I've been going to the gym.

>> No.6308479


All throughout high school I was 130 except during the fall when I would go up to 135. (drumline)

Was that weight for a couple years. Like many people, became depressed. Dropped to 105. Came out of depression, started eating again and absolutely shot up to 170 where my metabolic equilibrium seemed to be.

I have stopped eating random crap and have replaced it with better stuff. I go lift once or twice a week. bike/run/swim once a week. I am down to 155 or 160

>> No.6308482


Medications do sometimes help the weight gain. They also can prevent weight loss.

Also having a work that provides endless redbull, rockstar, and any kind of soda makes it difficult to cut that out.

>> No.6308503

600-1200 cals.

>feeling fat.

>> No.6308507

when I last checked,I was 5'8" and weighed 140lb. I've been too scared to get on the scales for the past month, but I hit my waist measurement goal (27in) the other day, so I don't know where the fat is going to. ._.
I'm kind of wondering if I have a tapeworm or something.

>> No.6308516


Not posting height and weight, because I'm working on losing, but I'm calorie cutting pretty effectively.

600 calories a day. Slipped up yesterday and had to eat twice that because I was with people who knew to look for trouble. But yeah. I'm working on it. Hoping to drop lower soon.

>> No.6308517


I have a can of Limeade right here that's 53 calories. I've never seen a can of juice with 400 calories in it. What the Hell.

>> No.6308522

you sound hot

>> No.6308524

>109 lbs
>2500-3000 cals per day

>> No.6308525

i still think i am a landwhale but feel far more confident since losing 25lbs in the past 6 months

CW 104lbs

i dont count what i eat since i am a food scavenger, not a meal-eater

>> No.6308535

230 lbs
1000 or less.
Working on losing more weight, thyroid pills have been a huge help.

>> No.6308539

102 punds
i'm not really sure, i eat one good sized meal everyday though

>> No.6308549

Height: 5 ft 5 in
Weight: 127 lbs
Calories per Day: Estimate 2000

I use to be at 112 and had a limit of 600 calories per day... Thanks to my good old friends ana and mia, hopefully this will become a reality once again.

>> No.6308554

5'0"/152 cm
>How many calories do you eat a day?
roughly around 1800, give or take

>> No.6308568


It seems to me you do not realize the interesting effects of what you are suggesting.

Although to be fair, you probably have already lost some cognitive ability so you might not quite get that by starving yourself or purging doing the exact same thing to your brain.

Good luck with that.

>> No.6308577

Probably about 1100 a day, sometimes less. Was about 2500 before the diet, and before I lost my first stone I was at about 1600, but now I try to keep it as low and balanced as possible.

>> No.6308580


Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc. have about 100 to 150 calories per 8oz.

Juice is going to be more varied. Low calorie options are going to throw a wrench, and any of the three have some seriously misguided notions that calorie content is more important than ingredients.

Just look at the ingredients for fucks sake.

>> No.6308588


>1100 calories a day
>as low and balanced as possible

yeah nah, that is way too low

>> No.6308593


By "juice" I mean what Amurricans would call "soda"; a fizzy drink.
This isn't a diet soda either. Maybe things have less sugar and stuff in them in the UK?

>> No.6308601

gained 50 lbs in college, haven't lost them yet.
not sure how many calories/day.

>> No.6308606


Very very possible.

There are differing configurations of taste-buds around the world.

>> No.6308609

Really? I apologize, I've never tried to change the way I eat before... 1100 seemed comfortable but I've never really discussed my habits with people before. How many do you think would be ideal right now, then?

>> No.6308610

100 pounds
Varies. I eat what I want.

>> No.6308642

5'6" 146.4 lbs as of this morning.

I counted my calories yesterday and I ate close to 3000. I eat like a fucking pig, but I just love food all too much. I have a surprisingly good figure for my weight, too.

>> No.6308651

>How many calories do you eat a day?
I have no idea. I was calorie counting for a while but I don't have a good concept of how it really works so I just switched to trying to eat healthy and work out more.

>> No.6308652

> 5'2
> 120lbs
> 1100 calories
fatty trying to lose weight.. again.. sigh.

>> No.6308657

5' 3"
Not sure but I usually eat almost the same food at the same time every day.

>> No.6308671

1250 calories, less if I am going to have a 'do-nothing' sort of day.

>> No.6308674

104 lbs
... I dunno

>> No.6308686

probably tons, i dont even keep count. if it's good i just eat it

>> No.6308700

85 lbs
Not sure, a lot I guess.

>> No.6308709

Anywhere from 1200 to 2200 to a fuckload

>> No.6308710


>> No.6308711

a fuckton, hence why I'm a hambeast.

>> No.6308716

112 lbs
used to be 128 lbs in march but then i moved and kind of forgot to eat so much in front of my lappy

eating an egg covered in mayonnaise now though, don't care about calories, if i started counting them i'd probably never stop and feel guilty about eating and eat more in the end

>> No.6308718


You said 245lbs. that is a fuck-ton of weigth for a 5'8 frame for sure, but going too low on calories is gonna fuck up your day big time.

/fit/ may be retarded but their sticky is good and im just gonna quote that

"[...] To lose fat, eat 10-12*[current bodyweight in lbs] kcal per day (say you're 200lbs; you eat 2000-2400 kcal/day). Adjust this number while you lose weight.[...]"

>> No.6308719


Um I have no idea. I'm bad at math so I don't obsessively count everything.

>> No.6308724

Varies between 3000 and for the past few days, as close to 500 as I can.

>> No.6308726 [DELETED] 

You are my TWIN =o

>> No.6308727

190cm, that's like 6'3" i think
87kg, ehh... ~190lbs
>How many calories do you eat a day?
around 2,5k

>> No.6308728

You are my TWIN

>> No.6308730

Love dat hypoglycemia.

>> No.6308736

No idea, I eat whatever my fatass of a mother cooks.

>> No.6308746

Like 3000 calories a day on average, I eat like a total fatty sometimes but don't gain weight

>> No.6308751

Just bulkan.

>> No.6308754

I refuse to believe there are this many manlets on /cgl/. Please post true height.

>> No.6308761

huh? but those are pretty average heights, really, especially considering the fact there might be asian midgets among us
what average height did you expect? 175cm?

>> No.6308771

You're anorexic!

>> No.6308776

Most of them have eating disorders. The ones who claim to be supermodel thin and eat 3000 calories everyday are most likely full of shit.

>> No.6308784

i've been losing weight to depression. meh

>> No.6308807

I'll openly admit that I binge eat. I also run like 3 miles a day though.

>> No.6308828

Hypoglycemia anon here, I have a high metabolism. As long as I don't stuff my face full of cake I don't gain a pound from eating 3000 carbs. My average diet is supposed to be 2000-2500 carbs per day anyways since I exercise a lot, but I usually eat a little more.

I have a difficult time loosing weight though.

>> No.6308835


I used to be 10 lbs heavier, but depression, internship, and stress happened, all in that order. Depression made me not eat for a while. Internship, because if I ate too much I would get a food coma, leaving a bad impression on my boss (I need recommendations and good impressions so I can work with him again), so after a while I just starved myself so I wouldn't get so sleepy. Stress because said work had a fuckton of drama going on because they were moving, and my boss, however gentle and nice a man he is, got really pissed off nonetheless on the worst days. TL;DR: I had a rough (but first world problems!) summer.

I'm now gaining weight again, because I'm back to a sedentary student life. So, yeah. I suppose you could call it anorexia, though none of it was intentional.

>> No.6308872

**3000 calories. I am far too tired today.

>> No.6308876

98 lbs
>How many calories do you eat a day?
Generally 500-700 every other day. On the off-days, I eat 1 pack of 80-calorie crackers. Some days I just don't feel like eating, though.

>> No.6308884

105 pounds
1300 calories (currently dieting)

>> No.6308910

you... should really eat more than that.
>don't feel like eating

yall seaguls have EDs or what

>> No.6308940

115 Ibs.
I have a hard time eating above 1300. Trying to gain some weight, but I feel sick when I try to eat more than that.

>> No.6308961

It's an epidemic.
EDs are huge in Japan and South Korea. Something like 50% of S. Korean schoolgirls have anemia from not eating enough.

>> No.6308964


I eat around 1000 calories per day. I'm down 17lbs from my biggest weight.

>> No.6308980

>I...ah...honestly don't keep track. When I'm hungry, I eat. Ffffff

>> No.6309037

107 lbs.
Easily over 1500 calories a day.

I have a hard time finding an easy breakfast that'd fill me up and give me energy without costing ~500 cals. For lunch, money was an issue, so 500+ cal fast food. For dinner, my dad always makes 400+ cal dinners, so I eat until I'm nearly full... but then I snack a lot after.

I recently found a place on campus that sells spinich/rocotta pizza slices for cheap. So that'll be down ~200 cals a day. Yay progress.

>> No.6309086

But most of us are girls... Also, keep in mind that lolita and perhaps cosplay may disproportionately attract those who are short. I'm 5'2", and lolita was the first time I ever felt confident about my height, because the clothes seemed made for me and not for someone 5'8". Now it doesn't bother me, of course, but at the time I was really insecure about being short, so Asian fashion was naturally appealing.

>> No.6309094

There's a lot of highly image-conscious women on this board. It's /cgl/, I'm not exactly sure what you were expecting. I'm sure many of the girls here are naturally thin, but there's probably a relatively high incidence of eating disorders as well.

>> No.6309091


120ish, too scared to step on a scale

250 calories on my restricting days, 3000 and above on days I fuck up

Binge eating has screwed me over. I've gained 25 lbs in the past few months.

>> No.6309105

You should really stop restricting then... Honestly, when you starve yourself you are just setting yourself up to fail. Of COURSE you're going to get super hungry and go crazy the next day, it's not like that's an unexpected result. You need food. Eat 1300 a day minimum.

>> No.6309113

Aw, another hypoglycemic? Me too. I'm pretty average right now, so I'm glad I'm not overweight. If I were, losing weight would be an absolute bitch. Eat too little (aka, what's considered average for my height/weight)? Faint. Run too much after not eating enough? Faint. So, I just eat a ton and walk a ton and it seems to even out.

>> No.6309117

Probably eat anywhere between 1500-2000 with a stagnant lifestyle for the most part.
At my best I limit my calories to 1100 per day (I literally have to count them) and exercise for at least an hour a day. I was losing roughly 2-3 pounds a week when I did this, I actually lost 25 pounds and have kept it off. But for me I'm a stressful/emotional eater and I have an overeating problem.
I can't pretend to be motivated and to not have stress. All I know is I will go back to losing weight when I -really- want it and that's when I'll see more results. I'm content with where I am for now and I understand that for people like me losing weight is a lifestyle-changing process that might take some time.
I'm coming to terms with it.

>> No.6309119

>How many calories do you eat a day?
I've recently started meds that royally fuck my appetite.

>> No.6309126
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I just have bizarre skinny person genetics.

Also, been tested for countless things that could be causing the zero weight gain, and everything came back negative.

>> No.6309142

Yeah, I've realized that. It's just it's hard for me to come to terms with the idea eating more than 1000 won't make me fat so yeah. It doesn't help that there's a pro-Ana chick in one of my classes always whispering about her thigh gap and shit.

>> No.6309172

i don't count, but it would be about 7-9000 mark

>> No.6309180

134 lbs
1400 but usually much less because I'm too lazy to make food most of the time and I have a slow ass metabolism.

>> No.6309182

Sorry if I came across as harsh, of course you'd realize that. I just hate setting people do things that make them unhappy. So, internet-hugs and all that, I hope you work it all out.

>> No.6309183

u wot m8
Are you /fit/?

>> No.6309195

5'5"-5'7"?? I think, somewhere around there.
134 lbs
>How many calories do you eat a day?
A fucking lot

>> No.6309210

Aw man, you weren't harsh at all. Thanks, anon.

>> No.6309232


>> No.6309650

lol wtf who actually talks about thigh gap in real life?? in all total complete honest, never heard those words uttered by a living being, only read them in pixels on a screen

>> No.6309652

600-1400, depends on how active I am.

>> No.6309674

5'3", about 115, 1000-15000

>> No.6309677

1500* oh my god

>> No.6309690

>your average meal

>> No.6309755


Gym takes its toll on the body so I gotta consume that shit

>> No.6309772

trying to loose

>> No.6309775

Why are you girls so short and skinny? You aren't all 13, right?

>> No.6309785

>dont count calories, high metabolism ftw

>> No.6309787

1500ish a day
I have a horrible diet of sunflower seeds and green ice tea

>> No.6310080

holy fuck pics pls

>> No.6310083

>155 cm
>51 Kg
> 1010 Kc

>> No.6310085

>190 pounds
>i dont know but i eat like a pig

i have ridiculously long legs too, even normalfags tell me i look like a cartoon character

>> No.6310093


Probably anywhere from 700-1200 on average, but I'm trying to maintain between 1100-1500.

>> No.6310123

height: 6'0 although some say 6'1"
weight: about 155 but I haven't weighed myself recently because.....
intake: 0 or 3000 and pretty much no where in between! I am fucking insane
I can't weigh myself without breaking down screaming and crying

male or female?

>> No.6310159
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What other symptoms were you having besides gaining weight?

>> No.6310167

Why is everybody in this thread incredibly small?

>160 pounds
Landscapin' all day erryday

>> No.6310183

>How many calories do you eat a day?
4,000 calories a day. I'm very active and in the peak of my metabolism

>> No.6310220

Right now, about 1900-2000.

I'm on a cut before I go back to bulking. I eat 2800-2900 during a bulk.

>> No.6310258

>mfw i realise i'm significantly skinnier than most of you
>not even trying

>> No.6310267
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>mfw I read that as 28,000-29,000

>> No.6310270

>weighs 70 lbs

>> No.6310298

Probably 3000
I can't put on weight :l

>> No.6310312

now, don't overdo it. i'm not aiming to trigger anorexic girls or anything of the sort. i've just always thought i was on the skinnyaveragefat side.
otherwise, don't feel so proud of yourself for starving everyday. it's not a crime to eat enough to calm hunger and nothing more. :3
although stimulants may have made my stomach shrink... and it just stayed that way.

>> No.6310344

at 145, 1900-2000 isn't much of a cut if at all

>> No.6310353

Do you guys seriously count calories? I don't know how many I'm supposed to be eating let alone how many I actually eat.

>> No.6310349

Do you guys seriously count calories?

>> No.6310357

Double post--internet connection, sorry.

>> No.6310362

I lift and do cardio on alternating days. It's 400-500 below my maintenance.

>> No.6310370

don't start counting. your weight is mighty fine.
i think calorie counting is just a big worry. once you go there, you start comparing. and thinking. and feel guilt for eating that piece of cake that had xx calories. it becomes a guilty pleasure instead of a pleasant treat. as long as you're not gaining or losing weight rapidly, i'd say you're okay.

>> No.6310372


>> No.6310383

I'm just going to chime in here:

I don't necessarily "count" them, just kind of going through numbers really quick in my head before I choose something. It seriously only takes 5 seconds.

Like say your friend wants to get fast food with you, it would go something like this: "Okay, so all I had for breakfast were boiled eggs, so that put me at about 200. Had a sandwich for lunch, okay 310. Okay only 510 for today. My daily calorie limit is 1300? I'll get a big mac (520?) and a water and still be under my limit"

>> No.6310389

5'3, 105 pounds. I eat 2000 calories to maintain, 1200-1500 to lose. I've maintained for the past month and I'm going back into losing again. This is with 60-90 minutes of cycling every day though, if I was sedentary I'd probably need just 1500 calories or something.

>> No.6310406

5'5 / 165 cm
135 lbs/61 kg
I eat around 1200-1500, although I'm trying to eat less, lol. Fatty mcfat here.

>> No.6310422

so is everyone here a skinny dude/girl with a horrendous face or what?

>> No.6310428

Mad fatty detected.

>> No.6310435
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No fucking idea, probably a lot considering a comparison I made this morning on breakfast options

>> No.6310457

I don't count calories. I follow the eating habits found in Bill Phillips' "Eating for Life" which is fist size portions 6 times a day (that are properly balanced).

>> No.6310459

190 lbs.
~ 1600

>> No.6310470

5' 3"
I don't count, but I 'm guessing anywhere from 1400-2000. I'm slowly losing weight, wither way.

>> No.6310480

I don't think my face is that horrendous, /soc/ and /fa/ don't mind it
maybe that's a sign, though
I used to try, but it makes me prone to undereating. I don't know why

>> No.6310481

*either way gah.
Oh but sometimes I replace meals with coffee.

>> No.6310485

I have hypothyroidism and was the same weight and height as you. I gained over 40 lbs in three months. I was too tired to eat much of anything and what I did eat was stored as fat instead of being used as energy, which make me extremely weak and tired. It was like a vampire had sucked me dry and left me for dead every day. I could barely get to school and was sleeping every chance I got. The weight did come completely off once my condition was under control. But it took quite some time. 20 lbs came off pretty fast. The rest was a slow go even with diet and exercise.

It's unfortunate that there are some lazy gluttonous people that fake these conditions as an excuse to not lose weight. They make those of us who really are sick look like we are lying while they shovel the food in and cry genetics.

>> No.6310495

5 feet and 1/2 an inch
88-92 lbs depending on the time of day/month
>Calories per day
2000-ish or more
Holy shit, how do some of you eat less than 1000 calories and stay alive and sane? Once I attempted to eat 1300 a day and felt so drained and weak. Thought my stomach was going to devour itself the whole time. Really hoping you guys don't force yourselves to feel like that at all.

>> No.6310577

AAAAAND penis.

>> No.6310580


Doesn't it suck?

>> No.6310584
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>> No.6310598

155, but densely. It's a lot of muscle weight (most people underestimate how heavy I am when they try to pick me up).

I commute by bike and am in a marching band, and have a BMR of over 1500 calories.

>> No.6310601

Bout 5'3"
Don't count calories anymore. I just refrain from unhealthy snacking most of the time and manage my portion sizes.

>> No.6310619


>> No.6311041

I don't keep track of calories - only of what I eat and god damn I love sandwiches and cake.

>> No.6311127

never kept track in my entire life

>> No.6311195 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6311197


>> No.6311209

>counting calories

>> No.6311214
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i might not be the biggest

but i have abs like a cheese grater and i will take a layer of skin off your face

>> No.6311222
File: 23 KB, 460x300, shutdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you even eat?

>> No.6311226

my diet consists of pussy and ass

i absorb nutrients directly from the female

>> No.6311233


>> No.6311234
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>> No.6311236


500-1000 calories
I don't try to eat little but I don't love food. It's ok.

>> No.6311250

>Asks for height weight and calories/day
>"be fucking honest"
>lie to sound smaller
>Get called too skinny or too fat
>/fit/ takes over thread to brag about abs
>lie to sound bulkier
No thank you.

>> No.6311253

U MAD?????

>> No.6311256

Just pointing out an observation.

>> No.6311273

No idea.

I used to have an eating disorder so shit like counting calories is off limits for me now. I piled on a shit load of weight during my recovery and still haven't taken it off unfortunately, but I haven't gained any weight in a long time so things aren't so bad.

>> No.6311298

Aye, Hello there now!

My name is being Yim Ching Wang, and I am coming from Jiangsu province of great country of world called it China!

I have here 2 days for business making, and I already wanting plane take to back my home!

Your country is absolutely disgrace! I talking people, and not understand joking! Your joking is no funny!

Also, I keeping exercise many days on week, but here in your country people have not shape good! Healthy is very important, and you people make fatty and unexercised!

Final! Womens here are not look beauty! Asian womens are beauty! I like slim eyes, not big mouthes, and color hairs dark, but american womens are big eyes, like crazy fish, very big mouthes (for burger? huy huy!), but hairs are not too bad.

Tomorrow I plane take to back my home, and come back never to your country!

I sorry I saided all this, but I had to weight lift my shoulders.

>> No.6311301
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>> No.6311302

as many as I want

inb4 jelly fatties

>> No.6311330

I play football so at least I burn off all that shit.

>> No.6311531

~160-170lb. It varies depending on how I've been eating that week.
I have no idea. I burn a HELL of a lot, though, so it's probably somewhere between 'a lot' and 'how the fuck are you still so skinny'.
I'm male, I'm tall and skinny, and most of my weight that isn't skin and bone is concentrated in lower-body muscle where most people don't see it.

>> No.6312479

114 lbs
I don't really keep a track now, but I guess 2000-3000 because I live of junk food. Really need to diet

>> No.6312547


>> No.6313100


fat as shit
been trying to lose weight for months i hate all of you

>> No.6313992

205lbs was 240 2 months ago..
no more than 1000-1200 now

>> No.6314278

95 lbs
around 700-1000 cal
use to be 105 lbs and flabby