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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 16 KB, 426x300, oldshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6303506 No.6303506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been cosplay for 13 years. In this hobby, that means I'm practically ancient. Seen a bunch of dramu, know a bunch of dramu, seen cosplay "divas" come and go. I know I'm not the only one, and I know there have got to be people who have been doing this longer than me.

Let's talk about the good old days, nutso fucking drama of days past, nutso fucking drama that people who are still around would like to pretend never happened.

>> No.6303513

you west coast? if so, Sailor Jamboree.
man, those were the days.

>> No.6303518

Always been on the East Coast and in the South. Even over here we knew of the Sailor Jamboree drama, though.

>> No.6303522

Some newer cosplayers in this thread would be fun, too. Ask an old cosplay fart anything you want about cons or cosplayers.

>> No.6303530

Down south we had Yaya and Michiru (Jaqueline), that girl who acted and dressed like Sailor Neptune all the time and even pretended to be a lesbian and always had a girlfriend to cosplay Uranus with her. Funny, but not near the level of Sailor Jamboree.

>> No.6303530,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6303530,2 [INTERNAL] 

where are the women

>> No.6303595

How does it feel to be old?

>> No.6303623

Didn't Michiru end up being the girl half of Assassins Inc and then start doing porn?

>> No.6303625

10 years myself, old fart club activate.
Ahh, back when I went around hitting every con I could, still enchanted by the newness of it all.

Northeast, we had Usagi Kou... we had Jezeroth... uhh... Man I don't even, so many that are/were my friends now or then that I don't remember who was popular

>> No.6303626

I'm old compared to the vast demographic of con goers today, but I'm not actually "old." I was just young when I started going to cons, which back then that was strange at cons. Most con goers were at least college age, most older than that. Now I feel like a senior citizen at cons. Everyone looks 12. I think most of them are 12.

But to answer your question, feels good man. Life is much simpler because your priorities become much more streamlined as you get older.

>> No.6303634

11 years here. Ughghgg.

>> No.6303631

Ex-member of Sailor Jamboree here. Ask me anything.

>> No.6303638

11 year club here. I was never a popular cosplayer though, so I don't have too many stories. I do think a lot of today's cosplays are both totally better and totally spoiled with availability, and I miss full skin tops.

>> No.6303639

You are correct! She was outed here on 4chan for being cray Michiru from the Georgia cosplay scene. Old fart cosplayers spilled her goofy ass past. I remember she came here and was SUPER pissy about it. She ended up deleting EVERYTHING off the internet...her cosplay site, wedding site, family site, personal pics on flickr...funny story, though, I actually found her on facebook a while back (she was commenting on a friend's post, so no I wasn't e-stalking). Turns out she write "LGBTQ science fiction" now (unpublished) and makes gay pride jewelry, and makes no mention of her husband on any of her sites. Gotta appear legit to her gay audience, I suppose.

>> No.6303641

Tell me about it!

>> No.6303646

>>6303513 >>6303631
I'm a new cosplayer. What is this Sailor Jamboree you're talking about? A quick google search says it was some kind of event, but...

>> No.6303647

I was and never have been popular, either. I've just always ended up friends with popular cosplayers. To tell you the truth, "popular" cosplayers never stay around for very long (Yaya is a giant exception). I think most of them tire themselves out on the drama, the constant work of whoring themselves out to stay relevant, and...ya know, run out of their parents' money or their sugar daddy breaks up with them.

>> No.6303667

What do you want to know?

For the record, I like and am still friends with (most of) the girls in the group (with a couple of notable exceptions), so you probably won't get a ton of shit-talk... but I'm nostalgia-ing hard, so ask away.

>> No.6303674

Not an event, they were a Sailor Moon cosplay group on the West Coast. On the East Coast we knew them as a cray group that got pissy at anyone else who did song/dance skits, and that ended up getting banhammered from conventions all over fucking California. I had no West Coast cosplay friends then, so I'd love to hear more from the ex-member.

>> No.6303679

I know you're an oldfag, cause I know you and you know me.

>> No.6303685



>> No.6303687

Your memory is a bit off. We didn't get banned from any conventions, but we did get the JASPER banned from AX (they called in a fake bomb threat on our leader and what the fuck did they actually think was going to happen).

There were a couple of cons we were asked to stop COMPETING at because we were consistently winning prizes and they felt like it was time to let new people take the spotlight, but tbh, most of us had started to feel kind of guilty about it by then and it was an easy decision to make.

>> No.6303693

Oh god, lol. Possibly our worst performance ever.

Background: We had planned to do "La Soldier", and learned the dance months beforehand, and when we all got to the convention, realized nobody was capable of burning a CD with the song on it because how does technology work, we were all 12 and what is this.

So we had to invent and learn this dance in about 30 total hours. EXCITING~

>> No.6303703

Ah. Well, that was just what was circulating over on my end of the good ol' US. It feels like everyone knows people all over the US now (in cosplay, anyway). Back then people seemed more like they were in regional bubbles. Probably because we didn't want to pay long distance rates on the phone, lol.

>> No.6303704

By the way, Not Actually Kidding: TristenCitrine (Jupiter) was a legal adult, but Saturn was 16, I was 13, Moon was 12, and Chibimoon was 11.

>> No.6303721

So does that mean you're Venus?

>> No.6303723

And old, yes.

>> No.6303729

I think a lot of us have physically moved, too (for college, work, etc.), so the bubbles have started to disperse.

I'm not surprised you heard a lot of drama, though - I was too young to be involved with much of it, but from what I remember our leader was a gigantic drama llama on coscom and such.

>> No.6303736

Hello Meredith Placko.

>> No.6303742
File: 161 KB, 500x304, 1330447533071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread has prompted me to look through old fanime and anime expo skits circa 2000-2001

Can you die from nostalgia?

>> No.6303744

Looks like oldfag assistance is required here.

>> No.6303746

LOL I'm not her, but I do remember her. She came around every few years going by a new cosplay name...I guess trying to shed her dramu she was a part of under the tons of other names? I was a Georgia cosplayer, actually. Meredith was from Florida (or was in Florida by the time I actually met her).

>> No.6303755

I hope not, because I'm right there with you T___T

>> No.6303756

Are you still in GA?

>> No.6303769

Nope, not anymore. I moved four years ago.

>> No.6303779

Where are you these days, does it compare to the weird con scene of the south?

>> No.6303783

These are my questions from the Yaya thread:
I'm curious, how much money did she get from that settlement involving happy sun whatever korean company she sued for copying her cat ears? How does she make enough money yearly to support going to so many cons around the US and abroad? I can't imagine selling cat ears and accessories makes you that much money.

Can someone give me sauce on her old husband? The dude before Brian Boling that she apparently got her green card from and screwed over?

what is the drama between her and coscom/lilyxandra/yuna(coscom)?

please someone deliver

>> No.6303797

The drama between her and lillyxandra/coscom has to do with the cat ears, too. I don't know details, but it was basically

>let's invent cat ears together

>> No.6303801

I thought she stole the molds from coscom? Cuz they used to sell them on cosworx (this was many years ago).

>> No.6303807
File: 58 KB, 599x432, 3464-135554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to Angel AKA CosplayAngel?

Is she still even alive ...? She was clearly anorexic as fuck, but since it wasn't popular to be totes proana back then, no one talked about it.

I hope she's okay, though, I always loved her.

>> No.6303809

She and lillyxandra made the first set, and then decided to sell them through coscom (remember, Sara/Adella and her ugly photographer sugar daddy du jour ran it at the time), and then she pulled out over how much money she was getting.

>> No.6303812

Oh, and Tristencitrine, another friend of theirs, was the mastermind of cosworx. But I think she had left cosworx to Adella by the time of this event.

>> No.6303829

What do you know about the folks that seem to be in Yaya's circle like Riddle. She (and the others) all seem to be super cool and nice, which sort of amazes me given how much drama surrounds Yaya and her general attitude. Are they just less worn down/more polite than her or what?

>> No.6303835

speaking of adella I'd like to know what she does now since she broke up or got broken up with by admin/kyle.

someone needs to tell me the story of how admin and her started dating. what the fuck.

>> No.6303842

Speaking of Riddle, I'm kind of amazed at how she managed to drop off the face of the internet for a while and then come back to even more popularity under a different name, despite being older. Was it the genre switch? The implants? I liked her work before she was Riddle, and I've always wondered how any oldfags manage to switch cosplay names...

>> No.6303844

You've been out of the loop for a long time, dude. She started dating a guy named Anthony (the Link in her failed Zelda Project), and when they broke up, apparently she's with yet another creepy, homely, but rich photographer who worked on TZP with them.

>> No.6303847

Who is Riddle and who did she used to be?

>> No.6303849

Way back of the way backs?
- Tikki
- Alisachan
- H-chan
- Miyu
- Angel
- Eyes on Me
- Sailor JAMBoree
- CosplayScandal

>> No.6303856

What about Nessa/Yuna? let me get some sauceeeeeeeee of dat

>> No.6303858

Fellow old fag reporting in. This will be my 15th year cosplaying.

Seen lots of stuff from the COSP to Fansiew to Lindze's child.

It's been quite something to watch the fandom change from late teens and 20 somethings to 14 yr olds at babby's first time away from parents.
It's been something to watch us go from no wigs being ok with shitty satin being alright to OMG never use your real hair and you NEED $40 contacts for every costume you have.

I miss how close people were cause you knew your fellow cosplayers were serious fans . You had to be to find VHS subs of some show no one had heard of.

Now, the fans may be casuals but it's so much easier to find references and see shows the day they air in Japan.

>> No.6303862

Your view is skewed. There were tons of 11, 12, and 13-year-olds at those conventions back in those days (hello, we're the 24, 25, and 26 year old oldfags who still cosplay now, right in this thread).

>> No.6303869

What is the story of her and kyle/admin? She basically just fucked him for money?

>> No.6303871

Wow it' like '97-'98 all over again. Those girls all started even before Yaya/Adella/PikminLink.

Does anyone remember Diana Kou? She was my girlcrush for awhile when she was in SJ. Remember when Miyu was 15? Remember when Michiru from Eyes On Me was the idol of all the BSSM fangirls and everyone copied her? Remember when amateur voice acting was a huge thing? Oh man....

>> No.6303876

tell us about the notable exceptions. who are they? why aren't you friends with them anymore? what happened?

>> No.6303877

They had a long relationship, at least 2 or 3 years. Who can say what the real motivators were, but when an attractive girl with no ability to make money and an unattractive rich guy are together, there's generally only a couple of options. Either it's TWOO WUVV or else it's the other thing.

>> No.6303877,1 [INTERNAL] 

where are the women

>> No.6303892


Haha no.

I started cosplaying in 1997 at AWA 3

The con wasn't huge and I know the youngest person I encountered was 16. Everyone else was 18, 19, and 22+

You MIGHT have had one or two 14 yr olds per con. It took money and knowing where to look to be a fan and kids back then just didn't have the connections and money it took to be fans yet.

But at AWA, it took three more years before I started running into more young teens. And about 3 more years after that before I started seeing more teens than adults

>> No.6303895

The leader spiraled from "slightly neurotic in a kind of adorable way" to "full-blown crazy" over the course of time. I left the group due to a falling-out she and I had about the psychotic ways she dealt with both outsiders and members.

A couple of the girls during the later years became SUPERCHRISTIANS who now do cosplay "for the glory of Jesus" or something. I didn't know them very well, though.

Most of us are still very cordial, if not particularly close (life and time have taken their tolls and not all of us live close together anymore). But there are exceptions - I still hang out with one of the girls I met in SJ once a week or so.

>> No.6303900

Maybe you should have gone to CA more, then. I can believe it that a little southern convention wouldn't have a draw for young'uns, but west coast cons (Fanime, AX, Animagic) were filled with us spoiled rich kids.

>> No.6303901

LOL Riddle is a nut and likes to tell people she did the costumes for X-Men First Class... She didn't.

>> No.6303902

She used to be called Lafiel. I actually have photos of her from 2005 when she used to cosplay at Canadian cons.

>> No.6303905

When Nessa was 14 or 15 she got drunk at a Citrine birthday party (Tristin gave her the booze personally) ripped off her Yuna costume and ran around naked for a few minutes before switching into a Tidus costume some guy there was wearing. For the rest of the night he was dressed as Yuna and she walked around with her tits mostly hanging out for Tidus. To reiterate she was not an adult and not of drinking age. TC is scum.

>> No.6303910

I don't think Nessa is as young as you think she is.

>> No.6303911

She did cheesy nudes and was a huge attention whore slut. Her re-vamped persona is pretty impressive considering how much of a pathetic lulcow she used to be. I'm amazed by the fact that she's taken seriously now. Kudos to you, Lafiel/Riki LaCotey(sp?)/Riddle.

>> No.6303915

There are Nessa nudes around here somewhere. Someone post plz!

>> No.6303916

This happened in 2002. I was there. My guess on her age might be wrong but she was under age.

>> No.6303918

Yeah, just based on when CharCon started (and stopped) happening I knew what years you had to be talking about.

You're right, she was underage, but she was more like 19 or 20.

>> No.6303920

I'm curious, tell me (in some way that only an oldfag would know) who you were! Unless you're still pretending to be her friend and don't want this to come back on you.

>> No.6303925

That's 10 years ago, exactly, and she's not 29 or 30 today, she's somewhere between 25-27.

>> No.6303924

>You're right, she was underage, but she was more like 19 or 20.
LOL wat? You're either underage or you're an adult. Do you mean she acted like she was 19 or 20?

>> No.6303930

Nope, because afaik she still doesn't do THAT. lol

>> No.6303934

Under the drinking age, idiot, but no she was under all the ages. ALL THE AGES.

>> No.6303945

Only an oldfag would know Citrine used to throw drunken hoebag parties, I lurk this place all the time and nobody ever talks about them. Yes, while I'm not still friends with her I'd like to keep the peace with that crowd, maybe that narrows down my identity IDC, but I am posting anonymously for a reason.

>> No.6303940

Then she must have started college REALLY early or something, because I remember talking to her about some college classes she was taking in the summer of 2002.

>> No.6303960

Don't forget she did hentai voice acting and is now in a shady relationship with a gross fat loser. Woooo!

>> No.6303977

11 years here too.

I didn't pay much attention to the drama. There wasn't much going on in my area (midwest) in the early 00's. But lulz? I have lots of that.

Anyone remember the short rotund guy that cosplayed as Tuxedo mask and had that remote controlled robot that carried around a rose around all the midwest conventions? I heard somewhere he had a camera up in that robot, so when all the sailor moon girls ran to it squeeing, he'd snap pantyshots.

I remember when everyone used halloween wigs and spray in hair color, and yes, the shiny satin seifukus.

>> No.6303979

Haha. Seriously? For which one(s)?

>> No.6304137

This. I miss how it used to legit be a closeknit community of people just excited to meet others with common interests. Nobody gave a fuck if your costume looked like a cotton garbage bag. There were just so few people (overall) that were into anime, even fewer who were into cosplay, that you were just happy as fuck to meet someone else who liked it. Now people are some evil bitches in this hobby.

>> No.6304141

Amateur voice acting was how I actually found out about cons and got into cosplay. MEMORIES.

>> No.6304155

I remember that guy! Didn't he get banned from some midwest cons because of that?

>> No.6304172

>camera up in that robot
>he'd snap pantyshots
And people wonder why I wear shorts under my skirts.

>> No.6304306

That was Miracole Bthat said she worked on the costume. .

>> No.6304316

this thread and kevin lillard. memories. what happened to cosplayfucks/catsonmars, they still around?

>> No.6304332

Cosfu's being run by Angel/4ng31 now, but both the .org/.net sites just show a GoDaddy advertisement at the moment. They still have a FB page and such but they're very different now. It's not really a snark community at this point.

>> No.6304356

Where are they now?

- Railiens
- Assassins Inc.
- Sana-chan
- Alaria
- Heidi
- Erika Door
- Beverly

>> No.6304379
File: 227 KB, 1000x710, otakon2000_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first con was Otakon 2000, I believe the Mana on the left is Yaya.

>> No.6304382

Did you guys hear that Lillard is homeless and living in his car now? Poor guy.

>> No.6304390

I found Alaria on FB recently. She's doing her third degree right now to become a doctor of some sort (MDCM @ McGill). I have lots of respect for anyone who makes it that far in higher education. It's actually her birthday today, so happy birthday Alaria.

As for the rest, the only one I've seen cosplay in the past four or five years is Heidi.

>> No.6304395

He's taking donations if anyone is interested. All you oldfags know him, and while he wasn't the best photog in the world (or good at all) he was an awesome guy and we should kick him a few dollars in his time of need. What do you guys say? Avoid eating out tomorrow and donate the $10 that would have cost to a guy who did us an awesome service many years ago.

>> No.6304398
File: 94 KB, 750x600, 1308790295823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 years here,
obligatory Ao post

>> No.6304407

.. that actually sounds par for the course for Nessa, I wouldn't say it was TCs fault. Nessa is, and always has been, out of fucking control.

>> No.6304414

Details? I only ever got to see her being crazy on Cosplay.com, where she'd bitch people out in a really unprofessional way and then lock the thread so nobody could respond.

>> No.6304418

And yet she's still a mod, at least Sarah was doing Kyle what's Nessa got going for her?

>> No.6304420

Cosfu quit being any good when Teng gave it up. 4ng31 got in a bunch of pissing contests with people and some left. And it just sort of...petered out. Last I went to it, there were forums that hadn't even been posted in for almost a year. It was good, now it's done.

Catsonmars...shit...quit going there FOREVER ago. I'm assuming it's gone now.

>> No.6304430
File: 80 KB, 357x218, kaneda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember miyu and kaneda went out or something and Miyu fought with him on cosplay.com sometimes. I mainly just remember that 'cause I had a crush on this smokin' hot Kaneda cosplayer.

>tfw when my bf look like a younger version of this kaneda cosplayer.

>> No.6304428

Yeah, that's her. Nadine in the middle, Elly down from, and the guy by her was Ashita. I dunno the other one.

>> No.6304439

Assassins Inc - I mentioned the Michiru chick above and her weird LGBTQ sci-fi she writes and she makes gay pride bracelets, all while pretending her husband has never existed.

Erikadoor- Remember? It was "one word." WHOA talk about a chick who was full of herself. She did FFV Shiva (I think it was from V) and said that if anyone else did it she would "rip their spine out." She was not joking, either.

>> No.6304452

There's not really any examples I can give you, and I haven't spoken to her in a few years so this may not be true anymore but she's just a loose cannon. Totally nuts and over-the-top in everything she does. She's just .. extreme, I guess? It can be very grating.

>> No.6304457

Actually, how she acted on coscom is a pretty good example of how she is in real life lol

>> No.6304470

Man, Miyu was such a dirty slut.

>> No.6304487

Beverly's teaching now. Just got married. I don't think she does much with cosplay, but I think she still does a little here and there when she has time.

So many awesome people I met on Catsonmars, back before /cgl/. Fond internet memories right there.

>> No.6304532

the latest erikadoor shit I heard:

She was in an open relationship with this guy (Kev? I think he's cosplay famous) any ways
he's seeing this other girl on the side for over a year and finally the other girl was like "look, I can't do this open thing anymore, chose me or her" and he chose the other girl.

Anyways Erika when on this massive bitch fit and tried to turn everyone else against this girl for "stealing her man"

Sorry hun if you're in an open relationship you should be damn sure you're man won't leave you, and if he does it's kinda your own damn fault.

>> No.6304542

Things that were different back in the day

- People using wigs were a rarity
- Ignoring your body type for character selection was a common practice
- Kodac Disposable cameras were commonplace
- People with digital cameras were a rarity
- Getting a photoshoot off con was someone only really good cosplayers did
- You got comments on cosplay.com
- Anime had yellow subtitles
- Showing up in costume was more important than having the absolute best
- Eurobeat King took photos of guys as well as girls
- Anime screenshots were the only reference images you had to use
- For costumes you had to make them from scratch or raid your closet
- Shitty hallway photos of yourself was the norm

>> No.6304560
File: 25 KB, 299x399, 974681bbedca86ab2854cf799b84b2e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check off all that with this pic.

>> No.6304583

I had a digital camera...the kind a floppy disc went in. I was the ONLY person at the first con I went to that even had one (it was top of the line at the time...lol). And cosplay.com didn't even exist.

>> No.6304599

LOL I used to rock out with my XBox-sized Sony Mavica with the disks. You could take and save so few pics. We are pretty spoiled these days with the technology out now.

>> No.6305148

That is true. Kevin came out to visit Erica in Chicago last year. Kevin is the bitter, bitter ex of Ginny who still makes it a priority to throw internet shit at her. Looooooser

>> No.6306041

Heidi finished college and got busy with a career/life, but she still costumes sometimes at cons like Dragon Con and Comic Con. I think the same goes for Beverly.

Erika tried to make a comeback a few years ago, but then fell off the face of the earth again.

>> No.6306059

She may have been crazy but she was never a slut. After she dumped that guy she was in an exclusive relationship with a photographer for 6 years. The girl had issues and dressed like a hobag but she was never known to be promiscuous.

>> No.6306180

and then Erika still moved to Philly despite everything, while Kev moved to NY for work and is still with 'the other girl'.
I'd say she's better off though.

>> No.6306338
File: 86 KB, 500x334, CardCaptor-Will-English.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6306342
File: 51 KB, 367x504, strippervash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And along these same lines, Stripper Vash.

>> No.6306346

Hi Miyu.

>> No.6306355
File: 144 KB, 375x500, otakon knives vash 3818550291_a406b43c10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere there is a picture or two of him and his friend as Knives and my friend as Vash and myself as Legato from an otakon ages ago

Never did find it.

>> No.6306357
File: 57 KB, 760x800, 1211165280270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been a favorite picture of mine for years. Is this the same knives?

>> No.6306363
File: 60 KB, 381x400, rabbi wolfowitz 04otakon18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also.. Rabbi Wolfowitz

Yeah that was him.

>> No.6306424

is that a wrestling ring he's in?

>> No.6306436
File: 20 KB, 292x302, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You got comments on cosplay.com
I got 30 comments to a shitty photo with a shitty costume and now my costumes are so much better and I got max 1 or 3 comments... WTF! Why?

>> No.6306437

>File: 1350076484867.jpg-(20 KB, 292x302, why.jpg)
>>You got comments on cosplay.com
>I got 30
not many people use cosplay.com anymore to my knowledge. the site is pretty dead from my experience

>> No.6306442

whoah wtf happened with my reply?

>> No.6306445
File: 24 KB, 704x400, 1287997822103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the site is pretty dead from my experience
Oh, wow! Really? I use cosplay.com and Cure in general. Sometimes I think to register of Deviantart but always to lazy and the site design is not so my taste and the site-mascot is shitty. lol

>> No.6306756

Coscom used to be an amazing site...then it got full of drama and a bunch of people were like "fuck this." A lot of cosplayers are just on facebook now. It's like no other big cosplay site can take off, and all the old ones have kicked the bucket or are dying.

Anyone remember cosplaylab and when it was relevant?

>> No.6306883 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 480x640, 9709_849f_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I might have a explanation...

Since not many people had access to digital cameras, the whole concept of uploading photos online was a part of the hobby that people didn't really do. In general the amount of photo uploads cosplay.com got on a daily basis was very small so you could browse all the photos of a particular series and character in less than an afternoon.

Seeing how rare things were, we were more excited to see another person attempt a cosplay of a certain character and other details such as accuracy, photo composition or body type get in the way in our enthusiasm. Add to the fact that many of us were really young and impressionable so any sort of praise we got was instantly charished so of course we would return the kindless and comment back.

Nowadays the whole notion of leaving comments on photos is not so common anymore. Giving out compliments to a cosplayer is not as universal as it once as as sites with a lot of traffic such as Coscom and ACP don't see a lot of comments be given out. Nowadays that stuff is regulated on Facebook, Tumblr, LJ and dA.

>> No.6306897
File: 258 KB, 480x640, 9709_849f_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have an explanation...

Since not many people had access to digital cameras, the whole concept of uploading photos online was a part of the hobby that people didn't really do. In general the amount of photo uploads cosplay.com got on a daily basis was very small so you could browse all the photos of a particular series and character in less than an afternoon.

Seeing how rare things were, we were more excited to see another person attempt a cosplay of a certain character and other details such as accuracy, photo composition or body type get in the way in our enthusiasm. Add to the fact that many of us were really young and impressionable so any sort of praise we got was instantly charished so of course we would return the kindless and comment back.

Nowadays the whole notion of leaving comments on photos is not so common anymore. Giving out compliments to a cosplayer is not as universal as it once as as sites with a lot of traffic such as Coscom and ACP don't see a lot of comments be given out. Nowadays that stuff is regulated on Facebook, Tumblr, LJ and dA.

>> No.6306933

Yeah, but comments on coscom were a common thing like, 4 years ago. In fact, the whole site was active. Digicams (lol remember that term?) were common then. I don't think the cosplay scene has changed THAT much in four years. It's still tons of teenagers, tons of bitchy people, lots of self-whoring, except all across various social media sites instead of just all on coscom.

You're describing the coscom of like...2003-2005. After that it was still a super busy site, but with more dramu. I feel like it's really bottomed out in the past two years, though. Or maybe that's just me.

>> No.6307004

Sana-chan was annoying! That's all I remember. I don't see a lot of California cosplayers anymore. What happened to them all? Adella / Nessa crew? Maryssa? Sailor Jamboree? Underground Cosplay? Coconut Bubble Sex Cosplay? Brilliant Moon Cosplay?

>> No.6307026

I think I said it earlier in this thread, but popular cosplayers and cosplay groups all come and go, constantly. Most of the popular ones make a ton of costumes, go to as many cons as possible, and post on the internet as much as they can so they can stay relevant. Barely any of them stay around. It's super expensive to keep that up, and most of them are in college. I think their parents shut the pocket book after a while/they run out of money/sugar daddy boyfriend breaks up with them. I think another factor is that cosplay loses all enjoyment when you're doing all that shit.

>> No.6307064

Sana finally figured out how to wax her eyebrows. Now she works for Disney or something.

Adella did TZP and went batshit

Nessa is still as psycho as she always was

Maryssa is in Angel Hearts Cosplay (an Idolm@ster group) but wont let you tag cosplay pictures of her to her facebook because of reasons

Sailor Jamboree imploded due to Gina's gigantic ego and Chrissy's getting married and not having time for kid shit anymore

idk about the rest

>> No.6307071

Almost everyone that person mentioned is in their late 20s/early 30s now. I would hope they've all finished college and gone on to Real Life.

>> No.6307128

I remember a while back there were pics of Nessa and she had gotten kind of...heavy. She said it was because she was on psych meds. Um??

>> No.6307130

Adella was always batshit, she used to lock threads for people saying they didn't like Aeris as a character.

>> No.6307138

Yeah she's chunky now and has been for a while.

Wait what? She used to tell people she "didn't even like Aeris"

>> No.6307186

That's true. But even compared to where she was in the old days, she's comparatively batshit now.

>> No.6307249
File: 26 KB, 265x397, sara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone remember this kid? I THINK her name was Sara? Did she continue to cosplay after her mother stopped forcing her into costumes? I remember feeling really bad for her at the time, but I think it would be cool if she managed to make it her own thing.

>> No.6307289
File: 13 KB, 240x360, 1544268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup that is Sarah, we cosplayed together a few times and most of the time she seemed to enjoy cosplay and we had fun choosing some stuff together once in awhile, but she doesn't do it anymore. Right now she is doing school stuff. Heh, she was on The View in the first season too. Girl can sing.

>> No.6307418

I think I'm still stuck in old school mode. Like half this shit I can't even comprehend these days.

>>- Ignoring your body type for character selection was a common practice
It's fine if I'm modest, use supportive undergarments, corsetry, excellent craftsmanship, makeup and wig styling, right? OH HELL NO, LOOK AT THAT FATASS INSTANT FAIL.

>>- Getting a photoshoot off con was someone only really good cosplayers did
Almost all my costumes except for more recent ones and a couple photoshoots I did with Lionel are hallway shots. I still look everywhere for my pictures.

I used to have a huge ass gallery on my website where I stored all my con pics. I'd sit there and scan about 4-5 disposable camera's worth of pictures and edit them all. Then I got really into taking pictures, but not in a pro sense cause I just used a crappy digital camera that sometimes took good shots. I just liked capturing everyone and getting lots of pictures and providing them for people. There was a time I'd take about 500-800 pictures at a convention. Now I'm lucky to get like 25. I'm like, fuck it.

>> No.6307601

>>someone needs to tell me the story of how admin and her started dating. what the fuck.

They met on a forum that Kyle was running. He owns a few. They started talking and a relationship was formed. As much as people like to go on about how admin looks creepy and sucks and how crazy Adella is now from what I saw back then they had a sweet relationship and he cared for her a lot and so did she. If it wasnt for one the fact that I was one of his forums when they opened cosplay.com I wouldnt have even known about cosplay myself. So as much as I roll my eyes at Adella bullshit right now it is thanks to her I found out about cosplay.

>> No.6307605


Good old times... My first cosplay site for me in the year 2003. This site is really more dead, or?

>> No.6307630

Pretty dead. The admin sent me a friendly PM welcoming me to the community (although I joined in 2006 but never uploaded) after I uploaded a cosplay photo to my account. Said it was great to see another fan of the series. It's practically a ghost town.

>> No.6307635
File: 149 KB, 1344x476, coscom2002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been cosplaying for 13 years myself. I remember when cos.com looked like this. (This of course was not their first layout but I couldnt get a screencap of their first layout.)

>> No.6307664

12 years cosplaying. I love you my fellow old bitches. I miss the old days so much every time I go to a con overrun with fourteen year olds.

>> No.6307690

I must upload my cosplaylab account some time... lol
2005/2006 was my best time on cosplay.com because I got so many comments. But now very very rare I get only ONE comment. And my costumes are really better than in the past... why write in this time not so many people comments like in the past? In the past all people write comments, also to shity costumes with comments like "awesome!". lol
My first cosplays are so crappy and these have more comments than my new costumes. Just wtf! Whyyyyyy! Maybe is the cosplay scene in the mondern time more demanding than in the past, or? Cosplay photos are today more pro-shots, photoshop and what ever... in the old days just simple (crappy?) photos of a convention without super pretty setting.

Oh, yeah! I remember!

>> No.6307701

13 years of cons.. so..errr.. 'bout 15 of cosplaying
Ok, now I feel beyond old!

Hands up for those early days of ACP just starting up and derpy comments Henry would write on some photos if you let him. And the early ACP meets at cons too for a giant group photo!

>> No.6307715
File: 59 KB, 320x480, neet-inrou-101-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel I am in the mid 20s and finished NOTHING!
Forever a NEET...

>> No.6307718
File: 1.40 MB, 795x840, 1287275871972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread! Less newfags and all oldfags here! <3

>> No.6307726
File: 136 KB, 931x473, ACP2002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6307810
File: 170 KB, 931x562, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man the old ACP site run through the internet time machine is a wealth of photos. And no I'm not posting these to make fun of these cosplayers because that would be stupid as some of these shots were from some of their first costume. More to show how everyone starts somewhere.

Ginny, Miyu, Yaya, TristenCitrine

>> No.6307823

You missed Michiru. She's next to Miyu.

>> No.6307834
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1234719146001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young Yaya looks really cute!

>> No.6307838

I did! My bad. The site ate my first post so I messed up my retype.

>> No.6307850

>first thought at chunli:

>> No.6307973

Riddle has always been nice to me, almost all cosplayers have been when I have gone up to them, despite how shitty CGL says they are.

she never said she made them she said she worked on the set of the movie.

Bubble sex won WCS this year.

Anyone remember Sailor Bacon & Manfaye and Man Yuna? It was always fun to see that shit.

>> No.6307984
File: 314 KB, 1200x1600, 755b8ace354ee469d33acdb0eb9926f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ring on that finger?!

>> No.6307989

yeah she used to be married... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN. Divorced several years ago.

>> No.6307999
File: 83 KB, 577x417, ax97-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blast from the past, anime expo 1997


>> No.6308003

Man all these blast from the past cons make me miss AniMagic in Lancaster CA and really sad that the hotel is gone.

That was like cosplay camp every Autumn.

>> No.6308075

Cosplaylab! I had a paid account there for a long time, and... whatever features they had at the time for paid members were pretty useful. I remember joining and there not being many people there.

I remember joining cosplay.com when it was really new. It was a really fun community back in the day, and I'd hang out in the forums forever. Then at some point, everyone was posting "OMG WHO SHOULD I COSPLAY WHO DO I LOOK LIKE" I don't know? A human being. Pick a character you like.

I remember when KatieBair taught us all about the awesome world of wigs. Like, wow, I really shouldn't use a halloween wig. HOLY SHIT, I don't have to use neon pink cleo wigs, but I can dye them?!

Now there's like 80gillion places to get wigs, heat resistant wigs pre-styled in any character you want. You don't even need to part your wig for pigtails anymore. Just use a parted wig and some clip on extentions. FML.

>> No.6308260

ALA has taken over as that con. Besides, from what I heard: there's alot of shady circumstantial as to which the con was demised.

>> No.6308311

>the days when cosplay was something done just for fun and to show your fan spirit because you loved the characters so much

Good times.

>> No.6308363
File: 4 KB, 75x100, anime web turnpike trixie1a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well.. if people want to feel old..

>> No.6308376

I still visit otakuworld.com every now and then to see if people are still making kiss dolls.

>> No.6308401

Just got slapped with a wave of nostalgia. Went to check on the site, but it seems to be down now. All the links on the Classic site are broken too, I think.

>> No.6308402

Man, I just went to coscom after years and my god it is as horrible as before. Was looking at the showcase costumes and photos...LOL

It is so hit or miss. Mostly just miss though. Who in the fuck picks those out? Some of the costumes are godawful tier. Same with the photos. By some I mean most.

>> No.6308409

The internet used to be such a small place...

>> No.6308415

Has she ever had a job...?

>> No.6308419

Seeing as she slept with said photog's brother while she was engaged and broke up said brother's marriage , yes, she's considered a slut.

>> No.6308429

None of that was ever confirmed. We all assumed he made it up because he was pissed that she left him. This is the same photog that lied about having lung cancer and working for Elite. Alot of us CO cosplayers had unpleasant experiences with him and his drama. Even though he took nice photos it didn't matter because he would never give them to you afterwards.

>> No.6308432

Cosplaylab went down the crapper when the owner went to Japan to try to convert the Japanese into Christians. Many cosplayers left then.

>> No.6308435

Holy shit I remember that! I stopped using my cosplaylab as soon as that happened. Weren't they like, Mormon or something?

>> No.6308436

Nope, it was confirm by Miyu herself. She wrote a tl;dr post about her stripper days and trying to support them both since they were unemployed.

>> No.6308441

Not sure about the Mormon part.

>> No.6308443

I know she admitted to stripping to support them but I don't remember her ever confirming cheating on him. If you have the screencaps you should post them so we can see what's what. I'll admit I'm biased because he screwed over two very good friends of mine who let him live with them for awhile. He could never keep a job. His compulsive lying was something we all knew about so we could never put much stock in anything that came out of his mouth. I'm not even sure if he still lives here and I wouldn't be suprised if he's homeless.

>> No.6308447

No, I don't have screencaps. It's been awhile. Somebody posted it on /cgl/ a couple of times though. Maybe there are others that have it. That said, they're probably both mental.

>> No.6308452

She must've been crazy. I would never ever support my bf if he refused to get a job.

>> No.6308453

>the owner went to Japan to try to convert the Japanese into Christians.

Wtf am I reading

>> No.6308481 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 955x1154, suree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but anon-kun, drama is great.

>> No.6308531

That's when I left too- they used all the money from the paid accounts to fund the trip. There was this huge long letter they posted on the front page about it.

>> No.6308587

Ah the nostalgia.

I knew of cosplay back in the 90's, but at that point I was more into vhs fansubs and didn't follow the drama.

Wasn't until the 2000's when francesca dani was vomiting drama all over the SA forums (before the days of 4chan) and /a/ back when /a/ wasn't differentiated into all the anime subculture boards we have now.

Great thread.

>> No.6308692

This whole thread... so much nostalgia, it's beautiful.

I don't even understand how cosplaylab is still running and they still take paid memberships etc. They layout and functionality are so web 1.0 and stuck in the 90's... kinda like coscom was until they started trying to upgrade shit and ended up leaving the site with less functionality than before.

But back in the day, I updated my stuff on both sites and ACP religiously. Now it's not even fun anymore. Coscom's forums are a total joke to me, it's not fun helping 12-15 yr olds decide what to do if their bfffffffffff wants to cosplay the same thing that they do or similar. *sigh*

Cosplay used to be about fun and meeting people, now it's more about being so damn good and special snowflake-ish that you can shit on everyone and everything and not be in trouble. I have admittedly met far fewer cosplayers in the past years at cons compared to the late 90's and early 00's when people didn't have giant ego sticks shoved so far up their asses that they couldn't socialize.

>> No.6308720

It feels like instead of using the con as a chance to meet others. People instead stick to their own group of friends and treat it as "another day out" but in a convention setting. The minute an outsider tries to be friendly he gets the cold shoulder, unless of course they look good as well.

>> No.6308741

>an outsider tries to be friendly he gets the cold shoulder, unless of course they look good as well.

Welcome to planet earth. Will you be staying long?

>> No.6308749

Yes! That is exactly what I was trying to explain, but you did it in a more concise way.

I think it's sad. I like meeting new people to "meet new people". It's not about meeting new people so I can get more FB friends/fans or whatever. I just... really like meeting new people and hearing stories, I fricken love stories about anything, cosplay-related and not. In fact, I think it's nice when you can actually get to know someone at a con enough that your conversation can go beyond just talking about cons and cosplay, you know?

>> No.6308804


That Kamishibai Viewer made me nostalgic.

>> No.6309839

She never said that to you maybe, she tells lots of people she did and doesn't correct anyone when they tell other people she did.

>> No.6310119

I think it's only you and me that remember her, brother.

>> No.6310168


I had an anti-duo maxwell "webpage" featured on there. My guestbook was loaded with tons of rage. No idea why I made it, I didn't even hate him.

What about that one site with all the Play FKISS dolls? It was awesome until they changed it so you had to pay for them.

>> No.6310177

>>6310168 here
oh yea that's it, otakuword. I had a kiss doll where you strip down a lady and stick things in her butt. I hope my younger sister never found that one.

>> No.6310207


Holy shit KatieBair. What ever happened to her? Did she ever put out her book (can't imagine it wouldn't be outdated as fuck all by now)

>> No.6310293


I just bought a month subscription to go in and download all of the old programs from this site. They have a huge archive if files dating back to 1993, so it doesn't seam like a bad deal for some nostalgia.

>> No.6310367


I remember when they took down the adult section of the kiss doll page. Jeff what's-his-face was so upset that he left for awhile to make bad fetish cartoons on DA.

>> No.6310452

That place inspired me to make my own websites. I miss the term 'anime shrine' and that people devoted time to making awesome website layouts (they were bad yes but it was a learning time for a lot of kids back then) and I loved the cheesy graphics, and the midi files.

I loved that place because I could find tons of information and it felt personable. I think due to Wikipedia a lot of fan sites died, because who needed to create something when it was all there one one site? All you have to do is edit something and you're done.

I was also introduced to yaoi but it scared the crap out of me so I left. I was also introduced to shipping and it equally confused me since I didn't know that non-canon shipping was a thing.

>> No.6310461

What in the world happened to Teng's marriage?

>> No.6310468


>> No.6310522

What was the deal with some fat aspie screaming CHAIR and subsequently starting a right were other aspies began to yell CHAIR at everyone and throwing them on the floor?

>> No.6310541

Squee! ::glomps:: ^_^ Waiii!!

admit it, you said that stuff.

>> No.6310543

Only the smilie face. I've always thought people who said that were retarded. Also retarded were sTupID aSiAns TyPinG lyKE DiS.

>> No.6310552


>> No.6310723

OMGGGGG HAVEN'T SEEN THAT IN YEARS. I'd go there and squee over Fushigi Yugi shit.

>> No.6310734

Oh fuck, this was FOREVER ago. All I remember were people carrying a fucking chair around at a con and chanting about it, but can't remember why/which one. A-kon??

>> No.6310742

Is that a general question, or are you saying that's related to him leaving cosfu...? Cause it's not. He left it cause it was starting to get lame. He gave it to 4ng31, who was his bro. Then Soni and Jessie (animeangel) started having some dramu between each other, and 4ng31 stuck his nose in it and started talking garbage about Jessie (ya know, his friend Teng's wife).

>> No.6310745

She quit being relevant. I used and styled wigs ever since I made my first costume. My costumes fucking sucked, but I was good at wigs. I couldn't believe how much Katie Bair asked for wig commissions....CRAZINESS ($600? $1000? Kiss my ass). Apparently, everyone else eventually agreed because people started figuring it out on their own.

>> No.6310749

Anybody know why him and FagAngel got a deevorce? They were pretty lovey dovey on the forums.

>> No.6310750

>now it's more about being so damn good and special snowflake-ish that you can shit on everyone and everything and not be in trouble.

Are you me? I am just so confounded by people that operate this way.
I wonder if anime will eventually become passe to the teen populace and old divas so we can return to a time with straight up fans outnumbering the LOOK AT MEEE LOOK AT MEEEE people.

>> No.6310833

speaking of shrines, who remembers Hitoshi Doi's Sailor Moon site? That was *the site* for sailor moon and magical girl stuff

>> No.6310838


and Wydia's cosplay site! It was THE place to go for links for a while

>> No.6310847

Yes. Oh man that brings back so many memories.

>> No.6313926

"CHAIR", I do believe, was A-Kon. Somebody was setting up for a skit, and all that was sitting on stage for a while was a chair. So the audience started chanting, "CHAIR! CHAIR! CHAIR! CHAIR!"

>> No.6314153

The same thing happened at Kumoricon in '11. Weird.

>> No.6314195

wow! I know all of the cosplayers on those lists and I was friends with most of them. There is Celine as the featured cosplayer! I miss her. She used to go to a bunch of cons that I went to. Always made sure to hang with her. Nice girl with good costumes back then. Anyone remember the twins from PA Leslie & Michelle? How about Cristy/nyanko? Remember when Arlette/Cristy and G-chan were besties? As far as couples I remember Flexei & Rouge, Darcy & Scott, Usagi Kou & Scott, Kev & G-chan, Erika Door & Erik Glass, Jia & Ryan, Mistress Mel & Nando baka.

>> No.6314367

Chair was Otakon 2002, I thought? Or at least, that's where I first witnessed it.

>> No.6314488

And all of those things were ok 10 years ago.

I only know of the old major cosplayers because of /cgl/. Our anime and cosplay scene was extremely small 10+ years ago, and in relation to the west or east coasts, still is. Still had/have drama, though, and with the same people. It's pretty sad.

>> No.6314564

This also happened at Kumoricon 2004...

>> No.6314961


Sebastian drama is always fun. And seasonal, apparently.

>> No.6315013

so how old are you guys?

I just turned 30 and feeling too old to be cosplaying....how do you handle your aging?

>> No.6315067

Be a Toys R Us kid.

>> No.6315079

I dun get it...

>> No.6315102

Do you look or feel 30? If no, then fuck it. Do what makes you happy.

>> No.6315131

Then you aren't turning 30.

>> No.6315142


>i dont wanna grow up
>im a toys r us kid
>they have a million toys in toys r us for me to play with!



>> No.6315148


I'm 33, but I'm also a man, so technically I'm still getting sexier. I just try to cosplay appropriate characters. I'm thinking I might do Zen Fudou in the spring. You'll know me because I'll be the hot guy with an eyepatch carrying a donut.

>> No.6315203
File: 1.32 MB, 2056x3088, Poison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being the perverted fuck I am I thought it was going to be nudes of ai-honey.

The thing is, I've been waiting for someone like Sebastian (why did she keep a thread with him insulting her on her site?) or Jack to post nudes of her for the longest time, but I'm kind of losing hope.

>> No.6315267


Wow, she really has no ass at all.

>> No.6315289

Don't you mean Barb and Ryan? Jia never dated him. Jia dated Stripper Vash for years though they kept in on the dl.

>> No.6315321
File: 72 KB, 400x533, 28024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chicago crew - lime barb, voltz, jia, stripper vash

>> No.6315357
File: 62 KB, 450x600, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant this post

>> No.6315363

She's got the hottest ass. The angle probably isn't great.

>> No.6315381


She's very pretty, and has nice looking skin and a nice stomach, but if she had a butt you'd be able to tell from that angle.

>> No.6315411

Wooo, why is this a thing. Deleted it now but I don't care especially. It was linked on my LJ, just guess I forgot about.

Also I'm not an old cosplay fag, I'm just an old /cgl pain in the ass, not the same thing and thus I don't belong here.

My ass is like the rest of me, painfully average? Though anon is right, you can't even see anything from that angle, it's not even directly side on. I'd be concerned if you could see anything because that'd make me kind of deformed..

Anyway, to be relevant to thread, UsagiKou drama was the best drama because it was the most ridiculous. Hands down, no competition.

>> No.6315431


When did I say you were painfully average? I just literally said you were very pretty.

Maybe I'm wrong and you have a great butt. Whatever.

>> No.6315444

Because nudes!

ai-honey nudes are cgl's Holy Grail!

>> No.6315528

I didn't say you did, I said that in reference to myself, as that's what I think. I appreciate the compliment, there have to be some people who find me attractive I guess. This all probably sounds very awkward as it's not something I care too much about.

Go look at cosplay deviants some more and then think about whether you really, REALLY want to see any more cosplayers nudes.

>> No.6315538


Oh, right, then. I thought the question mark meant you were asking if that's what I was saying. Carry on.

>> No.6315568

Just because the cosplay deviants chicks are ugly and in poor shape doesn't mean there aren't plenty of cosplayers that should get naked instead. If you want to get your kit off nobody would complain.

>> No.6315619

ehm, you sure you aren't an oldfag? you are turning 30 amirite

>> No.6315622

I gotta say Ai, I like that you're humble.

>> No.6315635
File: 107 KB, 431x622, pantyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we have some pictures of good looking 30+ male and female cosplayers?

i am really bad at guessing ages, surprise me

>> No.6315647

You sure are gullible.

>> No.6315670

Ai-honey is notoriously the most egocentric cosplayer ever. Even more than Usagi Kou. There's nothing genuinely humble about her, or in fact genuine at all.

>> No.6315820

Guys I think that was sarcasm.
Damnit it went over our heads again...

>> No.6315872

It wasn't sarcasm.

>> No.6315884

You guys make fun of me because I refer to myself a lot. You can be self involved and not egocentric.

As it is (and I'm sure you don't care) I have such a lack of ego that it's a crippling problem in my every day life. I find it incredibly difficult to self promote for work (or for anything else, actually) and I have a genuine problem in believing in myself or anything I do. In these areas I have abysmally low confidence and it's probably something I should work on because it's been getting gradually worse.

So there you go, normally I wouldn't care to argue but well, fuck you. I'm going to go sew this jacket and mope, have fun guys.

>> No.6315893

Finish up your Lily, damnit!

>> No.6315915


So do you let random guys have sex with you just to make you feel a bit of self worth or do you think you're too good for that?

If it's the latter then you actually are full of yourself but are a sad sack who uses self deprecation as a means for fishing up complements.

I'd suggest you go out and fuck a bunch of random blokes and film yourself doing (be sure to upload it somewhere that we can verify it) it if you really want to prove that you're not just full of yourself.

>> No.6316108

Just wanna say, holy crap, The Bouncer. Did somebody actually care that that game existed? I guess these guys did.

>> No.6316278

Less ai-honey and more nostalgia!

>> No.6316337

Don't bother. Once she's soiled a thread it's ruined forever.

>> No.6316354
File: 71 KB, 426x640, Sleeping_Beauty_Costume_by_Adella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Can we have some pictures of good looking 30+ male >>and female cosplayers?

>>i am really bad at guessing ages, surprise me

bring it! Adella is 31 and still rockin'

>> No.6316356

only if you let her.

tjeez. passive emo.

>> No.6316358

Thats not Adella you idiot thats her sister.

>> No.6316360

I remember when the Usagi Kou shit hit the proverbial fan. It was when the Haruka and Michiru in her group got sick of her shit or something. I think she lived with them, and was a freeloader, and would sit around and smoke cigarettes all day and have sex with Scott.

>> No.6316641

Was the Michiru Daria? She was such a cutie.

Who else was always at conventions in 2002-2004? What ever happen to Kabuki_boi? He was the first cross-player I remember seeing in person.
Anyone remember the Dark Muffins or the dirty pair, you know those girls who used to cosplay skits that were crude ? I don't remember their names, but I remember they cosplayed the starlights and pokemon.

>> No.6316659

Animagic was the con in September,right? I used to have friends that went to that one. Always wanted to go once I heard that their masquerade was always pool-side. :)

>> No.6316716

no, it was one of those "LOL, let's cosplay from this since the designs looked good"

>> No.6316813

Wasn't JJ their Michiru?

paging Soni.

>> No.6316913

Maybe, but that was way after Daria. I'm talking about around 2002-2004. Usagi Kou started dating Scott at the end of 2003, if I remember correctly.

>> No.6316972

I have died from Nostalgia. I am right off camera in the pic. I was being a bag bitch while this pic was being snapped. Otakon! I don't remember which, but Malice Mizer was probably still together and YES. That is Yaya

>> No.6317037

im 25 and i don't consider myself old

why do you think you're old?

>> No.6317562

Bump for more old school stories

>> No.6318011

Leave anime cons and kids behind for the most part. Get into fantasy, sci-fi, or comics. You can find characters to cosplay in those genres until you're old and wrinkly.

>> No.6318161

I just go for the con now.

>> No.6318169

so that's where sana chan has been at. i've been lurking around wondering where she and jenn had run off to considering PL still cosplays.

>> No.6318628

OH, YEAH!!!!!!!
These costumes are really amazing.
Good old times and for this time are these costumes very very amwesome.

I know that feel... sometimes if I think about this number (25) then I feel me old but if I look in the mirror I feel me young again because I look never like typical 25 years old. The most people think I am 19/20/21. I have friends they are younger than me an look older, haha!

>> No.6318631

Who the hell is sana chan?

>> No.6318711

>most people think I am 19/20/21

Welcome to denial. Men will always lowball your age, it's part of their strategy to try to get you to like them.

I've never met a woman who didn't claim to look much younger than her actual age, and with very very few exceptions an in person inspection of them made their age very clear.

You don't get to photoshop yourself in person.

>> No.6318723

Why is there is a smell of stale urine off this thread?

>> No.6318728

Unless they're Asian in which case they are actually ten years older than you think.

>> No.6318772
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because you pissed in it. Now go away, asshole.

Bumpin with Eurobeat King in his element.

>> No.6318820

Some of it isn't just flattering, though. I look my age and I will admit it... However, thanks to taking care of myself, I am not a fat, leather-skinned train wreck like most fellow women in my high school class. So if yes, I do look "younger" than my age, because most other women my age look 5-10 years too old and it messes with internal age scale calibration. If everybody else took good care of themselves, nobody would think I'm younger.

Does that make sense to anybody else or just me?

>> No.6318836
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What you're saying is because everyone else looks prematurely aged that you think you look younger than your age. It's an understandable equivocation. If the norm is that everyone around you takes shit care of their self and you take decent care of your self you'll seem more like you're taking great care of yourself, comparatively.

In absolute terms you still most likely don't actually look younger than your age, you just look better than most of the people in your age group.

Still, I can easily tell the difference between an 18 year old and a 25 year old in most cases. Some 18 year old women really look older (instead of just more used up), some 25 year old women really look younger (instead of just less used up) but it's pretty rare.

>> No.6318865

No, I was saying that because I take care of myself, people who are used to thinking of a prematurely-aged 25-year-old as being a standard 25, I'm a well-taken-care-of 25 so people with the shittily-taken-care-of 25 as a benchmark will see me as younger.

I really do look my age, and I'll admit it, but people around me are dumb and overused the tanning booths/wore too much makeup/etc, so compared to most of my age group I do look younger despite not looking younger than my age.

Does that make sense?

>> No.6318871
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If I compliment someone all that should be said afterwards is "thank you" and then "your welcome"

When i get any feedback that is all "oh I am not hot" that just makes me shrug and not say anything further. You will not get a second compliment if you didn't believe me the first time or you are fishing for more.

>> No.6318870

makes total sense to me. Plus, actors typically play roles where they are playing someone 10 years younger then them. (Hello Glee, a bunch of 20 somethings playing HS kids, no.) It ruins the general perception of what a typical HS kid looks like. Good for older girls in general, because you get mistaken for much younger because of the media bullshit.

>> No.6318872


You're repeating what I just said. It's an equivocation that's probably widely accepted by wrong in an absolute sense.

>> No.6318874

so you look good for your age. Saying you look younger than you are screams desperation.

>> No.6318881


Yes, this shit has been going on for ages.

When you see actual 15, 16, or 17 year old girls it's obvious they're kids.

On TV we get very skinny 20-somethings posing as people ten years younger than their ages, and in almost all cases it's painfully evident.

>> No.6319134

>>considered old


>> No.6319731

>I find it incredibly difficult to self promote

>> No.6319770

>So do you let random guys have sex with you just to make you feel a bit of self worth or do you think you're too good for that?

Any woman who doesn't allow any random man to have sex with her is a stuck up bitch...

>> No.6319843
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The one on the left is Sana Chan.
She used to be a cosplayer who often cosplayed with Richiie and PL and the rest of that Circle - Jaina Solo, Scruffy Rebel, Beverly.

>> No.6319853

Even my cosplay website hasn't been updated in *three years*. I'm sure you don't even know what my work or other hobbies are. Yeah, clearly I'm great at it.

sage for troll, but whatever.

You guys come out with the weirdest shit..

>> No.6319870

>You guys come out with the weirdest shit..

Just simple logic. You obviously are much more enamored with yourself than you let on, and that's fine. Let's just not be intellectually dishonest.

>> No.6320062

>alot of shady circumstantial as to which the con was demised.
Could you specify? This sounds intriguing.

>> No.6320318
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Ginny back when she was g-chan

>> No.6320440

>I'm sure you don't even know what my work or other hobbies are
you're a skank poster girl for a bar and you're a wannabe singer.

you don't know how to do anything without demanding a spotlight on you.

>> No.6320800

And that's how ai-honey kills a magnificent thread.

>> No.6320824
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I got a filter on to keep the stupidity away. Have you noticed too that the quality of guest of honor has decreased over the years? I remember my first AX, it was a who's who of the anime industry, I think that particular one had the Director of the Sailor Moon anime showcasing the Utena movie. now.. it's all american voice actors and people I just don't care about with MLP, Homestuck and /cgl/ people clinging for 15 minutes of fame.

pic related as to how have the mighty have fallen.

>> No.6320840

Oh wow.Half of you make me feel like an ancient old fart.
I started going to cons in 95 by virtue of my parents being part of a fan group.
Dover,Marcon,Praxis,Galacticon-none of them even exist anymore.

>> No.6320850

Omfg I haven't seen that shit in years! I remember going there quite often until a lot of the links were basically dead. The many hours I wasted finding/browsing Slayers sites there, man...

>> No.6320916

Back when the only place to post about cosplay was the Cosp ML. Which broke off to cosp-alt after members bitching that a group planning Miyuki-chan in Wonderland cosplay group were monopolizing the list. (Alisa-chan, Lindze, Candy, Val-chan, Erika Door...etc)
Back when everyone had their own cosplay site complete with shitty forum.

>> No.6320955

Yes... I've been noticing it as well. It's depressing.

>> No.6320959

Now the guests aren't even Japanese or related to anime in any way (see that K-pop shit for AX).

>> No.6320980

I guess we can blame the rescission and the anime bubble poping to it.. but it's like.. if you where given the choice of getting Akira Kamiya or Vic Mignogna, i'd pick Akira Kamiya.

well, I wish someone would step in and fill in that gap, but I did know it did involve people stealing money from eachother at the end.

>> No.6321094

This. So much.

Back when Yu Watase was fucking Guest of honor, T.M. Revolution, Kunihiko Ikuhara.

Who the fuck is Stephanie Yanez and why does she keep raiding these fucking cons.

>> No.6321101

Some young congoers have no taste in music, I guess.


>> No.6321106

Holy shit that is bad.

>> No.6321120

LOL that half the shit written about people in this thread is not true at all, whatsoever.

>> No.6321131
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I don't want to remember this..

Her voice is slighter better.. but still terrible.

>> No.6321138

It's only slightly less terrible because the instruments overpower her voice.

>> No.6321156

I have to really admit that this isn't really professional sounding at all, compared to the way they keep beefing her up at cons. Everything sounded flat and karaoke-ish. I assume she wants to be taken seriously but this is really bad quality.

>> No.6321161


>> No.6321166

shut up

>> No.6321174
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Mother of shit! Just when I thought she couldn't get any worse... fuck.

>> No.6321212

I don't know if it'd be considered nostalgia, or if she was even popular enough, but that Kitty Contreras chick? I remember /cgl/ bringing up her name awhile back and she apparently starred in like.. softcore porn.

I remember there being a ninja one that was uploaded onto youtube.

>> No.6321312
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ahahahaha did she now?
I never knew much about her, but all I know is that I had a weeb friend who hated her so much because she thought she was the only 'Kitty' in cosplay. She tried lashing out against her publicly so many times, but it backfired everytime.

>> No.6321401
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14 or so years cosplaying. Been busy with "securing the nest" as it were in the past 2 years to work on anything serious, but I see Judgement in my future.

Golden age of cosplaying at western anime cons back in the 90's, back when it was done exclusively for fun and the spirit of the character/giving other fans a treat.

Now it's an internet popularity contest where kids pretend Anime Cons are an extension of high school and the juvenile High School politics that follow. I saw the attendees age, AND intellect take a nose dive sometime in the mid to early post 2000's.

I just don't understand, back when I was younger (12 or 13 like in the pic above as Ranma), I was fully capable of having in-depth conversations with anime fans double or even triple my age about the philosophical and religious ideas presented in the works of Mamoru Oshii, and other topics that like minded nerds could get behind.....but then I go to a con now and the kids are all like "Hurrr, what's a Ghost in the Shell? Isn't that some old shit? 2deep4me man, Naruto 4 life, believe it!"

Sometimes, I think the villain character from "Fanboy Bebop" was right.

>> No.6321405

This is the problem that I feel has made cons a bit more difficult for me to personally enjoy. I love great anime conversations, and I love having he chance to hear what people have to say.

By chance, I always run into people at gatherings who have nice cosplays but don't seem to know very much about their character, let alone the anime/game they're from. It's kind of a letdown, because it becomes evident that while they liked the costume enough to wear it, the spirit feels a little lacking or it was done for a popularity contest.

>> No.6321426

Not the other anons but I think you're a narcissist or something along those lines. I've seen people with similar personalities as you- insecurity and huge ego in one package. Your ego shows a lot but you probably don't notice it because you're focused on your insecurities.

>> No.6321444
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it almost feels like something got lost once we hit 2004-ish. I dunno, I feel like around that time, anime fans started to get more and more obnoxious and/or more elitist towards one another. What was popular at the time? what could make people flip like a switch from being somewhat decent to downright obnoxious?

in an unrelated, but somehow related thought: I feel like there should be somesort of 10 commandments of Anime Cons written somewhere on the side of a building at a con for people to listen and to obey, but then again, most people will for the sake of ether them not understanding how the old ways work or people just being edgy.

>> No.6321470


I think this was around the time when anime stopped being such a niche subculture, and hit a more mainstream audience.

I will go on record by saying I just don't think anime was ever "supposed" to go mainstream in the west. It's glory days were when it was a subculture of niche fans that were simply cousins to sci-fi/fantasy cons, who intermingled with each other.

It's not that I care that other people got into it, it's more that I feel the market started pandering to the mainstream audience too much and left it's Geek roots behind in the transition.

>> No.6321477

Wasn't she a part of Sailor Jamboree?

>> No.6321501

Naruto is when everything went downhill.

>> No.6321506

I agree. Anime is big in Japan, but not to the extent that we tout it out to be. It's still very niche market and you can tell when you see the biggest animes that the japanese are gaga over are struggling hard in the ratings. Not just that, it's kind of a taboo to be an anime fan in japan, even more so to be an otaku and stuff like cosplay and what not is very frowned upon hard.

Why bring this all up? to sort of support your point that we hit somesort of ceiling in the U.S., where anime companies came out of the woodworks and picked up everything and everything and put it out on DVD or on TV, which, mind you: isn't very much, then just as quickly as it came, it went and now we are seeing everyone pander their stuff to the more popular stuff during the boom period.

it's funny, im reminded of a quote from the Wrestler:
Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: "Fuckin' 90's sucked."

change that to the 2000s for me.

>> No.6321537


It was before that. Anime Junkies marked the turning point. Before AJ the anime community was pretty tight and cared more about the anime - AJ came along and shit everything up.

Then the moe infection accelerated the downfall.

>> No.6321548

I've not spoke about those things here, so I can only assume you stalk my (private) facebook or twitter, two things most people have I might add and the only places I talk about anything. I suggest you get out more.

Eh, it was near the bump limit, therefore I gave no fucks. Just start a new one and I won't post in it.

>> No.6321582

new thread:


>> No.6321778
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>Maybe you should have gone to CA more, then. I can believe it that a little southern convention wouldn't have a draw for young'uns, but west coast cons (Fanime, AX, Animagic) were filled with us spoiled rich kids.

with the way that you described it....I'm rather glad I wasn't there.

Give me socially mature fans anyday.

>> No.6324393

No. She's a no talent hack "idol singer" that's making con goers ears bleed.